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DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR CAREER! Chances are, sometime during your legal career an unhappy client may sue you. And chances are, you don't want to face that possibility without professional liability protection.

That's where we can help. CNA and the Arkansas Bar Association have worked together for 20 years to provide a comprehensive program of professional liability

And unlike many insurance programs. the

Arkansas Bar Association- ponsored program provides separate liability limits for the claim itself and for the legal expense of handling the c1aim-a feature that makes sure your insurance limits aren't exhausted by legal expenses and court costs. Don't gamble with your professional future; contact the program administrator for more information on the Arkansas Bar Associationsponsored Lawyers Professional and Business Liability Program:

insurance for Arkansas Bar Association

member that can help protect both your financial and professional future. First, the program helps minimize causes of liability suits through loss prevention programs. Then, Arkansas Bar Association Administrator it provides financial protection to help guard Rather, Beyer & Harper against professional and business liability Prospect Building, Suite 362 claims with a minimum limit of $100,000 per Little Rock, Arkansas 72207 "IlSAs claim (5300,000 annually I after a deduct(501) 664路8791 ible. Higher limits-up to $5 million",,'" ~ The L8wyen l~rore8,ion.. 1 lind Business are available for an extra measure of ~ .~ ~ Li8bility Insurance Pr0H"fllm is underwritten b,)路 Conuncnllli Casualty Company lind Valley For~c Insurunce Company. security against large liability suits. ~ 0"" lWO of the CNA InllllrltnCe Companies .roc I 1',\"

CNA 2/Arkansas LawyerlJanuary 1985

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