AVENUE Magazine November 2009

Page 64

the sim, is built with a grunge feeling to it and

Laya Felisimo: What prompted you to begin

hosts a number of well known designer outlets.

creating in SL?

Everything you could want and need to pull off a

Xion Hax: I have been in SL since late 2006, after

grunge look is here - all on one sim, the addiXion

a friend’s impulse to explore this new, amazing 3D


world community. After my initial newbie period

Whilst visiting the sim, I was incredibly lucky to

;) (you know...wandering around naked, talking

bump into Xion Hax - a mild mannered, down-

to everybody, trying to earn some L$...all the

to-earth and funny man whom I had a great time

usual newbie silly little things), I started to take

chatting with. We swapped stories about how

SL more seriously, cancelled my old account name

we both started in SL, being a noob, and what

(I wonder what I was thinking when I created it,

motivates us in SL to create.

lol), made a new account with a decent name, and

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