Becky's Daily Devotions

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Good Morning from Becky, This is the beginning of a brand new week. I feel a bit like my life has been a little discombobulated with being busy with work and traveling. I have been somewhat out of my routine and I need to get back into my daily pattern! We know ourselves well and we know that if we stop our exercise, stop our Scripture reading, stop our Christian fellowship, we suffer for it. In searching God’s heart this morning and praying on a subject to share, I felt led to open the Bible and see what would be revealed to me. I have been struggling with the busyness of my life: I am not getting the things done I need to in my home or taking the time to eat right. I have not been exercising and lately I feel as if my husband and I are “two ships passing in the night”. Actually, since I am usually asleep, it is more of a “passed out” in the night! In life, we can become very overwhelmed with the little things that become huge if not put in perspective. God is a God of order. He wants us to live joyful, but orderly, lives. When we do it on our own, we become like the description of my life! Then this morning I opened to Psalm 25: 4&5. I had this verse in my living room for years as it was on a “Home Interiors” picture with a cute cow in the pasture, and I thought it all went together nicely. I always liked the verse, but I am not sure it hit me until today the importance of this verse! Psalm 25: 4 & 5: “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths: guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.” Not a very long verse to memorize, but loaded with promise for a person who has lost the “order” of life! It isn’t about me, or my own plans. God absolutely understands that I feel I have lost direction in my life! He created me; He gets me! But like David, I need to get to the point of crying out to Him: “enough is enough!” When I take the time to read these verses, I feel peace. I know what I have to face today is a full day of work after a very busy weekend. Following my busy work day, I have grocery shopping to do and then dinner to prepare and then you guessed it: let’s get a load of laundry in there as well! But when I do it with the Lord and I follow His prompting, I will also get a mile on my Gazelle tonight and I will find some quality time with my husband. It is not about waving a magic wand and your house is instantly clean and your life is in perfect order. It is better than that! It is God Almighty seeing you where you are today and showing you the way! And it is knowing beyond anything else that you do not need to lose hope because our hope is in an unchanging, ever-faithful, always secure, ever-present, all-knowing, and forever loving God! Day | 184

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