Offers Numerous Pitra Dosh Remedies

Page 1 Offers Numerous Pitra Dosh Remedies is among the leading astrology websites that helps individuals with several astrological concepts such as Pitra Doshas, Yoga, Karmic imbalances, and many more. Vedic astrologer Himanshu Shangari founded it. The platform is committed to offering the latest information and consultation according to the scenarios and changes that constantly occur worldwide and people's perspectives of those scenarios. Their content is easy to read. Thus, enabling people to comprehend every information properly.

Speaking about Himanshu Shangari, the company spokesperson said, "Himanshu Shangari is a spiritual preacher and Vedic astrologer that has created books and articles that have an impact around the globe. The books and articles include Nakshatras, Gemstones, Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology, Heaven and Hell Within, Match Making & Manglik Dosh, and many more. Each of the books is practical and easy to understand. While reading the item, clients are assured of getting various examples. Our founder's editorials on spiritual philosophy, astrology, and personality development have appeared in various prominent newspapers of India, such as Hindustan Times. Those wanting to buy our founder's books can visit our website. We offer various payment methods such as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and many more." Pitra Dosh is usually a type of defect that has some relationship with the ancestors. It is typically an inheritance of karmic debt of the family line. Thus, one needs to accept it. Pitra Dosh can be formed through various methods such as direct affliction to the ninth house, affliction to the sun, and affliction to the lord of the ninth house. Those wanting to know about Pitra Dosh remedies can visit The platform offers exceptional consultation services.

The company spokesperson said, "Vedic Astrology is one of the complete faith of astrology. It offers resources to various types of faith. Unfortunately, though Vedic is among the oldest faiths, it is prone to several types of corruptions and adulterations from time to time. Some of the adulterations may result from misinterpretations of several concepts of Vedic astrology from time to time, while others may be there because some scholars may have twisted some definitions. Our founder has spent years researching Vedic Astrology to determine how many concepts have been misinterpreted and the correct interpretation of the concepts. He has created books to help people learn about Vedic astrology." offers a wide range of remedies for various defects, such as Kaal Sarp Yog Puja. Moreover, they usually update their concepts if they find that the concepts are being misinterpreted or may have lost their original sense of bad and good in modern times. Through the platform, one is assured of getting accurate information about a particular astrology concept. The platform is dedicated to helping individuals live the best life possible. About offers numerous articles and information better to understand Vedic astrology and relief from various life problems. With the platform, one can learn about several concepts such as Hamsa Yoga, Gaj Kesari Yoga, Kaal Sarp Yog, Budh Aditya Yoga, and many more.

Contact Information Astrologer Himanshu Shangari, Address: Sector 49, Chandigarh, India Phone: 0-98551-26123 (India), 0091-98551-26123 (International) Email: Website:

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