Atlantic Voices Vol. 2, no. 8

Page 7

NATO, nor NATO is ready to accept Armenia.”7 The point is

the European Union. In NATO-Azerbaijan relations the Turkish factor should also

that NATO membership implies responsibilities not only from

be taken into account because, while being a NATO member for

the Armenian side but also from NATO. First of all, the Alliance

decades, Turkey maintains close relations with Azerbaijan and

should be responsible for the security of the region, which is

may have an impact on its integration into the Alliance.

quite complicated because of the ongoing regional conflicts.

But at the same time, Azerbaijan tries to maintain high-level

Armenia doesn’t seek NATO membership because Armenian

relations with Russia, as the latter plays an important role in

politicians comprehend that it is unrealistic in the current situa-

South Caucasus, and especially in the process of peaceful settle-

tion. But Armenia’s integration into NATO should not be ruled

ment of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Azerbaijani politicians

out. Maybe the situation in South Caucasus will change, and

comprehend that the intensification of NATO-Azerbaijan rela-

Armenia would come up with an intention to join NATO in the

tions will definitely contribute to the improvement of the al-

nearest future.

ready close Russian-Armenian ties, which may have a negative effect for Azerbaijan regarding the future settlement of the Na-


gorno-Karabakh conflict.



North Atlantic Treaty Organization,

It can be concluded that all three states of the South Caucasus region are trying to implement major reforms in the area of


security, economy and defense in order to be integrated into the


EU and other European institutions. But as Armenia, Azerbaijan


Human Rights in Armenia, Civil Society Institute,

and Georgia conduct different policies towards NATO, the integration process of each will differ from the others’. Russia’s role should also be taken into account, as it has a huge influence in


As Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia conduct different policies towards NATO, their integration processes will differ from each other.

the region and can therefore have an impact on NATO-South Caucasus relations. For example, while Georgia is trying to become a NATO member as soon as possible, in order to feel safe from the Russian threat, Armenia does not need this. On the contrary, a NATO member state (Turkey)





http:// 6

Information Centre on NATO in Armenia, http:// 7



http:// kocaryan-armenia-is-not-going-to-join-nato.html

The views expressed in this article are entirely those of the author. They do not necessarily represent the views of the Atlantic Treaty Association, its members, affiliates or staff.

is a source of danger to Armenia. In its turn, Azerbaijan does not want to deepen relations with NATO either as it may harm the country’s ties with Russia.

About the authors

Though the three South Caucasus states have different positions on NATO, they have one thing in common – the European

Tevan A. Poghosyan

integration, which is an important factor that contributes to

Tevan A. Poghosyan is Executive Director of the Interna-

NATO-South Caucasus cooperation. The European integration is

tional Center for Human Development in Armenia as well as

one of the main goals of the foreign policies of Armenia, Azer-

Executive Director of the Armenian Atlantic Association (AAA)

baijan and Georgia. As NATO is an important organization in the

and lecturer at the Armenian Russian States (Slavonic) Univer-

European system, close relations and the integration into the

sity. Prior to this, he has also worked for the Central Bank of

Alliance can represent a huge step towards the EU.

Armenia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno-

As for Armenia, NATO membership is not on the agenda today as the Alliance’s role is not efficient enough to solve re-

Karabakh Republic.

Rozy Kopyan

gional conflicts and to maintain peace and stability in South Cau-

Rozy Kopyan is an MA candidate in International Relations

casus. In this context, the former Foreign Minister of Armenia

at Yerevan State University. She is also member of the Young

Vartan Oskanyan once stated: “Neither Armenia is ready to join

Armenian Atlantic Association.

Atlantic Voices, Volume 2, Issue 8


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