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I comments she didn't like.

gas station/' says Lamar.

I've been known to throw a file or two," says Lamar.

After graduating from law school Donna

'Well yes, but not very

went out on her

own to see what it was like to be a small town practitioner as

Lamar had done.

When Pettus, Johnson & Gibson broke up, Donna joined Lamar in

forming the Pettus Law Firm. The firm now employs two

other lawyers, Lisa Thome--Corke and Don Wilson. When asked who is the senior partner, there is no hesitation, "I will always consider it

"Lamar is the

often anymore. f think we've

trial lawyer,

gotten past a lot of that as

outgoing, one-on-one, person-to-person lawyer. I p~efer research, wrtttng, developing a case, "says Donna.

Lamar's firm. He established it, and, if it weren't for him it wouldn't be the firm that it is." Making the transition from mother to mother Ilawyer has not always been easy

for Donna. She has been the primary

we've matured, both professionally and in our marriage," says Donna. The two work well together when it comes to

most cases the firm handles. Lamar is known for taking on controversial cases, but only the ones in which he believes. "Lamar is the trial lawyer, outgoing, one-onone, person to person lawyer. I prefer research

and writing, developing a case," says Donna.

Often Donna will do the research for Lamar, and he will take it into court. And he wins - a lot. One gets the feeling listening to his "war stories" that once you hire Lamar Pettus, once he believes in your case, he's like a

and be part of the b<xIy helping Lamar make the changes he wants to happen," says Donna. Changes Lamar wants. This usually

begins the section of the article where the new President presents his lofty goals of totally revising the judicial system or the

legislature or tackling the image of lawyers on a national basis. A very shrewd Lamar Pettus doesn't have big,

lofty goals. He has very detailed steps toward the future, not just for his year but for the Association and Arkansas lawyers for years to come. Pettus is different from past Presidents I've interviewed. They have all been very intelligent, well-spoken men, but they are and have always been

lawyers. Pettus is not only a lawyer, but as stated earlier, a very savvy businessman. His forays into the business world have included not only the gas

station, but building up and managing extensive real estate investments. He has been a property manager, a buyer and seller of properties, a maintenance man

and a landlord. Because of this experience, he has an insight into the "business" aspect of the Bar Association

working at least an 8 hour day.

dog with a bone - he's not going to stop fighting until its done. Donna has been equally successful, putting together some

"Lamar and I share some of the responsibilities, but the children will

carefully researched and documented cases. And, though her main

groundwork laid for furthering the predecessors, but now it's time to take a

caretaker of their three children while

always be my first priority. It's easier

job has been raising her

since Lamar made the downstairs of our

children and

office building an apartment for the kids. I would pick them up from school and bring them to the office, and they would

supporting Lamar's efforts, she has begun

do their homework or watch TV

well. As ofthis

basketball outside where Lamar put up a

writing, Donna Pettus is one of the new members

during the interview to remind his

mother to tell me he was the good looking one with all the babes - obviously takes after the old man. The Pettuses believe they

"Through seeing Lamar's

complement each other to make the firm work. 'There are always problems with spouses working together. I'm sure employees in our office have heard Donna slam doors when J've made

look at the Association itself the business.

of the Arkansas Bar Association House of Delegates from her district.

senior at Fayetteville High School, and Chase, the fourteen year old who called

profession by John Gill and his

to come into her own in the profession, as

downstairs, and sometimes play net for them," says Donna. "It's better now that the kids are older." The children are Lamar Jr., now a senior at the Air Force Academy; Carrie, a

that others haven't had - and he's going to use it. Pettus says we've had good

work with

the Association, I've


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come to see the benefits of working with the Bar, seeing how you can make a

difference. I wanted to be a part of that

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