Christmas in Lithuania

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Christmas in Lithuania Šiaulių ,,Juventos“ progymnasium, class 3a

Waiting for Christmas • In Lithuania, from November 30 to December 25 there is ADVENT. • It takes 4 Advent weeks to wait for Christmas. • There are 4 candles in Advent wreath.

Every day we open our Advent calendar We made an Advent calendar. Children wrote their good works that are planning to do.

• We decorated our Christmas trees: one inside the classroom and one outside. • We hung our handmade decorations and some treats for birds on the outside Christmas tree. • We decorated our classroom too.

December 13 – the Day of Saint Liucia – the Day of Light • We had the fair of Goodness at school • Raised money were donated to charity ai

Christmas Eve is celebrated on 24 December On Christmas Eve the table is covered with a white tablecloth. A handful of hay is spread under it. 12 dishes are served on the table. There are some decorations, candles and a cross, too.

25 December - a Christmas Day It is typical to exchange presents on Christmas day. Children find them under the Christmas Tree. If there are no children in a family, adults exchange presents among themselves. On the first day of Christmas family members stay together. However, it is popular to visit other relatives or close friends on the second day of Christmas.

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