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August/September 2011

BODY LIFE Knowing Jesus


Inside This Issue: Message from the Bishop Treasurer’s Message Book of the Month


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“Counterfeit GODS”


Membership/Partnership Ministries/Counselling Websites to Visit CESA Name Change Missional Church (Part 3) Kids Church Prayer Bible Fellowships Homegroups August Prayer Calendar Info. Page

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Making Him Known

The month of August is ‘Fill the Trailer’ month. Bring along items like samp, soup, canned products and other non-perishable goodies for the many needy folk in our church family. Come on, let’s fill two trailers this month and double the number of people we can help.

We’re also on FACEBOOK! Join the SHARE LIFE network on facebook, and get plugged in to discussions, blogs, photos, videos and news about what’s happening in the life of our church. Visit the Christ Church Pinetown website on

Sunday Services

Mornings Evenings 8am and 9:30am Sunday @6 at 6pm. Kids Church available at the 9:30am and the 6:00pm service. All Sunday talks are recorded and can be copied to your flashdisk or CD (R10)

Please refer to the Info page on pg 8 to find out where things happen :) ~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP My Dear Friends, John Mott was an amazing man who led the Student Volunteer’s Movement, sending hundreds of young people into missionaries. Listen to how he ended one of his sermons. “I must work the works of Him that sent Me, while it is day, the night cometh when no man can work.” THEREFORE, friends in view of the awful need of men who tonight are living without Christ; in view of the infinite possibilities of the life related to Christ as mighty Saviour and risen Lord; in view of the magnitude of the task which confronts the church of this congregation; in view of the impending crisis and the urgency of the situation; in view of the conditions which favour a great onward movement within the church of God; in view of the dangers of anything less than a great onward movement; in view of the great cloud of witnesses who gather around us, of those who subdued kingdoms and wrought righteousness; in view of the constraining memories of the Cross of Christ and the love wherewith He has loved us, let us arise and resolve, at whatever cost of self-denial, that live or die, we shall live or die for the evangelization of the world in our day.”


TREASURER’S MESSAGE Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Just a short note to let you know about the current financial situation at CCP. Our monthly average collection for the past five months (Jan-May 2011) has increased by 7.5%, compared to the same time last year. This is very encouraging considering the current economic climate. Thank you for your generosity. “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19). Blessings in Christ Sameer Bhagirath Treasurer

BOOK OF THE MONTH Counterfeit GODS - By Timothy Keller The human heart takes good things like a successful career, love, material possessions, even family, and turns them into ultimate things. Our hearts deify them as the centre of our lives, because, we think, they can give us significance and security, safety and fulfilment, if we attain them. Thus anything can be an idol and really everything has been an idol to one person or another. The great deception of idols is we are prone to think that idols are only bad things. But evil is far more subtle than this. We think that idols are bad things, but that is almost never the case. The greater the good, the more likely we are to expect that it can satisfy our deepest needs and hopes. Anything can serve as a counterfeit god, especially the very best things in life. ~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


PARTNERSHIP/MEMBERSHIP WITH CHRIST CHURCH Our membership database is being updated and revised from now until January 2012. Our old system is being brought into a new and much more useful format. It is vital that our database is up to date and accurate so that we can draw meaningful data with respect to future growth strategies. One example of this would be to plot where new homegroups could be planted by identifying where members live. Also as a matter of order, our constitution requires us to annually correct and update our membership roll at our annual vestry meetings. Therefore, annual membership renewal will now be put into effect as from February 2012. What this will mean is that all existing members will be required to renew their membership each year during the month of February, and at the same time update their details. New members/partners will also be welcomed in on the last Sunday in February. This will mean that all voting members will be necessarily actively involved in the life of the church on an annual basis and meaningful data can be drawn from our database for future growth plans. Your speedy co-operation in this regard will be greatly appreciated by our administration! So, please fill out one of the database forms at the Info. Desk as soon as possible and lets get the ball rolling:)


Ministry We have trained and qualified biblical counsellors who are willing to assist you through life’s difficult times. The Life Coaching ministry will also guide you in setting realistic goals and direct you in achieving them. Contact the office on (031) 7020815/6/7 to make an appointment or if you’d like to serve in this ministry.

WEBSITES TO VISIT Our denomination website where you can download the latest CESA news. An excellent bible software resource. This is a website of a Presbyterian church in New York. Tim Keller is the lead pastor and has some very helpful bible teaching materials as well as mercy ministry initiatives. An excellent website with many helpful resources from John Piper. (Warwick’s mission trips to Africa)

A 10 session series of biblical engagement designed to bring hope and healing for men and women. Begins Tuesday 30 August. Contact Clive and Linda Page for details and to sign up. Cell: 084 400 9353 or email:

Getting married soon? Awesome! Contact for more information on our marriage preparation courses.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED To assist with teas for funerals; spread some cheer to the sick by delivering flowers or to help with various projects or ministries at CCP. If you can help, please email/phone the office and we’ll get in touch with you. Thank you so much!

~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


PROPOSAL NAME CHANGE (CESA) For a number of years the possibility of a name change for the Church of England in South Africa (CESA) has been suggested and discussed The reasons for this have become increasingly significant as time has gone by in South Africa. The name is increasingly proving to be an obstacle to church planting and growth in South Africa. This resulted in a motion at Synod 2010, which stated the following: Suggested Procedure to be Adopted for Name Change: A meeting of all clergy will be called for the purpose of exploring and understanding all points of view. Arising from this clergy meeting a questionnaire to be circulated to all rectors and Church councils, asking them to discuss the matter and make suggestions which will then be referred to the area councils for comment. The views of the area councils will be discussed at Synod 2011 and consensus obtained with a view to make a decision at Synod 2012. A Clergy Conference in George was subsequently held and after lengthy discussions, the following ‘road map’ was put forward and will be discussed at Synod 2011. CARMEL Clergy Conference 2011 Following the mandate from Synod 2010 (attachment 1) 84 ministers gathered at Carmel from 30 May-2 June 2011. After exhaustive and constructive deliberation, we the clergy unashamedly declare our ongoing commitment to: The CESA identity as reflected in the 39 Articles, Book of Common Prayer, and our constitution. The distinctives of our denomination as outlined by our Presiding Bishop as reflected in (attachment 2) available. Eighty-two clergy believe that a new name for the denomination will remove obstacles to the futherance of the gospel for years to come. We recognise that before Synod can make a decision, there must be an agreed process of full consultation. We are therefore recommending that a ‘road map’ outlining this process be submitted to the 2011 Synod. There are a number of reasons for this proposal to be considered: 1. The Church of England in South Africa (CESA) is not formally a member of the Church of England, either in England or globally. Although historically we trace our roots to the first Church of England missionaries who planted churches here. 2. Our name, although historically accurate (pointing to the past) does not accurately communicate where we are headed in the future. Effectively we are churches of South Africans in South Africa and not churches of English people, or people from England in South Africa. 3. As we look to our country and we perceive the great need for church planting, it has become increasingly evident that the name CESA itself is an obstacle to many people as it has colonial and unhelpful foreign political overtones, which hinders church planting. Summary It needs to be clearly noted that the legal denominational name ‘Church of England in South Africa’ will not, and cannot be changed, as it is too costly, and the transferring of properties would make this expensive and unwise. But a new ‘trading name’ or ‘known as’ name will be discussed, which will effectively replace the usage of the name ‘Church of England in South Africa’. And so our heritage remains and we position ourselves to remove any obstacles that might be to presenting Jesus to all people in a multi-cultural and multi-beautiful country that we find ourselves in. The names of individual churches, like for us, Christ Church, is not at this point included in the discussion. The matter at hand is our denominational name only. Please pray about this and do not hesitate to approach any of the ministers for a full discussion. We will also discuss in more detail at our next bring and share family meeting.

~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


MISSIONAL CHURCH (PART 3) God is on mission. He is pursuing his world and in particular he is pursuing people. And we are his partners with him, which is why Jesus said, “ As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” (Jn 20:21). We have a mandate that is bigger than ourselves, we are participating in the greatest rescue mission the cosmos has ever, and will ever see. Awesome! Our purpose as the church is to alert people to this fact. Alert people to the reality that God is reigning in Jesus. That the kingdom of God is at hand. That there is hope, that there is a kingdom that is coming, the home of peace, love and righteousness... So, how to we alert people? In at least 2 ways, by our speaking and by our doing, just like Jesus did. Jesus preached and taught people; he announced the reign of God, and demonstrated what God’s reign looked like. The miracles of Jesus not only pointed to his identity as the Christ that the prophets foretold, but the Christ who would bring into the world the good and perfect reign and rule of God. Jesus’ miracles are tangible evidences; demonstrations of the kingdom of other words this is what the kingdom of God is like...the end of hunger, the end of sickness and disease, the end of ethnic pride and prejudice, the end of racist tensions and the end of pain and death.’ Jesus’ teachings and actions alerted people to the kingdom of God. “As the Father has sent me,” said Jesus, ‘so am I sending you....” We have been commissioned to the same. Can you begin to see how significant your speaking and your doing really is from God’s perspective, and from the perspective of his glorious kingdom? Certainly most of us are not miracle workers! But when we participate in ending hunger, when we treat all people equally and fairly as God’s image bearers, when we sacrificially ease the suffering of others, when we give an answer for the hope that we have in Jesus, when we show compassion and care to those in need, when we share the good news of God’s amazing kingdom and forgiveness with those who want to hear...are we not speaking and acting just like Jesus? Are we not fulfilling our mandate and being more like him in the process? Sometimes we can reduce the exhortation to ‘be Godly’ down to simply trying not to do bad stuff...or being more religious..or trying to sin less...but what about doing more good to others? What about participating more fully and more joyfully in reducing the pain and suffering in this world, giving people a foretaste of what is to come? So that they will want to know why you care, why you are involved in helping people, why you are so joyful despite the hopelessness... In many ways our lives as believers is to be something of a ‘trailer’ of the ‘full feature film’ that is to come. A taste of the wedding banquet that is to come. Being missional is simply living with the purpose of alerting people in our speaking and doing, to the good reign of God in Jesus. [This article is one of a series of articles that is produced by our ‘Missional Renewal Team’, a sub-committee of council, made up of a number of members of the congregation with Shane Marques as lead. We have been mandated by Council to encourage and find ways to impart the missional core elements of our God given mandate of disciple-making, into the life of Christ Church]. Please contact Shane anytime if you have any questions or comments.

~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~



PRAYER Prayer Requests: Prayer is one of the greatest privileges and encouragements in the life of believers. If you have a pressing need or situation and you’d like others to pray for you, please write it on the yellow cards or email with your need, or if you would like to join the prayer chain.

Prayer for the Persecuted Believers: Thursdays - 12noon-1pm,Mother’s Room. Contact Janice:

BIBLE FELLOWSHIPS Tom & Sue Shearer - 031 701 1848 Pinehaven (Meller Rd) Tuesday: 2:30pm Doone Village, Padfield Park Wednesday: 9:00am Pinehaven Lodge (Manors) Wednesday: 7:15pm Ian Stead - 031 464 3980 Chelsea Village, Sandown Lane Tuesday: 2:30pm

Ladies for the Lord Ladies for the Lord meet every Thursday at 9:30am in the Stephen Bradley Hall for encouragement from the scriptures and fellowship. Browse through the library, and visit our sales table. All ladies are welcome (young and the young at heart!)


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Grade 8-12 Fridays 7:30pm Bell Hall

HOMEGROUPS Get connected into the life of our church and join a homegroup near you. Contact the office on 031-7020815/6/7 or email: for a list of areas and contact details.

Men for the Master Men for the Master are an open group of men learning to follow Jesus more faithfully in their day to day life. The pressures on men are great, but he who is within us is greater! We enjoy a full breakfast together as well as a time of encouragement from God's Word. You are welcome!

Focusing Women Join us on Friday mornings at 6am in the Boardroom for a delicious breakfast and an indepth bible study.

Older Guys & Gals OGG’s meet in the Stephen Bradley Hall on Monday at 9am.

Rector’s Study Wednesday at 5:15 and 7pm in the Stephen Bradley Hall.

~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


23 Entrust: Michael Schaefer CESA Head Office. National Executive & Trustees

28 Care Ministry 29 CCP Council. 30 Ithemba: Len Visitation: Tom Rector’s Warden: Smith, Dong Sik Hugo Krull and Geum Ok. People’s Warden: Tom Davies

22 Finance Committee Meeting Fellowship Committee

My Prayer Items 31 Mukombo Mayamba: Congo Anderson Mwila: Zambia: Charles Thembo: Malawi

24 Abantwana Benkosi School. Ann Cahill, Pam, Teachers & Governing Body

5 Kids, Teens and Young Adults. Eugene de Bruin Kerry van Lelyveld & Shane


6 Time Out: Vicky von Berg. Pray for Warwick on his birthday tomorrow


20 Shelters: Tina Stanley, Dong Sik, Geum Ok 26 Jumble Sale 27 Maintenance Team: Peter Lyne Team: Cecil, Terry, Graham, Jim & Red Verger: Bruce Johnson

Body Life: Oliver & Jessie Naidoo

19 Men for the Master

11 Christian 12 Focusing 13 Missionaries Book Discounters Women - Pam Irwin Books into Africa and Betty Reineke Mission Tom & Gloria Committees Davies Janice Glover

4 Ladies for the Lord: May Ernst Church Library helpers


25 Bishops: Des Warwick Martin Raj Edwin

Bible Study Groups

10 Counselling: Colleen, Barbara

3 CCP staff George Whitfield College KMBC


21 Sunday @ 6 Sunday School Teachers & Children

Women’s Day

9 Divorce Care: Clive & Linda Page

2 Flower Arranging - Vicki von Berg Prayer Chain: Jenny Krull


18 Mercy Ministries: Soup Kitchen- Dong Sik, Geum Ok, & helpers

8 Open Doors: The Persecuted Church Food Parcels: Charis Johnson

1 Sick and Needy Bereavement Meals Ministry


14 Helpers at 15 Warwick and 16 Overseas 17 St. Stephens Services. Sound Mary, Shane and Network Group - Church, and Screen team. Heidi, Tom and Charmian Bohnen Claremont: Sue. Njabulo Mazibuko Car Guards OGs

7 Music Ministry: Shane, Hazel, Heidi, Caitlin. Choir, Singers, Musicians and CD Ministry


CCP Prayer Calendar — August 2011


C.C.P. Ministries and Contact Details - 2011 Missions Janice Glover Music Hazel Tittley Screen Ann Wood Shelters Tina Stanley/Dong Sik Sound Verger Visitation 8 am Service Organizer 9.30 am Service Organizer 6 pm Service Organizer

Mark Stead Bruce Johnson Tom Shearer Alan Roberts Eric van Lelyveld Jim Taylor

C.C.P. Ministries and Contact Details - 2011 Abantwana/Readers Ann Cahill Catering/Teas Dawn Hackney Counseling/Meals Church Office Flower Distribution Lynn Huntley Flowers/Time out Vicki von Berg Focusing Women Pam Irwin Food Parcels Charis Johnson Hospitality/Fellowship Fred Mason iThemba Len Smit Ladies for the Lord May Ernst Men for the Master Tony van Heerden

084 406 8096 031 702 8617 031 702 9136 031 705 4065/ 702 0163 083 310 8618 083 676 6254 031 702 0815 031 700 2089 084 952 1985 031 262 2644

082 466 4741 031 764 4411 031 702 0815 031 701 3089 031 764 7131 031 702 3723 031 702 5508 031 765 3669 031 266 4788 031 701 8454 082 557 0681

Do You Need help! If you need help in some way please contact Tom Davies, our new People’s Warden at the church office or email:

Have your contact details changed? Are you getting our emails? Please jot down changes of address or telephone on a yellow card. If your email address has changed email the office with the change and we’ll update your information.

USEFUL CONTACTS Rector: Asst. Rector: Asst. Minister:

Bp. Warwick ColeEdwardes Rev. Tom Shearer Rev. Shane Marques

Office: Tel: 031 7020815 Fax: 031 7018520 Church Bank Details: Standard Bank. Account No: 250341948, Branch Code: 045626.

~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


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