Architects Under Big 3 #20 Robby Tresna Adiputra: Illustration in Architecture

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#20 | December 2011 Robby Tresna Adiputra

Illustration in Architecture

Tentang Robby Tresna Adiputra:

About Robby Tresna Adiputra :

Robby Tresna

Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara 28 years ago. In 2006, he

Adiputra, biasa disapa

completed his study from Department of Interior Design at

dengan Robby, lahir

National Institute of Technology (ITENAS) Bandung. After

di Mataram, Nusa

college, he worked with PT. Intra Cipta Adhistana and

Tenggara Barat 28

Habitat 5. Now he is working at Popo Danes Architect as a 3D

tahun yang lalu.

artist impression.

Menyelesaikan studi di Jurusan Desain Interior Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) Bandung pada tahun 2006. Selepas kuliah Robby bekerja di PT. Intra Cipta Adhistana dan Habitat 5. Saat ini Robby bekerja di Popo Danes Architect sebagai 3D artist impression.

Robby Tresna Adiputra, known as Robby, was born in

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