Asbury Tidings - This Life of Relationships

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ne of my favorite songs is “What God establishes the Law so a Wonderful World” by Louie Arm- that they might know how strong. I think of this song when I read to live. But there are severe

Genesis 1-2. Life was harmonious. God was pleased. He said about creation: “It was good!” It was actually perfect. Imagine that! “If Only…” has been uttered numerous times by virtually every human being who’s ever lived. It is the cry of regret, disappointment, guilt, shame, frustration, and disillusionment. The “If Only…” stories are about brokenness. They are painful to hear. I think about them when I read Genesis 3. “If Only…” Adam and Eve hadn’t broken the boundaries God had established. The rest of the Bible tells the consequences of “The Fall.” Genesis 4 tells of the first murder. A jealous brother, Cain, kills his brother, Abel, and then has the audacity to tell God, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” God’s original design was perfect love. But when sin entered the world, everything was corrupted. It alienated the relationship people had with God. It distorted the relationship between husband and wife. It adversely affected the male and female relationships, the kids, the neighbors, and even the environment (Romans 8:26). After the flood (Genesis 6-9), humans tried to establish their own independence from God (Genesis 11). Catastrophe resulted. As we are introduced to Abram, we also meet his wife, Sara. The great movement from Genesis 1-11 ends in verse 11:30 with this cryptic line: “Now Sara was barren; she had no children.” It’s like all the good of Genesis 1-2 had ended up barren by Chapter 11. The human race is empty and hopeless. The remainder of the Old Testament is an effort to introduce people to the nature and character of God.

Contents 3 4 6 8 10 13 14

What’s Happening The Parent Adventure Couple to Couple Drawing the Line Sexual Purity By Your Will The Story of Justin Magers

limitations to the Law’s ability. Exit Old Testament (and Law); enter New Testament (and grace). Grace empowers every New Testament relationship. It directs those who are dating, those who are married, parents and children, and those dealing with conflict. The word, “grace,” is found in the Old Testament (eight times), but it dominates the New Testament (123 times). Grace is given to us to empower us to live like Jesus. It’s no longer about following rules and regulations; it’s about having relationships of love, compassion, and service. Grace is a transcendent truth showing how God loves us even when we do not deserve it. As recipients of God’s grace, we have the opportunity to live it out within our relationships. We are loved; now we love. We have been served; now we serve. We have been forgiven; now we forgive. Grace is not some vague theological concept—it is intended to be the way we live. As such, it should show up in all of our relationships. In the month of September, we will be discussing God’s grace helping us develop healthy relationships. It begins first with Him; but it should also be reflected in our relationships with others. I’ll look for you at Asbury in September. In Christ,

Dr. Tom Harrison

Managing Editor Tara Lynn Thompson

16 The Need 17 Lifted Up 19 20 23 33 34

Grandpa John My Life Opportunities New Members Family Room

Asbury Tidings is a monthly publication designed to tell stories of lives being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. You may read back issues by visiting

Graphic Designer Nicole McMahan

Photographer Don Kreutzweiser

Guest Contributors Marsha Baker • Kara Beair Kim Beair • Nikki Boyd • Mark Fowler • Rod Giles Christina Gray • Scott & Kelly Luttenberg Aziz & Amanda Mayahi • Joe Simmons John Westervelt • Dwight Yoder

dwight yoder, executive director


his month I want to update you on children’s ministry and want several things. By the time you read this more information about those

it is likely you will have heard Tom address the first subject which deals with service opportunities on Sunday morning. A couple of new things are happening. At the beginning of the year Tom said he was going to focus on hospitality at Asbury. One aspect is our hospitality to each other and to our guests as we naturally interact. But there are also a number of new service opportunities to support all that Tom wants to see happen on Sunday morning. Also new is the service rotation schedule. Hopefully, by now, everyone is aware of the large need for volunteers in the children’s department. Counting both hours, 900 children are served by more than 350 volunteers plus staff. Attendance for the first six months of 2009 is up 4.5 percent over the same period in 2008. We are extremely grateful for our volunteers because without them our children’s ministry simply could not function. Up to now the rotation schedule was to work one month, skip a month, work again, etc. One of the things we’ve heard is that serving one month at a time was a barrier for some. Therefore, starting this fall there will be a new rotation schedule. It will be two weeks on, two off. The “alpha” group will work the first two weeks of each month and the “omega” group will work the third and fourth weeks, with the occasional fifth Sunday handled by special scheduling. We also understand that when different rotation schedules are used for different areas of service it can create confusion, as well as barriers to service. Therefore, we are moving to extend this same rotation schedule to other areas for Sunday mornings. Initially, this will apply to the children’s and hospitality ministries. Over time other service areas will adopt this schedule. Some niche areas with special characteristics may always maintain a schedule suitable to that particular position. If you want more information on the opportunities in hospitality, please visit our website or call Joan Kahl, 392.1176. If you are interested in serving in the

opportunities, please visit our website or call Vicki Ihrig, 392.1160 or Marcia Culver, 392.4585. There is one aspect of the hospitality ministry that requires no fixed commitment, is easy to do, and yet is very valuable. We are short of parking places close to the main building. There are spaces available in the Union lot, on the north edge of the main campus, on the adjoining streets, and in the parking lot southeast and southwest of Venue68. It is an act of hospitality toward our elderly, our families with small children, and our guests if those who are physically able will make use of the remote spaces. Tom is asking all who are capable to help in this way. Convenient shuttle service is provided between the Union lot and the main building. For some, the shuttle service will make that area easier to use than many places on our main campus. •••• On multiple occasions this past spring the worship service in Venue 68 was at or near capacity, which is great news. For that reason and for others, we are going to start a Sunday evening service in Venue68. Spencer Smith will be the principal preacher for this new service. Todd Craig will also preach on a regular basis. A well-known local Christian musician Ben Kilgore will be leading the music. This service will begin on September 13 at 6:30 pm. •••• A number of you have been asking about the status of the initiative to expand our local outreach efforts as called for in the long-range plan approved early last year. This has taken longer than we had anticipated, but it is a very important item that deserves the careful study it is receiving. Progress is being made. Our plan is to have something in place by the beginning of next year. •••• We are blessed. Things are going well. Thank you for investing your time, energy, and money in the Kingdom as worked out through Asbury. ASBURY TIDINGS

The Parent Adventure: Preparing Your Kid for a Life with God christina gray


s parents, the most important job we have is raising our kids. Our job is to

develop a relationship with them and to help them grow and mature into adults, not just emotionally and physically but spiritually too. Lifeway Research recently published some shocking statistics about spiritual development and parents. An estimated 83 percent of parents believe that the parents should be responsible for a child’s spiritual development but only 12 percent said their faith is the top influence in how they raise their kids. Almost one-third of all parents said their religious faith had little to no influence on their parenting. Lots of parents are actively seeking ways to build the relationship with their kids and Asbury is offering a Roadmap course starting in September that focuses on building that relationship called “The Parent Adventure: Preparing Your Kid for a Life with God.” This seven-week course will spend time studying scriptures and learning about God’s Word to define the goals for us as parents.


The topics are: • The Adventure Begins: God chose to give you the kids you have and He doesn’t make mistakes. God designed them for purpose and meaning in life. Above everything else we want for our kids, we must give them the truth of God. His extraordinary plans for our children will far exceed even the best plans we make for them. • Letting Go: explores the truth that your child belongs to God. You can parent every day through every stage of your children’s lives with a confident understanding that you are to let them go to experience their own adventures with God. • A Yes Home: shows how you can create a home where your children can grow, learn, create, and experience the joy and wonder of life. They will learn about a God who says ‘yes,’ and they will ultimately say ‘yes’ to Him. • Let’s Talk: talking to our kids is required if we are going to obey God’s command to teach them the ways of God. This chapter will help you build strong communication between you and your

children, all for the purpose of connecting them to God. • Pain Happens: helps you teach your child that pain is real for both parents and children, but God is always with us in and through the pain, working in our lives • Celebrate: prepares you to build a home that looks for God’s blessings and regularly celebrates His work in the lives of parents and children as an act of worship. • The Adventure Continues: take comfort in knowing that the adventure of parenting, with its battles, its challenges, and its responsibilities, is not yours alone. God has promised to never leave you (Heb 13:5). Whatever you do or plan to do in

your parent adventure, commit it to the Lord and watch Him work (Proverbs 3:16). We have a responsibility to build the right relationships with our kids so they grow “in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52) What a responsibility! What a calling! What are you doing on Wednesday nights this fall? “The Parent Adventure: Preparing Your Kid for a Life with God,” runs from September 9 to October 28 (no meeting on October 14), 6-8 pm in Room 1504. Cost is $13 and includes the workbook. Register for Roadmap classes by calling the registration hotline, 392-1191 or sign up in class on September 9.

Lots of parents are actively seeking ways to build the relationship with their kids and Asbury is offering a Roadmap course starting in September that focuses on building that relationship called “The Parent Adventure: Preparing Your Kid for a Life with God.”


Meeting Face to Face, Couple to Couple nikki boyd


artin Luther once said, “There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.” Very true. But in today’s culture, men and women who stay married and enjoy this kind of satisfaction in their relationship are unfortunately the exception and not the rule. Jon and Emily Odom are committed to making their marriage a success as they deepen their own personal faith. “We both can say without a doubt that marriage has impacted our relationship with Christ,” said Emily. “It is a life-changing, incredibly wonderful decision that has taken Jon and me from serving Christ as individuals to ‘Jon and Emily serving Christ together’.” Emily and Jon both attended a Tulsa area Christian high school and were involved with the same student leadership activities. When Jon sent an email to Emily suggesting they “become friends” the rest would be, as they put it, “history”! “We have been unwavering best friends through all of those formative years,” Emily adds, “and now almost eight years later, it is hard for us to remember ourselves pre-‘us’!” Married in June 2008, the Odoms are currently serving full-time on the mission field in Tegucigalpa, Honduras with a ministry called Hope for Honduras. Jon and Emily work specifically with a


tutoring program that offers kids a quality education and opportunity to break the poverty-cycle. Asbury is their “sending church” and they will complete their first year on the field this month. Part of Jon and Emily’s preparation for marriage was participating in Asbury’s Couple-to-Couple. This premarital counseling ministry involves an engaged couple completing “homework” and discussion projects while walking alongside a godly, more experienced “Support Couple”. For the Odoms, Joe and Beverly Spence took on this role. The Odoms met weekly in the Spence’s home and Joe and Beverly would go through the material with them. They would share from their own experience, make suggestions, encourage, and pray with Jon and Emily. Though sharing wisdom from 34 years of marriage is important, Joe and Beverly say their biggest goal as the Support Couple is to get the engaged couple to talk to each other about important issues before they get married. “We also want them to understand that the little things in life are important,” say the Spences, “like the importance of the ‘five love languages’ and how to serve your spouse.” Emily and Jon dated for over six years before marrying. And even though they were well acquainted with each others’ “quirks,” the homework and discussions helped teach them the specific needs of each other and how they can better meet

those needs in marriage. There were also topics they hadn’t spent much time discussing as a couple: how to discipline children, how their parents shaped their outlook on marriage and raising children, and how much alone time they each needed versus time spent together.

Jon & Emily Odom

Joe & Beverly Spence

“Couple-to-Couple and the Spences emphasized the value of communicating through every major decision, hardship, joy…everything! We have found this to be so true,” the Odoms say. “Turning two lives into one life will produce some difficulties. Instead of being overwhelmed by these challenges, we need to plan for them, expect them!” Emily adds, “We have found our conflicts to produce some of our richest conversations and times of maturing together.” The Odoms’ time with the Spences was a highlight to their Couple-to-Couple experience. Jon and Emily moved to Honduras just a few months after they married and the love they received from Joe and Beverly has had lasting impact.

“Joe and Beverly were great to pray for us, encourage us and direct some of our conversation toward our first big step as a couple—the mission field,” said the Odoms. The wonderful thing about being a Support Couple is that their relationship is also encouraged as they minister. “This process reminds us that we need to constantly be working on our own marriage. It also reminds us that our marriage is a covenant, ordained by God, not to be taken lightly or for granted,” said the Spences. To other couples engaged or considering marriage, Jon and Emily send some advice: “Engagement is a great time not only to plan your wedding, but also to plan for your marriage. Gather as much advice and wisdom as you can and every time you learn something new, talk about it. Do everything you can together to hear God`s voice in regard to your future life as ‘one’. Couple to Couple is a great way to do this. Proverbs 12:14 says ‘Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.’” Asbury’s Couple-to-Couple helps prospective brides and grooms prepare for the best marriage they can have, the kind God intended. Couples explore topics such as communication, expectations, conflict resolution, finances, goals, roles and responsibilities. If you’re interested in finding out more information about this ministry, contact 392-1146. ASBURY TIDINGS

Drawing the Line kara beair


hat does it mean to set a bound- healthy, balanced lifestyle. A boundary is a personal ary? Why is it such an important property line that marks those things for which we part of our walk as Christians? are responsible. In other words, boundaries define

“Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life,” by Henry Cloud and John Townsend attempts to answer these questions. The two authors, both psychologists and inspirational speakers, set out to accomplish two goals in this book. First, they outline the principles of setting boundaries. Second, they dispel the myth that being a good Christian means always accommodating the needs of others without regard for oneself. Clearly defining the concept of a boundary is the first step to setting one. Cloud and Townsend explain: “Having clear boundaries is essential to a


who we are and who we are not. Boundaries impact all areas of our lives: Physical boundaries help us determine who may touch us, mental boundaries give us the freedom to have our own thoughts, emotional boundaries help us to deal with our own emotions and spiritual boundaries help us to distinguish God’s will from our own.” In order to have a healthy, fulfilling life in which we can serve others, we must know how and when to draw the line. It is easy as Christians to get caught up in the thought process that maintaining a positive attitude

“…Let your ‘Yes’ be yes, and your ‘No’ be no, or you will be condemned,” (James 5:12). It’s a verse most of us have heard a million times, yet rarely give a second thought. At the root of this simple yet powerful verse is an important theme that God wants us to incorporate into our lives: Boundaries. and being a willing servant means saying yes to all reasonable requests. Even when a request is reasonable, it doesn’t mean we must oblige. The Bible is full of times when Jesus himself set boundaries with his family, friends, colleagues, and strangers. Jesus knew that in order to be at his best mentally, physically, and spiritually, he needed to set clear boundaries with others and stand by them. At the same time, Jesus knew maintaining respect for himself and the boundaries he had set didn’t mean being disrespectful or judgmental of others. If our quest is to be more like Christ, a great place to start is by setting boundaries and sticking to them, while maintaining mutually respectful relationships with others. What if you recognize the need for boundaries in your life, but you don’t know when, where, or how to begin? A study at Asbury beginning this September and running for nine weeks will help you learn to set limits, so you can focus on the true agenda God has given you. The Boundaries study begins on September 9 and meets every Wednesday through November 11 (with the exception of October 14). Facilitators Joanne Stadler, Ann Schulz, and Cliff Baker, will take you through a DVD study based on the book by Cloud and Townsend. The course will meet each week at the church from 6–7:30 pm in room 2314. You can register for

this course, one of the RoadMap Classes being offered this fall, by calling the Registration Hotline at 392-1191. To insure you get a spot in the class and all the materials you will need, you should call two weeks prior to the course start date. Registration will be accepted up until the start date, but no guarantee can be made concerning materials if you register less than two weeks before the class begins. For information about this course and other RoadMap Classes being offered this fall, you can visit the church website at and select RoadMap—Bible Studies and Classes under the “Get Involved” tab.




: y t i r u P e l t t a B s ’ t n e d Every Stu marsha baker & Mark fowler


ex is a hot topic in the world, and our several years of ministering to junior high students, students are faced with making choic- we realized that the church must become a sexual es about sexual integrity everyday. integrity training ground. Sure schools have sex ed.,

The teenage life has become a sexual battleground and unless they know their identity in Jesus and the truth about sex they most likely lose. In fact, 25 percent of girls and 30 percent of boys have sex by 15, while 55 percent of teens 13-19 have had oral sex and 80 percent of teens have sex by 19. Most students learn what they know about sex from their lunch tables, friends, or experiences. After

but we believe there is no better place to learn and talk about sex than at church where students can hear the truth and understand God’s plan. We discovered that the book “Every Young Woman’s/Man’s Battle” would be perfect curriculum. Even more important though was to build trusting relationships between students and small group leaders, so students would be equipped with mentors. Just listen to what some of the girls have said:

wait to are more reasons to “I realized that there I learned oing the right thing.’ have sex then just ‘d part of sex you give away that when you have to anyone n’t want to give that do u yo d an lf, se ur ze that yo ing a bunch “It helped me to reali d. God’s not just mak an sb hu ur yo t bu d, to be is looking after I am a woman of Go won’t have fun…He we so les ru of d. ecte treasured and resp and us!” Hilary e God sees the valu like an d any y sometimes seems rit pu , worth in each of us, an re ltu cu r ou rs true advice me. I “In al, but this book offe and should see the sa go sb le hu ab or on nd as re rie yf un bo future .” Kelsey li Christian perspective Kes g ” on e! str iec a rp d te an as m a am ed a guy as a beautiful woman realize that I don’t ne y made me see myself all re “It “It has helped me to anyone is GOD because in g your self-worth to ed vin gi ne I at th all d y, an pp d ha Go e to make m rl and of also made ty and I’m His little gi et pr s ay alw but God is not okay. It I’m es His ey knowing a me more confident He’s my Abba.” Becc my age have the ul. I that other girls tif au be is ks in th d what Go tions.” Andie “It helped me know ly God. same ques on t bu y gu y an by ved don’t need to feel lo r if you wait.” Sofi Plus sex will be bette



To be a guy that hangs on to his values and wants to remain pure is considered not normal for most teens, especially when society and media is telling them it’s okay to have sex and look at porn. Look back at the statistics stated and you will see why it’s imperative we talk to our students now.

That’s why we’ve decided eighth grade is when we engage our students in these conversations. “Every Young Man’s Battle” is a great way to help our guys begin to understand how sex impacts their world. Here is what a few guys have said:

. I know daughter like royalty eir th at tre d an s nt re pa I have y, and I will use what I will have kids one da lemen how to become gent learned to teach them t” Nick ard. I of Chris “At first it was awkw rlfriend, leader ould always treat a gi loved hearing my “It taught me that I sh both her called respect in a way that talk about it. We are or any other girl, with I marry d as preciate. The girl that to a higher standar father and God will ap d in high . God ely not be a girl I date lik t os m ll wi y Christians than others da e on way that t ready ould treat them the has something grea school, therefore I sh Logan we will just wait.” their future husband will respect.” if d rie ar m e ar we for us when n talk like David body of believers ca is th at th ol co so ’s “It ionships!! down the road this. It taught me SO much about relat w ho d an x se on w “I changed my vie nship the only was pretty funny!” I’m PROUD to say, in my last relatio it d an … fe wi re tu fu g!! I it affects your ppened was huggin ha at th t ac nt co l physica p that’s Garrett ve a clean relationshi ha to w ho ow kn w ger age, no ure people at a youn at m im ry g to God.” Cole ve e ar e “W rstand glorifyin de un us ed lp he man Mark and Mr. Weid are going t of view when we from a father’s poin girlt the parent’s of our ou ab ws vie y M s. te on da out their nificantly to care ab sig d ge an ch ds en fri


roup G l l a y Sm t i r u P 0 pm e 3 d : a 6 r 5 G , 0 8th pt. 2 e S s t star


We have been doing purity small groups for five years and are seeing big results. Students are staying pure longer and realizing their true identity in God’s plan. For the students that do mess up, they seek the help of their mentors because of the open communication. We discuss more than STDs and babies, we talk about God’s heart for sexual integrity and that is what changes them.

By Your Will Estate Planning Seminar, October 4 joe simmons


In fact, even if a person has the name of a qualis much as Christians look forward to meeting the Lord after life on Earth, fied attorney, he or she still often finds reasons to accepting mortality is still difficult put off calling until “tomorrow.” “Every family situation, the dynamics are diffor many. Coming to grips with the fact we will not be here forever is necessary in order to plan for what happens to our worldly possessions when we die. One of our most important acts of stewardship is the final distribution of our life’s accumulation. On Sunday, October 4, you will have an opportunity to learn how a Christian estate plan can shape your family’s legacy. David Battles, CPA and Executive Vice President of the Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation, will lead a seminar in the Mason Chapel. Some of the questions that will be answered are: • What is a will? • Do I need a will? • What if I die without a will? • How do I make a will? • May I dispose of my property as I wish with a will? • May I change my will? • Does it cost more to administer an estate with or without a will? • Is joint tenancy a substitute for a will? • Is a handwritten will valid? • What is a living will? • What is a revocable living trust and what are its advantages over a will? • What are the advantages of having a will instead of a trust? According to Asbury Foundation Board member Asa Adamson, many well intentioned people still delay the process of securing wills and trusts.

ferent, and there’s as many different reasons why people put this off, I think, as there are dynamics within the family.” However, Adamson says if a person dies without his or her wishes legally set in stone, someone else will decide where your assets will go. “It’s the plan according to the state in which they live as to what happens to assets if they die without a will or a trust.” Other questions that will be answered at the seminar include: • Why do I need an estate plan? • What are common family and planning goals? • What questions do I need to ask? • How can an endowment for the church fit into my estate plan? In fact, Mike Bartlett, also of the Asbury Foundation Board, says a gift to the church will keep on giving long after a member has gone to be with the Lord. “We only use the interest and income off of those investments,” said Bartlett. There will be plenty of time for questions and individual consultations at the seminar, which is free. An informational packet will also be provided to each participant. Please contact Jenny Stevens at 392-1124 or if you plan to attend.


Part 2 of a two-part series on Christian martyrs

When Discipleship Costs Everything: The Story of Justin Magers rod giles


met a very special young man the other description of what were some of the best moments night. His name was Justin. He was tall, about 6 for them during their year in India. They described

feet 3, very athletic with red hair that along with his size made him stand out from the crowd. He had a fetching personality, the kind that made you warm up to him in no time at all. He, along with the other young people recruited from colleges in Arkansas, Oklahoma and elsewhere, was part of a program in India. These American youth were reaching out to Indian youth their age, either in college or just entering the business world. The goal of the team was to engage a small number of influential young leaders of India in spiritual dialogue, bring them to a saving relationship with Christ, and disciple them to increase their own numbers to help grow The Church of India. If Christ could become part of the second fastest growing economy of the world what a miracle that would be—truly God-sized. Justin was the administrator for the group. He made sure the bills were paid, transportation was provided, food was purchased, all things in place that a group of young college graduates needed to carry out their work. Asbury hosted a reunion of the team that evening that I first met Justin. His team mates all gave a brief 14 ASBURY TIDINGS

how they would spend time hanging out with young Indians, the men with men and women with women. Many of the team members saw people making a first time commitment to Christ. In a land of literally millions of gods, these young Hindus were asking Christ to be “their one and only God.” The young Americans witnessed first hand the saying, “Salvation is free; discipleship costs everything!” One young convert was disowned and thrown out of the house by her family. One young man talked about a basketball game arranged between the men of the team and a local college team. When they arrived at the site of the game, the American team was surprised to see a beautiful outdoor court with bleachers and outdoor lighting. The lights of the court were on that night, but half the town was darkened to make that happen. The place was packed with people, young and old, who came to see their local team play a group of kids from the States who were living in their midst. Justin turned out to be the star. His bulk was enough to intimidate even the huskiest of the Indian players. Justin’s smile, personality and obvious athletic skill

on the court captured the crowd’s imagination. When he would get the ball and dribble down court the younger kids began to chant, “Justin, Justin, Justin!” As the story was told, you could just see it for yourself. As the “adventures” of the team retold at the reunion at Asbury, I was excited to think about the future of the Church. The testimonies that were given were thrilling to hear. One of the young women talked about telling a story about Jesus from the Bible to girls in a college dorm one evening. In short order, the room was filled with other young women saying, “You will tell us more stories.” In their culture story telling is an important way to pass on their traditions. These young Americans are utterly and totally sold out to Christ. My new friend Justin was one of those kids. As they contributed to the birth of a new church, they themselves were changed forever. There is more to this story. You see, Justin Magers did not attend the team reunion in person. I met him through descriptions by his friends, family, team members and staff of the sponsoring organization, who attended the reunion. Justin was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident while working with his team. However, he spirit of his short life, the strength of his faith and his call to service for the Church, were there. It was a tearful, yet joyous time of fellowship and remembrance. All in attendance were reminded of Christ’s words in John 12:24, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”

“Justin, Justin, Justin!” Who will follow Justin and his teammates? Maybe someone you know, maybe even yourself. You could

You could become one of the many seeds that have come from Justin laying down his life doing what he was called to do. Following Justin’s death, the team was asked if they wanted to go home or stay and serve. To a person the call was to stay. Grieve Justin, yes, but continue to serve God in India. Since that time efforts have been doubled to continue the efforts in Hyderabad and next into Deli. What an impact this young man is still having on the work he joined with such fervor. I know I will never forget my new friend who I never met. I want to join in the chant,

become one of the many seeds that have come from Justin laying down his life doing what he was called to do. If you would like to learn more about Asbury’s involvement in the work in India, or find out how you can participate in this or any other of the many outreach projects supported by Asbury Church, call Mary Ann Smith, 392-1117.


the need

Oh How We Hate Saying “No”

scott & kelly luttenberg


t happens all too often. We get a telephone

call. The caller says, “I would like some information about Couple to Couple please.” Oh, how we would love to tell them what a wonderful ministry Couple to Couple is! How they, as an engaged couple, will meet with a volunteer Support Couple anywhere from four to eight times, usually at the Support Couples’ home. How they will learn about themselves and each other. How they will take a relationship inventory and go through a workbook which will help facilitate discussion on such topics as finances, communication, conflict resolution, love and marriage, spiritual beliefs, and leisure activities. How, after completing Couple to Couple sessions, they will receive a discount on their marriage license and develop skills that will help their marriage honor God and last a lifetime. Unfortunately, however, the first questions we have to ask are: “Are you using Asbury’s facilities for your wedding?” and, if the answer is “no,” “Are you using an Asbury pastor to officiate your wedding?” If the answer is “no” to both questions, we have to tell them that, at the present time, we only have enough volunteers to meet with those using Asbury’s facilities or an Asbury pastor at an offsite location. Oh, how heartbreaking it is to tell someone who truly wants to go through the program, someone who has heard such great things about it, who has looked forward to going through it with their fiancé, “I’m sorry, we just don’t have enough volunteer Support Couples to be able to meet with you. As it stands now, there are already many couples who are required to go through the program because they are using Asbury’s facilities or an Asbury pastor to officiate their wedding offsite that are waiting to be assigned.” Many times we hear, “But I’m an Asbury member and I know several people who have gone through the program and I’d love to be able to go through, also.” We hear such sadness and disappointment in their voice. We have to say “I’m so sorry; we would be happy to put you on a waiting list, but there are no guarantees as to whether we will be able to work you in.” We suggest counselors that they could use, but they charge a fee (usually much more than the $60 it costs to go through Couple to Couple). Of course, volunteer Support Couples are not counsel16 ASBURY TIDINGS

ors. They do, however, go through a training class and are highly trained to be discussion facilitators for engaged couples. They are a third party, unbiased couple with whom the engaged couple can trust to share thoughts and feelings about their partner and their upcoming marriage. The Support Couple is there to help the engaged couple focus on their upcoming marriage and how it truly can be a marriage that honors God and lasts a lifetime. In an average year, Asbury has 50 to 60 engaged couples that are required to go through the Couple to Couple program. We speak with at least 10 to 15 engaged couples each year that have to be turned away because they do not fit the criteria for going through the program; there are more that we never speak with because they are told when they call the church that we simply do not have enough volunteers to meet with them. At any given time, there are usually about 15 to 20 active Support Couples. Each Support Couple is required to take at least two engaged couples as an assignment each year. Many Support Couples have to take more than two just to fulfill the required need. The ideal time to be assigned a volunteer Support Couple is about six months before the wedding. This allows enough time to schedule meetings and go through homework without having to rush. However, most engaged couples are assigned about three months before the wedding (sometimes even less than that) simply because there are not enough Support Couples. One of the most frequent complaints we hear from engaged couples is that they wish they would have been assigned to a Support Couple and started the program sooner than they did. With more Support Couples, we could assign engaged couples on more of a “first come, first served basis.” We could have engaged couples be able to have more time for meeting and not have to wait months for assignment. We would be able to open the program to Asbury members who do not fit the current criteria for going through the program. In short, the program could be open to any Asbury member who wishes to go through it. Marriages would be blessed and be put on the right path to last a lifetime. Won’t you consider joining us? The relationships you will make and the influence you will have may last a lifetime. For more information, call Charlene, 392-1145.

lifted up

Conflict with a Capital “C” Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing.” Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them, but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord. He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches. Acts 15:36-41 (NIV) kim beair, ms, lpc, ncc


ood relationships have conflict and bad relationships have conflict. Many

people think conflict is a bad thing, but in itself, conflict does not have to necessarily be negative. Handled correctly, conflict can either be the catalyst to very positive change or confirmation you are on the right track. Dissecting the scripture above, Paul and Barnabas could have been discussing valid points. Paul might feel John bailed on them before, and past behavior is a pretty good predictor of future behavior. Barnabas, however, may have wanted to give John another chance. Logic says that two teams might be better than one, so perhaps the goal of covering ground for Christ was achieved in a bigger way than if they had traveled together. So what can we learn from the conflict that split these two foot soldiers for Christ? Paul and Barnabas were likely excited about the next venture and making plans for success. I wonder if by the time John’s name came up, the train (in terms of planning) may have already left the track.

Like our lives today, high running emotion does not always equal calm conversation. We also don’t have the luxury of planning every word of potential conversation ASBURY TIDINGS 17

lifted up because we cannot project what someone else will say. God created each of us with unique and different personalities; therefore, conflict will arise. Conflict is when people hold opposing views and the issues at hand have not yet been resolved or agreed upon. Conflict, done right, should focus on whatever that issue is, rather than on the person involved. Note that as Paul and Barnabas were discussing the issue of John’s past behavior; it did not turn personal between Paul and Barnabas. Many people avoid conflict at all costs. These people are motivated by taking the safe way in any situation, but that may not be the way God wants all situations handled. Most people who avoid conflict also avoid conversations that involve learning and true growth. Don’t forget learning is not just about YOU absorbing information; it is also about you being able to share information that might enlighten someone else for growth. Most people would admit to learning more through a conflict, as oftentimes the mind is expanded and new information is processed. Additionally, conflict handled correctly actually makes life more interesting for everyone involved. It can bring shared vision and success from what seemed to be a difference, leading to closer relationships, rather than driving them apart. Clearly we should “pick our battles” wisely. Do you really want to scream at your teenager to clean his perpetually dirty room 24 hours before his annual finals begin? You may be correct that the chaos of his life hinders success. That conversation and an appropriate action 18 ASBURY TIDINGS

plan should have been handled six months before, evaluated, and adjusted accordingly, resulting in winwin all the way around. Managing conflict in any relationship is always better than conflict resolution, and that always begins with foresight, planning and boundaries. The truth is, it’s not generally the issue itself that causes the most conflict, but rather, the way in which it is handled. The way it is handled will also generally impact the outcome—good or bad. We could wonder if Barnabas waited until right before the trip to approach this subject, making it impossible for Paul to handle the situation wisely, which could have ended in exactly what Barnabas requested: John becoming a part of the mission. Today, we teach a variety of conflict resolution techniques, so folks don’t get into relationship ending situations. Bold people full of great plans and a heart for getting things done are likely going to run into situations exactly like the one above. The Bible gives us a look into situations similar to the ones we face today, so we can replicate positive history, and avoid negative history. Reading Bible stories in our day and age, however, is not enough to help us recognize and manage all the situations that come our way. Attending church services, boundaries classes, and making good use of all the tools God has provided help us grow the way He intended, and help others grow as well. Read a book, take a class or watch a video on boundaries, communication, or relationships, and you will likely create more positive endings to the stories of your life.

A Case for Growing Asbury john C. westervelt


n the June Tidings, inside the front cover across from Tom Harrison’s column, was an article by Dwight

Yoder. Dwight reported that Asbury has no remaining classroom space for any new Adult Communities on Sunday morning. To address this concern, the article continued, “Tom has called a Town Hall Meeting for Sunday June 7 at 6 pm to be held in the Community Life Center.” My bacon and egg breakfast five days a week is var-

the Joy class in that 19 of us are widows and widowers. Three members have lost a spouse this year. Nineteen empty chairs in a classroom half-filled could be depressing. That has not happened because Asbury is a growing church. A percentage of those drawn to Asbury’s programs and preaching are seniors. In turn, a percentage of these are willing to get to church at eight o’clock on Sunday morning to join the Joy Community. These folks have filled the empty chairs. They find fellowship, laughter, and Bible study.

We grew Asbury in our generation. Please continue to grow Asbury in yours. Of course, those of us remaining from the first generation will be there to help. ied with leisurely-prepared pancakes on Saturday. As I ate my maple syrup covered pancakes, I began to record my thoughts about “A Case for Growing Asbury.” This way, I would have my thoughts collected about Asbury’s building needs that would be discussed in the Town Hall meeting the next evening. The Joy class was the second Sunday school class formed at Asbury. At that time, we were parents with children at home. Asbury, a young church, was growing year by year. In those days, there was always a shortage of space. With each building program, the children came first. For a year, the Joy class met in the Asbury kitchen. We finally got a 9:30 classroom only to relinquish it a few years later for a greater need and moved our class to eight o’clock. With faith, Asbury continued building. When the bankers could not help, Asbury’s people sold bonds to friends and relatives and moved their personal savings into church bonds. All of this effort was worth it as I watched my children’s faith mature under Pastor Bill Mason and Youth Director Nancy Baxter. Years have a way of swiftly passing by. Today the average age of members of the Joy Community is in the 70s. I have come to understand, “There is a time for living and a time for dying.” This truth is evident for

We grew Asbury in our generation. Please continue to grow Asbury in yours. Of course, those of us remaining from the first generation will be there to help.

My Life...

Living the Dynamic Marriage


Aziz and amanda mayahi

young Asbury couple talked with Tidings about what they learned and experienced through the “Dynamic Marriage” course, and how their lives have changed—meet Aziz and Amanda Mayahi. Why made you decide to enroll in Dynamic Marriage? Amanda: Aziz had mentioned wanting to get involved more in the church and I am a huge quality of time person. We felt like this would be a great way to meet both of our personal needs. Aziz: Amanda was the spark.

What did you hope to learn? Amanda: Prevention and growth. We are newly married and we felt we could learn from other couple’s experiences. No need to make the same mistakes when you can learn from others and prevent them. What we DID learn was much more profound and inspiring. Aziz: We hoped to learn how to prevent us from falling into the traps of a failed marriage. Did you have any concerns about participating? Amanda: Yes, I was concerned about sharing intimate details of our personal life and marriage with other people…strangers…I feel like some things are to be kept 20 ASBURY TIDINGS

between a husband and wife. And they are. This class allows couples to grow and share very intimately, but it does not force or pressure you in any way. Aziz: Scheduling, sharing intimate details with others, and most of all: feeling like we had no issues. We were still in our first year of marriage. Where there any specific issues, conflicts, or misunderstandings you hoped to work through? Amanda: Being newly married I would say we were a little cocky. We wanted to use this class to prove to ourselves that we were solid, see other people at different stages in life, and prevent future problems. Aziz: My goal was preventative. I wanted to learn what major obstacles others had faced. I felt like there was no reason to re-invent the wheel. However, once we got rolling we found out a whole lot more about each other. I gained a whole new respect for my wife, who she is as her own person, and what she means to me and our family. Once enrolled, what was the first “eyeopener” you experienced? Amanda: There were several! First, the sharing and exercises were not formatted at all like we had expected. They were actually very helpful and encouraged openness and honesty with your spouse. Second, it was also very “eye-opening” that Aziz’s emotional needs are so VERY different from mine and also so very different from

Aziz: That this class was for people who were struggling and that was true for some. As we progress I now can say that it can be a great opportunity not only to save your marriage but also just to strengthen it.

the emotional needs that I would have “picked” for him. We are so close and so in love how could our needs be so different? Learning this really allowed us to blossom and truly meet each others needs in a more profound way. Bringing us even closer as a couple. Aziz: The first eye opener for me was to learn that marital issues and opportunities span across all types of people in all stages of life. Our class had a great variety of people in it, which helped me see what challenges we could possibly face and at what times in our marriage. And I have to tell you, we learned to pray together. This was

Did you see any problems or shortcomings on your part that you didn’t see before? Amanda: Yes, definitely. This class gave me a better understanding of Aziz’s needs and then the tools to meet those needs even though my needs are very different. As he

“I think both of us have a new found respect and better

understanding of each other. We are more open and honest

about everything, including the little stuff, and meet each others personal needs more profoundly.”

the second eye opener for me. It is amazing what you discover when you hear your spouse talk to God. There is a deep understanding that you discover. It’s amazing. What preconceived notions, if any, did you start with? How did those change? Amanda: I didn’t feel that we had any serious issues that we needed to work on! As I mentioned earlier we were a little cocky. I thought this class was just preventative. However, it turned out to be much more. Even though nothing was wrong…this class allowed us to take the good relationship we already had a make it absolutely amazing.


shared openly and honestly with me, I was able to see areas that I could improve or love him more. In this class I not only learned a great deal about my husband, but, surprisingly, I learned a great deal about myself as well. Aziz: Yes, of course. As a matter of fact, I learned that I need to look in the mirror more and more when I am being critical. I also learned that we have different personal priorities, and I need to respect that. Was there any major change in your reaction to your spouse? Amanda: Yes, by understanding our differences in thought, personality, and emotional needs, I learned to ASBURY TIDINGS 21

My Life...

truly listen to him and to be more understanding and supportive rather then get defensive. Aziz: To be more understanding, patient, less critical, and more trusting.

everyday and not just assume he knows. Aziz: I try and put more effort towards her needs. I try to open up and share more. And when I feel like things are off kilter, I encourage prayer together.

Did you notice a change in your spouses’ reaction to you? Amanda: Yes definitely. As I was able to express myself to him he reacted much the same way…being more understanding, less critical, etc. But as we were learning and growing, I think the greatest change in our reactions to each other came from the fact that we knew the other person was doing and going through the same thing. Aziz: Same as above answer.

How has your marriage changed? Amanda: We feel “dynamic”! I think both of us have a new found respect and better understanding of each other. We are more open and honest about everything, including the little stuff, and meet each others personal needs more profoundly. Most importantly in this class we learned to pray together! Practicing that daily, it gets easier and easier but the wonderful difference it makes is unexplainable. Aziz and I also learned throughout this process that we have a pretty great relationship already

“For the better, we are more open and honest. We picked up

some great tools along this journey that really help fixing problems. We are getting better at recognizing emerging problems. We are more intimate and having a lot of fun.” -Aziz

What did you learn about men you didn’t know before? Amanda: I learned to see men in a more individual way, not as stereotypical. Each person, man or woman, has their own set of emotional needs and they can be in any order. Not all men have sexual fulfillment as their number one need and not all women have conversation as their number one! It could be flipped for some people! Everyone has an individual set and learning those of your spouse is key. What did you learn about women you didn’t know before? Aziz: They are strong, bedrocks of the family. They facilitate communication that is necessary. They are filled with love. They trust men to lead yet hold us accountable to be responsible and thoughtful. They truly represent the love that God wants us to display. How have you changed since the course? Amanda: I know more about myself and more about my wonderful husband. Knowing these things, I have been using the tools we learned in our daily life! Learning and growing every day. I have a great deal of respect, admiration, and love for my husband that I want to show him 22 ASBURY TIDINGS

and that is a blessing. Aziz: For the better, we are more open and honest. We picked up some great tools along this journey that really help fixing problems. We are getting better at recognizing emerging problems. We are more intimate and having a lot of fun. What would you tell couples considering taking the course? Amanda: You will be glad you did. I actually think couples should take this course every two or three years. Lives change, people change, and you have to change with them. This course is brilliantly designed in a way that any couple, any age, and at any stage in their life can benefit and learn from it. Aziz and I are very glad we took this course and have an amazing marriage to prove it! And along the way you will make some great friends. Aziz: Take the plunge. You will see yourself and your spouse in a different light. It will allow your spouse to see other men or women and the similarities in issues we all have. You will learn that we are all more alike than different. It is humorous, at times heavy, but always interesting. Go in with an open mind and you will leave with an open heart.



Surgery or Hospitalization Scheduled?

The Asbury Library is a wonderful

Be sure to let Asbury know ahead of

resource. Thank you to all who

time by calling Adrena at 392-1144

continue to contribute books to

so your pastors can be in prayer for

our Library.

New Additions to the Library

general information

you. When you enter the hospital,


church. The after-hours pastoral

Served from 7:15-9 am in the

emergency line can be reached by

CLC. Come enjoy fellowship with

calling 492-1771, selecting option

Asburians along with fresh donuts,

2, and leaving a message for the

Friends in Christ Community

bagels, biscuits & gravy, sausage,

pastor on call.

Sundays, 11 am, Rm. 1507

please designate Asbury as your

eggs, fruit, and cereal. $3 for adults & $1 for children 12 & under.

Engaged Couples If you are planning to use an

Sunday Morning Worship

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

8 am, Mason Chapel

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

(Traditional Communion)

book ASAP to allow ample time

9:15 am, Sanctuary

for Couple-to-Couple (required


premarital sessions). Six months to

9:15 am, CLC (Open House Wor-

one year lead time suggested.

ship) (Acoustic Worship, Casual Setting)

The Gazebo is Open

11 am, Sanctuary (Traditional)

CDs of Tom’s “Message of the Day”

11 am, Venue68 (Modern with sign

are available immediately following


the worship service for $3. Prayer Journals are also available for $5

Sunday Evening Worship


6:30 pm, Venue68 (Modern) Recycling Sundays for Children & Students

Recycle unwanted paper products.

6 Weeks-4 Yrs: 8:00, 9:15 & 11 am

Three bins are available, located in

K-6th Grades: 9:15 or 11 am

the south and east parking lots.

7th-9th Grades: 9:15 & 11 am 10th-12th Grades: 9:15 am only

Asbury Family News is available at the Welcome Centers. It includes

Adult Discipleship Communities

hospital lists, births, deaths,

8:00, 9:15, & 11 am and Wednes-

marriages, baptisms and military

days, 6 pm and Shepherd’s Flock on


access Hands of Love Sign Choir Sundays, 6-7 pm, Rm. 2821

bible study RoadMap Check out the Fall 2009 RoadMap courses in the new brochure and on the Asbury website at www. Accept Pastor Tom’s challenge to get actively involved in digging deeper into God’s Word—there is something for everyone!

care and support Visits to Asbury Members Asbury has a unique group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are either homebound or in nursing homes. If you are interested in being visited, call Adrena at 392-1144, or contact the coordinator, Abby Sluice at American Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, September 13, 8am – 1pm in the Gym. Call 1-800-GIVELIFE to schedule your appointment.

Tuesdays at 6 pm. Jabez community, a singles community for ages

Doors of Asbury posters are at the

30-45, is changing to 9:15 and will

Welcome Centers…FREE! Suitable

be meeting in room 2314 with the

for framing.

new name “Barnabas.”

Résumé Assistance and Review Do you have an effective résumé? An extra set of eyes can make a difference. E-mail your résumé to ASBURY TIDINGS 23


Thrive Again!

Divorce Recovery

Tuesdays, September 1 – November

Saturday, October 10, 1-5 pm in

Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

24, 7-8:30 pm, Rm 2500. GriefShare

the Parlor. One Saturday afternoon

For those suffering from the early,

is a special weekly video series

can show you proven strategies for

highly emotional stages of divorce

and support group for people who

living powerfully as a single person.

and separation trauma. Childcare

are grieving the death of someone

Escape the shame and hopeless-


close to them. It’s a safe place to

ness of divorce and renew your

be around people who understand

faith in God and yourself. Come as

Divorce Rebuilding

what you are feeling. At GriefShare,

you are and find acceptance, new

Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335.

you’ll learn valuable information

connections, optimism and the

For those ready to rebuild their

about recovering from your grief

motivation to be your best self. No

lives after separation or divorce.

and renewing your hope for the

cost. Teachers: author and coun-

Childcare available.

future. Cost: $12 for workbook.

selor Jeff Rindt and his new wife,

Childcare available. You may begin


attending this group at any time…

Eating Disorder Recovery First and third Wednesdays, 12-1:30

each session is “self-contained.” To

Prayer Card Sending Team

pm. For individuals seeking support

register, call 392-1191.

Usually meets first and third

in the recovery process. Bring sack

Mondays at 10 am in Rm. 1621 to



send cards with God’s encouraging

Wednesdays, September 9 – No-

words and our prayers to those

vember 11, 6-7:30 pm, Room 2314

who are ill or going through hard

(no class October 14) Ever feel like

times. Cards and care packages are

people take advantage of you?

also sent to Asbury-related military

Do you have trouble saying no?

personnel. Card designers, cal-

This class will help you learn to

ligraphers and/or help with mailing

set limits so you can focus on the

cards are needed. Contact Gwen

true agenda God has given you!

Mohler at for

Boundaries, a DVD study based on

more information, or call 392-1146.

4th Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm, Parlor.

John Townsend. Childcare avail-

Asperger Support Group

Military Connection

able. To register, call 392-1191.

First Thursday from 7-9 pm in Rm.

the book by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr.

1506. For mothers of children with

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren First and third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, Rm 1506. Mental Health Support for Families For family members or caregivers of people affected by a mental illness.

Please join us in praying for our troops in harm’s way and their families. Periodic care packages and

QPR Training

Asperger Syndrome. Childcare

Thursday, September 17, 7-9pm,


monthly encouragement cards with

importance of getting CPR training

Alzheimer’s Support Group

lated military personnel. The Prayer

for medical emergencies. Come

Third Thursday, from 1:30-3 pm in

get trained in QPR so you can give

Rm. 1621. Christian hope, support

emotional first aid when a friend or

and education for friends and

loved one is in crisis. Led by Mich

family of those with Alzheimer’s or

Magness, gerontologist and certi-

other dementia.

or call 392-1146.

Asbury Stephen Ministry, “God’s

Cancer Support Group

Asbury Bear Bags

love in action.” Childcare available.

Second Sunday of each month,

Room 1502. We all know the

fied QPR instructor. Sponsored by

4-6 pm, Parlor. For those living with cancer and their family and friends. 24 ASBURY TIDINGS

God’s Word are sent to Asbury-reMinistry also covers them in prayer. Please send contact information (complete name and address) to Gwen Mohler at

Asbury Bear Bags with coloring books have comforted young children for many years, but now

you may give a Bear Bag with a

come forward and line the altar rail

Wednesday Night Live

scripture-based journal included

for the Bible presentations. You are

Wednesdays, September 9 – No-

instead! Great for teens and adults.

invited to attend a reception in their

vember 18 (not meeting 10/14 for

Anyone may deliver an Asbury Bear

honor in the café on the North side

fall break), 7–8 pm, Kindergarten

to someone who is grieving. For

near the gazebo at either at 10:30

– 5th Grade. Beginning in their choir

more information, contact Beth at

or 12:00. More information will be

room and pick up in Chapel. Join


sent to third grade families as the

us on Wednesday nights for wor-

date draws nearer. Call Amber Cox,

ship in the Chapel—Kid Style. We

392-1171 or

will combine music, high energy,

for more information

verse memory and a Bible lesson

children Registration forms for all children’s

in a setting that encourages kids to

activities are available in the Bible Explorers

learn about worship. Our lessons

September 20, 27 & October 4,

will tie right into what we are doing

Core Childcare Hours:

3:30-5 pm, Family Room. Hey 3rd

on Sunday mornings. Can’t wait to

Parents who are involved in

graders, want to be a Certified Bible

see you there! You may pick up a

RoadMap classes during these core

Explorer?! Parents, want to spend

registration form in the Children’s

hours will have childcare provided

some time in the Word with your

Ministry area. For more information

for children 6 weeks-12 yrs. of age

child? We will discuss how it is writ-

contact the age appropriate staff

with no reservations needed:

ten; discover how it is organized

member: Kindergarten: Kim B.,

Sun: 8 am-12 pm

and see how to use it. It is designed

392-1165; 1st & 2nd grade: Amber,

Mon & Tue: 9 am-12 pm

for the 3rd grader and an adult

392-1171; or 3rd – 5th grade: Jen-

Tue, Wed, & Thur: 6-9 pm

(parent). There is a $2.00 donation

nifer, 392-4582.

preschool and elementary lobbies.

per person on September 20 and Murdock Villa

includes dinner. We will meet in

Preparing for Adolescence

A mission opportunity for our 5th

the Family Room (North side of

Wednesdays, September 9 – No-

& 6th grade students. Usually the

the building near the gazebo) from

vember 18, 7–8 pm, 6th graders in

second Sunday of the month from

3:30-5 pm. To help us plan, please

the 5.6 room. Parental Permission

12:30-3:30 pm. Cost is $5 for CiCi’s

register early. You may come

Required. It’s better to prepare than

Pizza. We’ll eat, then visit Murdock

whether or not you received a Bible

repair! “Preparing for Adolescence”

Villa where we will play Bingo and

September 20. We’d love to have

is a course designed especially for

do crafts with special needs adults.

you! For more information contact

our fifth graders. We will discuss

It is an amazing time to witness in

Amber Cox, 392-1171 or acox@

the topics of inferiority, conformity,

our local community. Limited to 10

puberty, romantic love, and identity from a biblical perspective. Our

kids each month. Spirit 1.2 Tailgate party

reference book is Preparing for

Third Grade Bible Presentation

Friday, October 2, 5-9 pm, CLC. The

Adolescence, by Dr. James Dobson.

Sunday, September 20. On this

first and second graders are takin’

Each week kids will have class

very special and significant Sunday,

it to the game. We will have games,

discussion & two nights of discus-

all children entering the 3rd grade

crafts and a video to keep our

sion at home with parents. The

will each receive their very own

players busy for the evening. Our

cost is $15 per student, for his/her

copy of the Word of God!! This

lesson will be on how we can play

own workbook. Please call Kim

annual event is a great stepping

on God’s team. Register by Septem-

Broadhurst at 392-1165 or email

stone of immense significance. The

ber 22 to help us plan. For ques- for

presentation will take place during

tions or more information, please

more information.

all of the worship services. The

contact Stephanie Hurd @ 392-4580

third graders and their parents will

or email ASBURY TIDINGS 25

Wednesday Night Happenings September 9 – November 18 (will not occur on October 14 for Fall Break). • Dinner in the CLC: 5-6 pm • Children’s Choirs (4 year olds – 6th grade): 6–6:50 pm • Children’s Programming - WNL (Kindergarten–5th grade): 7–8 pm • 6th Grade Preparing for Adolescence: 7–8 pm • Childcare (for children under 5 with parents in a Roadmap Class): 6–9 pm Children’s Choirs 4 years old through 6th graders, Wednesdays, September 9 – December 2 , 6–6:50 pm; 6:50-7:10 pm, Transition; 7:15-8 pm, WNL • 4 & 5 year olds: Joyful Noise, Rm. 2945 • Kindergarten: Joyful Sound, Rm. 2946 • 1st & 2nd Grade: Music Makers, Rm. 2927 • 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade: Young Musicians, Rm. 2706 • 6th Grade: Young Musicians, Rm. 2706 Children’s choirs are for children ages four by 9-1-09 through 6th grade. We are excited to be working with your children again! Children’s choir is fun, fun, fun and culminates in the Christmas Pageant Program on Sunday December 6 at 6 pm. The Children’s choirs will be singing in several of our Sunday morning services. You may pick up a registration form in the Children’s Ministry area. For more information, please feel free to give Marti a call at 392-1147 or email at 26 ASBURY TIDINGS


marriage & family

Discipleship Communities

Dynamic Marriage

If you have not found an Adult

Thursdays beginning September

Discipleship Community check out

17, OR Sundays beginning Septem-

“Get Involved” at www.asburytulsa.

ber 20, 6:30-9 pm, Room 2201. This

org or pick up a brochure at one of

is a 9-week interactive class that

our Welcome Centers.

will help you replace old habits with new ones in a unique, safe envi-

Community Emphasis

ronment. Go from good to great,

Sunday, October 4, 8 am–12 pm.

mediocre to magnificent or hurt to

This is that special annual event

healed. $130/couple (scholarships

where all our adult Discipleship

available). $50 holds your spot.

Communities roll out the red carpet

Childcare available. To register,

and proclaim their uniqueness

contact Jackie or Ron at asburydy-

throughout the building. There will

be tables throughout the foyers

prior to first class. Limited to first 12

and around the hallowed halls of

paid couples in each class. Classes

Asbury, with displays of our many

are offered three times per year.

different “families” who would love to welcome you to join them.

8 Dates With Your Mate

If you have not yet found that

2nd Tuesdays, February 10-Sep-

special place to “Belong, Believe,

tember 8, 6:15-7 pm, Rm. 1502.

and Become” a family of believers,

Celebrate your marriage with

come check out your choices as you

conversation over dinner alone,

enjoy the festivities! Communities,

or with another couple in the

this is your special day to let your

group. Gather to hear a variety of

light shine for the Lord on Sunday

topics led by various speakers (30


minutes), then have dinner out.


NEW TOPICS/SPEAKERS! Childcare available.

Leave a legacy that continues to give forever to a ministry you

Attention Engaged Couples

want to support. There are endow-

If you are planning to use an

ments that support many areas

Asbury pastor to officiate and/or

of Asbury’s outreach including

use Asbury’s facilities, be sure to

children, youth, music, missions,

book ASAP to allow ample time

and training of pastors as well as a

for Couple-to-Couple (required

general endowment. You can easily

premarital sessions). Six months to

impact a ministry thru your will

one year lead time is suggested.

or a current gift. Contact Dwight Yoder at

Milestone Wedding Anniversaries

or 392-1113.

Email your upcoming Milestone Anniversary (5,10,15,20, etc.) to Carolyn Schutte at or call Ruth, 392-1146.


and the Friday group meets at the

Men’s Fraternity: Winning at Work and Home

First Watch Restaurant (81st &

Tuesdays, 6:15–7:30 am or Wednes-

Lewis). Both are open to anyone

days, 6:15–7:45 pm, beginning

60 years and up. Choose a day and

September 8 & 9. Join facilitators

join us this week! For more infor-

Brent Colgan & Greg Ruley for

mation, contact Bud at bdmathes@

this 16-session study, focusing on (Thursdays), or Jim at

the two areas that are central to a

grade. Call 392-1191 to register. (Fridays).

man’s life: career and family. Begin


Car Care Workday

through study dealing with your

Saturday, September 19. Car Care

chief responsibilities, and explore

Saturday is an every-other-month

how you engage in work, and relate

workday provided for Asbury’s

to a woman in new ways. Register

widows and single moms, through

by calling the Asbury Registration

our men’s ministry. While the ladies

Hotline at 392-1191. All men ages

wait in the comfort of the café,

18 and up are encouraged to at-

volunteers check tires, belts,

tend. Cost is $10.

Asbury Exploration Come to a lunch/class to learn more about becoming a member of Asbury. Sunday, September 13, from 12:15-2 pm in CLC. Lunch provided and childcare is available for children six weeks through 6th

Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 am in the CLC. Attention men of Asbury. Make plans to join us for a great time of meaningful worship, lifechanging prayer and an awesome big breakfast, all for just $3 per person. First-time guests are free.

Luby’s Cafeteria (71st & Riverside),

to build the walls of manhood

fluids, filters and batteries. They also vacuum and wash the vehicles,

Annual Men’s Fall Golf Tournament

and then update owners on what’s

Monday, October 26. Watch church

running smoothly and what needs

publications and the website for

professional attention. This free

more details!

September 30 Don Herrold

service gives our men the oppor-

Men’s Open Basketball

through loving and serving those in

September 2

Bill Johnson

September 9 Mark Springer September 16 Dub Ambrose September 23 Pec Clark

Fridays, 11:30 am – 1:15 pm, Gym. Men! Make plans to join other Asbury guys and their friends each week as we get together for a little

tunity to put their faith in to action

missions/outreach Habitat House Build

need. To volunteer, contact Debbie

Join us on Saturday, September 12

in the Adult Ministries Office, 392-

at 9 am for the next Habitat House

1177 or

Wall Raising Ceremony located at 4033 W 55th Place S. Asbury will

Home Improvement Workday

partner with CITGO Retirees & Em-

Saturday, October 17. The Home

ployees for the Habitat House Build.

Improvement Ministry serves wid-

Volunteers can help with construc-

ows and single moms within the

tion of the house, providing lunch

we’ll see you on the court!

Asbury family. Our men’s ministry

on one of the Saturdays, serving as

volunteers make themselves avail-

Project Chaplain or Project Regis-

Mature Men’s Ministry R.O.M.E.O. Luncheon

able every other month to help

trar. Work site volunteers can sign

folks out with minor home repairs

up on-line at www.habitat-tulsa.

Are you a “Retired Old Man” who

and/or home improvement projects.

org. Habitat building update or

wants to “Eat Out?” If so, then

To volunteer, contact Debbie in the

rainout information is 280-7125. For

these luncheons are for you! Two

Adult Ministries Office, 392-1177 or

more information contact Linda Pat

groups of men are meeting every

Colgan or Beth McCalman.

“round ball” and lots of fun! Come show us what you’ve got, and we’ll have a great time of exercise and fellowship. Invite your friends, and

Thursday or Friday at 11:30 am, for good food and great fellowship. The Thursday group meets at ASBURY TIDINGS 27

Walk Against Child Trafficking Fundraiser

a few. For a more detailed list there

Saturday, September 26, 8 am at

in each Community room. Receipts

River Walk-Jenks. For more infor-

can be dropped off in the Mission

mation visit


is Community Club Awards booklet

• Newspapers, copy paper, cataMission Matters

logues, etc. collected in the recycle

A monthly newsletter is available

bins in the Asbury parking lot:

with recent news of mission hap-

benefit Asbury.

penings. If you would like to receive

All donations can be dropped off

the newsletter, please contact Missy

in the Mission Office, unless other-

Sistrunk at 392-1163 or msistrunk@

wise noted. Global Outreach Prayer Ministry


News and prayer requests from our

Volunteers-In-Mission Opportunities

missionaries and ministries are sent

• September 17-29: Tanzania, East

each week to our prayer ministry

Africa, Construction

list. If you would like to become a

• October 23-25: Cookson Hills,

prayer intercessor for those serving

Oklahoma, Light Construction

around the world, contact Missy

• October 24-31: Monterrey, Mexico,

Sistrunk at 392-1163.

MBS & Construction

Celebration Ringers Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, Rm. 2506 Youth Orchestra Wednesdays, 5:30 pm, Rm. 2319 Asbury Ringers Wednesdays, 6-6:50 pm, Rm. 2506 Perpetual Light Thursdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, Rm. 2506 Saints of Swing Dixieland Band Thursdays, 7-9 pm, Rm 1510 Asbury Singing Ambassadors Tuesdays, 1:30–3 pm, Choir room Hymn Festival Sunday, September 20, 7pm in the sanctuary. City-wide hymn sing

• November 4-8: Monterrey, Mexico,

with Barry Epperley, the Signature

Recycling Efforts


Symphony and combined choirs of

• Campbell’s soup labels & Box

• November 11-15: Rio Bravo,

Tulsa area churches and featuring

Tops: benefit Red Bird Mission in

Mexico, Men’s Construction

pianist, Don Ryan


• VIM Team Leader Training:

• Campbell’s soup labels & Swan-

September 19 in Bixby; October 24


son labels: benefit Cookson Hills in

in Clinton.

Altar Prayer


For more about these exciting

If you would like someone to pray

• Small soaps and shampoo: benefit

mission opportunities, contact

with you during Holy Communion

medical missions and Circle of

Marilene Long at mlong@asbury-

or immediately following a worship

Care. or 392-1164.

service, please come to the altar

• Old eyeglasses for adults or children: benefit medical missions. • Old cell phones: benefit Little Light House.

rail. A pastor or member of the Al-


tar Prayer Team will be glad to pray

Chancel Choir

with you for your needs—physical,

Wednesdays, 7 pm, Choir Room

emotional or spiritual—at the altar

• Old home printer cartridges:

or in the Prayer Room.

benefit Walt Whitman Elementary

New Covenant Orchestra


Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm, Rm. 1510

• Hearing Aids: collected by Deaf

Prayer Room Reservations The leadership of Asbury’s prayer

Perceptions Community.

Children’s Choirs

ministry would like to remind you

• Operation Hope collects the follow-

Wednesdays, 6 pm, various

that the main facility Prayer Room

ing receipts: Drysdales, McDonald’s,

is open not only to individuals

QuikTrip, Wal-Mart, Sanders Nurs-

Asbury Power & Light

desiring to pray in a quiet, medita-

ery and Yale Cleaners just to name

Sundays, 8:15-9:15 am, Rm. 1510

tive atmosphere, but also to prayer


groups within communities and ministries. Just give Debbie in the Adult Ministries office a call at 392-1177 to reserve the Prayer Room for your group on a weekly or monthly basis. Prayer Room Days & Times Our prayer rooms are accessible to you at these times: • Mason Chapel & Venue68: Sundays, 7 am-12:30 pm through the interior door. • Main Facility, Mason Chapel & Venue68: Mon.-Fri., 8 am-9 pm; Saturday, 10 am-3 pm; Sunday, 12:30 pm-9 pm. To obtain pass codes, call Debbie in the Adult Ministries office, 392-1177. Prayer Service for Overcoming Fear Wednesday, September 16, 6 -6:30 pm, Venue68 Sanctuary. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” John 16:33. Come find the peace

senior adults Visits to Asbury Members Asbury has a unique group of volunteers (Asbury Connection) who regularly visit people who are either homebound or in nursing homes. If you are interested in being visited, call Adrena at 392-1144, or contact the coordinator, Abby Sluice at

Attention all single senior adults of Asbury! If you’re 55 years of age or over, our monthly meal and movie day event may be just the “ticket” for you! We get together at a different Tulsa restaurant each month, and then head off to see a “first run” movie. The dates and

times vary according to the movie

Senior Sit and Fit Stretching Class

an interest will be contacted a few

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 9-9:30 am in the Gym. All senior adults are invited to join us for a time of stretching, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. No high impact workout here. We take it nice and easy. Come give it a try. Senior Walk in the Gym with Him Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 8:30-9 am in the gym. All senior adults are invited to join us for power walking, coupled with lots of fun and fellowship. Come give it a try.

you are seeking, through directed

Senior Game Time

prayer and meditation on God’s

Every third Thursday, 1–4 pm.


Attention Asbury Seniors! How


Senior Adult Meal & Movie

would you like to get together on a regular basis with a wonderful

Celebrate Recovery

bunch of folks and play a few

Come join this supportive group

rounds of cards, dominoes, or

of people each Monday night at 6

whatever board or card game you

pm. Dinner at 6 pm; Worship from

chose? You KNOW you’d love it! If

7-8 pm; Small Groups from 8-9 pm;

you’re a single or widowed senior

Dessert from 9-9:30 pm. Hiding

adult age 55 and up, come check

any hurts, habits or hang-ups? God

it out in Room 2820. Bring a friend

never intended for you to live in

and stay for as long as you like!


This fun group will meet every third Thursday, so mark your calendars!

selected, but those who express days ahead of time so they can make plans accordingly. For more information or to sign up for the call list, contact Sally Wood: September Tweenagers Program & Luncheon Thursday, September 24, 10:30 am – 1 pm, CLC. We hope you all had a great summer and are ready to rock and roll into our fall Tweenager programs! We always have interesting programs and delicious lunches, prepared by our volunteer angels, Barbara Gere, Pat Beaver, Linda Booth, Martha Lovell, Gwen Steen, Joyce Boltz, Pat Finch, LaVern Gowans, Shirley Martin, Zelma Ritschel and Barbara Boone. Our September program will present an opportunity for you to become better acquainted with the newest members of our pastoral staff, Rev. Jim Lenderman and Rev. Tiffany Smith. Music will be presented by the “Saints of Swing” Dixieland Band, directed by Bill Metsker! You don’t want to miss this program, and don’t forget to invite your friends! Call the main office at 492-1771 to make your reservations BY NOON, Monday, September 21. If, during that week, ASBURY TIDINGS 29

you find you need to cancel, please also let us know as we need to give an accurate count to the cooks. Should you choose, you may make a donation for the meal when you check in that morning. And don’t forget that some us stick around after the luncheon and enjoy card or board games until 3 p.m. Come join us for fun and fellowship! AARP Safe Driving Course Friday, September 25 or Friday, October 23, 9 am – 5 pm, Rm. 2820. Cost is $12 for AARP members, $14 for non-members. The AARP Driver Safety Program is the nation’s first and largest refresher course for drivers age 50 and older that has helped millions of drivers remain safe on today’s roads. It is designed to help you: 1. Tune up your driving skills and update your knowledge of the rules of the road; 2. Learn about normal age-related physical changes, and how to adjust your driving to allow for these changes; 3. Reduce your traffic violations, crashes, and chances for injuries; 4. Drive more safely; 5.Get an insurance discount. Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multiyear discount to AARP graduates! To sign up, call Asbury’s Registration Hotline at 392-1191 by the Wednesday before each class. At least 12 participants are required for the class to take place, so tell your friends and neighbors, and sign up today!

singles Divorce Recovery Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those suffering from the early, highly emotional stages of divorce and separation trauma. Childcare

7th, 8th & 9th Small Groups Hey, don’t forget to sign up to be in a Small Group! Being a part of a small group is awesome. It’s a great place to grow your relationship with Jesus, have fun hanging out


with guys/girls your own age. A

Divorce Rebuilding

gender and the same grade PLUS

Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Rm. 1335. For those ready to rebuild their lives after separation or divorce.

Small Group is made up of same two incredible adults that want to hang out with you. 7th-9th Small Groups all meet in the Student

Childcare available.

Ministries Area this year. Yes you

Singles Potluck Luncheon

and not be a part of Confirmation!

Sunday, September 27, 12:15-1:30 pm in the Parlor. Come, bring your children and enjoy a delicious lunch, courtesy of your fellow singles! Just bring a “family-sized” food item, homemade or purchased! Great food, great fellowship, new friends…it just doesn’t get much better than that!

students 7th, 8th & 9th Bible Study Wednesday night Bible Study is the place to be from 6:30-8 pm on Wednesday nights beginning Sept 10. Come to the Student Café and hang out, have fun and study what God’s words has for us. 7th, 8th & 9th Grade Breakaway Sunday mornings, 9:15-10:30 am in the Breakaway Area. This isn’t your normal Sunday school. Come join us for worship, fun and games, interactive talk/lesson, and sometimes free candy and gift cards.

can be in a 7th grade small group If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do that on Sunday mornings or just come to the church on Sunday nights, 7th grade 4-5:30 pm and 8th and 9th grades will be 5-6:30 pm starting September 20. Student Ministry Parent Support Group This is simply a Parent Support Group of parents who come together to share experiences and gain strength, hope and new ideas from each other. We are not professionals, but strive with God’s wisdom to love, care, and support one another through all struggles of life. If you or your teen is struggling, please take this opportunity to get support, we meet upstairs in the Venue every Tuesday from 7-8:30 pm. Call Marsha Baker for more info 392-1157. Life Hurt God Heals Life Hurt God Heals is created specifically for teenagers who have experienced some type of pain in their lives—divorce, bad breakups, sexuality issues, disappointment, rejection, alcohol, etc. For most


news is God heals.Groups start

7th Grade Confirmation & Parent Meeting

We’re headed out to New Life

September 2, 6-8:15pm every

ATTENTION 7th Gradeeeerrrrs!

Ranch for fall retreat Sept. 18-20!

Wednesday night, contact us

What is Confirmation you ask?

It’s a chance to rest and discover

anytime or come by the Student

Confirmation is learning about

your heart. It’s a chance to connect

Ministry area and sign up. Parents if

God, Jesus, the church and where

with God and have some serious

this is something that grabs at your

you fit in, what it means to be a

fun with friends! The cost is $80.

heart to help lead we need you,

Christian, plus a whole bunch of

We will meet at the church Friday

please call Marsha 392-1157!

other stuff that will help you decide

evening (eat dinner before you ar-

whether or not you want to become

rive). Registrations are due Sept. 9.

7th, 8th & 9th Fall Retreat

a member of the United Methodist

You can pick up registrations in the

Check it out! The summer has

Church. In other words this is how

student ministries area. Call Todd

been amazing and God has good

you become a member of Asbury.

@ 392-1154 or Amy @ 392-1156 for

stuff for the school year too! We’re

Parents and Students we have a

more info.

headed to New Life Ranch for fall

MANDATORY meeting for you

retreat Sept. 11-13! It’s time to find

September 20, 3:30-4:30 pm. Don’t

out what God really has in store for

miss it! Then students will have

7th-12th Grade Metro Worship @ Venue68

your life and how to do hard things!

their first small groups from 4:30-6

Come join youth from all over the

Meet at Asbury at 5pm to leave

pm starting September 20!

city in a night to just worship Jesus.

teenagers, life hurts, but the good

Fall Retreat 10,11,12th Grades

We meet the first Wednesday night

(eat dinner before you come). We will return on Sunday. If you want

10th, 11th & 12th Breakaway

a shirt and don’t want to pay the $5

Every Wednesday night we come

late fee, your registration must be

together for a time of connection


turned in by 9 pm Aug 30!

and worship. Our desire is to

Women of the Word

explore who God really is and how

Wednesdays from 10-11 am in

8th Purity Groups & Small Groups

our lives matter to Him. We get

Rm. 2319, Rev. Darlene Johnson,

Sex is a hot topic in the world,

started around 6:30 pm and wrap


and as our students are growing

up around 8:30ish. Plan on hanging

they’re faced with making choices

out afterwards for pizza.

of every month from 7 – 8:30 pm.

Crafty Ladies Fellowship Mondays, 9:30 am - 2 pm, Rm 2820.

about sexual integrity everyday. We believe there is no better place

10th-12th grade Small Groups

Ladies, if you enjoy doing crafts and

to learn and talk about it then at

Get Connected. Are you looking for

fellowshipping at the same time,

church where they can get the

a way to get more connected? Are

this activity is for you! We gather

truth and understand what God

you looking for a place to grow in

on Monday mornings to work on

says about it. So the fall semester

your walk with Jesus? Then being a

our own individual arts and crafts,

the 8th grade small groups will be

part of a small group is where you

stop for a delicious pot-luck lunch,

working through the Every Young

need to be. If you are already in a

and continue on through until 2 pm.

Women’s/Men’s Battle books.There-

small group, don’t forget to re-sign

We have a wonderful time together,

fore, 8th grade small groups will be

up for your group. Our small

and would love to have you join us!

from 5-6:30 pm starting Sept. 20!

groups meet every Sunday night,

For more information, contact Betty

Parents please plan on attending

times vary. Some of the groups

Seetin, and stop by some Monday

the parent meeting September 20

meet in homes and others meet

and check us out!

5-6:30 pm to learn your role in this

at the church. Call Todd, 392-1154,


or Amy, 392-1156, to get more info. Small groups will not meet on September 20. ASBURY TIDINGS 31

UMW September Luncheon & Program

pick up a request form at the south

• 6:30 pm Modern Service

welcome desk, or call your request

Venue68. Rich blend of ancient and

Thursday, September 3, 11:30 am

in to Pam Wallace (392-1199, ext.

modern worship, led by the Ben

– 1 pm, CLC. Attention ladies! The

253), at least ten days before the

Kilgore and team. Rev. Spencer

program planned for September’s

scheduled work day. A Home

Smith preaches.

luncheon will be a presentation

Improvement volunteer will contact

entitled, “Up, Up & Away” by Joani

you, and make final arrangements

Strow, an Aviation Cabin Safety

to get the job(s) done!

Consultant. She will share how faith “lifts you up.” A delicious luncheon prepared by our church hostess, Virginia, will be provided for just $7 per person. Our scripture emphasis for this month comes from Psalm 55:6: “I said, ‘Oh, that I had the

worship • 8 am, Communion Service: Mason Chapel. Traditional service. Communion is served and Dr. Harrison preaches.

wings of a dove! I would fly away

• 9:15 am, Contemporary Praise &

and be at rest.’”

Worship: Sanctuary. Music, time of prayer and the message will all

Car Care Workday

carry a prevailing theme for the

Saturday, September 19. Car Care

morning. Dr. Harrison preaches.

Saturday is an every-other-month workday provided for Asbury’s

• 9:15 am, Open House Worship:

widows and single moms, through

Community Life Center. A relaxed

our men’s ministry. While the

atmosphere with engaging wor-

ladies wait in the comfort of the

ship. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message

café, volunteers check tires, belts,

is simulcast with an occasional live

fluids, filters and batteries. They

sermon from another pastor.

also vacuum and wash the vehicles, and then update owners on what’s running smoothly and what needs professional attention. This free service gives our men the opportunity to put their faith in to action through loving and serving those in need. No reservations required; just get your vehicle in line by 11:30! Home Improvement Workday Saturday, October 17. The Home Improvement Ministry serves widows and single moms within the Asbury family. Our men’s ministry volunteers make themselves available every other month to help folks out with minor home repairs and/or home improvement projects. Just 32 ASBURY TIDINGS

• 11 am, Traditional Service: Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir, the New Covenant Orchestra and various vocal and instrumental ensembles offer a variety of styles of music. Dr. Tom Harrison preaches. • 11 am, Modern Service: Venue68. Rich blend of ancient and modern worship, led by the worship band. Sign interpreters for the deaf are offered. Dr. Tom Harrison’s message is simulcast.


new members

Eric & Valerie Dale, Trenton, Sydney & Evan

Kimberly Hill, Jordan

Jim & Linda Tucker

Billy & Teresa Franks, Luke

Randy & Dana Mills

Randy & Lindy Vier

Ross & Mimi Freeman, Alexis & Bradlee

Jeff Showalter

Margaret Yeck

asbury exploration classes If you are interested in learning more about who we are, plan to attend one of the Exploration classes designed to tell you more about Asbury and what we believe. Choose from one of the upcoming Sunday membership classes: September 13 • October 4 • November 1 • December 6 Classes are from 12:15 pm - 2 pm Call 392-1191 to reserve your place • Childcare is available and lunch is provided ASBURY TIDINGS 33

asbury family room in celebration of marriage 40 years

55 years

60 years

Jim & Barbara Vanderbeek August 24, 1969

20 years

10 years

Mark & Jan Smith August 5, 1989

Roy & Fran Danner September 25, 1999

5 years Ralph & Marion Daughtery September 24, 1954

Harry & Lois Robbins September 4, 1949

Michael & Amanda Jurczyk August 21, 2004

Merle & Marylou Howell September 4, 1954

50 years

Gary & Ruth Beatie • September 11, 1959

A.C. & Arlene Griggs September 2, 1959

Charlie & Jeanette Sessom August 8, 1959

• Robert Hughes & Susan Brett, married July 24, 2009 • James Heflin & Lyndsey Campbell, married July 25, 2009 • Joshua Harrison & Amber Mielke, married August 1, 2009

we celebrate • Laken Christopher Lee, son of Mike & Christina Lee, born June 12, 2009 • Caden Steven Benzel, son of Marissa Bruce & Steve Benzel, born July 17, 2009

we remember • John Waller, husband of Mary, died June 24 • Lowell Price, husband of Kathleen, died July 11 • Nadine Hoppe, mother of Christy Hoppe, died July 15 • Malcolm McClellan husband of Merlene, died July 15 • Cynthia Christiansen, daughter of Nanette Creamer, died July 17 • Fred Alexander, husband of Linda, died July 20 • Robert Sterner, husband of Carol, died July 22 • David Jordan, husband of Lisa, died July 22 • Charlene Yeager, wife of Jim, died July 25 34 ASBURY TIDINGS

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