Becky's Daily Devotions

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Good Morning, I am lovingly reminded this week of my Grandmother, Dorris Gedney and her Biblical Journey of truth. Grammie would share scripture with me often and one passage that comes out loud and clear to me this morning is Col. 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the Name of Jesus”. I remember hearing this verse while half-heartedly cleaning the baseboards of her 11 room house in Stoneham, MA, while practicing the running stitch until it looked right before going out to play with my friends at Alton Bay, while practicing “Man of Sorrows” on the piano (which she would share that they would have had time to take the offering during my pause), and other countless examples. Grammie was preparing me to be the woman I am today, by breathing that scripture over and over to me when I was not doing something correctly or with enthusiasm behind it. Whatever we do in life, it should always be with Jesus in mind. We should absolutely be doing all things for Him and because of Him. When we start doing things in the Name of Jesus, we work better, love better, and are better people. By taking the focus off of us, we put it where it belongs: on Him. The last part of this verse is, “Giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” I am thankful this morning for a Grandmother who invested her energy into this strong willed granddaughter of hers and lived that verse by example, and by training me to do all things for Jesus. I am challenged this morning to look at areas of my life and see where some changes need to be made to “do ALL” in His Name. May we live today with a renewed purpose and passion that our words and our deeds be done in His Name!

Day | 91

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