5 my experience in madrid briana

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I arrived to Madrid at the beginning of December. The city seemed familiar as I was born here and I had visited many times in the past. It felt like a much needed adventure and I was thrilled to start a fresh new life in my new city. The buildings were taller than where I came from and the people swarmed around me at a faster pace, making my head dizzy and overwhelmed in the best way possible. In the first month of adjusting to the Spanish capital I’d wander the crowded streets of Malasaùa on Saturdays while I listened to my favorite albums on repeat in my headphones, stopping at vintage shops to see if I got lucky finding a one of a kind item of clothing to purchase. On Sundays I would walk down the narrow paths of the Rastro in Lavapies and marvel over the quirky antiques and trinkets that lay on the ground and on the tables of each stand. I have always been in love with El Retiro Park. I especially enjoy visiting it for my hour long runs early in the morning, when the sun is just rising and there are only a few runners and dog walkers around. There is something about the way the rays of sun bounce off the lake at that hour that is enchanting. My home has been tiny but very charming, the perfect size for my black cat and I. The views from my window located on the top floor of a five story building have been spectacular. Each day brought a new array of pastel colored patterns in the clouds that lined the city skyline. I feel very fortunate that I have been able to enjoy such beautiful sunrises and sunsets from the roof of my loft studio apartment. I have taken advantage of my free time to write a lot of music and get inspired by the intoxicating rhythm of the city. I think Madrid is wonderful and I feel like I have learned very useful lessons from my experience here. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to going back home and seeing my family and friends. Even though this chapter in my life has come to an end, the memories of everything I have lived in the last seven months will hold a permanent spot in my mind. I am very happy to have gone on this journey and highly recommend to anyone reading this to change their dreams into reality, no matter what it takes it is always worth it and there is always a lesson to be learnt. By: Briana.

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