Ascend Travel Expedition Leadership Manual

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Peru Expedition Peru Project

June 14March - June2424, U.S. Team Expedition: - 29,2012 2008

unique and unmatched Service experiences for the socially conscious traveler.


ncient Peru was the cradle of the Incan Empire. Today that heritage is reflected in the faces of the many groups of indigenous ethnic people who still dress in traditional clothing and speak the ancient language Quechua. The people of Peru are in great need of education and training, medical care, and infrastructure. Ascend Travel’s efforts are focused on the rural poor living in villages outside of the Incan capitol Cusco. Ascend fights poverty and enables intercultural exchange through service expeditions, strategic alliances, innovative projects, and travelers who care – always with an unwavering dedication to safety and fun. Service Expedition Focus Areas: Education: Education and life-skills mentoring are keys to sustainability. We help develop skills that foster self-reliance and open doors to a better life. Simple Technology: Simple technology answer basic infrastructure needs and the projects are affordable, easy to construct with predominantly local materials, and inexpensive to maintain. Health: Our health initiatives emphasize training and mentoring by promoting health in schools, hygiene and nutritional training, improved agricultural practices, and improved medical attention in health facilities. Microenterprise: We empower aspiring entrepreneurs to boost their sales, lower their costs, improve their savings and eliminate debt - thereby creating a better life for themselves and their families

Accomplishing Our Mission How: Strategic alliances, innovative projects and service expeditions Where: Cusco, Peru Who: Volunteers (young and old) join interns and permanent staff to work with children, families and communities What Sets Us Apart • Active Partnerships & Economies of Scale • Methodology & Accountability • Sustainability • Transparency

George Murphy: George Murphy will be leading the expedition. George is the Spanish teacher at Park City High and has lead all three previous PC5 expeditions to Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. He is an integral part of making the Park City Expeditions a success, and a favorite among his students.

Insights and Considerations Peru is a land of stark contrasts - your experience will be both exhilarating and prospective changing. In the village you will be exposed to people who live in poor conditions. Rural project areas are decades behind modern society. We will provide you with a comprehensive briefing manual to help you understand the background, culture, precautions and preparations you should make (including a thorough packing list). We will also hold 3-4 briefing meetings to further prepare and train expedition participants for this wonderful adventure. You will need a current passport to visit Peru. Due to increased processing time, it is best to plan on having your passport in hand by February 1st.

Immunizations Recommended • Hepatitis A • Hepatitis B • Typhoid • Tetanus • Malaria (jungle only)

Ascend Adventure Travel | Av. Tullumayu Nº280| Cusco, Peru office 51 - 084 - 436020 | |

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