AzBusiness March/April 2014

Page 74

The Tribal Leaders of the Arizona Indian Gaming Association congratulate Terry Rambler, AIGA Chairman, for being recognized as one of the 25 Most Influential Minority Business Leaders in Arizona.

We salute Chairman Rambler’s leadership and achievement on behalf of Tribal gaming in Arizona. Tribal gaming directly benefits all Indian people who live on tribal lands, creates thousands of jobs for Arizonans and generates shared revenue that supports statewide needs like education and trauma and emergency care.

A R I Z O N A I N D I A N G A M I N G A S S O C I AT I O N A D V O C AT E S • E D U C AT E S • P A R T N E R S • P R O M O T E S

2214 N. Central Avenue Suite 250, Phoenix, Arizona 85004 | 602.307.1570 | 72 AB | March-April 2014

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