Christian Fundamentalisms and Women’s Rights in the African Context: Mapping the Terrain

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Christian Fundamentalisms and Women’s Rights in the African Context: Mapping the Terrain Jessica Horn

Christian Fundamentalisms and Women’s Rights in the African Context: Mapping

the Terrain


“If Pentecostal churches continue to grow in numbers and activism, the long-range political impact of Africa’s vibrant Pentecostal community will become increasingly difficult to ignore.” The PEW Forum on Religion and Public Life2 “The time has come for us as a women’s movement and as feminists to talk about our non-negotiables and the fact that we should not let the church define our rights.” Solome Nakaweesi-Kimbugwe, Ugandan feminist and human rights defender 3 This case study explores the dynamics of Christian fundamentalisms in sub-Saharan Africa and the impacts of fundamentalist doctrine, advocacy and mobilization on women’s rights in the African context. It aims to begin to elucidate the ways in which activists understand and define Christian fundamentalisms, highlight the agendas and some of the impacts of fundamentalist activity on women’s rights in different contexts, understand the strategies used by fundamentalists, and consider possible counter-fundamentalist strategies that can be pursued. The case study focuses on fundamentalism in Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity, as well as fundamentalist actors in mainline Protestant churches. The working definition of religious fundamentalism used here is a morally conservative ideology based on, and justified by, a particular interpretation of scripture that seeks to promote and establish itself as hegemonic. While there is a great deal of debate among African feminists and other progressive activists around the growing impact of Christian fundamentalisms, there has been comparatively little research and written analysis on the agendas, trends and mobilizing tactics of Christian fundamentalist actors. In this context, this case study aims to contribute to the process of mapping the terrain and identifying potential areas for further research and strategic action. This case study draws on interviews with seven African activists and academics working on and/or affected by Christian fundamentalisms,4


Jessica Horn


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