5 physical education

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PHYSICAL EDUCATION P. E. helps us to get fit, improve our response, know to play many sports games and have a good time with my classmates. We started the lessons by get in line to go to the gym or the courts. To maintain order someone write in a paper the name of the children who speaks. If someone speaks he or she will copy or won´t play games. Then we make a circle to warm up. The pupil who takes notes is placed on the center of the circle to control the warm up. After this, we run two or three laps. Finally we play two or three games.

My favorite game is football.

When we play there are two captains who choose pupils to make a team. The team has three midfielders, three defenders, three forwards and a goalkeeper. Then Mayte throws the ball in the middle, and when someone stands up from the ground, except the goalkeeper, Mayte declaring a penalty. At the end of the lesson we wash our hands and return to class. Victor V.

Hello! Physical education is very funny. When we went down the stairs there is always a pupil who was watching out that someone doesn´t speak, and when someone speak he will include in the list of punishment.

We warm up and the pupil who is monitoring is in the center of the circle and says in English: “Warm up”. Then we run three minutes and a half or four, around the football court and basketball court. We usually play or practice a sport, for example we are now practicing volleyball. My favorite game in physical education is the “rondin”.

When we finish Physical Education class, we have to go to the bathroom and we have to wash our hands. SOFÍA

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