Land use Planning System and Housing Development Process in Malaysia

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Plan to meet the housing requirements for the whole community, including those in need of affordable and special needs housing.


Provide wider housing opportunity and choice and better mix in the size, type and location of housing.


Provide sufficient housing land but give priority to reusing previously developed land within urban areas, bringing empty homes back into use and converting existing buildings, in preference to the development of greenfield sites.


Make more efficient use of housing land by reviewing planning policies and standards. The PPG was translated into practice by concentrating on housing

developments within urban areas, making more efficient use of land by maximizing the reuse of previously developed land, adopting a sequential approach in allocating land for new housing development, managing the release of housing land and reviewing existing allocations of housing land in development plans and planning permissions when they come up for renewal (Carmona et al., 2003). An effort to allocate adequate land and quantity for housing in the right type and at the right place, other than to meet housing needs was also given attention in Malaysia. Various plans at the Federal level such as the Five-Year Malaysia Plan, National Housing Policy, National Urbanisation Policy and NPP are found to have touched these aspects. The SP and LP prepared at the State and local levels also addressed the aspects substantially through formulation of policies, strategies and measures to ensure land and quantity of housing supply is allocated adequately in the suitable locations (Asiah, 1999; Ibrahim, 2008).

2.6.3 Requirement to Fulfil Housing ‘Needs’ and ‘Demand’ in the Planning of Housing Supply In conducting the housing planning activities, either during the preparation of development plans or at the stage of planning control, it becomes a nature of land use

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