Ascend Travel Expedition Leadership Manual

Page 96

Adventure Travel

Expedition Follow-Up Procedures End-of-Expedition Packet: Expedition follow-up procedures have been created to provide precise and efficient means of following up with expedition participants. The sections that follow are preparation guidelines for creating the End-of-Expedition Packet to be dispersed to all family groups or individuals who took part in an Ascend service expedition. The End-of-Expedition Summary Packet – One Per Family 1. Thank You Letters 2. Expedition Participant Surveys 3. DVD 4. Sister School Humanitarian Program Brochure 5. Photo Contest 6. Future Expeditions 1) Thank You Letters: Contributed by Expedition Leader Thanking expedition participants for their time, energy, goods, and moneys donated to the expedition and projects is important in fulfilling the quality of care promised to participants. This is an additional letter to standard acknowledgements, which is sent after the expedition completion. Thank you letters will also encourage future participation in the organization. Expedition participants should receive two letters. The first of which should be a letter from the Expedition Leader. The process for preparing for the dispersal of the expedition thank you letter is as follows: 1. Letter from the Expedition Leader: a) Create a letter thanking participants. b) Send letter to the Expedition Coordinator in editable electronic format within one week of the return of the expedition. c) Print one letter per family. 2. Letter from Community Member The second letter should be from a community member thanking a participant for coming to their country and brightening their life. The letter can be very simple (ex: “Thank you for coming to help me and my community”), but should include a picture if possible. The process for preparing for the dispersal of the community member thank you letter is as follows:


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