Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530

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Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530 Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530 Related

How much insurance would be if i bought a 1994 honda civic dx? i am 18 and i plan on buying a car next year so i just wanted to know how much insurance would cost Looking for an insurance company to insure me using VIN/chassis number? I have bought a beeline Veloce GT50 49cc scooter (still in shop till insured) i cant get plates on it until i give them my insurance documents but im finding it hard to get an insurer to insure me online using the VIN Number / Chassis Number. so im stuck in a loop. no bike untill insurance is had and no insurance untill licence plate number is inserted onto online forms. This is for uk provisional so no answers from outside of uk please. thanks What is the cheapest insurance to get? My dad wants to get insureance for my car. Yet, he does not have insureance on any of his vehicles. He wants to make sure i have insureance, because im a younger driver. (and its the law) Does anyone reccommend any insureance company that is cheap. Thanks." What is the best insurance company for garage liability insurance? I am trying to find a cheaper insurance company for auto dealership. I live in Kentucky, does anyone know a better insurance company? Thanks" How much will my insurance be? I found a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse and im concerned about the insurance since im 16. sport cars= more expensive. Lets say if a Crown Vic was $130 a month, how much would a sports car be? I will also be on my parents insurance witch there is three cars already on there insurance so the cost will go down some i believe. If i maintain a Bor higher grade for school my insurance will go down an additional 10%." What is the best place to get car insurance? I'm I'm high school and I have a job making minimum wage. Where is the absolute cheapest place where I can get car insurance? VERY CHEAP PLEASE Do you need to report a delivery job on auto Insurance?

If I got a job where I need to use my car for work, do I need to report it to my auto insurance, and if so, will my rates go up?" Will paying off my car loan lower my premiums on my car insurance? After some research on the pros and cons of paying off my car loan early, I've decided to go ahead and pay it off while I can. Despite all the research, I still don't know if doing so will help lower my insurance rates. I have to carry full coverage on my 7-yr-old car (I purchased it used) as long as the bank holds the lein. Thanks!" Will traffic points on your permit affect your insurance when you get your license.? I am a 16 year old living in Florida who has my permit and is about to get my license. I recently got a ticket for not wearing my seat belt, and I'm not sure if these points from my ticket on my permit will affect my insurance rates when I do get my license. I know you can take that class and erase the points, but I just don't want to spend 4 hours there if I don't have to. Thanks." I want to buy a used car soon. I was wondering if having an alarm system on the car would make insurance cheap? Like when you own a house or have home owners insurance. It sometimes makes insurance cheaper is you have an alarm system. So would the same thing be possible for a car? Does anyone know of a health insurance company that will insure me even though I am pregant? My husband and I make a little over the income requirements for medicaid in our state(SC), we also own two cars so our chances of getting medicaid is very slim. I was just wondering if anyone knew of a health insurance plan that will take on a policy for me even though I am pregnant....we were in the process of looking for health coverage, but ended up getting pregnant in the mean time...thanks for your help...please serious and honest answer only...we are in the state of south carolina. thanks" "Car insurance help, high price?" I've just recently passed my test and am trying to insure a 3dr Renault Clio Grande, it's a 1.2 and is a MK2 X-Reg. I've tried all the comparison sites, moneysupermarket, confused, comparethemarket etc, I've been to insurers directly and tried as I'm aware of these comparison sites adding their own extra on as sort of a finders-fee . The cheapest quotes I've had are well over the 5000 mark, usually being around 5600-6400. Do any of you know of a cheaper insurance choice for myself, even trying with iKube etc I was quoted 6000 despite the tracker apparently lowering my premiums - Also, I understand due to the boy-racer fad my premiums will be higher, but I have drove for over a year anyway on my provisional in a car with no dual-control support and never even been close to having an incident." Car Insurance Online Chat?

Does anyone know if there is a car insurance company that offers online chat with a representative? If so, which one? A lot of the ones I am looking at ask for all of your information and if when I call others they put you on hold for a long time!" How much would car insurance go up? I'm currently driving a 1994 Honda accord and i'm paying $150/MO for car insurance. How much would my car insurance go up if I bought a used car...let's say a 2002 Audi Thanks! How soon do I need auto insurance after getting my Driver's License? I'm going to be getting my Drivers License for the first time in a week (I am 16), and I was wondering how soon after I get my license do I need to have auto insurance to drive legally? I'd like to be able to drive the day I get my license, but my parents don't want to add me to their insurance plan beforehand with the possibility of me failing the exam. Is their any kind of grace period that allows me to drive the day I get my license so I can wait until after I complete the test to purchase insurance?" Should you Always have health insurance whenever going under the knife ? I would like to get a breast augumentation, and I was wondering if most people has health insurance whenever going under the knife? My credit is not good,but I've heard of something called Credit Care, is the health insurance included? If not,which health insurance is the most affordable and covers cosmetic surgery?" Can my insurance company help? My 125cc bike has seized?? the garage have told me there is no point in repairing it :(. I dont have a lot of money, and am trying to do my test would it be worth trying to fix it? Would the insurance company be able to help me? Would they be able to provide me with transport until i get a replacement? What engine size bike can i get if i pass my standard bike test?" "What are some type of insurances i can get,if so what company? because i want some type of insurances in the future but know what kinds there are. Whats the cheapest insurance company to go with? Whats the cheapest insurance company to go with? Get medical insurance or pay out of pocket ??? currently live in Southern California and work part-time with no medical coverage. I was recently accepted to NYU College of Dentistry and will be moving there in July. Before that though, I need to get physical & immunizations. I will definitely get medical insurance once I move out there, but my concern is before that time. Things I need for sure: Physical, TB skin test, Hep. B, and Meningitis immunizations. My question is: Should I purchase a short-term insurance coverage to get the necessary

physical/immuzations done or should I just do it out-of-pocket. Also, if it is worth getting insurance for this period, would you guys please recommend couple of plans for me. ( I am 24, Male, non-smoker). THnaks in advance." What size engine should i get for cheap insurance? It will be my first car, and i don't really want to be paying allot on insurance, but want a nice nippy little motor. So what size is cheap for insurance but not too small to be really really slow lol." POLL: How much do you pay for car insurance? i asked about how much car insurance costs but didn't get any great answers, so i'm just going to do a little survey" Found a nice place for those who need free auto quotes? Hey there just wanted to let everyone know i found this great site for free auto insurance quotes, its saved me $32 off of my montly policy. Read some of the auto insurance articles to help you save more. Http://" To HOLD a California Drivers License is it required to have insurance? Argument with a coworker How much would insurance cost for a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse? Im 16 and just about to get my license! I have a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse and I was wondering how much insurance would be for it. Im a first time driver, but im also in a drivers ed class and I have good grades, so that should help with a discount hopefully! But with this info can anyone give me an average or something on what they think of the price of the insurance. Just remember, -first time driver -good grades/drivers ed class -2001 eclipse thanks!" Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530 Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530 Car Insurance for young driver? Hi, I'm currently doing my drivers licence and should get it by the end of next month and I'm just confused about the cost of insurance.... I'm planing to buy small Fiat which is Insurance Group 5 and I looked up for costs through money supermarket and the cheapest deal was over 9000 for a year and that's just ridiculous so I'm a bit confused about it and don't know if i did something wrong when filled the information but anyway what the average cost should be like? Thanks in advance" How much will the insurance cost? Yamaha DT50MX, how much will the insurance cost, Monthly or yearly also monthly wise how much do people spend on petrol?"

Would insurance company likely settle for 15K? Auto lawyer asking for 25K, insurance company said 12K (my lawyer wants to go to court and all that, I really do not want to; I just want to get this over with) My lawyer said it's worth much more than 25K but that's all the limit is. If I ask the lawyer to try & negotiate 15K w/o going to court; how likely or unlikely that the insurance company (State Farm) agree? If they do agree, how long before they send the check? I need to pay my doctor bills off and get another car (I am so ready for this to be over with!!!!) Thanks." How much dose car insurance usually coast? How much dose car insurance usually coast? Insurance for first time male driver (16 years old almost 17)? I'm two months away from being 17 and I'm looking at getting a 2001 E46 BMW 325i. Does anyone have a guesstimate or actual cost to insure myself? Would there be anyway I could insure myself under my parents name to lessen the price? How to get health insurance with a preexisting condition? I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia few years ago while working with special ed children. I was having COBRA and then CalCOBRA insurance through Kaiser that I was paying by myself. My CalCOBRA expires on March 31st, 2012 and they do not want to extend it and also Kaiser insurance, although I am their member since 1994, does not want to offer me an Individual option health plan because the fibromyalgia is considered as a preexisting condition and other health insurances do not want to accept because of that too. I feel lost. I live in Southern California, Los Angeles county and please does any one know of any health insurance that is accepting the members with preexisting condition. I am not working right now because I went back to the university to change my field. Thank you in advance for your help, time and answers. Macka" How much does your car insurance increase when you have two traffic violations in a year? I was pulled over again for turning right on a no turn on red . The first time the insurance company said they wouldn't increase the premium. How much would it increase? $200 for the year? more? About old car insurance? i want to buy a 99 honda acoord and i need to know how much shuold i pay for insurance ? How much does car insurance cost?

Do you know how much does auto insurance cost if I am 24 years years old, just got my license, I am from New York City, I drive a 2001 Toyota Celica and I am not married. Where can I go to find out the best quote? What car insurance company is the best and cheapest? Thanks!" Can an insurance co suspend your liscense ? the insurance co is threatening that a suspension is in progress if a payment is not made. payments have been made for the past 3 years but now they want the remaining 2000, and said they can suspend the liscense. Is this true? in the state of CA" Should I cash out a Variable Adjustable life insurance policy? A little over 2 years ago, I was sold a $100,000 Variable Adjustable life insurance policy. At the time I didn't really know much about life insurance, but it sounded good at the more" No health insurance? I don't have health insurance anymore because my COBRA coverage is over now. Because I have a pre-existing condition other health care companies won't take me. I have tried to find a job that offer health insurance, but seems very difficult right now. Because I own half of the house where I live. I been told that I cant qualify for any low income health care services. I don't know what to do? I dont even have a job, and Im considered well off to qualify for something. Have anybody out had this problem? I live in California." How does life insurance work? Hubby is getting a new job that may be a little bit dangerous and he'd be gone for weeks. I am not money hungry or wanting my best friend to die. I just want to have this insurance on him so if he were to accidently leave me with child and something happened to him, I want atleast funeral costs and my child to be taken care of too. I know I'm probably fretting too much but I can't convince him to not take the job. He's worth more than any amount of money. We're both in our twenties. I don't know how life insurance works." Anyone know about maternity insurance? I am recently married and my husband and I have been trying for a baby. We just recently added me to his insurance and of course, added maternity coverage to it. We were told that it wouldn't take effect until November 1st. My question is-if I were to get pregnant before November 1st, would the insurance not cover the pregnancy? I have a friend that seems to think if I were to get pregnant before then, if I didn't see a Dr until after November 1st, then it should be okay. Any idea what is correct?" I have a question about car insurance in N.C.? I REALLY NEED AN ANSWER????????????????

okay, im 15, im about to get a car signed over to my name, what im wanting to do is have it in my name, work out the problems with it over the years, then by the time i get my license, it'll be running nice and good so i dont have to worry about it, sounds simple huh? well i've only encountered one problem with this, and that is my mom says that you need to have car insurance to be able to own a car by law. so the whole time that i own the car, fixing it up and stuff, (when im not driving it), ill have to pay car insurance on it, i dont have a job yet, so i dont wanna dig a ditch that i cant get out of, so by law in N.C., do i have to have to have car insurance on a car, if i dont have my license, and im not driving it, i guesse a simpler way to put it is do i have to have insurance on a sitting car. an answer is crucial and best answer gets 10 points, please help thank you" "Oklahoma speeding ticket, 9 mph over; will it affect my insurance?" I got a ticket for going 49 in a 40 a few days ago. I don't usually speed, generally I just do 5 over. Wasn't aware that the section of road I was on was 40, the officer was sitting just in front of where it goes up to 45 apparently, but I was still speeding, and I'm going to pay it. My roommate mentioned that any speeding ticket that's 10 mph or less over the limit won't affect your insurance rate. Is this true? That would be really helpful, I used to be a habitual speeder and I've got quite a few tickets still on my record. Also, please don't answer based on what you THINK, I don't know how often that happens on here. References would be great." What's an affordable health insurance? I'm working part time but my company doesn't provide health insurance. Just looking for some ideas i'm young and healthy but would like a physical now and then. Whats good Health Insurance? Im 20 a year old woman in college, I recently found out I was pregnant. I want to find affordable health insurance coverage for me and my unborn child. I dont want to rely on more" Are fire insurance mandatory in California(near Los angeles)? If a house is all paid for, is fire insurance still mandatory? If your house catches on fire and gets completely burned down, when does fire insurance pay you? Also how does fire insurance determine how much to pay you?" Need help with a question about car insurance quotes.? Is it legal for someone else to get an insurance quote for you without your permission? The person called and told the insurance company they were cars he was thinking of buying. Neither car is in his name and neither owner gave express permission for him to ask for this information. Can somebody explain to me about car insurance for a 16 year old (teen) driver? I'll be getting a license soon, but don't know how insurance works. I've heard that once you have turned 16 with a license then you will automatically be added to your parents

insurance and will be required to pay extra for a certain amount of months. Another thing I was told was that I wouldn't have to pay until I was 18. But If anyone can please tell me all that there is to know and the price for the average teen driver. I'll be driving an old 89 Toyota camry. Also I can maintain good grades. I live in the state of Washington. Parents insurance is State Farm." "My mustang was totaled, and now has been auctioned ,how do I get the miledge for the Insurance company?" Im having a time with my insurance company,my mustang was torched by some thuds,I guess fro fun,It was a 2004,fresh off the show room,Im the only owner,I had very low miledge, I didnt drive her much due to taking care of my disabled husband, 40 th anniversary special, pony package and a few more items on it,red,beautiful car well taken care of. This is the problem, My insurance wants proof of the miledge,I kept my documents in the car, they had someone pick up my car and had it auctioned off,now I need to find out where the car is,I sure it was sold for parts, I need the miledge off the car,proof of the miledge.Insurance is offering me a lower price because a vehicle of that year compared to their reports have alot of miledge,well mine didnt.I am so upset because they never had someone come and look at the car,they could have gotten the milege with a little work removing the screen, can some one give me some advice,thanks" What's The Best Auto Insurance Company? I'm a 16 year old male in Southern California... I'm looking at: 1993 Honda Accord 1990 BMW 525i 1991 Nissan Stanza 1992 Acura Legend Sedan 1996 Volkswagen GTI which company is trustworthy, cheap, and helpful?" Does full coverage auto insurance cover theft of the car? Does full coverage auto insurance cover theft of the car? What are some sample average monthly health insurance payments for a 25-year-old male? If that's not enough information, make any assumptions necessary." Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530 Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530 Is kaiser permanente health insurance confidential with teen the way Planned Parenthood is? I know it's a family hospital, but do they let your parents know everything when you go see them for something like a vaginal check up?" What cheap classic car would you recommend for a 17 year old?!? I turn 17 in October and so i have began to start looking for cars and the insurance that it will cost me. from looking on go-compare, i've found that the cheapest cars to insure are old classics like the VW beetle or Rover mini. I would really like to know if

there are any other cool looking classic cars out on the market that would suit a 17 year old? they will have to have a small sized engine as well. recommendations would be great! thanks" If I provisionally insure myself then will my insurance be cheaper when I pass? I'm 17 and I was wondering if I bought provisional insurance on my car then would it be cheaper to insure after I pass than it would if i didn't have it? Just a question or two regarding car insurance? :)? im a 19 year old female who is in college. i want to get a car but seeing as im a broke college kid money is a bit of an issue. how much would i end up paying for car insurance if im on my parents insurance(we have allstate)? i was also looking into getting a electric car, would that be more expensive to insure or should i just buy a junky old car for my first? tips, advise, and recommendations are much appreciated. thank you for your help! :) <3" How much does a ticket cost for no proof insurance in ca? I got a ticket for no proof of insurance at the time. But I have insurance. Does anyone know how much the ticket costs. Or what I can do to get it written off?? How much does your insurance go up after a ticket? I got to experience how effed up and corrupted California's judiciary system is today. I go to check if I'm eligible for traffic school at my courthouse because it never said I wasn't when I paid online and I find out that I'm not. I never got any notice or anything and the people who helped me said its not they're responsibility to tell me if I can go to traffic school or not. Government workers who get paid way to much dont have the time to give me a heads up on if I can go or not I guess. Its my responsibility to but this area is foreign to me, I dont know anything about these laws and everything that goes with it. So I lost out on a non-refundable 60 dollars for no reason. I had to pay online because I would have missed a whole day of classes I had. That was more important then wasting my time at the courthouse. What I want to know is, how much is my insurance going to go up because of this ticket? Its at about 650 right now" "Cheapest car insurance, help!? (UK)?" im 17, 18 soon. (female) i haven't passed my test yet but im looking for car insurance for when i do... but everything im finding is like 2 grand plus and i cant afford that! all im looking for is a small 2001 corsa... i dont mind whether its fully comp or not, i just want it to be cheaper than that! does anyone have any tips? ive been on go compare and all the comparison ones but its still like 2500.. even with my parents insured aswell! any advice?" Where can kidney patients get affordable life insurance? Life insurance for kidney patients.

What is the required age for a young driver to drive a VW T4 or T5? What is the minimum age limit to drive either a T4 or a T5 VW van and does anyone know a rough estimate on how much the insurance would be? Can I Switch To Another Car Insurance Company? I hate my current car insurance company. I was paying about $12 less every month with my last one for the same type of coverage. The only reason i got this insurance is because my last one was about to expire. I wanted to go shopping for car insurance and my GF's sister told me about this one and she didn't wanna give me a ride to look for cheaper insurance. I guess she just wanted to get her $25 the car insurance company gave her after i signed up. B*tch. Anyway, I am paying around $45 a month and i wanted to know if i could switch car insurance companies. My current car insurance does not expire until March 2011. Also, will i have to pay that first month down payment thing with the new company???" I changed my car and the insurance is so expensive? Hello Everyone, Ive changed my car and I've bought Mazda RX8, the thing is my insurance does not insure these type of car, and they said send us the certificate and we will send you a 3 NCB. I've checked many sites such us moneysupermarket, etc. and they cheapest quote was 2200 per year. anyone knows how can i get a cheaper insurance for this car ? Thanks" What is currently the cheapest car insurance in California? Its time for my car insurance renewal and I noticed that the rates have gone up by 100 dollars since last year and all the previous years. I have Access Insurance and though the fees have got up, it still seems like the cheapest one so far. Does anyone have any suggestions about other companies?" Is The General for car insurance good? I want the cheapest car insurance I can find cause im broke for awhile. I have state farm right now. the general seems like its the cheapest but whats the catch. anybody have it Looking for supplemental health insurance? my mom currenlty has health insurance through her job, but of course, the health insurance company does not pay for everything of which some of the things her doctors really thinks she needs. Are there any companies that offer resonable supplemental health insurance to help pay for copays, shots, medications, etc., that her current health provider wont pay for? Also, are there any that will accept pre exisiting conditions, or do you have to be perfectly healthy to be eligible. Please help............" Car Insurance for Young Drivers; How much do you pay? (UK)?

I'm planning on getting a car later this year just after I've passed my test (I'm 17). I just want a small, cheap car- something like a Ford Ka or an old Vauxhall Corsa. I just wondered if anyone's got a good cheap deal cos it looks like it's going to cost me loads." Where to get online insurance quotes for health? Where to get online insurance quotes for health? I should compare plans from major insurance company. "If i get a speeding ticket, will i receive a notice from insurance? So i got a speeding ticket in CA. I got the ticket in the mail and payed it and am now going to traffic school so that my insurance wont go up. Will the insurance company send me a notice regarding the ticket even if my rates don't go up? Do you pay a lot of money for car insurance where you live? Wher so you live an dhow much does it cost. I live in NY it the sh*t is HIGH. On average how much is car insurance if you've been in an accident and? I wasn't speeding, I didn't slow down enough to make a turn on a back road ( I didn't notice how sharp it was) and swerved off the road. how much more will insurance be for me now if I find an alright vehicle. (And I know it is really bad when your young, I'm 18, so I know it will be high as is, and because of this I know it will be way higher, I just need a basic idea of how high it will be and for how long. I've never been pulled over before, nor do I speed.)" Cheep 4x4 with cheep insurance? im preferably looking for a cheap 4x4 that would be a reasonable insurance i will also be 18 so im finding it hard to find one i don't want anything over a 1400 cc and also i will settle for a normal car but a 4x4 is my dream lol any help is welcome thanks Someone crashed into me will their insurance pay for my car? So I was going down a main street when this guy passed the stop sign. We made a police report and he took the blame but the cop wanted to blame it on me. Now the other car has insurance but it wasn't the guys car. Will their insurance still pay for mine. Some one please answer quick. Can my parents insure my car? Planing on fianacing a car with my father a cosigner can he insure my car? Has anyone done this before? Or is currently doing this? "What are some good, reliable cars that don't have super high insurance?"

I'm 18, responsible driver, clean record which will stay clean. Looking for another car still. Will almost positively be under 2005 and not a sporty one. I was looking into Acura Integra. But, kinda like maybe something like a Jeep Liberty (if insurance isn't high!) I will be on my parents insurance and both of them have clean records so that should lower it anyways. Would Audi A4 or a Suzuki or Kia sedan be fairly cheap?" Why are my insurance quotes higher when I list an accident I was not at fault for? I've been getting online insurance quotes lately because I am getting a new car that will be more expensive to insure and I think my insurance now is already too high. So as part more Good Car Insurance Companies? For a young driver...? I was wondering if anyone knew any cheap car insurance companies for a 17year old female? I've had a full licence since February of this year and was with Quinn-Insurance. I paid just over 2200 for a years insurance which runs out the end of next month. I know this is a good deal for a young driver but obviously I'd love cheaper lol. Any company names would be greatly appreciated for me to look into further. Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530 Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530 Is a mazda 3 a sports car too a insurance company ? will a insurance company consider a simple mazda 3 a sports car ? like not a mazda 3 speed , just a normal mazda 3 sedan 4 door" When do you qualify for health insurance? Is it normal for an employee to require a year of service as a fulltime employee to get health insurance? Wont be able to pay rent and car insurance this week? i mismanaged my money and now im in a dilemma.i get paid on the 6th. but wont have enough money to pay rent and car insurance. i have three choices. 1)pay my car insurance and be late with rent just pay it on the 20th.. late fee is $75. 2. pay rent and let car insurance cancel for a week. which i really don't wanna do since i don't know the consequences. i am financing a car. 3) pay rent and pay car insurance with savings account. but the funds wont be available until the next week. but the banks will try to process this over and over again. Auto insurance rates in USA? Auto insurance rates in USA? My daughter wants me to put car insurance in my name?

she wants me to put car insurance in my name for her husband he cant do it cause it would cost alot he has alot of speeding tickets and a dui plus he has lost his driver licenses my record is perfect what do you think i didn't even know you can do that im in ohio How can I get car insurance without a guardian? I live with away from my parents, Im almost 18 but not there yet. How can i get car insurance without having a guardian?" Average insurance price for a Speedfight 2 (16 year old male) ? could anyone please tell me the average insurance price for a Peugeot Speedfight 2 red wrc 50cc moped 2006 ---- for 16 year old male, no modifications just 3rd party, locked up at night with the cheapest price?? any help/info is helpful -- thanks alot :)" If a person has previous damage from nicks on a car door and try to say you did it will insurance pay? My next door neighbor is trying to say my car door nicked hers when I got out of the car. I saw nicks on her door before I even opened mine. Now she wants to turn this into the insurance and file a claim. This was on private property, so I am not sure about it. My insurance company says an adjuster will be able to tell how long she had damage. I do not have any paint transfer on my car at all. Just unsure if this will affect my rates." Car insurance GIRL VS GUYS? Guys get charged more for car insurance when new drivers, and from what I understand forever. In general. However, in my view girls ESPECIALLY new drivers that are girls are generally alot worse than guys as well as talk on the phone, do make up. And what not, but yet guys get charged more? How does this make any sense? Anyone else feel this way? Just thought I'd see what other people think. Not being biased or anything." Saving up car + insurance HELP !? My partner is having driving tests every week, and she is a more advanced driver. I just like to get advice on this matter, financial ? I do got a job, part time mainly. I do earn around 180 +- a week if I am lucky, She has student loan, 800 every three months and that's not much since she has to pay university fees. normally around 9k. now it's around 4.5 thousand pounds I guess. She wants to get a car insurance and a car, we are troubled what to do since if she wants all of that it will be loads more. Since insurance is 600 pounds every year ? petrol and other costs MOT. Road tax ? Just some examples, there might be lots more to worry about. I will help her to get all these things, She thinks it would be easier to get a second hand car, that will hopefully handle 2/3 years ? I do not believe that's a wise choice since that would be much more expensive for extra costs and repairs. On top when she is done with Uni and she has to get a job, it's more sufficient to still owning a proper car to get you everywhere. The body could be damaged, and the chance of a accident is higher + extra costs. Can anybody help us out ? A second hand for 2/3 thousand with a insurance of 600 a year ? or not ? Lemme know ! Thank you !"

Aftermarket car parts and insurance? Hi I just bought a new car last week wednesday and called my insurance company to have insurance placed on the veicle. The car is now in my name and insured... my problem is that the car is HEAVELY MODIFIED to the max with a large turbo. fuel injectors, rad, flywheel, torque converter, boost controlers and an aftermaker racing computer... if the car were to have an accident would my insurance be void be void because of the mods.. none of this was done by me and the car was certified to be road worthy in its condition and e-tested??" Where can I compare legal malpractice insurance like car insurance quotes? I am a new lawyer and need to get receive coverage. Any attorneys out there know how much I'll pay? Who has good rates? What car insurance do you like? I'm an adult and looking for a good car insurance that's pretty affordable for the age group 18-24. I know that's it's more expensive for young adults due to reckless driving. I want esurance but I was looking for opinions on others I haven't thought about yet. Has anyone purchased car insurance online? I want to purchase geico online but would like some input on any experiences with online auto insurance policies? My Car Insurance won't cover this?!?!? I got into an accident on a rainy day. I did not hold collision or comprehensive. Because I skidded into a ditch and the car rolled, an oil leak occurred. The fire department came and had to put oil dry on the oil leak which was saturating the ground. I hold all the other coverages (liability/property damage, underinsured/uninsured motorist/medical). The fire department bill for the oil leak clean up / hazard removal was $500. The car insurance company says it falls under collision and since I don't have it they don't have to pay out the $500. I insisted it was under liability / property damage as the oil leak is a hazard and causes property damage. Is this fair that they said it falls under collision? Or should I fight it. If so how?" Average health insurance COVERAGE? I need to do a little research on this, I'm not interested on how much you PAY, but how much your insurance will COVER for hospital stays, surgeries, lab tests, etc. Example: if you stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks, up to how much will your company cover (after your deductible)?" Temporary Car Insurance?

I want to pick up a car, i live in manchester uk and the car i am buying is in sheffield, what do i do about insurance when driving it back." 401k vs Life insurance? Which is a better way to plan for the future? 401k or life insurance? I think life insurance would be better because if I died tomorrow it would pay off and take care of my wife, but what would my 401 k do? She could take out the money I guess but how much would have to be in there for it to be more than life insurance?" What would the insurance on a 2004 audi a4 be? i am a highschool student and i was wanting to know the insurance rate on the a4, it is a 1.8t, sportpackage, automatic. if this helps im a 4.0 student. any ball park estimate would be great. thank you" What is total extra premium car insurance? Hi guys, I'm currently learning to drive (uk) hopefully pass my test in next couple of months, just looking up on insurance quotes, will mainly be driving my fathers car 1.8 petrol vauxhall, I'm 25. So was doing a quote with his insurance company (swift cover) and as I was going through it and this is what it says at the end total extra premium 248.48 Now what the hell does this mean? After this stage it was to confirm payment and obviously I never clicked that because I'm just looking for quotes. Is total extra premium what I'm going to pay for a year or is that just a one off payment?" Where can I find cheaper car insurance quotes? I'm 17 in a few months, have a car, and have been checking insurance quotes. From my previous experience of quotes from Churchill, Quinn-Direct, Directline etc. it doesn't cost much, if at all, to insure on my provisional license with hopes of changing the policy to insure me on a full license in the future. I have got a 1997, 3 door, 5 seater, diesel peugeot 106 with a 1.6 litre engine and the best insurance quote I have recieved so far was from Quinn, but they have recently stopped insuring in the UK so I won't be able to use it when I am 17...They gave me a quote of around 800 whereas everyone else are offering me 1,500. Does anyone know of any other companies who can give me cheaper comprehensive cover? Thanks for any answers" Renting a car for the first time- do I have to buy insurance bc my personal car insurance is not in my name? My car and car insurance are under my fiancees name. I will be renting a car on my own. Do I have to buy the insurance because it's not in my name? An affordable dentist in Houston? I need an appt. for an exam and maybe a couple of cavities that can be done before December. anyone know any affordable dentists that can do that in the month of November without insurance?

Geico Car Insurance Refund.? My uncle purchase a car insurance on April 13th, 2010. Now he does not want to keep his car or his insurance anymore, can we get a full refund for two payments of Geico?" Where can I get an insurance quote for my Toyota hilux? GoCompare and other sites don't list it when I try to quote car insurance... Im in the uk Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530 Grangeville Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83530

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