The Shadow Master by Craig Cormick - sample chapters

Page 46


“Why don’t you say something?” the Duchess hissed at her husband. But he just sat there quietly at a long table, surrounded by his councillors, who were arguing and bickering with each other as to how they should best act. He turned to look at his wife. She wore a long red robe with white trimming – quite a contrast to his sombre dark coat with pearls stitched into it – and it almost made her look beautiful. The men around them talked loudly, knowing it was just as important that she heard their opinions and advice as the Duke did, as they would eventually be dismissed from the chamber and the matter would be settled between the two of them. Those who advocated war with the Medici house stood closest to her, knowing that would be her preference, and those who advocated a more peaceful settlement, gathered around the Duke, knowing it would be his preference. The Duke seemed uninterested in all their opinions though, toying with a small glass-covered brass object on the desk in front of him as the voices buzzed around his ears. “This is tarnish to the silvery name of Lorraine, to accuse of us of being behind this attack. We must act decisively to restore our honour.” / “Honour is best served by acting honourably.” / “This tastes of a power

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