AVENUE Magazine July 2012

Page 148

Seth Diabolito: What was your inspiration for creating Jingjing? Twstd Ruggles: We wanted to create something from our imaginations and also provide a great breedable system and product for our customers. SD: There are many breedables out there. So, why Jingjing? Why your brand? TR: Our Jingjings are much different than any system out there. Not only do our Jingjings come packed with traits and several variation breeds, but our system includes a gemstone hunt for our users and a card game battle that your pets participate in. We also did our best to make the system user-friendly no matter what language you speak. SD: What is a Jingjing? TR: Jingjing is a special pet passed down since the beginning of time. According to Chinese mythology, Pangu was the creator of all! He decided to make a companion... the Jingjing. After Pangu was laid to rest, the Jingjing pet was passed down to all the great Chinese leaders and rulers. You can read the legend of the Jingjing on our website at jingjing.info. SD: What can a Jingjing do? TR: Jingjings can eat, sleep, mate, play card battles and be any master’s life-long companion.

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