The SPHINX | Winter 1961 | Volume 46 | Number 4 196104604

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RICHMOND VA.—Beta G a m m a Lambda Chapter presents its championship basketball team as follows: Brothers Charles Robinson, Alfred Rosier, Frederick Black, Herman Carter, Warner Braxton, Franklin Crawford, William Haskins, James Booker, William Carter, and William King. The mascot is H. O. Freeman, Jr., whose shingle may be presented around 1972. This project earned more than $400.00 towards the chapter's Scholarship Fund. Carrying on in the Alpha tradition of leadership in Richmond, Brother

Thomas Henderson was elected President of Virginia Union University and Brother A. B. James was elected as the vice-president of the same institution. Brother Sumner G. Madden was elected President of the newly organized Union Mutual Savings and Loans Association with Brother G. F. Childs as Secretary-treasurer and Brother H. T. Benn as Attorney and Director. The City of Richmond has appointed Brother B. A. Cephas, Jr. as a member of the City Planning Commission.

Excerpts From Eastern Regional Newsletter Judge Edward Dudley was recently appointed President of the Borough of Manhattan in New York City. Brother Dudley is a native of Virginia and was named two years ago as one of one hundred (100) distinguished Virginians living out of the state. He also served as Ambassador to Liberia. Brother Hamilton E. Holmes of Atlanta made history at the University of Georgia at Athens. He was one of two Negro students who because of his courageous action in not yielding to segregation added prestige to the determination of Negro youth to have first class citizenship today. Brother Franklin H. Williams, former NAACP Regional Attorney and now Assistant Attorney General of California has been named Assistant Director of the Peace Corps by President Kennedy. Brother L. H. Foster, President of Tuskegee Institute is to be commended on his forthright stand on Civil rights issues. His school has been cut forty per cent (40%) of the total cost of operating specialized courses in Agriculture, Home Economics, Nursing, Engineering and Veterinary Medicine. The state of Alabama appropriated funds for the past eighteen (18) years to finance this training because there were no State Schools that offered them to Negroes. Continued on page 12 DECEMBER, 1961

Fraternity Fun

Continued from page 8 a very dreary dream; I dreamed I died." Bert said, "well it could have been worse." "But I dreamed that I went to hell." "And that could have been worse." "Why how could it have been worse." Very slowly, Bert Bert drawled, "It could have been so." * * « Professor Logan—What significant history was written by William Potts in Pennsylvania? Freshman—He had three towns named after him. Professor Logan—Name them Freshman—Pottstown, P o t t s v i l l e and Chambersburg. * * * A friend told a cab driver there was a purse on the floor of his cab. The driver looked around to make sure no one was listening and then whispered: "Sometimes when business is bad I put it there and leave the door open. It's empty, but you've no idea how many people jump in for a short ride when they see it." * * * A Psychiatrist was treating a young woman who seemed to be nearing a nervous breakdown. After their first session, he gave her a list of things to do, and made a weekly appointment. Two weeks later he telephoned her and asked why she had failed to keep her appointment. "Well, Doctor," she explained, "you told me to stay away from people who irritate me—and I don't know anyone who irritates me more than you do." * * * During the last day of a psychiatrist's convention, one of the doctors present at the closing lecture noticed an attractive female Ph.D. being pawed by the man seated next to her. "Is he bothering you?" the gallant observer asked the woman. "Why should I be bothered?" she replied. "It's his problem." * * * A student, clerking in a store troubled by the cost of living, went in to ask his employer for a raise. The employer listened impatiently. Finally, he exclaimed: "Why when I was your age I supContinued on page 13 PAGE 9

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