Kisholoy - October 2020

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A youth magazine of Ananda Mandir, October, 2020

Kisholoy group is the youth group of Ananda Mandir. Any youth member of Ananda Mandir can join this group. We publish monthly Digital Kisholoy magazine and annual Saradia Kisholy magazine around the time of our major holiday Durga Puja. If you are interested in participating, please send your articles, drawing or photographs for the magazine via email to Saradia Kisholoy is produced by members of Ananda Mandir and is for distribution to its members only. The articles or photographs of this magazine are copyrighted and should not be reproduced in any other forms without the consents of the owners. We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the followings: Articles: Adeeptarshi Chatterjee Thakur, Adrita Chowdhury, Aishani Chakraborty, Anirudh Sarkar, Ankush Rakhit, Anooshka Sen, Anshini Biswas, Anuraag Sarkar, Auroni Sen, Bishwabhai, Guru Chakravarty, Korok Das, Kurchi Das, Sayanshuvra Chakrabort, Shama Dinesh, Shivan Mukherjee, Srijita Sarkar, Srijon Bhanja Choudhury, Swayamshuvra Chakraborty Drawing and Photographs: Abhishek Adhikari, Anooshka Sen, Anuron Chakraborty, Arianna Mukherjee Chakraborty, Ejana Ghosh Sanyal, Ilina Ghosh Sanyal, Oishee Sanyal Ghosh, Shreya Talukder, Biswajit Sarkar, Rik Sen Editorial: Dipak K. Sarkar, Utpal Sengupta, Sudipta Bhanja Choudhury For information about the Kisholoy – contact Dipak K. Sarkar via email (


Kisholoy children gathering during last year Durga Puja


"!মধস আ&ম " ।।িব)ভাই ।।

অি#র উে'েশ) আমরা আ-িত িদি0 , এই অি# সংক6 িসি7র 89রক\ অি#র 9িত আমরা আ-িত িদি0 এই অি# মেনর ধারক । ধারণা শি= 9াি>র িনিম? 8হ , অি# এই আ-িত Aহণ কের তBিম আমােদর 8মধা 9দান কর । 8হ ,বরDণ ,সকল শFD হেত আমােদর রGা কর , সংসােরর বHন হেত আমােদর মু= কর । *পূবLজেNর কOত কমL ,9ারP এবং িFতাপ Qালার ফেল মানুষ দুভLােগ)র িশকার হেয় িবিভW বাধা ও দুYবZপােকর স[ুখীন হয় । িকংকতL ব)িবমূঢ় হেয় মানুষ সংসার ত)াগ কের ,যাযাবেরর ন)ায় জীবন িনবLাহ কের এইর`প ব- িনদশLন আমরা 8দখেত পাই । পুরােণ এই র`প ব- িনদশLন আেছ । bদব কOপােত 8স সকল ব)ি= মহামায়ার সাধনা বেল 8সই সকল বাধা িবপি? হেত উ7ার পান । মাকL েcয় রিচত eী eী চcী Aেfর সgূণL পাঠ সমাপেন এইর`প দুi চিরF যথাkেম সুরথ রাজা ও সমািধ নামক এক bবশ) রাজ) ও সংসার হািরেয় সকল িকছB ত)াগ কের আlযL ভােব "8মধস মুিনর আeেম " িমিলত হন এবং "8মধা মুিন " তঁ ােদর no pান দান কেরন । " 8মাহ)েq 8মািহতাৈlব 8মাহেমষ)িq চাপের "এই মহামায়া িনিখল িবs ধারণ কেরন , িতিনই tয়ং noােক 8মািহত কের মহামায়া নাম ধারণ কের এই জগৎ সংসারেক 8মািহত কের 8রেখেছন , ব- পিcত গণ মহামায়ার এই 8মাহ জােল 8মািহত হেয়েছন , সাধনা ও তপস)ার বেল 8সই 8মাহজাল তঁ ারা িছW কেরেছন । 4

অতীত , বতL মান ও ভিবষ)েত এইর`প চিলেব । মহামায়ার মাহাv) ও লীলা 8মধস মুিন সুরথ রাজা ও সমািধ নামক bবেশ)র িনকট ব)= কের তঁ ােদর তxpান 9দান কের তঁ ােদর 8দবীর শরণাগত হেত উyB7 কেরন । " তামুৈপিহ মহারাজ শরণম পরেমsরীম " মহামায়া 8দবী চcী র শরণাপW হও এই িনেদLশ "8মধা মুিন " তঁ ােদর 9দান কেরন এবং 8মধা মুিনর িনেদLশ িশেরাধাযL কের "িতন বৎসর " তপস)ােত অিতবািহত কের তঁ ারা িসি7 লাভ কেরন ও 8দবীর বের তঁ ােদর বািzত ফল লাভ কেরন । এই িতনi বৎসেরর তপস)া "িFিভবLষ " নােম উি{িখত হেয়েছ । চcীর Fেয়াদশ অধ)ােয়র নবম 8|ােক এই "িFিভবষL " সাধনার কথা বলা হেয়েছ । িতন বৎসর অেথL }~ল িতনi স ৎসর নেহ , িতন বৎসর অথLাৎ িতনi }ান বা 8GF । মেনাময় 8GF ,9াণময় 8GF এবং pানময় 8GF ।এই িতনi 8GেF সাধনােত সাধেকর িFিবধ Aিf 8ভদ হয়। 8মাG pান লাভ হয় । আমরা চcীর Fেয়াদশ অধ)ােয় 8দখিছ 8য "নদী "তীের মৃNয়ী মূYতZ িনজ হােত গঠন কের উভয় সাধক সংযত িচে? 8দবী দুগLার আরাধনা কেরিছেলন । 7 pান , মেনর শFD জেয়র pান , মহামায়ার মাহাv) 8মধস মুিনর আeেম কিথত হেয়িছল । 8সই 8মধস আeম 9িতi িহ ুর কােছ একi পরম পিবF পুণ) }ান ।মেনাময় ,9াণময় ও pানময় িতনi 8GেFর উৎপW িFশি= একিFত হেয় 8সই 8মধস হেয় 8সই 8মধস আeেমর ধB িলকণােত িচদশি= িহসােব িমেশ আেছ । এই আeেমর 9িতi ধ~ িলকণা পরম পিবF । পাঠেকর মেন 9ে র উদয় হেব 8কাথায় 8সই আeম ? মেনাময় , 9াণময় ও pানময় 8GF তTশাT মেত সাধেকর িনেজর 8দেহর মেধ) ি}ত পীঠ}ান হেল ও 9কOিতর বB েক 8সইর`প পীঠ}ান বা ব থােক 8য }ান বা 8য 8GF ব- জেNর সি ত 7 pান রািশ বা 8মধা পির Biত হবার সহায়ক । 8মধস মুিনর আeেমর স ক 8কান 8ভৗেগািলক অব}ান "চcীেত " বা অন) 8কান পুরােণ নাই । "9শাq sাপদাকীণLম মুিনিশষ)পেশািভতম "এইর`প িনদশLন "চcীেত " ঊিলিখত আেছ । মহামায়ার লীলা িক অ Bত ও 9িত মুহ~েতL আমােদর অিভভ~ত কের তার উদাহরণ িদিছ " চcীর " উপেরা= উ7Oতাংশ হেত । চcীর কা অনুযায়ী ইহা অথLাৎ এইর`প আeম 8যন মানুেষর দয়}ল , 8সই দেয়র অভ)qের 8দহ মেন কামিবকারািদ নানান sাপদ জ িবচরণ করেছ অথচ সাধক তপঃ শি=র বদেল 8স সকল sাপদ সংকBল 8দহমন আপন বশীভ~ত কের িনজ মন হা 8ক "9শাq আeেম " পিরণত কের 8স }ােন ভগবতী মহামায়ার ধ)ান মূYতZ 9িত ত কেরেছন । 9কOিতর বB েক এমন পীঠ}ান মহামায়ার লীলা 9ভােব দYশZত হেব 8যেGেF আমরা লG) করেবা 8য 8ঘারতর দুগLম অরণ) মেধ) মেনারম পিরেবেশ র মেধ) "9শাq আeম " । সাধেকর ব- জেNর িব ু িব ু সি ত nopান 8সই }ােন 9কািশত হেয় 9শািqর সৃ কেরেছ । 8মধস আeম নমLদা বা উ িয়নীেত উৎপW এইর`প 9চিলত আেছ, 8মধা মুিন 8য বিশ ঋিষ 8স উে{খ ও আেছ িক 8সই সকল িবষেয় বা ব 8কান 9মাণ 8নই । চcীর Fেয়াদশ অধ)ােয় " মৃি?কা " িনYমZত মূYতZ গঠেনর কথার উে{খ আেছ । রাজা সুরথ মৃি?কা িনYমZত মূYতZ গঠন কের 8দবীমাতার পূজা 8সই আeেম কেরিছেলন । বা বতঃ * ভারেতর বB েক তদকালীন পিরি}িতেত মৃি?কা yারা মূYতZ িনমLাণ একমাF অিবভ= ব েদশ ব)িতেরেক 8কান }ােন িছল না । অধ)াপক দিGণার ন শাTী িবিভW যB ি=র yারা এই মতবাদ সমথLন কেরেছন । noিবদ)া হেল ও চিc তTশাT ,অতএব ব েদশ 8য ইহার উৎপি? }ান হেব 8স সgেকL িবি ত হবার কারণ 8নই । জগদীsরান জী কতOক রিচত "চcী " র ব ানুবােদর ভ~িমকা 8ত এই 8মধস আeেমর অব}ান সgেকL আেলাকপাত আেছ , চ Aােমর করাল ডা ার আeম 8য 8মধস আeম 8সই মতবাদ এই ভ~িমকােত আেছ । চDনাথ পাহােড়র অি#েকােণ চ Aাম হেত অনিতদূের করাল ডা া পাহােড়র উপর এই আeেমর উপি}িত । * "করাল ডা া " নামi শা= সাধনার ন বহন করেছ । " করাল বদনাং 8ঘারাং মু= .... চতBভ~Lজাম, " 5

দিGণা কািলকা িতর 9থম 8|াক হেত উ7Oত আবার কালী মাতার শতনাম 8 ােF " করালবদনা " 8দবী মাতার আেরা একi নাম । চcী Aেf র একাদশ অধ)ােয় " করাল " শ¡ উি{িখত হেয়েছ । এই জনপদ 8য শা= সাধনার পীঠ }ান িছল এই ব)াপাের 8কানর`প িyরDি= হেত পাের না । এই বার পুরাণ কথােত আিস । 8সখােন ও এই }ােনর িববরণ আেছ । চ Aােম ডািন হ অ7L অনুভব । ভবানী 8দবতা চDেশখর bভরব ।। সতীর দিGণবা- বতL মান চ Aােমর সীতাকBc জনপেদ পিতত হয় এই }ােনর 8দবী ভবানী ও bভরব চDনাথ বা চDেশখর । 8দবী ভবানী র উি= "িবেশষতঃ কিলযB েগ বসািম চDেশখের" অর অথLাৎ কিলযB েগ আিম এই পবLেত িবরাজ কির । কিব নবীন চD 8সন এই }ােনর 9াকOিতক িনদশLন অGয় কের 8গেছন তঁ ার সুলিলত ছে র মধ) িদেয় । জগেতর যত তীথL , যত 8দবেদবী " 8ব য়া দিGণাশি= কgা নদীতীের দশমহািবদ)া সহ িছলা িবদ)মান । 8দবিবদ)া , 8দবনাট) ,8দবতার গীত 8দবতার kীড়া¢িন , আন লহরী ভািসত বসqািনেল । শ)ামতরDশােখ 8খিলত িবহ চয় , জলচরসহ রিমত অ£রাগণ কgার সিলেল । এই কgা নদী বতL মােনর "কণLফBলী " নদী । এই কgা দিGণ তীের এক 8kােশর মেধ)বতী¤ }ােন তারা , কgার িবপরীত তীের 8ষাড়শী , পূবLিদেক ভBবেনsরী , ঈশান 8কােণ bভরবী ,উ?ের িছWম া , নদীর সিলেল ধ~ মাবতী, পিlেম 8দবী বগলা , bনঋত 8কােণ সবLম লা এবং দিGেণ 8কাiশি=র সিহত tয়ং 8দবী কমলা িবরাজ করেছন । উপেরা= িববরণ হেত এই মহান শি=পীেঠর সিWকেট 8য 8মধস মুিনর আeম অবি}ত তা আমরা ধারণা করেত পাির । কgা বা কণLফ~িলর র সহ¦জলধারােক মহােদেবর জলময়ী মূYতZ র`েপ আরাধনা করা হেয়েছ । 8সই পূণ)েতায়া র পিবF দশLন রাজা সুরেথর সহ¦জেNর তপঃ শি=েক উেNািচত কেরিছল । আিম 8সই }ান দশLন না করেল ও ধB মাF উপলিP শি=র yারা এবং িবিভW Af পােঠর মধ) িদেয় জানাই 8য চDনাথ পাহােড়র িনকট} 8বায়ালখালী র পূবL9ােq করালডাঙার পাবLত) অরণ) অ ল 8মধস আeম এবং জািত র 8বদান তা আমােদর জািনেয় 8গেছন । িবনীত -- িবsভাই --- জয়মা ।।।


A Kumari Puja participant in Durga puja celebration at Ananda Mandir


Our Cosmic Address By Anooshka Sen (Age 7) WHY IS OUR ADDRESS IMPORTANT? Our address is important because it helps us locate a person, a place or a building. If someone in outer space wants to find us, then they can use our cosmic address to find us, or they will be lost in the universe. Our universe is huge and Earth is just a very tiny part of it. The universe is so big that scientists measure distance between objects in the universe in light-years. Light-years sound like a measure of time but it’s actually a measure of distance. One Light-year measures the distance that light travels in one Earth year which is a huge amount, given light is the fastest travelling thing in the universe. Our cosmic address starts with House number followed by Street, City, State, Country, and Planet. Our Earth is the third planet in our Solar System. Like our Solar System there are many Solar Systems in the Milky Way galaxy. Our Milky Way galaxy has four major arms and few minor arms. Our Solar System is located in one of the minor arms called Orion Arm. Like our Milky Way galaxy there are many galaxies around us. Andromeda is our nearest neighborhood galaxy. Milky Way galaxy, Andromeda and 28 other galaxies together make the Local Group. About 1300 Local Groups together make the Virgo Cluster. Virgo cluster is part of a supercluster named Laniakea. So if someone out in the universe were trying to reach Ananda Mandir, they could use Ananda Mandir’s cosmic address: 269 Cedar Grove Ln Somerset New Jersey USA Earth Solar System Orion Arm Milky Way Galaxy Local Group Virgo Cluster Laniakea (Supercluster) Observable Universe Reference: 1) 2)



Comets By Anooshka Sen (Age 7) What are Comets? Comets are balls of ice and dust that are found in outer space. They exist beyond Neptune, where a collection of dark comets orbit the sun in the realm of Pluto called the Kuiper belt. Comets are left over from the dawn of our solar system. Scientists believe comets may have brought water and organic compounds, the building blocks of life to the Earth and other parts of the solar system. There are two kinds of comets, Short period comets and Long period comets. Short period comets take less than 200 years to orbit the sun, in many cases their appearance is predictable because they have passed by before. Long-period comets are less predictable. They come from a region called Oort cloud about 100,000 astronomical units away from the sun (that is about 100,000 times the distance between the earth and sun). These Oort cloud comets can take as long as 30 million years to complete one trip around the sun. Image source: www.

The most famous short-period comet is the “Haley’s Comet”. It is 55 million miles from the sun and is named after English astronomer Edmond Halley. It can be seen every 75 or 76 years. In 1986 five spacecraft’s studied the Haley’s Comet to learn more about it. Comets have a tiny frozen nucleus that is usually a few kilometers wide. The nucleus contains icy chunks, frozen gases with bits of dust. A comet warms up as it nears the Sun. The heat from the sun causes the comet’s ice to change to gas and as a result its tail gets larger.

Image source: www.


Ananda Mandir youth group is celebrating Heritage day, 2019


Drawings by Anooshka Sen (Age 7)


The Little Forest Lover By: Aishani Chakraborty (Age:9) Once upon a time there was a girl who loved to explore the Nature. Her name was Elizabeth. When Elizabeth wanted to explore Nature, she would tell her parents, "I am going outside to play for some time”. And she would go outside and see many parts of the forest. She would always discover new things in the forest. And whenever Elizabeth came home, she would tell the stories of what she had seen in the forest. She always wanted to be a Nature explorer. And as she grew up, she was able to take care of herself in the wild. Elizabeth would sneak out supplies from her house without telling her parents because she thought that her parents would scold her if she took tools outside of the house to observe Nature and would think that she was doing something bad to Nature. But one day, when she was going to take her stuff to nature, her dad caught her taking stuff from the closet. Her dad asked her ¨ What are you taking out of the closet¨? She said that she was taking water bottles out of the closet. Her dad came to peek in her bag and in the closet. Her dad asked “What are those supplies for”? She didn't want to say it but she said “Those supplies are for observations”. Her father asked “Where are you doing the observations¨? She said ¨In the Nature¨. ¨Who are you doing your observations with”? “No one so far” she replied. Then her father said “How about you joining a group? I can call some of your friends”. She answered “Sure. That would be great. I would love to join a group and work with other friends”. Then her father asked, “Tell me your friends’ names so that they can help you in your project”. So she started telling her friends´ names. “Their names are Emma, Rachel, Samantha, Sophia, Anna, Isabella, Wanna, Mello and Bonnie”. As Elizabeth was saying the names, her father listed down the names. And one by one, her dad called her friends and said “Elizabeth is starting a new club and we would love you to join her every day in the afternoon starting tomorrow¨. Every single one of her friends agreed to join her. Next day, her friends brought all the things they thought they would need in the forest. They brought the exact same supplies that Elizabeth had. Everyone was surprised. But they started the Forest Explorer Camp. They did forest research from Monday to Friday and found out new things that they had never seen before! They were so excited that they started coming to Elizabeth's house also on Saturdays and Sundays. So, her father said that they could do the camp even on the weekends. Everyone was excited. They went to Elizabeth´s house every day and made new discoveries in the forest. They discovered items like new fossils that no one had seen. Elizabeth shared her fossils with her friends at school. Then she and her family went to a museum and gave the fossils to the director of the museum. And from then, she continued her research to find new fossils and other objects with her friends. As she grew up, she joined a museum in NYC as a Curator. She explored many new places and discovered new fossils. As she grew older, her children continued her research for her. Her daughter´s name is Cynthia. Elizabeth taught Cynthia how to take care of herself in the wild as much as she could. 10

The Missing Diamond By Anshini Biswas (Age 9) There was no escape for Sally Lundell. As she crept through the halls of the museum clutching the diamond she stole in her hands, she gently crept through the dark halls. All of a sudden, wee… wee... wee... wee, the alarm went off. Sally started running towards the exit as fast as she could, when she heard “cong...”, a sound from underneath her foot. She looked down; she has stepped on something; she has stepped on a sewer opening. Sally saw flashlights turning far away a n d heard footsteps getting nearer and nearer. She knew she had no choice. She ducked down and opened the sewer vent and without thinking twice, she jumped in. Inside there was a foul smell and mold all over the walls. There were dead rats in the corners and mice poop on the sides. Sally saw a ray of light far away from her. She slowly walked towards the light, making sure not to touch anything disgusting. She stepped on some puddles which made her feel like throwing up, but she kept on walking. Finally she reached the light, which was actually coming from outside, at the end of the tunnel. Very carefully she stuck her head out and smelled the fresh air. She lifted herself out of the tunnel and came outside. She found herself in the middle of a big field with freshly cut grass. It was very early hours in the morning and no one was around. Sally suddenly got worried. She realized that she is in an unknown town and she needs to find a place to hide for the rest of the night so the cops won't find her on the street. Holding on to the diamonds tight, Sally ran to the end of the field, to find the closest house to hide for the rest of the night. Very soon she saw a house that she liked. It was a small cottage with a beautiful garden at the front. Sally gently crept toward the side of the house. She looked around the house for any open windows or doors. Eventually she saw an open bedroom window on the second floor. She found a waterspout that she could quietly climb on. Gently she put her hand on the ledge, then her foot. Then her other hand, then her other foot. And one step at a time she got further and further closer to the open window. She kept on repeatedly telling herself, “don’t look down”. As time passed by, after about ten minutes she finally reached the window. Before she went in, she took a tiny peek inside the window to see if anyone was inside. Luckily she didn't see anyone in that room. So she gently got inside the bedroom, and tiptoed to the door. She silently pressed her ear against the door trying to guess what she will see behind the door. She heard deep snoring. Sally gently opened the door a little bit, tiptoed to the staircase and went downstairs without making noise. When she got downstairs Sally found herself in the kitchen. She suddenly remembered that she was hungry from running around and could use some food. She opened the fridge and only saw soft foods like: applesauce, yogurt and pudding. So she checked in the pantry, but there also she only found soft fruits. Sally grabbed a banana and some water but before she left she felt bad for taking all the food so she looked in her wallet and left a 20 dollar bill on the kitchen table for the food. Then just as Sally was closing the sack with the diamond in it she heard footsteps coming from upstairs. Her heart thumped as she quickly pulled the sack tight and ran to the front door. She quickly 11

unlocked the door and ran as far away from the house as possible leaving no proof that she was there. She ran and ran to the park and sat on a bench. and ate a banana. She saw the Sun rising and people coming to the park. She saw a man sitting across her on the bench. He was reading a newspaper and the heading caught Sally’s eye as it said, “MISSING DIAMOND, THIEF ON THE LOOSE! On the bottom she saw a hazy picture of her from the museum security camera. Her heart jumped! She panicked and started thinking what everyone from her hometown would think if they recognized her. Her mom, her dad, neighbors, every one of them would be so terribly disappointed in her. She started thinking about her classmates, her music teacher. Ms. Diane, who is very fond of her. What would she think if she saw the newspaper and recognized her. Sally started realizing that she made a terrible mistake. In a moment of greed she did not think of the consequences of her action. She made up her mind. she decided to go to the police station and leave the diamond outside. She saw a cab parked nearby and walked over to it. “Please take me to the nearest police station, thank you.” Sally told the cab driver “Sure thing” the cab driver replied. Sally looked out the window and saw everyone reading the newspaper. She became more and more worried and wished that the cab could go even faster. Finally after a few minutes, which felt like forever to Sally, they got to the police station. Sally gave the cab driver 50 bucks and said, “Keep the change please”. Right outside the police station Sally spotted a letterbox and she waited for the cab to go away. Then she quickly wrote a note saying how sorry she was for stealing the diamond and how she will never steal again. She dropped the diamond and the note in the letterbox and hurriedly walked away. And she kept her word; she never stole anything ever again. The End ****************************

Shreya Talukder (Age:10)


LOCKED OUTSIDE !! By Auroni Sen (Age: 11) Every two years, my maternal grandparents visit us in the US during Summer and stay here for six months. And, because we all love to travel, we go some places for a week or two. This time, we rented a large house near the lake at Thousand Islands, New York. When we first stepped into the house, everyone's reaction was ‘’ Wow". The wood floor and the brown walls made it look just like a cabin. The lighting at night was dim, but in the sunlight, you could see perfectly. My mom got straight to work, dusting off the bed and setting up our living area. My Grandfather went outside to the front porch with my grandmother. He loves to be outside and is happiest when there are trees and nature around him. My dad and I, on the other hand, stayed inside and started getting the WiFi passwords to put into all devices. After we were done, my dad went outside and I went into the kitchen. My mom was rinsing off the dishes since they weren’t ours and belonged to whoever owned the house, meaning it could still be dirty. The window was open and it was a little cold as it was getting dark. So I went to close it. “ Don’t close that window!” My mom reminded me.”’ We need some ventilation.’’ Then I walked over to the pantry, and opened the door. “‘ Mom look!” I exclaimed. Sitting on the pantry shelf was a brand new popcorn maker with kernels.” Can we please make some popcorn.?” I asked. “‘ Maybe tomorrow.”’ She replied distractedly. But I was not willing to take ‘no’ for an answer. I took out the popcorn machine and I made it myself. It was a long process, but eventually I got my mother to help me. After we were done, I took the bowl of popcorn and my mother and I headed outside to the patio where everyone else was sitting. I read a book while all the adults were talking about what the plan was for the week. As it became quite dark, my mother suggested we go inside for dinner. I went to open the door and pushed. Nothing happened. I tried again, harder. But nothing worked. “” This door is stuck!” I exclaimed. “” No, it’s not.”” My mom scoffed. She tried pushing the door. Then she tried pushing it again. We had locked ourselves outside ! It was getting darker and colder by the minute. ‘’ Someone has a key, right?”” My dad asked. We all turned and looked at my grandfather. He shook his head. “” I left it on the coffee table inside.”’ He explained. We all started to panic. ‘“”OK, let’s think about this. We can’t get into the house because the door is locked and we don’t have a key. Maybe there’s a spare one?’” So, we checked on the patio, under the doormat, and even under the little swing that was tied onto a tree on the front lawn. We still couldn’t find it. “” What are we going to do now? “” My mother asked. “” Oh, we could all climb through the window.”” I said sarcastically. But my parents, they were one step ahead of me. “” The window! That’s a great idea!” My dad exclaimed. “” What?”’ I looked around shocked. “No, I was just kidding”. But before I could finish my sentence, everyone had already walked over to the side of the house where the kitchen was located. “” Auroni, you could climb through here and get the keys and let us in !”” My dad said. “” Seriously? No way! That’s impossible. You’re joking, right?” I asked. But he wasn’t joking. “” OK, climb on my shoulders and you should be able to get in through the gap.”” I reluctantly agreed. I climbed on and pushed myself through the window. Completely forgetting about the keys, I ran to the door and pushed it open. “” You found the keys?”” My mother asked. “No” I said. I looked over at the keys on the coffee table. ”Wait,” My dad said. ” the door was perhaps unlocked and for some reason could be opened only 13

from inside!’’ “” This whole time… we didn't need the keys?”” My mom said. I laughed and we all started laughing. We headed to the dining table and sat down. And from then on, I learned to ALWAYS keep an extra key. ****************************

JANE GOODALL By Auroni Sen (Age 11) Jane Goodall was born in England in 1934. She is a primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist. Jane was always interested in learning more about animals, even at an early age. When she was a kid, she used to bring earthworms inside her house and observe them. It was always her dream to go to Africa. She wanted to study the wildlife there. Everyone told her it would be hard and dangerous for a woman to go to Africa, especially since she had no money for college. But Jane worked as a waitress and a production assistant for documentaries until she was able to fund her trip to Kenya. Her hard work soon paid off ! She finally had gathered enough money to go to Kenya! A man named Louis Leekey, who, being impressed with her knowledge of Africa, gave her a job as his secretary. Louis was a scientist studying prehistoric humans. One day, Jane decided to look at chimpanzees and see if they resembled humans. At first, the chimps did not trust her because they had never seen someone like her before. But, as they got used to her, they started opening up to her. She observed them and took notes about them. She discovered that they use tools just like humans. This was a very surprising discovery. Because of her discovery, the National Geographic Society sponsored her to stay in Gombe and continue observing chimps. Through her research, she showed the world that chimps are more like us than we thought. They have distinct personalities and capacity for compassion and cruelty. She saw compassion in the chimps when a male chimp adopted an orphan chimp as his own. Jane also saw that the chimps were in danger. People weren't caring for the chimps and their habitat. The chimps’ habitat was getting ruined and no one did anything about it. So, Jane started environmental conservation organizations like the Jane Goodall Institute to help protect their habitat. Jane changed the way we all understand animals and ourselves. Jane Goodall was only one of the many, many women scientists. They all have done great things to help the world. But the one woman who inspired me the most is my mother. She works very hard all day long. She helps our family the way most people help the world. I am very thankful to her and all the other women scientists who help change the world. “ Only when our clever brain and our human heart work together can we reach our full potential.”Jane Goodall **************************** 14

Fall fiesta By Korok Das (Grade 5) Leaves are falling on the Ground, Without making any sound. Until you have stepped on them, Crunchy sound! Let’s play a game. Dressed as a knight in the middle of the night GO, Go run for candy fight!



Ilina Ghosh Sanyal (Age: 5)

Oishee Sanyal Ghosh (Age 14)


The Mysterious Candy-Giver By Kurchi Das (Grade 5) It’s Halloween night…In the distance you could hear kids chanting, “Trick or Treat, smell my feet, if you don’t, I don’t care I’ll…” Now you’re probably wondering why their voices are so distant. Well here, at this house, an old, rickety house, awaiting some brave children to approach, is quite far and isolated from the other houses. The yard was littered with bones, (you will soon see that there’s something behind it, some kind of magic…) Spider webs bordered the cracked windows, and the battered, old, black door with a wobbly knocker, was shut. Up above, in one of the windows, was an eerie, glowing, light. Then, what the old house was waiting for, five teen-agers came stomping by and stood abruptly in front of the split driveway, gawking at the still house. There were no cars in the driveway. “Let’s check it out, boys,” one of the group members said. Of course the rest agreed. So they dawdled up the driveway. As they walked, the boys thought about the mysterious light and especially the bones. Out of nowhere, seemingly like there was an invisible force lifting them, all the scattered bones gathered up in the air and drifted toward the door. The group stumbled over each other, racing after the flying bones only to find them all drifted into an open window, the window with the light. “Well while we’re here, we might as well knock.” Whispered one of the boys. It was clear that the whole group was too stunned to move. But they shuffled up to the door anyways. The chairs out in the front were quilted with webs and some bottles were placed here and there. When they reached the door they all shuddered. Laying on the ground, was a doormat made of straw reading “WELCOME” in big, curvy letters. You’re probably thinking “how is that scary?” You’d be creeped to know that there was a cat picture on the mat, but the catch was that the big olive-green eyes of the cat followed you wherever you stepped. Isn’t that spooky? Well that sure did scare those boys. Out of fright one of them jerked their hands up to the door and knocked. The light in the window dimmed… The door creaked open to reveal a person, the boys thought he was dressed as a skeleton. “Hello!” said the person. “Hey, nice haunted house,” replied a boy from the group. The person didn’t answer back. As the person handed out candy from a pumpkin-shaped bowl, one boy asked, “Wicked costume man, did you make it” ? The figure only smiled.

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Ekalavya By Adeeptarshi Chatterjee Thakur (Grade 6) Once I had a teacher; his name was Carlos Altamirano. He taught math and I was really good at math. It was my best subject! The only problem was, instead of paying attention to me, who was very good, he paid attention to the other kids. I told my Mom about this and she told me how Mr. Altamirano was paying attention to the not so good kids because they needed more attention. Mr. Altamirano gives every kid attention, but the ones who need it most, get more. She also told me the story of Ekalavya. You shouldn’t take something important to someone just because they were more superior in the end. Ekalavya’s father's name was Debashrab and he was the brother of Basudeb. And Basudeb was the father of Lord Krishna, so Ekalavya and Krishna were cousins. In his childhood, Ekalavya got lots from his father's home. Then, Hiranyadhanu, the King of Hunters, got Ekalavya and Ekalavya became known as Prince of Hunters. Ekalavya wanted to be the disciple of Guru Dronacharya and came to Hastinapur. But Arya Brahman Drona did not accept Onarya Ekalavya as his disciple. So, with a breaking heart, Ekalavya went to a deep forest near Hastinapur. He made a statue of Guru Drona and did regular practice in front of the statue. Doing this, he became a very good archer. One day, while he was practicing, the pet dog of Arjuna came there and began barking. Annoyed by the barking, Ekalavya shot seven arrows at the dog’s mouth to stop the barking but there was no bleeding. After some time, Arjun came there and saw everything. He wanted to know about Ekalavya. Ekalavya told Arjun he was the disciple of Guru Dronacharya. A simple Onarya boy has so much skill that he can do this. Arjun became very annoyed, so he went to Guru Dronacharya and told him everything. Drona wanted Arjun to be the best archer in the world, but now he felt that Ekalavya was better than Arjun. So, to keep Arjun best Dronacharya wanted Gurudakshina from Ekalavya. He wanted Ekalavya’s right thumb. Ekalavya understood everything, but because of his respect upon his Guru he cut his thumb and put it on a leaf and gave it to his Guru. Later, in a duel fight with Sri Krishna, Ekalavya died. In his death time, Sri Krishna gave blessings upon Ekalavya, that in his next life he will be the cause of Dronacharya’s death. With these blessings, Ekalavya was born in Drupad’s house as his son, named Dhristhya Dumnya. In the battle of Kurukshethro he killed Dronacharya. In conclusion, we can say self-respect and self-confidence are the pillars of success. Also, In this story, I feel like it’s a reflection of today’s world. What’s happening today? We are hating each other by class, race, skin color. Look at the story, they’re also discriminating against Ekalavya as he belonged from a lower class. Please don’t discriminate, respect humans as humans. After this story, I also understood my teacher was always very respectful and helpful with every student. I will always miss you Mr. Altamirano. We’re supposed to learn a lot from you but you are gone… are left us! But I learned a lot of lessons from you that I’ll always remember in my future life. ****************************


Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Journey to Supreme Court Justice By Adrita Chowdhury (Grade 7) Ruth Bader Ginsburg is best known for becoming a Justice in the Supreme Court and serving for 27 years. She was the second woman Justice and first Jewish woman Justice ever, but she had many big achievements in her life before that, too. She graduated from James Madison High School, and went to Cornell University. There, she earned a Bachelor’s degree with high honors in Government. She later entered Harvard Law School. She was one of the 9 women in her class. Ruth had to teach her husband’s classes and write his papers, as well as her own and care for her child, because her husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer. She also won a seat on the Harvard Law Review. She then went to Columbia University for her last year of law school, and got on the law review there too, which is a big achievement for any law students. Ruth graduated from Columbia first place in her class. None of the law firms she applied to wanted to hire her. A Supreme Court Justice also didn’t hire her because she was a woman. She was eventually hired in the District Court for the Southern District of New York. After that, she started getting offers from big law firms, but decided to go back to Columbia to work on a project on International Procedure at the law school. She taught herself Swedish and started learning about the Swedish legal system. She later became a professor at Rutgers and taught law there. She later moved back to Columbia University Law School and was the first woman to get a permanent job there. Ruth Bader Ginsburg published some books in this time. In 1965 she published a textbook called “Civil Procedure in Sweden.” In 1970 Ruth cofounded “The Women’s Rights Law Reporter”, the first law newspaper about gender equality in the U.S. She published another textbook in 1974 called “Text, Cases, and Materials on Sex-Based Discrimination.” In 1973, Ruth argued her first case in front of the Supreme Court. She later founded the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project and was the general counsel as well as serving on the board of the ACLU. She then began speaking at many different law schools in the U.S. and in Europe such as Harvard and the Universities of Amsterdam and Strasbourg. Ruth Bader Ginsburg appeared in the Supreme Court many times, mostly for cases of gender discrimination. One of these cases was Weinberger vs. Weisenfeld which happened in 1975. This was about a man whose wife had died and he didn’t get the same Social Security child support benefits that a woman who was in a similar situation would get. Ginsburg won this case, and won another a few years later. This one was called Duren vs. Missouri and was about how men had to do jury duty and women didn’t, by which she meant women’s contributions as citizens were less than men’s. She was now known as an Advocate for gender equality. Ginsburg was later appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit by President Jimmy Carter. 13 years later, in 1993, President Bill Clinton appointed her to the Supreme Court in place of Justice Bryon White, who retired. She was, as said before, the second woman to serve in the court, and the first Jewish woman to be a Justice. **************************** 18

EXPELLED By Srijita Sarkar (Grade 8) I was just sitting at my desk listening to my teacher's boring talk when all of a sudden, the classroom door swung open and there he was, Mr. Brant, the school principal. “May I speak to…” He paused looking around the room until his eyes met mine. He looked at me up and down in disgust, then continued his sentence. “Jackson.” I smiled. Finally, I won't have to be in class with Mrs. Ace talking about boring science all day and I can finally stay away from my tedious classmates. Someone behind me whispered to someone quite loudly as if wanting me to hear her. “Oooh! Someone's in trouble! I hope he gets expelled after this. I wouldn't want to see such a person again.” Sarah said, looking at me smiling obviously feeling no pity for me. She and I don't get along at all. I just rolled my eyes at her and went back facing the principal. “Come on! Don't just stand there! Let's go to my office now!” Said the principal in a very serious tone. So, I did. I followed the principal as we passed by all the hallways until we finally faced the principal's office door. “IN!” He said as he went inside and slammed the door right in front of my face. Does he really think he can scare me? No way. “I see that you have stolen a very precious trophy of ours and I hope you know that we don’t let things go away so easily. From today you are expelled!” I grinned. “Oh! You are fine with that. You see...this will in fact affect your future. You are in eighth grade and you should have proper behavior by now. In fact. There’s no need for you to be expelled actually. It's not like you care about your future. So instead I will be kind enough to give you a punishment. Your punishment is that every day you will be in detention and have extra homework. My grin slowly became a sad smile. Is he serious! Detention for stealing a trophy and extra homework! No way! This is so unfair! I have been waiting for this moment my whole life! I wanted to be expelled and now I made it even worse for myself! I didn't show my weakness though. I just went along with it. “Ok so when does today's detention start?” “Now.” He said in a very deep and scary tone. Great. Detention. This was such a stupid plan for being expelled…wait… I smiled, not caring that the principal saw it. As I entered the room for detention to start, I started destroying things all over the place. Crushing tables.... drawing on the walls. One of the walls said “I HATE THE PRINCIPAL!” I also chewed gum and stuck it to the walls. Until my fun was over when the principal stormed in the room, shocked. “WHAT! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” “I just thought this room needed a little makeover.” I said smiling. “YOU…. ARE....EXPELLED!” Said the principal with his eyes wide and red as anger ran through his face. At Home As I laid down on my bed smiling like it was the best day of my life, I whispered to myself, “Mission accomplished.” I said smiling with no sadness or guilt in me. **************************** 19

Modernization, Urbanization, Industrialization, and Globalization: A double-edged sword? By Anirudh Sarkar (Age 15) The world we live in was once nothing but a mass of random occurrences, with no human alive able to decipher its mysteries. But, having survived and evolved through millennia, the human species started to settle into communities and thrive as a whole, rather than perishing alone. With our curious minds and a thirst for answers, we explored, discovered, and invented the world we now live in. It wasn’t achieved in a day, a year, or even one’s lifetime, but together we persevered. Although we have walked this earth for so long, we didn’t discover much of what we did until the past few centuries. The notions of urbanization, industrialization, modernization and globalization has shaped the lives of many as we know it now. With the needs of society changing over the years, it was imminent that the world we live in should be able to occupy and satisfy such needs. With such a requirement, the concept of industrialization was formed, leading to a massive transformation of the socio-economic structure to accommodate the process of manufacturing to achieve self-sustenance. Following this, there was a huge leap in advancing science and technology, generating greater employment opportunities, causing a shift in population migrating all over the world. The height of this revolutionary change also foresaw an open door to build trade and economic relationships and create a global network amongst all great nations. However, all this change was not without consequences. Humans became greedy and corrupt, and chose to destroy than create. Urbanization had spread throughout America with the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad. In an era 3 decades after the Civil War, otherwise known as the Gilded Age, industrialization dominated the Northern economy. Since the confederate states were readmitted into the Union, they had no other source of income other than agriculture and manufacturing. The ability to quickly traverse the country using the Transcontinental Railroad, increased the spread of cities and overall urbanization throughout the country. A new evil that arose with urbanization and industrialization was the socio-economic or white-collar crimes. When the civilization evolved into society, money became the sole factor of survival. However, it did not lead the world towards prosperity. Instead, the rich became richer, and the poor were exploited. Crimes took a new turn. They were no longer crimes out of revenge or hunger. Rather, crimes were born of jealousy, greed and pride. The politicians and industrialists began to shed blood and take advantage of their privilege to gain money, power and fame. It wasn’t just the society that suffered the consequences. Overpopulation, exploitation of resources, urbanization, pollution, natural disasters and such anthropogenic factors led to the degradation of environment and public health. The world is still suffering the fruits of the seeds once sown. We are living on a dying planet- a planet so beautiful but ruined by our actions. Urbanization and Industrialization both complement each other and flourish different countries into a technologically dependent area. Inventions that influence the entire world during the industrial era include the telephone, the lightbulb and the phonograph. However as any changes influence 20

countries, corruption follows it. Many businessmen were making money off the costs of the poor and paid off politicians to keep it secret. Furthermore, industrial monopolies bought stocks of a company to control them, and subsequently would sap as much money as possible from the American people since there is no competition. Additionally, monopolies like Andrew Carnegie's steel company and John Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company both had a large amount of international commerce and influence over other European nations. Technological breakthroughs were once the heart of social and economic developments. Nations were formed, sovereigns established, legislations drafted, and society began to thrive with scientific advancements. What were once considered miracles became a daily routine for many. But, as we humans always do, we drained and drained every last bit of good that could happen. Now, we are talking about biological immortality and AI and many such ideas which were once considered impossible to even dream about. Sure, development is great, but to what extent, and at what cost? There is a line not to be crossed, and in the name of development and welfare of society, all we are set to do is upset the balance of nature. ****************************

Ananda Mandir youth group taking a photo with their teacher Sudipta Bhanja Choudhury after performance, Bijoya Sammilani, 2019

Bani Bandana program, February 10, 2020


Puritan Beliefs in Literature By Anirudh Sarkar (Age 15)

Think about your standards as a human being. It could be obscure, or something so common that it goes without being mentioned. One would wonder where all these morals and self-rules are derived from. Traditions, whether passed down orally or by religion, is bound to leave an everlasting mark on where people practiced it. In the United States, different aspects of varied cultures are present and are always able to be found. Whether it be a temple, mosque, church, or even a restaurant, remnants of cultures are found and expressed. Even holidays that certain people celebrate for various reasons we just consider to be the norm, are the remnants of those cultures implemented into our lifestyle. Therefore, the traditions embedded within those cultures reside under the same umbrella. However, arguably one of the most impactful traditions upon our everyday lives is the Puritan beliefs. Puritan beliefs are hidden in aspects of core principles and morals that people abide by. Ample evidence and arguments from numerous editorials suggest that. Also, the Puritan culture is intriguingly portrayed in Puritan literature. If one was requested to state what they believe to be morally correct, they would most likely say what every other person would say, putting religion aside. As a matter of fact, many people believe in Evangelicalism, and for it to be, “a carrier of Puritan values and America's resistance” (Hutson). Furthermore, things in Puritan culture that are considered to be the norm- like how important religion is to the common individual, or a right to get an education for everyone- is what many people truly believe in; they don’t even think about where these beliefs came from. They just see it as good and be done with it. However, things that are considered to be sinful like premarital sex and revealing clothing, is also something many share to be wrong and sinful. Some individuals might argue that although people share the same beliefs, principles, morals, etc., it does not necessarily mean that that belief was derived from Puritan cultures. This is false, given that this ties back to how this is subconsciously treated as the norm because of how much of an impact Puritans left. Further evidence proves that this thought is a “remnant of the Protestant rejection of church hierarchy and emphasis on a personal relationship with God” (Hutson). So essentially, it is proven that the individualistic traits that Americans have are also a remnant of Puritan impact on humans and Americans as a whole. 22

All in all, Puritan beliefs have had a hidden but major impact on how life is lived today. This is so because their principles are what is considered today to be right or wrong or to be just, or sinful. Many share the same beliefs because its true root comes from the Puritans, as well as the American work ethic of never giving up, and being self-reliant. All of this, and more ties back to the massive influence that the Puritans have had on Americans.

Arianna Mukherjee Chakraborty (Age: 4) **************************** 23

Digital Transformation and Its Impact By Shivan Mukherjee (Age 16) It is no secret that due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the world has had to undergo major changes. Businesses that once relied purely on person-to-person interaction have had to change rapidly in order to keep up with the times. Businesses such as zoom have soared in stock and have become almost staples in our new lives. Companies have had to create and update their websites in order to avoid disruptions. Through the use of technologies such as the cloud, the phone, network, and using big data, Companies have worked to capitalize on new opportunities while also attempting to prevent loss of income. An entire business can not transform at once. Such a transformation requires large amounts of strategic planning and shifts in organizational focuses. Specifically, in the banking industry, even if income was reduced during quarantine, people still needed to access their funds. Although some banks had begun the process even before quarantine, the pandemic accelerated all plans to make digital banking more accessible and efficient while maintaining security. In the restaurant business, delivery options were created and expanded across wide radii as a method to continue operations. Although the government offered relief in the form of stimulus checks, the net loss that in-person businesses have had is immeasurable. In addition to providing new services, owners have had to leverage many other key components in order to find success in their digital transformation. They have had to learn to analyze data and search engine optimization analytics to market businesses online along with the creation of websites and mobile apps themselves to help enhance consumer experiences. As the nature of the job changed, employers have had to reskill their workforces to operate with the new upgraded systems and processes. But, while some businesses were quick to adapt, others were not. Some leaders of small businesses continue to wait patiently for the pandemic to subside, when, in reality, this way of life may continue months or years after it ends anyway. Such leaders must embrace this inevitable change if they wish to continue to stay relevant in changing times for, even if it may be challenging, the alternative of not being able to operate at all is devastating. In conclusion, digital transformation is something that can no longer be left for the future. As many businesses already have done, the creation of websites and innovations to adjust to digital life is critical to maintaining steady levels of business. And, by creating this infrastructure now, businesses will emerge from the pandemic with greater value, greater efficiency, and higher profitability than ever before. ****************************


The COVID-19 Technological Impact By Shivan Mukherjee (age 16) It is no surprise that the spread of COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease - 2019) has caused widespread changes worldwide. It has brought about an even greater dependence on technology than ever before. In order to support online learning and working from home, the amount of traffic on video calling sites and the internet in general is at an all time high. In response to the virus, researchers have also had to make changes. Specifically, researchers at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering have been applying Artificial Intelligence machine learning in the fight against coronavirus. This is effective because the complex mathematical models can be used to not only find new drugs but examine already FDA approved drugs to see if they can be applied to treatment for COVID-19. Repurposing a drug is not only easier, but since it is already created, it will be able to increase the speed of distribution. Another use of technology can be found in the creation of the smartphone app used by USC to monitor the locations and paths that an individual with symptoms may have taken. The location data is kept private and it enables researchers to be able to cross-reference these locations with other people and individuals who they may have come into contact with. This source of data helps keep track of changes in the virus while also working to prevent its spread. A current problem is that staying at home for prolonged periods of time is simply not feasible. By monitoring both symptoms and the types of people who get infected, more targeted treatment can be delivered and the scarce resources can be allocated more efficiently. Many of these technologies that we currently have at our disposal have given us advantages over the tackling of previous epidemics. The fact that we now have supercomputers, allows simulations of proteins and experiments can be processed and completed at rates 100 times faster than ever before. And, in doing so, it could help expedite the process of finding vaccines. Even virtual reality is being used to create agents that can respond to situations and provide comfort to people helping to reduce the stress on medical personnel. Beyond healthcare, smartphone apps have been created to help individuals test themselves and fast track the spread of information about the virus. Delivery services for groceries and food to people that are most vulnerable to COVID-19, provides access to necessities. Accompanied with all these technologies are the people that make their application possible. Healthcare workers, grocery shop cashiers, and researchers are just a few of many people all over the world who cannot just stay home. It is through their work that we have been able to withstand the effects of COVID-19 thus far, and we will continue to need their help until this pandemic is over. ****************************


Universe An argumentative poem By: Swayamshuvra Chakraborty (Bittu), age 17 Sayanshuvra Chakraborty (Dittu), age 14 Bittu


In the beginning, There was inky blackness Engulfing everything, And everyone around it

In the beginning, there was Nothing Just Darkness, no beaten path. Nothing to follow Didn’t exist, then there was a time Of light, connections Electric, Nuclear

The nothingness, soon changed From empty, to full From pitiful nothingness, to bright existence

When everything was one, and all there was Light But all things, must come to an end

The end, ah yes The nuclei crackled, and the trumpets flared

Where the bodies fell, as packets of energy

Of light, of death Of creation

And destruction, at the end of the vicious battle The dust of giants, littered the floor

The giants had lost, against the ticking time bomb Yes, Time


Nothing can escape the constraints of time

Ironic, I thought we were beyond this

Yes, now stop talking Right, Okay Time, the never-ending abyss, nothing can escape it Nothing, nothing at all

Except for time itself?

Like us?

But the time, you speak of Is twisted, in its inability To stay constant, much like us

The dust of giants, creates new existence, New giants Much smaller, yet still significant

Like us, the dust of giants Litter the field, and thus We are created

Craters, signs of visits

The rocky terrain, or the broken abysses Of flowing liquid, pockmarks in skin The hot gasses, pressurize The heat, everywhere

Floating, in the never ending field The Field hold many secrets, many of which are unknown

From broken fields


The… Little specks?

Many of which are known, but once everything ends We’ll see again, because nothing and everything Are two sides of the same coin That reminds me, what of the little specks on you?

Oh they? They are quite odd, they think they have meaning They strive to create it, but they don’t understand Their trials hurt others and only create destruction

Yes, the ones who walk around

And that meaning is nothingness Well, everything has meaning Well don’t worry, they will be gone soon Yet nothingness is meaning in and of itself And at the end, all that will remain is darkness Because the vacuum, will always be Omnipresent

As will you or I

There will be nothing and everything once again Infinite, yet infinity is useless You or I will not remain And as the dust of giants litter the field And everything And all there will be, is nothing Yes, and everything


Operation Warp Speed By Srijon Bhanja Choudhury (Grade 11) Over the past eight months, the Covid-19 virus has spread across the world, infecting and killing millions. The wrath of the virus has been felt in numerous countries in every single continent however, no country has been impacted more than the United States. With over seven million cases nationwide hundred and more than two hundred thousand deaths, the United States leads the rest of the world with reported Covid-19 cases and deaths. Due to the major impact that Covid-19 has had on the entire population of United States, a program to develop a vaccine for the virus has been established by President Trump and his administration. This program is called Operation Warp Speed and has been ongoing since May of 2020. The goal of this operation is to combine the multiple stages of developing a drug to shorten the time to develop the vaccine. The plan is to shrink the average time to develop a drug which is seventy three months to fourteen months, by combining the preclinical trials, combining the phase 2 and three trials, and shrinking the distribution time from six months to three months.

Operation Warp Speed involves eight major pharmaceutical companies including Merck, Pfizer and AstraZeneca that are engaged in developing the drug. Though this plan seems very organized, many critics of President Trump have expressed their concerns on how speeding up the drug development process could lead to a faulty vaccine or even worse, a vaccine that could hurt the person getting vaccinated. Many critics have also spoken out about how this plan to speed up the vaccination process seems politically charged as this may be one of the President’s last decisions before the end of his term. The President has been pushing for the vaccine to be completed and distributed before the 28

election. The effectiveness of the vaccine and Project Warp Speed as a whole could affect voters’ decisions at the ballot on election day. Regardless of the motives of the President, if this plan is a success, it could set a precedent for how future drugs are developed. By reducing the development time to a fraction of what it used to be, Operation Warp Speed has the potential to be a revolutionary project in the world of medicine, if the vaccine truly cures the patients. Adopted from - - Coronavirus. Table taken from:


Ejana Ghosh Sanyal (Age 10)

A picture from Swadhinata online program by Ananda Mandir casted on August 23, 2020 29

Plastic Smiles By Anuraag Sarkar (Grade 11) All for that smile… or so I would think. Oftentimes, I find myself working towards making others burst into laughter or crack a smile. It was quite Intoxicating, and from the moment I started making my first jokes in grade school I had been hooked. My life had been defined by the thousands of smiles I had created. But I would often find myself thinking the contrary. Where did those smiles lead me? Surely nothing much if it results in me sinking as I am now. To greater finances? I wouldn’t think so. Smiles may get me a pleasant word or too, but I never managed to sell a laugh. Then how about better relationships? I suppose I did gain pleasant relationships from making others smile, but a smile is not enough. People desire talent and relatability, which you won’t find from a jobhopping shut-in. But how about self- gratification? Isn’t laughter contagious? Quite the contrary, I would argue. Seeing others laugh and enjoy themselves often left me envious of what I could have lived. But then what defined me? Surely there’s something! Yet the longer I continue this inner argument, the more I begin to feel insecure about what I had lived for. The bubbles seem to swirl around me, resembling those whom I made smile. Strangely I couldn’t identify a single one of them. In my head, I had never quite considered any of them as friends or lovers. The fact that I could not remember a single face justified that. Then are friends and lovers just those whom we remember? If so, I would say my lovers are the days I could never forget. While it would be expected that my favorite days would be those in which I made the most people smile, they are instead when I spend the most time alone. I could still see the stars above me, whirling and shifting as I gazed upon the vast cosmos that day. I could still feel the wind blowing against me as I opened the windows and sped over the limit that day. And I could still feel the shale and sand underneath me as I sat hours after hours, looking at nothing but the waves. The thought of waves suddenly made me aware of the water shifting under me. Opening my eyes, I saw the rays of light dissipate around me, creating a beautiful shade of color. The debris seemed to rush past me, paying no heed to a simple person like me, similar to how people seem to just drift away from me. I would often make others smile while hoping for a chance of a blossoming relationship, yet my efforts were always for naught. In fact, the reason why my favorite days are such, may be in part of this desire. Those were the days I didn’t have to interact with others. Talking and gossip always resembled fingers scratching a chalkboard. In fact, I would even cover my ears out of instinct, causing others to look at me in confusion. Then does that mean even my favorite days were just excuses for a pathetic desire to stay away? The sound of a motor brought me back to the present. I could faintly make out the silhouettes of 30

others above me moving in a frantic manner. I smiled, realizing this may have been the first time in my life I have managed to attract some attention. Thinking nothing of it, I closed my eyes with one thought in mind. There’s nothing I could have done. Yet as I continue to sink even deeper, this thought circulated throughout my mind. It ran through the very fibers of my being, disrupting the war in my head. There’s nothing that could have been done. But when I think about it, what have I done? I’ve always just moped, keeping to myself and never trying for a better future. There’s nothing I could have done. Have I ever attempted? Have I ever done anything other than stare at the smiles of others in disgust? There’s nothing I could have done. Have I ever tried anything other than making others laugh? Ever took the extra step to learn a hobby or get to know someone else better? There’s nothing I could have done! I began to shout in my head, now trying to convince myself of this fact. Yet when this thought planted itself in me, I began to wonder. Maybe there is a chance for this sorry fellow to get up. Maybe there’s a chance I'll experience what I've come to hate. Maybe I’ll be able to make someone smile not momentarily, but for a long, long time. When my mind began to think these redundant thoughts, I suddenly lost the ability to think. There was only one thought left in me- I must escape. Not just the water crushing me down, but also my monotonous lifestyle. Maybe there is a path for me other than the one I was leading at the moment. And while these thoughts circled around me, I began to feel myself wading towards the surface subconsciously. I began thinking of the possibilities of something better. I began to feel my past self-detaching itself from my soul and filling up with beautifully colored experiences. And I began to feel a sense of relief spread over me as I saw a hand reach for me. Grabbing it, I felt myself get hoisted up. With a quick rolling motion, I sprawled onto a hard, soggy floor. Coughing out the water in my lungs, I began to see the faces around me gather closer. When I finally managed to sit up, I was hit with a torrent of questions, yet they all went in one ear and left from the other. The only thing I could distinguish was the face of my savior, smiling back at me. And with that, I crawled my way towards him, uninterested from the rest of the world. When I finally did reach him, I stopped and reached out my hand, a phrase escaping my mouth. Will you be my friend? And with that phrase uttered, I felt a smile forming on my face. **************************** 31

ON MY WAY TO HELL By: Shama Dinesh (Age 20) Trapped in a cage, left to rot Heart beating, breathing, eyes soulless An empty vessel, barely alive Eyes sunken, drained of its tears I lay in a chasm of self-loathing Pitiful, pathetic, begging for mercy Praying to all saints, angels, and Gods To stop the pain, the agony, and end my misery I was desperate, drowning in my regrets Suffering from defeat at the hands of Fate Hoping to escape this endless torment But such a coward I was, I couldn't end it I feared the unknown, I feared the pain I feared the suffering, I feared the peace I feared the living, I feared the dead I feared being alive, I feared to die Fake smile, plastic life, an imposter of my own Yearning for a life free of grief I tried to be something I never was Pleading for someone to see through the mask Despairing to break free of the prison I was in To know, just for once, how it is to feel alive Not a pawn in someone's game, not a puppet in someone's hands And not just stay a breathing corpse As years passed by, I became devoid of hope My prayers went unanswered, and my faith perished I stepped back, locking myself in my prison No longer feeling trapped for it was now my home Wondering why did I ever hope it would be any different It has always been the same My own tragic tale of heartbreak and agony A circle of life I could never run away from I chose to walk the path laid out for me No more tears wasted; no more love lost I'll tread along these walls that I have always been within I'll know how to be vengeful; I'll learn to be cruel I'll lock myself within this tower, unreachable My destiny I shall forge on my own I refuse for this to be my story For I am more than what anyone ever knew of me So, what if I will become a sinner? No one wanted to save me when I was desperate 32

No one tried, not even when I was kind Too late, the darkness has spread too far Virtue and justice have withered, crumbling to the floor For now, when I die, I'll die as myself Outrunning my nightmares, finally at peace I dive into the waiting arms of Hell ****************************

THE ISLES OF UTOPIA By: Shama Dinesh (Age 20) In a land far away, beyond the skies and seas Lived five great covens of witches in harmony Away from the torment, were they promised peace To be a part of the family, face trials of each colony The coven of Water in its robes of blue The coven of Fire in fierce red Servants of the Serpent and Dragon were they true Held their oath sacred as they bled The coven of Earth, Air, and Spirit In robes of green, white, and gold The curse of Wolf, Raven, and Dove did they inherit Leaving a trail of corpses lying in the cold Then was there the coven of the Damned The hounds who lurked in the shadows The dark coven banished from the land The worshippers of the Scythe of Chaos In this land unbeknownst, lived a boy imprisoned Dreaming of freedom, venturing out of town Daring, vengeful, a life envisioned He wore his defiance like a crown Months of harrow did the boy endure To join the covens did he slave Alone he was, with no family to assure To follow his destiny did he stay brave The boy, nameless, at last met the Prince The heir to the Royal, his gifts unique The Prince wanting to escape his sins The answers for his quest did he seek The Prince and the boy became unlikely allies Both battling to defy their destiny Their determined souls reflected in their eyes One to embrace the life, the other to break free 33

The boy and the Prince, once friends, now no more Standing apart, facing each other in battle Destroying the order, the myth, and lore Rain of blood dousing the flame of the candle The boy believed he stood on the right side of history He betrayed his friend, his nemesis, his brother Unto the moment where the Prince unveiled the mystery As he fell in a pool of his blood with a smile on his face, executed by his father The boy won the war for the Royal Empire He won the war by deceiving his only family He didn’t shed a tear as he lit his Prince’s pyre But broke out of his trance and saw past his fantasy The boy realized he stood on the wrong side of the war He saw his brother fight hard and disappear One could never save humanity by being a monster Now filled with his regrets, shall he live in fear The world he lived in was merciless, cruel, and more His mind entrapped in an endless dream untrue He now saw that humanity is rotten to its core The boy faced what he always knew In a land far away, beyond skies and seas People still suffered, while the Royal reigned Away from kindness, were they robbed of peace The rich walked free while the poor were chained ****************************

Anuron Chakraborty (Grade 6) 34

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in American Medicine By Ankush Rakhit (Kisholy alumnus) According to the 2020 Current Population Report from the United States (US) Census Bureau, the ethnic composition of the US is rapidly changing 1. The population of non-Hispanic White people, considered to be the majority ethnic group in the US for most decades, is decreasing in number compared to Asian and Hispanic groups 1. Collectively, those once considered minorities are projected to become the majority by 2045. As early as 2020, the majority of children born in the US are expected to be of a race other than non-Hispanic white 1. The demographic composition of the United States is important for medicine because race and gender have important consequences on health outcomes. The current case of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID19) virus disproportionately impacting African American and Hispanic populations with both increased hospitalization and death rates is a prime example 3. Overall racial and ethnic minorities in the US and United Kingdom experience higher rates of mortality as a result of earlier disease onset and greater severity of disease 4,5. Gender bias also exigently affects medicine whereby it is known that women are less likely to receive more advanced diagnostic and therapeutic interventions compared to men 6. Given the severity of race and gender disparities affecting health outcomes, a thorough examination of diversity and representation within the discipline of medicine is warranted. Evidence has shown that race concordant physicians result in higher patient satisfaction 8 and a greater likelihood of patients returning to physicians to seek preventative care 9. Effective physician-patient relationship is vital for better health outcomes by increasing patient satisfaction, improving patients’ understanding of health problems and treatment available, improving compliance, and providing support and reassurance to patients. Racial disparities in medicine begin at the level of medical school admissions. A 2019 Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Diversity report showed that of accepted applicants in US medical schools, nearly half (49.8%) were White, 22.0% were Asian, 7.1% were Black or African American, and 6.2% were Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish Origin 13. Diversity in faculty and leadership in medicine tells a similar story of unbalanced representation. Despite the changing demographics of America, analyses of the 2019 AAMC Faculty Roster data show that white faculty remain a majority in nearly every category of academic rank, tenure, and degree across all medical institutions in the United States 14. The number of Asian faculty is expanding rapidly but only in positions that are not on the tenure track 14. Black and Hispanic faculty have by far seen the least growth in the past decade. Female representation in faculty positions has gradually increased but remains much lower than males and does not reflect the nearly equal composition of the US population 14. A lack of diversity in faculty and leadership is dangerous because these positions allow the power to address racial and gender biases at an institutional level. Research at Johns Hopkins University has demonstrated that leadership driven diversity initiatives that focus on strong mentorship providing financial support to minority students and establishing equal pay for existing minority faculty, can improve recruitment from under-represented groups 15. Increasing faculty diversity can reduce healthcare disparities by improving cultural competency and expanding both medical research and coverage for under-served populations 16. While some academic institutions have implemented 35

diversity initiatives that have successfully improved representation, the progress of many institutions in their efforts to increase representation in their own leadership and faculty remains slow and undetectable. If we are to improve health outcomes for marginalized patients in the United States it is imperative that institutions across the country critically reevaluate and restructure their recruitment methods to promote upward mobility for minorities within and entering the field. Article adapted from “Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Academic American Otolaryngology Faculty: An Elusive Dream� References: 1. Bureau USC. Demographic Turning Points for the United States: Population Projections for 2020 to 2060. 2020. 2. Smedley BD, Stith BA, Bristow LR, Editors. Increasing Diversity in the Health Professions: A Look at Best Practices in Admissions. 2004. 3. Garg S, Kim L, Whitaker M, et al. Hospitalization Rates and Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized with Laboratory-Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 - COVID-NET, 14 States, March 1-30, 2020. MMWR Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2020;69(15):458-464. 4. (US) IoM. How Far Have We Come in Reducing Health Disparities? Progress Since 2000: Workshop Summary, Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US). 2012. 5. Raisi Z, McCracken C, Bethell M, et al. Greater risk of severe COVID-19 in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic populations is not explained by cardiometabolic, socioeconomic or behavioural factors, or by 25(OH)-vitamin D status: study of 1326 cases from the UK Biobank. Journal of public health (Oxford, England). 2020. 6. Hamberg K. Gender bias in medicine. Women's health (London, England). 2008;4(3):237-243. 7. Jackson JR, Holmes AM, Golembiewski E. Graduation and Academic Placement of Underrepresented Racial/Ethnic Minority Doctoral Recipients in Public Health Disciplines, United States, 2003-2015. Public Health Reports. 2019; 134(1):63-71. 8. Laveist TA, Nuru-Jeter A. Is doctor-patient race concordance associated with greater satisfaction with care? Journal of health and social behavior. 2002;43(3):296-306. 9. Ma A, Sanchez A, Ma M. The Impact of Patient-Provider Race/Ethnicity Concordance on Provider Visits: Updated Evidence from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities. 2019;6(5):1011-1020. 10. Epperson M, Gouveia CJ, Tabangin ME, et al. Female Representation in Otolaryngology Leadership Roles. Laryngoscope. 2020;130(7):1664-1669. 11. Moghimi S, Khurshid K, Jalal S, et al. Gender Differences in Leadership Positions Among Academic Nuclear Medicine Specialists in Canada and the United States. AJR American journal of roentgenology. 2019;212(1):146-150. 12. Wu B, Bhulani N, Jalal S, Ding J, Khosa F. Gender Disparity in Leadership Positions of General Surgical Societies in North America, Europe, and Oceania. Cureus. 2019;11(12):e6285. 13. AAMC. Diversity in Medicine: Facts and Figures 2019. Accessed 07/19/2020. 14. AAMC: 2019 U.S. Medical School Faculty. 15. Lin SY, Francis HW, Minor LB, Eisele DW. Faculty diversity and inclusion program outcomes at an academic otolaryngology department. Laryngoscope. 2016;126(2):352-356. 16. Cohen JJ, Gabriel BA, Terrell C. The case for diversity in the health care workforce. Health Aff (Millwood). 2002;21(5):90-102.

**************************** Ananda Mandir youth group performing in Bani Bandana program, February 10, 2020


Photographs by Abhishek Adhikari (Age 21) Inside view of the old Ghoom Monastery. The hike from the Keventer’s in the Mall Road to the monastery took about 2.5 hours from Darjeeling

Pre-dawn view of the Kanchenjunga mountain range along with the lights of Darjeeling below us.


Drawing by Sophie Sarkar (Kisholy alumna)


Abhimanyu - the Teen Hero of Mahabharat By Guru Chakravarty The epic Mahabharat is full of innumerable tales of heroism with many great heroes. However, there is no dispute about the greatest of them all – it is Arjun. Who comes next? Abhimanyu, the son of Arjun can legitimately claim that honor. Although he lived for only sixteen years, he left his mark of bravery in the Kurukshetra War when he went inside the trap of Chakrabyha that was created by the Kauravas to trap and kill anyone who would enter it. Abhimanyu was born to Arjun and Subhadra, who was Lord Krishna’s sister. Because of his famous maternal uncle, Abhimanyu was automatically the most adorable child of all Pandavas. When he was just about three years old, the Pandavas had to leave their kingdom to go into “Banabas”(living in forest), because they lost to the Kauravas in the game of “Pasha”, the modern day version of “Crap” as played in casinos. The Pandavas were banished for a total of 13 years, and Abhimanyu missed his father during his whole childhood. Abhimanyu stayed back with his mother at his uncle’s kingdom at Dwaraka, in company of Lord Krishna, and Balaram, Krishna’s elder brother. Abhimanyu received his education and training of archery and other sports from them and became an impressive young teenager. The thirteen years of banishment of Pandavas included twelve years of living in forest, followed by one year of living in anonymity. During this period of anonymity, Arjun became a “eunuch”, an ineffectual man, to serve out a curse he had received previously. He took the name “Brihannala”, and worked as a dance teacher of “Uttara”, the daughter of King Birat. At the end of the period of anonymity, when the identity of Arjun was revealed, King Birat was very happy to learn that Arjun, the greatest warrior known to the world, was the teacher of her daughter. Overwhelmed with joy, he wanted to give her daughter to him in marriage. Arjun said to King Birat: “I am honored by your proposal of marriage, but I cannot accept Uttara as my wife. She has always looked up to me as her teacher, and her Guru. But I like her so much that I will like to get her as my daughter-in-law. If you permit, then I will have my son Abhimanyu to marry your daughter”. King Birat agreed, and Uttara got married to Abhimanyu, who was just about 16 years old. At the end of fulfilling all requirements of the gamble they lost at the “Crap” game, the Pandavas were now ready to reclaim their kingdom back. They sent their representative to Duryodhan, the King of Kauravas, to have a discussion. As expected, Duryodhan, who had no intention of living in harmony with the Pandavas, rejected their claim to the throne, or to give them any part of the kingdom. Thus the seed was sown for a war between the two factions of the family that originated from the same ancestry of King Bichitrabirya. The war was fought at Kurukshetra, near the Kingdom of Hastinapur. It was an 18-day war, and the details of it is immortalized in the epic “Mahabharat”, written by Vyasdev. Both sides amassed enormous armies, enlisting all kings that ruled various parts of the land of Bharat at the time. Among the most notable warriors of the time, Bhisma, Drona, Karna, and some others stayed with Kauravas because they more or less lived together under the rule of Duryodhan. On the Pandava side, Krishna was claimed by Arjun, as they were close friends. The Pandavas believed that Krishna was God 39

himself, and with him on their side, they could not lose. Although Krishna had declared to both sides that he would not take up any arms himself, and that he would merely serve as the driver of Arjun’s chariot, the Pandavas fervently wanted him on their side. On the very first day of the war, as Krishna placed the chariot of Arjun in the middle of the field of Kurukshetra, Arjun went into despair by looking at the enemies, who were none other than his own relatives, and those he respected as elders. “How can I kill my own cousins, my grandfather Bhisma, my Guru Drona and such others”? He thought. There, before the war could begin, Krishna gave Arjuna and the world, the lessons of Hindu philosophy. These lessons are compiled in eighteen chapters of “Gita”, which is a part of the epic “Mahabharat”, and is accepted by Hindus as the central theme of Hindu philosophy. Armed with the knowledge of Gita and at the direction of Krishna, Arjun was convinced to battle in the field of Kurukshetra. Abhimanyu, who was just a teenager, was not used by the Pandavas in the battlefield. However, on the thirteenth day of the war, he got introduced into it. The Kauravas made a special plan to defeat the Pandavas by making a Chakrabyuha, an impenetrable arrangement of warrior placement. Only Drona knew how to make the Chakrabyuha where the Kauravas could stay inside it and attack the Pandavas without any fear of retaliation. They knew that Arjun was the only person in the Pandava side who knew how to penetrate the Chakrabyuha, and therefore, they managed to divert Arjun out of the way by challenging him to fight with Susharma and Trigartas in a different area of the battlefield. Yudhisthir knew that there was another person who knew how to penetrate the Chakrabyuha, and that was Abhimanyu. It so happened that one day, after Arjun and Subhadra were married, they were just spending some happy time together. Amongst many things they were talking about, Arjun told her about the impenetrable Chakrabyuha, and that only he learnt the process of going in and coming out of it. At Subhadra’s insistence, Arjun started to tell her the details. However, after he finished telling her the process of going into the Chakrabyuha, he was interrupted by Krishna who called Arjun away on some other work. Subhadra was pregnant with Abhimanyu at the time, and he listened to what his father said. So, he learnt the process of going in, but never learnt about how to come out of it. Just to complete the story, Krishna and his son Pradyumna also knew about the Chakrabyuha. At this juncture of the war, with Arjun engaged at another front, the Kauravas had an upper hand and were destroying the Pandava side. Seeing that their side was getting annihilated, Yudhisthir had no other choice but to ask the teenage son of Arjun to take the lead in saving them. Yudhisthir told Abhimanyu: “Go into the Chakrabyuha, and open the passage for other warriors to follow you. Bhim, Dhristadyumna, Satyaki and Panchal warriors will go behind you”. Without any hesitation, Abhimanyu said: “I am going to penetrate their army, like the wasps enter into a fire”. Abhimanyu ordered his charioteer to proceed under his direction, and easily entered the Chakrabyuha. Showing amazing abilities of archery combined with courage and intelligence he learnt from his famous father and maternal uncle, he was unstoppable. He killed Laxman, the son of Duryodhan, who was leading the Kaurava side. Duryodhan got very angry at the loss of his son, and rudely told Drona to get into action to kill the young warrior. Then their six best warriors, Drona, Karna, Kripa, Ashwathama, Brihadbal and Kritabarma circled around Abhimanyu to attack him. The Pandava supporters like Bhim, Dhrisadyumna and others were stopped in their path to follow Abhimanyu by the tactics of another Kaurava general, Jayadrath. Suddenly, Abhimanyu was all alone, fighting against the best Kaurava warriors. Still, he was unbeatable, and he badly hurt Karna, one of the greatest warriors. Drona then advised Karna to go behind Abhimanyu and break up his bow. Karna did just that, broke Abhimanyu’s bow and also killed his charioteer. Without his chariot and his bow, Abhimanyu was now at the mercy of his enemies as they kept attacking him with arrows. Under constant attack, Abhimanyu had no other recourse but to jump out of the chariot. Once on the ground, he was an easy prey for the enemy. Son of Dusshasan hit him with a “Gada” (a spherical head mounted on a shaft) on the head and killed him. 40

Upon his return to the camp from his battle with Susharma and Trigartas, Arjun found out about the wrongful death of his son by the Kauravas who combined together against a teenager. Trembling with anger he wanted to know who was most responsible for his son’s death. When he found out about the tactics of Jayadrath to isolate him from the other Pandavas, he promised to take the life of Jayadrath in the next day. That night, Krishna advised Arjun to pray to Mahadev to get the most powerful “Pashupat” weapon, which would be needed to kill Jayadrath. Arjun prayed the whole night and he received the weapon before the morning. But killing Jayadrath would still not be easy. Jayadrath had a boon that whoever would cut his head off and if it touched the ground, the head of the killer would be cut off. Hearing about Arjun’s promise, Jayadrath was very fearful for his life, and asked Duryodhan and Drona to protect him. At Drona’s advice, Jayadrath was surrounded by six of the best Kaurava warriors the whole day. As the Sun was setting, and Jayadrath was still alive, Krishna covered the Sun to indicate the end of the day. As Jayadrath came out of the protective circle of the warriors, Arjun cut off his head. Before Jayadrath’s head fell to the ground, Arjun moved it in the sky with powerful arrows, into the hands of Jayadrath’s father. Immediately, the father’s head was gone. Then, Krishna removed the cover off the Sun, and Arjun’s promise to kill Jayadrath within the day was fulfilled. EPILOGUE Uttara, the wife of Abhimanyu, was pregnant with his son. After the war, as the Pandavas were getting ready to celebrate the win with “Ashwamedh Yagna”, Krishna, Balaram and others came to Hastinapur from Dwaraka. At this time, Uttara gave birth to a stillborn son. Uttara, Subhadra and all other Pandava ladies were crying loudly at such a debacle. Subhadra went to Krishna and said: “Oh Krishna, you are the all-powerful God. There is nothing that you cannot do. You have made it possible for the Pandavas to win the war. But my only son has died in the war, and now my only grandson is dead. Please Lord, save my grandson, save the lineage of the Pandavas”. Uttara fell to Krishna’s feet, crying in an uncontrolled manner, and begged him to save her son. Krishna consoled them: “I will bring life back to the child”. With his blessing the young stillborn got his life back. Suddenly, all the melancholy was gone, replaced by hearty exclamations of joy and the sound of conch shell. Krishna named the young boy “Parikshit”, as he was the savior of the lineage of King Bharat. He would go on to become the King of the Pandava Empire. **************************** Ananda Mandir youth group performing in For Santiniketan Ashram Sammilani International (SASI), May, 2019



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