Asa phoenix vol 87 no 4 summer 2002

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What an exciting time to be part of Alpha Sigma Alpha! After many years of development, the sorority will implement an organizational structure that really supports the membership and allows many opportunities for involvement. This new structure empowers volunteers to be intimately involved with the collegiate and alumnae chapters within their district. District facilitators will direct the information flow within the districts and monitor the progress of the districts. The coaching teams will provide support and guidance to the collegiate and alumnae chapters in the specific areas of .A1:A Advantage, recruitment and fmance. Chapter advisors and advisory boards play a key role as they are the direct contact with the collegiate chapters and provide the daily/ weekly support and guidance. I believe this structure and the district teams will give collegiate and alumnae chapters the undivided attention they need to be successful. The goal of making this organizational structure change is to provide a better sorority experience for members. Th is change allows collegiate and alumnae chapters to be supported by teams of volunteers rather than a few dedicated, but exhausted volunteers. Sharing that work leads to a more meaningful experience for volunteers as well as a better support structure for chapters. How can you fee l more comfortable with this change? Get involved! Fill out the volunteer interest form that can be found on the web site at www.alphasigmaalpha. org. If you do not have access to the internet, please call the national headquarters office at 317-871-2920 and request a volunteer interest form . You don't have enough time? Changing the organizational structure has added volunteers, breaking down the work load among many volunteers rather than the current situation of one volunteer carrying the entire burden. The volunteer interest form asks for your time commitment; be honest so you can be placed in a volunteer position that will be satisfYing to you. There are many volunteer positions that require a short time, one activity commitment. Still skeptical about this new structure? Change is always hard and I know there will be pitfalls along the way. But an organization never improves without change, and Alpha Sigma Alpha needs this change to better support its membership. My challenge to you is not to find all the negatives with the change, but to MAKE A DIFFERENCE and volunteer to make the district structure a positive change for Alpha Sigma Alpha. I know I will! Barbara Pennington Struble, flN National Vice President ofPrograms




Advantage initiative looks at the importance of emotional intelligence As part of the A~A Advantage initiative, learn about the importance of emotional intelligence.


Advantage Points This new feature is full of handy tips for everyday life.


New structure in Alpha Sigma Alpha's future Part three in a four-part series is an overview of the new Alpha Sigma Alpha structure.


II Theta Beta installed 46 women are initiated at Roanoke College in Salem, VA.



Volume 87, Number 4 Summer 2002

DEADLINES Winter ...... .......... ....... September Spring ..... .. ........ ......... December Summer ........ ..... ........ ..... .March Faii ........ ...... ............ .... ..... ..June

The Years Behind Us A Hi~tory of Alpha Sigma Alpha


10 10 10 10

EDITOR Editor/ Director of Communications Teresa Boyer Fishback, t.K

16 News to Note The latest n ews fro m th e natio nal o rganization .




Twenty-three women receive foundation scholarships The Alpha Sigma Al pha Foundati o n awards over 20 m em be rs fin an cial assistance.



Feature Editor

Deceased me mbers repo rted to na tio nal headquarte rs.

18 Alpha Spirit

Collegiate Editor

Collegiate ch apters display an a tti tude of excellen ce.


Historian Sue Zorichak, BB

Chapters repo rt o n winter a nd spring activities.


Lo ngwood College, Fa rmville, VA, show their pride and sisterhood in Alpha Sigma Alpha.


Contributing Writer Margaret Barge Rimel , t.H

Alumnae Action

24 Five to travel for

Members of the Alpha Chapter,

Alumnae Editor Christine Reising Keeley, EB

Sara Jane Lowe Komer, B~ sj lowekomer@hotma i

Why your gift matte rs- two members sh are th eir sto ries.


Senior Contributing Editor Nancy I.Z. Reese, BY

Nora Ten Broeck, BK

In Memoriam

1901 to 2001


NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 9550 Zionsville Rd . Suite 160 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: 317-871-2920 Fax: 31 7-871 -2924 Email:



Lead e rship consul tants provide leadership skills and educational programming to collegiate wome n across the coun try. Read abou t th e ri ew consul tan ts for this school year.

PHOENIX Of ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA (USPS 430-640) is published quarterly by Alpha Sigma Alpha, 9550 Zionsville Rd . Suite 160, Indianapol is, IN 46268 . Subscription price, $1 an issue, $3 a year. Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, IN, and additional mailing offices . Produced by Maury Bayd & As sociates, Indianapoli s. Š Alpha Sigma Alpha . Send address changes, death notices and business correspondence ta the national headquarters. Address all editorial correspondence ta the editor.

POSTMASTER : Send address changes (Form 357 9) to Phoenix of Alpho Sigma Alpha , 9550 Zionsville Rd . Suite 160, Ind ianapolis, IN 46268 . Printed in the USA.







he re is both wisdom and challe nge in this quo te fro m The Little Prince. The wisd o m is its proclam ati o n th a t e m o ti o ns are fund am e n tal in h ow we live and unde rsta nd wh o we are . The challe nge o f The Little Prince is to allow o ur e moti o ns to be th at guidin g fo rce. Kn owin g wh at is rig ht ofte n implies a level of in te llige nce. It's assum ed th at if you 're sm a rt, you have a h igh I.Q. , and tha t with this hig h I.Q., you a re destine d fo r success. It is with a fo cus o n intellectual inte llige nce tha t school curri cul a, pa re nting strategies and h iring practi ces have bee n shaped . According to Dan ie l Gole man, auth o r of two books o n th e subj ect of e m o ti o nal inte ll ige nce, e mo ti o nal inte lligence, ra th e r th a n I.Q. , m a tte rs m o re. Em otio nal in tellige nce e nh a nces p ersonal an d professio nal re la tio nships, j o b effective ness a nd pe rso nal health as we ll as th ese a reas of society already influe nced by I.Q.

What is emotional intelligence?

"It is with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince

Emo ti o nal inte lligen ce is n o t about be ing e m o tio nal. Be ing e m o ti o nally in telligent mea ns recognizing your e m o ti o ns, regu la tin g th e m a nd kn owi ng how to use th e m effec tively. Use e m o ti o ns? Whi le it may sound odd, Go le ma n, in his g ro undbreakin g book Emotional Intelligence (1 995, Ba ntam Boo ks) , explains th at being e mo tio nally intellige nt means kn owing yourself we ll e nough to recogn ize wha t your e m o tions are, how th ey influe n ce your be havior and how to de m o nstrate th e m appro priately. As Aristo tle wro te, it is a rare skill "to be angry with th e right person , to th e right degree, a t the right tim e, fo r th e right purpose, in tl1 e rig h t way." Emo tio nal intell ige nce goes beyo nd a nge r to e ncompass o th e r e m o ti o ns li ke sadness, fear, e nj oyme nt, love and surp1ise . Accord ing to Dan ie l Gole ma n , e m otio nal inte lligence (El) is comprised of 25 diffe re nt compe te ncies, gro uped in fi ve diffe re nt dim e nsio ns. The five dim e nsio ns a re : • Self-aware ness- kn owin g your prefere nces, resources and intuitio ns •


Se lf-regula tio n- ma naging yo ur inte rnal states, impulses a nd resources PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Motivation-having emotional tendencies that guide or facilitate reaching goals •

Empathy-being aware of others' feelings, needs and concerns

Social skills- being adept at inducing desirable responses in others.

The first three dimensions (self-awareness, self-regulation and motivation) are dimensions of personal competence or how we manage ourselves. The last two dimensions (empathy and social skills) relate to how we handle relationships. One of the hallmarks of emotional intelligence is its emphasis on learning. While you are born with an I.Q., emotional intelligence is something you learn and develop. We learn emotional habits as children, which means that we can either unlearn old habits or learn new ones. By emphasizing competencies, EI implies that each of us has the capacity for change. The range of competencies reflects the complexity of personality and human relationships so that to be emotionally intelligent varies from person to person.

Why does emotional intelligence matter? EI is compelling to us as individuals and as members of groups, organizations and society (not to mention the world). Individually we can strengthen relationships, become more effective in the workplace, develop our leadership skills and lead a healthier life. Collectively, becoming more emotionally intelligent benefits our schools, families, workplaces, communities and society. Being emotionally intelligent means living a life of integrity. Knowing yourself, being motivated to do your best and controlling your impulses benefits those around you. In being aware of others and their needs, you are being empathetic, which leads to "caring, altruism and compassion." "Seeing things from another's perspective breaks down biased stereotypes and breeds tolerance and acceptance of differences .. . allowing people to live

Continued on page 6 PHOENIX Of ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Competencies of emotional intelligence Self-awareness •

Emotional awareness--recognizing one's emotions and their effects

Accurate self-assessment-knowing one's strengths and limits

Self<onfidence--a strong sense of one's self-worth and capabilities

Self-regulation •

Self<ontrol-keeping disruptive emotions and impulses in check

Trustworthiness--maintaining standards of honesty and integrity

Conscientiousness--taking responsibility for personal performance

Innovation-being comfortable with novel ideas, approaches and new information

Adaptability- flexibility in handling change

Motivation •

Achievement drive--striving to improve or meet a standard of excellence

Commitment- aligning with the goals of the group or organization

Initiative--readiness to act on opportunities

Optimism-persistence in pursing goals despite obstacles and setbacks

Empathy •

Understanding others-sensing others' feelings; taking interest in their concerns

Developing others-bolstering others' developmental abilities

Service orientation- anticipating, recognizing and meeting others' needs

Leveraging diversity-cultivating opportunities through different kinds of people

Political awareness--reading a group's emotional currents and power relationsh ips

Social skills •

Influence--wielding effective tactics for persuasion

Communication-listening openly and sending convincing messages

Conflict management-negotiating and resolving disagreements

Leadership-inspiring and guiding individuals and groups

Change catalyst-initiating or managing change

Building bonds-nurturing instrumental relationships

Collaboration and cooperation-working with others toward shared goals

Team capabilities-creating group synergy in pursuing collective goals

Daniel Goleman, Warning with Emotional Intelligence (1998, Bantam Books) SUMMER2002

togeth er in mlltual respect and creating th e possibility ofproouctive public discourse," says Goleman. "These ar basic arts of democracy."

Are you emotionally intelligent? The question isn't really are you emotionally intelligent; the question is about your strengths and weaknesses. For instance, ask yourse wh ether ou are selfaware. Are you self-confident? How accurate are you at assessing yo4rself? Other questions related to emotional in telligence are: • Do you handle your impulses well? Or are you sometimes a loos cannon? •

Are you innovative? Are you trustworthy? How well do you demonstrate commitrneot?lnitiative? Motivation ?

How effective is your communication ? Are you a bridge builder or a lone island?

All of these questions help gauge your emotional in tellige nce. When you begin to explore your emotional intelligence, do so with an open mind and an honest approach . It's only with these two strategies that self-assessment truly occurs.

How do v.ou become more emotionally intelligent? A few strategies adapted from Goleman 's book, Working with Emotional

Intelligence (1998, Bantam Books), are listed below: • Find an emotional role model-=-some one who understands and manages their emotions. •

Seek feedback from trusted friends and coworkers.

Track your changes and treat lapses as learning opportunities.

Keep a j ournal. Record mom ents of awareness and the situations surrounding them. Reflect honestly on your emotions.

Find a coach-someone committed to h elping you in self-improvement.

Practice. Name your feelings. T ry n ew behaviors until they' re not new anymore.

Learn to acknowledge your own emo tions and see the connection between your emotions and your behaviors.

Being emotionally intelligent requires commitment from the h eart. What better time to start than n ow?

Why emotional intelligence? One of the required activities for the Initiate Module is to read the book Working with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman and discuss it with your Advantage parmer or team. Goleman wrote this book as a follow up to his book Emotional Intelligence. That first book focused on the way the brain works. This new book is much more practical. It illustrates why emotional intelligence is important in the work place and in working relationships and team and self-understanding.

The initiate "This book was selected in the initiate phase because in college, undergraduates have a great opportunity to take leadership development inventories such as MyersSUMMER2002

Briggs, DISC, BEST and other leadership style assessments and this book really helps young women look at how they develop this particular leadership skill," according to Director of Chapter Services Kelly Gillespie Miller, EH. Kelly continued, "Emotional intelligence is important to sorority women because at the heart of emotional intelligence are two things: one, empathy, which is understanding and reading feelings of others- and two, the core of social sororities- personal relationships, which are important factors in a sorority woman 's life."

The alumna For the alumna this is an important skill in their volunteer relationships, professional relations and even in their

family dynamics. Employers are using emotional intelligence testing more often for anyone in a management position or leadership role. In order for an employee to be most effective, they should have a commitment to both tasks of the job and to the relationships involved in the work. You can'tjust focus on output, you need to give equal attention to the people who create the bottom line to create a happy and healthy workplace. By reading the book Emotional Intelligence you are completing a required activity in the Initiate Module and you just might learn something about yourself along the way.


BY NANCY I.Z. REESE, BY Senior Contributing Editor

Advantage Points- it's all about you Welcome to the new feature, Advantage Points, where you'lllearn more about the trends and issues that affect your life. A cooperative effort of the Alpha Sigma Alpha national headquarters staff and the Phoenix staff, Advantage Points is an outgrowth of the Al:A Advantage program. In this space each issue will be short items to inform you or help you cope with the everyday challenges oflife- a feature for and about you.

Creating a budget Inspired by the financial management article in the spring issue of the Phoenix to finally take control of your finances? Starting a budget may be the right first move. For help in getting started, visit cs/ budgeting/ to view a number of articles about creating a budget. Look for the budget worksheet and the budget worksheet for college students. To try an on-line budget calculator, visit and click on budget under the money heading. For an article on budgeting for students visit sfs/ loans/ m_budget.htrnl. Once you've created your personal budget, stop by / brm/ rate/ calc_home.asp to compare your budget (or expenses) to the national average.

Starting a hobby Once you have your budget under control, you might have time (and the money) to start a new hobby. In addition to creating a more wellrounded you, hobbies can be a great way to socialize and relieve stress. If nothing else, you'll have something to list when you write your resume or fill out a job application. There are hundreds of hobbies, but they can generally be divided into four types: arts and crafts, collecting, sports and recreation, and intellectual pursuits. While finding something that will interest you PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

over the long-term is the most important consideration when choosing a hobby, looking into the potential costs and time requirements is also important. Talking to friends about their hobbies, reading hobby magazines and books and searching the internet are some of the ways to find out about potential hobbies. To read about some hobby choices, go to www.womensnet. net/ channels/ adventurous/ hobbies.shtrnl. To read about starting a genealogy hobby, go to If you have a hobby you'd like to write about for the A1:A Advantage web site, write to chapservices@alpha

Fast fact Speaking of hobbies and the internet, according to a University of California, Los Angeles, survey, 57 percent of those accessing the internet in 2000 used it to find information about hobbies. The same survey in 2001 found that 72 percent of all Americans now have access to the internet while 89 percent of college graduates have access. This is up from the previous year when 67 percent of all Americans and 86 percent of college graduates had access. In 1997, a survey of Alpha Sigma Alpha members found that 81 percent of those responding had access to email and 71 percent had access to the internet.

The truth about virus hoaxes and urban legends Once you have an email address and a few email buddies, warnings about viruses and other dire events can't be far behind. Most of them, fortunately, aren ' t true, but how can you separate truth from fiction? You can start by checking out, which rates what it calls eRumors, viruses and hoaxes. The Computer Incident Advisory Capability response team at the U.S. Department of Energy also maintains a list of hoaxes and chain letters found on the internet at . Since fraud has also found its way to the internet, you might want to check out index.htrnl"The #1 Publication on Internet Fraud."

The site also discusses urban legends, virus hoaxes and how to reduce spam, unsolicited commercial email. The best advice is to have up-to-date virus protection in case the threat is real. The next best advice is to refrain from forwarding those types of messages- your friends will thank you.

And just for 20-somethings Having trouble finding your way as you embark on life in the real world? You're not alone if the popularity of the book Quarterlife Crisis: The Unique Challenges of Life in Your Twenties is any indication. The book, written by Alexandra Robbins and Abby Wilner, a pair of twenty-somethings themselves, even has an official website, www.quarterlifecrisis. com, where you can "find a job, apartment, and get a life!"

Editar's note: Do you have an idea Jar an Advantage Point? Please cantact the natianal headquarters staff at asa@alphasigmaalpha.arg ar write 9550 Zionsville Rd., Suite 160, Indianapolis, IN 46268.


New organizational structure BY LORI WlllTE SCOTT, EE Vice President of Extension

in Alpha Sigma Alpha's future

This is the third in a four part series of articles focusing on the volunteer apportunities available within Alpha Sigma Alpha's new and developing organizational structure.

Part Ill


housands of people spend their summers engaging in the art of improving their yards, neighborhoods and communities by contouring the land and artistically planting flowers, trees and shrubs. Landscaping-it adds beauty and value to a home. Landscaping adds organization and may even revitalize an otherwise dormant environment. Alpha Sigma Alphas from coast to coast participated in an historical landscaping project as part of the AlA Centennial celebration. During the narcissus planting project, collegiate chapters, alumnae chapters and individual members planted our national flower on their campuses, in their communities and around their homes. Together, we used landscaping to make the world a better place. The national counci l shares a determination to see the landscape of the Alpha Sigma Alpha volunteer community altered by updating the volunteer organizational structure. After many years of operation under the same structure, it is time for a change . Time for a fresh new look. Time for more people to be involved. Time for renewal and pulling together to achieve a common goal-to develop women of poise and purpose. The new Alpha Sigma Alpha organizational structure is driven by th e guiding principles of the sorority, its ritual, bylaws, core values, member needs and of course, the sorority's vision of every member makes a difference. The result is a stream lined and inclusive structure ofleadership, management and flow of work. (See organizational chart.)

Crucial elements of the structure Every worthy landscaping project begi ns with a blueprint, map or plan. The map or plan details the work that wi ll be


performed, who wi ll perform the work and the desired outcome of the work. For Alpha Sigma Alpha's new structure, the plan begins with the guiding principles of our organization and ends with the desired outcome of developing individual members as women of poise and purpose. The attainment of that goal will depend on the involvement of many different volunteers serving the organization in many different ways.

Organizational leadership National council The seven elected officers of the sorority are the national council. The national council establishes policy, directs the financial resources and determines the strategic plan of the sorority. The national council relies heavily upon ongoing needs assessments, member surveys and feedback from members and focus groups in the performance of their work.

Organizational management National headquarters staff, volunteer recruitment and placement team, volunteer training team, district facilitators, ryperational oversight team These teams develop the annual plan of work for the strategic plan, recruit and place volunteers in the structure, train volunteers to be effective leaders, manage the district team concept and provide quality assurance through operational oversight for the organization. National headquarters staff plays an integral role by providing resources and managing information for the organization. According to National President Marianne Busch Bullock, B0, "The key to realizing the full potential of our membership is to decentralize our operations, increase the number of volunteers engaged in working directly with chapters and empower volunteers with additional responsibility, decision-making capabilities


Alpha Sigma Alpha organizational structure



Ritool, bylaws, core values, member needs

Ongoing needs ossessment and feedback

I • • I 111111111111 . . Notional coundl (eledal by the notionol COIIWI1tion body)

S1ml8gic pion, budget, polities



lllriiMIIIIII Notionol hsadquorf815 s1r1ff, vofunlrler recruitment &plocement teom, volunteer lroining teom, disllict focililrltoiS, opemtionol oversight teom These l8oms develop the what will be done th~h the pl_on of work, the who will do ~through placement and the how ~will get done ltuough troining on needed skl1~.

r .............. 5


Teom leodets, fJtrliect CCIOidinotr~~s, chapl&l odvisoiS, coaching teom leoders, committee chairman These lead~ focus on coordinoting one pie<e of WOik done within the organization and JXOYide progress repom.

l l'niiiCIMR.,...._ Strmding committees, projed teoms, task forces, sllldy teoms, rxMsory boards, resource groups, coachingteoms, district teoms These teams do the work of the organization.

Individual members, collegiate chopleiS, alumnae chapleiS

lll1l:lml Development of individual members as women of poise and purpose.

and authority at all levels. The national council fully intends to support this new model of organizational management by volunteers."

roles direct the teams for which they are responsible. For example the collegiate chapter advisor for Alpha Chapter serves as the primary contact and leads the chapter advisory board.

Project leadership and management Team kaders, project coordinators, chapter advisors, coaching team kaders, committee chairmen These leaders are specialists and focus on coordinating one piece of the work done within the organization. Examples of project leaders and managers include the NPC delegate, national risk management (FIPG) coaching team leader, archives coordinator and housing oversight committee chairman. Those who serve in these


Project work groups Standing committees, project teams, task f orces, study teams, advisary boards, resource groups, coaching teams, district teams These teams perform the work of the organization. The work of the organization includes implementing the strategic plan, contributing and editing articles for the Phoenix and hands-on membership assistance. Examples of proj ect work groups include the national standards

committee, the national formal rush coaching ~earn and district recruitmen t coaching teams.

Volunteer expectations Each element of the organizational structure is as important as any other. The success of each component is dependen t upon the effectiveness of all the other components. Realizing that each type of volunteer service is of equal importance and that all volunteers depend on one another to accomplish the sorority's goals, a set of core competencies fo r all volunteers has been established.

Continued on page 10 SUMMER 2002

The core competencies expected for all volunteers are as follows: availability, organizational knowledge, resourcefulness, active listening, teamwork and strategic parmering. For more details and descriptions of the core competencies, skill competencies and knowledge competencies to be used for the individual position listings within the organizational structure, please visit the A4A web site at This may help members decide where their time and talents may best be utilized.

Communicating the structure Two separate packets of information have been mailed to over 1,000 members to keep them informed of the changes in the organizational structure and explain the many different opportunities for involvement provided in the new structure. Feedback is already pouring in from volunteers across the country. Province XV Director Amy Price, BK, said, "I got the new organizational structure in the mail the other day. I love it! I think some of the possibilities this structure has are incredible." Province X Director Christine Strapac Thomas, Af, said, "After reading through the proposed A};A structure changes, I wanted to tell you how terrific I think the district model is! The duties and qualifications of the potential new positions were well explained. As a PD I have spent a lot of time attempting to resource to chapters and advisors on a variety of issues. We haven 't had a volunteer base large enough to resource the needs of our collegians in a timely fashion. " The national council also hosted three conference calls in May. Several volunteers and potential volunteers participated in each of the evening dialogues and were able to ask compelling questions and hear more about the new structure. The calls were very successful and paved the way for other similar communication in the future, such as online chats. One frequently asked question on the calls was ''Why the change in stntcture?" "We need more volunteers," responded National Vice President of Communications Dolly Loyd, B<i. ''We need to get



"We need to get our volunteers back and more involved in serving our chapters. This new structure gives our members the flexibility they need not only to be connected with Alpha Sigma Alpha, but also have a personal and professional life. - Dolly Loyd, B<i National Vice President of Communications our volunteers back and more involved in serving our chapters. This new structure gives our members the flexibility they need not only to be connected with Alpha Sigma Alpha, but also have a personal and professional life. We love our volunteers and we want each and every one of them to have a chance to be involved. This means we need our 'retired' volunteers to get involved again, we need our current volunteers to stay involved and we need brand new volunteers to become involved." These communications have resulted in the compilation of a "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers" document that can be accessed on the Alpha Sigma Alpha web site, Go to the A2:A Difference section, click on the Getting Involved button and then click the New Structure FAQ on the left side of the screen.

Volunteer now It is not too late to contribute your talents in this new organizational structure and volunteer community. To get involved, please download and complete a volunteer interest form from the Alpha Sigma Alpha web site. You can find this form by going to the A2:A Difference section, click on the Getting Involved button and then click on the Volunteer Interest Form on the left side of the screen. Be a part of the new landscape in the community of Alpha Sigma Alpha. A landscape that includes volunteers artistically placed to bring organization, strength, value and revitalization to the sorority and actively develops women of poise and purpose!

Still to come: • The role of advisory boards in the new structure




Theta Beta installed at Roanoke College

BYMEGANJOHNSON,¢¢ Leadership Consultant 2001-02 Eight women began the Iota Organization at Roanoke College, Salem, VA, in the fall of 2000 with the intention to join a national sorority. Alpha Sigma Alpha gave an expansion presentation in the spring of 2001, and after careful consideration, the women of the Iota Organization called Alpha Sigma Alpha's Director of Chapter Services Kelly Gillespie Miller, EH. They chanted, "Alpha, Alpha, Alpha" as they accepted the offer to colonize. The women worked to achieve chapter status begin-

ning with the Phoenix degree on Sept. 6, 2001, at the campus chapel. The women of the Iota Organization were installed as the Theta Beta Chapter on Feb. 16, 2002. The 36 initiates and 10 new members attended the ceremony. The installation banquet was at the historic Hotel Roanoke, where Alpha Sigma Alpha celebrated its Golden Anniversary in 1952. Here the women were presented with their charter as parents, alumnae, administrators and friends helped celebrate. The national officers in attendance were National President Marianne Busch Bullock, BE>,

Colony Development Director Carin Perretta, ZY, Province Director XIII Tricia Richerson, BN, National Chairman of Colonies Cindy Kelley, BIT, Assistant Director of Chapter Services Krystal Geyer, fP, and Director of Chapter Services Kelly Gillespie Miller, EH. Zeta Upsilon Chapter President Jaime Clougher, gave the Aspire toast; Zeta Upsilon Chapter Advisor Sherrie Shallock, /::,.Z, presented the Seek toast; and Province Director Tricia Richerson delivered the Attain toast. Since their installation the chapter recruited an additional 25 members.

Chapter sponsored gifts: The following installation gifts were sponsored by these chapters:

Feather pen for ritual Richmond Alumnae Chapter

A2.A Flag

CD for ritual Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter

NOVA Alumnae Chapter Engraved white Bible and chapter gavel Buffalo Alumnae Chapter Signature book for ritual Tidewater Alumnae Chapter Engraved scrapbook Mid-Michigan Crown Alumnae Chapter PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Brass candle snuffer for ritual Alpha Chapter Set of customized chapter business stationary and informal notes Zeta Zeta Chapter Palm branches for the ritual Eta Eta Chapter

Sponsored the corsages for installation weekend Beta Nu Chapter and Kappa Phi Chapter

Charter members: Suzanne Cronise Sarah Beth Akers Erin Assaid Lyndsey Baker Allison Barlow Michelle Bernier Amy Bolenbaugh Kathleen Burns Kristen Cangelosi Jennifer Clements Emily Davis Kymberleigh Davis Kara DeCarlo Natalie Gessert Jennifer Granger Meghan Howard Lauren Johnston Kyle Julian Heidi Kuhn Kerry Mauger Elise Monsour Rachel Morgan Melissa Moyer Courtney Newbury Amanda Patterson Ann Pilson Celi ta Proffitt Vanessa Raby Emily Smith Karey Tunstall Lyre Turner Tiffany Urban Allyson Wahlgren Sarah White Natasha Whitling Stacy Wood

New members: Jeanette Aurelio Laura Braaten JoAnn Bennett Mandy Catron Sarah Fariss Toshia Najar Apryl Piggott Amy Marie Pritts Jennifer Ralsten Elizabeth Wylie

Robert's Rules of Order Delta Kappa Chapter Framed creed Zeta Tau Chapter Brass gong for ritual Zeta Rho Chapter Engraved guest book Zeta Omega Chapter SUMMER 7007



\ R S II I I' S

Foundation scholarship recipients announced BY MARIANNE LANDIS Foundation Assistant

The Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation believes that learning should last a lifetime, and the commitment to that belief is carried out through both graduate and undergraduate scholarships. This year the foundation scholarship program experienced the largest and best-qualified applicant pool ever. Each applicant was asked to write an essay about her educational pursuits and expectations for her future. Please take a minute to read about the 23 scholarship recipients and their hopes for the future. The Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation is proud to announce the 2002-03 foundation scholarship recipients: Whitney Arnold

Andrea Milobar

Katherine Witham

Alpha Beta Founders ' Memurial Scholarship Beta Nu, Murray State University, KY Major: nursing

Hilda Anna Giraud Founders' Memurial Scholarship Theta Alpha, Coe College, lA Major: Spanish/ education; minor: French

Past National Presidents Founders' Memurial Scholarship Beta Sigma, Southwest Missouri State University Major: speech pathology

"I would love to work in an office of family practice or with newborns in the hospital setting."

"My lifetime educational goal is to eventually obtain a PhD in Spanish and teach at the college level."

"I will be prepared to pursue my life's goal-helping children who have special needs."

Katherine Witham

Andrea Milobar

Stephanie Hurd

Whitney Arnold

Desiree Watts Leah Dooley

Kristin Buhrman 12




Stephanie Hurd

Keri Kemmerer

S. june Smith Founders' Memorial Scholarship Nu Nu, Drexel University, PA Major: biomedical engineering; minor: business

National Philanthropic Scholarship Phi Phi, Northwest Missouri State University Major: elementary education; minor: early childhood education

"In 1993, my mother was injured in a severe car accident. I chose biomedical engineering as my major in hopes that I will one day find a way to restructure spines to help my mother and others."

"My goals for the future include keeping my life balanced, having a strong family life and making a difference in children's lives. Impacting them, and helping children grow, is what I strive toward."


Desiree Watts Suzanne Hebert Founders' Memorial Scholarship Beta Gamma, Northeastern State University, OK Major: health and human perlormance; minor: science/biology

Andrea Tenkel

"I want to be a physician's assistant because I not only want to help children get well, but I also want to help them understand why they are ill and how to prevent it from reoccurring."

"My educational goals are lifelong, as learning is a lifelong process. I want to live my life giving back to my community and getting involved in organizations such as Special Olympics."

Kristin Buhrman

Karen Dudek

National Philanthropic Scholarship Zeta Omicron, Muskingum College, OH Pursuing: masters of business administration at Xavier University, OH

Special Education Scholarship Pi Beta Phi Pursuing: masters of speech pathology at Illinois State University

"A higher educational degree will open doors in my current career, as well as build a base of skills that may be useful should I decide to open my own business."

"With my education, I will be able to help students who suffer from various communication difficulties. "

Special Education Scholarship Beta Theta, Central Michigan University Major: special education; minor: reading in elementary grades

Andrea Tenkel

Keri Kemmerer

Courtnay McFeters

Leah Dooley National Philanthropic Scholarship Alpha Beta, Truman State University, MO Pursuing: masters of science degree at Western lllinois University "I am ... exploring a future within the functional areas of Greek life or leadership programs within an office of student activities. This will be my professional path on my way to a dean or vice president of student life position."

Kristin Green National Philanthropic Scholarship Beta Gamma, Northeastern State University, OK Major: mass communications and psychology "With these degrees I intend to comfort, guide and counsel troubled children." .

Grace Fultz Haworth Music Scholarship Delta Sigma, Saginaw Valley State University, MI Major: communications; minor: marketing

Courtnay McFeters

"With my hard work ethic combined with my drive to always do my best, I am confident that I will succeed in achieving my goals."

Karen Dudek

N aydia Spears Mary Turner Gallagher Scholarship Zeta Omega, Austin Peay State University, TN Major: political science; minor: legal studies "I plan to attend law school so that I may be of further assistance to those in need."

Amanda Mcintyre

Amanda Mcintyre Mary Emerson Blackstone Scholarship Beta Upsilon, Indiana State University Major: early childhood education; minor: kindergarten endorsement

Naydia Spears

"I have concentrated my work efforts in the preschool environment, pursuing my lifetime goal of becoming a mentor to younger children." PHOENIX OF AlPHA SIGMA ALPHA




Tina Brocco

Tammie McWhirter

Katie Brewster

Theresa McCarthy

Tracie Cantrell

Natalie Caine

April Brinkoetter Becky Burgess

Theresa McCarthy

Tina Brocco

April Brinkoetter

Martha Green Dimond Scholarship Beta Beta, University of Northern Colorado Pursuing: PhD in educational leadership at Colorado State University

Lois V Beers Scholarship Zeta Omicron, Muskingum College, OH Majors: business/English; minors: French/ economics

Zeta Zeta Chapter Scholarship Zeta Zeta, Central Missouri State University Major: computer information systems; minor: graphic design

"My lifetime goal is to be a special education director for a large school district. Introducing new curriculums and effective teaching practices will give me the experience needed to be a successful leader in the future."

"I am on track to graduate from Muskingum College summa cum Jade and continue my education by earning my MBA."

"I am dedicated to my studies with the hopes of earning my MBA after I graduate from CMSU."

Tammie McWhirter Amy M. Swisher Scholarship Beta Beta, University of Northern Colorado Pursuing: masters degree in social work at the University of Denver "I chose to pursue my graduate education to further my skills and knowledge to better serve the families, young women and children I work with."

Tracie Cantrell Wilma Wilson Sharp Scholarship Beta Gamma, Northeastern State University, OK Major: English; minor: history "I have chosen to become a teacher in order to hopefully make an impact in someone's life. My goal as a teacher is to reach children who are looking for direction outside the home."



Natalie Caine Katie Brewster Marjorie Anderson Thomson Scholarship Pursuing: special education degree at Stephen F. Austin State University, TX "There is no greater feeling than observing a smile on a child's face when they learn how to sign, talk or write at the age of 5 or older; the things we so often take for granted."

Becky Burgess Beta Gamma Chapter Scholarship Beta Gamma, Northeastern State University, OK Majors: family and consumer sciences/ psychology "My ultimate goal is to be a child life specialist. I have a passion and desire to help children, especially those in the hospital."

Beta Sigma Chapter Scholarship/President Beta Sigma, Southwest Missouri State University Major: marketing "I hope to make a difference in the quality of health care that children receive while they are in the hospital."

Jennifer Vogel Beta Sigma Chapter Scholarship/Treasurer Beta Sigma, Southwest Missouri State University Major: communications; minor: Spanish "The opportunities I have been given through Alpha Sigma Alpha and Southwest Missouri State are helping me achieve my career goals each and every day."


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Why your gift matters Invest in Alpha Sigma Alpha; Invest in Values


Foundation Secretary Like many of you, I often wonder just how my gifts to the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation are making a difference. I know I am providing deserving members with the opportunity to participate in the many programs provided by Alpha Sigma Alpha, but I question if my gifts are really making a difference in the lives of these women. During the week of Alpha Sigma Alpha's Centennial celebration I was able to experience the difference my gifts were making firsthand. I had the pleasure of visiting with the Beta Iota Chapter at Radford University, VA. Over dinner I learned that three of the young women at my table had participated in programs or events funded by the foundation. One had attended the Undergraduate Interfraternity

Institute (UIFI), two had attended Alpha Sigma Alpha's Officer Academy and one had attended the Emma Coleman Frost Leadership Development Institute (LDI). All three, Lysanne Palella,Jennifer Dell and Brooke Daniels, attended the Centennial convention in Richmond, VA. As I talked with these women it was quite clear that these programs had a significant impact on all three of them. They each described their experiences as some of "the greatest experiences of my life." Through the generous contributions of Alpha Sigma Alpha members and friends, the foundation was able to make a difference in the lives of these members.

Very few organizations have the ability to truly impact the lives of their members. However, through the experiences provided by Alpha Sigma Alpha, members like Lysanne,Jennifer and Brooke, are given the opportunity to participate in programming that cultivates poise, self-awareness and confidence. Alpha Sigma Alpha's educational initiatives, including ArA Advantage, LDI and Officer Academy, offer members a safe environment to explore their personal values and their connection and obligations to the larger world. Alpha Sigma Alpha is one of the few places in today's world where members can find a values-based experience.

Rosemary Carucci Goss, Bfl

The evening I spent with the Beta Iota Chapter, I saw the return on my investment in Alpha Sigma Alpha. And that return was much greater than what I've seen on my university's 403 (b) retirement account! I know through my gifts to the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation, I am investing in something special that cannot be created anywhere else. I am investing in values!

Becoming a woman of poise and purpose ''Prior to joining Alpha Sigma Alpha, I had an idea of the kind of woman I wanted to be. Now with my involvement in A1:A, both as a collegian and as an alumna, I have become that woman and much more. Experiences such as the Emma Coleman Frost Leadership Development Institute and the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute, have given me the opportunity to learn the kind ofperson I am and set goals for my personal definition of success. Through Alpha Sigma Alpha, I have become a woman ofpoise and purpose!" Angie Reiskamp, ZZ Leadership Consultant 2002-03

Angie Reiskamp, ZZ






History book has arrived The Alpha Sigma Alpha history book, The Years Behind Us: A Histary ofAlpha Sigma Alpha is hot off the presses and ready to be shipped to your doorstep. The price is $79.95 and can be ordered Alpha Sigma Alpha web site at www.alphasigma or by calling the Director of A History of Alpha Sigma Alpha Communications Teresa Boyer Fishback, ~K. at 317-871-2920. If you have already placed an order, your book was shipped in July.

The Years Behind Us

A"'i.A Advantage wins two awards The A.!A Advantage initiative won third place in two catagories at this year's annual College Fraternity Editors Association's awards program. In the Multimedia Presentation competition A.!A Advantage won for the Advantage CD-ROM. Alpha Sigma Alpha also won third place in the Manual/ Handbook competition for the AtA Advantage Member Manual.

Alpha Sigma Alpha welcomes new alumnae chapter A new alumnae chapter has joined the Alpha Sigma Alpha family. 路 The Southern West Virginia Alumnae Chapter was formed on March 16, 2002. If you would like more information on this chapter, contact President Kimberly Ward at

Foundation reporter needed The Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation is looking for a volunteer who would cover foundation events for the Phoenix magazine. This person would work closely with the foundation's director of development and also with the Phoenix editor. Good interview and writing skills are a must for this position. If you are interested in this position, fill out the volunteer interest form on the Alpha Sigma Alpha web site at Go to The AIA Difference section and to the Geuing Involved page where you will find the volunteer interest form. You should also email Director of Development Bente Fein at bfein@ and Director of Communications Teresa Boyer Fishback, ~K, at tfishback@

New departments for Phoenix While some may say don ' t fix it if it isn' t broken, the Phoenix staff takes an aggressive approach to seeking ways to improve the magazine. New trends spring into being, the membership and the organization evolves and what is old and venerable sometimes becomes stale. In response to all of these factors and seeing an opportunity in the reorganization of the national organization, the staff, with the approval of the national council, will change how chapter news is reported in the Phoenix. Beginning in the winter 2003 issue, chapter reports will be listed by district. Three editors, one for alumnae and two for collegians, will be responsible for collecting and preparing these reports. In with the new: The District News section will appear in every issue. Its debut in winter 2003 will have news from chapters in districts 1-5. Chapters in districts 16


~9 will have reports in the spring 2003 issue. Districts 1-5 chapters will reappear in the summer issue, and chapters in districts ~9 will finish out the rotation in the fall issue. Rather than just report on homecoming floats and the latest parties, collegiate chapters will be assigned topics such as housing and risk management, issues that will be assigned at the beginning of each school year. Alumnae will be encouraged to report on those issues relevant to them. District News also will periodically include reports from the district leadership. This new section will replace Alumnae Action, Collegiate Comer and Alphas Making A Difference. Keeping some of the old: the Alpha Spirit photo section will continue as a separate department of alumnae and collegiate photos. It will appear once a year. Photos will be solicited twice a year and also will be

used with district reports. Photos will continue to reflect the sorority's core values. A combined Alumnae/ Collegiate Stars section will remain as a separate section and will be part of a renewed effort to solicit articles about outstanding members. The Stars section will complement the occasional feature on Women of Distinction. Be part of the excitement: Energizing these sections as well as continuing to provide outstanding articles on issues that face the sorority and its membership will require writers and editors willing to share that vision. If you have an interest in joining the Phoenix staff or contributing to the magazine, please contact Director of Communications/ Editor Teresa Boyer Fishback, .:1K, at tfishback@alphasigma, 9550 Zionsville Rd., Suite 160, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Nancyl.Z. Reese, BY PHOENIX Of A11'11A SIGMA AII'IIA

IN MEMORIAM ll I路 ! 1路. \ S I路 ll

\I I \1 1\ I路 R s

Reported to National Headquarters, june 1, 2001-May 31, 2002



Eta Eta

Sigma Sigma

Beta Iota

Cynthia Dixon Barbara Tripp Friend Susan McCorkle Kincaid Harriet Moomaw Leek Polly Keller St. Clair

Marie Hembree Cinotto Patty Barkell Haderline Dorothy Eyman Lindeman Gladys Parks Marsh Dollie Murty Oberzan Deborah Poage

Louise Nordstrom Andreas

Elsie Thomasson Brammer Esther Bobbitt Graham Teresa Waddle Lantz Elizabeth Brand Nelson Tara Hemmings Tharp Jean Mays Warren

Tau Tau Katherine Pratt Mermis Evelyn Pauly Eleanor Winters Wickizer

Alpha Alpha Charlotte Knost Albright

Theta Theta

Phi Phi

Beta Nu

Muriel Barber Kneib

Mildred Huiatt Miller Mary Lyle When

Phebe Pustmueller Huff

Alpha Beta Mary Western Cown Frances Lail Morthland

Beta Rho

Iota Iota Pauline WomeldorffBiack

Chi Chi

Alpha Gamma

Kappa Kappa

Barbara Smith Freeman Mary Collier Kuno

Gertrude Nyce Mary Kehl Wentzel

Alice Myer Eickenberry Lois Kirkwood Milling Mary Ludu Simon

Barbara Carlson Martha Self Pearson

Beta Sigma

Psi Psi

Janet Barnes Mary Donnell Fuller

Beta Beta

Nu Nu

Kathryn Mayer Neoma Erickson Stone

Janice Sutherland Schremp

Rosemary Baker Easley Barbara Graves Harvell

Beta Upsilon Catherine Allen Castor Frances Kehres Marshall

Xi Xi

Beta Gamma

Milidia Carstensen Goldman

Freda James Burtner

Pi Pi

Beta Epsilon

Arlowene Shoemaker Wright

Phyllis Epperson Gray Peggy Curler Harmon

Gamma Zeta

Eleanore Ross Edwards Mary Peterson Miles Emma Young

Jeaanne Hanrahan Biggane Jane Simon Cornwell Jane Colby Dixon Mary Harrington Huettner Marilyn Jordan Keeney Dorothy Freund Kraw Elizabeth Curran Winters

Zeta Zeta

Rho Rho

Mary Palmer Childs Vivagene Wheeler Handley Mary Gallemore Hunker Margaret Smith Marguerite Young

Dorothy Arrick Kefer Elain Winn Moseley Betty West Porter

Gamma Gamma

Gamma Clio

Virginia Bowyer White

Delta Delta Helen McClaflin Williams

Epsilon Epsilon


Kathryn Goldsmith Moore

Beta Zeta Sidney Beauxis Salley Doskey Marlene Smith Janet Pitt Stemmans Yvonne Toups Uzee

Gamma Lambda Mary Marcia Gross Harris

Gamma Rho Anne Brown Varvaro

Beta Eta

Rho Chi

Byrt Redmond Bashey Jean Eckroth Heinert

Lillian Demetral




Beta lata, Radford University, VA Women from the Beta Iota ChajJterjrom R adj oTd Univem:ty show suppoTt joT the Special Olympics held at ViTginia Tech.

Delta Chi, Bloomsburg University, PA ThTee members of the Delta Chi Chapter at Bloomsbwg University help sujJpoTt the American Red Cross blood drive. The drive collected over 3 12jJints of blood during the annual event.

Above: Gamma Rho, East Stroudsburg University, PA M embers of the Gamma Rho Chapter at East StmudsbU1g University tak.e a bTeak with two memben of Special Olympics after a day on campus filled with games and prizes.

Zeta Mu, Missouri Western State College Foster children at the Noyes Home paTticipated in a Valentine's D ay paTty with members of the Zeta Mu Chapter of Missouri Western State College. 18




Below: Alpha Beta, Truman State University, MO With the highest sorority CPA on the Truman State University campus and as the recently crowned intramural sports champions, members of the Alpha Beta Chapter show more than just a little spirit during the Greek Spirit Day.

Zeta Zeta, Central Missouri State University Sandy Beaman, Danielle Bowman, Dawn Drummond and Allison Kenagy of the Zeta Zeta Chapter pose with several Special Olympians after a gold medal basketball game in Sedalia, MO.

Zeta Nu, Moravian College, PA Zeta Nu members pack up over three car loads of clothes collected by the chapter from students and professors at Moravian College. The clothes were donated to the Salvation Army.

Beta Theta, Central Michigan University Beta Theta's Mary Ann H ill, Dottie Fischer, Leslie Hill, Andrea Tenkel, and Kelly Adamczyk attend an A~A Advantage Retreat.

Zeta Omega, Austin Peay State University, TN Michelle j ohnson and Alexis Alexander of the Zeta Omega Chapter demonstrate A lpha spirit during an informal recruitment and information night at Austin Peay State University. PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA




New chapter takes on several philanthropic projects The Central Arkansas Alumnae Chapter was installed Sept. 24, 2001, and includes alumnae from Beta Lambda, Beta Mu, Epsilon Alpha and Gamma Zeta chapters. The chapter focus has been on sisterhood and philanthropy. The group meets monthly and has already hosted a Thanksgiving feast and holiday gift exchange. Members also participated in a Founders' Day banquet at the University of Central Arkansas and a "girls' weekend out" trip. Each month, members choose a philanthropic project. For Halloween, members decorated their cars and participated in trunk or treat in Conway, AR. Children were provided with a safe altemative

to trick or treating. In November, members donated nonperishable food items and money to the Community Action Program for Central Arkansas (CAPCA). CAPCA used the donations to make food boxes for those in need. At Christmas members donated clothing and toys to children in need. Spring activities included sponsoring a kindergarten class and visiting a local senior citizen center. For more information, contact chapter president Kristen Cooper Schwulst, BA, at Jamie Estes, BA


Chapter supports collegians and local philanthropies The activities of the Maryville, MO, Alumnae Chapter continue to be

The Maryville Alumnae Chapter entertain Phi Phis at the senior send-off bingo party.

focused on the support of the Phi Phi Chapter at Northwest Missouri State University and local philanthropic pr9jects. Some of the favorite activities for the year were the salad supper hosted by Carole Brown O'Riley, <1><1>, Kathryn Krause Ford, <1><1>, Mary Ethel Oliver Pugh, <1><1>, and Bemiece Laughlin Wohlford, <1><1>, Founders' Day and the senior路 send-off bingo party with Millie Cockrill Loch, <1><1>, Sybil Simms Higginbotham, <1><1>, LaVona Stalcup Reid, <1><1>, and Marty Geyer Poynter, <1><1>, making arrangements. Agencies in Northwest Missouri that benefit from the chapter's support include the Children's Center, Camp Quality for children with cancer and the Ministry Center, a food and clothing provider. Nancy Wheaton DeYoung, B1JI" LAWRENCE, KS

Chapter starts off a great first year Lawrence,KS,Alumnae Chapter is off to a great start. In December, the chapter

met at the Eldridge Hotel, where members exchanged Christmas omaments. In January, the chapter event was a movie night out. The February meeting attracted a large number of alumnae. Members went to dinner at a local restaurant. The March meeting was held on St. Patrick's Day at the apartment of Melissa Koch, ZA, chapter president. The theme was an ice cream social and every member brought a topping. Other activities included a Royals baseball game, a Relay For Life philanthropy event and a beach theme meeting in June. To leam more or to get involved, visit http: / / members. lawrence_asa _ alumnae/ index.htm. Carrie Froelich, EE SOUTHWEST MISSOURI

Southwest Missouri members start new alumnae chapter The Southwest Missouri Alumnae Chapter had a great time getting started

The members of Central Arkansas Alumnae Chapter are top row, from left: Amy Peterson Townsend, BM, Joy Langdon, BA, Angela Traweek, BA; third row, Shari Barnes Readnour, BA, Pam Traweek Massey, BA; Kacee Crumby Sims, BA; second row, Noelle Barrentine Mackey, BM, Zara Abbasi, BA, Kristen Cooper Schwulst, BA, Sheila Gleghorn Smtth, BA; bottom row, Amy Byrd, BA, Jamie Estes, BA, Susan Bell Hickey, BA. 20




this past year. Everyone has already been hard at work on many projects. The chapter meets monthly to conduct business, as well as to work on service projects. Members adopted two older women at Christmas through the area agency on aging. Members also participated in the annual Multiple Sclerosis walk. Three members attended the Kansas City's Centennial celebration. The chapter is working closely with the Zeta Alpha Chapter at Missouri Southern State College. Four women serve on the advisory board. They assisted with officer transitions, service projects, a standards workshop and the Christmas party where they conducted the Senior Celebration Ceremony for two graduating seniors. If there are any alumnae in southwest Missouri or the surrounding areas interested in this chapter, please contact Mandy Stark, ZA, at mstarkasa, or email alphasigmania@ Mandy Stark, ZA SOUTHWESTERN INDIANA

Fall secret sis meeting kicks off new year Members of the Southwestern Indiana Alumnae Chapter had a busy 2001- 02 calendar year. In August members gathered at a local restaurant to reveal secret sisters from the previous year and to select new ones. September arrived and members could be found at the University of Southern Indiana assisting the Delta Kappa Chapter with formal recruitment activities. Many alumnae members also rolled-up their sleeves and helped the chapter with its fall festival booth by making 16 gallons of jerk sauce for the Caribbean chicken . In October alumnae members once again dined out and PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

placed orders for Longaberger baskets as a fundraiser. In early November alumnae hosted a tea for the members of Delta Kappa Chapter. Several alumnae traveled to Indianapol is, IN, to participate in the Founders' Day celebration . A Christmas luncheon was held in December. A love shower was held in February to help support the Evansville area Tri-State Food Bank Consortium whose supplies of food had been greatly depleted during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. Canned food items were collected and refreshments served. In April, the alumnae helped Delta Kappa Chapter celebrate their 30th anniversary. Diane Yencicjames, HH, past national president, served as the honored guest.

The Southwest Missouri Alumnae Chapter members are, from left, front row, Carrie Parker Smith, ZA, Tara Marr Horinek, HH; back row, Cheryl McDaniel Patton, ZA, Mandy Stark, ZA, Jennifer johnson, ZA, Shelley Perkins, ZA, and Sarah Cassady, ZA.

Karla Karnp Cook, 6.K


Chapter hosts Centennial Founders' Day Members of the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter had a wonderful time as hosts for the Centennial Founders' Day celebration in November. The spring offered many more fun and memorable events. The chapter began with the St. Valentine's ceremony at their annual Valentine Day tea in February. They also collected household and personal items for a local woman 's charity, NewHouse, a shelter for battered women and children. In March members attended a potluck salad lunch at the home of Virginia Bohn Hamble,EE. The chapter went to Parkville, MO, in April for a luncheon at Stone Canyon Pizza Restaurant where they initiated area collegiate seniors into the alumnae chapter. Marianne Mulcahey Bell, ZH

Members of the Southwestern Indiana Alumnae Chapter at their Christmas party.

For more alumnae chapter reports, see the Chapter Corner section at SUMMER 2002




Alumnae and collegians hold auction for AIA Foundation The new Baltimore Alumnae Chapter formed on May 6, 2001. President Jamie Hartman Kwon, ET, is leading a busy group of women excited about reconnecting with the sorority. The chapter's first event was a social combined with the Epsilon Tau Chapter at the University of MarylandBaltimore County. Mter meeting the collegian women, the alumnae planned an auction designed to assist the members in inexpensive gift giving. Alumnae were asked to bring any items pertaining to AlA and the collegians bid on such items as Raggedy Ann dolls, ladybugs, notepads, pens and clothing. The prices ranged from $1 to $12 and part of the money raised was donated to the AlA Foundation. Christine Brown, Er WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS

Philanthropic members participate in walk-a-thon and Special Olympics The Western Massachusetts Alumnae Chapter celebrated the holiday season with a

dinner and ornament swap. The chapter also used this opportunity to hold a business meeting. The newly formed chapter had several goals for the upcoming months including creating a biannual newsletter, creating a scrapbook of events, expanding the membership base and participating in philanthropic events. The chapter participated in a walkathon to benefit HMEA, a non-profit organization serving children and adults with developmental disabilities in over 60 communities in the state. The chapter also participated in local Special Olympic events.

Members of the Hattiesburg Alumnae Chapter at the coronation luncheon honoring Queen Narcissus IV. They are Dorothy Holifield Thomsen, Bti., Ursula Jones, Bti., Susan Taylor Tullos, Bti., Kim Tillman Busche, Bti., Lynn Jones Meador, Bti. and Gail Lucas , Bti..

Brenda Seymour Cibien, tiE FF. LAUDERDALE

Sister honored for a lifetime of membership The Ft. Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter held it's first fall meeting after a Founders' Day dinner on Nov. 17 at the Olive Garden. Jean Wright Grason, IIII, and her daughter, Elizabeth Grason Bosworth traveled to the Founders' Day Centennial Celebration at the Tradewind Hotel in St. Petersburg. At the celebration Jean was honored for her many years of membership.

In December, the chapter met at the home of Kitty Gooch Milum, ZZ, for a salad luncheon, installation of officers and gift exchange. j ean Wright Grason, IIII


Chapter celebrates Mardi Gras In February the Hattiesburg, MS, Alumnae Chapter held their fourth annual Mardi Gras party. Every

year a week and a half before Mardi Gras chapter members attend a Mardi Gras luncheon. This year's luncheon was held at the Crawford House. A Queen Narcissus is crowned and her ladies in waiting are also selected. This year's Queen Narcissus is Gail Lucas. Chapter members dress up for this southern tradition. Dolly Purvis Loyd, Bti BETA IOTA ALUMNAE

Alumnae have reunion in Rehoboth Beach, DE Beta Iota alumnae held a reunion last fall in Rehoboth Beach , DE. Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to rekindle those memories of sisterhood that continue on even a decade later. Members of the Classes of '89 and '94 were present, including past presidents, vice president, rush chairperson and other members. judy Armstrong Hughes, BI

Epsilon Tau collegians and Baltimore alumnae hold an auction to benefit the Alpha Sigma Alpha Foundation. 22





Colorado Special Olympics honors Denver Alumnae Chapter During its annual awards dinner on Sept. 5, 2001, the Special Olympics of Colorado awarded the Alpha Sigma Alpha Alumnae Chapter of Denver, the Metro Area Outstanding Organization Award for 2001. According to the award, "Alpha Sigma Alpha has been dedicated to supporting the Denver Metro Area competitions in Adams County, CO, for the past five years. The lunches, financial help and volunteer support proved by the chapter has been invaluable. The alumnae serve as great friends to the athletes with their positive attitudes and encouraging manner. Everyone was inspired by the contributions of these outstanding women and their continuing dedication to Special Olympics of Colorado." Tammy Romero Dumf!Yrd, BB DAYJ'ON

Dayton and Cincinnati chapters celebrate the Centennial Last August the Dayton Alumnae Chapter kicked off the program year with a family barbecue and swim party hosted by Hillary Small Williams, A, and husband jim. The September meeting was with the Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter. The Dayton chapter supplied the program, showing the first installment of "Defining Moments" to celebrate the Centennial. In October the chapter hosted the Sigma Kappa Dayton Alumnae at the Dayton Art Institute. Every year the chapter celebrates their fraternal friendship with the Sigma Kappas. In November members went out for dinner together PHOENIX OF ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA

Tammy Romero Durnford, BB, Nancy Lucas McFaddin, BB, Michelle Kohl Herd, BB, Linda Cornish, BB, and Leeann Turano, Zll, smile as they receive the Metro Area Outstanding Organization Award from Special Olympics of Colorado on behalf of the Denver Alumnae Chapter.

and afterwards a few members went to the Dayton Panhellenic Unity meeting. At the annual holiday meeting, the chapter held a philanthropic auction to benefit AIM, a local philanthropy for handicapped children.

In january Sigma Sigma Sigma Dayton Alumnae hosted the Farmville Four luncheon . Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate pan hellenic sisterhood with the Dayton alumnae of the four sor01ities founded at Longwood College.

February brought the annual Sweetheart dinner at the home of Laura Gadbau Laclede, AA. Check out the web site at http:/ / welcome. to/ A2ADayton or email the chapter at Laura Gadbau Laclede, AA

Beta Iota alumnae members are from left, top row, Rana Whited, BI, Laura Chapman, BI, and Suszannah Baxter, BI, bottom row, Sharon Blandenship, BI, Cindy Petlinario, BI, Susan Garst, BI, and judy Armstrong Hughes, BI.

Five women to travel for Alpha Sigma Alpha Developing women ofpoise and purpose, empowering members to make a difference BY KRYSTAL GEYER, fP Assistant Director of Chapter Services The 2002-03 leadership consultants will travel across the U.S. from August to May providing leadership skills and educational programming to Alpha Sigma Alpha collegiate women. During the year the consultants assist chapters with recruitment, membership programming, chapter finances, risk management and advisor and alumnae relations. While at a chapter the consultant serves as a national representative and meets with chapter members, university administration, faculty and advisors. Before they hit the road, leadership consultants receive a month-long intensive training to help them refine their skills and to give them the tools and knowledge necessary to do their jobs. If you are interested in becoming a leadership consultant, please contact Krystal Geyer at Alpha Sigma Alpha National Headquarters, 9550 Zionsville Rd., Ste. 160, Indianapolis, IN 46268, phone: 317-871-2920 or email

Amy Bolenbaugh Amy Bolenbaugh, 0B, graduated from Roanoke College, VA, with a BA in economics and marketing. Amy was a founding member of her chapter and played a critical role in the installation of Theta Beta Chapter. She was president when her local sorority decided to become Alpha Sigma Alpha. On campus, she was active in the student government association and as a resident assistant. Her last year on campus she was a head resident assistant.

The 2002-03 leadership consultants are from left, Kim Garafola, ZK, Raeanne Thompson, ZT, Angie Reiskamp, ZZ, Amy Bolenbaugh, fJB and Laura Hanson, ZB.

Kim Garafola

Angie Reiskamp

Kim Garafola, ZK, graduated from Minnesota State University with a major in mass communications and marketing. In her chapter she held the offices of president, vice president of alumnae and heritage, sisterhood chairman and PR chairman. She is a member of the Order of Omega and received the All-Sorority President of the Year award. This will be Kim's second year traveling for A2.A.

Angie Reiskamp, ZZ, graduated from Central Missouri State University in 2001 with a degree in communications. While in school she served as chapter president, vice president of membership education and recruitment chairman. On campus she was involved with the school newspaper, manager of the campus cable network and an orientation team leader. Mter graduation, Angie traveled to high schools as a motivational speaker.

Laura Hanson Laura Hanson, ZB, graduated from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls with a music major and biology minor. She served her chapter as Panhellenic representative, secretary and vice president of public relations and recruitment. On campus she served as a resident assistant and a hall manager. She is a member of Order of Omega as well as the national resident hall honorary.

Raeanne Thompson Raeanne Thompson, ZT, graduated from Grand Valley State University, MI, with a BS in marketing and management. Raeanne served as chapter president, vice president of membership education, vice president of alumnae and heritage and Centennial chairman . She was active on campus with the leadership summit committee and received her chapter's Founders Award.

Submit change of address to Alpha Sigma Alpha, 9550 Zionsville Rd. , Suite 160, Indianapolis, IN 46268, email

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