Managing Supply Chain Talents in Changing Technological Environments

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02 Managing Supply Chain Talents in Changing Technological Environments

Managing Supply Chain Talents in Changing Technological Environments

Managing Supply Chain Talents in Changing Technological Environments Mr. Ahmed Al Janahi supports the Board of Directors and Executive Management in shaping the development of the Batelco Group throughout the region. Successful careers in Real Estate, Industry Equipment Sales, the Hotel Industry, Finance and Aviation prepared Mr. Al Jahani well for the wide ranging responsibilities he undertook upon joining Batelco’s Corporate Affairs Department in 2003. His wealth of knowledge and his experience combined with his unmatched enthusiasm serves him well in his multi faceted role as Group Board Secretary and voice of Batelco. Today, Mr. Ahmed Al Janahi, General Manager of Media Relations at the Batelco Group, is sharing with Frederic Gomer, partner at B2G Consulting, his deep insights on the management of Supply Chain talents in a constantly evolving environment such as the Telecommunications sector.

In a few words, please describe your company

tions, GSM mobile and WiMax broadband ser-


vices) to residential, business and government

Batelco was created in 1980 and became a


public company in 1989. Batelco Group owns participations in several telecommunication

Could you please give an overview of the sup-

companies in the Middle East, in South Asia

ply chain at Batelco?

and in Africa including Batelco Bahrain (100%),

Supply Chain Management is centralized under

Batelco Egypt (100%), Umniah Jordan (96%),

the Procurement and Logistics department –

QualityNet Kuwait (44%), S tel India (42.7%),

acquisitions, deliveries, distribution, repairs

Sabafon Yemen (26.9%), Atheeb Saudi Arabia

and returns, disposals. All incoming and outgo-

(15%). These companies offer telecommunica-

ing flow of goods is passing the Central Stores

tion services (MPLS based regional data solu-

for a proper recording of all transactions, and

Industry Insights Mr. Ahmed Al Janahi, General Manager Media Relations

further distribution of goods to appropriate

How does Batelco manage to retain talents?

projects/cost centers. Procurement and Mate-

Any specific program?

rial Management processes are being auto-

Batelco is one of the most respected employ-

mated in SAP. Freight and insurance, as well as

ers in the country offering an extensive set of

import and export customs formalities are be-

social benefits, excellent working environment

ing outsources to the external agents. Profes-

and facilities, professional education and ca-

sional Procurement, Material Management

reer progression programmes. Batelco is com-

and Planning are the key functions of our Sup-

mitted to providing excellent training opportu-

ply Chain.

nities for its staff through the Company’s Training Centre, which ensures

“We place a strong emphasis they have the necessary general and specifically in on telecom and information skills to compete in today’s Supply Chain Management, competitive market. technology education” what are the challenges Regarding



that you are currently facing?

What are the skills the most lacking? How

We do not face challenges related to the avail-

does the Company overcome this challenge?

ability of the qualified manpower. Our major

We employ over 1300 talented employees in Bahrain and together this workforce provides a wide variety of skills. The main challenge comes from remaining up to date with the constantly changing technology that is prevalent in the telecommunications market. Therefore, we place a strong emphasis on telecom and information technology education to help our staff

task is retaining our talented people and developing their skills for their personal benefit and the good of Batelco. Our employees are highly qualified and experienced, and many remain with the company during their entire professional life.

Managing Supply Chain Talents in Changing Technological Environments

Industry Insights Mr. Ahmed Al Janahi, General Manager Media Relations

in the relevant divisions to not only keep pace,

How is the level of Education in SC in Bahrain?

but to be in the forefront, so that Batelco re-

We are now educating our staff locally under

tains its leadership position in Bahrain.

the CIPS programme, which is a major boost to their professional qualifications. Generally,

How does Bahrainisation program impact the

solid general education plus experience plus


professional training in CIPS make a perfect

Batelco is a leading Bahraini company and the

mix for an SC professional. What we then add

leading telecommunications provider in the

to this mix is the technical knowledge of tele-

Kingdom of Bahrain. The

com specific subjects. “Solid general education plus Company is committed to the retention and develop- experience plus professional According to you, what is future outlook for the ment of its Bahraini profestraining make a perfect mix the supply chain workforce in sionals. for an SC professional” the region? What is the level of maturity in SC at Batelco?

Supply Chain is attracting a major attention in

Our supply chain is generally mature, and

the region for a number of years, so the work-

we’re working to enhance it with the specific

force is already quite experienced and edu-

advanced techniques to further improve the

cated. So, I don’t see any shortage in the work-

cost side – spare part management, vendor

force, rather a need to develop their specific

managed inventory, procurement collabora-

skills and qualifications attributable to a par-

tion etc.

ticular business of their company.

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