Asa phoenix vol 92 no 4 fall 2006

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Report on the 2006 national convention

Founders' Day message

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Collegiate and alumnae chapter awar~ winners announced

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Volume 92, Number 4







20 DEADLINES Spring ...... .......... .. .. .. .. December Summer .... ....... .. .... .......... March Faii ..... ... ..... ...... ...... ............June Winter .. .. .. ............ .... .September

10 10 10 10

EDITOR Editor/Director of Communications Teresa Boyer Fishback, .lK tfishback@alphasigmaalpha .org

STAFF Senior Contributing Editor Nancy I.Z. Reese, BY

Alumnae Editor


Nancy Inwood, EE inwoodb@hotmail .com


Collegiate Editor Tara Cardonick Holman ,

News to note Get the latest news from th e national organization .

NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 9550 Zionsville Rd., Suite 160 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone : 317-871-2920 Fax: 3 17-871 -2924 Email:

17 Volunteer directory

PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430-6401 is published quarterly by Alpha Sigma Alpha, 9550 Zionsville Rd . Suite 160, Indianapolis, IN 46268 . Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, IN, and additional mailing offices . Produced by Maury Boyd & Associates, Indianapolis. 漏Alpha Sigma Alpha.

A directory of national vo lunteer for 2006-07.


Send address changes, death notices and business correspon路 dence to the national headquarters. Address oil editorial correspondence to the editor.

District news Read reports from the district leadership, collegiate and alumnae chapters in Districts 6-9.

POSTMASTER : Send address changes (Form 35791 to Phoenix of Alpha Sigma Alpha, 9550 Zionsville Rd . Suite 160, Indianapolis, IN 46268 . Printed in the USA.

23 In memoriam Decea ed member as reported lO national headquarters from June I, 2005, to May 31, 2006.


ON THE COVER Convention attendees pose for the 2006 convention photo in the lobb of the Hya tt Regenc , Camb1idge. PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

FALL 2006

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Th fi th

m to Bostonl

CONVENTION BY THE NUMBERS Attendees: 282 Voting delegates: 138

hand. Lori Scott gave her State of the Sorority Address declaring, "Alpha Sigma Alpha is Bigger, Better, Bolder, Stronger than ever before." She reported recruitment results of 2,980 new members to Alpha Sigma Alpha over the biennium, exceeding the strategic goal of 5 percent annual growth. Total collegiate member~hip remains fairly stationary, however and membership recruitment and retention remains the number on e priority. Alumnae chapter growth continues to exceed the average of the 26 NPC groups dramati cally with 13 chapters chartered. The sorori ty continues to see chapters getting better and stronger. Las t yea r, Alpha Sigma Alpha had 17 Four-Star Chapters and this year 22 collegiate chapters were recogni zed for outstandin g performance. Lori attributed much of this success to "th e sh eer number of people we have actively involved , wo rking with our chapters and moving our organi zatio n fo rward." She stated , "The am ount of progres we can make towards our strategic goals is in direct proportion to the number of volunteers and staff member we have." "One of the first su-ategic decisions this national coun cil made was to increase th e emphasis on our ritual, values and founding ideals throughout all of our educati onal, leadership and recruitment initiatives. We even wanted our ritual to permeate our awards structure and communications."

ational council took several step this past biennium to bring the ritual closer to home and more a part of everyday chapter operations. In an attempt to create a more positive approach to motivate our chapters to achieve Four-Star status and to better reflect the language of the ritual in policies and procedures, the national council voted to change the terminol ogy currently being used to govern our chapter operati ons and began using th e words "Our Chapter . .. Our Commitment" as a guidin g poin t. Lori highlighted many other areas of tl1e strategic plan reporting impressive progress on all poin ts. Members were especially pleased to hear national coun cil vo ted to build a permanent headquarte rs o n our piece of property in Indianapolis. In th e wo rds of Steve Farber, Lo ri said, "We are excited about the fu ture we can all create togeth er. " During lunch, Dr. Marsha A. GuenzlerStevens inspired attendees to "live o ut loud . .. to live values in congrue nce with behaviors." She aid, "Sta tistics ar e people you love- that compels us to do something" when we see friends and fa mil y fai ling to live in congruence with their val ues. "To live o ut loud we have to make choice . We' re all 1vi mming in a sea of choices and we can drown by doing nothing, we can fl oat and achieve nothin g or we can swim- just pick a point on th e shore and go for it. " She urged

Foundation fund-wising results: $20,202 Lost convention held in Boston oreo: 1930 (where Wilma Wilson Sharp wos elected notional president replacing S. ldo Show Marlin, Delta Delta Delta)

"Live Out Loud " was I he theme of luncheon sjJeaker Dr. Marsha A. Guenzler-Steven speech. Chayna Wilson, EM, and Vice President of Membership Ch1-istine Strapac Tlt01nas, Ar, enjoy the welcome 1路eception dan ce.

ntt·mbet 10 11\l· tlll'it, .lll lt''P ·n till' b ''l. lO 1Nl'11,Jild lO 'j>l'.ll.. ,1, thl'll' i' ll'ttlli< po\\l' t 111 <on\l't'.tllmt . w tal..e tl''j>orNblim !01 thl'111'>l'iH'' .111<1 othc1 . .mel to· 1i,l.._, .tnd unll'.t'h then 'J>it i~o, . I hut ,d.t\ .lltl'lttoott cklq~att· , 1\l'll' btt\\ "nh 1\ ml..,lmt" to k.1111 the do·' .mel don 't ol . the hi,tnn ol \lph .1 ~igm.1 \lph.t\ tht· hl'lll'lih ol .tlumnae tlll'Jilbet 'hi(> .tnd h.uHIIing pnhh 1 d ,uion' In .1 ( 11'1' 'illlolllOn . 'ollll' 111\'lllhl'l' le.ttncd lll"pl.1\ 1\dl in till' 'rliOIII\ ,,mdbo, .. h' l''j>llll mg hrm \\011H'I1 ck,tl 1\ith llH'.IIIIH'" · .1~)-{ll' "IOII .mel l onllic 1 and \\ ,1\ Ill 11111111111/l' ell , \1\l,\ .tnd thu, ( ll'olle ,\ flu 2/)(1/ bnllw / u•/11111'1 \n~da l>rmdl'l H11ulthu. H/. mt•mrlrrlllu 211116 hn l hal

helll'f' c h.tptl' t t''PlTience. Othc" either tool.. a cra'h uHn L' in etiquette for tod.n ·.., pt ofc.,.,ional 01 attended a '>l'''ion "here pop ·uitllll' ,111d Ulll't'nlllencl'> 1\l'IT ll'l'd 10 idelllih "•"' wminimitl' the ri'>l.. ,,hik '>tillll<l\ ing .1 j.\"teat time in till· it r h.tptn . \ !1ernoon tea prm·ickd member'> a tl'lutn to a gent let l'l a"' thl'\ met for an elegant .tltL' tn mn w mi' .md mingle with It il'ndo, old .mel Ill'\\ . C.1rden pan' linen. h.ll., and l'\l' n glml'' 1\l'll' the .lltitl' lot 1111, l'H'Ill,\'> membet' had an oppo ttunit\ 10 " lk Fe,ti\l·... l lw undi,puted 1\ int1l'l nl fa'>t 011\l'nllnn\ h,ll COllll''>l, ,\ ngd.t D.ttlltkr B.111ldtlT. HZ. nO\\ ned :'\an ' Coon \nd et 'on . 1"1~ . 1\ inm·t of the be't h.H rontl''t. :"\ .me' 'Potted a h.n that ,{ll' 01 igin.tlh 1\0ll' I H',ll, ago·" 'he dep.trtt·d lm het hom·' moon . \tree l'\t·ning- .m<tit ·d attendee' .111d '>Oilll' mt·mhn' tool.. ol(h.unage of thl' tillll' to "lk pot!\ .. b' .lltendm • th e Red o' lf<lllll'. Othl'l llll'lllht•t ,.,plot ed tht• r II\ \1.1 Bthtmt ' .. r .. 'ulm<t\ "'"'llllw.tdtn rIll IIIII( \ \l ,ul..t•t to t•nrm .l loh\ll'l chnnl'l 01 pt< 1.. up .t \Oll\l'nn I lld,l\ lllOIIIlllg r,\\l' 111l'lllbt•t .mothl'J oppo t lllllll\ lot ' I •Ill'~"~ lllg'. ll''t .111d I d,t .ltll lll .111d hoppmg' li t lOll< .tlh min ckcl nH mht· t lo ll <mecl ti H ·1 1 n·clo m l1 .til." \ncl \lpiM 0..,1 ' 111.1 \ lph.l 111,101 f.ll l.ll ll' C'lllll111l'lli!IJ .\ll'd

ll otel ~t.llkt, 1\ht'tl' the 1\l:IO coll\l'tttton octuttcd . Bo,ton L ntH'I il\ ju't oltt o" lmm ( .•unbttcl~t · .tlnng thl', ol tiH' Ch.ule' RiH·t \\,\, .mntht•t popul.u clnun;ttion .mel l'dULIIion.llh mindcclnH·mht·t' touted ~ Ill .mel ll. tn.uel . B.ttl.. at the holl'l , the \~ \ l·mpmn1111 1\,l., bi~gt·r .tncl bt'llet than l'\l'l bdmt· . ~lcmhl'l thl' oppottunit\ to 'i'il I!) booth'' ·II in~ item' It om ll'\\l'il"' .mrl tmmt·un lO c .md lt·o, .mel b.u h pt odu ·h . l lw \~ \ Founci.Hion got IIllo IIH' .tc 1 b\ hmtin~ l.tchl>ttg·' .llld it' "ltttll' tt·cl ti<l..('t .. taOlc . I ht· \l icl-\ ( .to\\11 •\lumn.w C:h.q>tl'l 1 .111 till' l'\l'lll \dllr h ft'ollllll'el \~ \ I ei,lll'cllll'lll'. gift ( l'l llfi(<lll'' ;mel hand m.trlt· lll'.t'llll'' · In the aftt·t now1 uwmht·t, h.tcl .1 ch .mct· to font' on tnttutmt·nt ''lth 11\0 1\0tl.,hop <hotc l'' pt m tcftod lot til!' t'llllll' coll\l'lllion boch . Rt·< ntlllllt'lll Boot ( .. unp Rl't •It > clt•,tgnl'd for <h.tplt'" h.tcl p.u uc tp.ut·d 111 till' Boot ( . unp l.t\t .J'\ .mel g.t\ l thnn .111 o pp~>~tuntl\ 10 I l'\ ll'\\ 1\ h,ll \\,l' it-,JIIl l'd ,mel ,H iclt t' ',JI\\ qut·.,uon' 1 ·l.tlt'd to thtu .tc 111111 pl.m' ( •l'lllllg D ol\ 11 111 1\.t ic' .t ll cmul \\OIIll'll to k.un 1\,l\ to• ll'( 1\lllllH 111 .1 1\, p.ut o( th<· c h.tpll'l 1'\l'll ht·\otHIIotm,tl ll'( Jllitlll('lll: I h t• '<'< onrl h u in t' n u• t·ti n g \\,\ h dcl 1-ttd.t\ .LI H•1 nonn. l n t q>~>lllllg on lh t' fill.lll <i.lllw.ll th o l till' n l.,.llllt.lll!lll , \ ic <' Pt <' irlt·.t t o l hn.uH t' \ n l'l.t D.lll< 1 B.ntlrlllT. BZ. t.tll cl t ltc ·nu l<wh 1 \\( ' hould .111 !II\!' to lll.lkt IIIII Ill r,IJJl/,1· lion ht'llt'l lh,m II \\, ht•lou• \\t' <.tnw" .md ht \\t'lll on to rt•pmt on tlw lllntinuc:d P"'Jo.'H m.tdt• 111 achl<-"1111( lin n ial



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Convention Bu ine

-~-!)ten are trong entities that are

_, pl9fir)l11ninlg stronger and making more financial decisions. ational debt will be paid off this fall. • Cash flow i managed carefully. Angela indicated wise utilization of resources allows the sorority to provide programming like the Emma Coleman Frost Leadership Development Institute , Extreme Leader Weekend, and opportunities for members to learn from Alpha Sigma Alpha lessons th at wi ll improve their lives, communities and our organi zation . She went on to urge members th at support to th e Foundation is c1itical for A'i.A to ac hieve i t~ mission. She to ld convention auendees th at no one person can make this happen on th eir own , but if even 10 percent of o ur living members contributed $5 .77 per week, th e cost of a specialty coffee drink, th e lastin g legacy to Alpha Sigma Al pha wo uld amount to $ 1,050,000 per year and would enable th e organizatio n to achieve all its educatio nal programming goals. An other "Plan B" was requ ired for th e onve n tio n photo as severe rainsto rms Friday afte rn oon prevented th e conve ntion body from going o utside for this photo oppo rtuni ty. But members remembered to "Be cheesy!" as th ey posed fo r photo in th e lobby becoming part of soro1i ty history. F•-iday evenin g members and guests celebra ted th e Fou ndatio n 's 20th birthday. Rosemary Caru cci Goss, BIT and Diane Ye ncic j ames, HH, two women instrumenta l in th e establish ment of th e Foundatio n, took a h isto ri c look at tJ1 e past and h ighlighted AY.A's philanthro pic efforts. Following the celebra ti on, u·ustees hosted a cham pagne and chocolate reception fo r members who had pledged to the "Circle of Strength" campaign. Saturday mornin g began wi tJ1 exercise for ome, a reuni on breakfas t for chapters celebrating anniversaries (Epsilon Alpha- 25 years, Gamma Beta and Gamma Delta-50 years, and Omega Omega-75 years) and !Jle Foundation donor breakfast honoring members of tJ1e Loyalty League, Heritage Society, Wilma Wilson Sharp Society, the Circle of trength and scholarship receipients. During the final business meeting of the convention Lori Scott shared ".AI.A '"""'"' ''" -- """ engaging look at what the will be once all trategic goals are ~ J4enllbe: rs had the opportunity to they looked 1D the future

Tan 'a T rumbla Brewer, AY, national b rlaw chaim1an, led pi•·ited eli cu ion on changes to tJ1e bylaws d wing tJ1e second and tJ1ird busin meetin . High ligh ts of conve ntion bu ine included : • Adopti on of an amendment to include sex ual OJientation to tJ1e Alpha igma Alpha membe1 hip electio n no n-di CJimination policy. • Pas age of an amendmem outlining procedure for re olution "~th notice before conve ntion and resolutions wi !Jlout notice prior to convention. • Di contin ua nce of !Jle collection of "lifeti me alumnae due" and imroduction of an offer to alumnae member to sup port !Jle orOJi t:y in a tangible wa • tJ1rough a volun tary support initiative. • Po itioning th e Alpha igma Al pha Foundati on as the p•imary recipient of annual and plan ned gifts.

Go urmet box lunches we re a welcome sight fo r attendees as tl1 ey reviewed the mo rnin g's business and determin ed which workshops to attend in tl1 e afte rn oon. Options for learnin g included: • Values and ritual • Bridgi ng tl1 e ga p fo r alumnae members • Personal fin ancial plannin g • LEAP (a synopsis of th e "Rad ical Leap") • Reiki healing energy practice Following the workshops, conve ntion keynote speaker, Dr. Ma1i An n Callais, inspired both collegians and alumnae wi tl1 her keynote address, "From Ri tual to Reali ty." U ing tl1 e un ique approach of music and storytelling, Mari An n shared a message about val ues, ri tual and !Jle responsibilities of life time sorority membership. "When people unden;tand what their organization is about, and tile \'<!lues tl1 at were most important to !Jleir found ers," said Mari Ann, "suddenly these members have clear-cut. value-based guidelines. The pa!Jl then opens to improve your daily choices, and ultimately the way you live your life." Celebration was evident as members gathered Saturday evening for the awards banqueL A fluny of activity as group

Kristi MacKenzie, tlE, sells an arms length of rafjle ticilets for an A);A Foundation fundmiser at convention. off their party eire ses add ed to the festive ai r of the evenin g. Ma ri a Malayter, XX, misu·ess of ceremonies for !Jle banquet, kept thin g moving as mor award were presented Ula n ever before. T he Ou tstanding New Member \\'ard was prese nted to Abby Lee La noux , ZB, niversity of Wisconsin-Rive r Fall and to Erin j ustice, ZO, Muskingu m College, in recogn ition of tlleir exceptional conu-ibutio ns to tJ1eir chapters in tlleir fi rst year of members hi p. The Frost Fideli ty \\'a rd was give n to J ill Skagg , '¥\11, 'ortJl\\re tern State University, fo r he r spiri t an d loyalty. T he Elizabe tJ1 Bird Small Award, tJ1e highest ho nor that!Jle oro rity can bestow upon an undergraduate member, \ \'aS received by Kimberly Bayma, '¥'¥ , ortllwestem State University and Miranda Broadney, BA, University of Central Arkansas. Botll recipients demonstrated outstanding academic excellence, leadership talents wi!Jlin the chapter and ubstantial commiunents and accomplishme n within campus and COlllJDUDily environments. 7

I R1~ht) \1,1 11 &mdmw. 81: [)rn,, 1Jmi1, IJE. /\rill; Gnl/illl, 81; C:mlr Rm1•tm, 8£ fliUi Kill/

Ifill"· \.

l'fi}U\ \111111'

li!l"hond IWlf'

dunnjf till' hnuulatum \ /nrthdm rrM11tiiiDII.

(IJdrm•) J·oumlatum Bnmd nf fnlltl't' mnn/H'n /hm!l' }"m n r J a mr s, /Ill, am/ Rnii'IIUII) (am m (JIJII , 811, g.t tht• Jn lll'ltll'l startnl dunn~ tlu \~ I Foumlatum 's 20th /mthdtl) rr iflm 1111m.

1>1. ,1/an \ 1111 .a/lm.\ rncoumging thr audwnrl' to /XIItmpatt• dumw hn ktVItl/t• ruld1n\.

The r\dl'i\o r o f th e Year Aw-ard w·,15 prc-,cmecl w Na nci, nna , ch aape r. Zct>. A cl ,·i ~or fo r T h e ta De lta, ni ve r it\ f la.> ka· n choragc. T h is year\ .rown of Exce l! e n c ' ' ' s a""ardeclLO Lhe Ep ilon ;amma C hapter of Virginia CommonweaiLh n ivers it)' in Richmond, Virgini·1. ix Four Lar hapLC I wer • a l or ·cog· niLe I for their a hic1·em ·nts. In addition. three mor · ! ·veL, ( pirc. eek a n d Auai n) of rcc gn iLion were added LO distinguish hap tc l that arc on their " v LO being Four- tar chapter and 15 hapte1 were recogni1.ed. Alumnae ' haptcr xcellcncc ward~ rc ogni1.ed ~~0 rown Le1 ·I and 7 tar Lev I alumnae hapL · that d ·mon\trat· d th lifetime dedi ation LO th • s I'Oiity Lhrough hapter manag ment and pro-gramming. ee pag ~ 9-12 in thi~ i ue for a detai led l i~t of ollegiaL · and a lumnae chapl ·r award~ . Nationa l coun il intr du eel a new CaLl' n >f award , the t\gap ·.-\ward, specificall v Lo recognitc our 1olumc , ,. lc de~ \\ hO h;ne made a -,ignifi ant differnee in th e li1 .., o f our m e mber\ a nd h;n • prope lled th e mi ' io n and L ,u egi pla n fthe I'OI"iL) ~ n, , rd. The fir L rc ipi e nL'" ·er •: 1\kli'> a Koc h ~!t-rri a m , EE, 1\. ·Ill 1\ lc .inni' \I orell o. EK a nd , hell\· Dohc1 \\'ile. E \ . The \\"ilma \\'il on Sha1 p Alum nat' All<ll d ~~~ pn: cmed w Cinch Fundi mith , EE. for her (•nice to the moril\ and Founcbtion and her p1 ofe '>ional a hit•wmt•nt;, but mor • impmtanth be: ,n t' 'he i a frit·nd wall and lmt \lpha . i mM \JpiM and ht·• nwmbt-1 \\ilh

Brenda Rua Ch<lppell, 1111 , " ' " the winne r o f Lh · Eve II n G . Bdl ,\W<II d du<' to he r exce ptio nal lea l ·~ hip. I ~e1 lt' a nd o mmitme m w Alp h a 'igm a Alph ,1 b1 ~e rvin g · a collegia te n fli c r, a lu m nat officer and nationa l ofli cr. T h -· H ele n L. Cor., Con1cntio n <marc! ' '"'IS pre~ented to Nann I. Z. Rec'>c. 8 '\ . in r cogniti n for h r u nw<~n·ring an I tire le-,, cffon.., w getting th ·job do n e , nciLh e co n u·ibutiom into Lh ·pla n n ing, preparation and cxc uti on of our national convention. A de en reception fo ll m\l'cl the b,lll· qu ·t a' member' had on · m ore oppm tunity to · 1~jm th ·outstanding ui-.ine -,crv cl aL the l h , ll Regency. uncia\ morning pro,·idcd one more opponuniL\ G r Lh • om ·ntion au ·ndee' to p<~rti ipall' in ritual , the memorial 'en-i t' an I on\ecration '>ervi e w 'IT condu t ·d. Lori cou paid a 'I · ial honor to non-mcmbe1 during th e memm·ial IYict·. " \'\'e ,1l..,o remembc1 and honor the\ ictim\ of l::t.'t \{'al \ natural dis;u t 'f\, c'>pt·cialh Lhc 1 ·oplo.: of . \·11 0 1'kan'> and th e Cu lf Co,t\L \\'t· p1a1 fi1 1 a n d hono1 the llle l o\110 \\OITit'n '>t•ning o u r cou ntn in th · mi litan; thci 1 '·In c" \e n ire come' <ll g1 'at p ·1 o na l ..,a ri fi< l' and rem inch U\ \\h a t it m ·am to 'giH' full m ea.,ure. Finalh the ton1e1Hion ,\llll' to ,, l lo..,c ,t memhc: r-. ..aid thcu finall.ul'\\ ·lk \l embc 11ere t•ncouragcd to " lk ~ak " ,~,,the\ ckpaltl·cl fm hom ·.. \II agn· ·cl the\ ''ould " lk Bad." fm th · -Fith bit'lllli,tl ('Oil\ l'n uon in 200 .

all ollu·r he.trt. lfHlU IIJ..l·d

oiLhc 011\l'llliOn photo Ill Lhl I '-lll' 01 \\,\Ill to purcha: e other CO il\ ·ntion r how . It photo , phn_j.\\11.\ L ~'l\ 'etde', 11 ·b itc .Jtfl'll'lt•.pholr'KmJJh)/¥\j(l)lla rom PhotO\ \Iilli . ol\OIII.tble lor pm('ha: . from :-\m . ,. through l)l' . 3 1. 20f li.






2005-06 Aspire chapters

2005-06 Seek chapters


Alpha Beta, Truman State University, MO

Alpha, Longwood Un iversity,

The Four-Star Chapter Award was established along with the Crown of Excellence award in 1985 in order to recognize annually Alpha Sigma Alpha 's collegiate chapters that uphold th e high ideals of the sorority in the areas of membership, academic excellence, finances , member hip education, chapter operations, philanthropy, national meetings, ritual, organization image, national bylaws, policies and procedures, advisory board and alumnae involvement. This yea r three additional levels of recognition Aspire, Seek, and Attain were added to recognize chapters that are on their way to being Four-Star chapters (see box below) .

Gamma Gamma, State University

Beta Gamma, ortheastern tate niversity, OK


u, Drexel

orthwest Oklahoma niver ity, PA

Epsilon Kappa, Millersville

niver ity, P

Gamma Omega, Eastern lllinoi University

2005-06 Attain chapters

Delta Kappa, University of Southern Indiana

Beta igma, Missouri State

Zeta Omega, Austin Peay State University,

Zeta Eta, Rocklmr t



niversity, MO

Zeta Kappa, Minnesota State Universit , Mankato Zeta Mu, Mis ouri Western State University Zeta Pi, Colorado tal University-Pueblo Theta Epsilon , chreiner

niversity, TX

''Aspire, Seek, Attain" Awards make debut at national convention The 2006 biennial convention celebrated more awards for collegiate chapters than ever before. Six collegiate chapters received the Four-Star Chapter award, and one chapter received the Crown of Excellence award, both of which were e tabli hed in 1985. In addition to these collegiate honors, this year's awards banquet marked the introduction of three additional levels of recognition. This tier system of recognition was originally recommended by members of national council who believed more chapter should be recognized for their ongoing progress and achievement in their chapters. Vice President of Membership Christi ne Strapac Thomas, Af, explained that th e goal of the new awards was to recognize and reward chapters for doing well. She said, "Our chapters are doing great things and should be r路ewarded accordingly. We wanted an award structure that was more inclusive and wou ld motivate chapters to excel. We thought of a way to create a tier system that would reward th e chapter for what they are doing." The idea of creating a new award sy tern will hopefully establish goal for a chapter. The idea i for a chapter to work i!S way up d1e tier system and be awarded on i!S progress. This new system allows collegiate chapters to be rewarded as they progress dwough d1e tiers. The awards are broken up into three level , which are "Aspire," "Seek," and "Attain." Christine explained that although many chapters will take the steps of the tier system, it is possible to skip steps and go directly to "Attain" or Four-Star award. She said, "The goal for d1 e chapters is to stretch th emselves and move farther. The council 's goal was to reward more chapters for doing well." The three levels are: Aspire Chapters ... are chapter that have shown a commitment to each other, th eir chapter and the national organization by upholding the high ideals of d1 e sorority. Seek Chapters ... are chapter d1 at have built on d1at commitment and have embraced the re ponsibility of membership to ensure d1at the soror-ity remains strong.

Attain Chapters ... are chapters that have vowed fully to uphold their role, re ponsibility and com mitment to being an ener路gizing influence in the future of their chapter and Alpha igma Alpha. -Amy Baverso, Tlf/


FAU 2006

2005-06 Four-Star chapters Ep ilo n Ep ilo n , mp01i a tate nive t ity. '

14th con ecutive ymr Eta Eta, Pittsburg tate

niv rsity, KS

7th consrrutive year Phi Phi , o rthwe t Mi o uri ta te nive r ity

6th am ecuth•e year

B ta Nu, Murra · ta te 9th consecutive year B ta L:unb Ia, Arka n , AR

nivel3ity. KY

ni v rsit · o f e mral

2nd ron ewtive ·ear amm a P i, Edinbo r

RPpre en/alive from clwpter n•rewmg Four-. tar recognition /JOSe with I Ire Presidmt ofOprrations iru~)' L. Kelley. 8 [/

nive r ity, P


2005-06 Crown of Excellence chapter Epsilon Gamma, Vuginia Commonwealth Diversity, Richmond, VA Thi\ }ear's Crmm of Ex elk• nee Award wa:. pre ented to the Ep,ilon Gamma hapter of\'irgini.l Commonwe, lth nivcrsit\ in Richmond. \'A. Epsilon amma ,hapt r i~ knm' n for con. i tenn and achie,·ement \in theit in La llation in 19 l. For the 2005-06 ch o l year th )' w r O\·er th campu' total with 6 1 w men in the hapt '1. They met both their fall 2005 and ~pring 2006 rccruitmcnttarge . Thi hapt ' f i known for iu outtanding acad mi perfom1an e. grt·at r ruitment effort.~ and memb rship d vel pment. Women of thi hapta ar · high I) imoh ·don campt~ . "ith mo't hapter memb ·r pani ipating in another tudcnt organitation ~hide ft om AJpha igma \ lpha. The\ ha'e a H'l"\ imoh'ed arl\ i\on board and maintain great relation\ with th •it ,dumn.le b\ ending nul a nc" ku 1 and patti ipating in th • Richmond ,\lumna Chapt ·• me ting-.. The\ haH· a long li~t of enic ' projcc~ th ~ are i m oh ·cl in .mel W' · back to thcit ·ommunin regulath .

Scholastic chie em nt A' ard

PRING 200 ta ·ta.

P i u~ b urg ,

tate 'ni' ·f\it\, KS--

3.32 ; Pi\ Z ·ta ta. Ro t...h u t .32 , I'.\

nh •f\it\. \10--

FALL 200

'u :"\u. O t .. 1 I ,P.\



nh ·r


P \--

Th ·w fkta. Roanok • ( .oil · ·, \ ,\ -•. II P \ 10



Sidney Gremillion Allen Panhellenic Award The recipie m of th e Sidn Gremillio n Alle n Pa n helle ni c wa rd i th e Epsilo n Epsilo n Chapte1· at Empo ri a State Unive1 icy, KS. The award is given to th e collegial cha pte r th a t di pla)'s o utstanding Pan helle nic spi1·it a nd participa ti o n . The Pa n helle nic awa rd was named afte r Sidne Gre millio n Alle n , P i Psi, a t tl1 e 1994 na tio nal conve mio n to ho no r he r 14 )'ear of sen <ice as Na ti o nal Pa n helle ni c Confe re nce delegate. During tl1is time, she was th e fir l Alpha igma Alpha to ro ta te through th e executive board of NPC, serving as chairman fro m 1985 to 19 7.

Philanthropic Award

Eta Eta, Pittsburg State Unive rsity, KS

Phi Phi Cha pter, orthwe t Missou ri State Unive rsity, was elected to receive th e Phila nthro pic Award. The Philanth ropic Award is give n to a chapte r tha t best ex hibi ts tl1 e Al pha Sigma Alpha value of ge ne rosity. Sern ce a nd giving back to tl1e communi ty is an impo rta m pan of Alpha Sigma Alpha cha pte rs. Th e a mo unt of time spe nt wo rking with oth e rs as well as raising mo ne)' fo r th na ti o nal phila nthro pie is tl1 e bas is of thi award.

Be ta Sigma, Mis o Uii State Unive rsity

Philanthropic Honorable Mention:

Members and advisors from the Cmwn ofExcellence winning chapter, EfJsilon Gamma, from lef!, tojJ row an! Kelly Bressler, ET; Lynne Chambers, A ; Amy DeZenzo, ET;(bollom row) Nildli Davis, ET, with Vice President of Operations Cindy Kelley, Bfl.

Rose Marie Fellin Financial Excellence Award The Phi Phi Chapter, Northwest Missouri State Universit)', is this )'ear's receipant of th e Rose Marie Fellin Financial Excelle nce Award. The Rose Marie Fellin Financial Excelle nce Awa rd was established in 1992 in honor of th e 27 )'ears of se nJi ce a nd dedication b)' Ro ie Marie Fellin, BL, past headquarte rs executive. Th is awa rd is give n to a collegiate chapter practicing th e p1inciples of sound fin an cial manage me nt thro ugh tho rough record keeping, accurate and time!)' fin a ncial repo rts, communicatio n with national headqua rte rs and stayi ng cun·ent \\Jjth al l fees and dues along v.rith strivin g towa rd health)' fin an cial stabili ty.


Financial Excellence Honorable Mention: Zeta Rh o, Unive rsity of\•Vest Alabam a

u Nu, Drexel Unive r ity, PA Financial Improvement Recognition: Ze ta Mu, Missouri We tern State Unive rsi ty Beta Nu, Murra)' State

nive rsicy, KY

Beta Lambda," Unive r icyof Ceno-al Arkan as Zeta Eta, Rockhursl Beta Iu, Murra)' ta te

nive rsit)', MO niver ity, KY

Epsilo n Kappa, Mille rsvi lle

niversicy, PA

FAU 2006


PHOENIX AWARD Pho enix Collegiate Award Thi awa rd h no colle iat ha pt rs th a t have don e a n o utstanding j b in writin g, a11d · it m ~ r th e Phoenix m, zine .

Be t Ove rall CoUegiate Award Th La B ·ta, Roa noke o llege, V ond pia e De lta I La , nive1 i Honorable Mention Be La u, Muna ta te

f D !awa re

ni versity, KY

Rt>presen.lative from alumnae award winning chaptm; all hi' 2006 nalional convmlion.

Phoeni Alwnnae Award This, wa rd ho n01 , alumnae cha pters tha t have do ne a n ulSta ndin g j o b in writin , a nd ite m fo r the Pluxnix magtuin .




Be t Ove.raU Alumnae Award l o rth ·m I rae! e ond pia W, hin gton , D . •.

Honorabl Mention BuiThl . NY

Pho eni · B

t Featur Award Thb award h n rs an UlSt:: ndin g featu re pu b l i ~h I in th e PhOt'ni.\ maga1ine. rh b v <~ r Lh · Phomix tafT h n red Pre id

tar Level Alumnae chapters F1 •ur d Li . U\


r wn Level Alumna cbapt B llimore. LD BulTal ,







:-.; () , . 1¡. \I II I


I :-> •


() () (j

Membership for a lifetime-do you get it? BY LORI E. SCOIT, EE National President Wilma Wilson Sharp, president emerita, wrote a message in 1932 that still resonates in 2006: "To fill my days with satisfying activity. To find dominant beauty in art, literature, nature and fliendship . To know the peace and serenity of a divine faith. To love life and joyously live each day to its ultimate good. This is my Creed in Alpha Sigma Alpha." Aren't these beautiful words? I have one question for you, "do you get it?" Do you get the meaning behind this Creed of Alpha Sigma Alpha? I think that Founders' Day is the perfect time to reflect on the real meaning of this sisterhood of ours. When I look back and reflect on my college days, I realize that I wasn't inspired by the parties or social events I attended. Instead, I find that I was inspired by the women of character and substance that sun-ounded me. Today, I continue to be inspired by these kinds of women. I believe that Wilma Wilson Sharp intended us to not only abide by the Creed of Alpha Sigma Alpha as individuals, but that the Creed was written to unify us. These words were intended to be lived out and shared together as a sisterhood of strong women. We all need special women, sisters, in our lives. We need women of wisdom- those sisters that always seem to offer the sagest advice; sisters worth listening to. We need women of courage- those sisters that bravely face diseases like breast cancer with trength and honesty; sisters that model humility and make everyone around them stand in awe. We need women of faith - those sisters that pray for our well being and offer encouragement without even being asked to do so; sisters that will confront us when necessary and dare us to do the 1ight thing and make good decisions. We need women of vision - those sisters that challenge us to dream big and reach for goals and aspirations that may seem impossible; sisters that have confidence in our abilities. I am sure that each of you has been able to put at least one name and face with each type of woman I just mentioned. We all need these isters in our lives. We, in turn, need to be thi sister to others as well . As Alpha Sigma Alphas, we are blessed because the root of our sisterhood is love. The core of Alpha Sigma Alpha sisterhood is her members. So, it only seems logical that Alpha Sigma Alphas would love life and joyously live each day to its ultimate good. Thi membership of ours, this vow of sisterhood, is for a lifetime. Our membershjp did not come to an end when we crossed the stage to receive our college diploma . Do you remember the "gut feeling" you expelienced when you accepted your bid to member hip as an Alpha Sigma Alpha? That feeling that told you, "I can belong here, with this group of women?" I also expelience that same gut feeling of belonging when I am with my sisters from other collegiate chapters whether they are from Houston, Chicago, Denver or Hattiesburg, Mis issippi. When a collegiate member tells me, "''ve realized that although I am a senior, and my term as president is almost finished, I have an outstanding commitment- to make my chapter stronger and honor our Founders," then I think to myself, "she gets it." Or, I hear an alumna initiate ay, "Alpha Sigma Alpha has changed my life for the better," then I think to myself," he gets it." Or, a 50-year member says, "my membership means as much to me now as it did when I joined," then I think to myself, not only does she "get it," but she has been "getting it" for more than 50 years! It is then that I know that this journey of mine as an Alpha Sigma Alpha has all been worthwhjle. Happy Founde1 ' Day!


National President Lori E. Scott, EE

"This membership of ours, this vow of sisterhood, is for a lifetime. Our membership did not come to an end when we crossed the stage to receive our college diplomas."

FALL 2006


ational volunteers LEAP into extreme leadership BY MARN RIDENOUR-WARD , E'Ctrnnf l .mdPr \VnkPnd Projt>rl Lt>adt>r \\11 lher l'ou're a ollegiate hapter offi r or long-time alumna memb r, I thin!.. we would all agre that v lunte 1 ar · the ba kbon four orority-in fa t, n tju'>t v lunt 'I but rath r volunLe ..leadel . w 10p , nd think about,. lunt ·er lead rs.-what d ' a volunt er I ader I< ol.. lil..e to ou? W uld rou agr that mo~t volunt · 'r lead rs hoos to be a p.ll'l r mNhing b cau . . ' lh }' lov it? Would you al o agree th t their love lh n cnergit them to a t with the be t interc t of tht· organization in mind? ften, their lov • th •n lriv ' th ·m to pr v that what w •' rc doing i worth it? The \ 'CI) nature of volunteer leaderhip. then , i really extr me leaclc1 hip and l c<~cling thr ugh Love, ncr~· . Audaci t • :md Proof ( · '), , out!ined in tcvt· Farb ·r· book. 'The Racli al Leap: Pen\ nal L son in E ·tr me Leader hip" and the modrl f I ad 1 hip AI ph a igma Alpha has, doptcd for as· ond biennium. Th • probl ·m i · that many of u tan volunt • ·ring out of! vc (inside and out'i It· of Alpha igma lpha ) . but th n ~tan to · ·pericn c the en ·rgy- ·u k •r lik challenge'> of tim and budget omtraints. phone ails that don ' t g t r turned. P••Jcrworl.. and the ever invading thought - " I' thi worth it?" - qui 1-.h sraru w 'urb e. \\'l' Io-. · our impi ation. ur cmc t,f purpo~c . our will t rcat pos1U1'e ch,tng(· a nd at Lime,, our lol'e. In an''''cr t the hallcngcs of' olunt<'t'r lt•a lc• hip. Alph.1


I ndl"r llrrknul fl H nlrmd brmg

plmm d for junr 200i.



_ __

O _ U N OAT I 0 N

.:....__ f

Scholarship deadline is February 9, 2007 tart t.hinking ab ut for Alpha i ma Alpha scholar hip . The d adline i Feb. 9, 2007. Did yo u know th at each ear we have schola1 hips t.hat. are not awarded becau e no one ha ap plied for t.hem? Let.' not have t.hat happe n t.his year. cholarship are available for alumnae m mbers, non-member , undergrad uate and for gradua t.e programming. In addition, t.h e Foundat.ion is excited w offer areer Enhancement Grants, which provide alumnae members "~ th th e financial assistanc to pursue contin uin g ed ucation for career advancement or reu-aining. App lications must be submiued to t.he Foundati on 60 days prior w need. Do you know any grea t Alpha Sigma Alpha teachers? Th e Foundat.i on i proud w offer the Freida Ri ley Award for Teaching Excellence to a teacher for her outstanding contribution lO ed ucation. The dead line is Apri l 13, 2007. All infOJ-mation and applications for t.he Foundation 's scholarships may be found at lUlUT.V., click on Foundation and scro ll down to cholar hips, Awa rd & Gt-ants. app l)~ng

Have you seen this badge? Did you know that if you skip one up of designer coffee every week, you can become a member of the Foundation's He t-itage Society? Membership to the Heritage Society starts at $250 a year ( 21 a mo nth ) with your contribution going to unrestricted funds. In addition to supporting the Founda ti on's programs, you receive a badge to proudly wear at events like national conventio n, District Day, etc! Just imagine, if on ly 10 percent of our mem bersh ip wo uld join the H et-itage Society, we could raise well over $1,000,000!

Convention attendees--oh so generous! Members of the Foundations Board ofTru lees and staff enjoy the convention tea part)•. Top left to right: Cindy Fundis Smith, EE; RosemGI)' Cantcci Goss, Bfl; Sial)•Dellrojohnson, C/JC/J;johanna Haag Gardnn; ZZ; Diane Yencic james, HH; Kathlel'll Collopy Miller, AT; and Michelle Boultinghouse McMillan, EE. Bollorn left to right: Lori White Scoll, EE; Anita Reichling, ,j -B;Jes ica B1idwell McKenna, Zfl; and Angela Dantzler Bau/dree, BZ. The Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation would Jjke to thank everyone who attended convention for their generou contributions! Between the Foundation's Birthday of Inspiration booth, the red ticket raffle hosted by the hard working ladie of the Mid-Michigan Crown Alumnae Chapter, the Recognition Candle sponsors, Circle of Strmgth members, and our new Heritage Society members, the Foundation was able to raise over 20,000 at convention! Thank you again eveiJ•One, and let's keep the momentum going! Alumnae Chapters Create•- Kansas City Seek Level/ 3,000 ( 1,000 a yea r for three yea rs) Mid-Michigan Crown Asp ire Level/ 1,500 ( 500 a year for three yea r )

Chapter Circle of Strength Challenge T he Foundation wou ld like to challenge chapters to pi dge to the Circle of Strength (COS) Club, a three-yea r fundra ising campaign to support sorority programming and membersh ip sen•ices. The fo llowing chapters have already pledged to this exciting initiative:

Collegiate Chapters Zeta Eta, Rock.hurst Un iversity Seek. Level/ 3,000 ( 1,000 a yea r for three years ) Delta Kappa, University of outhern Indian a Aspire Level/ 1,500 ( 500 a yea r for t.hree years) Delta Sigma, Saginaw Valley State n iver ity Aspire Level/ 1,500 ( 500 a ear for three yea r )

Membership in COS begins at the Aspire level, which is on ly 42 a mo nth. Moreover, th e Foundation makes it easy to give. We acce pt paym en ts in install ments, and th ey can be made via a credit card (MC/ Visa), automatic withdrawals from your checking acco unt, checks and ca h. V\ e invite chapters to take the chapter challenge, and help us create a timele Circle of Strength! Celebrate the power of a shared connection.

Need information on any of our programs or just want to ay hello to our Foundatio n taff? Vi it the web site at wrm.v. alplwsigmaalpha. cng, or please contact us at headquartet at (317) 871-2920, ext. 14 or email


Ad1ia hwin, Zfl, Wilma Wilson Slunp cholarship recipi.ent, and Jessica McKenna, Zfl, Foundation Board of Trustees vice-chainnan, enjoy the donor breakfast at national convention. FALL 2006


Phoenix staff looking for feature writer The ~tafT f the Phomix of ,\lpha S!f~ma illpha i I ~in for a new fe,\lure writ r. Thi i a volunL er p iti n and th p ·r..on apphing ho~1~d have writing and om · d1ung e ·p ·ri >nee. If interc l d. c< nta t Dire tor f ornmuni ations r·a Bor ·•· Fi hba k, ~ K. at (3 17) , 71-2 20x20 r email her at lfilhback@ alplwsigmaalphcl. org.

Statement of Ownership

The Arista Alumnae Assodation of Alpha Sigma Alpha unveils new features Two n w addition to the "One Bi PlaneC benefits card weh ite ttfU!Iu.!U)·J\lemberCanl. rom/ fiSll ar n ,~. available li r m mb r.. wi hing to enr II as a gold pann r of the Ari ta Alumna ' iati n. earch function on thi web "ite all \\ ' membct lO vi w th a1ing and eli · ounts availabl ·with !J1e gold parU1 r benefits ard in th ir area. i\ lembe• may also nroll a a gold partner, a 40 • arly conuibution, b · reclit card using PayPal. Member · wi hing to enroll as a palm gr n upportcr, a ~r yearly conuibution , and those paying by check mar obtain an ord r fo1111 at wunu.alplwsigmaalplta.Otg., located under the N ws and Announcem nts Mor in~ nnation re <lrding thi new initiati1·e i al o located u n.der t.he Jph a ct tion at www.alp11SigmaalfJha. org

Membership Services Coordinator hired Br okc D. Han en, Q:>cl), has been hir d a!\ the memb ·rship

mri. 16

fAll 2006

National CouncU Eleded


The national convention body elected the lollo\\1ng member; to the 2006--0 Alpha igma Alpha N~lional Council during thi ummer' national convenuon: Pre ident-Lori White olt. EE Vice Pre ident of Opcrations-Cindv L. Kellev.


Vice President of Finance- baron M. Lerner. ri \'ice Pre~idnt of Communications--Doth· Puni., Loyd, B~ \'ice Pre idem of Member;hip-Kim Bemon . ~


\'ice Pre idem o~lembc1 hip- ora M, Ten Bro ck, BK Vice President of tern bet. hip-Chri~tine ·tmpac Thoma!>, Af

Brooke en·ed as a nation. I v lume r for Alpha igma Alpha as the standard / risk management a hing L am leader and as a member f the volume r r nJiunem and pia ememte m. [n h r new rol , Br k will b · respon ibl for pr 1iding upport for eli ui l volumcers and the olle iat memb r, hip and dir · ting th or mv mcmb 1 hip recruitmem h ,,;11 hire. t.rain the lead · hip on ultant taJT. Broo~ \\ill pl. n, bud ct. oordinate and 'l'aluat · membe hip r · llJitrn ·nt pr gram. In . dclition. h • ,,;11 lx· r pon iblc for taLi tical r ·porting, chapt r re1italiati n , nd haptcr eli iplin . Broo~e "ill al. o dire l the ext ·n ion efforL,, olonit.atiom and in tall, Lion of n .,, Alpha igm Alpha chaptt: .

District Day update e1· 1Cll lpha igma lpha Di u-i l Da • cv •nts will tak pia c around the ounu · lhi "inter nd p1ing. Distri t 2 will hold i~ DLtrict Da}' Feb. 23--24, 2007, in Phila I ·lphia, Pt\. Di~tri t3 i.., planning a Distri t Da1 in th • . pring of _o 7 in PitL~btugh, P . Feb. 24, 2 07. i the claw ~ r Di ui L 4 Di ui t Da1 . The H'nt " 'ill tak(' pia in Ri hmond. \ 'A Di~tri t will h ld a Oi\tri t Dar in th · pring of 20 7 in ,rand Rapids. J\.11. Di trin 7 ,,;u hold rh ·i r D~ uict Da1 F ·b. --1. 2 7 in Uttl Ro k . ...\K.. Di'ui t • Oi\td t a1 "ill ! · h · ld in Kan · .it\, i\1 n F ·b. 23--2". 2 i . Fo1 mor(' infom1dli n on a Oi\lri t Da1 in v ur eli tri t, log on l > the Alpha igm pha '' •b it· at U'lliW.fllplwiiJ!; l'ttOOUX Of AlrttA SIGMA A1ltiA



President: Lori White Scott, EE , 4513 W. 54th St. , Roeland Park, KS 66205

Executive Director: KI)' tal Geyer livinsk.i, fP , kslivinski@alphasigmaalpha. org

Vice President of Operations: Cindy L. Kelley, Bn, 2010 Prairie Ridge Ct., Fuquay Varina, C 27526 Vice President o f Finance: Sharon M. Stern er, ri, 143 Cape Henry Trl. , West Henrietta, NY 14586 Vice President of Communications: Dolly PUJvis Loyd, B~ . 225 SheiWood Dr. , Hattiesburg, MS 39402 Vice President of Membership: Kim Benson , ~ N-B , 32 Lakeridge Dr., Greensburg, PA 15601 Vice President of Membership: Nora M. Ten Broeck, BK, 73 White O ak Circle, Saint Charles, IL 60174 Vice President of Membership: Christine Strapac Thomas, Af, 7518 Water Lily Way, Colombia, MD 21046

NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE Delegate: Lynne Rachal Chambers, A, 1211 San ta Anna Rd. , Richmond, VA 23229 FU'St Alternate: Ellen Funk Monis, BA, 23403 Song Bird Hills Pl., Parker, CO 801 38 Second Alternate: Sue Zorichak, BB, 21 44 Mapleton Ave., Boulder, CO 80304 Third Alternate: Eleanor Borbas Will iams, A, PO Box 428, Drakes Branch, VA 23937

Director of Communications: Teresa Bo er Fishback, ~K . t{ Volunteer Support Services Coordinator: Erika A. Butts, EK, Event Planner / Education Coordinator: Erica Whitfield, ZY, ewhitfield庐 Membership Services Coordinator: Brooke Hansen McBride, cf>cf>, bmcbride@ alphasigmaalpha. org Finance Manager: Andre Hill , Fmance/ Records Administrator: Wendy Carson, O ffice Manager/ Receptionist: Pat Crosby, ~K . O ffice Assistant: Linda Lineback, XX,


~H .

kayala @alphasigmaalfJiw .org

Timi Leota, ZA, tleota@alphasignwnlplw .org


Jen Lundquist, ZB, j lwuiquist@alphasigmaalfJiw .mg

SELE<TED NATIONAL TEAM LEADERS NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 9550 Zion ville Road, Suite 160, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: (317)871-2920 FAX: (317)871-2924 Email: Hours: 8:00 a. m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time Monday - Friday September l st through May 31st 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time 7:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time Friday Monday - ThursdayJune 1st through August 31st

Quality T eam Chairman: Barbara Pennington Struble, ~ -B, 323 orthway Dr., Sun City Center, FL 33573 Volunteer Recruitment & Placement Team Leader: Melissa Koch Meniam, EE, 7606 Lowell Ave. , Overland Park, KS 66204 Ritual Coaching Team Leader: laydia Spears, 4571 Barren Plai ns Rd., Sp1i ngfield, TN 371 72


Risk Management/ Standards Coaching Team Leader:Jenn Rassett, ZB, 825 Volun teer Blvd., Kn o>.:ville, T 37916 Formal Rush Coaching Team Leader: Debbie Sharp Craig, ZZ, 1111 5 Wine Palm Rd., Fort Myers, FL 33966 Historian: Barb Williamson, EE, 807 SW Anderson Terr., Topeka, KS 66606






Oistri 1 Facilitator. h.dh \. \lm ·llo. EJo.... U19J.Hlll· 1 \\Il l 1. , RonMn \ill·. P\ 1\ 't!O

Distri 1 Fa ilitator. J •n \ . Rt' l nt·r . r\1. II- I Yor 1.. L.. Dt·nH·r. (() '021 G

Oistri 1 M eting oordinator: h.r i" (,,1-l in Plourd ·. '\. I. L. ·lphi.t , P \ 1910 I




aching Team Leader: j, '\ . 2703 Lt·cl t'\\ ood Ct., Rodw tn llrll,, ~II 4, 306

CIH·n I 1.. Bowm.m,

R cruitm nt oa bing Team Lead r. ( ult:cn \\'i,nit·,, I...i \\ nod . .ll , 61i ll .tlf \ u · Rci.,.J.Imc buP. :"\] 0 . I d v autage oachin T am Leader: Be< 1..\ P.lll lin forol.., Z:\ . 2 I \ 'an Ddft lk . . \pt. II, >uth ,\mbm. t'{J 0 79

dva11ta e oachingTeam Leader: \ .rne ,,, \l aric (.t·mh.u I...i. R(· . _9fi0 ,\d)()ni -w Dr. . ,\pl. 21. Trmc1 c Cit\. l\11 I< . I

Fmanc oaching Team Leader: T1~tei t\liln · ·.l!\<11... r\1. 11 05 G1.mgt· Rd .. T1el\lon.~lll I 3


oaching Team Leader: Z \ , 2 :~ 'Mnd\tom· I r ., I( l..knille . . .J 0 0 I

\ .uH· .1 ( .larl... •

Oistri t M eting Coordinator: Stcph<U1it• ~1. \\'irv. B . I 17 \\ I tbt·lla Rd .. \ \II ..J 6-10



Oistri t Fa ilitator. . h ·II~ Oohc · Wile. E \ . 117 Bumnl•t• Ln .. •IT ·n.,burg. P \ L.'itiOI

District Fa ilitator: . \m\ Pric ·. BK . P 20 I. Charle ton, IL 61920

Oistri 1 M ting oordinator: \nn \1. B.nc1 o, f\J!. 2~7 \\'. Coop •r t. , .\p t. 10, :Iippcn Rocl... P.\ 1(){)37

District Meeting Coordinator: Laura L. Z;1bel, J.Jo... , 11 2 1 \\'t·\l.fidd :1. \\', r\pt. B. lndi.mapoli.,, 1:"\ 16~20

R cruitrn nt oa bing T am Lead r: \m .lllda L. ; .tham. f\1. 1 :~5 L . \ am t.. :olumbu,, ( II I' 2( 6

,\h on White ll,m on , 8). I ~295 . Late Rd 6., Jim n, IN 17 -12

Recruitment )f'C

B '

oa bing T am Leader:

d v autage oa hin T am Lead r: • h ' I ri l.. R.1 •• I \ , l PJ ;..{)I :lllcknL lnion . .Johmumn , P.\ 159 ..J

Adva11tage oachingTeam Lead r: haH·rdi , HI I. I. 06 . \1thu r . \ H· .. r\p t. #2, Ch,ult•,wn. IL 17 O:l

\l oni .\ 1.tli 1.., 1-\<1>. 11~31 \\'(ochi '\\ Bhd .. ll l'i • Ill~. )II lll :lO

Fmance oachin T am Leader. Tam a Pi ro l..\i ~. IIi , B) . I 0 I ~ Roanol.. · D1 .. Wt·,tficld . 1:"\ If 7-1




1 Facilitat

t\mh<.-r ~I.

r:J ulic Lnine, \ . 1712 ..

\\'< odhou · Rd .. \ 'ir !ini.1 B \ I ·h. \ \ ~:~I:) I

Oi tJi 1 Facilitator: Lkb F1dd [ 1 ' lilt' h. B'\ . 1~9(), 121th .-\\ •.. IAII (), Fl :t 77 1

DISTRICTS District Facilitator: Uu i " \ d.1m . Jolt . 6!1 1. Fo \\ood Dr., ht·lt'' fill'. I.. IIi ~7.'l lt·.th

II .,


h..m tt·n <X per hwul 01 .. \ 'ilom.t .. \R 1211 ~


B \ . :l7 \IIi l'a1 t·

d v a11tage hingTeam Lead r: R ·gm.r < m <•• u u.1. Z~. Ill, lk ·n .old [ r . m \ nwmu, L · I 222

am ad r: \l.tri 1 . 1201 \hn om \\ ·


FAU 2006

Fmance chin T am Leader: Jo \n n 1\l ht·/ Bmdn r . J - · P Bo :')()2. Bollllt, l \ #()(): .l

rdinator. \ nn lx·th . l.un 1. \pt. ( . \1 •onqum . II filii 0:! Distri t M ting rdinator.J uh.t ( .111lin nnth. I \. 17\\ \\ dim •tnn \ w .. hu .1 •o. II . lillf1'li' Recruilmft1t Coaching am Leader: Kim B.l\nl.l. 'I'll'. l'l \'l \\ \rld1"m 1. \pt. , ( hi ol 'II. Jl , fj()tj( \

Alpha Sigma Alpha Districts

Advantage Coaching Team Leader: Kiley Lauren Baker, 0A, 1625 Parkwood Ln. NE, Cedar Rapid , IA 52402

District Meeting Coordinator: Kat M. Wolfingwn, EE, 10015 W. Dartmouth Ave. #410, Lakewood, CO 80227

F'mance Coaching Team Leader: Anita L. Reichling, 6N-B, 123 S. Locust Ave., ew Hampwn, IA 50659

Recruitment Coaching Team Leader: Kristin Bremer, Zll, 7881 W. 1\lansfield Pky. Unit 303, Lakewood, CO 80235


Advantage Coaching Team Leader: Ke1i L. Kemmerer, ct>cl>. 8612 NE 98th Ct., Kansas City, MO 64157

District Facilitator: Shelby Coxon, Zl\1, PO Box Ill , Baldwin City, KS 66006


Fmance Coaching Team Leader: Valerie Pitts, EE, 3609 SV\ Palmer Ct., Topeka, KS 66610



DISTRICT NEWS-------------------------


/11 womm of II" 171 Ia .l lplw. ( « :ollrgr. (~/m Rnpul . I. I niJUI 11 dm rltlhl' 1u 1kntm~ nnk. In thr ftunl 1'11W m1· nu•mbn , l malllitl AnlN'I. 11111 I frcim, ,\/nll\ Mom\, Cam K lnn. l nd 111 th bark row flit m mbrr; Knll' Olmn,Jandlr Komg. L1111l\ l'homm. l manda Hnt~rl. .(lrtt .(lti(l/lflll{~h.

DISTRICT 6 Di uict 6 i lookin • for .1lumna • in th · cli'ui t \\ h >. r · tntet · t ·cl in ·ning on th · eli tnn . ldt,rmln~. fin an c and r • rw tmt·n t l ·.1111 • Plea~ • ·mall \Jm Pn ·. Bk . .n \ ' l'




Oi ui t Fa iliuuor11\ Pli C, Bk Fin.u1 e Co, ching T ·am L ·ad r Tan1.1 Pi\o k~j IIi . BY Ach.tnt.lg · .oa hin Team Leadert\J11bc1 havcrdi, H II


ted b> the hapter at the uthem

m ·ga,

Indiana. Amy Prirt, BK DLIIricl


6 Fanlitator


mall A''• rd \\in net " •r · Kimberh B.l,ma, P'i P~i and limnda Broadn '\, B ·t.t L.tmlxla.

' ·.u \\ith 11111 I ·in • clone

IM\ . ld •, . ('Oilt.l tJt'llllll' ,It

it' of B£7'.

:J'Ir111111 1J J l/11Jimml mm. f)rl.,,,J, /)trtnrh, 8 \ IJJ•tnrl 7lrtnfllfllm


' • ,\I RRA t•

IVI'.R:. I TY, 10 '

It wn ·I Pnfrrt Dm u•1th I I· n1 th lntlu·, nflvtn \ 'u \furrm lnlr lnn 11), K>. prrfxnrd lniJ~rtU. rl'llh Jxllmlmlni"U• mnnlwn dunn fnl/ 2f){} 17f'Tllllllvlll luru•11 Jmm frjllo n~hl nr• m miJrn jmm G1lmnrr,} wn /'horJ" and \Inn \/Qrr/muf.


DISTRICT 8 District 8 is lookin g forward w a new year! This yea r's District Day will be held on ov. 10-12, 2006 at th e Madison Concourse Ho tel and Governo r's Club in Madison, WI. For mo re info rmatio n about th e event, please visit www.alpha igmaalpha.o rg. Disu·ict 8 is pleased to welcome new volunteers to th e district team. Ch1·isty Adams, Ml, 1vill lead th e distdct team as disu·ict fac ili tato r. Kim Bayma, 'lf'lt, has recently acce pted tl1 e positio n of recruiU11 ent coaching team leader. Kim brings a wealth of information to th e position and is ve ry excited about helping di tri ct 8 improve its already tellar recruiun ent efforts. Bac k again for anoth er biennium , Ani ta Reichling, D. -B, will con tinue to lead th e fin ance coaching team. Kiley Baker, E>A , is also re turnin g as Advantage coaching team leader and is lookin g forward to a new year. District Day would no t be th e same witl1out tl1e leade rship of Amybeth Maurer, rA , as disaict meeting coordin ator. Alijarosch, ZB , is returnin g as the Disa·ict 8 web master. Check out h er handiwo rk at com/ alphasigdistrict8/. pecial tl1anks to Grace Moody, D.H, who served as disu-ict facilitator. Disuict 8 thanks her fo r her years of guidan ce and humor! Special th anks also to Leah Dooley, B, who served as Advantage coaching team leader and recruiU11 ent coaching team leader las t biennium . Leah 's u·emendous kn owledge an d integrit proved invaluable to tl1 e district. We are tl11·ill d tl1at tl1 e e District 8 women ha e moved on to new roles witl1in tl1e organi zati on ! Grace Moody i current! serving a the national team leader o f tl1e Stand U p! Sta nd Out! campaign and Leal1 has signed on as tl1e Di u·ict 4 recruitment PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

coaching team leader. We are always lookin g fo r talented alumnae to fill volunteer roles within th e disaict. If you have a special talent tl1 at you would like to shar e, please contact th e Disuict 8 volunteer •·ecrui tment and placement team member,J enn Styro n, \[!'If, at jennstyron Cl11isty Adams, !J.H District 8 Facilitator

DISTRICT 9 It's been another exciting summer in Disaict 9! Members from across the disaict traveled to Boston for natio nal convention. At th e disu·ict ga tl1 erin g, each chapter shared acco mplishmen ts th ey have

had since Disu·ict Day in February. Following our brag time the Disui ct 9 collegian , alumnae and volunteers took time to ge t to kn ow each oth er. Chapters and vo lunteer left convention energized and ready to ge t started with th e next academic year! In july, Disaict 9 1eade rs met in Ka nsas City for th eir annual meetin g. Dw·ing this time, disuict leader developed both short and long term goals fo r the district, discu sed current programs th at should or should not be contin ued , and discussed Disaict Day, which will be even better than last ear! Fo ll m\~ n g o ur mee ting, the leadership team was a·eated to some fantastic

cui inc yo u can only ge t in Kansas ity. As the academic year begi ns, we are excited to begin recmi an ent and bring new collegiat and alumnae members in to our sisterhood. Prepare to hear many more great things from Disaict 9! Shelby Coxon, Z/11 District 9 Facilitator


Creel! Weelt proves to be successful fm· chapter T he wome n of Beta igma, MissoLII·i ta te Uni ve rsi[)•, had a very busy and fun-fill ed year. T he sp1ing seme ter started o ut with pring rec ruianen t

Some of the women of Beta Sigma take a break from their spaghelli dinner to pose outside of the chajJler house.




U. Ttl £Til, RO Kif RST 'IVERS/ rl'. MO ,\Jrmb•·" of thr h tn l:lfl ChaJJin. U1Hk!WIII l nn•n l ll}. 1\rl/1\fl \ ( .//}, ,\/(), rll)lf\ IIJIIII



'' h<: n: m e mber~ re tuit ·d tl' n


WOtnl'n who Wt' l l' initiated on .\ pril 20. 2006. \li 1-i\ lar h wa:. o u1

.\'(JI?/'111/l.\ ( 1/\1''//N


Ill!' W0/111' 11 of I lw .\'m tlun1 C'olmmlo \lu uuwr UuzJIIn 111 I hi' full/trow fill': l i·ll'\(1 ,\lrCm th\. I nlll'\\(1 l .uu·w ,\lt'll'l . In tht• muldlr mw 1111': Sw• Htklt•l I l 'i /nl\. .\1m~

,\l uu l'm l ul'. 'ilw lt') lltrkmnll, I Pill 1-rnu llauw. I n th1 bru k 11m• lilt': Rnut• f.. ml111r. I '""'' /Jukn f"ll'ln. (;mo .\Jmdtllll Cathrmt, 1/mthn /Jnkman llrlllUllk, Pq,'f{l' (; mt•.

' ni't'l'il\ \Creek 1\tT k "he re th e wonH.' Il of 13 ·ta , i gm<~ receiH·d ht pl ,ttl' in .1 dod ge b.1ll tourn<~ntL' lll and 2nd pl ace· in CtLTk Oh111pin. On .\pt; l 10- 11 m ' mbn' held the· .mnu a l (Mglwni linne t .mel had .t g1t'< ll tu1 n o w f1om b o th ( :re cko, ,mel IHm-Creck> . fnll(a \ trwmt. n~


()/?, \{)() \1 ( ,1/\1/

Choj;ln maim plan1to /t()l/ 2008 Panhdlnz ir brunch \\'c .1 1 · ~0 g iMito IH'Illllll •

ne w 11wmbn. Ltunt Di( ~ei ­ Frt·in , 1-n . 1d10 <~lien it'd both OUt i\ l,mh ,1nd lk l'l11bl'l mt'l'1 in g... In p.t,t \l'at' the lkm ·t . \It tnt 11 ,\l' <.h.qne1 ha' hmtl'd tl1l' ( :, m' 11 ( ;L'I em om for

wiling 'cnior~ . but thi'> wa1 our 1;tpidil -m. L\11 ing ·r wok 011 till' ll',pon,ibilitv .1nd moH·cl it to the 'tudt•nt n·nu: r of thl' l ' ni1 ·r~it1 of ;\o1tht·1n Colo1Mio ( honw of thl' Bct.l lkt<~ (.h,qnn ). \\'(' h<~el :l;j tnlll'giaw 11H'1111 t ' l\ and allllnllt~l ' nwmbt'l' in .lllt' n d .nll t ' .mel .1 ~p ' t i.1l g l't·•cqu.untl'd game g.l\t' ll' ,, J.{ll',ll l h .111 ·1· ln ( Olllll'Cl. ( 11 ,11w.nuiful cl.l\ 111 \l. ll , "~1 ( . \( ll1l'111ht•l, ,\lll'IH-Jt-d

th . I .ltlhl'lil'lll( hllliH h .II hllt ( oll11h C:ountn ( lub . \\'l' h.1cl .1 c h.111 t· to li,llancl g t•t ulfwlll,llion on llw .1111111,d lll('t' llllg 1h,ll \\ · \\ill h !"t Ill ~()(), . hlllll t· phtn' in ludl' help111J.{ pmn· up 1h · lkt.l lkt.t hou'l' 111 •I Tin <hnmg tlw '1111111H'I ,mel h .11 111g .1 lt't' (H >Il'l , Jl 1hl' , , 1111 (' llllll'

0111 ' ll>llp·, r nht· ton .mel fll l' llcl\lllp\ ( lll1111lll( •101'


1\ l'


loo k fon, .url

to .ut o thtl ,u 11\l' \1 .11 \ rl\lw / Jk/11 11 11m, \1




\ "> I I l

\1 I \1 I\ I R ">

As reported to national headquarters, june 1, 2005-May 31, 2006






Theta Theta

Phi Phi

Beta Iota

Elaine Pierce Palmer Chen)' Gorham Partington

Eleanor Clancy

J ane Costello

Mary Reasor Hilton

Elsy J essup

Chi Chi

Anne Mays Magnu dal Frances Crigge r upen J eanne Andrew Pace Alice Yo un g kinker Ri ta Ashworth anreenen

Alpha Beta

Iota Iota

Laura Bachman Carol Brennecke Scarbrough Doris McCullough Slaughter

Myrna Treimer Hutchison

Barbara Etchison Pearce Helen Wehr Woern er

Kappa Kappa

Psi Psi

Kathl)'n Bender Hill

Do ris Cole B1~ n Lou.i e Hawkins Caldwell Billie Cheve Cappel Nancy King DeLoach Ruth Aylcock Normand Agnes Smith Russell

J ane Huber Mary Moore Waldrop

Beta Gamma

Rho Chi

Alma Jourdan Walls

Cindy Gentzen Holloway

Betty Vandagriff Ludwig

Pi Pi

Beta Epsilon

Beta Sigma

Doro thy Hess Ferra nd

Eugenia Savage Langley Elizabeth Harun an Lewis

Mary Kristek Rapp

Beta Beta Emma Young Borst J ean Bailey Davis Carrie Diggs Judy Kring Hagan Kathryn Stream Wheeler Dorothy Becker Wid lund

Delta Delta Eleanor Loyd Davis Ma•jorie Smith Workman

Epsilon Epsilon

Irene Parker Todd J ean Smith Wenrich

Nu Nu Marga ret Rusling Pickett lise Grae nz Schwa n :e Norm a Schaeffer Sh eldo n

J ane Gilliat Fry June Whitehead Gilbert Carol Small Karal

Beta Lambda Betty Burks Smith

Beta Nu

Beta Upsilon Beta Eta

Goldie J o hnson Benn ett

Gamma Epsilon

Mattie Ross

Judy Coon Kobee Esth er Dra ke Me olgin Babs Diederich McKinl ey Rita Lawler O ' Brian Eleano r Thom Thomas

Elizabeth Nolan Bekken Valeri e Thomp o n Best

Eta Eta

J ane Moore Tolsma Olive Scheiber Watson

Regina Miller Carol Spoer Oldenburg Karlin Eckes Reetz

Upsilon Upsilon

Helen J ones T eske Mary Mrnak Tollefsrud Helen Schroeder T rempe•Elizabed1 Hochhalter Waller

Bessie Weaver Adam Sylvia Neill McCowan Loui e Mendenhall Reed

Zeta Zeta

Rud1 Watson Johnson Kaduyn Lamb Keirns Anita Hilboldt Longa n Mary Abbey Lorenze n


Minnie Stickl e Predm ore

Bea uice Berge r Heck Ruby Strand Kelly Mal)' Alguire Middleton

Kathryn Maurer Podolske

Epsilon Alpha J eanie Baucum

Zeta Alpha Holli Spencer Cath ey

FALL 2006


~...-_ _......,


Stand Up! SLand Out! i an important program that offers sorority women a forum to discu the effects of negative peer pressure and work together to find concerete ways to make a difference on campus. We have recently partnered with 23 other National Panhellenic Conference groups in the SLand Up! Stand Out! women's movement. We would love to see your chapter get involved in planning or participating in the program when it is brought to your campus! Below we have provided you with a brief overview of the

- · program.

• - • Who is a partner in Stand Up! Stand Out!? Alpha Delta Pi • • • • Alpha Epsilon Phi Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi Alpha igmaAlpha

Alpha Sigma Tau Alpha Xi Delta Chi Omega Delta Gamma Delta Phi Epsilon Delta Zeta

Gamma Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Phi Mu Phi Sigma Sigma

Pi Beta Phi Sigma Delta Tau Sigma Kappa Sigma Sigma Sigma Theta Phi Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha

When will the event take place on our campus? Ideally, the program houJd occur hartly after the formal recruitment period on your campu . Tbi is a wonderful opportunity for new members and sisters to understand the importance of standing up for what they believe in a they begin their academic term together. Due to the timing of the partnership campu es • • • • may determine that it i best to host this program in the Spring 2007 emester to allow ample time for . . . . planning. 1-~----.

• • • How do we get started planning this program for our campus?


All chapters will have acces to the electronic version of the planning manual and resource guide through our headquarters or on our national web ite. lf you are ready to bring SLand Up! Stand Out! to your campu bring your proposal to the campu Panhellenic. ASLand Up! SLand Out! planning committee will be formed with one representative from each chapter on your campus. Five committee bead appointed from the planning committee will lead the committee Panhellenic Council and other carnpu partners in the planning, promotion, and implementation of the event The committee position job responsibilities are outlined in the program planning manual. Remember to get as many groups involved in the planning proc ! Tbi program i about building Greek unity and empowering women on your campu to stand up again t negati e peer pressure!



Our national SUSO contact: Grace Moody, H, at

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