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Extracts from the writing's of


olsworthy (Retired) Launceston P. H Launceston Holsworthy


The dictionary defines Sophistry as 'trying to make a valid point by using plausibly deceptive or fallacious reasoning'.


If it was built to

accentuate this

alignment it would

suggest the pyramids

and the sphinx are

8,000 years older than

generally accepted.

The rock the sphinx was

hewn from supports

this, as it shows water

erosion that could only

have happened when

the climate was much

wetter 10,000 years ago.

It is generally accepted that the Sumerian culture is one of the earliest civilisations on Earth, having developed around 4,000 BC in the 'fertile crescent' an area of the Middle East covering parts of present day Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. This area is considered by historians to be where we began to evolve from hunter-gatherers into farmers and where the first seeds of civilised society began to grow. But as we delve deeper it is becoming clear that some of the artefacts we have discovered are much older than we seem willing to admit. In ancient Egypt, the sphinx, a large cat, faces directly due east at the sun as it rises in the constellation of Leo, a large cat, on the vernal equinox, or at least it did. Because of the precessional cycle the constellations appear to move through the sky, so that any alignments of ancient structures would gradually change over thousands of years. The last time the sphinx made this exact alignment was 12,000 years ago. We also know from excavations and relics found all over the world that ancient man had skills far more advanced than we first thought and travelled, presumably by boat, over vast distances. Hence the strangely similar artefacts that have been found on opposite sides of the oceans. These people, who ever they were, for we still don't know, were obviously global travellers and as such they would have gravitated naturally just as we do today, towards coastal areas which by definition would be low lying. Geology has shown that in our not so distant past, the planet must have been at the mercy of geological upheavals and climactic changes on a magnitude we can only guess at. Current research has found that 12,000 years ago global sea levels were 70 metres below where they are today, that's not a typo, let me repeat, the global sea level was 230 feet lower 12,000 years ago and considerably lower than that if you go back even further. it’s probably about time Š AndielinesGraphicarts 2007

During predictable cycles, some parts of the Earth have been alternately, obliterated by glaciers many miles thick or been left high and dry many miles from the sea when the expanding ice sheets in effect sucked up all the water. The same areas would then be deluged as the ice melted and the ice sheets retreated.


We know this to be true, so is it difficult to imagine that huge swathes of man's history could have been literally wiped off the face of the planet by amongst other things, massive changes in sea-level. Scientists freely admit that we know less about our undersea world than we do of the surface of the moon. But as ridiculous as all of this may sound, numerous underwater archaeological sites containing unexplained manmade structures have been discovered all over the world. Imagine what would be left of us today, if sea levels rose by two hundred feet. Indeed, is it not possible this could have happened many times in Earth's four and a half billion year history? and rather than humans being the culmination of technical expertise and advanced evolution, could it be that we are just what's left after an evolutionary excursion we have no memory of. If we allow ourselves to assume for a moment, that a major part of our history could have been lost never to be rediscovered, it's not too much of a leap to assume that humans were a civilised, intelligent and technological race so far back in time that their world would have been a very different place. And when trying to piece together what the earth was like back then, we are at best working with an incomplete historical record. History records the discovery of our Sun's most distant planet as Pluto in the 1930s, but the Sumerian culture was aware of it and predicted another as yet undiscovered planet far outside its orbit. In fact the Sumerians named and described all the planets over 5,000 years ago. One of their most firm beliefs was that humans were descended from an older and much superior race. Around 3,000 years ago, using a calendar of their own design which in some ways was more precise than our own, the Mayan civilisation were aware that from our perspective, every 25,920 years the sun aligns with the centre of the milky way. it’s probably about time Š AndielinesGraphicarts 2007

Surely we must ask how ancient peoples acquired such advanced scientific knowledge? The

Egyptian cultural myths are

quite clear, stating that they'd been given the information

from a previous more advanced

race. On closer inspection their beliefs which pre-date the

Bible, recall how part of their

culture had been lost in a great flood which some would say directly translates as an

'Atlantis myth' of which the

only reliable account appears to

be that of Greek philosopher and mathematician Plato, who

three centuries before Christ was recording the historical teachings of his predecessor

Solon. Even in Plato's day it

was written that all knowledge and memory of Atlantis had

itself been lost in a great flood. He was convinced that these

teachings were factually correct and proposed that the

catastrophes of which they

spoke had been caused by some cataclysmic astronomical

event 9,000 years before his own time. (although some say, this was an error of translation and may have only been 900 years) Even so the fact remains that

an advanced civilisation has

At the same time another astronomical phenomenon occurs, the Earth's tilted axis completes one revolution, this is called precession. The exact date when this combination of galactic alignments takes place is December 21st 2012, the midwinter solstice. Hopi Indian creation myths state that our present era was preceded by three distinct and superior eras before it, and examples like these are rife throughout ancient recorded history. Some alternative historians are now suggesting that there is evidence that about 12.000 years ago a civilisation existed which gave technology and education to a lesser group of beings on the planet and then completely disappeared. The historical texts from many ancient civilisations around the world appear to support this. Throughout our history many strange and unexplained things have been recorded in great detail by the scribes and scholars of the day. However, many present-day scholars seem to regularly ignore any facts that don't fit with their perspective. It is quite illogical how we seem to pick and choose the fantastical stories we allow ourselves to believe. We have invented supreme beings to protect us and to answer our wishes but some of us still find it irrational to accept there may be life on other planets. As a species we have learned to fly, embraced space travel, gone to the moon, and developed the capacity to destroy all traces of our own civilisation. All of this in just one hundred years, and if this could happen here, then why not elsewhere in our mind-numbingly vast universe. One of the most unasked questions of the day must be simply...Why not? The Dogon peoples of central Africa were worshipping a god/star called Sirius when first discovered by early explorers. The interesting thing is, they worshipped not the visible star Sirius A known as the dog star, but its twin Sirius B which they had been aware of for thousands of years. Mainstream astronomy only proved them correct comparatively recently.

been lost with out trace. it’s probably about time Š AndielinesGraphicarts 2007

To get where we are, we've had to make a few leaps of imagination, which taken at face value may seem unlikely. If it were not for the fact that throughout accepted 'religious' texts from long before Biblical times, there are countless instances of the Earth being visited or influenced by beings from above, that travelled the skies and who apparently gave us valuable information, warned us about our behaviour, and used technologies that they should not have been aware of at the time of writing. If we can accept this, then so many other mysterious inconsistencies fall into place and perversely, it would suggest that instead of just being fables or the ramblings of confused primitive people, our 'religious teachings' could be interpreted as eye witness accounts of anachronistic technologies. Let us not forget that to ancient peoples 'Religion' and 'Science' were pretty much the same thing, and it is well documented that as education spread through the modern world, organised religion fought long and hard to stay in control of it and restrict its spread. Our 'knowledge' by some estimates, now doubles every five years. But imagine that you were alive one hundred years ago and by some magic had acquired the works of Shakespeare on a DVD disc. Unless you had been given the necessary technology to access the information and taught how to use it, you may just think of it as some kind of funky new 'drinkscoaster'. Our digital information would quite obviously be useless without the knowledge to retrieve it. Scientists suppose that Stonehenge is over 4,500 years old. But other research has suggested that use of the site goes back thousands of years prior to this. Its exact purpose is still debated ferociously amongst scholars, and the only thing they seem to agree on is that the stones have some kind of astronomical alignment. The same scholars beleive this was not it's main purpose

In the year 325bc at the

council of Nicea, king

Constantine decided to edit the Bible by

amalgamating all the various works that

constituted accepted

beliefs at that time. One

of the works they left out

was The book of Enoch. This

ancient text, which told

the story of a race of super

humans that came down to

Earth from above, was lost

together with thousands of

other ancient texts in the

fire at the library at

Alexandria. Its contents

were almost forgotten until

the discovery of the Dead

sea scrolls. In 2008, the

Vatican decreed that to

accept the possibility of

alien life-forms in the

Galaxy does not conflict

with a belief in God. it’s probably about time Š AndielinesGraphicarts 2007

In 1572 a mysterious light appeared in the sky so bright that it was visible during the day,. At that time, some thought that it was sign from God. It was so awe inspiring that they just called it 'the phenomenon' and it inspired astronomers of the day to question the accepted theory that the stars were fixed to a sphere that surrounded the Earth. After this leap of imagination, the way was paved for science to explore and explain the Galaxy and ultimately the Universe we live in. We know now that what they saw was probably a super nova

. In 1994 at Gobekli tepe in south-eastern Turkey, architectural evidence was discovered of a previously unknown settlement. Scientists have calculated that it is 12,000 years old, which would make it 7000 years older than any previously known site. This one discovery doubles the length of recorded human history. With all of its neat and accepted answers, science still has difficulty explaining much of the phenomena we are now observing, and it seems that much of the current scientific thinking is predicated on a foundation which ignores more than half of the historical record. How ancient civilisations could detect 25,920 year cosmic cycles, make complex astronomical predictions and describe heavenly bodies invisible to the naked eye so long ago, remains an unsolved mystery. At the very least, it would seem something very odd was happening which may have repercussions for us today, but which has now been largely forgotten. Perhaps the answers we have so desperately been seeking, have for some time been hidden in plain sight. The mental and physical effects that this could have on the inhabitants of a small and insignificant planet, might be too immense for the tiny part of their brains they could still use, to contemplate. And I wouldn't be at all surprised, if some of them might begin to feel that they had to take decisive action, but weren't absolutely sure what form that action should take. it’s probably about time Š AndielinesGraphicarts 2007

Now I don’t know about you, but to be honest, I find this all a bit strange.

Now imagine if you can

that there is an alignment

which ancient peoples couldn't have predicted,

with a eccentric planet in an eccentric orbit,

an orbit so eccentric in fact

as to make it extremely unpredictable.

And where, after millions of years of evolution,

every specimen of flora and fauna

had evolved to its most extreme

and in some ways,

it’s most illogical conclusion. Kind of everything turned up to eleven

in the design department.

Reverend Launceston P. Holsworthy

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