Life at Christ Church, Pinetown

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June/July 2011

Knowing Jesus


Inside This Issue: Message from the Bishop Book of the Month: “Don’t


They Make a Lovely Couple”


Introducing CCP’s New Council Members Church Projects Missional Church (Part 2) April/May Highlights Homegroups Bible Fellowships Prayer & Counselling Kids and Teens Websites to Visit Foreign Missions Info. Page

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Making Him Known

Pressing IN Join us for an intimate experience of prayer, testimony and communion. A time to press more deeply into our Father as we praise Him, thank Him and make our requests to Him. Bring your needs to God; pray for our church & our impact into Pinetown & internationally.

We’re also on FACEBOOK! Join the SHARE LIFE network on facebook, and get plugged in to discussions, blogs, photos, videos and news about what’s happening in the life of our church.

Date: 9 June Time: 6:30pm for 7:00-8:15pm Venue: Stephen Bradley Hall Bring and share (light snacks). Music and fellowship. Childcare provided.

Visit the Christ Church Pinetown website on

8am/9:30am Colossians

Sunday Services

Sunday @ 6 - 6pm The Sex God - “When good things become ultimate things” All Sunday talks are recorded and can be copied to your flashdisk or CD (R10)

Please refer to the Info page on pg 8 to find out where things happen :) ~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP My Dear Friends, An amazing book I just read, “The True and Living God” was a massive challenge to me. Here is an extract quote that really makes you think: “Here’s the crunch: We live in a society that is apparently devoted to everything BUT God. In our world, God is not allowed to be God. The sad fact is that the world is full of people pursuing the things God has made, or the gifts God has given, or the self God has created, rather than God himself. At first, this might be difficult to see because so often the pursuits we all run after are not ‘bad’ in themselves - things like work, family, home, environment, politics, clothes, individuality, learning, television, money. In their proper place, these are all good gifts and have a legitimate contribution to life’s overall tapestry. But the trouble is, they have a perverse way of getting put centre-stage, with God being constantly denied or shunted offstage into the wings.” Yours in Christ. Warwick


half of today's marriages last - why is that? Why is it that an institution that forms the basis of society is on crisis? Here are 6 questions to ask yourselves if you are preparing for, or are already part of a marriage. This book won't make you feel guilty (we've all read those sorts of books before!). It'll make you realise what you can do THE WEEK and suggest a plan to implement it. MON.

Don't they make a lovely couple is an excellent down to earth practical guide to biblical principles and how they operate in marriage.



SB Hall

(Older Guys and Gals)


Rector’s Study

THUR: Ladies for the Lord FRI:

The book is available at CBD.


Men for the Master Focusing Women

~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~

5&7pm SB Hall 10 am

SB Hall

6.15am SB Hall 6:00am Bell Hall


MEET OUR NEW COUNCIL FOR 2011 Council members are nominated each year from the members/partners of Christ Church and stand for one year at a time for a maximum of 3 consecutive years. After 3 consecutive years the member must stand down for a period of 1 year before being eligible for re-election. The council is responsible for all the affairs of the church for good order and for ways of increasing our gospel witness into our community. Our People's Warden 2011 Tom Davies. For 2011 Tom is serving us in the important role of People's Warden at Christ Church. The People's warden is to be the conduit of the congregation of Christ Church at Council. He speaks on behalf of the congregation and brings to the council's attention any matters that the congregation may raise with him. Our Rector's Warden 2011 Hugo Krull. For 2011 Hugo is serving us in the important role of Rector's warden. The Rector's warden is a confidant of the Rector and the pastoral staff and acts to support and speak on their behalf at council should any matters require it.

COUNCIL MEMBERS Jane Noble Michael Long Rohan Henderson Sam Bhagirath Shane Marques Shaun Ritson Tom Davies Tom Shearer

Andrew Perkins Dave de Winnaar Deon van der Merwe Eric van Lelyveld Fred Mason Hugo Krull Bruce Johnson Warwick Cole-Edwardes

CHURCH PROJECTS JUMBLE MINISTRY Christ Church's Jumble Ministry operates throughout the year where all kinds of sellable articles are collected and then sold at the end of each month. These jumble sales provide important support for the local ladies who buy and then sell in the local communities. And at the same time revenue is collected from these sales and distributed to ministries and mission by Ladies for the Lord. Peter Lyne co-ordinates the Jumble Ministry and there is always space for a few more helpers:) Please contact him if you can assist.

Scrapbooking First Saturday of the month. From 25pm in the hall. Contact Barbara 0733862711.

Trolleys of Mercy Support the ministries of Ithemba by bringing along your clothing and imperishable foods on Sundays.

Paper Recycling Don’t forget about our LARGE orange paper recycling bin in the car park. All proceeds go to Abantwana Benkosi school in Clermont.

Christ Church Yellow Pages Don’t dial 10118! Check out the Christ Church Yellow Pages FIRST and support your brother/sister in their business. Contact the office for a copy.

~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


Missional Church (part 2) In part 1 we made the point that God is revealed to us in the scriptures and ultimately in Jesus, as the God on mission. He is the sent and sending God; sending forth his word and ultimately sending his word become flesh (Jesus). Why? In order to restore and redeem the world. God loves his world and his mission is evidenced by the fruit of his work, and guess who that is? US! Yes, the church. But before we become too content and complacent and secure, Jesus clearly teaches us that we have been gathered and also sent, “ As the Father has sent me”, says Jesus, “ I am sending you” (Jn 20:21) Jesus calls us to participate. He commissions us to join in the great mission of God; the redemption of all things; the kingdom of God. Which means that we have a very real purpose in this world..... and its not to attend Christian meetings only:)! It's to be Jesus to our world, to be in the world and not of it, to be the salt and light of the earth, to be compassionate, adventurous and courageous, holy agents of change. But how do we do this? Well the answer is both simple and complex, easy and hard, like most things with God! Our purpose as the church is to alert people to this good and redeeming reign of God in Jesus. To alert people to the fact that contrary to what people may think, or how things may look, our God reigns! And he has proven it by raising Jesus, his king, from the dead. To alert people everywhere to the fact that God's reign and rule is about life, peace, justice and love and that one day when the king returns heaven and earth will once again be reunited and God will dwell with his people. But how do we alert people? In at least 2 ways, by our demonstration and proclamation, that is by our doing and our speaking, just like Jesus did. More on this next time.... So what is missional church? Missional church is really just us, sent by Jesus in the mission of God to redeem the world. And we do this by alerting people to the reign of God in Jesus through our doing and our speaking.... in this sense every one of us is a missionary, every one of us has a purpose, every one of us has a vital part to play in alerting people to the reign of God in Jesus. Now.... how will you alert your family? Your friends, your neighbourhood, your city?.... those are great questions, and now we are thinking missional, just like Jesus... [This article is one of a series of articles that will be published for you, produced by your 'Missional Renewal Team'; a subcommittee of council. This team is made up of a number of members of the congregation with Shane Marques as lead. We have been mandated by council to encourage and find ways to impart the missional core elements of our God given mandate of disciple-making, into the life of Christ Church.] Please contact Shane anytime if you have any questions or comments.]

APRIL & MAY HIGHLIGHTS EASTER MUSICAL SERVICE - Sunday, 24 April 2011 As usual, our talented choir wowed us at this years Easter Musical. Thank you to our choir members who give many hours of their time for this wonderful ministry. WHO CAN PLAY THAT GAME - Friday, 13 DEMON AND EXORCISM SERMONS May 2011 The two Sunday @6 sermons on Demon Possession and Exorcism by Bishop Raj Thank-you to all of you who supported our Moodley in May was very well received. It fantabulous Games Evening. It was opened discussions on a usually absolutely awesome! We had an excellent turnout of about 60 folk, each bringing their controversial topic. own charm and ‘talent’ to the evening. It made for some great fun and laughter, and a definite repeat soon. Watch this space!! ~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


HOMEGROUPS Get connected into the life of our church and join a homegroup near you. Contact a leader below or the office on 031-7020815/6/7 or Email:

New Homegroups

Shaun and Claire Ritson 083 647 5444 (Shaun) New Germany- Tues. 7:00pm

Eugene & Alicia de Bruin 079 597 9833 (Eugene)

Neil & Madeleine Kruger 071 886 1445 (Neil)

Farningham Ridge- Wed. 7:30pm

Farningham Ridge -Tue. 6:30pm

Graham & Dianne Downing 083 287 2667 Hatton Estate- Tue. 6:30pm

Harvey & Barbara Cuthbertson 031 708 4035 Sarnia- Wed. 7:30pm

Brian & Debbie Henning 031 708 2976 Sarnia- Wed. 7:30pm

Shirley & Michael Long 031 267 2319 Cowies Hill- Wed. 7:30pm

Barry & Pat Bland 031 765 6558 Cowies Hill- Wed. 7:30pm

Heidi & Shane Marques 031 702 69 57 Pinetown- Wed. 7:30pm

Jenny & Hugo Krull 031 702 6737 Hillcrest- Wed. 7:30pm

Eric & Ingrid van Lelyveld 031 701 5461 Highland Hills-Thur. 7:30pm

Ian & Pauline Stead 031 464 3980 Malvern- Wed. 7:30pm

Shaun and Claire Ritson 083 647 5444 New Germany- Tues. 7:00pm

Derek & Colleen Cornelius 031 702 9710 Padfield Park- Wed. 7:15pm

Jannie & Penny Pietersen 031 267 2745 Westville -Wed. 7:30pm

Erwin Blomeyer 031 7084112 Highland Hills- Wed. 7:00pm

Tom Davies 083 788 0717 Durban- Tues. 7:00pm

BIBLE FELLOWSHIPS Tom & Sue Shearer - 031 701 1848 Pinehaven (Meller Rd) Tuesday: 2:30pm Doone Village, Padfield Park Wednesday: 9:00am Pinehaven Lodge (Manors) Wednesday: 7:15pm Ian Stead - 031 464 3980 Chelsea Village, Sandown Lane Tuesday: 2:30pm

Ladies for the Lord Ladies for the Lord meet every Thursday at 9:30am in the Stephen Bradley Hall for encouragement from the scriptures and fellowship. Browse through the library, and visit our sales table. All ladies are welcome (young and the young at heart!) Our team thanks Peter Lyne, who has taken over the Jumble Sale Ministry. God Bless!

Men for the Master Men for the Master are an open group of men learning to follow Jesus more faithfully in their day to day life. The pressures on men are great, but he who is within us is greater! We enjoy a full breakfast together as well as a time of encouragement from God's Word. You are welcome!

Focusing Women Join us on Friday mornings at 6am in the Boardroom for a delicious breakfast and an indepth bible study.

Older Guys & Gals OGG’s meet in the Stephen Bradley Hall on Monday at 9am.

Rector’s Study Wednesday at 5:15 and 7pm in the Stephen Bradley Hall.

~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~




Prayer Requests: Prayer is one of the greatest privileges and encouragements in the life of believers. If you have a pressing need or situation and you’d like others to pray for you, please write it on the yellow cards or email with your need, or if you would like to join the prayer chain. Prayer for the Persecuted Believers: Thursdays - 12noon-1pm,Mother’s Room. Contact Janice:


Mum’s Who Pray: Monthly gathering for moms to share your joys/struggles/anxieties and fears with other moms just like you to pray with and for one another. Email Heidi:

Getting married soon? Awesome! Contact for more information on our marriage preparation courses.

Ministry We have trained and qualified biblical counsellors who are willing to assist you through life’s difficult times. The Life Coaching ministry will also guide you in setting realistic goals and direct you in achieving them. Contact the office on (031) 7020815/6/7 to make an appointment or if you’d like to serve in this ministry.


WEBSITES TO VISIT Our denomination website where you can download the latest CESA news. An excellent bible software resource. This is a website of a Presbyterian church in New York. Tim Keller is the lead pastor and has some very helpful bible teaching materials as well as mercy ministry initiatives. An excellent website with many helpful resources from John Piper. (Warwick’s mission trips to Africa)

We urgently need volunteers to help with various projects or ministries at CCP. If you can assist, email/phone the office and we’ll get in touch with you. Some examples of where you can help: Musicians (piano or guitar) for the Sunday morning and evening services. Other instruments also welcome! ! Plumbing and maintenance at the main church building. ! Drivers for delivering of flowers or bread pick-ups. ! Various Mercy Ministries, e.g. Soup Kitchen, Jumble Ministry. ! Service readers, or maybe you would just like to add your details to our volunteer database for ad-hoc assistance at CCP events.



~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


Greg and Vonni Cameron (Paraguay)

Tim and Liz Freyer (North Africa)

Anderson Mwile (Zambia)

Sandy Wilcox (Ethiopia)

Lien Albertyn (Belgium)

Richard and Val Graham (India)

Rod and Glenda Thomas (Japan)


...making disciples of all nations...

~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~



C.C.P. Ministries and Contact Details - 2011 Missions Janice Glover Music Hazel Tittley Screen Ann Wood Shelters Tina Stanley/Dong Sik Sound Verger Visitation 8 am Service Organizer 9.30 am Service Organizer 6 pm Service Organizer

Mark Stead Bruce Johnson Tom Shearer Alan Roberts Eric van Lelyveld Jim Taylor

C.C.P. Ministries and Contact Details - 2011 Abantwana/Readers Ann Cahill Catering/Teas Dawn Hackney Counseling/Meals Church Office Flower Distribution Lynn Huntley Flowers/Time out Vicki von Berg Focusing Women Pam Irwin Food Parcels Charis Johnson Hospitality/Fellowship Fred Mason iThemba Len Smit Ladies for the Lord May Ernst Men for the Master Tony van Heerden

084 406 8096 031 702 8617 031 702 9136 031 705 4065/ 702 0163 083 310 8618 083 676 6254 031 702 0815 031 700 2089 084 952 1985 031 262 2644

082 466 4741 031 764 4411 031 702 0815 031 701 3089 031 764 7131 031 702 3723 031 702 5508 031 765 3669 031 266 4788 031 701 8454 082 557 0681

Do You Need help! If you need help in some way please contact Tom Davies, our new People’s Warden at the church office or email:

Have your contact details changed? Are you getting our emails? Please jot down changes of address or telephone on a yellow card. If your email address has changed email the office with the change and we’ll update your information.

USEFUL CONTACTS Rector: Asst. Rector: Asst. Minister:

Bp. Warwick ColeEdwardes Rev. Tom Shearer Rev. Shane Marques

Office: Tel: 031 7020815 Fax: 031 7018520 Church Bank Details: Standard Bank. Account No: 250341948, Branch Code: 045626.

~Christ Church Pinetown sharing life in Jesus Christ~


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