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the ir main desire is to see that their loved ones are cared for. That's it. On the other hand , by mere ly adding one paragraph to the Will of an average attorney, setting up a tiny memorial of some kind for said attorney (Sure ly he dese rves $100 of all he has earned and the services rendered as recogn ition!) ... said attorney will leave something to perpetuate his memory beyond the cemetery! II. T he Arkansas B ar Foundation has made special arrangements to coope rate with ou r attorneys and their families , so that a self-perpetuating gift will live on in the years to come . A gift to the memory of a deceased attorney will last much longer than merely se ndi ng f lowe rs to the Churc h for the funeral , using the means set up by our Arkansas Bar Foundation. And , the Foundation always notifies the family of the deceased as to this gift . Gifts to the Foundation of this nature have ranged in the amount of $5 to $1 ~O , completely at the will of the donor, unless several lawyers have gone together and made a larger contribution . III. Did you know? The new Bar Center will offer the fi rst real op portunity for families of deceased or living lawyers to memorialize them publicly and permanenlly by attaching their names to items or rooms in the Center. Further, you might like to know ... that within the near fut ure the Foundation 's Memorial Committee will make a detail report through the " Arkansas Lawyer," and in the meantime anyone interested in being the donor of such memorial should write to the Memorials Committee, Arkansas Bar Foundation, 40B D onag hey B ldg ., Little Rock, Arkansas, 72201 .

IV . Speaking for myself, we are all busy and we are prone to put our own problems off. But take a few minutes out of your busy schedule for yourself! Make arrangements l o r a memorial for your very own . Next, keep in mind that when you SE PTEMBER,1972

have some lawyer who was a friend who has passed on, that one appropriate way to remember him is through the new Arkansas Bar Center and the Me moria l services it offers. Finally, tell your wife and children about this, and any c lients that are interested. Impress on them the availability of this service, what it offers, how important it can be to the public as well as the legal profession of our great State .

Shakespeare once wrote, " To th ine own se lf be true ...... Let 's be fair to ourselves , as well as to others. Don't just read this, sm ile, and forget 1I! Act now, make a notation to do something about this important work , and keep it in mind, Please! (Incidentally, the Memorials Committee would appreciate any suggestions that any of you have to help this important work along . Thank you.) .

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PAGE 211

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