VIVE Ardyss - Amazing Stories

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ublisher’s Letter

Carta Editorial


Distributors Estimados Distribuidores

“Many times, in order to achieve success and be able to reach our goals, we have to undergo difficult, painful situations...” There is no doubt we have come to this world to leave our footprint. Many times, in order to achieve success and be able to reach our goals, we have to undergo difficult, painful situations. We have to hit rock bottom in order to learn, regroup, and resume our journey through a path of peace, wellness, and full of dreams waiting to come true. This Amazing Stories Special Edition is the result of our desire to present real testimonies; cases of struggle and conquest, who had to endure difficult times, before finding a new opportunity to change their lives in Ardyss International. People who now share with us the joy of getting back on their feet, transforming themselves, and becoming bright, strong, experienced and successful beings.

No cabe duda que venimos a este mundo para dejar huella. Muchas veces para poder triunfar, para poder alcanzar nuestras metas, tenemos que pasar por situaciones muy difíciles, tenemos que tocar fondo, para que nuestro ser, aprenda reflexione y retome un camino por un sendero de paz, bienestar y sueños a alcanzar.

We want you to witness these amazing life stories. We want you to know each one of them mainly to make you see and believe that you, just like them, can overcome any obstacle and reach the top of success.

Ésta edición especial de Historias Sorprendentes, nace de nuestra inquietud por presentar testimonios reales, casos de lucha y superación, de quienes sufrieron, y en Ardyss International, encontraron una nueva oportunidad para cambiar de vida. Ahora ellos comparten con nosotros la dicha de haberse levantando, transformado y convertido en seres luminosos, de lucha, experiencia y éxito. Queremos que seas testigo de éstas asombrosas historias de vida, que conozcas a cada uno de ellos, pero lo más importante es hacerte ver y creer que TÚ al igual que ellos, no importa de donde vengas, o lo que hayas sufrido, puedes salir adelante, alcanzar la cima del éxito.

At Ardyss, we commit to help you make your dreams come true as long as you are willing to improve yourself, leave the bitter days behind, and have the vision to grow and achieve the financial freedom you have always dreamed of. Our infinite gratitude goes to Gail, Chante, Kenny, Anne, Jawana, Andrea, and Tiffany for opening their hearts and being an example to all of us.

En Ardyss, nuestro compromiso es ayudarte a conseguir tus sueños, siempre que TÚ estés dispuesto a mejorar, a dejar atrás los tragos amargos, y que tengas la visión de crecer y lograr la libertad financiera que siempre has deseado. Gracias infinitas a Gail, Chante, Kenny, Anne, Jawana, Andrea y Tiffany por abrir sus corazones y por servir de inspiración para todos.

Sincerely / Sinceramente

Mrs. Armida Fonseca de Díaz de León VicePresident Ardyss International 02

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