AVENUE Magazine April 2010

Page 102

VR: Do you feel like that is more common in SL™ than RL? AS: I found it interesting that we have that presumption RL, should not be so SL™... but still exists here. I don’t think it is more so SL™, but rather equal. We have this idea that it should be more free to be whomever you want to in here, but that is not the case according to me. So therefore I just created something I wanted and if people dig it, then funky! VR: I think that is a wonderful outlook! What can people expect to see from you in the future? AS: Well... expectations in my point of view can be a good thing... but also dangerous.

drooling about your next work! AS: But what I can say is that it will appeal those who want to stand out and do not wear a ballgown at Frank’s. VR: SL™ just as RL is about balance, what occupies your time in SL™? AS: Work, communications, work... work, communications, work... work, communications, work. Before I had other priorities ^^ But it has come to this..:P

"Expectations should not be the same as a definite answer in an equation. In my equation the answer is x"

VR: Like too much pressure? AS: Expectations should not be the same as a definite answer in an equation :) In my equation the answer is x. VR: Yes it should allow for adjustments. :P Are you working on anything now? AS: Nah, well yes, always working ;) VR: So spill the beans missy lady! AS: I never kiss and tell ;) VR: Lolss!! I just want the readers to start

VR: Is it all work? Not any play? AS: Hehe... well 80 % work 20 % fun :) So it is alright ...:) But working is fun, so I see that as game as well...:)

VR: Yes it’s good to make time for fun! What do you do for fun? AS: No, but for fun I usually get together with old pals here, dropping a tune or two and get together and express our hate for all the prim cocks walking around here .^^ VR: Thank you so very much for speaking to AVENUE Magazine! It was wonderful having you with us! Is anything you would like to add? AS: Thanks so so much for having me Vixie! :)) Ppl! Stay true to yourself!! Remember it is a second life! Use it well and let your imagination let loose here! A

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