ACC In Touch April 2015

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Aylsham Community Church is a part of Relational Mission

Connecting with God Connecting with Each Other Connecting with the Community Connecting with the Bigger Picture

In Touch

April 2015

01263 733332

Jubilee Family Centre Norwich Road Aylsham Norfolk NR11 6JG

Victory! Most victory is only temporary. In the wake of England’s near miss at rugby glory in the 6 Nations I console myself with the thought that there is a World Cup in 6 months time, clutching at straws for consolation, I know. Ireland will enjoy their victory for a few weeks but then will start planning for September when everything starts again from scratch. Last year saw the centenary remembrance of the start of the First World War the conflict that was supposed to be the ‘war to end all wars’. A very costly victory was won after 4 years fighting but, of course, it didn’t secure peace for all time. Most victory is only temporary. There is only one victory that truly lasts for all time – the victory Jesus won as he hung and died on a wooden cross outside the city of Jerusalem nearly 2,000 years ago. The cross was the Roman Empire’s ultimate symbol of subjugation and defeat, but for all who believe and trust in Jesus it is the source of the everlasting hope and victory that God has purchased for us. Because of His sacrificial death and the power of His resurrection, Jesus won a decisive, once-and-for-all, back-breaking victory over Satan that stripped him of any authority and power to have the last word in our lives. “When you were dead in your sins… God made you alive together with Christ, having forgiven us all our sins, by cancelling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them by the cross.” (Colossians 2:13-15) Because of the cross our sins can be forgiven completely, our relationship with God our Father restored totally, all shame and guilt vaporised, Jesus’ perfect righteousness credited to us, our lives made complete in Him and our future glory secured for eternity! Jesus said, “I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” Simon Gallagher Lead Elder | Aylsham Community Church

Prayer Matters Healing Praise God for Vicky Tyce’s recent testimony of healing from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The doctor phoned with the results and used phrases such as “it is as if it had never been there” and “amazing results for just 2 courses of treatment.” We are so thankful to God for his goodness in this healing and are rejoicing with Vicky, Luke and the whole family. Let’s continue to give thanks together for this and every answer to prayer and keep pressing in with faith for more healings and miracles. Outreach Christianity Explored: Praise God for the enquires we have had from people enquiring about Christianity Explored. Ask God for opportunities to invite people onto the new Christianity Explored Course starting on 15th April. Church in the Marketplace: Thank God for favour shown with the Town Council. Pray for God’s presence in the town square, for opportunities to bless people and share the Good News of Jesus Christ accompanied by healings. Please pray for: • Bridget Grimsey as her good friend Glenys has died. • Dean Saunders who has concussion.

Be joyful always pray at all times be thankful in all circumstances.

• Susan Webster as she recovers from a hip This is what God wants replacement operation. from you in your life • Liz Hendon who is suffering from sciatica. in union with Christ Jesus. • Heather and Ash Webb as they care for Heather’s mum. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

April 2015 Monday 13th 7.30pm Jubilee Family Centre Aylsham Marketplace Outreach Prayer & Equipping Sunday 26th 4.00pm St Michael’s Church Aylsham Churches Together AGM

May 2015 Sunday 10th 7.30pm Jubilee Family Centre Growth Group Leaders Evening

Wednesday 1st 7.30pm Jubilee Family Centre

Sunday 12th 7.00pm Jubilee Family Centre

Christianity Explored Plus

Encounter Prayer Meeting

Saturday 18th 10am—midday

Wednesday 15th, 22nd & 29th, 7.30pm Jubilee Family Centre

Aylsham Marketplace Outreach

Christianity Explored

Friday 3rd • 8.00am Good Friday Communion followed by Hot Cross Buns & Coffee • 9.30am Churches Together March of Witness Sunday 5th • 10.30am Easter Sunday Celebration

Thursday 7th 7.30pm Jubilee Family Centre North Norfolk Cluster Celebration with Maurice Nightingale

Saturday 16th 10am—midday Aylsham Marketplace Outreach

Saturday 9th Bishop’s Stortford Relational Mission Worship Leaders Forum (See Penny for details)

Sunday 17th 7.30pm Jubilee Family Centre Encounter Prayer Meeting

Church in the Market Place On Saturday 18th April we will have a stall at the Farmers’ Market for the morning to: • • •

Advertise the activities and ministries of Aylsham Community Church and Jubilee Family Centre. To offer to pray for the sick. As a base for releasing people to go about ‘doing good’ on the unsuspecting public of Aylsham!

We are embarking on this adventure of faith together in the expectation of God going before us to prepare people for us to bless, chat to, and pray for – so that God’s kingdom is released further in our community! And we would love to have as many people as possible from the church family, of all ages, involved. So if you think you could come down for the morning, or for an hour, or 30 minutes please let Simon or one of the Elders know. Here are some of the ways you can take part: • •

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Helping to set up the stall and the ‘Green Room’ in the Town Hall Manning the stall, with ACC & JFC flyers available for people to take. Being part of the Prayer Team. Handing out flyers in the in the Marketplace about Prayer For Healing. Walking through town looking for opportunities to bless people – by carrying Saturday 18th April shopping, buying the ‘Big 10am-Midday Issue’ seller a coffee, or handing out doughnuts to people waiting for the bus!

There will be a preparation evening of training and prayer for this event on Monday 13th April, 7.30pm at Jubilee Family Centre.


Market Place


Sizewell House Party 2015 When it was time to book for the Sizewell Hall House Party 2015 we wondered whether to give it a miss as we've been going for a number of years but are so glad that we didn't. From the warm welcome as soon as we stepped through the door, finding old friends and meeting new ones, it was like a big family gathering and all in the grand setting of this lovely old house. The programme was a great mix of seminars, worship and prayer, recreation and refreshments. We had really excellent speakers - John Wilthew, Mike Bollinger, Mike Betts and Grantley Watkins each bringing their particular gifting to flavour their thought provoking and challenging talks. The times of worship were amazing, wholehearted singing and the gifts and presence of the Holy Spirit. The afternoon leisure times and evening entertainments were all very good and enjoyed by everyone as were the great meals and regular tea/coffee breaks with cake (lots of cakes) and biscuits. John & Margaret Potter


Enough—half night of prayer Friday nights are not always the easiest time to feel energetic and motivated for an evening of prayer but there was a great buzz as we headed off on the coach to Norwich. Once at the Kings Centre it was great to be with many others from local Relational Mission churches. There was time to catch up as we had our tea together and activities were provided for the children to enjoy too The main part of the evening was spent worshipping together and praying for different Relational Mission churches (including Aylsham), Church plants and specific situations locally and internationally. Mike Betts encouraged us in this via Skype, and several short video clip updates helped inform and stir us to pray. It was a great evening of meeting with God, coming before Him in corporate prayer and being encouraged that we are on a mission together. Midnight came around amazingly quickly! The next Enough is in June and can I strongly recommend you make every effort to go! Sue Atthill

All Change at JFC! I wanted to personally write and thank you all for your good wishes, cards and prayers that I received as I started working full time for the church at Jubilee Family Centre. They are all very much appreciated. I am so grateful to Keith Bonner for the work he has carried out managing the centre over the past 9 years. He has handed over an excellent foundation upon which to continue develop existing ministries and establish new ones. I’ve recently been reminded about the name of our building, Jubilee Family Centre (JFC) and what it means: Jubilee—is a biblical term associated with being set free from burden and debt and through the activities at JFC we want to introduce people to Jesus, the one who came to set people free. Family—we aim to champion and promote family life as God intended through the activities we run, with the opportunity to also introduce people to our church family. Centre—providing an excellent facility that acts as a centre for the community. Following the example of Jesus, this is a place where we want everyone to know that they are welcome. God’s heart always has been and always will be for the lost, last and the least. Through the activities run at Jubilee Family Centre we want to demonstrate to the people of Aylsham and the surrounding villages that there is a God who cares. If you want to know more about the ministries and activities at Jubilee Family Centre then please do not hesitate to get in touch or arrange a time to pop in for a coffee and a chat. Peter Atthill Elder (full time) | Aylsham Community Church email:

EPIC Kids Weekend Regional event for children in school years 4-6 at Letton Hall, Dereham. 15th—17th May 2015

Dates: Monday 3 - Saturday 8 August delegates leave on Sunday 9 August Price: £135 Book online: See Ed or Tara Osborne for more information.

ENOUGH is our desire to see the church take to intercession together for the change of our societies. Relational Mission Half Night of Prayer Friday 19th June, 7pm-Midnight, King’s Church, Norwich. For more details visit

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