Ascend Travel Expedition Leadership Manual

Page 90

Adventure Travel

Expedition Reunion Meeting After the expedition, it is the Expedition Leader’s responsibility to see that the reunion takes place, to facilitate its organization in coordination with the Team Building Team Leader, and to attend. The reunion should be held within three months of return. Ideas for the Reunion: 1. Dinner or refreshments: If the reunion in planned around a metal, enjoy it. Participants can all bring something. The Team-Building and Logistics team can help plan the meal / evening. 2. Compile a CD of videos and photos, share photo albums, memories, etc.: In preparation for the reunion, please ask for a volunteer willing to help assemble a digital CD for the participants. This can then be presented the evening of the reunion (it’s nice if it is set to music as a slideshow) and then copies can be distributed to participants. Expedition budgets can include this. For those with non-digital photos, slides or video, provide the opportunity for them to show a sample of their images. Present and distribute copies of the group journal if possible. 3. Awards: You may wish to present awards to team leaders as well as take the opportunity to share memories of team leaders and members. Give credit and praise for a job well done. 4. Future Involvement Reminder / Volunteers Needed: Thank everyone again, reiterate and encourage the participants continued involvement with Ascend Travel. Participants will receive a post-expedition packet with information on how they can stay involved with Ascend and encourage others to participate in service expeditions.


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