AMS-Online Issue 04/2011

Page 60

TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY Fig. 11 shows the time series for a 10 day section (23.06. to 3.07.2009), which is characterized by heavy precipitation in the first two days. The cross correlation analysis of the two data series offers a maximum of the cross correlation coefficient of 2.5 days, which offers an (initial) integrative possibility of analysis as a method of time series analysis. Longer sections without failures and disturbances of sensors would improve the interpretation of the indicated functional chain of precipitation-pore water pressuresurface deformation and would make the chronological dependency of the involved trigger factors describable. In order to do so, the data recording at the Aggenalm will be continued after support to the geo-technology program by the involved joint partners.

Conclusion and Prospect The developed measuring techniques TDR and LowCost GNSS are mainly based on hardware components already available in the market, whereas the tested videotachymeter is a prototype of the Leica Geosystems company, which is not available in the market yet. New developments in the video tachymetry were made mostly during adjustment of the system layout to the measuring task „slope monitoring“, as well as in the signal analysis and the sensor control. The performance of TDR and lowcost GNSS in continuous monitoring could be shown. In this regard the developed software components for data management and complex data processing played a significant role. These two measuring techniques are currently at the verge of marketability, whereas the spectrum of application is not only limited to slides, but can also be extended to other monitoring tasks, e.g. the monitoring of mines (SINGER et al. 2009a).

Bibliography GLABSCH, J., HEUNECKE, O. & SCHUHBÄCK, S. (2010a): Überwachung von Rutschhängen mittels Low-Cost GNSS Empfängern im near Real Time Processing.– In: WUNDERLICH, T. (Hrsg.): Ingenieurvermessung 10: 275– 288; Berlin (Wichmann). GLABSCH, J., HEUNECKE, O. & SCHUHBÄCK, S. (2010b): Development and testing of a low cost sensor PDGNSS landslide monitoring system using the example of the Aggenalm Landslide in the Bavarian Alps.– In: ALTAN, O., BACKHAUS, R., BOCCARDO, P. & ZLATANOVA, S. (Hrsg.): Geoinformation for Disaster and Risk Management: 63–70; Copenhagen (JB GIS).

Issue 04 | 2011

GLABSCH, J., HEUNECKE, O. & SCHUHBÄCK, S. (2009): Monitoring the Hornbergl landslide using a recently developed low cost GNSS sensor network.– JAG, 3 (3): 179–192.

Kurosh Thuro has studied geology at the TU Munich, with focus on engineering and hydrogeology (Department for General, Applied and Engineering Geology, Prof. Spaun, Diploma 1989). After that he started his studies for a doctorate with a scholarship for graduates at the TUM, and continued his studies as an associate. He was awarded a doctorate in 1995 through his work on drillability of rocks with conventional tunnel excavating. In spring 1999 he changed from the TUM to ETH Zurich, where he was senior associate. In 2002 he did his postdoctoral lecture qualification in geologic engineering at the TU Munich. In January 2004 he accepted a professorship for Engineering Geology in the TU Munich. His researches are focussed on tunnelling, particularly problems of rock excavation (performance and wear prognosis in TSM and TBM drive) and slope movements, from field mapping of the phenomena to monitoring, up to modelling and danger zoning. He is a board member in the division of engineering geology of the German Society for Geo-technique (DGGT) and an active member in the working committees 2.11 Professional preconditions for geotechnique experts, 3.3 Test technique rocks and 4.3 Apprenticeship and training in engineering geology, as well as member of the editorial board of several scientific journals (e.g. Geo-mechanics and tunnelling, Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences). For him, laboratory and field belong together like research and training. As dean of geo-science at the TU Munich he particularly handles training in geo-science for the bachelor study course and engineering and hydrogeology for master study course. Contact: o.Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. habil. Kurosch Thuro Munich Technical University, Department for Geologic Engineering D - 80290 Munich Tel +49 89 289 25850 Fax +49 89 289 25852 Mobil +49 171 637 0891 | | |


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