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Starting from nothing. And building from what is around you. Taking one thing, looking at it. It has got form, colour, texture, character and maybe a function, or maybe no function at all. In the terms of German philosopher Martin Heidegger, there is a thingness to the thing. Then taking another thing. It also has a form, colour, texture, character, and maybe a function or no function at all, a thingness. Combining the two things into a new thing, a new object. Now there is something else. There is a combination of colours, forms, characteristics and maybe a new function, or the functions that were in the things before has now changed into no function at all. From building out of nothing, something has happened. What has happened is not only the making of an object, but also the changing of two objects, that each used to have a certain function or character, which, by the act of being put together, has opened up a new set of meanings.


May 2012

The thingness of the one thing and the thingness of the other thing push and dislocate one another. A new thing has been made. The new thing is now present in its immediate surroundings, and something has changed.

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