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Page 15 zero triple zero

zero zero triple zero.

Dermis Tower | Triple Zero High Rise | Prof. Werner Sobek | 2011


This project is based on the triple zero concept introduced by Prof. Werner Sobek himself, which calls for buildings that can generate sufficient energy over the years to power themselves, that produce no emissions and that can be fully dissembled and recycled at the end of their life-cycle.


The task of this studio is to design a 240 meter high rise apartment building according to the triple zero concept in downtown Chicago. The site is located next to the river, adjacent to the NBC building and the Gleacher Center.


My project is called the Dermis tower. Its called so, because my focus was on the skin/facade of the building. The main facade of this building is composed of four elements, photo-voltaic cells, solar thermal pipes, wind-turbines and clear glass called the Energy Curtain. The point is to maximize the energy gain, yet maintain the aesthetic quality of a luxury high-rise apartment building. I decided to use double facade, allowing the Energy curtain to be independent, which results in small balconies every third floor behind the energy curtain. Most of the exterior windows are operable, providing fresh cool air when needed and can be closed in the winter to trap the heat. I have carefully selected the energy gaining products in such a way that they are somewhat see through, allowing beautiful views of the city.

Could Chicago, the creator of tall buildings be the first city to have a high-rise that would consume zero energy, emit zero energy and waste zero material? 13

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