Suited by Jo Anderton - Sample Chapters

Page 47

Mizra snorted. “Don’t take Tanyana as an example. The woman has the worst luck of anyone I’ve ever met.” His eyes met mine briefly. We both knew it wasn’t luck. It was veche machination and an overly enthusiastic Keeper that had dragged me to this low ebb in my life. But we weren’t about to explain the actual truth to Aleksey. And in a way, it was nice to pretend that this was all one big accident. “Get your clothes on,” Natasha said, collecting a thick shirt from the floor and passing it back to Aleksey. “We have a quota to fill. Can’t stand around talking about Tanyana all day.” Mizra and I shared a shocked glance. Natasha actually wanted to head out and start collecting? Maybe the Keeper was right, and the world really was ending. Natasha saw us and scowled. “Try not to act too surprised.” Lad chuckled softly. We left Ironlattice and stood aimless in the street while Natasha locked the door. A few wrapped-up citizens of Movoc-under-Keeper hurried past. Movoc might be poor this far from the Keeper’s Tear River and the city centre but it was not destitute, not shuffling toward death in a haze like the run-down areas at the very outskirts of the city. These were people with some pion-skill, but nothing special: cleaners, factory workers, underpaid and undervalued. We debris collectors rather belonged here. “Bro normally works out which way we should

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