Asa phoenix vol 4 no 7 8 nov 1917

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NOVEMBER . . 8,. 1917 . .






nos. . . .7 .~; m. ~




Colorado Teachers College o~ened vdth an enrolment of 550 . our Adviser !1as left us 1 but in her place we have e. most woman, l.~iss PC~.yi1.e, recently c.dded to the te::>.chins f'orce. Dean McCracken's place has been tL'.ken b)' :~r \"fright. Ur. F:i... eeland's successor is Mr, Hotch~iss. Tv1~ new training teachers have also been added. Of ouite as much floment to the student body at l8.rge' however' is the new gro.dinr; system' l 11h1ch the class periods have been lei1.gthened to 50minu.tes each. r.:any tive hour m:11b ·: JElsts havB now been crow·ded into :four hours This ma dB necessary the change f'rom the 20hours per week we have had so long to a 16 hour schedule. It w::~.s all very confusing at f'irst, out we gradually becoming acc~ntomed to the new pl~n. · Beta Beta ~0s seven gi~ls in the house this ~etr, o.nd it o.lao ho.s a new houoemother in the Person of M:rs. Criswell, moth er ot our Chapter President. Of' our old girls, Hester Cc::.ldv¥ell is teaChing in Denver, ~orence Tyrrell in Ro.mnh, Elviro. Peck in Raneeley , while Marian Travis h2..s gone over into Ogden, Utah . l\:ary Paden is at botle in Co.rr, ~ Eli the 1>Icltiurty -r:us unable to return becn.uee of' ill-as. We expecting Claro. Turner back as first -o.ssisto.nt in the Domestic Science Deppr·tmen~. She will live in the house ni th us. 'l'he College Y. 'f~ . is very o.cti ve this year. Every retu1-.aing student was made th~ 'Eig Sister' of c.t least tvm ne'.7 students, e..rrd ahA is ~xpected to see that her charges . are made to ~eel at home immediately ~~d interested in all the college andY.~. activities. Our Mirinm Pomeroy has been elected to one of the Cabinet Offices, and many of' our other girls are actively interested in the vmrlt of "the organization . The sororities co~perated by leaving their pins at hom5 the whole of' the first 7feek of' college . This decision vm.s rea.ehed in a Panhellenic 11eeting. Banhellenic c..lso arro.nsed for a Tea in honor o£ the new girls. Rushing began .on October 7th and lasted tvro weeks, Jiith the parties limited to three evening and two afternoon affairs, and a maximum expensA of' $70, ~ itemized account to be rendered to the De an of Uomen. Beto. Beta kept its outlay donn to about half that n.mount, but it tucked in the ~11 quota of nf'fn.irs nevertheless . Our ~rosram was as follows, - l.londo.y af'tArnoon, o. Tea, TUesday evening a ~ine Party, .:ednesday afternoon, a Military Party, Thursday evening , a Buffet Lun -· ,.h~on , Saturday Avening, a Japnesf'l Party , The seond week v1e h a d,r;onday afternoon, a Taf'f'y Pull, Tuesd£>.y evening . c.n Inf'ort?al Dnnc~ , WAnneoday af~ernoon, a Chafing Dish Pa rty, Thur sday AV en1ng, a ?l p ~ Organ P.eci t{).l, Fri. do.y eventng a Slu.-nber Party, follo wed by a Waf'fle BreO.::f' , 0'.1r bids brought us eig~t splendid gir..~..s, vrhom i.7A are proud ~~ inJ.:.rodu-ze to the Sorority n.t la/ge , -Helen IrenE'! Bruce of Pa.. ~_ 1 1., ~-~c.hel tK . Ori tt~nden of' Pa'Jni a , Carrie Hue Di ggs of Chi ldrq se , ~~x~ 2 Etheline W Rhiner of GreelAy, ll arga~et E. Phelps of Denver , Mary Frrunces Scott of Denver, Irene F. Spalding of' La Junta, and Ve ra

1bere are several changes in the f'aculty.

36 • • Weidman or Greeley nis~er f Bl · h · t June with the dr~e.., oft. ~ at"l.C e w~l.dman, . -r;h.o was ,;raduat8d catricul ate ni thin a :few d Pd •. i. VIe are,.. e~pect7ng another sister tn ~r.tAri ·.all th . ays, one of the dlnte gl.rls. Net.r g:Lrl.s - . no e t1me, so from nou on ue shc.ll be doing some in~vidu~ I'UEhl.l1£ as a.ttrnctive girls are called to our attention. .. th· t~eachers Co~lege has had a number o:f distinguished visit~rs • l.S. mon, . , Governor Gun·cer and Hrs, Gunter were here several · rl ays :..nd l.n. tilmr part~ were s~veral of t.he Trustees . ThA Covernor ::lo.cte a ~:~r!endl.d speech_ J.n chapel one morning. Then during the Governor's at ...y Secretary .HcAdoo came in on ~. s::>ecial train. Classes vre:..~e dis~SB9d for the day, in order that we might Qarch in a body tc esccrt the Gov~rnor and his party to meet and WP.lcom~ SAcr etary l.10Adoo. On hj.s arrl.val he·· gave a rousing speech on the imryorta::l ce of thA I iht:>r~ r..oan, · .. · '(! J

Even during our days as a locn.l orgo..nizaticn, we had the cus-

tom of .holding an al~ae reunion at the tine of the anrmal T& <:.cllors '

Asso~iation Meet in Denver. This yem· we had not h ope C: f'or a large rel:.nJ.on, becauee our girls are s$cattered. The foll orring, h owever, \7E'rA present at the luncheon.-Hester Caldwell.) Rhea Gillett, Bess Kenn~dy, eatherine flallaho.n, Agnes Sandine·, Alice Taylor and .t<:brence Tyr rill. Ada Baker of the active chapter was down vri th the Gl8 e Club, o.nd persuaded these people to come c·n up to our dance. It seem8d ~ighty go o d to s8e them all. King ASA Day ..-.rill be celebrated early with us, for He are planning to make the day not only a h~me coi; f Dr our Alumnae . but make the occasion :for introducing cur new Faculty Adviser, ~.Iiss Pa:;ne, tJ the other Greeks in college. Yie are busy with prepurati ons f or this event, as well as vd th our share of the Red Cross sewing we have undertruten. Lois Tuttle, H~orian. KIRICSVILLE Alpha Beta \"fishes f, _rst o:f all to announce her i'our :.1 ev.· love:t- · pledges 1 -Je·wel Duncan, Helen Gardner, sister o:f lllarL.m Gai..~~i.nar and daughter of J:irs. Gardner, our Patroness, Thelma I~rc-~.ner a nd Pearl Nolen. Did you notice the number,-just FOUR . Aren't we loyd to our sacre~ number? Such pretty names too as we are having addrd to our list this ~r! These have been busy 11ee~cs for Alpha Beta. . Fh~st t~1ere wao the garden party at Lrs. 1:e1rrington' s. Her lann with its bear.t.iful f'lC'wers is al~ys attratice, and it rras especially so that eve:EEg, und~r the charm. of Japanese lanterns o.nd electric li gllts. Tha follcming Sn.turday ""~as spent u.t the 11 Cl5.ffs'', about four miles f' l'un K ir!-:~­ ~ti~-6tis d··. :e ho.d intended t0 -. -rallc out , but Virgini<: Ho~;.-~11':::: b:_ "':. h~r us 'B.1.l €y coming for us in a motor trt:ck. Just "J e a ra ~..,nt::J r ~ -"1':1:111 truck, and crovrded c..n to it t:"Ter.. ty-five peo r le, eev<?rc>,l 'later::J ~lons, coffee pots ::md frying p~ns. Then c.Cl d. to these btl..:lpy roo.C.s ) !:'.nd YC'U can guess a 1 howling I guod tiu:.0 .·7i(' J:::::..i 0~ the wrv. Af~el· explor-ing the c~iffs and vvoods, 'v1e built a. bJiJg fire c..n6. cooke d cl.irmer. Fun? Ishould S8..Y so, but as SC'.mmy Shilcri tn sc.ys at Cha/ ac.~ ·ner best is yet to come" . Our no..nce ~7(18 quite thA grandest aff c :.<> the Q'J.artet: . I -t. rras held u.t the :Clk3 Home, i'fhich h[t.~ the finest dar..ce hD.ll in toYm. ro -1ccor::n.ions nrf' pormi tte c-1, so v:e rre re :JcNved considerable a-nxiety on th.o. t ::;core In !ceeping v;i th the spirit of the tloes, ne se:-ved pu.nch C'nly. The out-of -tor n girls for the Dc..nce -rrere, Zi lpha

37 . I ~Ieita Bravlford, nan Crews, Lettie l:errick, Vanda ll:i tchell , Reddish, CUrtis Taylor ) Cecile 7ho~pson, Lennye Tucker . Quite the cleverest t!ling we have had this ~7 ear was a.Yl En~arty. The invitations were typewritten circulars ruL~ouncinb ope~ng of sChool and giving instructions to those who wished to ter. On the night of the Party, l~iss Jewett's room was transframed into the ~abash Stat.ion . On the walls were the time tables , .. well as the inevitable notices not to smok e and not to ~pit on the tloor. The surly ticket agent was found at his desk and the obligng negro porter was much in evidence. From the station the gitls were taken immediately to Gladys Howey's home, which repres~nted the Normal School , The "Students " were first required to give their names to the registrar, their ages , aumber of love affairs and the name of the present suitor. Then, wi th tbe help of the "Credentials Comrnitteea, they made out their programs . coursE:r. as Campustry, Hallology and Hidnight Oil were offered, and the 11 Students 11 faithfully promised to wear not more than one petticoat, to attend not more than eight dances per week, not to leave twon without pernission from the Y.M. President, and other similar promises. Vfuen the task of enrolling was completed, we all went to Helen Gardner's to the 1 Movies' . The principal attr~ction was Madame Beatrice Beanpole, ably assisted by an orchestra composed of a tin horn, a drum, and a comb. v1hen Kryl made his appearance as Director, the enthusiasm was unbounded. Last of all, we went to the home of our Patroness, Mrs. Fair WhiCh was arranged to resemble an ice cream parlor . Here t wo handsome young waiters, bearine a remarkable resemblance to our Lmma and our Rita, served us with hot tamales, pickles, ice cream, cake and coffee. The Par~y was not at all hard to give, and proved very worth while. Just tv show you that Alpha Beta is taking a very active part in school li~e, as well as in these good times ~ogether, let mA t ell you that Gladys Howey is Secreta.ry of the Senior Class, while two of our girls, Esther Harrison and Ruth Bryan, ara members of the Y.W . Oabinet. Alpha Beta also held its own at the time of the Liberty Loan Campaign, subscribing nearly $.500 as a group and thro individual purchases . Just at present we are looking forward to the week end Trhen the Rural Lif'e Conference will be in Ki rksville. · · · The ex- schola girls in goodly nu.rnbers have written that tr.ey will be ~ack, so_ VI P _ are planning f'or their entertainment an initiation, an J.ndoor plcnJ.c. . and a dance . But we can tell you more about that after it :laj_)i=Jens . Nada Reddish, Historian .

ALVA This has been a r 0 ther interesting and strenuous ~er~ ~or Ga...l.l'!la Ga'TIIlla , for, o-,ving to numerous graduations and the :?:::.:.lure of come vre had expected to return, n e began· the year ni th a Cl H: P t. "'.:r L1f cix, But 11e have tr:.ed to rr:ake up in 'pep' What v: e lacked in .,.1urc,)r ::L 7:tr:. . . . e bc,o:3 bee::.1. c.ll the e xci tenant of meeting the ne1~ f a c··.J.l-r.y m~:nrbeT 3 , in c~.a~s i :.1. c, · social vmy o.t t:t.e reception given in the~.r h rJnJr, an1 ·~b.en ·~bGre been the thrills as 'Our i3oys' -ne.rche cl a'.~'J,y. 0n the -;,,'1' ~) ocea.:a:>ionG 'ir:1en they l ef t, we had a hal:' J::oli day , the en-~ir.:l "'tute~ t body :narchin~ to the station to see them off .


Then came Rush Season and all the affairs that arrive in its ha~ two informal parties at the hoEes of to7m girls, 101d by our Formal. Immediately afterwards our bids went out , anQ ..........r one was ace.epted. We held initiation for tlle following on Ocllth,-Elinor Abernathy, Minnie Calvin, sue Edi7ards, Sylvia Lewi£ Maud Sunders McCown, and Lydia Rank,sister of our Hilda Rank . land, a long-time pledge ITas initiated at this same tim~ Another pledge, Floeence Mason, cousin of Lorinda Mason, will bE\ initiated on liOYember fBth. At present we are planning a reception for our Patroness8s , the new faulty members and our new President, so our program is still pr~tty full. w~ had hop~d to be able to give a reeeption in honor of the National Pr8sident of SSS during her inspection of her Chapter, but there s~~med to be no tim~ when it could be arranged convenientl~ so we had to content oursPlves ~ith sending her a big box of chrysanthfmums. Gamma Gamma is very much interested in the new chapter at IZLl-· poria. Mi~s Shockley has frequent communications from our Blancho. Stevenson, who is at Emporia Normal tlus y~ar and who has worked so hard for the group, and so we have heard a lot of such inter~sting facts about thP- group and the school that w~ are quite E\agqr to go over for thP- Installation, T.. .-m of us arP surely going with :i:tiiss Sho~kley and possibly more . May Grim Dyer, Historian . We

PENNSYLVANIA School lif~ is in full swing at ;jindiana" . · Our football B"aaon haG op('!!!ned with a. gloriou~ vic t ory for us , -106 tp 0-over our rival, B~ll~fontain~. Th8 gam(?' was playP.d in Johnst0Wl'l, ~0 we ::" n"'t 8P t to R~~ it, but 1-:r:> had thA fun of tge jubi l ation afterwards . The whole SChool is busy with Red Cross work. All the organizations mn the campus are busy just now helping to raise money for the 'Library Fund', whiCh is to be used in purchasing reading matter for tho cantonments all over the country. As Monday ~s our free day at "Indiana", it is getti@g to be the custom to drop _in at the R~d Cross Ch~pter Room in the afternoon to help with the work of mak~ng surgical dressings. The tovmspeople are most appreciative of this_ interest on the part of the girls. Here at "Indiana" we are beginn~ng to realize that we are at war, for there has been no ~bite sugar on the tables for over a week. It seemed strange at first to use brown sugar fnr everything, but novi that our supply of that has given out, w~ shall be in for even s~ranger experiences. . Last Saturday was the Senior Prom. It was a glor~ous success. Every OnA who attended reported the 'best time ever' at any "Indiana" dan~~ . A very pretty lighting scheme Ytas used this year:· l'h~ school G(')lors arA purple and white . The bulbs w~re a::ra~ed ~n clusters, th~ central light purp~e and the surroundings l~ghts whlte . Jrre orchestra uas hidden behind a screen of palms, in which ~ere set J)Urple lights that resembled flm·rers. Beside the piano was a t all . 1 ~G.:·~:J ~ri th a vurple globe. The other decorations were i~ h a r mony ~l t ' he of the year,-autur.m leo.ves and sheaves of corn ln gre at nuun dance. Our own first big party was h eld on the 20th and was a Hc ..:..1 lm-:e 1 en affair. r·e had the use of the:> t r{anCI_y ~Ci t.c'.:.en , a room s:::t r.part in our main building for the use of the girls wh~m they vmn -: t;

39. ltt~~~ spreads. Corn stalks and autumn leaves were used to giv? ahadmvy co:nere that make a place so 'spooky • . The>rP was n c li g~ t what came Irom candles, but there were witches and owls and black galore •. All the usual Hallowe'en games were played, and ther~ a. booth l.n Which fortunes were told . The refreshments were pufn~­ pi•, doughnuts, candy,nuts and cider. Alpha Gamma has been continuing i te Sunday Morning brr.akfast s a Term. sunday is th., ("''nly time in the w~p,k wh~n we do not hav9 t0 ....,.,..~.,...,._ for duty early, qO the Chapter has long had the habit of taJr inc extra hour in bed and having a Chapter Breakfast in somebody's ~~ instead or going dcwn to th9 early stereotype meal in the School Roo~. Thes~ littl~ feeds together, unhurried, with som~ unext~d dell.cacy always; aro thP. nest homey thing· about 11 lndiana a \19 WtreELBU~ the memory of them long after school days are ended. Alpha GUJ:" is looking forward nith r;reat pleasure to Miss visit. Ue ·are eager to show her our School, our rushees, our ~-ID8.e, many of whom are running up for the week-end Miss Jewett is t 'here. Tie think we are quite fortunate to come touard the end of the , because Miss Jewett can tell us so much about the chapters that has seen. The SSS Inspector has been here and we quite envied them 11 we knew that we were to have a. visit from some one on the council. ow we no longer feel envious, only sorry that the other frats can't produce anybody of the calibre of our Councillors. Katherine Froelich.

VIRGINIA October has been a busy month for Alpha, a ~onth full of i·:e found time, however, to pledge and initi~te two of the loveliest upper class girls,-Martha Fitzgerald xnd Lucile Read. It was just about this srume time that we received an invit~~~qn to the wedding of Julia May Paulett, so there was room for Eonai~erable ]ollitieation in the Chapter. Panhellenio allows us only four parties . One of these ~~e gave in October, but the other three will come in November, all pr1or , ot eourse, to Bid Day, which comes on November 27th. our first . party toolt the form of a The Dans ant. At this v;e h a d twelve rushees' so the crov1d was quite sizable. \7e used the crimson and vrhi te for tJ:e major part of ou~ decora~ions, and lovely indeed did the room look 1n tho glon of the crimson shaded lights. Punch vmo served bet11ee~ d!lllees, and then there nere refreshnen ts, -ico cream and ~ 8 OUr dance programs were particularly pretty. They showed an a ttractJ.V brunette in filmy yellow draperies. Yellow pencils and e.m bossed s~ ro ­ rity letters added just the touch thn.t rn the program perfect · 1_~.nne Gregory acted as Chorister on this occa.~ion, and suC'ceeded in a lot of 'pep' into the sinrring \·Jhich quite impressed the rushees' but as nost of our rushees ~re. going to receive two bids and so me of then three, you can see how necessary it is for us to nork hard for the girls we tlant. ThP- School had thp, good :fortune recentl y to hE?~ar Miss Cone.!? talk on the student~ ·:rar Fund. Her enthusiasm arous ed the whol ~ School. The response to her appeal has been splendid . The ma1n ~i1 ought in her address was SELF SilCRI FI CE , 3-nd t h ere _ha s be en ~o::1 e S",... , rAa.l self-denial in <'onsAqu~?.nce. Farmville h a s prom~sed to ra1s e ~. "-- 0 - \. I) lie arP all busy thinl-·: ing up ways of gettirlb the r.1oney · .tl.lpha ,...,h<'.S giv~n up its annun.l banquet, and will turn over the money to the ~' und . 1'\Uihing.


As yet our plans are not perfected for that celebration

to be t~gether once more would be joy enough fo; most of u~.


OHIO has an organization c9.lled the Uonen's I.,r,ague . Every it g1ves_a. party of some sort and "Lh~y are generally so clevor they are JUSt loads of fun. The October entertainment took tt-~ ora of a Ghost~ Ditch party. It was held in the 11 Gynr'", which was on 1!1 oeeasion P~ tch dark. Clad in our r'hostly garments 1 we went into basement, circled the s·ff.immiDg pool~ our only guide being the ~·s fla.Shli?ht. Afte~ getting by several dangerous cairns and gul· l18S witho~t m1shap, we proceeded to the upper regions, wherP. a prowas g1~en bp the light of the girls' flashlights only. There Tias a hair ghost story, a dance of the witches given by our Goldi~ &4ams and Florence I.: artin. A·~rplP.s and popcorn, followed by dancing nded an evenlng full of weirdness. Lindley Hall, the new dormitory for women, gave its hous~ warming r~cently . That same evening the Boyd Hall girls gave a party , aft~r which -t.h~ occupants gave a snake dance over the campus with at t:Q.e other ·halls cf retaidence . On th~ way we kent in step with "' O.I 0.I 9-HI-O! i'Tct3 not much sleqp that night until after midnight, but we just felt that we had to do honor to tho beautiful new residence hall, which is going to ooan so much to the future students of our beloved University. our Pledges are distinguishing the$selves . Sara Long, who has a lovely contralto voice, gave a solo in chapel recently, and is on the program for a solo at the Girls Glee Club entertainment that is •cheduled for the night of November 22nd. Our Marie Richter is on the same program far a soprano solo. Football is almost over for the year, but our tmam has made a splendid record for itself. The most recent gam~ , staged on our hom~ fiAld,rasulted in the defeat of the Kenyon College team 2A to 7. The student body went wild .over the victory. Daily drill is a matter at course these days, and a military band is in training. Dr. Evans, ~Methodist minister of Athens, has just returned from the 'front', and hts talks have done much to give us a clearer idea of the struggle, as w~ll as a more vital interest in tho cause of i\morica and her share 1n this World War. Naomi Caldwell, Historian . 1

MIAMI It was a great disappointment to the Chapter that so many of our girls failed . to return as expected. Neva Unglesby_and_Le~ah Proxmire are teaching, the latter in her home town . Is1s U1ll1~s i s doing her practice teaching in Alphn, o., ~o will not be back u~t7l th SAcond semester. Iva starr is another who accepted a posltlon , instead of returning to n ic.mi. _ ._ Rmshing has not been easy with so fe w on hand to share ~he responsibility. Numbers count at Miami, for we have -'open' rus lnn_;; ·1hich means that we begin to rush a girl the moment she steps off t~e train. She may be pledged the moment that she h a s matriculate u , 3 0 t:1ere is necessity for quick work. Initiation is a lYmys po~t:_Jol~e cl honever 1..mtil late in the semester, so there is plenty of t1T2e t o train r'~1Shees before admit tin,. them, as well as opportuni t y f ol~ cll~ O l.)· ­ Pine any that do not measure ~p to first impressions . ·:r~ a.o not li l~ "' ~,..,ic forcec1~ rush, but we have no voice in the matter, as the "u r be li~ves that is better for all concerned to h~ve the ruch out of thP wa.y at once, leaving the student body free to concentrate on stud~'

42 ..

nt that elasses begin. In spite of the nurried rush, Alpha has nine splendid pleges to present to the Sorority,- Bernice . -..~rv, Margaret Dun~an, Ell~~ GatCh, Helen Robinson, Georgianna Robinsm SWpelton, MarJorie St1er, Sara Uilliams and ~rothy Yelton. . Altho we were disapointed over the non retunn of so many of 1n1t1ates of last year, we were exceedingly fortunate in having tb us several girls who~·we had not expected at Miami this year. ou· oe Edgar is ~ow an Ass1stant ih the University Auditing Department . e •u" now aud1ts the books of all the fraternities and sororities 1 Chloe has had the sorority aeeount s to a.udi t. She ha. s been of the ateat assistance to us in our financial dealings, as well as helful many other ways. Catherine Prudent., who was a freshman here, 19141915, has returned for soPhomore work in Home Economics. Then Flora .n4 ~rna Dpke came baek rather unexpectedly for junior work in th~ .s. eours.,. Miami is brimf'ul of pat:r-iotism. Uhen the . Liberty Loan camwu on) our Dean of Homen presented th~ mat-ter to tge girls and within & very few hours the money had been collected and the bond turre d ov~r t President Hughes, as the nueleus of a Loan ·Fund to help girls in tb r efforts to secure a eollege edUc.ation. Shortly aft~r this matwas disposed of, t.hera etune the drive for the Y.M.C.A. 11ar FUnn . Our on~ s8nior1 Helen Edwa~ds, in company with other students , went u t Oolumbus for the state Tiar Oonferenee, and when they returned thoy 1 ~r son ted th~ sub jeej in c-..ha.pel. President Hughes stated that Hi ami 2 lhare was $4000, but he als6 stated that the students must not send homo fob nny "money, that the contributions, Whatever they might be, . muat :represent money SAVED. Every student and faculty member responded, and before ten o'clock that n!ght $4300 had been pledged, an amount lat·er increased to $4500 . · Alpha Alpha's share was $50. Next to the war football holds the interest of the students. K1am1 has not lost o. ·game so Car this year, but it ls soon to meet Uooater University, whiCh has a similar record. . The outcome of that & will decide the cllampionship of Ohio. Excitement has been intense, for ~e have won many victories over teams that have been our trongest rivals heretofore. Rather reeently Mrs. Clark 1 one of our Patronesses7 ~nt~r1 ta1ned the whol•· ehapter at a quiet 1 At H~me 1 , .7e sat beforEl the open fire toasting marshmallows rund eating apples. Mrs. Clark_was just baek :from a visit to her son , who is in an aviation camp 1n Mass &ohueetts,· so me ~aa much of interest to tell us As it turned :>Ut t~e affair proved to be an announcement party for ?ne of ?ur act1ve ~lrls, Elizabeth Spiv~y, who is wearing a Delta Up?110~ p1n_beneath her ASA badge. Mr. Lindner, the fortunat e ma.n, is a very n~ce fellm7 , and we know of' no one to whom we nould rather entrust our EJ1zab eth. Quite a row of the sororities have be en giving ~~as rocent l rSSS ha.d one for its National President. t?e pretu1est o~e HC:"" that given by a Congress sorority, Delta Zeta, whosP moth ~ r :·hap-r...,r J. s h~rA. All the lights were shaded in pink. From th0 chan~el~ers _and the side lights depended grace~l ~rays of myrtle. from all the Greek-letter organizations we re the r e, so 1t was qUJ.Le a brilliant affair. · , Alpha Sigma Alpha is saving i ts burs~ of' glo~y u~t1l ~rr~sgiving ' 7eek n~ are saving up all_ o"L<r good. t1mes unt11_ ~Len," beca':se m~ nill hold a state Meet a t that t1:ne, and oest of all \a ll M1ss J.,wett ni th us. \lhat ni tb the ini t iation of our nine pl edge? and the )•:mquet, our returning alumnae c.n?- Miss J ewe tt, we shall du~l1c~~e th~ -· hrills of 19=~4, when the convent1on was her_. . Lorna Dul~e, HJ. stcr .. o



<...., •

43. THE :.IAI L POUCH The sweetest baby ever todb u~ its residence at t he home of Blakeslee Chamberlin, AB, and Joh~1 trohroe Chamberlin ·· on Apri 1 28tl: 1a named Edmna Blakeslee Chamberlin . Isa.bell~I:ey, ~'\.A, who returned to her nooi tion at OPLand F l a staying at the Pi Beta Phi House. She says~ t.l-:n.t the Pi Phis ~nd · 8 of Stetson University treat her like a sister and invite her to their good times. Miss Shockley, Dean of ·:romen at Alva and Ldvi ser of Gamma amma, Will spend nfuanksgi ving with Dr. and Mrs . Graves in Ed!nundton, re Dr. Graves is President of the s tate Normal School Nora Moser, v1ho was married to Mr. Lao:Jrence Uenner shortly ter Miami Commencement, is now 1 at home' in Uorwe.l·c, o. Mrs. Frank G. Munson, GG, spent three months visi ting her parentB and rela-tives in Missouri and Illinois. Irrl!llediately upon her turn, she represented the Alva Federation of nomen's Clt~bs at the tate Federation Meet in Hoodward. She was on the program t wo evenDings, one of her contributions being a deli ghtful reading. Fae Fowler Alexander, iill, after a disagreeable hospit a l experience, had a delightful camping trip to th~ mountains of Tiyoming, wh re she grew strong and uell. Fae is looking forvrard to her winter in Fort Morgan, however, \ pleasure, for she has found s~vetal very eha.rming l~SAs of the Greeley Chapter living in or near her home town. Edna Brocltway, GG, went up to the University of Oklahoma and into Pi Beta Phi. If our ASA girls keep on at the rate that they arA going , i'te shall soon be able to hold a Nationa l _Panhellenic Congre ss just among ourselves. · Dorothy Clason, liA, ho.s the sympathy of the whole Sororit y in the loss of her ~athe~, 17edding bells rang for Frederica Furman, .L\G, and Henry Juniu s Litsey on October 21st . Brother Henry is a Southerner, born and raised in Harrodsburg, Ky. and took his engine~ring course at the Uniersity of Kentucky. He is an ins pe ctor for the Bab cri>x n.nd 'ITilcox Oflllpany o:f Barberton, 0 ., f!nd the young couple ex:!!ect to makfl that their home, if Uncle Sam doesn't need Brother Henr~ morei~senhere; The mother of Helen Boggess, AA, has aga1n been~he hosp1tnl for wn operation, but is r e ported as out of dm1ger and i mproving. Edith Ree g , GG, is P~ in cipa l of the High School in Lambert , Okla.. She is enjoyir.g her n ork imrnense:y. . Harriet Ruth S~ith, ill\ , ~us left her position in Toledo for one in ..... suburb of f.'heeling , 11. Va.., in order to be near her sister, mo is on the faculty of Bethu~y Coll ~ ge. Harriet has some hi gh school v7orl~ as ne ll ao some i n the eishth grade. She spends her weel: · ends at Bethany and e njoy s get:Oin.g u. tc.ste of college life. again. ICa,thryn Brmm., .AG , Herman :Jodkcy , h ad a beaut1ful vred1ing on October 10th. ThA D ~lncipal clecor&tions vrere autumn ·leaves . '':--.thryn wore vihi t e satin -..·,ri t:h a :.:' court train, and had bridesmaids :..nd flonere gi rJ s. Gertruo.e D51Jsi ore, a memb e r of ~he local_ that l:' c"ame Ll pha Gar:rrna, played the Pve0..1 :inz march. K<' t be r1ne Froe l1 ~h of the act ive ch.1.pter sang 11 0 7 1?romi se }~e 11 • Other AS., s there wer~ Hary Neoly and Gu la Se cl: 1- AI'. Estl,er ~1 cCune ~ ppe r son, a recent bride of .lpha. Beta , h a s been opendinrr the Fall i n Hr.l.T.J.j) ton, Vc. ,, Hhile h8r husband , Prof. Epper son is in Of~icers' con n o.t Forcress ~~onr o 8. She expects, h011ever, "!:'" b moved to some other p2rt of the country very soon.

44 .

. Marion Gardner Blaek;rell, . . U3, has established a ne 11 home i ..,_ Just a f'e"71 days after iler arrival and vrhile she .. ,.~ s 1 stop?1ng at the hotel prior to S• a peznanent do:::-·t·._: le , young woman, '"ho had noticed her ASA pin, came u l.J c..ncl 5"l· r'\.-..:JIQL,jLIIJcd. herself as an ASA of the Brenau Chapter, nm1 nl) longer on O!~.t ' onng to the fact that it was accepted by ·n. congress Sororitv 'Jp of 1 ts bei~ in a cu~_tural college. · Kirksvl.lle people will be interested in learning that the ne• c ~~..~~ut of Alva, Dr. L. s. Fslllkner, was graduated from the Kirksv~l c Normal SChool in 18?8, after ~hiCh he was a superintendent in .,,.....r111r•a.J.. liiissouri towns . After some years of service as Su~erintendet.~.·; Oklahoma towns, h?· \"las eJ.ected to the position of profes:::wr of r-sy-f~~laetlC)g~ and as of the Training School connected with the Tor School at Durant,Qkla,, frc ·:J which he came directly to Alva. ~:Jhen Naomi Caldwell, DD, reached home last summer after the was closed, 3he found a big sLrrprisP. awaiting her. on the lawn was aive A. S.A. made of criruson bedding plants. She was so delighte:.· took a •snap' of it and sent a picture to the Central Office. A very pretty nedding was that of Sallie v. Heathman, AB, to llas Krembs on October 3d. Sallie is so happy that she has not l et u know any parti~ulars, but we are hoping to hear from her soon. Graee Fultz 1 DD, is supervisor of ru-v.sic e.nd art in the public ools of' Tuscola, I 11 . Pearl Cherry and Ruth ~ay, AB, have folded their Chillicothe tents and hied themselves ar1ay t("'' far Tnin Falls, Idaho. There they t, mueh to their surprise, an ASA of the Greeley Chapter, and they have heard of another, so to them the Sorority seems a pre~ty BIG thing. Clara Ferguson and 111argaret VeJ.l, .1\.G, were guests at fr.aternlty house parties recently, Clara at the Phi Kappa Sigma Hous~ at Penn State C!)llega, and Margaret at the Alpha Kappa Kappa HousA at 1..he Jt3fferaon Medical College in Philadelphia. Mr. Reed has sent th~ central Office a beautiful picture of th& monument that he has had erected over the grave of our Elva. On it are graven the Star, the Crown and the Palm, with the names and th~ datea,-February 9, 1009 a~d De~ 9, 1916. Gj3rtrude Doyle writes that she and the Lloyd girls are worklog for the G~vernment, ~here business is so important that th~ clerks Otten have to give ~ven their Sundays for the service. How would you like to change your address once a month, ao Oakley Thomas Morrison, AB, seems to be doing, owing to the f act that her husband, a Captain in the u.s.R. , is moved from post to post? Helen Boggess, !ill , is teaching this year in Lima, 0 .; and boarding in the hone of Jess Chenoweth . Helen Lincoln, who preceded hAr in the position is now tfeaching in her home tmm, noodstock, 0. Th~ Kansa; City As so cia t ion 1'9_,?'Jrts a most delightful me e- ting at th~ home or AllenA Osenbau~h Schmitt. It was a farewell party for Mabel Anderson, just about tn o on her trip to Californ~a , . 11abel writ~s of the wonders of hAr cross country journAy, the Vlll~~s ih Pueblo, the· mountc:,ins clothe d in the glory of their autumnal folia gfthe lovely Feather Ri ver a s it sprayed its way over masses o~ rod;:~ ir_ the Sierra Nevada ranr;e . =.!abe 1 is now in the l and of sunsh1ne and roses, but she has not forgotten A. S.A. mn spite of all the good times ahe is having . She wants her PHOEHIX to follow her and keep her in touch with things • back :1ome 1 ,

Tex~ ·


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