Peripheral ARTeries Art Review - MAY 2013

Page 31

Micheal Filimowicz

that we want from it, it may no longer be about the network per se so much as about colocation in general. If look at the online ecosystem, we are stricken by an enormously great number of web services that present works which are accessible for immediate feedback on a wide scale and attract massive attention. Their authors rarely claim them being the works of art or seek a legitimacy from the artworld, even they often act anonymously... maybe that the challenge could be to rethink individual authorship so that it is no longer synonymous with capitalism but rather with what Guattari calls ‘resingularisation’, an individual or collective struggle against homogenisation of institutional domains... what's your take about this?

and philosophy, so any collaboration between us can’t help but be complementary, since these two areas have so little overlap.

A premise of systems theory is that there are no pure or stray isolates, at some point anything that escapse some system simply gets captured by another system. So any re-singularisation will most likely intersect with multiple systemic contexts at once, each of which can claim the supposed singularity simultaneously in some capacity or function. An older concept related to this is William James’ notion of “eachness.” I think the sociotechno shift that’s occuring now is essentially a shift from the old notion of there being “gate

What is your take on the impact of networked technologies on aesthetics of collaborative practices?

So far networked technologies haven’t attained the level of immersion, transparency or immediacy that most other media can enjoy almost automatically by default (unless the media work happens to strategize against this). With delays, connectivity or resolution issues, the aesthetic response or comportment we are aksed to take in networked collaboration seems to be toward noise and glitch of course but perhaps more importantly toward a kind of extended patience in the audience reception, or a laboratorial detachment. Too often networked means not-worked or not working in comparison to a desired futural state of the technology, at which point perhaps we will start calling it “multi-space” or “transterritorial” or some-thing, because once the network eventually attains the full immediacy 31

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