Sóller - entre Naranjos

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>> Landscape tours _ Surviving the charms of nature

En aquest tram del passeig podrà reconèixer restes de les sèquies, de l’antic sistema hidràulic, que regaven els cultius de cereals que se sembraven sota les oliveres. Al fons, sobre un pujol, apareixerà solitari el pi pinyoner (Pinus pinea), amb la seva inconfusible copa arrodonida.

On this stretch of the walk you may be able to spot remains of irrigation ditches from the ancient hydraulic system that watered the grain crops that were sowed under the olive trees. In the distance over a hill you will see a solitary stone pine tree (Pinus pinea), with its unmistakeable round canopy.

Aviat arribarà a la petita capella de Son Castelló, del segle XVII. Encara que avui ja no compleix la seva funció, és un clar símbol de la devoció i religiositat popular en un temps en què senyors, jornalers i criats de les grans possessions de muntanya només interrompien les feines al camp per a dur a terme les seves oracions.

You will soon reach the small Son Castelló chapel dating from the 17th century. Even though it has fallen out of use, it is a clear symbol of popular devotion and religious fervour in an age when lords, day labourers and servants from the large mountain possessions interrupted their field work only to pray. Keep going along the stone-lined path that gently slopes upward to the left of the oratory, until reaching the Can Prohom and Son Mico houses.

Continuarà pel camí empedrat que ascendeix suaument per l’esquerra de l’oratori, fins a les cases de Can Prohom i Son Mico. Les dues cases presenten una gran simetria en la composició, amb marcades dovelles que formen el clàssic arc de mig punt de l’entrada principal, petits esglaons adherits a la façana, utilitzats antigament per a facilitar la pujada a cavalls i carruatges, i grans finestrals a la planta noble. Una aturada, encara que sigui breu, davant la segona de les cases, és gairebé obligada per a tot aquell que vulgui descobrir els sabors de la muntanya mallorquina. A Son Mico podrà degustar un suc de taronja acabat de fer, pastissos i confitures casolanes. Una

These two houses boast a great symmetry in their composition, with marked voussoir arches that form the classical semi-circular arch at the main entrance. It also has small rungs attached to the façade which were used in the past to make it easier to lift horses and carriages, as well as large window openings on the main floor. A stop, even a brief one, in front of the second house is virtually a must-see for anyone wishing to discovering the flavours of the Mallorcan mountains. At Son Mico, you can enjoy freshly-squeezed orange juice, cakes and homemade jams. A fleeting glance inside the house, which has preserved all its rusticity, will give you the chance to imagine the life and customs of the Mallorca of yesteryear. Son Mico: Tel 971 638 224, Fax 971 638 159.

Itineraris paisatgístics Landscape tours

>> Itineraris paisatgístics _ Sobreviure a l’encant de la naturalesa


Sóller_Itineraris paisatgístics Sóller_Landscape tours



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