HD-OD Full Snapshot (Chinese)

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波 士頓中國城 社 區現狀簡報 2009

August 14, 2009


歡迎閱讀波士頓中國城社區狀況年度簡報 Thank you for your interest and support of the Boston Chinatown community! This first annual Community Snapshot is intended to serve as a baseline community profile of Chinatown. We hope that this Snapshot will 首先感謝您對波士頓中國城社區的關注和支持﹗這份報告旨在對中國城社區的現狀作一次全方位而簡要的描述 serve as the basis from which to define measures for change and success of the overall Human Development 。這份報告是正在進行中的人力綜合發展複合區域計劃的成果﹐對社區現狀的研究目的是用來幫助衡量今後的 Overlay District (HD-OD) pilot initiative, as well be a lasting record of Chinatown as a slice in time. Creating a 變化﹐並對社區在不同時期的狀況加以記錄。對社區在土地﹐人口和社會經濟各方面的變化及其影響加以研究 community baseline that highlights physical, demographic and socio-economic changes and their related 和總結極為重要﹐關係到社區能否充份利用正在發生的各種發展機會為社區和民眾創造更多更好的福利。 impacts is crucial as Chinatown attempts to leverage upcoming development for the benefit of the entire community. 這份簡報包含以下章節﹕ 中國城人口狀況 The Shapshot contains the following sections: − Chinatown – The People 波士頓整體人口狀況及比較 − Context – The City of Boston 中國城社區資源與財富 − Neighborhood Assets 中國城交通狀況 − Getting Around Chinatown 中國城- 大波士頓區域的文化中心 − A Regional Cultural Center 中國城環境與居民健康 − Human Health and the Environment 中國城的經濟生活狀況 − Economy 中國城居民的住房狀況 − Housing

有 關中國城人力綜合發展複合區域計劃的介紹 劃的介紹 關中國城人力綜合發展複合區域計 About Chinatown HD-OD The Chinatown HD-OD project is collaborative effort between the Asian Community Development Corporation

中國城人力綜合發展複合區域計劃是由亞美社區發展協會和大波士頓規劃議會合作進行的實驗性工作。目 (ACDC) and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC). The goal of HD-OD is to integrate human 標是利用新興的信息技術整合人力資源﹐社會資源以及社區規劃過程。在類似中國城這樣處於快速變化的 capital, social capital, and community planning through the use of information technology in a transitioning 社區中﹐許多個人﹐家庭﹐小生意業主很難及時地適應由大量土地開發﹐經濟和社會發展活動帶來的各種 neighborhood. Individuals, families, and small businesses are often unable to adapt to all the changes that 變化和影響。在近年當中﹐越來越多的發展商看好中國城的地產資源﹐因為這裡地處波士頓市區中心﹐而 take place in a neighborhood undergoing heavy physical, economic, and/or social development. In recent 且市中心商業區正在進行大規模改造。這些發展所累積的影響給中國城社區帶來了很大的壓力﹐特別是對 低收入人群﹐新移民﹐小業主﹐無業人群﹐租屋戶﹐潛在的購房者﹐以及面臨健康問題的人群有著很大的 years, Chinatown’s land has increasingly become more desirable to developers because of its central Boston 威脅。 location and the efforts to revitalize the Downtown District. The cumulative impact of new development pressures threatens the existing Chinatown population – particularly low-income residents, new immigrants, 在未來的一段時間內﹐我們希望通過與社區各類機構合作﹐協調各項服務工作﹐主要幫助低收入人群和小 生意業主儘可能避免在經濟能力﹐健康和生活狀況方面所遭受的負面影響﹐以更好地適應外在變化帶來的 small businesses, un/underemployed, renters and potential homebuyers, and those with health concerns. 衝擊﹐同時﹐通過機構間的合作和共同努力﹐提高有關社區各方面信息資源的收集和分析能力。 In the coming months and years, we will work with local agencies to coordinate services that will prevent

displacement and/or mitigate negative impacts on financial stability, health and well-being for low- to moderateincome families and small businesses, as well as track risk indicators and data related to neighborhood August 14, 2009


development. We seek to understand the potential benefits of providing social services, small-business 我們進行的這個實驗性計劃﹐目的在於探索在一個重點的“ 人力綜合發展複合區域” (中國城)﹐如何通過信 resources and housing assistance in a focused “human development district” that has the potential to be a new 息技術在社會服務﹐小生意發展的資源以及住房服務等方面提供更好的服務手段﹐並且把實驗的成果推廣 到全國的其他社區加以應用。通過幫助社區居民﹐尤其是低收入人群﹐以及小生意來為他們的將來做好長 model for community development across the country. By helping residents and business owners who are 期發展規劃﹐充份利用社區服務資源和土地開發帶來的住房﹐就業﹐商業等方面的機會﹐我們希望可以幫 typically vulnerable to heavy development to plan for their future, we hope to preserve the people and 助維護社區民眾生活的穩定以及中國城獨有的特色。 character of Chinatown.

計劃領導機構 亞 美社區發展協會 是一個有著21年歷史的非營利組織﹐致力於服務大波士頓地區的亞裔社 區﹐主要工作包括發展平價住房﹐促進社區經濟﹐培養新的領導才能﹐並通過教育﹐政策倡 導以及付諸行動等方式增強社區的能力和影響。 大波士頓地區規劃議會是負責本地區規劃工作的機構﹐服務於大波士頓地區101個城鎮﹐工作專 長在於信息資訊分析和管理﹐發展指標的研究﹐以及地理信息系統。 計劃合作夥伴 華美福利會 波士頓華埠社區中心 華埠主街 南灣社區健康中心

支持計劃的政府機構 波士頓重建局 市長辦公室社區就業和服務部

人力綜合發展複合區域計劃是由來自紐約的環境模擬中心和福特基金會聯合資助的。環境模擬中心為非營 利機構﹐致力於新型先進的信息技術在社區規劃領域中德應用。 人力綜合發展複合區域計劃同時受益於中國城社區2010年發展規劃工作﹐並得到了包括中國城社區內外許 多團體和個人的支持。 您可以訪問中國城網上資訊總彙﹐網址是www.metrobostondatacommon.org/chinatown,以便獲取最新的 有關社區的信息﹐在那裡您還可以製作您所需要的有關中國城的地圖。 請大家協助我們改進和更新報告的工作。歡迎提出意見和建議﹐或是有關中國城的信息。請聯繫張冬﹐ 電話﹕617-482-2380 \ 電子郵件﹕alex@asiancdc.org

August 14, 2009


中國城的 中國城的人口狀況


中國城人口大多數為亞裔並且相當一部分為老齡人 口。社區大約有八千六百多居民﹐其中超過百分之 六十為亞裔﹐白人大約佔百分之三十左右。(根據20 年人口普查數據) According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the top five 根據美國人口普查資料﹐中國城亞裔人口列前五位 Asian ethnicities in the Chinatown study area are: 的是﹕1﹐中國 1. Chinese 2﹐越南 2. Vietnamese 3. Indian 3﹐印度 4. Japanese 5. Korean 4﹐日本 Of the 5,200 Asian residents in the Chiantown study 5﹐ 80% 韓國 were foreign born, according to area, nearly


Chinatown is characterized by a largely Asian, relatively older, community. It is home to approximately 8,600 residents, about 60% of whom are of Asian descent and about 30% are White [Census 2000]. 00

Census 2000. Roughly 45% of these foreign born

residents were naturalized citizens as of 2000, and 86% were born in China.


在中國城大約5千多亞裔居民中﹐將近百分之80出生 在國外。大約百分之45的國外出生的居民截至2000年 已經歸化入籍。百分之86國外出生的居民來自中國。 和大波士頓居民相比﹐中國城居民的平均年齡偏大。 超過四分之一的居民為65歲以上﹐超過百分之四十為 Males dominate the younger age ranges, while 50歲以上。(2000年人口普查) women are disproportionately represented in the oldest age categories. 相對年輕的居民中﹐男性佔多數﹐而在老齡人口中﹐ 女性佔多數。 Data from Census 2000 show that Chinatown’s Asian

Chinatown’s Asian community is, on average, older than many others in the Boston metro area. Over a quarter of Chinatown’s Asian residents were 65 years of age or older in 2000. About 40% were over the age of 50 [Census 2000].

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000

population is relatively mobile. In 2000, only 63% of Asians in the Chinatown study area were living in the same house they had occupied five years earlier. About 27% had been living at a different U.S. address five years earlier, while nearly 10% had not yet come to this country.

根據2000年人口普查顯示﹐中國城亞裔人口流動性較大。只有百分之63的家庭在同一處居住超過5年﹐大約百 分之27的家庭5年前住在不同的地方﹐而百分之10的家庭5年前還沒有來到美國。 中國城2010年整體規劃 年整體規劃 國城

這份報告的目的之一是為中國城2010年整體規劃工作的重點領域提供有用的資訊。在過去的1990年和2000年 的社區整體規劃過程中﹐已經制定了一系列的社區發展目標。其中第一條是﹕強化工薪階層家庭社區。這份報 告的前兩部份通過描述中國城社區人口的狀況並與波士頓的整體水平相比較﹐來強調這一目標。具體來說﹐社 區目標是把中國城建成為新移民提供住所的社區﹐應該大力保護和發展適合移民家庭和幾代人共居的平價住房 以及老人住房。因此﹐更好地了解社區的人口狀況可以有助社區對新移民和現有居民的需求進行分析和掌握。

August 14, 2009


波士頓人口整體狀況 波士頓人口整體狀況及比較 人口整體狀況及比較 中國城社區和波士頓全市相比是怎 How does the Chinatown 樣的呢﹖ compare to the rest community of Boston?

大約百分之7的波士頓人口為亞裔﹐相較於中 國城居民的百分之60。全市亞裔人口列前五 Overall, Boston is 7.5% Asian, compared with roughly 60% Asian within the 位的是﹕ Chinatown study area. The top five Asian ethnicities in Boston are: 1﹐中國(不包含台灣) 1.2﹐越南 Chinese, except Taiwanese 2. Vietnamese 3﹐印度 3. Indian 4.4﹐韓國 Korean 5.5﹐日本 Japanese 波士頓全市居民的平均年齡也較中國城年輕 。大約只有百分之10的波士頓居民年齡在65 歲以上。 在家庭人口方面﹐波士頓居民平均每戶大約 有2點4個人﹐而中國城社區家庭每戶平均有2 點6個人。

Boston as a whole is also younger, on average, than is Chinatown. Only 10% of the general population in Boston is 65 years of age or older.


每個房間超過一人居住的家庭數 量比例


地區 百分比 中國城研究區域 (僅限壓抑) 36.2% 中國城研究區域 (全部人口) 13.5% 波士頓 7.4% 資料來源﹕美國2000年人口普查

Chinatown residents, thanks to the small size and central location of their neighborhood, also live in some of the densest, most crowded housing of all Bostonians.

因為中國城地處市中心而且面積不大 ﹐和波士頓其他地方的居民相比﹐許 多中國城的居民 的住房最為擁擠。

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2005 - 2007

August 14, 2009


中國城社區服務 中國城社區服務資源 服務資源與財富 資源與財富 社區重要服務資源分佈

中國城社區彙聚這許多財富﹐諸如餐館﹐店鋪﹐ 景點等等。左邊的圖表顯示在社區當中或是附近 擁有的交通站點﹐警察局和消防局﹐學校﹐店鋪 ﹐醫院﹐公園﹐歷史遺跡﹐以及其他社區財富。 中國城社區有﹕ Within Chinatown Study Area there are: 4所大學﹔一所市立學校﹔一所醫院﹔一所養老院 * ﹔四處社區健康中心﹔17處歷史遺跡﹔ 4 colleges 15個汽車 * 1 school 站﹔4個地鐵站等。 * 1 hospital * 1 long-term health care center 社區缺乏開放空間的問題特別突出。八千多居民 * 4 community health centers * 僅有大約4英畝的開放空間。儘管波士頓中心公園 17 historic places * 離社區不遠﹐但社區本身綠色場所的缺乏依然很 15 bus stops * 值得重視。 4 “T” stops, and more. The area is also characterized by a distinct lack of 中國城因為擁有眾多亞裔居民和亞裔特色的商家 open space; 8,600 people share only 4.3 open 店鋪﹐已經成為大波士頓地區重要的一部分文化 acres. Although parks, such as the Boston 財富。 are nearby, the paucity of local green Common, The Chinatown neighborhood enjoys a high concentration of community assets such as restaurants, shops, landmarks, and others. The map to the left shows the locations of transit stops, police and fire stations, schools, hospitals, open space, historic places, and other assets within and around Chinatown.

space is a community concern.

亞裔人口集中分佈地區 右邊的圖表顯示中國城的位置以及鄰近地區亞裔社區 的分佈﹐諸如摩登市和昆西市﹐顏色代表每平方英里 中亞裔人口的密度。

Chinatown, with its dense concentrations of Asian groceries, restaurants, shops, and residents, has become a regional cultural asset. The map to the right shows Boston’s Chinatown and its local satellite communities, Malden and Quincy, mapped to concentr

中國城2010年整體規劃 年整體規劃 國城

了解社區擁有的各類資源和財富有助於更好地理解 社區整體規劃發展目標的第一﹐二﹐三和第五條。 具體來說﹐這些社區財富為移民以及他們的家庭提 供了社會活動﹐各種服務和工作機會。在傳統產業 之外﹐社區規劃目標強調在傳統產業之外創造更多 的工作機會﹐社區還應該擁有更多的綠地和戶外活 動空間。 August 14, 2009




中國城最大的優勢是交通便利﹐接到密集﹐方便步行﹐而且 位於市區中心。左邊的圖表顯示本地區的交通線路和站點﹐ 鐵路線﹐自行車道﹐人行道等基礎設施。 研究顯示社區高度依靠公共交通和步行。在2005至2007年間 Data indicate that the community relies heavily on Chinatown’s transit and walkability. From 2005 – 2007, the most recent ﹐大約三分之一的中國城居民通過步行﹐單車或出租車上班 years for which data are available, roughly one third of 。百分之36乘坐公共交通﹐只有百分之22開車上班。根據波 Chinatown’s Asian community walked, biked, or took taxis or 士頓交通局的評估﹐在中國城里百分之96的交通往返依靠步 motorcycles to work. Thirty six percent took public 行。 transportation and only 22% drove alone in a car to work.

One of Chinatown’s greatest strengths is its access to transit; dense, walkable streets, and central location. This map shows the HD-OD relative to transit lines and stops, commuter rail, and bike and pedestrian facilities.

Further, the Boston Transportation Department estimates that 96% of all trips are made by foot in the Chinatown area.

中國城2010年整體規劃 年整體規劃 國城


社區整體發展規劃的目標包含增進與週邊週邊社區的一體 化以及改善過渡擁擠和使用的社區環境(第三和第五條)。 充份了解本地區的交通系統和社區面臨的交通問題對實現 這些目標至關重要。 Commuters across the rest of Boston walked less and drove more. City-wide, only 13% of people walked to work, while 41% drove alone. Only 15% of all trips city-wide are made by foot. Even adjacent neighborhoods relied more heavily on cars for commuting rather than using transit or walking. Over 50% of the general public in neighboring areas drove alone to work and roughly 5% walked. In neighboring areas, about 57% of all trips are walking trips.

波士頓其他地方和中國城相比﹐步行者較少而開車的人更多。全市 平均而言﹐大約百分之13的人步行上班﹐百分之41開車。全市只有 百分之15的往返依靠步行。即便在鄰近社區中﹐更多人以來開車而 較少步行或乘坐公共交通。超過百分之50的人開車上班﹐步行的只 有大約百分之5。 儘管在中國城中大部份人步行或採用公共交通﹐每天仍然有大量的 Despite residents’ walking and transit use, a huge volume of cars still pass through Chinatown each day. The Boston Transportation 車輛行使經過社區。波士頓交通局估計每天大約有2萬車次經過尼倫 Department estimates that Kneeland Street sees 20,000 cars 街﹐1萬6千車次經過阿林頓街﹐1萬5千車次經過天滿街。 daily, Arlington Street sees 16,000, and Tremont Street sees 15,000.

These high volumes are associated with a greater number of accidents. The map above highlights the dangerous areas, showing locations of 2006 crashes with pedestrians. As theabove map of the Chinatown study area shows, this traffic is not generated by Chinatown residents themselves. In fact, most Chinatown households on average drive fewer than nine miles per day.

密集的車流通常與大量的交通事故相連。位於 上方的圖表顯示2006年中發生車輛與行人事故 的危險地點。圖表顯示﹐大量的交通並不是因 中國城居民而產生。事實上﹐大多數中國城家 庭每天平均開車里程低於9英里。 August 14, 2009



中國城 – 大波士頓區域的文化中心 How does Chinatown serve the Metropolitan Boston Area?

對橫跨新英格蘭的眾多亞裔而言﹐中國城是一 Boston’s Chinatown is a cultural center for 個文化中心。社區當中擁有50多個非營利性的 Asians and Asian Americans across New England. Over 50 non-profit arts and 藝術和文化機構﹐方圓半英里之內更是超過了3 cultural organizations are located within the 百多家。 Chinatown Study Area, and roughly 300 more are within walking distance (1/2 mile) of 每年社區都舉行諸如中國新年慶祝一類的重要 Chinatown. 的文化活動。其他還有許多吸引來自各方遊客 的活動﹐例如﹐迎春節﹐中秋節﹐屋街家庭游 The neighborhood also hosts important cultural events each year such as the Chinese 樂會﹐社區牌摟露天電影節等等。 New Year fesitval. Other community traditions that draw visitors from around the region 除了藝術和文化活動外﹐適宜亞裔需要的健康 include the Srping Festival, the Chinese Moon 和社會服務也吸引大量的人來到中國城。這些 Festival, the annual Oak Street Fair and the 服務機構為數以千計的居民﹐僱員和來訪者服 “Films at the Gate” film festival. 務。


Beyond arts and cultural attractions, high quality, culturally competent health and human providers attract visitors. Four such agencies are HD-OD Project Partners. Together, they serve thousands of Chinatown’s residents, employees, and visitors.

中國城還擁有大量本地經營﹐具有亞裔特色的餐館和店鋪。另外﹐許多非正式的社會組織﹐例如老人步行組﹐ 麻將俱樂部﹐象棋俱樂部等﹐也都吸引著來自各方的居民和遊客。 Chinatown is also home to many locally owned, Asian restaruants and Asian groceries. Chinatown walking groups, Mah-Jong clubs, Chinese Chess groups and other informal social networks also draw residents from 過去幾年的本地調查顯示﹐社區豐富的文化資源和社會服務給居民帶來了很多方便。但是﹐不少居民對文化和 across the region. 服務資源的了解還很不充份。 Local surveys conducted over the past several years indicate that Chinatown residents benefit from being well informed of and in close proximity to culturally tailored resources within the neighborhood. However, residents are not as aware or able to access other resources that are outside their immediate network .

通常居民對社區個方面越是熟悉﹐安全感和信任度也就越高。根據一項2006年的調查﹐中國城警區中百分之81 的居民覺得晚間在外比較安全或是非常安全﹐這個數據高於波士頓全市居民反饋的平均水平。當居民被問到他 Residents’ familiarity with their surroundings and neighbors may also account for higher levels of security and 們是否可以依賴鄰居得到幫助﹐百分之80的中國城居民給予肯定的回答﹐高於全市平均的百分之75的水平。 trust. In a 2006 survey, 81.1% of respondents from Chinatown’s police district (A-1) reported feeling “somewhat safe or very safe being out alone at night.” This is higher than the 72.9% of people from Boston as a whole reported feeling safe or very safe. Residents were also asked if they felt they could rely on a neighbor for help. 80.6% of respondents in Chinatown’s police district said yes, compared to 中國城2010 中國城2010 年整體發展規劃 74.9% 2004 of people city-wide.

社區整體規劃發展重點的第三條是強化中國城的文 化遺產﹐歷史成就和自然環境﹐特別是通過表演﹐ 展覽﹐視覺藝術等各種形式的慶祝活動來展現中國 城的文化和歷史風採。文化活動的開發也能夠帶動 社區經濟的發展﹐從而創造更多的工作機會。

在 年中﹐市政府機構在青少年中調查他們是否能 在社區獲得找工作的資源和幫助。當被問到找暑期工 In 2004, the City of Boston asked teens if there were 作時﹐只有大約百分之5 0的中國城青少年說能在社區 enough resources in their neighborhoods to help them find jobs. Only 50% of Chinatown teens said 獲得足夠的幫助﹐相對地﹐有百分之70的全市青少年 yes when asked about summer jobs, compared to 和百分之80的西羅克思布里社區的青少年給予肯定的 70% for Boston teens citywide and 80% of teens in 回答。大約只有百分之30的中國城青少年說﹐社區能 West Roxbury. Only about 30% of Chinatown teens 為他們尋找放學後的工作提供幫助﹐這個比例相對於 said there were resources to help them find after 百分之55的全市平均水平﹐為所有社區當中最低。 school jobs, which was the lowest rate of all Boston neighborhoods, compared to the city-wide average of 55%.

August 14, 2009


中國城的環境和居民健康狀況 Chinatown enjoys a dense urban fabric, a transportation 中國城地處鬧市﹐交通發達﹐但是缺乏公園綠地﹐道路 asset, but lacks open space and street trees. Chinatown 上的樹木也很少。在波士頓所有的社區中﹐中國城街道 has the lowest percent of its land shaded by street tree 只有百分之5有樹蔭遮蓋﹐是比例最低的。全市平均的道 canopy cover (5.1%) of any Boston neighborhood. Overall, about 28% of the Boston’s land is shaded by 路樹蔭遮蓋比例為百分之28。 street tree canopy. 和建築相關的活動也會損害居民的生活環境質量。彌補 Construction-related activities may lower quality of life for 建築活動的負面影響﹐創造多一些城市公園﹐拓寬街道 residents. The mitigation of constrution impacts, the 以便能夠多種一些樹﹐這些都是在建築發展的同時改善 creation of more urban parks, and widening sidewalks to 環境和居民健康的一些有效的方式。 make room for trees could all help Chinatown strike a better balance between the benefits of development and it’s environmental and human health consequences. A year 2000 environmental health survey found that most residents thought there were not enough playgrounds or open space in the neighborhood. While over 75% of people surveyed did 75 not own cars, traffic safety was also a big concern. 70 Over 70% of people said that tobacco smoke and auto exhaust were bad for their health. Roughly 13% of respondents thought developers should be held responsible for keeping Chinatown’s environment safe and healthy.

中國城社區2010 中國城社區2010 年整體規劃

作為社區發展目標的一個重點﹐戶外活動空間 對民眾的生活健康至關重要﹐比如改善空氣質 量﹐促進步行的環境和條件。只有健康的身體 才能促使社區居民更好地投身工作﹐參與社會 活動﹐為建設社區的文化和經濟生活產生積極 的作用。 2008


一項2000年的環境健康調查顯示﹐中國城的大多數居民 認為社區沒有足夠的戶外活動場地或綠地。儘管百分之 的居民沒有汽車﹐但交通安全問題依然突出。百分之 的居民認為吸煙遺跡汽車排氣等問題嚴重影響健康。 調查中大約百分之13的人認為發展商應該承擔起保護中 國城環境和居民健康的義務。

A Boston Public Health Commission analysis of year 根據一項波士頓公共健康委員會2000年的健康調查資料 2000 health data found that Chinatown had some of ﹐中國城社區的新生兒體重為全市最低﹐結核感染病比 the highest low birth weight rates in the city, as well as 例為全市最高。在積極的方面﹐和全市水平相比﹐中國 higher than average rates of tuberculosis infections. 城居民患癌症以及由心血管疾病引起的死亡率相對較低 On a positive note, Chinatown residents appear to 。experience lower rates of cancer and cardiovascular disease mortality than the rest of the city, on average.

South Cove Community Health Center, Chinatown’s primary health care provider, estimates that it conducts 作為中國城社區主要的健保機構﹐南灣社區健康中心每年接待大約8萬4千人次的病者﹐其中絕大多數在成年人 about 84,000 medical visits per year, most of which are conducted in its adult health department. Over 96% of 部門。百分之96的患者為亞裔﹐百分之67講廣東話﹐百分之24講國語。英語為第一語言的患者只佔百分之7。 South Cove’s patients are Asian,


August 14, 2009



中國城的經濟生活狀況 中國城的經濟生活狀況

儘管中國城有著不少便利條件﹐比如豐富的文化資源﹐易於步行﹐交通便利﹐佈局緊湊﹐但是在經濟生活 條件方面﹐社區居民與波士頓整體水平還有很大差距。 2000年中國城與波士頓家庭中間收入水平比較 About 38% of Asians in the Chinatown area experienced poverty each year from 2005 to 在2005Of年至2007年當中﹐百分之38的中國城 2007. those below the poverty line, 13% 亞裔居民生活處於貧困線以下﹐這部份居民 were children and 23% were seniors over 65 years of age. Comparatively, 20.8% of 中﹐百分之13為兒童﹐百分之23為65歲以上 Boston residents were in poverty each year. 的老人。相對而言﹐大約有百分之20的波士 頓居民每年生活處於貧困線以下。 The year 2000 median household income in the Chinatown study area was roughly 2000年人口普查顯示﹐中國城居民的家庭每 $15,000 compared to the city median of 年平均收入大約為1萬5千元﹐而波士頓家庭 nearly $40,000 per year. For Asian households, the median was even lower at 平均收入約為每年4萬元。在社區的亞裔家 just over $13,000 per year. Of Asian 庭年收入更低﹐只有大約1萬3千元。 households in the Chinatown study area,

Despite Chinatown's thriving cultural resources, walkability, access to transportation systems, and close-knit community, residents struggle to keep up with the rest of the city economically.

2004 2008

年中國城小型生意貸款金額 12% earned over $50,000 per year. In Boston overall, 40% of households earned at least $50,000 per year. Job training, wage increases, and more support for small local businesses area needed to improve economic conditions.

社區的亞裔家庭中﹐只有百分之12的家庭年收入在5萬元以上。而 就波士頓整體而言﹐百分之40的家庭年收入超過5萬元。要提高經 濟生活水平﹐社區需要更多的工作培訓﹐基本工資的提高﹐以及 對小商家的幫助。 According to a 2009 study conducted by the Boston Redevelopment Authority, Chinatown includes over 700 在過去的5年中﹐小商業管理機構向中國城里的商家提供了32筆貸 businesses employing nearly 11,000 people. Roughly 65% of those employed in Chinatown work for the health care and food 款﹐總額達到3百70萬元。根據波士頓重建局最近的一項調查﹐中 (restaurant) sectors. 國城大約有7百多家各類機構和商業企業﹐共僱用大約1萬1千人。 百分之65的僱用單位屬於醫療保健和食品行業。 中國城社區2010 中國城社區2010 年整體發展規劃

繁榮的經濟對中國城社區至關重要。社區整體規劃發展重點的第二條就是擴展中國城的經濟規模。貧困率和家庭 收入是反映社區家庭經濟水平的重要指標。小型商業貸款這樣的活動給居民在傳統產業以外創造工作提供了條件 ﹐這也是社區規劃所提倡的目標之一。 在本頁另一面上提供的有關社區住房方面的資訊與社區整體發展規劃的第一條﹕強化工薪階層的社區以及第四條 控制機構的擴張密切相關。只有清楚地了解社區面臨的住房問題﹐才能尋找方法去保護和發展更多的平價住房為 移民家庭和老人服務﹐創造更多的住房發展機會來滿足社區增長的需要﹐以及創造不同類型的住房來豐富社區的 多元化。 August 14, 2009

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絕大多數的中國城亞裔家庭租房﹐並且很大一部分的家庭收入用於租房開支。2000年﹐百分之95的中國城亞 裔家庭租房﹐社區租房的房源很少﹐為買房而需要獲得足夠的信用很困難。今後的許多服務計劃以及像24號 地段的發展計劃將爭取改善這些問題。

Overwhelmingly, Chinatown's Asian households rent their homes and spend a large proportion of their income on housing costs. In 2000, over 95% of Asian households in the Chinatown study area rented their homes, as compared to roughly 88% of the area's households overall. Available rental properties are scarce, and obtaining credit to buy a home is difficult. Future HD-OD services and new housing developments, such as Parcel 24, will seek to change this. 2007 In 2007, the Chinese Progressive 2000 Association and researchers from Tufts University found that the Chinatown area 0 contained roughly 1,200 market-rate 1 housing units distributed across 115 housing structures. Additionally, Chinatown has about 2,100 subsidized housing units, 44% of which is designated for elderly residents and 53% of which is designated for families (Cohen, Mattlage, and Reardon, et al., 2007).

年﹐華人前進會與塔夫茨大學的學生 一起開展了一項有關中國城住房的調查活 動﹐顯示在社區的115個住宅樓中有1千20 個市價住房單位。另外﹐社區大約有2千 百個補貼平價住房單位﹐其中百分之44 為老人屋﹐百分之53為適合家庭的單位。 儘管在中國城有不少補貼平價的住房﹐但 並不代表可以保證許多這樣的住房永久為 平價。許多私人擁有的補貼平價住房在可 負擔性的政策限制規定在一定的年限之後 可能會失效。調查表明﹐到2025年﹐將有 超過1千個第八條計劃的補貼低價住房限 Despite this relatively high proportion of 制到期。 subsidized housing, permanent affordability


is not gaurenteed in many of these units. Affordability restrictions on privately owned, subsidized units can expire over time for many reasons. Housing researchers predict that well over 1,000 Section 8 affordability contracts will expire by 2025, with additional potential for expiring mortgages and other types of affordabilty loss (Cohen, Mattlage, and Reardon, et al., 2008 While many of these contracts may be renewed, there is no gaurentee that they will be. 2007).

根據2007年美國郵政局的資料顯示﹐中國城地區的住房空缺率為大約百分之5。根據波士頓社區發展部的資料﹐ 年中﹐中國城區域發生了3起銀行罰沒住房的申請。其中只有一例房屋被銀行最終收回﹐另外兩例﹐或者還 在處理過程當中﹐或是已經經過調停協商得到解決。自2006年以來﹐中國城地區總共發現了30例銀行罰沒房產 According 的事件。 to the U.S. Postal Service in 2007, the vacancy rate for all addresses in the Chinatown study area

was 4.92%. In 2008 there were three foreclosure petitions filed in the Chinatown Study Area, the first step of the foreclosure process, according to the Boston Department of Neighborhood Development. In that time, only one foreclosure deed was filed, the final step in the foreclosure process. The two others are either still in the foreclosure process or are settled. Since 2006, Chinatown has experienced only 30 foreclosures total. 7 Housing costs are often the single largest household expense, and determine how much income is left over for other family needs. From 2005 to 2007, the median gross rent in the area was $1,055. Housing affordability is typically defined as spending no more than 30% of income of a family’s income. A high number of renters were spending greater than 30% of their income on housing, some 44.37% of the total, and 38.34% of owners were spending more than 30% of their income. 73.71% of renters with incomes under $50,000 spend more than 30% of their income on housing. 27 2007 In the Chinatown study area, 275 mortgage loans were issued in 2007. Of those, 27, or about 10% were granted to Asian applicants. These loans constituted 4% of all loans to Asians in Boston. In 2006, Chinatownarea loans accounted for 8% of all loans to Asians in Boston. The overall mortgage application denial rate for the Chinatown area was 14%. Asian applicants were denied slightly more: about 18% of the time. The citywide denial rate was about 8%.

住房支出往往是家庭當中最大的一筆開銷﹐並且決定著還能有多少錢剩下用來其他方面的開銷。自2005年至200 年﹐波士頓市區中的房租價格中線大約為1055元。住房的可負擔性通常是與房屋有關的支出不超過家庭總收入 的百分之30。在中國城居住的家庭中﹐很大一部分租戶用於租房的支出超過收入的百分之30。百分之45的租戶 以及百分之38的屋主用於房屋的支出超過收入的百分之30。而在年收入低於5萬元的家庭中﹐更有百分之74的家 庭用超過百分之30的收入在房租或房貸上。 年當中﹐中國城地區總共有275筆買房貸款。其中有 筆﹐大約總數的百分之10貸給了亞裔申請人。中國城 地區的房貸數量佔波士頓全部的大約百分之4。而在2006年﹐中國城地區的房貸數量佔全市的百分之8。中國城 地區房貸申請大約有百分之14被否決﹐其中亞裔申請人被否決的比例稍高﹐大約有百分之18﹐而波士頓全市的 平均房貸申請否決率為大約百分之8。

August 14, 2009

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