Arrivée 153 – Autumn 2021

Page 52


Michael Malins rides on hallowed ground on a short pilgrimage to some of England’s finest cathedrals.

A blessed change… I'


VE BEEN RIDING round in circles since the 2020 lockdown, so in Bike Week this year I decided to tackle a ride which would actually take me somewhere – the Cathedrals Cycling Challenge. This event involves 42 cathedrals on a 2,000 mile route across the country. I didn’t try the whole thing – the course can be easily broken down into 200km DIY sections. I chose the section


from Welling in south east London where the final section from Canterbury picks up the route. The official route uses cycle paths as much as possible but needs a bit of refining, I think. The route through London is fairly quiet but as soon as it crosses the M25 it parallels the A3 on a cycle path which resembled a jungle in June. Finally

arriving at Guildford cathedral I obtained a sticker for my Pilgrim's Passport (available online or at most Cathedral shops). Guildford has a modern cathedral, built with public donations, so sits majestically high on a hill rather than in the middle of the town. Town? I thought it had to be a city?

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