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Taxation, Trust And Esta te Plann ing Section Viee路 Chair man ...... . ... ................ Rober. H o lmes P. O . Box 7808 Pin e Bluff, Arka n sas 71601

................. Jo hn Se l ig

Chairman .. ......... .

Tru st D epartm ent Wo rth en Bank

litll e Rock , Arkan sas 72201

..... John L. Jo hn son

Secre tary . . .

2050 WO rlh en Bank Little Ro ck, Arkansas 72201

Directors Li ttl e Pin e li tt le li ttl e litt le

Jo hn Se l ig Robert H olm es Jo hn l. Jo hn so n G le nn W. lo nes, Jr. H . T. Larze le re, Jr.

Family law Section Chairm an .............. .

Rock Bluff Rock Rock Rock

Mineral law Section .... Jose ph F. Aik in s, Jr. P. O. Box 263 lewi sv ill e, Arkansas 71854

Chairman ............... .

. . . . Willi am H . Sc hul ze 201 1/2 We st Main Str ee t Ru ssellville, Ark . 72801

Savings And loan Section Cha irman ..... . .... . . . .... .. ....... Charl es Yi ngli ng, Jr. 407 W est Arc h

Sea rcy, Arkansa s 721 43

Young lawyers Section Chairman . .... . . . , ..... . ... .

....... Jo h n G . Lil e, III P. O . Box 8201 Pin e Bluff, Arka n sas 71601

DIRECTORS Jo hn Selig Rober t Fu ssell Bi ll Brid gforlh Ri chard Sm ith Roger G lasgow Eri c Bi shop James M cLart y Bill W il son Keith Arm an

Vi ce-C hairm an ...................... Ri chard F. Hat field 330 Broadway West Memphis, Arkan sas 723 01 Se cretary . ......... .

. ... John S. Choate 312 louisiana lillie Rock, Ar kan sas 722 01

law Student Division Co路 Chairman ................ , Jim Spears, Vice- Presi dent Stu den t Bar Association -University o f Ar kan sas Sc hool of law Fayett eville Camp us Co路C hai rm an .. .. .

. .. , Bo b M arqua rdt, Vice- Preside nt Stud en t Bar Association - University o f Arkan sas Sc hool of law l illie Roc k Camp us

Sec retary . .

. .. To be app ointed by Co路C hairme n


1972 1972 1972 '1972 '1972 '1973 '1973 1973 1973

l ittl e Rock lillie Roc k Pine Blu ff We st Memphis Liltle Ro ck Ashdown Newport lillie Ro ck H al Sprin gs

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