Asa phoenix vol 37 no 4 may 1952

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1952 Call to Convention . ........... .... ....... . .... 3 VOLUME XXXVII

Alpha Girls of 1952 . . .. ............... . .. . .... 4


Dr. Ethel J. Alpenfels Receives Recognition of Eminence Award .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . 10 Grace Elaine Matz Elected Student Government President . .... . ................. 11 La Nelle Siegel Copp Helps to Establish Student Exchange in Mexi co City ............ . 12 Take Time to Read . It is the_ Foundation of Wisdom .. . 13 Beta Phi Chapter Installation .... . . ..... . . . .. . .. . 14 Philanthropic Program .......... . . .. .. ... ... . .. 16 Alpha Sigma Alpha Golden Ann iversary Convention . .. 19 New Alumnae Chapters .. . . . ..... . ............. 31 News Letters, Alumnae Chapters . . .... .. .... ... .. 32 News Letters, College Chapters ......... . . . ...... 42 Announcements .. . ..... . . ... . . .. .......... .. .. 54 Directory .. ........ . .. . .. . . .. .. . .... . ... ... .. 57

• Published in November, January, March and May of each year at 30 N. Ninth St., Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Business conespondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3515 N. Pennsylvania St., Apartment 8 , Indianapolis 5 , Indiana.


Postmaster: Send Form 3578 to Indianapol is, Indiana, address. Entered as second-class matter, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Richmond, Indiana, under the Act of March 3 , 1879.




Apo loqoes

to C .0. G ob•oN

MAY, 1952

''Wh8re Your Treasure Is''To Alpha Sigma Alphas Everywhere: Alpha Sigma Alpha's golden anniversary convention will eli . max the observance of the sorority's fiftieth birthday. Any national fraternity convention affords opportunity to epitomize the basic values of fraternity and to demonstrate the true worth of fraternity membership within and without the organization. The days which Alpha Sigma Alphas will spend together at the Hotel Roanoke, August 19-22, should hold even greater advantage . Our beloved Founders will be with us to help us relive those tenderly and long remembered days in the beginnings of Alpha Sigma Alpha. We will recall that those days had the i r setting in the State of Virginia, "Cradle of the Republic," during a new and significant era in the national history of our country and we will give thanks for the blessings and obligat ions of liberty in a free Iand-a treasure beyond compare . We have said 路to you in past convention announcements : "An A"i:,A national convention is the spirit, the voice and the will of the fraternity's membership . The many Alpha Sigma Alphas who come to our national meetings will help to make the spirit indomitable, the voice articulate and the will memorable ." Our golden anniversary year in A"f,A has given us pause to reflect upon the treasures found in the friendships, the ideals, the program of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Out of that reflection has come greater incentive _ t o plan and to work for the future of Alpha Sigma . So the call to our fiftieth anniversary convent ion is sent with insistence to all members of A"i:,A. COME to Hotel Roanoke in the state of our Founding on August 19-22 . "For where you r treasure is, there wi II your heart be also."

J+;_t_ at ~duw Jtay. National President

• • • • and .here are the

Jan Sch nell , AI ', is a junior i n the home economics deportment and has been president of the home econom ics counc il. By being elected to Kappa Omicron Phi , of which she is second vice president , she has demonstrated she is a capable student . After serving as sec retor y of Student Council , member of the Cooperative Finance Committee and Committee on Convention, she wa s elected president for the coming yea r. She holds the ed i torship of The Cue, a student hand- boo k and is a member of Kappa Delta Pi. Jean has lived up to the standards and ideals of a good Al ;: ho Sigma Alpha and has worked diligently for her sorority, among other duties she served a term a s edi tor.

Jean Moore, AB , has served her sorority as secretory and registrar , and her popularity and capability won for her the election as student counci l secretory. Her scholarship mode her eligible for Pi Omega Pi , honorary business educat ion fraternit y, and that plus qual i ties of leadership were responsible for her election to Cardinal Key, honorary service organization for women. Jean 's beauty, charm and popularity ore shown by the campus recog n ition bestowed upon her. She was attendant to the Homecoming Queen in her freshman year, attendant to the Echo Queen and Fa i r Queen while a sophomore, and was elected 1952 Echo Queen . Also , Jean was chosen by her sorority to reign as Alpha Sigma Alpha Sweetheart at the annual donee .

Doris Je an Dowling, AA, chapter treasurer for two terms, is the newl y elected president . She is a junior in the School of Business Adm i nistrati ve.

Ma rtha Alice Wilson, A, better known as " B.B. " , is now serving as president of the student government at Longwood . She is a member o f the Future Teachers of America, Kappa Delta Pi, the Westminister Fellowship , th e Co tillion club and is a representative to the May Cou rt. She has been elected to Who 's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities . Her academ ic record is among the best and you con always find her nome on the Dean 's list. B.B. has trul y caught the spi r it of Alpha Sigma Alpha . Her willingness to work, her ever glowing smile and her i nspiration ho ve become a port of our chapter .

Coo pe rati ve at all times , thoughtful of others and reliable, Do ris is a leader on the campus. She was social chairman of the House Council of h er dormitory and has ma i ntained a high B o ve rage in her studies. In addition to her campus acti vities, Doris has pocked overseas boxes for the Red Cross and has been on acti ve member of her church youth fellowship group. · Alpha Alpha has chosen Dor is as its award candidate f o r her sc h olarship, her leadership and her all -a round contribution to her so rori t y and t o her sc hool.

Joan Ba ile y, BB, graduated in March, culminating four years of act ive and outstanding participation in many college and community group s, and is continuing studies on her master' s degree. Her honoror ies include student council, vice president of Pi Lambda Theta and vice president of Spur . Joan has participated in seven inter-collegiate debates and seventeen Little Theatre p roducti o n s, often playing th e leading role. She directed the annual Forensic Follies w i th entries of eight different organizations. It is obvious she highly deserved her select ion to Who ' s Who i n American Colleges and Uni v ersities. Joan 's busy campus schedule d id not h i nder her from service to a C ivic speech cl i nic f o r young boys and girls. She is on act ive member of a church choir and leader o f a Blue Bird group .

Betty Jo Le onard, EE, was se lected as candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small award because of her leadership qualities , high grade overage , personality and int ere st in her sorority and campu s activities. She is a member of the Commerce club, French club, secretory- treasurer of Pi Omega Pi, and Ponhellenic representati ve as well as Sigma Tau Rose Queen. Candi date . Betty Jo is completing her college work in three and a half years even though she held a working position, and always found time to serve as a willing worker on many so rorit y and campus committees.


Ma ry An n Vog e l, ZZ, is an outstanding girl among her cha;:>ter sisters and on the cam ~ us. She has a wonderful personality and o great sense of humor. Sh2 was selected among those for Who's Who in American Universities a,d Colleges. She won the Journalism cup in 1951. Mary Ann is on the annual staff and president of the Association of Childhood Education International and has done much for this organization. Mary Ann is a senior on the Central Missouri campus and is working for a bachelor of science in education.

Norma deGa etano, KK, is an ou t standing figure on Temple University campus. As an executive of The Templar, she has been staff ed itor, faculty editor, executive editor, and culminating her yearbook career, editor-in-chief . Not content with these time-consuming activities, Norma h as found time to be president of Chimes, nationa l junior honorary society, and secretary of Magnet, senior honorary soc :ety. Both are all-university activit ies with membership based on scholarship and leadership . Norma has served on the secondary education executive board, vice president of the English honorary society, University President 's counc i l and member of Newman Club. She has given generously of her talents to her sorority. Norma has the rare quality of modest leadership and ability .

JoAnn Barr, HH, is a m ember of Kappa Delta Pi, Pi Kapr:;a Delta and A lpha Mu Gamma, honorary fraternities; and Kappa Phi , Methodist wom en 's organization . She is NSA campus and Regional Pul)licity chairman and Student Counc:t representative for two years. As Student Center Board chairman she will attend a National Student Center Board conference. She is active in the LanguageLiterature club and the Press Club of which she is president. JoAnn has been on the Dean 's h:mor roll for four out of five semesters . She was attendant to the 1950 Homecoming Queen and to the 1952 Kanza Queen. JoAnn has served her sorority as rush captain, as secretary and is now Eta Eta 's president.

Nancy Grosve no r, NN , is an outstanding person , active in sJrority , campus, church and community organizations . She is vice president of her sorority, Women's Senior Clao:.s president, treasurer of the Panhellenic House and treasurer of Women 's Student Government. Nancy received the J. · Peterson Ryder Scholarship award of $1 00 in 1950, and has the highest scholastic average in Nu Nu chapter. In her sophomore year , Nancy was president of the Protestant Council and president of YWCA. She ser ved on the yearbook staff for two years, was editor of Home Economics Association,


as a senior,

edited the D-Book , student handbook . Nancy wos elected to Who 's Who in American Colleaes and Universities and is a member of all three honorary scholast ic fraternities.

Louise Peck, 88, has been active in Christian Association, Elementary Education club, Photography club and o member of Scarlet Key , honorary extra-curricular activ ities society. She served as secretory and vice president of the school of Education Student Council. During her three years in sorority, she has been Panhellenic re ;:> resentative, vice president and president of A lpha Sigmo Alpha. In spite of her small stature, we have chosen Louise as our " Alpha Girl " because of her willingness and enthusiasm to cooperate with others. She has been an outstanding leader on the campus during her four years at Boston Un iversity and her scholastic ability has always been above the average student .

Hei di Lyo n, rf n , has a dependable quality which has made her outstanding. Heidi possesses a plac id nature which glows with efficiency. Her sincerity has gained her the friendship and respect of many students at Buffa lo State and her initiative has assisted Pi Pi in many ways . As vice president, Heidi has brought the alumnae chapter into a more real ex istence to the college chapter . The pledges she taught as registrar received o wholesome picture of sorority life . Besides her sorority posit ions, she has been treasurer of Art Kroft Klu':> and secretory of Newmon club. In oractice teaching , Heidi attained a straight " A. " Heidi is an essential port of sorority and school life.

Virg inia Tessma n, l:l: , fS pres ident of her so ro r it y, vi ce president of the senior class, p resident of A ssoci ated Women Students and p resident of Pi Kappa Delta , nat io nal forensic fraternity.

Norma Arnhold, TT, better known a s Arn ie, is a senior majoring in physi cal education. She ha s g iven a great deal of her t im e to sorority working servi ng as treasu rer, reg istrar and Panhell enic representati ve. She has indeed given " full measure."

She was chosen for W ho's Who , has been o n the debate team f o r three years and is a member o f Alpha Psi Omega , dramatics fraternity . Tessie has taken part in three p roductions of the Mounta i neer Players, and has been act ive in the music department . She has been a m embe r of the Mounta ineer band f o r four years, and of the Mi xed Cho ru s and Madrig al Choir.

Norma is act ive in T igerette s, Women 's Athletic A ssociat ion , intramurals and is presiden t o f the Intramural Council . One finds Norma 's nam e on the Dean ' s hono r roll . Fr ie ndl y, cheerful and understanding she is fun to know and to be with .

ented, has been a g reat inspi rat ion to her fellow m en . That sparkling personality, that big heart and that ever lasti ng smil e have won for Barb many, many friends . Our motto, " Seek, Aspire , Atta i n," is demonst rated i n her dete rm i nat io n to fulfil o job to its ult i mat e good . Barb su rpasses many i n her leade rsh ip abi l ity as shown i n her duties as vice president o f the dormit ory, reg istrar and pledge mother i n sorority and as president of the Women 's Recreat ional Assoc iat io n . Because of Barb 's leadership , chara cter , participat ion in extra-curricula r act ivities and contribution to student li fe, she won the honor of being represented i n Who 's Who i n Ame rican Colleges and Universities.

she is al wa ys ''on he r toes " in e ach o rgan i-

In scholarship, character and perso nal ity N o rma t yp f ies the ideals of Alpha Sig ma Alpha . Tau Tau is proud to present her as ¡ i t s Alpha Gir l.

In addition to all of these act ivities, the effervescent Tessie has found time to be a botany laboratory assistant.

Ba rba ra Brandt, XX , energetic and tal-

Jean Long , <1><1>, recentl y elected to W h o's Who in Amer ican Co lleges and Un:versities, is v ice president of the student body; trea surer of Kappa Delta Pi, national ho norary educational fratern it y; a cheerleader of the pep organization; trea surer o f the junior clas s and Panhellenic rep resentative. Yet,

• Be tt y Su e Choate,


has been very active i n sorority and is one who is always ready to shoulder the bulk of respo nsibility. Well-k nown o n the campu s, she has done much to promote fr iendl iness amo ng the so rorit ies and fraternities on the campus . ljlljl,

After school and on Saturdays, o ne fin ds Betty Sue working in her fath er 's sto re . H er community acti v ities include part icipation in church functions and in D.A.R. Her rel iabi lity in sorority circles maybe m easured by her succession of officesvi ce president of the pledges, secretar y, vice president and president . In all - College



was chosen a s

Commissioner and also honors at Northwestern.





zat io n- never sh i rking respo nsibi l ities. Jean not o nl y does all this, but al so makes top grades. Also important is the fact that Jean has time for a well-rounded social life. Her winning personality and highly attractive appearance help to make her o ne of the most popular students on the campus .

Sarahja ne Brando n, Br, has served a s p resident and vice president o f the Student Chr ist ian A ssoci at ion. She was recently elected to Who 's Who in Am erican Co ll eges and Uni ve rsities. Sarahjane, an excellent student, is secretary-treasurer of Pi Omega Pi, nat ional business fraternity; and holds offices i n Rho Theta Sig ma and Alpha Ch i, honorary fratern iti es. She has se rved on the Student Counci I for two years. She has been sec retary of the Co ngress Debate Society and is an energeti c member of two d rama fratern ities. H er acti ve wo r k a s soro r ity chapla in , i n church acti vi ties, i n the Student Chr istian Association and in the Rel igious Em p has is Week keep her at the top spi r ituall y. Sarahjane, wo rking her way through schoo l, has completed her maj o r in business educat ion in three years.

Aime e Jean Tindall, Bt., is editor of The 1952 Southerner, college yearbook.

Hiwana Cupp, BE, is a genuine example of one who brings life to Alpha Sigma Alpha 's creed. Not only is H iwana loved and respected fo r her idea ls in her sorority, but her inf luence is fe lt t hroug hout the college. She has held positions of leade rship in sorority, in nu m erous student organizations a nd in the community.

Aimee, a journa lism m a jor, has a lso been active on The Student Printz, the student

ne spaper, serving as soc iety, news, desk and make- up editors. She received special recognition in a recent chapel program when Dr. R. C. Cook, president of M .S.C. , awarded her a special certificate for her publication work.

She shows grea t versatility in her wide interests in music, in creati ve writing and in a rtistic ability . A most attractive student , she is eventempered , keen in judgment a nd interested i n life. Hiwana has one of the best scholastic averages of any student ever enrol led at Madison College . She has had all A 's but

Aimee has made the honor roll every quarter . She has served a s chapter editor and registrar. She is active in the Young Women's Auxiliary and the Baptist Student Union. Aimee is a member of the Hattiesburg Choral Union and of the Pep Squad .

Joan Reilly, BH, is president of her chapter. She has been active in many extracurricular activities and has headed many organizations during her college career. Joan was elected by the Student Body to se rve as Homecoming Princess. Later in the year she wa s se lected to Who's Who Among Col leges a nd Universities. Joan has shown outstanding leadership in serving on committees and programs of college extra-curricular organizations. Her dependability and loyalt y to the College and to Alpha Sigma Alpha has been sincere and complete . Joan has served the Dicki nson community by teaching in the local kindergarten during her sophomore and junior years. She is majoring in English and Education , minoring in Social Science and Speech.

Patr icia Collins, BZ, a senior in Dietitics, is presently serving as president of Beta Zeta . As a freshman, she was chosen as the Outstanding Pledge, surely an indication that she started life with Alpha Sigma in the right way. In addition to this Pat is secretary of the Student Body, a member of Lambda Omega , hono rary society, and a member of the Home Economics club. She has served on the Board of Publicatio ns and is a member of the Organization for Higher Standards.

More recently Pat was se lected for Who ' s Who In Colleges and Universities and served a s a Maid in the Court of Queen Diane V at the Annual Carn ival Ball.

one in seven semester's work.


JoAnn Zimm e rman, BE>, Zimm to you, not only has a high grade-point a verage, but also has one of those pleasant personalities that people admire and like. Although JoAnn has held no sorority offices, she displays her leadership by heading a nd working on the many committees within the sorority. The chapter can always count on JoAnn to do everything well. Besides her school acti v ities Zimm has found time to do volunteer work at the hospital and at the blood bank center. JoAnn has a sincere interest in life and in people and has that little knack of making each person feel that she is sort of extra special.


Jeo n Pe digo, BI , is a physical education major and will graduate in June. Jean has held many offices during her college days namely: president of her soro rity chapter, vice president of her dormitory for two years, representati ve on the Student Executive Counci I for two years, president of Panhellenic , secretar y-trea surer of the Monogram club, program chairman of the Pemm club, reporter for the Athletic Association, repre sentati ve on her college annual for one year and secretary of the Baptist Student Union. She is also a m ember of the Choral club and the German club. To quote from Jean, " I wil l be a better girl because of Alpha Sigma Alpha. "

Donna Hoy, BK, has p roved her qualiti es of leadersh ip as she has led Beta Kappa throug h a full and acti ve year . Do nna has been a good representative of her chapter o n the campu s. She has se rved on the Ho use Presidents' Counc i l and on the W .A .W .S., the governing body of the Western women.

Donna is now servi ng a s

recording sec retor y f o r Ponhel lenic. In her field of primary educatio n Donna has a high sc holastic standing. Besides her practice teaching this year, she has given her tim e unselfishly t o the p r ima ry Sund ay School. At Western, the Beta Kapp a 's ore proud to nome Donna as their Alpha Sig of the year.

Ani ce Ellis, r C, has the enthusi a sm and interest so necessary to making vito i contributions to chapter and ~ollege life. She has been a member of the aquat ic club for two years, dance club for three years, on the Ponhellenic Counci I for two years and is secretory to the College Court. In sorority she has served as vice president and is now president. She was al so co-chairman of the Beta Frolics. In the adult and the Y.W ., She is a worker at

community she has instructed Girl Scout swimming classes at as well a s a social dance group. Tri -Y councilor and on act ive the children ' s home .

Ba r~ a r a Ha lli burton, BM, better known a s Burt, has willing ly served, studied and rec eived her shore of the hono rs during the four years she has been a Hendersonion . For 'one year Burt served a s editor and this year she has proved herself to be one of the best presidents the chapter has ever hod. Burt has been a member of the concert and marching bond throughout her four years of co l lege, is a member of Heart and Key and is i n Who ' s Who In Am erican Col leges and Uni versit ies. In a rec ent compus electi on Burt wa s named one of the outstanding student s. She has f o und time to sing in her church choi r and direct the yout h choir. Bei ng both musical and art istic she has done much to help her chapter o n planning parties and programs .

Doris Lou Smith, BA, is a member of Student Counci l, Who 's Who, Royal Rooter, Student Chri st ian Association and Future Teachers of America . She has served Beta Lambda a s its secretory and is now president. She was cho se n 1952 Scro ll Queen , was on Echo repo rter and a member of Women 's Advisory Council and Association o f Ch ildhood Educati o n . Besides campu s participation, she is active in Wes ley Foundation Co unci l. Do ri s Lou has ma inta ined a h ig h scholastic o verag e and has mode on outstanding contribution with ad min ist ration problem s through her work on St udent Counci l and Dormitory Hou se Counc i l. Of Doris, Beta Lambda proudly sa ys, " A pe rfect president , a campus beauty, a college leader, on int elligent student , and a cultu red wom an ."


• Bil lie Jean Thompson, BN, was elect ed by popu lar vote of the student body a s " Miss Murray State " for 1951-52. Billie Jean is m o re commonl y known a s Toni. She is a friendly and congenial person. She is neve r too busy to lend a helping hand . Her sweet disposition, patience, kindness and interest has endeared her to eve ryone. Toni has been on ou t stand ing leader o n ou r campus this year. She has served as president of our chapte r, a s president of the Women 's Athletic Association and as representative in the Student Organization . She reigned as Tau Sigma Tau sweetheart. Also her nome will be found in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.

Ma rilyn Patteng ill , B ::: , a junior majo rin g in general elementary, has set on outstandi ng example to our pledges, members and alumnae al ike, by her faithful se rvice, initiative and gracious personality. Ly nn has served her chapter a s a ssistan t treasurer and trea surer . She has been on associate editor of the State Times, a board member of the Women's Council and a Student League representative . In a recent letter to Ly nn from Doctor Netzer, the college president , he wrote, "You possess the necessary qualities o f a future leader and teacher. I om proud that you hove used these pot enti al ities in elll ightening the student body." His words ore our th:>ughts.

Shirley Cloud, PX, has brought valuable campus recognition to her sorority, through membership on the Panhellenic Counc il, Wayne Christian Fellowship, Association of Women Students' executive and acti vit ies Board, presidency of the Home Economics club and Catering club and secretary of Gold Key. Off campus, Shirley teaches a class in party cookery and is active in the Ci vil ian Defense program. Shirley has been chaplain, registrar and president of Rho Chi . She received the Bardon Home Economics award for achieving in all college work preceding the senior year the highest grade ave rage among students in her class who have completed two or more courses in food and nutrition. She represented W ayne University at the American Home Economics Association convention in 1951.

Pansy Howell, B 11, as president of Beta Pi , Pansy is responsible for the success of many of the activities of this group. She is president of the Women 's Athletic Association and , as such , is act ive in the int ramural program both as a director and a player. She is also member of the YWCA and is treasurer of the Panhellenic Council and of the West Virgini a Academy of Science.

has been recognized at the college as we ll as in the Springfie ld area for her soprano voice. As so lo ist in the St. Paul Methodist Choir and the Westminister Presbyteri an choir she has continued her vocal work. Suzi was vice president of Beta Sig ma and former representative to the Panhellen ic Council. She is a member of Alpha Mu Gamma , honorary language fraternity, and the German club. In the German department she is a counselor who helps the beginning students. Apart from her school work Suzi has found time to be a music wo rke r with polio victims .

In the math club she holds the office of socia l chairman. Nancy is past president of the German club. This summer she is planning to attend a convention of German

As a biology major, Pansy has worked for two years as a lab a ssistant . She wa s recently chosen as candidate for the Queen of the May. Another honor wa s her se lection as " Coed of the Week" by The Concord ian, the weekl y college newspaper .

• Suzanne Richardson, Bl:, a music major ,

Nancy Jane Wonisch, BP, a junior, is majoring in mathematics. Through her ex cellent wo rk in this field, she has become a popular and active member of Sigma Zeta , honorary science and mathematics fraternity .

American Young Peoples' Club at Madison ,

Wisconsin . This year she is servi ng as junior advi sor in Nu Alpha Lamda , honorary fraternit y for freshmen women.

• Janet Millet, BT, has been a very active and efficient president in this , Beta Tau 's first year in Alpha Sigma Alpha . Besides this responsibility, Jan has the honor of being elected the first president of the newl y org anized Association of Women Students. On the campus, Jan has served as vice president of Panhellenic Council , as well as actively participating in Women 's Choir, Orchestra , Oswego Protestant Youth Org an ization, and on the college paper, The Oswegonian. Last June at graduation , Jan was awarded the Mary E. Laing scholarship presented to the outstanding junior on a basis of scholarship and high moral character.

Verna Foos, BY, is a former president and treasurer of Psi Theta which is now Beta Upsilon chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Verna



member of


Women 's

League Council , the United Students' Party Council , and council member of Wesle y Foundation. Last year she served as comm ittee chairman on the 1951 Crystal Ball. This y ear she was one of the co-chairmen of our Campus

Revue skit




charge of the costumes for the so rority's prize winning float in the homecoming parade.




organ ization

memberships are Kappa Delta Pi and the Science club of which she is secretar y.



Dr. Ethel J. Alpenfels Receives Recognition of Eminence Award

As Alpha Sigma Alpha celebrates its fiftieth anniversary of service to college women, it seems the ideal time to inaugurate a plan whereby recognition is given to an alumna whose professi onal or community achievements have attracted attention outside the close sorority circle . Dr . Ethel J. Alpenfels, Beta Beta, was chosen as the first recipient of this Award . On Tuesday April eighth , a gold medallion with the A~A crest on it and engraved " Alpha Sigma Alpha, Recognit ion of Em inence , 1952" wa s presented to Dr. Alpenfels in Indianapo lis. At that time members of the Ind ianapo li s Alumnae Chapter entertained t he Indianapol is Panhellenic Associat ion with a beauti ful rece pt ion honoring Dr. Alpenfels. Indianapo lis sch oo l off icials were also guests . The recept ion was held at the home of Mrs . Be rt McCam mon, where the Golden Ann ive rsary th e me wa s carr ied out in t abl e decorations and ref res hme nts . Me mbe rs and guests

listened spellbound to Dr. Alpenfels' fascinating and illuminating talk, following wh ich the award was presented by Mrs . B. F. Leib, National Editor. The following resume of her activit ies, does not begin to depict the charm and vitality of Ethel Alpenfels as a person, all of wh ich she puts into her lectures . Biography: Ethel J. Alpenfels

Dr. Ethel J. Alpenfels, professo r in New York University's School of Educat ion, is a national authority on anthropol ogy an d social behavior. The . Colorado-born educat o r, rece ntly named "Woman of the Mont h for Tea chi ng" by the Professional W omen of th e Gre ater New Yo rk Area, has been praised extensively fo r her wo rk in educat ion . She was chosen an hono rary member of Alpha Kappa Alpha , servi ce and soc ia l soro r-

MAY, 1952


ity, for 1952, while the American Women's Grace Elaine Matz: Elected Student Association cited the N .Y.U. educator for "exGovernment President at Madison cellence in teaching" in 1950 and named her Woman of the Year for Teaching . Th.e Na- College tional Association of Negro Women honored her as one of the five outstanding women in the United States in the field of human relations in 1950. A frequent lecturer, the former University of Chicago teacher has spoken before some 2,500 religious, educational and civic groups. She was the moderator of a 13-week program on TV station WNBT in New York City titled "Unfinished Business," and was a member of a panel on juvenile crime on the Town Hall Meeting of the Air on a national broadcast. Pamphlets on Professor Alpenfels' "Sense and Nonsense About Race," pub Iished in 1946, are used widely by church study groups. Although she has written several books, including co-authoring "Race Against Time" in 1947, probably one of her best known works is an article she wrote for the "Catholic World " entitled "Our Racial Superiority" which was reprinted by "Readers Digest" in September, 1946. Her latest book "Brothers All" is being used as a textbook by the Ccngregational Church in Sunday school classes. Dr. Alpenfels received her bachelor of science degree from the University of WashBeta Epsilon's Grace Elaine Matz who was ington and her doctorate of science degree recently elected Student Government President from the Colorado State Teachers College in for 1952-53 is an inspiration to every A~ A at Greeley, Colorado . In 1934 the N .Y.U. edu- Madison . " Gracie " hails from Baltimore , cator was granted a Rockefeller Foundation Maryland, and is a Physi cal Education major . scholarship for research among the Modoc Since 1949-50, Grace has been a campus Indians. Later she made a study of the life leader, starting off as vice president of the of the Haida Indians of Queen Charlotte Is- -Fres hman class and a member of the Student land, British Columbia . Faculty committee. The we ll-known anthropologist is a member Because of her outstanding ability and of Phi Beta Kappa , Sigma Delta Eps ilon, Alpha lovable personality, Grace was elected presiSigma Alpha, the American Association of dent of the sophomore class . This was an imPhysical Anthropologists, the American An- portant ye ar, too, in that Grace pledged .A:S Athropology Association, the American Geo- a lucky day for Beta Epsilon' graphical Society, the Association for SuperDuring the summer of 1951 she served as vision and Curriculum Development of the Na- a Y.W .C.A. delegate to a convention held at tional Education Association, the American Be rea College in Berea , Kentucky . There she Association of University Women and the gained many new exciting ideas to bring back Childhood Education Associati on . to her Alma Mater, where she had activel y Before joining the N .Y.U. faculty Professor participated in Y.W .C.A. work for two years Alpenfels was a member of the faculty of the and in the Lutheran Student Associati c n fo r University of Chicago. Prior to that she was three years . A member of the basketball and hockey an instru ctor at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, and at Beloit College , Beloit, varsity teams of Madison, Grace has recentl y acquired her hockey and vo lleyball officia l Wisconsin.



ratings. Then too, she has been extremely active in intramural sports . In March of this year our new Student Government President attended the Southern Inter-Collegiate Association of Student Government Convention at Newcomb College, New Orleans, Louisiana, where she exchanged ideas with girls from all over the United States. As recognition for her outstanding scholarship, Grace was elected to membership in Kappa Delta Pi and Sigma Phi Lambda. Interested and active in social affairs, she is also associated with the German Dance Club. " Gracie," living up to our fourfold aim of physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development, is everything an Alpha Sig should be!

La Nelle Siegel Copp Helps to Establish Student Exchange in Mexico City


Mrs. La Nelle Siegel Copp, a member of Beta Lambda Chapter, has returned from Mexico City, where she helped to establish and became co-director of the Student Exchange of the Americas . According to Mrs. Copp, who spent a year and a half there, this international organization was founded because many students and would-be travelers are financially unable to make visits to Mexi co and other Latin-American countries. Working closel y with Prof . Gabino A Palma of the University of Mexico, she arranged the following plan : Dur ing his vacation months of December, January and February, the Me x-

icon student is received as a guest in the American student's home, paying no room or board . Thus, the students are only under obligation to sustain their transportation, amusement and personal expe~ses. The students who participated in the plan the past summer spent an average of $150 which included traveling costs to and from their home states. The United States ambassador in Mexico City, William O'Dwyer, says of the exchange : "This plan . . . is, it seems to me, a practical and useful way to achieve an exchange of students which might not be possible in other ways. May I wish you every success in your work which helps to make for better understanding between our two peoples." The Student Exchange has the enthusiastic support of Lie. Emilio Partes-Gil, ex-president of Mexico, and recently appointed Mexican ambassador to India; Philip Raine, cultural attache of the American embassy in Mexico; William Planchette, cultural attache of the Canadian embassy in Mexico; Lie. Juan Jose Gonzalez Bustamante, secretary general of the University of Mexico; Professor Antonio Magana, director general of secondary education . After receiving her diploma from Little Rock Junior College and the B.S.E. degree from Arkansas State Teachers College, Mrs . Copp obtained her master's degrees in Spanish from the University of Wisconsin . She was an instructor of Spanish and French at Valparaiso University for three years prior to her sojourn in Mexico City, where she was also assistant professor in the Mexico City Summer School.

Nicholson Printing Company Liquidates This issue of the Phoenix culminates a long and pleasant relationship between the Nicholson Printing Company and Alpha Sigma Alpha . This company has printed our maga zine and all other sorority publications for more than thirty years. Mr . Raymond B. Nicholson, now president of the company has given his personal attention to Alpha Sigma Alpha publications, and given service beyond the contract. It is with deep regret that ASA writes " Finis" to these years of friendly association.

MAY, 1952


"Take Time to Read, it is the Foundation of Wisdom" EXCERPTS FROM NATIONAL PANHELLENIC I.



From the February 1952 Bulletin of the NPC Committee on Education, Miss Amy B. Onken, Chairman

"Education is seen as the basic defense" of America in the new policy statement, published jointly in February by the Educational Policies Commission and the American Council on Education. The report lists the four objectives "for a system of education which is to play its part in the long-range national security program" as :

"1 . The personal development and growth of the individual. 2 . The improvement of human relations in the family and in the wider social environment. 3. The development of economic efficiency in the creation of goods and services. 4 . The preservation and extension of democratic values, the quickening of the social conscience and the encouragement of responsible citizenship." The Commission 路wants first priority to be given to the elementary school, saying : "Despite the general recognition that much of the individual's subsequent development and health are determined by his childhood experiences, there is still in some places a misguided tendency to think of elementary schools as the least important of our educational institutions ." At the recent, annual luncheon forum of the Tuition Plan, Inc ., Mr. John W . Nason, of Swarthmore College, and Mr . James H. Case, Jr., of Bard College, in independently prepared addresses, discussed citizenship education and agreed that unless schools can turn out good citizens all other achievements of the modern school will be wiped out by the greater failure . Interesting comments include Mr. Ca'se's remarks: "Free men must come by their own free choice and volition, disciplined by conscience, reason, and experience in whatever commitments they make" and "I hold that colleges and universities are not guardians and proclaimers of The Truth; they are constant and patient searchers after understanding"; and Mr. Nason's: "In a free society, citizens must not be told what to think . They must be taught to think for themselves" and "The moral , virtues which we honor in the abstract are the virtues of men and women ." Statistics released in the December 15, 1951 , issue of "Higher Education" show that the total 1951 fall enrollment in higher education institutions showed a loss of 7 .8 % over that for 1950. Interestingly enough, the only institutions to show a gain were the independent theological schools . Universities showed a loss of 8 .6 %; liberal arts colleges, 6 .0 %; and teachers colleges, 11 %. Enrollment of students attending college for the first time showed a decrease of 8.7% with no institutional group showing a gain . Women students, last fall, represented 33.9% of total registrations against 31 .6 % in 1950, but among new students, they represented 40 .6%, apparently showing a trend toward a return to the pre-war proportion of men and women in the college population . "It make phere To II.

is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to a few objects beautiful , but it is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosand medium through which we look. affect the quality of the day-that is the highest of arts ." -Thoreau

From the March 1952 News Bulletin of NPC Executive Committee, Mrs. W. Harold Hutchinson, Chairman

Civil Defense Program A request has been received asking NPC member groups to urge_their_ membership "_to participate in the Civil Defense program at the local level , by reg_1stermg w1th the local c1vd de fense directors." This plan is being promoted through the Off1ce of Vol~nteer Manpower to build up a reservoir of ready and willing manpower for trammg and serv1ce 1n case of need .






APRIL 26, 1952


MAY, 1952

Epsilon Epsilon wi ns twelfth annual Phi Mu Alpha Singing Bee .

Memorable Moments

Beta Xi's "J ack in the Box" which won second prize at the Winter Carnival at Oneonta State .

Katherine Rae, president of Eta Eta chapter , shows the coveted Pep Award Tro;o h y to her sorority sisters .

Norma Holland and Johnnie Ruth Polston serve the punch at Eta Eta ' s open house. Pat True is at the piano.



Philanthropic Program Region I Presents Another Television Set

Standing behind televi sion set : Margaret Wilso n Banks (BE) to right, Els ie Cabell (A ), Bess F. Cary (A)., Captain C. H. McMillan, Medical Ca rps, USN , acting commanding officer.



(Miss) D. El izabeth Da v is, Fi eld Directo r NATIONAL NAVAL MEDICAL CE N TER BET HESDA 14 , MARYLAND


15 April 1952

Dear Mrs . Cory: On behalf of the patients and doctors here at the Notional Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, we should like to thank you for the television set which you and the members of Region I of Alpha Sigma Alpha donated to patients of this hospital . We feel sure that you could tell from the patients themselves how very pleased they were to receive this beautiful RCA television set. The pat ie nts hove been enjoying the set continuously and many of them hove told us that they ore so grateful to you and the other members of your group . W ould you please be kind enough to' tell the othe r ladies of Region I of Alpha Sigma Alpha how much we, a s well as the patients appreciate their continued and sincere interest m the men in this hos pital . Than k you aga in fo r your interest. Sincerel y yours, Elsie Cabell Head Recreation Worker

15 f\pril 1952 Dear Mrs . Cory : On behalf of the patients and medical staff here at the U. S. Naval Hospital in Bethesda , Maryland, I should like to thank you for the RCA televisi on set which you and the members of Region I of Alpha Sigma Alpha gave to patients of this hospital . The patients were delighted that your group hod shown personal interest in them as well as pleased by the usefulness of your gift. I wish that I could thank each member of your group individually . However, since this is not possible, I wish that you would please tell them how much their interest in the patients here means . Thank you for your continued interest. Sincerel y yo urs, C. H . McMillon Captain MC USN Acting

MAY, 1952

Region II Helps Furnish Hospital Chapel The new Veterans Hospital in Indianapolis is now completed and occupied . It is set up for 495 patients and administers to medical, surgical , and some mental cases. While it is pretty complete as to essentials, there are many spots that need extra equipment. The Chapel is one such spot. The Chaplain has asked for proper alter draperies, curtains to subdue the glaring light through the plain glass windows, and a good-sized picture of the Lord:s Supper. The Chairman of Region II is now shopping to supply as many of these needs as the budget allows .

More Ways to Serve Dear A~A' s : Although our Cumberland chapter is just two years old and we still have much to learn , we eight A~A alums are mighty proud of the many activities which we have accomplished in such a short time . Our main activities have centered around charity work in Cumberland . At Thanksgiving and Easter time we contributed canned food and packed food baskets which were distributed to needy families by our local Associated Charities. At Christmas we helped by dressing dolls and covering doll beds. These, too, were distributed by the Associated Charities. We suspect we had almost as much fun fixing dolls and beds as the lucky little girls had playing with them . We have not forgotten our local hospitals in our charity work, and each year we stuff toy animals for the children in the pediatrics wards . Of course the dogs and camels and horses and elephants lack that "professional touch " but the children don't seem to notice . One of our new activities which we are just starting is the knitting of an afghan for our County Infirmary. This will be the first experience with knitting needles for several of us but with time and patience we hope to have a lovely afghan to present to the infirmary. We have also voted to set aside $25 .00 each year for our "wheel-chair fund." We plan to give a wheel-chair to the County Infirmary as soon as our fund is large enough. Our main money-making activities have been a private card party and a rummage sale . From these two projects we have realized about $100.00, most of which has been used for


our charity work and philanthropic contributions . Although this may sound as though we work all the time, we A::EA's have social meetings too . Sometimes we end our meetings with a few hands of bridge, and each spring we conclude our season of work with a luncheon at our local Shrine Country Club . This spring we all attended the Maple Sugar Festival in Somerset County, Pa ., and had a grand time visiting the Maple Sugar Farm and taking part in the other festivities . Although we meet just ten months during the year we have a picnic in the summer and catch up on all the latest news from our "sisters." Although we're all very proud of our work as A~A 's, we all agree that our ultimate satisfaction in forming an alumnae chapter has been the close friendships which we have made with our own sisters in the chapter. Margaret Reid

* * * Dear A~A's: Chicago alumnae are now making hospital gowns out of partly worn men's shirts for Cook County Hospital and we are taking back issues of magazines to Hines Veterans Hospital. We are also lending our support this year to the philanthropic project of the Chicago Panhellenic Association. This is the first such project of the association since its reactivation three years ago . The project is to establish a fund to be used as incidental or emergency financial assistance to Chicago high school girls . One purpose of this assistance is to try to keep girls from dropping out of high school . Dr. Thaddeus J. Lubera , Assistant Superintendant of Secondary Education in Chicago, will choose two Chicago high schools in which the help is to be given . The schools will be chosen primarily on the basis of need in the school for such assistance . The fund may be used m the following ways : Emergency and temporary assistance to a girl for necessities, in case of illness or other hardship in her family. Incidental assistance to some worthy girl who is going to school on marginal funds, for an article of clothing for example. The idea for this project was gotten from the Milwaukee Panhellenic Association . To get the funds for the project a benefit in the form of a tea and fashion show is be-


18 ing held at Marshall Field and Company in Ch icago on Saturday, Apr il 19, 1952. Field's are noted for thei r teas and fashion shows, and are outdoi ng the ir previous performances in this, the ir 1OOth Anniversary year. Each soror ity in the assoc iation, Alpha Sigma Alpha included, is now selling tickets for the benefit and each sorority is donating a doo r pr ize . We feel the idea of this project might be a valuable one for smaller groups who might ha ve a lim ited amount of money, and who m ight want a one year project . Rosemary Northam Johnson

* * * Dear A~ A' s : The Olean Chapter of A:SA ~as adopted as a part of its philanthropic program, two people, one, a woman who lives alone and must spend her days in a wheel-chair; the other, an elderly man with no family, unable to speak, read or write English . He is a tuberculosis patient in a nearby sanitarium . We remember each of these with a gift every monthsomething to cheer them through the long hours. At our December meeting we did not exchange gifts among our members but gave clothing gifts to members of a needy family . We also provided the meat and groceries for the Christmas dinner of that same family .

For the past two years, we have collected Christmas cards after the hoi iday season and sent them to the Crippled Childrens' Guild in Buffalo, N . Y. Mrs . George Keller

Thank You To those of you who have gone all the way in cooperating in the success of the National Philanthropic Program, I wish to express a personal " thank you ." 路 Besides contributing your do Iars to the National Fellowship and Philanthropic Fund , you have caught the spirit and realized the need of various types of Volunteer Service programs in your community . You have organized, ac tively participated, and shared your time and selves in its continuous operation . This is the type of performance that speaks well for our Sorority. Marie W . Rice Plan your vacation around A~ A Conventi on . include a trip through Great Smoky M oun tains of North Carolina and Tennessee. A tr ip you will never forget. Smoky Mountain to urs leave from Roanoke every Sunday. Three to nine day all-expense tours . For informat ion and reservations, write Smoky Mounta in Tours Company, George Vanderbilt Hotel , Asheville, North Carolina .

An un usua l fou nta in roam fa r betwee n-mea l s nac ks.

MAY, 1952


Alpha 路 Sigma Alpha Golden Anniversary Convention Hotel Roanoke Roanoke, Virginia

路 -路:--'

August 19-22 1952



~- ,








ROANOKE, VA .. : ••,""''

AUGUST 19-22, 1952

The Alleghenies and the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia are famed in song and story. Majestic peaks look down on broad fertile valleys and clear, sparkling streams. The air is fresh and tonic. The mountains of Virginia and their resorts lure vacationists from far and wide . The scenery of southwestern Virginia is superb . Here are the highest mountain peaks in the State, and on every side there are blue grass covered hills and fertile valleys. Cattle and sheep thrive here . With its pleasant towns and cities, coal, salt and other mining operations and a variety of manufactories, this is a prosperous industrial as well as agricultural land. It is associated in history with Daniel Boone and other pioneers and in literature with the " Trail of the Lonesome Pine ." Its scenery and climate attract thousands of visitors . Wide, modern highways, and convenient plane, ra il and bus connections, bring you the enchantment of the Shenandoah Valley- from Martinsburg, Charles Town and Harper's Ferry on the North- through historic Winchester, site of the annual Apple Bl ossom Festival-Front Royal , where the Shenandoah National Park begins, and rich in h istory Harrisonburg,

steeped in romantic history-Staunton, site of "The Manse/' birthplace of Woodrow Wilson -Lexington, burial place of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson . Lexington is the home of two notable institutions- Washington and Lee University and Virginia Military Institute . V. M. I. is widely known as "The West Point of the South ." Washington and Lee University was founded in 17 49. The present name memorializes a gift from George Washington and honors Robert E. Lee, who was president of the school from 1805 until his death in 1870. Here is the Lee Memorial Chapel. The chapel,


MAY, 1952


with a seating capacity of about 500, was designed by none other than Robert E. Lee while he was president of Washington and Lee. In the chapel's crypt are the remains of General Lee and his wife, Mary Custis Lee, his father, "Light Horse" Harry Lee, and fifteen other members of his family. One of the most well known pieces of statuary in the nation is the famous recumbent statue of Lee, by Valentine, at the back of the stage and is immediately visible upon entering the chapel . Many valuable historic paintings adorn the walls. On the afternoon of August 21st Alpha Sigma Alpha will hold a memorial service in this beautiful chapel. When you come to Convention, don't miss the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway. Over easy grades and around gentle curves the motorist may enjoy the grandeur of Mountain scenery and the charm of the valleys. This scenic picture is protected by a wide right-of-way upon which there are no billboards or commercial traffic to distract the traveler . Parking overlooks have been constructed along the Drive. Lodging and dining facilities are located at Skyland, Big Meadows, Dickey Ridge, Pan-



orama and Swift Run Gap. Here you will find comfort, good food and hospitality are the keynotes .

ROANOKE-A ::E A Convention City When the white man first began wending his way westward across the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, he found at one point a natural crossroad. A place where valleys from the North, South and East gracefully merged-a natural gateway to the great unspoiled West beyond . A few farsighted pioneers settled here to become fathers of one of Virginia's most progressive cities Roanoke. A thousand feet above sea level, Roanoke is high enough to escape the humidity of lowlands during summer months . It is a city of approximately 132,760 in its metropolitan population. Many industrial enterprises and commercial establishments emphasize its advantages for many classes of industry. Mill Mountain, a city park ns1ng 900 feet above the city proper, affords a spectacular view of the city. A man made star atop Mill Mountain shines for miles up the Valley and gives Roanoke the name "Star City of the South ."



NATURAL BRIDGE, VIRGINIA "One of the Seven Wonders of the World"

Natural Bridge is so closely associated with the tradition, history and romance of our nation that it has become an American landmark. Before white men came to our shores, the Monacan Indians worshipped this ancient wonder and called it "The Bridge of God ." Thomas Jefferson bought the Bridge from King George Ill, of England, in 177 4, for the "sum of twenty shillings of good and lawful money." Jefferson surveyed his purchase and made a map of it with his own hands. The youthful Washington- engaged by Lord Fairfax, proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia-included Alpha Sigma Alphas w ill v isit thi s " M i racle af Stene," an August 21, 1952. Natural Bridge in his journeys. The initials "G. W." may be seen today carved in stone." Thomas Jefferson, "The most subinto the southeast wall of Natural Bridge, 23 lime of Nature's works ." James Monroe, feet above the ground. In recent years a large Samuel Houston, and Daniel Boone came also. rock unearthed beneath the arch also bore In _our own time, authors, geologists, artists, George Washington's initials, and a surveyor's statesmen, architects and engineers have marveled with wonder and astonishment beneath cross. The Revolutionary War brought Rocham- its magnificent arch . Will Rogers wrote : beau and his troops to Virginia. Reports of "There are seven great natural wonders of the Natural Bridge so intrigued them that several world, and the Natural Bridge in Virginia is parties of French officers made pilgrimages one of them . A big highway goes right over to its site. Diagrams and descriptions were it." Said Lowell Thomas : "Every American carried back with them to Paris, pictures were should visit Virginia's great Natural Bridge ." made and circulated in Europe, and the fame Let There be Light of Natural Bridge spread throughout the The giant causeway is impressive and reworld . markable by day. But at night a new thrill A Touch of the Miraculous awaits you! When darkness descends on Man first discovered Natural Bridge a few mountain, glen and murmuring stream, you hundred years ago. But Nature, through mil- may visit the Bridge. Here a pageant of Iight lions of years, had worked with patient labor and harmony will take you back into the and magnificent skill to construct this monu- eternal ages. Celebrated lighting engineers, ment which would stand for all time. 450,000 famous artists, gifted composers and musicubic feet of rock. 36,000 tons of stone . This cians have combined their talents to make was Nature's working material . Her tool, a this a spectacle you. will cherish always. simple mountain stream flowing toward the sea . With these Nature achieved her miracle: You Will Also Want to See A bridge of solid stone 90 feet across and 215 Arbor vitae trees, 1,000 years old . feet high . She painted her masterpiece with Cathedral Wall . . . Saltpeter Cave, which dull red and ochre, soft shades of yellow and furnished chemicals for gunpowder in the War cream, delicate tracings of bluish gray. of 1812 . . . Hemlock Grove, where arbutus, laurel, rhododendron and hepatica bloom in Famous Visitors Came the spring . . . "Lost River," whose source After Henry Clay had journeyed to Natural and destination are hidden away in subterBridge he wrote : " The Bridge not made by ranean channels . . . "Lace Waterfalls, " hands, that spans a river, carries a highway, where Cedar Creek plunges down to the bed and makes two mountains one ." John Marshall of the stream 50 feet below. All of these you called it, el oquently and br iefl y, " A miracle may visit when you come to Natural Bridge .

MAY, 1952


Our Convention Site

Hote l Roa noke, " a mode rn , air-condit ioned ve rsio n of a n o ld English Inn ."

A warm welcome awaits all Alpha Sigma Alphas and their families at the Hotel Roan oke on August 19th. Roanoke is accessible by plane, train, car or bus . The Hotel has a spacious 150 car garage but also ample parking space on their own grounds. Mr. Hyde of Hotel Roanoke has assured us

Lustron' s wood paneling adds warmth to th e main lobby of th e Hote l Roan oke wh e re A'2.As will a sse m b le August 19, 1952 .

that all rooms will be available for occupancy by 10 a . m . on August 19th . All 365 attractively appointed guest rooms are air-conditioned with individual room controls . Modern FM-station radios are found in each room. The moment you enter this spacious, luxurious lobby, hospitality will be the order of the day.



A typica l committee meeting roo m, t hi s parlor is just off th e mai n lobby in t he Hote l Roa noke.

Registrati on will begin at 10 a . m. August 19th and will continue throughout the day and fo r a few hours each day thereafter for those attending pa rt time .

and several smaller ones for our group meetings .

Alpha Sigma Alpha will have the use of one Iorge room for our general assemblies

Do come and join us and help celebrate our Golden Anniversary.

Thi s knotty - pine panelled roo m is one of the smaller lobbi es o f th e sumptuous Hote l Roa noke .

There will be rooms for programs and fun as well as for business .

MAY, 1952

Th e Hotel room,





w iII be con-

verted into our A'2:.A private dining



ex h i b i t


Beautifully Colonial in architecture is the lovely oval room of Hotel Roanoke. Here Alpha Sigma Alpha members wi ll register .

A beautiful dining room. T o quote Duncan Hines, "Soulsatisfying food and gracious Southern hospitality -


splendid menu of Southern dishe s."



ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY CONVENTION PROGRAM Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1952 "Hail to Alpha Sigma Alpha" Forenoon-Registration . 12:00 noon-Southern Belles' Buffet Luncheon . 2 :00 p. m .-Opening Session-Junior Ball Room . 6 :00 p. m .-Dinner: "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia"-Ball Room . 8 :30 p. m .-lnitiation Ceremony. 9:45 p. m .-"We Like a Merry Song and Dance"-Ball Room .

7 :30 9 :00 10 :45 12:30 3:00 6 :00 8 :00

7 :30 9 :00 11:45 2:00

a. a. a. p. p. p. p.

a. a. a. p.

10 :00 p.

7 :30 9 :00 12 :00 2 :00 4: 30 7 :00

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20TH "All American Day" m .-Breakfast. m.-Business Session . m .-General Assembly. m .-Luncheon-Guest Speaker. m .-Discussion Groups. m.-Dinner-"This Great Land In Which We Live .'' m.-"Friendship Is A Gift So Rare." THURSDAY, AUGUST 21ST "A Long Awaited Golden Day" m .-Breakfast. m .-Discussion Groups . m .-Luncheon-"Come Be An Alpha Sigma." m .-Departure for Natural Bridge over Blue Ridge Parkway to Lexington. A~ A Memorial Service at Washinqton and Lee Chapel. Smorgasbord Dinner at Natural Bridge Hotel. Night Pageant at Natural Bridge. m .-Return to Hotel Roanoke .

FRIDAY, AUGUST 22ND "Blest Be The Tie That Binds" a . m.-Breakfast . a . m .-Business Session-Junior Ball Room . noon-Buffet Luncheon-Ball Room . p. m. - Final Business Session-Junior Ball Room . p. m .- lnstallation of National Officers-Pine Room . p. m.-Formal Golden Anniversary Banquet-Ball Room .

SATURDAY, AUGUST 23RD 8 :00-9 :00 a . m .-Breakfast. Departure an y time dur ing forenoon .

MAY, 1952


It's Your Convention! Do YOU have a matter of A"f.A business you would like the convention body to consider? Do YOU have fraternity hopes and plans to share with all our members? Write to the National President : Mrs. Fred M. Sharp 1405 Hardy Avenue Independence, Missouri Do YOU wish to suggest Alpha Sigmas for elective o r appointive National Offices? Send their names and qualifications to Cha irman of the Nominating Committee : Mrs . Richard A . Rice 4651 Kenwood Avenue Indianapolis 8, Ind iana The supreme governing power of the fratern ity is the National Convention where official delegates from college and alumnae chapters "enact regulations, elect officers, promote the welfare of the fraternity." To be sure, the duly elected official delegates will represent the entire fraternity membership and, in accordance with democratic practices, they wi II reflect your opinions and your judgments. Yet YOU and all A"f.A's are invited to part icipate directly in planning our 1952 National Convention .

It's Your Convention!





August 19 through 22, 1952 Plan your individual or family vacation to center around happy A~A days in picturesque Virginia . A cordial welcome to husbands at Hotel Convention rates.

AMERICAN PLAN 2 in a room-$1 1.50 per day per person (4 days) (including all tipping and State tax) REGISTRATION FEES FOR ALL MEMBERS $10 .00

HOTEL RESERVATION BLANK Send to Miss Helen L. Corey 6310 Sherwood Road Ph iladelph ia 31 Po . 1

Name (pr int) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Chapter in wh ich initiated, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ College _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ Date of In it iat ion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Member of A.l umnae chapter (Name) - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - Check one :-

0 College Delegate D Alumnae Delegate D Non-member Vis itor

D College V is itor

O Aiumnae V is itor

W ith whom do you prefer to room? _ ___ _ _ _ __ Please send this reservation blank befo re July 1 1952. 1

(Any vacancies wi ll be f illed after that dote but it is wise to get yo ur rese rva tion in ea rly.)

MAY, 1952


The Powhatan Arrow-1 952

Train of th e 1902 Ero

ROUND TRIP COACH FARES TO ROANOKE, VIRGINIA (including 15% Federal Tax) * FROM Alva, Oklahoma . .... . . . . .. . . .. $ 78 .37 Arkadelphia, Arkansas . ..... . .. . 54.28 Athens, West Virginia (Bluefield) . . 7 .98 Boston , Mass. via Wa~hington . . . . 51.47 Boston , Mass . via Hagerstown .. . . . 49 . 11 Buffalo, N. Y. via Washington . . . . 48 .36 Conway, Arkansas . . . . . . .. . ... . 52.33 Cortland, New York .. .. .... .. . . 40 .37 Detroit, M ichigan . . . .. . . ..... . . 38.81 DeKalb, Illinois . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . 63 .31 Dickinson , North Dakota .... . . . . 96 .60 Emporia , Kansas .... .. . .. . . ... . 71.42 7 .98 Farmville, Virginia . . .. . .. . .. . . . Greeley, Colorado ....... . .. . .. . 98 .73 Gunnison, Colo. (Salida, Colo.) . . . . 100 . 15 Huntington, W . Virgin ia . . . . . . . . 21 .28 Hays, Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.56 Hatt iesburg, Mississippi . .. ... . . . 47 .61 9 .91 Harrisonburg, Va . (Elkton , Va .) . . . 61.81 Kirks~ i lle, Missouri

FROM Lafayette, Louisiana Maryville, Missouri Muncie, Indiana .. ... . . . .. . . . . . Macomb, Illinois ....... . .. . . .. . Mur ray, Ky. (Bruceton , Tenn .) . . . .

65 .90 67 .62 36. 17 58 .02

Natchitoches, Louisiana . . . . . . . . .

37 .26 63 .37

Oneonta , New York . . . .. . . .. . . .


Oxford , Ohio (Hamilton, Oh io) . . . .


Oswego, N. Y. (Syracuse, N. Y. ) . . . Philadelphia, Po . via Wash ington

42.26 24 .61

Philadelphia, Po . via Hagerstown . .


Pittsburg , Kansas . . . : ... ... . .. .

70 .90

Radford, Virginia . . . ... . ... . . . . Spr ingfield, Missouri .. . . . . : . ... .

3.47 59 .34

Terre Haute, Ind iana .. . .. ... . . .

40 . 14

Tahlequah, Okla . (Muskogee , Okla .)


Mt. Pleasant, Mich . (Saginaw M ich .)

45 .89

Warrensburg , Missour i .. . ..... . .

69 .00

Indiana , Po . (Torrance, Po .) ... .. .


*Courtesy of Norfolk a nd Western Ra ilroad .

For Further Travel lnfor~at i on Write To :





ARE YOU DR lVI NG TO CONVENTION? GULF TOURGIDE BUREAU , P. 0 . Box 2107 , Ph ilade lph ia 2 , Pennsy lvan ia , will se nd FREE maps TO ALL. in in for mat ion and se nd to above address.


Plea se se nd Gulf Info-Maps mar ked fo r a t rip to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Going by way of_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Returning by wa y of_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I wou ld li ke shortest , best route D

I wou ld li ke sce n ic route D

Remark s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Remar ks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Date my tri p will start _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My Good Gulf Deal e r is (please print name and address) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


For a train trip, a light-weight suit and carry a "topper." A hat does complete this outfit . When you arrive you will be making your first impression on many new people . At convention, casual dresses or summer silk prints, knitted dresses or other equally dressy dresses an;' appropriate for dinner and evening . Cottons are fine for the day. Pack carefully, pressing dresses is a problem . A formal for our fiftieth anniversary banquet. A white dress for initiation . If you are your chapter's delegate you will not have much time for sports . Visiting delegates may have time to enjoy the Roanoke Country Club and the sports they offer. LUGGAGE

Keep your eye on your own luggage at every chang ing po int. Be sure to have all baggage prope rly labeled with name and destination . Lost luggage is an inconven ience, to say the least.

COME ALPHA SIGS Come Alpha Sigs, Come one and all! And hear and heed our beck and call . This is the year of jubilee, For Fifty years of age are we . What do you say, we celebrate? August nineteenth is the date . Roanoke, Virginia is the place, Where we will see your smiling face . All our efforts let us comb ineTo make this convention really shine . Save your dollars and save your dimes, You'll need them for these happy times. For happy times indeed they ' ll beWhen old friends you will greet and see . Th is is the year we ' ve looked forward to, Convention year of Fifty-two. Helen Snyder, Akron Alumnae

MAY, 1952





KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN ing year was planned. The first meeting will be held at the end of April and a business meeting will take place . The June meeting will be a luncheon, and plans are being made for a family picnic meeting during the summer. Since our first organization meeting, Mrs. Robert Finholt from the Schenectady, New York Chapter has settled in Erie. She has also joined the group bringing our membership up to seven people . Marjorie Suggs

KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Chapter Members and Officers

President-June Fernaays Farnan (Mrs. Lindsay) ........ . .. . ...... . IIII Vice President-! rene Smith Madaus (Mrs. A F.) .. .... ... .. . .. ...... MM Secretary-Mildred Brockway Speers (Mrs . Warren R.) ..... .... .. .. . . .. AB Treasurer-Mildred G. Smith (Mrs. J. Towner) . . . .. . ... .. . ..... AA Editor-Thelma Shain Kilkey (Mrs. Wallace) .. . . .... . .. .. .. . ... AB Mrs. George Kuhn, President; Mrs. Harvey Nevall s, Jr., Vice President; Mrs. Donald Gl e nn , Secretary.

Chapter Members and Officers President-Corinne Palmerton Kuhn (Mrs. George) . ..... ... ... . . . . ... IIII Vice President-Mary Clark Nevalls (Mrs. Harvey, Jr.) ... _ . . .. . .. .... IIII Secretary-Bernita Adams Glenn (Mrs. Donald) . . . .. .. . . . . ........ IIII Treasurer-Frances Cruise Tomb (Mrs. Frederick) .... . .... ..... .... Ar Editor-Marjorie Frisbee Suggs (Mrs . Wm ., Jr.) .................. IIII Mary Ellen Downes (Mrs. Robert) - 路 .... XX

A meeting was held on February 12, 1952, at the home of Mrs . William Suggs, Jr. Plans were discussed for petitioning the National Council for the organization of an Erie Alumnae Chapter. Officers were elected from the group and a tentative schedule of meetings for the com-

February 13, 1952, 路 marked the first gettogether of five Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae in Kalamazoo, Michigan, at the home of Mrs . Lindsay Farnan . The result was the beginnings of a new alum chapter. Although as yet, we only number five, we hope we will soon be hearing from other Alpha Sigs in this vicinity. We spent the evening just getting acquainted and electing officers . Since Alpha Sigma Alpha is colonizing here on the campus of Western Michigan College, we decided it would be like being back in school again with a local chapter so near at hand . Mildred Smith is entertaining the alum and girls from the local chapter at a tea in her home on Sunday, April 6 . We are all looking forward to meeting the undergraduates and getting to know each other better. We are indeed happy to add our names to the ever growing list of active Alpha Sig alumnae chapters and renewing our interests and activities in sorority life again . June Farnan



NEWS LETTERSAlumnae Chapters

AKRON, OHIO Dear Alpha Sigs: I'm on spring vacation in Cincinnati and it's trying to snow . Just hoping the 19th will be a sunshiny day for our trip to Granville. Thin k it was a grand suggestion to have another State Day. Our April meeting will be at Helen Snyder's after our big Spring Luncheon in the form of a benefit bridge, a Panhellenic project for the Childrens' Home. It will be nice to be at Helen's again. She also has our favorite graham cracker pie; is it good! March was a rainy night and there were only nine out at Jean 's. Jean Long is one of our new members and one to be proud of; she is a true Alpha Sig 路at heart. In February we were at June Cowan 's. She has a nice family. She had redecorated her home which looked nice. Gwen Spiers was aut for the first time . She is at the Uni versity taking 1 9 hours, so is kept busy. See you in Roanoke. My best to all in A""2:A, Lillie Greer

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Dear Alpha Sigs : Just a note far this time as there has been little in the way of unusual activity in our Baltimore group. Our March business meeting was held at the home of Barbara Mann with six of us present to answer to roll call (which we really don ' t do, of course). Our goad president, Mabel Mathias, was elected representative to the city Panhellenic Council. We were very happy to have Ruth Gra ybeal with us as a visitor and very sorry to learn that she will be here on ly a short time longer. The final business meeting for the year will be held in May at which time there will be installation of new officers. Can it be possible? Another year will be at an end, well, practically, when this modest epistle breaks into print! And spring isn't around the corner-it is here as the budding cherry tree outside says so. We from ~his chapter wish you all pleasant su mm ers and vacations and we especially hope that it will be a bang-up Convention year.

Loyally in A""2:A, Zil Messenger

BUFFALO, NEW YORK Dear Alpha Sigs : After our February board meeting in Ev Bell's apartme nt Ev showed off her new hobby of making projector s lides from the pictures she takes with her flash camera . Some of the man y views we saw were shots of our Golden Silver Anniversary luncheon and pictures of Nationa I Preside nt Wilma Wilson Sharp taken at the Beta Upsilon Installation in Terre Haute . On February 20th we had a supper meeting at the home of Mary Blackstone with Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Rapp

as our guests . Dr. Rapp, a professor at State Teachers College at Buffalo, was very warmly greeted by many at his former students. Dr. Rapp gave us a preview of the book which he is now engaged in writing. Under the proposed title of " Canal Water and Whiskey," the book will be about the early days of Buffalo and the building of the Erie Canal . Everyone was fascinated by this behind-the-scenes view of a book's production and we hope that we will soon be seeing the title in the lists of Best Sellers. During the business meeting that followed, Ruth Swenson showed us a ceramic piggy bank made by Gig Finn. The message on the side, "Fatten me far Roanoke ," indicates its purpose. The bank will be passed around at each meeting far donations by the members to help defray expenses for the Notional Convention this summer. Some of the other chapters may be interested in this novel method of raising funds. On March 1Oth, Shirley Hell rich, who is National Music Chairman, was presented by the Buffalo Chromatic Society as a soloist on their program. Those who heard Shirley were delighted with her singing. Our March Board Meeting was held at the home of Gig Finn. There was much discussion of the Card Party planned for April 22nd and again Gig 's hobby saved the day with regard to prizes. She will make ceramic spoon holders in the form of flowers. All arrangements for the regular March meeting, a dinner held at the Town Club, were handled by Mary Lennie and resulted in delightful surroundings for the dinner and meeting . Everyone gathered around informally in the meeting room while Dr. Robert Albright brought us up to date on the political situations around the world. The many questions asked after the talk was evidence that the girls were vitally interested in the world situation. On April 1st the girls of the Alumnae Chapter were guests of the College Chapter at the Dormitory lounge in the new Col lege Union. I will let Martha Richards tell you about that. We are now looking forward to our card party to be held on April 22nd at the College. Funds are being raised for an award to be made to a deserving student at State Teachers College . This award (a U.S. Bond) will be presented at the graduation exerc ises in June . As part of the card party we will have a fashion show presented by "Tanya." With the sorority girls acting as models it sounds like a very enjoyable evening. Well , this is all the news for now and in the Fall we will catch up again. ' Til then I remain, Yours in A-:拢A, Lois B. Conroy

CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA Dear Alpha Sigs: The Charleston Alums are fairly bubbling over and bursting with pride and joy about the new Rho Rho sorority house which the Huntington girls have acquired . Those girls have really "got something" there to work

MAY, 1952


for. We were so pleased to be invited to the kitchen shower for the new house and came armed with a goodly supply of dish towels and dish cloths-so pratical! The Charleston Alums also decided the living room could do with some drapes and donated a check to help poy for them. We wished our treasury were big enough to get them ourselves-but those windows are awfully big!! Anyhow, lots of successful doings in that lovely new place will surely be coming along now. In February we had a short business meeting ond longer social at the home of Joan Wiles. At that time we finished planning our 5th anniversary and A~A's 50th anniversary party luncheon . That was held in March at the Quarrier Diner with our founder, Mr~. Louise Carper, as our honored guest. In spite of a pouring rainstorm, we had a most successful party-complete with flowers, favors, and cute place cards to commemorate the event. Another of our regular members- Jo Straight- is moving away. She no sooner has a little son in February when her husband is transferred to Covington, Kentucky. They will be living in Cincinnati. We hate to see Jo leave-and didn't even have time to give her a proper farewell party. This is the fourth member who has left our group this year-doesn't anyone ever move INTO Charleston? The April meeting will find us electing officers and a convention delegate. In May, we hope to make our annual trip to Whitesville to meet with Edie Shafer-our commuting member. We'll loo k forward to seeing everyone again at Roanoke this summer. Sincerely in A~A, Annette Gruber

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Dear Alpha Sigs: We are happy to announce that spring has finally come to Ch icago; and because it's spring, several of us plan to attend a style show in April. The Panhellenic organizat ion here in Chicago is sponso ring a tea ond style show at Marshall Field and Company on April 19th. Eleanor Thomas has contributed door chimes as one of the door prizes to be presented. Our March meeting was held in the home of Gladys Schobinger; Betty Fazer was her co-hostess. Gladys told us that she and her husband will be going to Tokyo, Japan, next foil. Her husband has been asked to vis it there, showing his special documentary films on sports ond athletics to the service men in that area . On their return trip they will make stop overs in Indio , Philippine Island, and Europe to show the films . Certainly sounds interesting ond we will be anxious to hear about the trip after her return. Eleanor Thomas had lunch , while in Kansas City, with Mrs. Wilma Wilson Sharp . She sent greetings to our chapter with Eleanor. We were very glad to welcome Mary Ann McKioskey, a graduate of Drexel Institute in Philadelphia, as a new member. It has been a real pleasure reporting to all of you this year, and all of us here in Chicago hope all of you hove an enjoyable summer. And may thi s year's Golden Anniversary Convention be a great success in the true Alpha Sig tradition. Yours in Alpha Sigma Alpha , Alice Jones Carson

CLEVELAND, OHIO Dear Alpha Sigs : Lest you think the Cleveland Chapter has gone down with all hands, be assured it has not! It's merely your correspondent who has been somewhat adrift. We hove been meeting downtown, at the Woman's City Club, a good central place for the corps of avid chatterers who gather from Cleveland's scatte red suburb s. The February meeting brought a number of husbands to dinner, too, to hear Ralph Besse (on A~A husband who has the added distinction of being vice president of the Illuminating Company and preside nt of the World Affairs Council ) speak on the subject, " What Con One Mon Do?" We were oil tremendously interested and really inspired to toke active part in notional affairs. Sorority members themselves, be it known, are no laggards when it comes to talking-though we ore not os well-informed or well-organized os Ralph . For gathering and dispensing news of members, however, we are unbeatable! Thin king that other alumnae of the seven college chapters represented in 路Cleveland might be interested in some of the doings of their old friends, we publish herewith some bits of goss ip we've managed to sort out from the wonderful enthusiastic bobble at our luncheons. Leota and Charles Merion hove left their Shake r Square apartment and l'lJOVed to a lovely new house they have bought in Fairvi ew Park, at the opposite end of the city. Martha and Fred Barch , on the other hand, built a new house across the street from their old one, in Solon . The DeTchons, Bernie and Bob, hove moved farther east, from University Heights to Beachwood . Ruth Duffey has retired from teaching music in Lakewood, and enjoys working part time in a doctor' s office downtown . The La kewood school system is stil l in good hands, however, with Ado Harvey and Catherine Londolf teaching first grade . Virginia Carpenter still enjoys working in the training deportment at Holl e's (a fine Iorge deportment store) and enjoys even more her occasional trips, as national vice president, to see A~As in other places . Marion Powell writes some of the advertising you read in magazines, at Fuller & Smith & Ross. Esther Coates has new responsibilities at the li brary. She is now at the information desk . If there's ANYTHING you want to know, ask Esther! Georgia Kurtz we consider our Girl Wonder. She come to our evening meeting with a fractured spine, and bursitis in one foot! She SAYS she has been leading a quiet life, but she has nonetheless kept up admirabl y with the work of being president of the Woman 's Au xiliary of the Goodwill Industries, and as A~A's delegate to Cleveland Panhellenic. We are looking forward now to the annual Ponhellenic luncheon, on April . 19th. We sha ll combine our own meeting with it-electing a convention delegate, and getting further caught up on what the s isters hove been up to. Jane Fry

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO Dear Alpha Sigs : In spite of being plagued by "flu bugs," wintertime lethargy, etc.-and who isn't?-we did manage to convene at Lo is Borst's and Mildred Harmon 's in February and March. At both meetings we renewed our flogging sp irits with a tonic of good conversation, bridge, and the sisterhood spirit. Since the major ity of our members teach, or are outstanding and very active in community affairs, we practically snatch the occa sion of our Alpha


34 Sig meetings for relaxation and the most prized of our possess ions-comradship--which helps fortify us for the business of living and doing. We are looking forward to the April luncheon at Helen Shoup's, with the anticipation of youngsters gazing at a decorated chocolate Easter egg-admiring the trimmings, but eager for what g.oodie is inside! Helen will come up with a lovely occasionas she always does. Our traveling member, Helen Cummings, has returned from Phoenix, Arizona, and we shall be glad to see her again soon. A few blades of grass are wagg ling green fingers ot us, and the cobwebs are swaying merrily on our ceilings, with every spider sure of his summer encampment, but we intend to re move the debris and let those green blades grow and grow, and, we hope, to disillusion those spiders in their home-building instincts! Adieu for now, while we arm with rake and broom and forward, to attack! Yours in Alpha Sig, Maxine Timmons

COLUMBUS, OHIO Dear Alpha Sigs: We had a grand meeting here in Columbus in February . You see we are trying a new stunt. We have not had a meeting since State Day in November, our rea son being that last winter we had suc h real winter weather that our attendance suffered mightily so this year we just skipped the winter months and- intend to run oil su mmer. (This being election year betcha we won't be the on ly ones running all summer either.l Anyway we met at Margaret Johnston's in February and had about fifteen members present. After the business was disposed of our President, Martha Bell, told us that she was leaving to live in Chardon. That was a terrific blow for Martha is just one the old standbys. If no one else will do a thing just a sk Martha and she will do it for you. The group will be abl y managed by Janice Borror but we will miss Martha so very much . We had Helen Jone s Reo os our speaker of the evening and a timel y topic also. She is Public Relations manager for Swan Dry Cleaners, one of the most up and coming dry cleaning places in our fair city. They are merchandising dry cleaning which is a hitherto untried field. Mrs. Rea gave us a talk on all the new miracle fabrics and their core . She passed around sampl es and were they glamorous feeling and looking also. And the nice thing was that just a few days after her talk the McColl magazine come out with a long article on the same sub ject and I just felt so smart because we hod heard oil about it before the magazine hit the stands. Orion, Nylon, Miron, famulous, fabulous fabrics! In March, Mildred Creager entertained our group and we well night filled her house. Our business meeting was o bit long for it is time to elect officers and that means everybody suddenly has so much to do that they simply can not take on another thing. But we finally disposed of the pressing business and sot back to enjoy our speaker of the evening . Mrs. Nelson Hickman gave us a talk on hooking rugs and also on stam p collecting. She showed us several rugs that she had hooked and one that was in the process. She has hooked two nine by twelve rugs and estimates that there are one thousand hours of work in each one . She passed around four very interesting stamp books. I hope the rest of the girls enjoyed her as much os I did for I was the one who brought her to the meeting. I know the girls ore looking forward to the April meeting which will be held ot the Granville Inn with the Newark girls as hosts. Be seein!;) you later. Dottie Windom

CUMBERLAND, MARYLAND Dear A~As: We alums here in Cumberland have really been working since last you heard from us. With our Christmas activities successfully completed we made plans for spring projects and began work on them. During February we made stuffed toys and presented them to the children in the pediatrics ward of our local hospital. March found us knitting squares for an afghan which we plan to give to a patient in the county infirmary . As our Easter activity we donated food which was wrapped and given to a needy family through our local chapter of the Associated Charities. Spring also found us cleaning closets and attics for rummage and begging clothes and trinkets from friends for our first rummage sale. Although it was our first attempt at holding a rummage sale we were well pleased with the results. Part of ou r profit has been set aside for our "wheel-chair fund." We hope, before too long, to have enough money in this fund to buy a wheel-chair for the infirmary. And now with most of our work nearly finished, we are all planning to attend the Maple Sugar Festival in Salisbury, Pennsylvania, and also looking forward to our spring luncheon meeting. But most of aiJ we're anxiously discussing the Golden Anniversary Convention in Roanoke, Virginia , this summer, and hoping to see you there. Yours in A~A, Margaret Reid

DAYTON, OHIO Dear Alpha Sigs: The Da yton Alumnae chapter has really progressed in the short time that it has been re-organized. Each month we grow in achievements as well as in membership. We now have formed a constitution and have our by-laws. This was accomplished by the labor of four of our members: Molly Molliter Snider, Florence King Bland , Mary Landis Weaver and Mildred Cockrell McClure. We alums in Dayton feel if we can get through the month of April, we might survive anything that might happen later. It seems as if all important things are happening this month and we don't want to mi ss anything, so guess we will be rather busy. First, our business meeting was held at Helen Boggess Swart's new apartment. Our president, Mrs : Alice Sauer, read us an interesting report concerning the Alpha Alpha chapter at Miami University. Joanne Edwards received the award for being the most outstanding Junior in her chapter. We learned she had also been candidate for Queen at the Junior Prom; is social chairman for the chapter; hails from Wilmington, Ohio; and is pinned to a Lambda Chi . Congratulations to Joanne. Next on our program for April was a luncheon which we had last Saturday at the Shrine Club . We invited Alpha Sigs from Springfield, Cincinnati and Oxford. In spite of the weather (it rained , snowed, rained and snowed some more l, we had a group of twenty-one . Betty Newhall Johnston, who is the advisor of Alpha Alpha chapter, was our special guest. Beverly Scott, Alpha Alpha from Miami, who was also one of our guests, extended us an invitation to an Alumnae tea which is to be held in their new suite Sunday, April twenty-seventh . Yes, one more event for April but we are all going because we hear by the grapevine that their suite is some thing to see and that the new modern furniture is the envy of all other sororities. Will tell you more about the tea and suite next time.

MAY, 1952


State Day comes next on our calendar, next Saturday, April nmeteenth. At least twelve of us ore planning on journeying to Granville, Ohio, for the big eve nt. We ore very weary but happy in oil our achievements. Yours in Alpha Sigma Alpha, Thelma Butterf ield Brown

DENVER, COLORADO Dear A:2:As: Since we mi ssed the March deadline we' ll go bock to October when we met at the home of Lo ui se Auberle Dulin, DO, for a pleasant evening. Julio Mathews Stimson, HH , gave us choice bits from J ohn Maso n Brown's (nome of poem ?????). Ann Harper, Katherine Moyer and Florence Wolf, Beta Betas, and Norma Berardi Hui sh, SS, were welcomed at their first meeting attend ed. Evelyn Songe Scott, BZ, was a guest, movi ng the next day wit h her fomi ly to Shreveport. • The Founders' Day luncheon was held at Cunn ingham's Restaurant with Polly Howell Robinson, Patsy Meehan and Virg inia Scioli, Beta Betas, as the Co mmittee. The tables were beautifully decorated with our autumn flower, the chrysanthemum, in shades of ye llow and bronze. Joy Gaither McCracken, 55, song th e songs for the program . In November, th e A:2:A table at the De nver City Ponhellenic Scholarship luncheon and styl e show wos seated with Alpha Sig s wearing proud smiles as our Virginia Stapp of Beta Beta accepted a beautiful silve r cup awarded permanently for three consecutive yea rs of scholarship fir sts at Co lorado State Coll ege of Education. The White Elephant Party at the hom e of Do rothy Hughes J o hn so n, BB , was a h ilarious affair with Nodine Giffey Miller, BB, as auctioneer. Our treasury benefitted and so did each of us. We al so hove mode money through the sole of cords and stationery to our members. Peggy Ochs Watson, BB , and her committee were hostesses at a sparkling Chri st ma s teo during the holidays . Everyone hod such a good time that the lost guest didn't leave until almost time for young Peggy Dione's supper for her Job 's Daughters group. It was guest night when we met at the AAUW Clubhouse in January for that demonstration by Leon, Denve r's successful colored hot designer. Doroth y J o hnson wo n the twenty dollar hot certificate and mod e led the beco ming hot at the April meeting . Nodine Miller and her Committee planned the party very cleverly with the hot motif. Rosabel Lorig and Barbaro Bell , 55, and Vera Beatty Jones, BB, were welcomed to their first meeting . An eighteen inch snow was falling the March night of the planned Needle Work Guild m eet ing so it was he ld on April first but there was no fooling about our sewing. Helen Hoy and her committee served delicious home mode cookies with ice cream. We completed the handwo rk on twenty-two dresses for two year o lds for the Ingotheri ng in Ma y as our contribution t o the Needlework Guild through Denver City Ponhe llen ic. Naomi Er ickson Stone, BB, and her Com mittee hod done on a mazing lot of prelimi nary work . A Sunday morning Brunch with husbands and guests at Mt. Vernon Country Club in the mountains was planned for May. Tickets were so ld fo r the City Ponhellenic Spri ng Luncheon and Book Review to be held at the new Denver University Student Union in mid-April. We hove voted to allow our Conve nti on delegate fifty dollars toword traveling ex penses, hoping thi s will lure severa l to compete for this hono r. An early summer meeting is planned with election of officers on the agenda. Po ll y Schlosser

DETROIT, MICHIGAN Hello, A:2:A siste rs! Since it is Easter week I should talk about hots, but I feel a little nostalgic today. I hod the rare privilege of attending a Notional convention-t he Chicago Convention. Please excuse the personal side of this chat, but I' m a littl e envious of the girls who ore privileged t o attend this coming convention, and I hope they will come away with the phil osophical viewpo int of what it means to be on -A:2:A. The notional viewpo int is a different one than the local. We need a local viewpoint so we con be strong in our own li ttle circle, but a Notional Convention gives us a scope and a spark we need to corry on. It is a shame each and every A:2:A cannot, at some time, attend a noti onal conve nti on. M y Pittsburgh chapter, with who m I was then affiliated, sent me and I will eternally be grateful for the exper ience. So save your pennies and shore the joy of celebrating A:2:A's Go lden Ann ive rsary at Roanoke. As ever, Kay Dovey

DETROIT, MICHIGAN-RHO CHI Greetings of the Season! Rose is bock' And we think she' s he re to stay! At the ri sk of being cons idered corny, we must ex plain that our fri end and s ister Rose Smithson ha s renewed her res idency in the Detroi t area. We mu st confess Ohio hod us worried. The chronology of ou r affairs foil s me at this point except our monthly meetings-they proper ly fall into a pattern without effort. Our lost me eti ng some how hod that "end of the winter" poll (we've hod WEATHER this year in Detroit); it was held at Hel en Bogdonovich's home. We covered the essentials and we were happy, and spring and summer can't be too for off, con they' The Apri I meeting finds Jeanne Von Bever as hostess; nominations were in orde r for the forthcoming year (I mi ssed it, having trekked to New York City for a twoweek period-couldn't manage Poree!l. In Ma y, o ur new electees we re su rpri sed and pleased-and at the hom e of Ellen Imbode n . The insta llation at Pot Woolever's in Jun e will crown o ur year except for o ur PotLuck picnic this su mmer which our "go ng " con not and will not forego. The hu sbands and fotl:lers come; it usually rain s o r we lose o ur way! I must bock-track but you've hod a warning. We've been feasted and feted since our lost correspondence; "rush" parties, the ISC party at Wayne Unive rsity, a Dinne r Donee given by the active chapter, and the Wayn e University Reunion Day affair in Ma y. Oh, yes, ou r Bridge was a huge success; Mr. Bruce Bradshaw and hi s know ledge of interi or decorating livened the afternoon , coming from the J . L. Hudson Co. here in Detroit. Margaret Sautter and Marion Tote ore much on our mind s these days; we're proud of our talented members. Margaret is much involved in the Minstrel Show business. And Marion? She's on inspiration to the Mi ss iss ippi compus and the Beta De lta chapter, we're sure . Look ing forward to see ing lots of you in AugustBobs Di ckieson

ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA Dear Alpha Sigs : Seems natural to be counting the days until the Phoen ix deadline again, and believe me, there ore six girls in Eri e, Pennsylvania, who ore delighted to be bock in the news. For nearly two years, we've been hoping and waiting for a few more Alpha Sigs to locate here , and at lost in Feb ruary we were able to s ign our petiti o n.


36 Now we con entice other Alpha Sigs into Erie with the promise of a small but very active group. (Chamber of Commerce, toke note!l Since this is our first newsletter, perhaps you're wondering who we ore and where we've been hiding for the lost few years. Frances Crui se Tomb from Alpha Gamma , has been here for six years so she holds the title of the longest resident: Her family consists of four active boys which means that P.T.A. is one of her outstanding activities. She also finds time to sing in the Methodist Church Choir, work for the Red Cross, and occasiona lly hove on afternoon of bridge . Frances is going to be the Treasurer of our group. Mary Clark Nevolls mov ed here about three yea rs ago, and it's been grand for the Pi Pi s for she has introduced us to many of her friends and thus helped us to become oriented. Mary has been working in the Newcomers' Club, church activities, ceramic groups (she does outstanding work), and bridge clubs. Now, her little blond fellow , Kenny, has a brand-new sister. Marsha Lou orrived on March 18th, and after a peek at " Morsie" we con predict that there's more prom-queen material in the Nevolls family. Sorry to say though, that Mary's days in Eri e ore nearly at an end. Harvey has accepted a transfer to International Harvester's New York City office. We send this information to the New York or Northern New Jersey chapters because yo u hove a wonderful prospective member on the way! I guess that I om next, for about two years ago, we hod our first view of Erie . Thanks to Mary, we soon felt at home, and after joining the Playhouse and Newcomers' Club we became true "Erieites." Newcomers' is a group of about seventy which meets twice a month in the Y.W.C.A. I have been handling their publicity for the last year, and with the sti mulating programs, it has been most interesting work. Bill is with MinneapolisHoneywell Co. and I worked as an "unofficial" secretary for a year while the office was in our home. Fortunately, just about the time our William, Ill, arrived, the office was moved downtown, so now I con give my full time to " Trey." We are planning to move into a country suburb in a few weeks, anp I'm looking forward to a summer of gardening and swimming . I've already started inviting the Alpha Sigs out for our picnic meeting, so that should speed up our settl ing and bits of remodeling. You con imagine how surprised Mary and I were to find Bernita Adams Glenn (then a bride of a few weeks) at a Newcomers' meeting a year and a half ago. "Nita " had been teaching in Niagara Falls until Don came to Erie with G.M .A.C. She joined right into our activities as well as taking golf lessons and bowling. She has hod a very responsible job as treasurer of Newcomers' this post year, and has organized the wo rk extremely well. As I am writing this, the Glenns ore probably beaming at their new "family." Little Terry Jean is just a week old (March 26th ) and we're all so anxious to see her. They too, are planning to move into a larger home very soon. It see med too good to be true when rumors began coming that Corinne Palmerton Kuhn was heading this way. George had token a job with Associated Loon Co., and they arrived with Cynthia, Johnny, and Susan . Corinne was in Lafayette, Indiana, when the Alumnae Chapter was sta rted there, so her advice and past experiences were a great help to us. The Kuhns have just settled in their second house in Erie, so now Corinne says she's ready for action! As president of our chapter,

we know how busy she'll be and we're looking forward to helping her make it a grand year. . " . , Just after our organization meetmg, Ev dtscovered another Alpha Sig for us! Mary Ellen Finholt from Chi Chi had been in the Schenectady, New York, Alumnae chapter while Bob was working there with General Electric. The Erie G. E. Plant was their next step, and they arrived last September. She too, has joined the Newcomers' Club, so that has become an extra "sorority meeting." Since being in Erie, she has given many hours to the blood bank, an.d is a member of the Philharmonic Auxiliary . Since bridge is one of the common interests of the Erie chapter, we were happy to learn that Mary Ellen qualifies high. By next fall I shall have news about our meetings and projects. As we were waiting for those tiny Alpha Sig sweethearts to arrive, we have delayed our first formal meeting until the end of April. So far , we have kept the phones busy as new ideas pop up, and now we're anxious to organize our future plans as a group. If any of you ore acquainted with Alpha Sigs in our surrounding towns, we'd certainl y be happy to know about them. That includes Meadville, Edinborough, Corry, McKean and Fairview in Pennsylvania, or Ripley, Westfield and Clymer in New York. We won't be represented at Convention, but we certainly will be thinking of all of you who are attending and we know it will be the very best ever! Love in A'2-A, Marjorie Frisbee Suggs

FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA Dear Alpha Sigs: On Tuesday evening, March 4, 1952, Martha Wells Catlin was hostess to the Farmville Chapter of the Alumnae Association of A'2-A. At this time the following officers were elected: President, Lillian Elliott Bondurant; Vice-president, Martha Wells Catlin; Treasurer, Katherine Watkins; Recording Secretory, Edna Eleen Jones; Cor res pond ing Secretory, Emily Clark . Our new president received a warm welcome and plans were mode for a tea to be given in the home of Mattie Rogers Sydnor in honor of the new girls of Alpha Chapter at Longwood College. We have lost one member of our group, Antoinette Eastham Jolly, whose husband has been transferred to Richmond, Virginia, and gained one, Lillian Elliott Bondurant, our new president. An old Delta Sigma Chi , Margaret Robinson Simkins, is to be initiated into A'2-A at the Alpha Chapter ceremony this month. We are looking forward to having her as a new member of our association. All of us are quite busy pursuing various activities. Our new president, Lillian Elliott Bondurant, has returned to Farmville after living in Richmond, Virginia , and Baltimore, Maryland, and is busy making a home for her two Toms as well as contributing outstanding service to the Rice Civic Club . Elsie Thompson Burger, our post president, has completed her new home and is enjoying it with Robert and son, Bobby . Katherine Watkins is the kindergarten teacher in the Longwood College Campus School. Martha Wells Catlin has received honorable mention for her splendid work as chairman of the Farmville area group of Gray Ladies, who serve at Camp Picket, Virginia. Martha Dillard Sydnor, the daughter of Mattie Rogers Sydnor, has recently married George Serpell Coffman from Elkins, West. Virginia . Edna Elcan Jones, our most loyal alumna , who never misses any A"'2. functions, went to Charlottes-


MAY, 1952 ville, Virginia, far our annual State Day celebration on April 5, 1952. Lucile Peak is the very popular and able Baptist Student Union leader at our local church. Norma Soyars Watkins is secretary to one of our prominent physicians . Emily Clark teaches music at Longwood College. Lucy Dunnington Shields has not been active this year because of the death of her husband , E. S. Shields, who was the President of the Planters Bank end Trust 路Company of this town. Margaret Robinson Simkins is assisting her husband, Dr . Francis B. Simkins, a professor at Long~ood College, in writing o history of Virginia, wh1ch will be used in our public schoo ls. With our new president and twelve members we are looking forward to a successful year and hoping that you will all board a train, plane or bus thot will " Carry You Bock to Ole Virginny" in August, 1 952 . Yours in A~A, Emily L. Clark

FT. WAYNE, INDIANA Hello Alpha Sigs : With spr ing in the air one gets the urge to travel and 路that is just what we are planning to do in the next few weeks . For our April meeting on the 19th we will head west toward Roanoke, Indiana , where Mary Ann Hart. man will be our hostess 'for a social meeting. Then the week-end of the 26th is the one we have been waiting for . Thi s will be the first State Da y for several of our group and we are eagerly looking forward to heading for Indianapolis and the Columbia Club. Our last meeting for this school year has prospects for :being a most interesting one . Marjorie Scott will entertain us in her lovely new home and after our final business session one of our local florists will give us a demon:stration of floral arrangements. There has been much talk of convention but as yet we are not sure how many of us will be able to make it . However, some of us will be seeing you at the Hotel Roanoke in August . We wish you all a pleasant summer and look forward 'to being back in contact with all next fall. Yours in A~A, Martha Stuckey

'GREELEY, COLORADO Dear Alpha Sigs: Our Greeley alumnae group got off to a good start thi s year. We met at our president's, Margaret Runnels, home. The second Wednesday of the month was set as -o ur meeting time for the rest of the year . We had a few changes in officers as the year pro-gressed. Charlotte Drake was made editor in place of Mrs. Charles Beattie who moved to Wyoming . Then later in the year our vice-president, Jo Sanders, took over the -duties of president because Margaret Runnels could no longer meet with us on Wednesday night. The girls that are graduating and staying here in Greeley haven't felt they know us very well and therefore -don't attend our meetings . So we decided we would 路st rive to know the active members better. As a result two different girls from the active chapter have met with us each time. Then we had a dinner at Anderson's Tea House with the active chapter. In February the alumnae -gave a covered dish dinner for the actives with the actives furnishing the entertainment. The active chapter also had their annual tea for us after the homecoming -game. I' m sure that we each feel that we know a few of the girls better which helps to fill the gap between us. Our final meeting for the year will be held ne xt month .

The elections will take place then and we are also going to try to set up a tentative program for next year. As much as we would all like to attend the convention in August we don't have anyone who can ma ke it. However our best wishes and thoughts will be with you at that time. Sincerely, Charlotte Drake

INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA Dear A~As: The Indiana Alumnae Chapter entertained the college seniors at Lillian Sutton's home and Ruth Heiger was co-hostess. Election of officers was held at a business meeting in the home of "Bertie" Catteral. "Bertie" will be moving her family to Somerset thi s summer and we will certainly miss her. Plans were made for a family picnic at the College Lodge, May 25 . Loyally in A~A, Billie Kline

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Dear Alpha Sigs: We Indianapolis Alums are still in a daze from the wonderful party we had last Tuesday evening, honoring Dr. Ethel J . Alpenfels. We wish that all of you could have had the privilege of listening to Dr. Alpenfels-you, as were we, would have been spell-bound, and I mean just that! As we told you at the last writing, our guests for the evening included the Indianapolis Alumnae Panhellenic Council, Dr. Herman Shibler (Superintende nt of Indianapolis Schools and husband of our Helen Shibler), and several other "wel l-knowns" and I can say for all of our guests, and our members-we never heard anything like her, and I mean Dr. Alpenfels. At 11 o'clock sti ll -several of us had her cornered-"eating up" every word, and hoping she would continue! The Alpha Sigma Alpha Award, which was presented to her that evening, was more than well bestowed! And now, we are looking forward to State Day, which is to be Saturday, April 26th, and from what I hear, via the grapevine, I know big plans are being made for this DAY . It is being held in Indianapolis this year and we are hoping for a big "tu rn-out" from all of Indiana. Our Mother's Party is scheduled for Ma y-and thenConvention in August! We are all hoping that we will be able to go, but if not, we are having pleasant "drea ms" about it! I am running behind schedule this time and am now two days late for the Editor, so in view of this I am going to just wish all of you a pleasant summer and to tell you how much I have enjoyed "chatting" with you during the past year! 路 Sincerely yours, Zelma Piner

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Hello! Alpha Sigs: Greetings, Alphas everywhere, from the heart of America! Kansas City is busy with wonderful plans to finish our year. New officers will be elected at our April meeting , to be held Saturday, April 19th . We know we will have very capable ones again next year. February was the month Eval yn Larrieu chose to entertain her Alpha sis ters. Hildred Fitz and Joan Chance assisted Evalyn with a ve ry lovely Valentine tea given Sunday, February 17, at 2:30 .



38 The K.C. alums invited the Kirksville, Missouri, and Pittsburg, Kansas , alums to a tea held at the Women's City Club an March 15th . We were very pleased to have these guests and to exchange sorority ideas with them. Each officer of our chapter gave a short resume of her duties. After introductions, Mrs . Shaw, a milliner, gave a very interesting talk on fabrics and straws used in making hats, trimming hats, and the changing trends of hat styles. She brought many of her own creations for us to try an. Our theme for the tea was St. Patrick's D::~ y . The centerpiece for the table was a large Irishman's hat made of construction paper used as a covering over a vase of lovely flowers . Green paper shamrocks were used a s name cards . Phon Gillespie was the hostess at this tea with Lara Williams ond Doris Klein assisting . Our philanthropic project at the Convalescent Center will be continued until June. We have Ruth Pennell to thank for her ideas to entertain the se children. A"J:.A is in charge of entertainment the first Saturday of each month. This seems to be all the news from the K.C. way now. We enjoyed reading the letters from Alphas everywhere . A happy summer to eve ryo ne. Love in A"J:.A, Doris Snodgrass Kl e in

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Dear Alpha Sigs: Just a nate from all the Alpha Sigs in Los Angeles. We have been having a very busy season. Catherine Bolton gave a very successful Bingo-White El ephant Party in February at her home in Manhattan Beach. We all had a grand time . By chance so me of the girls found out that Lois Stegen had wrapped up a woad tray as her white elephant. Several of the girls decided that they would like to have it so quite an exciting contest of Bingo reigned until Barbara Held walked off the victo r. In as much a s it was the mont h of President's birthdays, Catherine served cherry tarts which were greatly enjoyed by all of us . In March we all assembled at Bullock's Wilshire for a Luncheo n-Fashion Shaw. We picked up many fashion tips. There were many sailor straw hats. Most of the dresses and blouses had gibson gir l s leeves. It gave the models a qaint look which we all agreed we liked on them. Skirts are very full with many petticoats and they are all much s horter. Alums that handn't been out previously were able to attend this noon function. The next thing on our agenda is a pot luck dinner at Edith Titley's new home in Westc hester . We ore also look 1ng forward to our May Spring Donee at Canfi e ld . There ho s never been o mo re glamorous spot than Confield. It is nestled in the hills of Hol lywood and all th e city lights ore reflected up into the hills. Th e house is built around o lighted swi mming pool. Lois Bochous has invited us to a swim ming party at her house in the Valley so met ime thi s summer. They ha ve just installed a new swim ming poo l. This sounds li ke fun too. Now for a serious note. We are busily raising money to send our delegate to convention this summe r and we are also making our weekly visitations to our word at Wadsworth General Hospital. In June we are having ou r installation of new officers. I hope that we will hove as successfu l a year next year a s we hove had this year under the excellent leadership of Edith Titley. We all ho;Je that the rest of you will hove a very happy summe r. Yours in Alpho Sig ma Alpha, Julie Hammond


ALUMNAE PARTY FOR SENIORS Left to right: Vilette Perry; Mrs. Joe Lewellen, alumnae president; Mrs. Eve rett Thresher, hostess; Miss Barbara Tra x ler; Mrs. Clyde Cal vi n .

Hi there: Yes our party an February 25th was a huge success. The alumnae entertained the seniors of Chi Chi chapter at Ball State at a dinner in the home of Velma Haines Thresher . She has such a lovely large home; we sure made use of it all for there were about 22 seniors and 1 0 alumnae. Did that crowd eat! Any sign of food afterward was purely coincidental. But it was fun and we all enjoyed it. Places were marked at ind1vidual tables with gifts of perfume sachet. After dinner we played cards . Those assisting Velma were Kay Behrndt, Elva Mae Farmer, Rase Kaiser, Carmine Cree Alvey, and Kathleen Mabus. Edna Evans Bagley and husband John are really busy these days. Stephen Eric was born January 29th and weighed 7 lbs. 1 0 oz. Big plans for Indiana State Day, April 26th , at the Columbia Club, Indianapolis, Indiana. Carmine Cree Alvey

MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA Dear Alpha Sigs: February and March-what unexciting months! We're looking forward to more activity during April and May . The "Flue" epidemic is still affecting just about every ather person in town! In February we met with Ann Benefiel Stammen . Our main item of interest was to do something about our perennial plans for our oft-mentioned rummage sale. At last we so lved o ur problem by calling in the used clothing man. He gave us an estimate, and we gladl y let him toke ou r " loot" for a sum that we felt luc ky to get. That was a simp le ending to o ur puzzling problem of how any of us with sma ll children could get away at six in the morning to sel l rummage to early rising working people! This happy ending was preceded by several cancellation dotes of rummage sales. Oh, yes, there is a humorous side to th e story, too, but not so humorous to Ruby Lee Goodson. Since she is our only member who is single, she volunteered far the first sh ift. After having worked late the night before, she strugg led out of bed about five one rainy Satu rday morning to sell rummage that she discovered wasn't there! Because of a misunderstanding, she learned too late that the sale had been called off! Needless to say, "rummage so le" are forbidden words in our chapter! In Ma rch we me t with Thel ma Knowles Ruff. A new


MAY, 1952 chapter constitution was read, and we discussed sending a delegate to the notional convention at Roanoke Virginia. Thelma delighted and amazed us all by s~rving "baked ice cream and coke." Well, it was called "Baked Alaska," to be exact. Why the ice cream didn't melt and run through the coke was a puzzle to oil of us! Yours in A"J:.A, Katherine Quinton Mclain

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA Dear A"'J:.As: The home of Betty Jane Sponaugle Hosler was the scene of our February Alumnae meeting. This meeting was well attended-a business meeting was held, folfowed by a social get-together and a delicious dessert was served by Betty Jane. Freda James Burtner gave a summary of the Panhellenic February meeting concerning the Senior Teo that is being sponsored by the city Ponhellenic group. The teo will be in honor of all girls graduating that are interested in college soro rities. A rush list will be compi led for use of the active sorority chapters. Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae group and their husbands donated six pints of blood to the Red Cross Blood Bonk that the Ponhellenic sponsored in February. It was reported that they hod the second largest turnout of OJIY group so for to give blood . At this meeting we also discussed the selling of greeting cords to help out our financial status. Your reporter was appointed to find out more information on this project and bring this to our March meeting for further discuss ion. In March, we hod our monthly alumnae meeting at Frances Reiff Patterson's home and hod a good meeting, lots of fun and good eats. Your reporter gave her information and samples on the different greeting cords and we voted to sell Cheerful Greeting Cords; also a Bird Selection from Borton Cotton Inc. of Baltimore. We decided to wait until after State Day to start taking orders on the cords. A committee was appointed to work on ideas for the table decorations which we ore to furnish for the Tul sa Alumnae Chapter on State Day, April 26th. In April , two meetings ore planned to work on these decorations. We ore hoping to hove e igh t or ten of our gir ls to attend State Day at Tulsa, and looking forward to this meeting with much interest. After all the business was attended to, we spent the rest of the evening playing canasta and bridge . We even talked Frances' husband, Pot, into making the fourth at one bridge table . Since this is the lost report of the Phoeni x until next fall, our alumnae chapter wonts to send our Best Wishes for a Wonderful Golden Anniversary and Conve ntion in Roanoke, Virginia , thi s summer. Sincerely, Dorothy Rowe Gilger

PEORIA, ILLINOIS Dear Alpha Sig s: It looks li ke Spring is here. Doesn ' t it give you new vim, vigor and vitality? It seemed to help the Peoria Alpha Sigs, for a few weeks ago we held a rummage sole to help out our treasury. We cleaned out all our cl osets

ond dug in every nook and corner for old clothes. The sole turned out to be quite a success and of course we were pretty pleased. One of our lost meetings was attended by all the kiddies of our group. Fun was hod by all-laughing at and playing with the little ones. It wa s nice for a change and gave us all a chance to see the others' off-springs. We hove yet to e lect a delegate to the Golden Anniversary convention but we hope to be represented and ore looking forward to it with greet anticipation . I be li eve this is our lost letter so we would like to wish you all a happy and successful spring and summer. Until next fall , Love in A-:iA , Mary Lee Stoik

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Dear Alpha Sigs: Lost issue we end ed with the Volentine Teo in th e offing , and I promised to tell you all about it. Well, it was lovely and well-attended, as was to be expected . Our hostess, Frances Peltier, XX, hod just flown bock from California to be with us, and we wont to thank her again for a wonderful time. Among those at the teo along with the old foithfuls were Ginny Maslin and Lynn Berglund who ore bock with us again now that their husbands ore out of the service. Hermione Layton, Frances Steeley Lowe, and Barb Walsh were also there . Barb tells us that sister Eleanor Jordon is living in New England while Bill is stationed with the Navy up there . We also welcomed bock Moe Buckwalter (NN) who has been living down in Georgia for the post four years. Moe and I compared notes on our respective troops of screaming Girl Scouts-twenty-four of them! This being Spring we hove several engagements to announce, evenly divided between Kappas and Nu Nus. The lucky Temple girls ore Jean Molloy who is engaged to John Corbonelle and Jane Corter who captured John Block, on Air Force man. The sparklers from Drexel ore sported by Jean Reimet, our former president, and Jane Hopkins whose fiance, Ed Whelan, is now in Europe. Another Alpha Sig engagement from the Philadelphia area is that of Joan Keel from Miami (Ohio) University to Sergeant Bob Kerr. We hove only one b lessed event to announce this issue. Kay Ludlow (KK) hod a little boy, Bruce, on March 24, to make son Jeff a big brother. At our March meeting we conducted a white elephant Chinese Auction to help pay for our Convention delegate's expenses. We hauled in nine dollars worth of pennies. Afterword the Alums were invited over to the actives' house for banana splits. The box with the 900 penni es bro ke in their living room, so our net profit was some thing less than the nine dollars. Token payment for a delicious dessert! On the business side, we nominated the ballot for next year's officers. Next meeti~g we'll vote on it and al so select our delegate to Convention. Dotty Harris, our fa ithfu I president for the lost two years, has dec Iined to run again; so we ' d like to thank her again for all her service and devotion to sorority . That's about all until Conve nti on Time, wh e n we hope to see the wh o le b unc h of you th e re . Love in A "'J:. A, Nancy K. M ill e r



business meeting over, Betty, on excellent cook, served most delicious coke and coffee. It is always a happy time when one con relax and hear of cherished personal plans. Dono Jean Beoners told us about the new home she and husband Charles hod just bought. This post week South Bend Alpha Sigs were delighted to read in our South Bend Tribune that Velva Goy's husband Roger, a lieutenant, was to be released from service June 24. He and Velva with their two children hod been stationed at Mountain Home, Idaho, the post year. Our lost meeting of the year will be a co-operative dinner . This meeting will be held at the home of Mildred Zoss, April 18. Our new officers will be installed at this meeting. May you all hove the happiest of Holidays!


"V M" Pearce 路Roberts

PORTLAND Al:.A ALUMNAE Stand ing, left to right: En id Ehrman, Mox ie Mockflood, Glenr;o Markley, Frances Wilkinson. Sitting, left to nght: Ruth Dov1s, Bonnie Wampler, Gretchen Otnes.

Dear Alpha Sigs : Greetings from sunny Portland! We all hate seeing another year come to a close because we hove enjoyed this year together even more than lost year. Guess A"J:.A just grows on you. We are certainly looking forward to another wonderful year. We hope to find more of you A'J:.As here in Portland next year, and be sure to contact us if you do come . See you next fall. Love in A'J:.A, Enid Ehrman

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Dear Alpha Sigs: "And it come to pass" that we motored to Charlottesville for State Day. Really I wish you could hove been there with us to absorb the atmosphere and spirit of those enthusiastic A'J:.As as they gave their reports of their progress. And of course we always receive inspiration from our own Jean Grady when she speaks! We ore proud to report that we hove one representative and one alternate to the newly organized city Panhellenic. The first Wednesday night always finds us faithfully rolling bandages for the cancer soc iety. We are looking forward to our June picnic, but most of all to THE convention. See "youoll " there. Love in A"J:.A, Becky Reynolds

SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Dea r A~As: It is late March in South Bend and Spring and its ever attractive ways ore all about us. There were many events though which gave us a " happy lift" through late winter. One of these was our Feb ruary meeting held at Betty Mathews' apartment . Mildred Womer Zoss, our President this year, presided at the business meeting. It was decided at the meet ing to se nd a basket of food at Easter time to our chosen needy family of the year. Mary Houghton, our Philanthropic Cha irman this year, was to go shop ping also for a boll and bot. This lost a gift for Skippy the youngest child of the family. Then with the

TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA Dear Alpha Sigs: The White Elephant Sole at the home of Mrs. Raymond Foltz was a lot of fun and proved very profitable. March 27th, we hod a lovely party at the home of Mrs. Lee Davis. We were interested in learning more about State Day in Indianapolis and the Golden Anniversary Convention in Roanoke, Virginia, this summer. The girls ore looking forward to attending both of these affairs. The active girls are planning a party at the home of Mrs . Nell Perrin, April 20th. The alums ore assisting with this party. Mrs . Glenn Andrew is chairman of the Flower Show sponsored by Woman's Department Club which will be held April 15, 1952, at the Fine Arts Building, Indiana State Teachers College . We will miss Mrs. Raymond Barker who has left to join her husband who is in service in Maryland . Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eg ly who hove a new baby girl, Sarah Margaret. The Egly's hove a so n, David . Our next meeting will be April 24th at the home of Mrs . Hermon Hoare, R. R. 1, West Terre Haute, Indiana . We will be the guests of Miss Kermit Cochran at her summer cottage near Riley on May 22, 1952 . Miss Helen Pfeiffer, 2100 South 7th Street, has invited us to her home, June 26, 1952 . We would like for you to get word to your interested Ps i Theta friends who would like to become Alpha Sigs that there will be initiation services this spring. Those interested should contact Mrs. James Gleaso n, 1 1 00 South 5th Street, or Mrs. Raymond Foltz, 1 8 South 19th Street, Terre Haute, Indiana. We ore se nding personal letters to Psi Thetas this spring . If you know someone you would like for us to contact, please tell us. Also we ore planning to write to those girls who were initiated in October, but ore not attending the Terre Haute meetings. If you live too for to attend regularly we still would be glad to hove a letter and news from you now and then. Maybe we could tell you about on Alpha Sigma chapter near your home. Looking forward to making many new friends and seeing o ld friends at State Day, Indianapolis, April 26th . Loyally, as in


Mary Fran Wiley


Left to right: Nell K1sne r, Jackie Carson , Jennis F1sk Marcette Hamm, Lora P. S1pes, Helen Malone, Martha Poyner. Rosella Reagan took the picture so was not 1n .

Dear A""2.As: We Okies ore all as busy as bees, queen bees that is, but no doubt you all ore too-getting ready for State Day meetings . Our dote is Saturday, April 26, at the Hotel Tulsa. From our five alum chapters we hope to hove one hundred in attendance. Helen Hooper Malone is our chairman with Jonnie Gentry Lone as co-chairman. Miss Esther Bucher, our Notional Treasurer, will be our guest and after our acquaintance with Mrs. Sharp and Miss Carpenter we ore indeed looking forward to having her in our midst. Our February meeting with Hel en Malone was a most enjoyable one as we welcomed two lovely new members, Julio Waddell from Kirksville and Jo Edmindston from Tahlequah. We regret very much to lose our faithful Lee Lukenbill who moved to Albuquerque , New Mexico. Our March meeting was in the home of our president, Morcette Homm. Fifteen members were present and had great fun playing Bingo-though the topic of conversation wos about State Day. We shore the joys of Doris Johnston Hill over the orrival of her tiny daughter and Isabel Holladay over her first grandchild, Lindo Kay. Our hearts were soddened with Soma Lou Roper in the loss of her infant son John Mark . '

WICHITA, KANSAS Deor Alpha Sigs: It's February and time for hearts and flowers in ho nor of good St. Valentine; so we hod a teo ot the home of Ollie Moe Alexander, 731 South Hillside . The teo table was very attractive with a lace cloth, a centerpiece of red ond white carnations and toll white topers in crystal holders. Eleanor Smith, our president, was invited to pour at th e teo table. Beverly Innis cind Ann Mariani a ssisted the hostess. A Iorge group of girls become better acquainted wi th the new girls added to our chapter. March ond Spring ore here and everyone is really feeling goy, so we hod a Mo d Hotter party at the lovely new home of Edith J ohnston. The girls brought untrimmed hats and trimmings which were placed in the center of the room . At the word Go, the girls grabbed a hot, flowers , ve il s, etc., to make on Easter bonnet. When the hots were finished a style show wa s staged to the tune of soft music; prizes being awarded for the best hots to Ann Mariani , first, Ollie Moe Alexander, second , ond consolation to Beverl y Innis. Lovely refreshments

4l were served by Edith and her co-hostesses Groce Terrell Mirna Jennings and Phyllis Manning . Preceeding th~ p~rty a short bu~iness meeting was conducted by our v1ce~pres1dent, Ed1th Johnston , in the absence of o ur president, Eleanor Smith, who ha s been ill for severo[ weeks. Plans to send a delegate to our Golden Anniv_e rsory Convention in August were discussed; also election of officers which will toke place in May. Our latest money mok1ng scheme is a "gypsy basket." Everyone likes to eat good things. Our representative to Ponhellenic, Edith Johnston , bnngs us th~ report that the local Ponhellenic chapter has been not1f1ed of Alpha Sigma Alpha's admittance t o mem?ership in N.P.C. Edith has been doing a good job of bnngmg our chapter into closer contact with the other soro rities of the city. We have been working with the local Panhellenic chapter for the post two years on many CIVIC projects, the latest being the sale of tickets to the路 Wichita Symphony Orchestra for the coming year. We have two new members added to our chapter,. Neva Mul son from Epsilon Epsi lon chapter, Emporia State Teachers College, who is residing at 1615 Harding here路 In W1ch1to ; ond Pauline Howorth Huneke (Mrs. Harold ), Gamma Gamma , who is residing ot 271 8 North Edwards. May 1st we will lose our .president, Eleanor Smith, whose husband has been tran sferred to St. Loui s to continue hi s. work with the Y.M.C.A. t here. Good luck Eleanor and Max, we will miss you o lot. Eleanor has been an excellent loyal president. In June we will lose another of our officers, Ann Mariani, our secretary. Her husband will be leaving Wichita Uni versity to get hi s doctor 's degree 1n clln1cal psychology, probably in Tennessee. Ann ha s. been teaching this year at Plainview just outside of Wichita. These girls wi ll be greatly mi ssed as they really have been active members of ou r alumnae chapter. Joan (Harjung ) Edwards, HH, from Pittsburg State College, P1ttsburg , Kansas, was a Wichita visito r this week . She coiled Beverly Inni s and they had o real nice visit. It's. always good to hear from our Alpha Sigma Alpha s isters_ Love in A""2.A, Ollie Mae Alexander

WILMINGTON, DELAWARE Dear Alpha Sigs: It doesn 't seem possib le, but here it is, another lost issue of the Phoeni x for the yeo r. It's been a changing yea r for we Alphas here in Wilmington-we've lost several of our o rigi na l members to other chapters, but we have also added same grand girls to our group. Since I lost wrote, Ruth Gall oway Jewell hod o little girl and we just heard lost night that Millin had a baby, but still haven't heard the sex . Libby Boido ha s announced her engagement to Jock Ryan. The wedding wi ll probably toke place some time thi s su mmer. At our April meeting we had a visitor in th e form of Cathy Weaver, a former Nu Nu . She is working with the United States Deportment of Agriculture and is at present located in Kenneth Square. It cert.ainly was a pleasant surprise seeing her. lla Lee Olinger Clark has five and one-ha lf acres of beautiful ground that she ha s invited us all to for a hot dog roost in June. It will be a perfect way to close our meeting for the yeor ond shou ld be just loads of fun. See you at Convention. Love in A""2.A, Barbaro Gorman



NEWS LETTERSCollege Chapters

ALPHA Longwood College, Farmville, Virginia

Hi Everybody: Well, the rush parties ore all ove r and we hove finally sett led down to normal times. Our parties were especially nic~ this year for we were allowed to decorate our chapter room for the first time. For two days we hod a different theme. Our first day carried the theme of Doll Land. The room was decorated with dolls from various countries in the wor ld. These were from a personal collecti on of Sarah Graham. The second day carried the theme of Chino in A'2.A. The room was arranged with orienta l plants and umbrellas . Each girl was given a Chinese hot as a favor. We all enjoyed the parties very much and also the port in decorating the room. After our nine new girls sig ned their bids, they odjourn•2d to the chapter room for a supper. Later that evening, we all went to the movies. It was quite a sight seei ng those girls walking down the street wearing their red ¡Jnd white ribbons and their new A'2.A rain hots ! We all spe nt the week-end together in the Junior and Sen1or building. Thi s climaxed on exciting week that none of t .s she II ever forget. \Ve took a glance into the future at our lost meeting wh1m we chose Mary Brame a s ou r class representative in alumnae correspondence. Mary is going to hove quite a time keeping up with us, but we know that she will do a grand job. It was at this meeting that we chose our Prr.sident Shirley Livesay as our nominee for the Frost Fidelity Award. Martha Alice Wilson was chosen as our nominee for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award . Both of these girls well deserve the honors they hove received . On April 5 we ore sending a delegate to Charlottesville, Virginia, to attend State Doy. Thi s is under the direction of the Charlottesville Alumnae Chapter and we ore looking forward to thi s dote . That's about oil from Alpha Chapter for now. Let us heor from some of you sometime. Bye for now. Betty Barnes

tory; Lil Yount, Treasurer; Irene Cortelletti, Chaplain; Jo Edwards, Editor. The theme of our Spring Formal is the Bunny Hop, and the decorations include a big rabbit and scattered tables in pastel shades with Easter baskets a s centerpieces . We hod a booth in the ODK Carnival with the ZBTsYe Old Curiosity Shop. The curios included a woman with a clock in her stomach, on atlas supporting the world , and a modern Whistler's Mother; we gave cosmetic samples a s souvenirs. Everyone enjoyed working on it, and the Z!3Ts invited us to their house for dinner the following Sunday. We ore proud of Doris Dowl ing, who was recently initiated into Com-Bus, women's business honorary. Love in A'2.A, Jo Edwards

ALPHA BETA North east Missou ri State College, Kirksvi lle, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs: Perhaps our most pleasant news of the month is Marilyn Simmons' crowning as Echo Queen. The Echo is our college yearbook. Jimmy Dorsey played at the donee ot which she was crowned. Incidently, Norman Rockwell chose her os the presiding beauty. New officers for Alpha Beta chapter include "Rusty" Claypoo le, president; Jean Moore, vice-president; Carlo Peterso n, registrar; Jean Sappington , secretory; Barbaro Quigley, treasurer; Pot Former, editor; and Jody Williams, so ng leader. We hove hod two rummage soles and one bake sole latel y. Our alumnae cooperated with us on the second rummage so le . Jean Moo re received recognition as our candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small Award and Ina Moe Claypoole for the Frost Fidelity Award. Carlo Peterson will be our delegate to the notional convention next August. Th e so rority exte nds all of them congratulations and best wishes. At the moment, we ore planning for the coming sp ring elections and our annual breakfast donee honoring the seniors. The outstanding pledge of the year will also be honored at this donee. Graduating senio rs will be Jeanine Keith, Di xie Bowling and Peggy Cullen . Di x ie Bowling

ALPHA ALPHA Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Dea r Alpha Sigs : With both the after-Chri stmas slump and exams over, we ore now looking forward to our spring activities. We hove planned on Alumnae Teo and a Mother's Day Teo and Breakfast; also a group of us ore going to State Day at Denniso n University, May 19, and ore looking forword to meeting other Alpha Sigs. We hove several swe ll new pledges since Christmas and ore planning to hove a rush party each month till the end of the year . Our new officers ore Doris Dowling , President; Barb Snow, Vice-President; Marilyn Cox, Secre-

A LPHA GAMMA State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Dear A~As: As another school year draws near to a close, we ore looking forward to our Strawberry Festival , Senior Breakfast and Mothers' Da y T eo. On February 14 we hod a Volentine's Day party preceded by initiation. March 1 was the dote of our Pan hellenic Donee . The theme this year was Mardi Gras. Our Ponhellenic representatives, Ester Hall and Shirly Davies, hod charge of the invitations and programs. Jo Wehler designed the program, and did on excellent job.

MAY, 1952

43 Since the beginning of the year we hove talked about getting jackets. At lost about a month ago we come to the conclusion that we wonted them. We decided to hove white corduroy, and sew the A'2:.A crest on one of the pockets. We hope they arrive before Easter so we con sport them ot school and at home. Love in A'2:.A, Norma Trimble

BETA BETA Colorado State College of Education, 路 Greeley, Colorado

MARY JANE BELL Alpha Gamma chapter May Queen attendant

Before the donee we hod o formal dinner at the Country Club. Our guests were Dr. and Mrs. Pratt, the president of th~ college and his wife; Miss Foust, Dean of Women; Dr. and Mrs. Heiges, Dean of Instruction and his wife. We felt quite proud and honored to hove such celebrities at our dinner. On March 4, the Indiana Alumnae hod o party for the seniors at the home of Mrs. James Sutton. A few weeks ago Jon Schnell was elected president of Student Council. It is considered quite on honor to hold this position, and we ore very proud of her. We were also lucky this year to hove two Alpha Sigs elected to be attendants to the May Queen. They were Mary Jane Bell and Mary Sutherland.

Hi Alpha Sigs: Spring quarter is in full swing here at C.S.C.E . and we find student government elections underway with Donna Morrison running for secretory of the Associated Students, Winnie Geyer and Polly Hostetler running for class offices, Jane Andrews running for Student Council representative and Bev Asbough, Marty Pope, Virginia Becker, Nancy Hicks, Winnie Geyer, Solly Williams and Harriet Joggord running for Associated Women's Student positions. Pi Kappa Delta, honorary speech fraternity, presented, on February 29, Forensic Follies, a show of skits presented by the Greeks of the campus . We gave a parody on our president, Dr. William Ross and Colorado State Subnormal School of 1 900-where women ore women and men ore scarce . We won second place, too. We are all proud of our own lovely Mary Nelson, chosen to reign over the annual Blue Key Boll, and to serve next year with Blue Key, honorary notional service fraternity. Plans ore progressing for open rushing, our mountain party and the dinner donee , all to follow this spring. From now on, we'll hove the pleasure of working with ten new actives: Solly Williams, Connie Lundgren, Winnie Geyer, Alice Quirico, Georgia Schroeder , Joyce Kliewer, Lois Hill , Mary Ellen Cutler, Joan Schmidt and Bev Asbough. Congratulations ore also in order to sparkling Marty Pope who was crowned Cinderella of the Freshmen Cinderella Boll and who really mode a beautiful queen. The Panhellenic workshop was held March 22 at C.S.C.E. Its purpose is to bring together the sororities and alumnae groups to work out problems and to exchange ideas for the benefit of all. Many new sorority ideas were initiated and we ore looking forward to putting these into practice in the coming year . Love in A'2:.A, Harriet Joggard

EPSILON EPSILON Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas

MARY SUTHERLAND Alpha Gamma chapter' s attendant to the May Queen

Hi Friends: Taking time out fr om the making of two mammoth Easter rabbits to be used as decorations for our spring formal, the " Bunny Boll ," I'll catch you up on the happenings of the post month . 路 Still excited about the latest addition to our house! We song our way into a 14-inch trophy when we copped first place honors at the annual "Singing Bee" in which all organized houses compete . Our song leader and soloist, Mori lyn Patterson, presents her senior recital thi s week. Marilyn was al so voted our candidate for the Frost Fidelity Award. Pooling our resources lost week we sold dances for a dime at a school sponsored Penny Carnival. Elaine Woodbury was voted to be the queen's attendant.



JOANN KIRK em po ria State 's candidate far Kansas University Relays Queen

And while we are an the subject of queens-Joann Kirk was selected by the Student Council from a group of five fraternity nominated co-eds as E-State's candidate for the Kansas University Relays Queen. Joyce Birney and Martha Burch were also nominated. Pat Mitchell was chosen by the newspaper staff to be pictured as " Miss Easter Bunny of 1 952." Nat only has our beauty been showing lately, but also our brawn-we won first place in the intramural bowling tourney. From the looks of our calendar we are going to be pretty busy. -Plans include Parents' Day, May 4. On this Sunda y we will entertain our mothers with a tea and our fat hers with a dinner. A Spec ial Note : All you gals who plan to attend the national convent ion, look up VIRGINIA BRIIX , the EE delegate, and get acquainted . The rabbits are callingLove, Norma Werner

ZETA ZETA Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs : Song Fete is just around th e corne r and we are spending our eve nings " ge tting in tune. " Our so ng thi s year is " W e Ki ssed In The Shadows," fr om the Broadway musical , " The King and 1. " We came in seco nd in the ba sketball tournam e nt, lasing onl y one game, but we are hoping to better our record in saftba II seaso n. The annual Rh e tor Ball has come and go ne and al though our candidate, Pat Brown, was na t selected a s q uee n, she mad e a mighty fin e showing fa r Zeta Zeta . " Hearts in Harmony" was th e th e me of our St. Valent ine's dance thi s Feb ruary and fr om th e comments overheard from those prese nt, it was th e most success ful ever . Geo rge Fitchette, Mary Ann Voge l's fianc e, drew the lucky fav or and was crowned king o f th e dance. The favo rs were stud boxes with th e Alpha cres t. On March 26, Sue Smith and J oyce Everst were pledged to th e ra nks of Alph a Si g ma Alpha and t wa

sweeter pledges cannot be found. Immediately fallowing the pledge service, the newly active members of the winter pledge class gave us all a party. The theme was "Cinderella" and everyone dressed accordingly. An appropriate skit was given about "Pledge Cinderella ." Everyone from the wicked step-sister to Prince Cha rming had a very enjoyable evening. Our philanthropic project has been changed somewhat and we believe for the better. Instead of sending toys and books to the Children's ward, we are buying a projector that enables all the children to read a book projected on the ceiling while lying flat on their backs. To finance our project we are selling magazine subscriptions fast and furious. If anyone is interested in subscribing to a magazine we will be more than happy to take your order. We think we have a mighty fine group of new officers who were installed an March 1 2 . They are: Lenora Murray, president; Rosemary Hu xol, vice president; Jackie Coit, secretary; Genie Smith, treasurer; Carol Cox, chaplain; Loi s May Thompson, registrar; Betty Oetting, editor; Mary Pat Moody, song leader; Mary Ann Stevens, Panhellenic representative; Charlotte White, sports chairman ; Anne Cheatham, magazine chairman ; Nancy Elder, rush chairman; and Mary Sartain, parliamentarian. Until next time, Love in A'2.A, Betty Oetting

ETA- ETA Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas

Dear Alpha Sigs : Our chapter recently held Open Hause and it proved a grand success. All of the girls worked hard on their respective committees and we felt mighty happy when we received many nice compliments from the different facul ty members and organizations an the campus. We were all very happy when we received the coveted Pep Award Trophy. We earned this by displaying the mast pep, best sportsmanship and best presentation as a united body at the last two basketball games of the season. We all worked hard before the Pep Contest making megaphones, shakers and signs to help us shaw our feeling for K.S.T.C. We also marched into the gym as a group for each game singing original songs. Norma Johnson , a senior, brought the Alpha Sigs much praise when she received all 'As or perfect grades far the fir st semester. The biggest social event of the year on our campus, The Kanza Ball , proved to be a gala and glorious event last Saturday night. Jimmy Dorsey and his orchestra provided wonderful music for dancing. Five Alphas, representing different organizations an the campus, were candidates far Kanza queen. They were Dolly Dean Murty, Charleen McClanahan, Barry Noel, Norma Hol land and JoAnn Barr. Ben Hogan, the famou s golfer, chose the queen and her three attendants from photographs sent to him. Our JoAnn Barr was selected a s third attendant. At the Gree k caucus held last night three of our girls were nominated to run on the Progressive Party ticket for different class offices. These girls are Martha Ohmsuder, Charleen McClanahan and Pat Carley. Phylli s Wilson was initiated into our chapter last Tuesday night. Phyllis is a fre shman . JoAnn Barr, our president elect, is serving a s the fir st president of th e Student Center Board . If you don ' t already know it, we have a new Student Union Center here

MAY, 1952


at Pittsburg. We're mighty proud of having JoAnn as the first president. We girls here at Kansas State Teachers College, would like to wish all of you a wonderful summer and for now ' bye bye- and Much love in A""J:,A, Charleen McClanahan

KAPPA KAPPA Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dear Alpha Sigs: Easter vacation will soon be here and we ore all looking forward to a well earned rest. The Alpha Sigs at Temple hove been extra busy since I last wrote you in March . On February 14, we bid farewell to two of our sisters, Marion Parsons and Barbaro Cook Byer who graduated with honors. But an the brighter side, Alpha Sig was proud to hove twa Outstanding Seniors, Norma deGaetano and Peggy Savage, selected by the University. February 1 5 was the night of our annual Volentine Donee held at the house and Ruth Keller is to be congratulated an her fine job as chairman of the party committee . One of the highlights of the dance was the announcement of valentine sweetheart, Joan Ho lden . Each girl attending the donee received gardenia bouquets. Kappa Kappa has adopted a fourteen-year-old Pol ish war orphan through a European Relief Agency. We hove been giving cake soles in order to finance the project and ore hoping to send clothes and personal furnishings later. Another honor for Kappa Kappas was the election of Jeanne Burnett, Betty Jane Leuchtner, Arlene Clungeon and Jane Tyson to Magnet, Senior Honorary Society limited to fifteen University women-eight of whom are Alpha Sigs . Jeanne Burnett, editor-elect of KK, was chosen President. Ruth Keller, Nance Gingrich and . Ginny Bohmueller were elected to Chimes, Junior Honorary Society. Rushing season's now aver. Kappa Kappa's theme, " Cannibal Capers," was very successfully carried out by Rush Captains Betty Jane LelJchtner and Barbara Pogue. The house was decorated with straw huts and crepe paper palm trees. You never would have recognized the gir ls in their grass skirts and black faces . Mary Fretz even tied a turkey bone on her head. We understand that it took Mary one who le evening to boil her bones clean. Each rushee received a cocoanut with a painted face, ye llow (yarn) hair and gold (curtain ring s) ear rings. Refreshments cons isted of super banana splits, macaroons, and punch se rved from the stewing pot. All in all, the party was a grand success and for weeks the pass word at the Kappa Kappa house was "ugh a bug a boo ." Kappa Kappa now has forty actives and 20 pledges. Spring was welcomed with the traditional engagement announcement. Congratulations go to Barbara Pogue and Bill Mac k of Sigma Pi. We wish our Pogie lots of luck and happiness. On March 23 , Mary Grove married Leonard Grove at Red Lion, Pennsy lvania . It was a most beautiful wedding. Five Kappa Kappa s isters were in the bridal party. Kappa Kappa really has a celebrity in the person of Betty Jane Leuchtner, who was named " Girl of the Week" on the Tom Moore head radio show . B. J. is captain of the Un ive rsi ty swi mming team and placed . fourth in the Eastern Inter-collegiate diving competition. March 21 and 22 marked Temple's annual Gree k Weekend. A big affair down Fraternity Raw. Prepara-

tions for Greek Sing started weeks before. Our selection for the Sing was "Give Me Your Tired , Your Poor" from the shaw, "Miss Liberty." Our second number was an original song composed by our conductress, Dolly Lucente. Luck was with us. Alpha Sig , after winning three years in a row, finally retired the Greek Sing Plaque. We received many compliments on our fine singi ng-due credit goes to our se nior Dolly who has led us to victory all three years. Following the Sin~ , the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity held a punch hour in our honor. Those orange blossoms were yummy. The dinner (turkey) was delicious, the speaker terrific. The Greek awards were given at the banquet. Alpha Sig won the Panhellenic cup for the most outstanding sorority an campus. We're not really proud! There were tears of happiness as sixty Alpha Sigs rose while retiring President Joan Halden acc epted our award. Open houses were gay-very few KKs attempted any sleep that night. Saturday night found us dancing to the music of Elliot Lawrence at the Greek Ball. I wonder where the A""J:,As learned to do the "Ball and the Jack?" Could that have been a Mary Fretz influence? The dance was great and we fell into our beds at wee hours of the morning only to get up bright and early to go to Red Lion, Pennsylvania , to attend "Bibby" Grove's wedding. By the way, Bibby was chosen queen of our yearbook in '50 and is a candidate for May Queen thi s year. We were all shocked out of our shoes when one minute Pogie was there and the next minute she was in the hospital having an emergency appendectomy. She's do ing fine now-back to her usual self. For the third straight yea r Kappa Kappa's booth won first prize in T emple's annual Carnival. The theme this year was "Occupations." Carrying out the theme of dentistry, a huge face with hales in the teeth provided the backdrop of our booth. The customers were given three tries to fill the cavities with ping pong balls shot from an air-gun. A""J:,A's athletes came through with shining colors in the Women's Athletic Association Intra-mural basketball tournament for the year. The Kappa Kappa's were undefeated . Hope we are well on our way to that outstanding sorority cup again . If you go to Convention thi s summer yo u will meet KK's newly-elected president, Arlen Clungeon . She' s looking forward to meeting all of yo u. We know you'll like her, we're very proud of her. Well kids, this is the last letter I will be writing to you, I have really enjoyed being Editor of a chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. It's the greatest sorority in the world. Good luck to all of you who are graduating and hope to see you in August. Love in A""J:,A, Eleanor Whitehead

NU NU Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Si ste rs: Thi s year is closing on a most successful season, with Nu Nu still looking forward to ou r annual Shore Weekend at Ocean City. Thi s year the Alphas are staying at the Bi scayne Hotel , which we se ldom see when there are so many activities planned during the days. Our annual spring weekend was a lot of fun for everyone, for after the formal dinner dance at the Springfield Country Club on Fridqy night, everyone donned her in-


46 formal wear and traveled out to the Lodge Saturday morning for a full day of fun and rumpus ending with a sq uare dance and charades. Another annual spring activity was the Parents' Day Tea. At this time we invited our parents again to the Panhellenic House so thot they could meet each other and see the Alpha rooms. The latter have had an extra bit of calor added by the new draperies that were purchased by our Mather Patroness Club with money they earned by giving a huge bake sale. The rooms were further brightened by the spring housecleaning done on Hell Day by our loyal and willing pledges. Fraternity parties have kept us busy having and giving fun. At the party for our brother fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi, four of our pledges gave a terrific rendition of "Little Nel." The farmer's (Joanne Weber) little daughter Nel Uerry Rossi) was rescued by the hero, Janet Hendrixson , from Joan Keers, the loathsome villain, to the rhythmic chant of terse verse. Highlight of the year was the Alpha Accent program on April 21 when the Mother Patronesses, the Philadelphia alumnae chapter, and Nu Nu chapter gathered together to hear a guest speaker at the Penn Sheraton Hotel. Our year will close with the Senior Farewell Dinner on May 26, at the Robert Morris Hotel. Nu Nu wishes good luck to all of the graduating seniors and goodbye to the rest of you until the Roanoke Convention in August. Love in A2:-A, Jean Longzettel

only say it has been grand being able ta be in touch with aur "Red and Whites" and I only hope your summer is wonderful and your years to follow are successful. Yours in A"5:.A, Martha Richards

PI PI Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York

A glimpse of ~ corner in the living room of Rho Rho's new chapter house.

Dear Alpha Sigs: The last few months have kept us hopping! Thi s year "State Fair" was held once again after a year 's abse nce. Alpha Sigs rehearsed their incomparable " Alphagrade," the theme of which ran in the South Seas vein. The Delta Kappa boys aided us with o comedy skit in the pool. The affair was so successful for us that the cottage will be amply taken care of and we will also be able to buy a much needed file . We always look forward to the cottage and this year we do so with a freer mind. Alpha Sigs want to do something for the campus. We feel that the Student Union needs a television set so we are doing something about it. We have set aside one week and call it "T-Daze." Each day we are having a separate campaign and poll for a different title. The first day, " The Biggest April Fool," will be voted upon, the next "Apollo of the Faculty," then " Gleason 's Favorite Son" and the last "T-V Queen." Members of the student body are allowed one vote for a penny and can vote a s many times as they want. If we cannot reach our goal we will try again in the Fall . Also this year for the first time in many a year Panhellenic is sponso ring a si ng . It will not be a competitive affair, but the money raised will buy a wheel chair for the Crippled Children's Guild . Ginny Burke is heading a philanthropic drive to collect books of all kinds to donate to the Old U.S. Marine Hospital in the name of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Moving-Up-Day's theme this year is " Overtime U.S.A." Our float chairmen are Rita Argen and J oan Parks. April 1 the Alums will be entertained with a card party and refreshments in the Student Union Building . The school year has been full and is winding up nicely, too. Election of officers is to be held April 8 . Th is is a sure sign that plans ore being made for next yea r. Can

All new modern furniture was purchased and soft, all wool carpets for the living room and dining room . Needless to say, our house is as nice a house as there is on the campus, and we , Alpha Sigs, are very proud of it. On March 26, the alumnae gave us a kitchen shower and Mrs. W . B. Carper (Louise Burks Cox), one of the founders af our sorority, wos here to moke it o most distinguished occasion. We are planning to have open house the first week of May, Wish you all could be here to see our wonderful house . On Friday, March 21, the student government had a Spring Carnival with each organization on the campus participating . Our booth's theme was the Alpha Sigma Alpha T-V Show. The outside was pa inted like a T-V set with the letters "Channel 14, ASA-TV" painted on it. The doorway was the screen of the set with sheets over the opening. On each side of the screen there were tuning knobs under which were painted volume and contra st . Ins ide of the booth on a raised platform was the backdrop painted like a log cabin. This was used for an oct called "The Coli of the Wild ." It presented the old villain story in o new slant. The characters, dressed in 1 920 flapper costumes, sang their parts and acted it out. Our second act was a cute dance routine which three af our pledges gave. The third act was brought in from the outside. The first part of the evening we had a co mbined accordion and Red Skelton act . The second part af the evening, we had a Sandra Earl, another outsider, who did acts ta records. She was excellent, and we had our booth filled to overflowing every performance. Our seco nd rush party of the year was the last of February. Our theme was "King Neptune's Court ." We had our president, Connie Waite, as Neptune. Mary

RHO RHO Marshall College, Huntington, West Virginia Dear Alpha Sigs: Last September, I stated that Rho Rho chapter's goal for the coming year was a house. During the month af March, this goal became a reality due ta the untiring efforts of Mrs. A. M. Foose, our chapter adviser, and Mrs . Janie Weinberger, one of our faithful alumnae .

MAY, 1952 Alice Martin and Elli Mae White as mermaids with fish tails, Ja Summers as the page and Saundra Ripley as Davy Janes. The rooms were decorated with fishnets and colored fish. We served refreshments of tuna fish, potato chips, cake and punch. It was all very good and we had loads of fun . Incidentally we got a nice pledge class, too. All in all, it seems we've had a full year of work, fun and business. See you all in August. Yours in A"2:.A, Saundra Ripley


47 The following Wednesday, fourteen pledges became active members. We also installed the new officers. Jean Long became our new president. We held Alpha Accent Time in the banquet room of a local cafe and had refreshments after the di scussion. We all felt that v.e gained much from our discussion on communism. Plans for our annual summer picnic are getting underway. This will be held at the local country club in August. Alumnae members will be our guests. Guess it's time to say farewell for this year. Hope all of you have had a most enjoyable year. We have! Love in A"2:.A,

Western State College of Education, Gunnison, Colorado Hi to all Alpha Sigs: As that final day creeps closer to the end of these glorious four-years with oil you iri Alpha Sigma , I om consoled by the song, "We' re Alpha Sigs Forever, and Ever. " So, as I take my leave of all you wonderful sisters, my blessing goes out with you. I hope that most of you will be back at your old chapters next year and that your prospects for the future of Alpha Sigma Alpha ore os bright as our eight returning gals. In spite of this bit of nostalgia , we still have so me real fine news for you . Sigma Sigma is arming herse lf with pamphlets and thick-soled shoes to canvas the town thi s week to do our share in the Cancer Dri ve. Let's all hope that this fine organ izati on, Fighting Cancer, wil l be a s successful as last year. School-marming this quarter are Lorraine Michaud and Virginia Tessman. l:.orroine has the doll-faced cherubs of the first grade and Virginia 路an eighth-grade American hi story class. I'm sure that they both can wield a strong right hand for discipline. But, of course, this business of getting an education is not oil work, and we find pla y at times. Right now, Virginia Tessman is tossing her proud head for being named Mi ss Leadership at the Co-ed Prom last week . Thi s is the second year that Tess ie has been selected to this honor. Do you know what 's in the air for Sigma Sigma come May 25? It's our twenty-fifth anniversary. Hope that each and everyo ne of you will be with us. That hum over there in the corner is the alum s and actives talking about favors. A lot of work, but it certainly is a milestone t o Sigma Sigma chapter. Let's take this opportunity to wish all our old officers good-bye and bid in our new ones, and close with a song in our hearts for Alpha Sigma Alpha, and plan to meet again at Roano ke in August. Always in A"2:.A , Virginia Tess man

PHI PHI Northwest Missouri State College, Maryville, Missouri Dear Alpha Sigs: We of Phi Phi chapter ore eagerly loo ki ng forward to o ur spring formal next week. The theme of the dance will be a Country Garden with a wishing well in the center of the dance fl oor. Alice Arbuckle ha s done a magnificent job on the decorations. We're going t o give smal l alligator-covered pen and pencil sets for favors. There is going to be a work night soo n in order that we may get our decorat io ns ready t o set up. To bring pledging to a close, we gave a party for the pledges. It consisted of a scaveng e r hunt, then a slumber party in Bev Haines' rec room . We had loads of fun!

Sue Condon

CHI CHI Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana Dear Alpha Sigs : On our campus \his year, sororities and fraternities initiated "Help Week." The actives and pledges did housework, washed cars, shined shoes, cleaned up yards, washed windows, ran errands and did baby sitting . The money collected for the jobs we gave to a worthy cause. Alpha Sigs earned over two hundred dollars in the two days. " Help Week" here at Ball State was truly a success! As president of Chi Chi chapter thi s coming year, Mary Ann Ho ld erman took office a few weeks back. Mary Ann ha s shown great leadership ability and a will to strive high for A"2:.A ideals. We extend our congratulations to her and to all the officers. On March 30, the grand pledges of Chi Chi Chapter entertained the actives at o Circus Party. We actives dressed as little kids and did we have fun! The pledges made up cute so ng s, dances and poems just to fit the occasion . We played kid games and ate pop corn and drank cokes. Monday, March 31, we had formal initiati on for the pledges which ends their twelve weeks of pledgeship. May 10 is the date for "May Magic," our closed dance. Preparations are underway and a wonderful dance is anticipated. We wish to congratulate Judy Harris, a pledge, for being chosen Honorary Co lonel for the Military Ball given by the R.O.T.C. Thi s ha s been a very successful year for Chi Chi Chapte r as we hope it ha s been for all of you. We'll hear from yo u again next fall. Have a fine summer vacat io n. Love in A"2:.A, Yvonne Watson

BETA GAMMA Northeastern State College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma Beta Gamma 's fl y ing high thi s year with so man y ho nors adding points to the crown of A"2:.A. Three of our membe rs deserve specia l mention for we're especially proud of them. We're proud of Doris Walker, who was se lected by the soror ity to reign a s Alpha Sig Sweetheart at ou r annual Sweetheart dance he ld 路in February. Do ri s, love ly in a blue satin formal , was crowned, presented with o bouquet of red roses, and hoi led as o ur choice as the Alpha Sigma Sweetheart so ng was sung . We're proud of Helen Brown, vivacious blo nd , who was se lected a s Carni val Queen at a recent all -sc hool carnival. Our chapter's cake walk and basketball throw he lped in the mo ney needed for her se lect ion. Helen will be fea tured in a fu ll -page picture in o ur college yearbook. We're proud of Sarahjane Brandon, recipient of a Dan-



HELEN BROWN Beta Gamma 's Carn ival Queen

forth scholarshi p for next year. Thi s important award, given on ly to fifteen college graduating seniors throughout the entire notion, was granted to Sorohjone after nomination by facu lty members and interviews with leading citizens of the notion . We're proud of these Beta Gammas. Aren't you glad they're Alpha Sigs' After the changing of the nome "p ledge" to " member" for thirteen girls, following on all-white initiation, four new Northeastern students ore wearing the red and white pledge cops of A'J:.A. They ore Barbaro Mitch e ll , Wando Spurgeon, Frances Wieland and Mary Moines . Four Beta Gammas will be pictured in the beauty section of the Tso-Lo-Gi, college yearbook. They ore Leila

Faye Herring, Jeweldeen Richardson, Cory Jo Cornett and Doris Walker. The decision regarding Tso-Lo-Gi queen hasn't been announced as yet, but we're sure it will be one of these lovely Alpha Sigs. The Ponhellenic teo was held April 9 , and our own president, Helen Ann Biswell , was installed as vice-president of this campus sorority group. Several members of Beta Gamma will be represented at A'J:.A State Day to be held in Tulsa on April 26 . A skit is to be prese nted and the chapter president will serve on a panel di sc ussion concerning problems of A~A. Six of our most prominent Beta Gammas will be presented with a sheepskin in May. We simply soy to Betty Campbell , our wonde rful post pres ident; Wilma Jayne Broy les, post Homecoming Queen; Pot Tobey, honor student and loyal worker in A'J:.A; Emma Lou Browning , post registrar, who is loved by all the pledges; Cathi e Vance, who brought honor to Beta Gamma by being selected as Wilson Hall queen lost year, and Sorohjone Brandon, post chaplain in A'J:.A, and active student leader, "we hate to lose you ." Best wishes for a full of fun su mmer from your new editor and all Beta Gammas. Love in A'J:.A, Maureen Fl ynn

BETA DELTA Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi

The out-going office rs of Beta Delta. They are (sitting, from left to right) , Joyce Magee, corresponding secretary; Anna Broome, recording secretary; Beverly Mcintyre, president; Mrs. Lloyd Milam , sponso r; Elizabeth H elmer, treasurer . Standing , from left to right : Aimee Tindall , registrar; Jo Anne Waldrup, editor; and Lou Lawrence, chaplain. Joyce Cooley, vice president, is not pictured.

DORIS WALKER Beta Gamma 's A -::: A Sweetheart

Dear Sisters in A"2:.A : These post few months hove really been busy ones for all of us at Southern. First we hod our annual sorority formal . Because this is Alpha Sig's fiftieth ann iversary we called the donee "The Golden Anniversary Boll ." The gy m in which we he ld the donee was decorated with blue and white crepe paper streamers and matching balloons. For the lead-out the girls stepped from on enlarged replica of our pin, complete with pearls and ruby points. On each side of the pin was placed "50" and "yea rs" in toll letters of glittered-gold, potted palms, a white picket fence and spotlights. During the leodout, the chapter's winners of the Elizabeth Bird Small Award and the Frost Fidelity Award were announced and each was presented a dozen red roses.

MAY, 1952


March 28 was Career Day at Southern. This is the one day each year which is set aside for high school seniors to visit the campus and get a bird's-eye-view of college life. During the afternoon the Panhellenic house was opened for visito rs. Many girls came in to see our sorority room and to meet a few of our members. We also are busy making plans for the coming year. One of the most important things that we are planning is the summer rush party to be held near the end of the summer for prospective rushees in the fall. It will be a week-end affair, probably a camping party. All the returning members and we hope many of our alumnae will come to Hattiesburg to entertain prospective rushees for fall quarter. All our pledges can go home Easter happy! To tell the truth, we "ain't got no mo' pledges." They have been initiated and are now proudly wearing their big sister's pin. We also installed all the new office rs for the coming year. Anna Broome, our convention's delegate, was the chapter's choice for president. Elizabeth Helmer, who will serve next year as president of Mississippi Southern's Panhellenic counctl, is v ice-president. Spring is the time for politics and the Alpha Sigs have two candidates for places in the student government and students' publications. Joyce Magee is a candidate for the annual editor, which was held last year by Aimee Tindall. Lou Lawrance is busy campaigning for secretary of the student body. All of us of the Beta Delta chapter are happy to have Mrs. Marian Houts working with us now. Mrs. Houts is a Home Economics -teacher who recently moved here from Detroit, Michigan. Thi s is good-bye unti I we see" yawl" at the convention in August. Love in A"'22A, Jo Anne Waldrup

BETA ZETA Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana

Dear Sisters: Spring is in full bloom here at Southwestern and school is in full sway with activities, formals and naturally lots of tests. Alpha Sigma Alpha has been very busy electing officers, planning our spring formal, mother-daughter banquet and all the other trimmings to complete the year. Our dinner-dance will be April 19 at Poor Boys' Riverside Inn so we are all rushing around trying to make our dates before the Easter holidays. Then, the largest formal of the yea r which is Panhellenic dance, is set for April 26. So you see, we are all ready for a good time during the month of April. Our new officers have been elected and will be installed April 8. Our new president is Fi orino Roy who is very capable. Other officers are: Marie Eli se Lemoine, vice-president; Margie Landry, recording secretary; Mary Margaret Disch, corresponding secretary; Margaret Reynolds, treasurer; June McCarty, registrar; Marlene Roberts, editor; Sybial T oed, chaplain; and Virginia Crow, reporter. We are looking forward to a ve ry successful year next year and with these officers, there is no doubt in our minds that it will be one of the best. This seems to sum up the month of April so until you hear from our new editor, here's wishing you a very happy summer. Love in A"'2.A, Vera Smith

BETA EPSILON Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs: So many wonderful things have been happening to the BEs at Madison this spring that I hardly know where to begin . First of all we're proud to announce that our own Grace Matz walked off with top honors in the maj or election and is Madison's 1 952-53 president of student government-the third straight win for A"'22A! In addition, Carter House will be the home of four minor officers next year-Peggy Cox, secretary of student government; Dot Harris, vice-president of the athletic association; Joe Ann Ketron, business manager of The Breeze; and Carle Shufflebarger, business manager of the athletic association. Then another big day for us was March 8. Seven ne w sisters, each adding a ray of warmth and friendship , came into ou r happy family. Pledging service was held on March 10, after which pledge classes were immediately begun. Fond memories of the German Club "Colonial Ball " still have us floating on a cloud. Strains of sweet music, the glow of soft lights, and the gym transformed into a southern ballroom of ante-bellum days lent an enchanting background for A"'22A's Joan Hobson, president of th e German Dance Club, who led the figure. Many of us Alpha Sigs attended State Day in Charlottesville, Virginia, on April 5. It really was a treat seeing all ou r o ld Dominion sisters! We would like to extend ou r sincere appreciation to the Thomas Jefferson Inn which made the day a truly memorable one . May Day, the next important social event on our campus calendar, isn't far away now either. Seven Beta Epsilon beauties will be members of the May Court. Maids of the Court are Joan Hobson, Marian Marshall , and Lorraine Warren with Sarah Wells, Anne Reed, Virginia Saunders, and Marilyn Miller serving as attendants. We'll be looking forward to hearing from all of yo u in the May "Phoenix." Then it will be good-bye until next fall. Have fun this summer! Love in A"'2.A, Betty Crockett

BETA ETA State Teachers College, Dickinson, North Dakota

Dear Alpha Sigs: Spring has sprung here in North Dakota and it find s the Beta Eta members very busy. From all reports, th e Valentine Formal which we sponsored was a huge success. At present we are making plans for our Founders' Day banquet which will be very special this year becau se of the sorority's Golden Anniversary. On March 31 we had a party for our new members. We have chosen our president, Joanne Reill y, a s our candidate for the Elizabeth Bird Small award and Catherine Kuylen as our candidate for the Frost Fidelity award. Catherine is also our delegate to the Go lden convention. Student Counci I elections are now underwa y here at Dickinson. Two of our members have been nominated for office . They are Catherine Kuylen for secretarytreasurer and Jeanette Trzynka for commi ss ioner of social affairs. The chapter elected officers which will serve for the coming year. They are Catherine Kuylen , president; Isa bel Lapp, vice president; Jeanette Trzynka , secretory;


50 Darlys Christensen, treasurer; Katherine Westlake, registrar; Donna Knudson, cha p lain; and Adeline Johnson, editor. We are planning a picnic in May at which time we will entertain Phi Sigma Pi fraternity . The fiftieth year in Alpha Sigma Alpha has been a fine one and we hope that each following year wi ll bring the best to Alpha Sigma Alpha everywhere. Love in A'i:.A, Isabel Lapp

BETA THETA Central Michigan College, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Hi Alpha Sigs : What with spring elections, soror ity rushing and oil, we've been rather busy here at Central. Beta Theta recently installed the fo ll owi ng office rs: Betty Moore, preside nt; Elaine Ireland, v ice preside nt; Katie Sulli van, sec retary; Phil Beckett, treasurer; Jinx Newton, regi strar; Jo Hollister, chaplain; and Pot Dillenbeck, ed itor . " Tillie's Blind Pig," ou r annual nightclub theme ru sh pa rty, must have proven successful for it b rought us seve n new pledges. They are busy these days ma king st uffed animals for their big siste rs and coming garbed as bowery babes, human ske letons and pickled babes for o ur Freak Show at the Co-ed Carnival. Perhaps a litt le compensation for t heir hard work was a "Suitcase Shuffle" and nice weather prompted a hayride with our b rother fraternity, Tau Alpha Upsilon, which they really enjoyed. Al l of us ore look ing fo rward to our spring formal at t he Country Club and a Memorial Day week-end houseparty at Walloon La ke. Love in A'i:.A, Nan Bondy

BETA IOTA Radford College, Radford, Virginia Dear Alpha Sigs : As we come closer and closer to the end of the year, we here in Beta Iota ore looking forward to many wonderfu l activities. One of our major activities that we hove just completed is the election of office rs. I wos very fortunate , indeed , to be e lected president of Beta Iota for the com ing year . Along with me, al so were elected Nancy Be rnard , vice-president; Merle Helm , secretary; Betty Jo Thi erry, treasurer; JoAnn Cantrell , assistant treasurer; Conni e Pend leton, reg istrar; Nancy Cou rtney, a ssistant registrar; Mary Thomas, chaplain; Flo Motto , editor; Charl otte Thomas, so ng leader. We ' re thrilled pink about these new officers, and all of us ore out to make the coming ye ar th e biggest. Some of our future plans include : our annual cabin party on which we forget the world for a weekend . We ore al so going to hove a birthday party to celebrate our 1Oth annive rsary a s a notional sorority on the Radford College campus. Our Mot her Patroness ceremony wi II toke place sometime during the month of Moy. Al ong wi th th ese wonderful happenings, we also hove our indi vidual chapter parties, and al so attending church in o group . On April 5 , the so rority will be open to all its members during th e intermission of the Mardi Gras done e here on campus . Before I close, I would li ke to introduce another wonderfu l Alpha girl who will succeed me as editor. From

now on, you will be hearing from Flo Motto .. Flo hails from northern New Jersey and is a wonderful g1rl. It's been wonderful writing to all my sisters this year . I hope next year holds as many wonderful experiences. Love in A'l:.A, Rosemarie Campagna

BETA KAPPA Western Illinois State College, Macomb, Illinois Dear Alpha Sigs: Beta Kappa Chapter is hard at work on our annual assembly program wh ich we will present Tuesday, April 1. It is entitled "Ka lendor Kapers," whic h features a skit or dance for each month of the year. It promi ses to be a co lorful e ntertaining hour. On March 1, we held our annual "Red Sl ipper Ball" at the Virginia Count ry Club at Rushville, Illinois, with Freddie Oathout and his Orchestra furnishing the music . For favors we presented ou r dates wit h small Jewel Boxes with A'i:.A across them in gold lettering . About this time every year we hove ~lect i on of officers . Those replacing a ve ry capable staff are-Charlotte MeLeon, president; Joan Swafford , vi ce president; Del oris Janeczek, sec retary; Betty Pa tterson, treasurer; Janice W oods, chaplain; J oan Laflin, registrar; Marg ie Mason, ed itor; and Diane Hulson, song leader. Good luc k to this new staff of officers. Beta Kappa took top honors in a milking contest in connection with the Gingha m and J ea ns dance, with Barbara Randall first , and Collette Ki nce lla second. The Ponhellenic dance was held on March 22, with the Beta Kappa chapter taking charge of the deco ra tions, which consisted of an artistic backdrop be h ind the orchestra of Bradley Williams. On April 5 the alumnae chapter here at Macomb is giving a tea for the active chapter. We are all looking forward to our annual Cotton Ball to be held also on April 5, and to seeing many alums back again for the annual affair. Thursday before the dance we will be out se renading and reminding everyone to bring h is best girl and have a good time. Until next timeLove in A-:f.A, Margie Mason

BETA LAMBDA Arkansas State Teachers College, Conway, Arkansas Dear Alpha Sigs: We have really been working lately and we are going to keep it up for awhile . In about three weeks Arkansas State T eache rs College will celebrate its Founders Da y and each soror ity and fraternity have to sing two songs. We are singing " Little David Play" and " Through a Long and Sleepless Night." We hove two new pledges this semester. They are Sarah McCally and Solly Stewart and we're mighty proud of them. We ore having o " Mi ss Co-ed of 1952" con test on our campus and seven Alpha Sigs were chose n a s cand idates. They are Maril yn Woltman, Doris Smith , Patsy Minton, Lair Pec k, Dic key Thomas, Barbara Duncon and Wilma Mclain . Needless to say, we are proud to hove so many lovely Alpha Sigs a s candidates. Well , I'll sign off for now and let the new editor toke over. Love in A~ , Effigene Pri nee

MAY, 1952




Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Arkansas

Murray State College, Murray, Kentucky

Hello Again: Although the year seems to be flying by, Beta Mu is getting a lot done, and everyone is having a wonderful time. Now that we have a sorority room of our ow n, we are anx ious to buy the furnishings our imaginations have begun to picture. Three "schemes" are already und e r way. Look in the campus or local newspaper and yo u will se an ad for baby sitters-Alpha Sigs go in pairs and all of the money goes to the room fund. A""2.A sandwiches are being sold in the dorms again, and all extra pennies go into the piggie bank at meeting every week. Two Alpha Sigs were recently tapped to Heart and Key. We're all proud of Pat Chambers and Frances Fooks . Versatile that we are, the basketball tournament is being finished with- eagerness to start the intramural badminton games . Our new so ng leader, Molly Stauber, has been teaching us some new Alpha Sig songs. We like all of them, but are always ready to learn a new one . Plans are now being started for the Panhellenic dance and for Reddie Day. You'll hear all about them before long . Time 's whizzing . We ' ll be waiting to read about what all of you have been doing . 路 Love in A""2.A, Keeta Kinard

GAMMA CLIO Cortland State Teachers College, Cortland, New York Dear Alpha Sigs: Gamma Clio chapter held its formal initiati on banqu et on March 12 at the VFW home. Of the thirty-seve n pledges this year, thirty-two became acti ve members at the formal initiation . The new members we re welcomed by the president, Anice Elli s. Talks on the open motto, " Aspire, Seek, Attain," were given by Cynthia Ackert, Linnea Ahrenberb and Doris Wood. Anice Elli s was prese nted with an award for be ing chosen the Alpha Sig Girl of the year for the local chapter. Jacqueline Zabadal was announced a s the winner of the awa rd for the girl who has done the most for the so rority. The banquet closed with entertainment by the me mbers and group s inging. Guests were Miss Madeline Vo lpe , soro rity adv ise r; Mrs. Helen Meye rs, pres ident of the house board ; and Mrs. Maude W. Woodhull, housemother. The table decorati ons cons isted of a spring bouquet a s the centerpiece and white place cards with the letters A""2.A and th e date. The guests were prese nted corsages of red roses. " Beta Frolics" was he ld on March 21 with all the so rorities and fraternitie s putting on individual sk its. Contributions were ta ke n at the doo r and donated to the Children 's Home of Cartland . Gamma Clio's sk it was e ntitled " T we nty- Four Hours of Broadway." All of us are looking forward to our spring for mal which will be held at the house. Decorati ons and refreshments are to be arranged around th e th e me of Spring and Easter. So long until next fall. Yo urs in A""2.A, Fran Mari on

Dear Alpha Sigs : School bells were ringing for Beta Nu 's fir st rush party of this semester. The members and rushees were once again bubble gum chewing "kids" as they attended the little red Alpha Sig schoo lhouse. Afte r interruptions by two dunces Misses Jackie Gardne r and Wanda Calhoun taught the history, arithmetic and geography lessons which revealed Alpha Sig histo ry, membership and pledge fee s, and the national scope of the sorority. These giggling girl s then had chapel during which they sang Alpha Sig so ng s led by the music teacher, Mi ss Rosie Blac k. After finishing the lesso ns the pupil s took a recess during which they pla yed Farmer in the Dell and Ring Around the Rosie. For refreshments each perso n had a school lunch packed in a brown paper bag . At the close of a profit~ble day at school all Alpha Sig sc hoo l girls went home, singing and skipping. Prese nting quite a contrast to the fir st party, the second took the form of a "Chit-Chat" at which members and ru shees were dressed a s for an informal tea. Some of our talented members presented a brief mus ical program after which everyone talked with old frien ds and made new friend s. Punch and open-faced sa nd wi ches were se rved from an attracti ve ly-decorated table . Between following our basketball team, the Thoroughbreds, in the OVC and NAIB tournaments (co ngratulation s .to the Beta Sigmas on winning the latter) and studying (a t least, try ing to give our teachers that impression) the Beta Nus have been working hard o n the Red Cross Drive on the campus. We used every method we could devise fr om perso nal so licitations to collection boxes. On the Murray campus people are saying , "Have you a sked the Alpha Sigs where the hardest floor on the campus is located?" On Saturday night, March 29, at 11 :00, the Alpha Sigs did the unu sual. Instead of s igning in the dorm at that hour we all gathe red t ogether our blankets, sheets, pillows, pajamas and tedd y bears and went over to our so rority roo m for a s lumbe r party. The new pl edges planned the entertainment and food. About 3 :00 a .m . we spread out our blankets on th e floor and went to slee p. After eating breakfast togethe r in the cafeter ia we we nt to the Sunday Schoo l class taught by one of our pa tronesses, Mrs. Harlan Hodges . Our new officers have just been installed . Now eve ryone is looking forward to the Panhe ll enic Work Shop at Kentucky Dam State Pa~k , next weeke nd , April 5 and 6 . Yours in A lpha Sig , Linda Long

BETA XI Oneonta State Teachers College, Oneonta, New York Dear Alpha Sigs: Hi eve rybody! Since our last lette r to you, we hav e had so me wonderful tim es he re at Oneonta . The Winter Carnival was a bi g success and we wo n second prize in the s now sculpturing contest. Last week end Beta Xi chapter sponso red the Uni on Co llege Gl ee Club on the college campus. It is the f irst time that anything of thi s so rt has bee n underta ken by any so rority (oth e r than th e Cli os) in years. The girls took on thi s responsibility whole hearted ly and because of their coo peration, it was a tremendous success. We are happy to announce that Siste r Gertrude Schiermach e r wi ll be marri ed on Easte r Sunday. For weeks


52 now, we hove been watching Gertie being fitted ond tryjng on her trousseau. One of the girls made her cap and veil and we are all certainly proud of the beautiful bride-to-be. On February 1 0, we added nineteen wonderful pledges to our sorority. March 9 was another memorable date for three girls for they were formally initiated . Following the ceremonies, there was a tea held at the chapter house. Next on the agenda for the Alpha Sigs at Oneonta is the annual A'2.A week-end with Sister Polley and Sister Ha y acting as co-chairmen. The general plans for the present call for a costume party, banquet, dance (senior ball ), and to top it all off, a picnic at Gilbert Lake. Doesn' t it sound like a glorious week-end? Our new officers for the coming year are Barbara .Bartley, president; Janet Doll , vice president; Mary Ann Smullens, secretary; Shirley Tyndall, treasurer; Mary Lou Stevens, editor; Pat Paradine, registrar; and Adr,ienne Schmidt, chaplain . The school year is drawing rapidly to a close and I'm .rea lly • sorry to see it come to an end. Beta Xi chapter would like to wish the best of luck to all those sisters graduating in June and goodbye to the rest of you who will be back next fall. Love in A'2.A, Joan Kenrick

RHO CHI Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan Dear Alpha Sigs: A great deal has happened here at Rho Chi since our last letter. On March 20, the alums gave us a party. Needless to say the affair was well attended by both alums and actives and a wonderful time was had by all. On March 1 0, we gave our first informal rush party. The theme we selected was " The Gay Nineties." Invitations, entertainment and refreshments all tied in with the theme . Entertainment consisted of a barber shop quartet, a soft shoe routine, Diamond Lil and her songs and a sk it done in pantomine. According to the rushees all the entertainment was good, but the skit called "And the Lamp Went Out" really caused a mild riot. The story was the typical love triangle, and our guests laughed so heartily in several places that the production had to stop until they were able to control their laughter. If any of you are in a quandry for entertainment that will break the ice at a ru sh party, we will be glad to forward the sk it. We will personally guarantee the results. For atmosphere our girls wore frilly hooped skirts with bustles. On our heads were the typical straw bonnets with big bows tied under the chin. Invitations were fancy fans and name tags were silhouettes of old fashioned girls. All in all , it was the best party we have given in a long time . On March 26 we participated in the Annual Sorority Sing here at Wayne . The songs we selected were "Hail to A"LA" and " Pass That Peace Pipe." The second song was done in complete costume. We wore Indian blankets and headdresses. Betty Jones, as the chief, was the so loist . Anne Will and Mary Jo Reesor were the dancers who danced as we sang . We doff our hats to these three girls for putting our number across. We did not win a prize, but we were told the idea was original and good. Barb Kiegel receiv es the credit for the idea . The fourth of April was the date of our formal rush party. A fashion show was the ma in event in the line of 'entertainment. The theme of the show was twa comjng attractions which we are anticipating-our formal

dinner-dance in May and the national convention in August . Summer suits, dressy dresses, cotton dresses and formals were the articles modeled . A number of us are planning to attend the Golden Convention this summer and we are looking forward to meeting many of you personally. Yours in A'i:.A, Marion Storsetter

BETA PI Concord College, Athens, West Virginia Dear Alpha Sigs : The end of the school year here at Concord is just around the corner. This year will mark the graduation of three Beta Pi's members-Louise Magyar, Pansey Howell and Peggy Hambrick. Last week we elected officers for the coming year. They are Arlene Miller, president; Shirley Flynn, vice president; Nancy Brown, secretary; and Evangeline Hedrick, treasurer. We know that they will do their utmost to keep things going . Tuesday, March 25, was our spaghetti supper held at the home of Mrs . Carl Bailey, one of our patronesses. A gala time was had by all. Plans are being made for the annual spring formal given jointly by the Alpha Sigs and our brother fraternity, Sigma Tau Gamma. So far as it is known, it will be held at the Black Knight Country Club in Bukley. Everyone is expecting to have a grand -time. Yours in A'i:.A, Louise Magyar

BETA RHO Northern Illinois State Teachers College, DeKalb, Illinois Dear Alpha Sigs: After a hectic winter we settled down to elect new officers for the coming year. We thought Maureen Sullivan did such a good job as president last year that we re-elected her president. Donna Powers, who had completed Rita Burke's term, was re-elected secretary, while Barbara Kane, who completed Nyema Lindblade's term as chaplain, was elected social secretary for the ensuing year. Shirley Anderson, our former social secretary, was elected registrar. Faith Riley will serve as president of the Penhellenic Council. Our group was enlarged as we initiated 17 wonderful new sisters and welcomed back a number of our girls who had been off campus student teaching . We said goad-bye to Marna Schuster, our candidate for the Frost Fidelity award, as she went off to a teaching position and to Rita Burke who got married . We had a lovely little chat with Beverly Coleen Carlson, a Beta Rho alumna, on her recent visit here . Bev has been living in Arizona where her husband is stationed with the Air Force. The Beta Rhos have been busy working on their an nual philanthropic project. We obtained money for the Cancer Fund by collecting money from patrons of the local theatres and by selling tags in the business district on a Saturday. We are now looking forward anxiously to our Campus Mothe r's Doy, the oil-sorority sing, and May Fete, for which we annually decorate the Maypole. And of course, we hope to see all of you at Roanoke this summer. Have a nice summer vocation . Love in A'5:.A, Glenna Murphy

MAY, 1952




Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield, Missouri

Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, lndiono

Dear Alpha Sigs: The spring term started off with a big hustle trying to ·get everything in shape far our Panhellenic workshop held on March 14 in our Student Center Building . Nearly all ·of the sororities have national officers present for help and advice to all . We had panel discussions on varied topics and ended it with a lovely banquet. We put one of the new ideas arising from the workshop into practice and , that is, half of the members of an organization whose grades were below the other half ·of this organization honor these girls in the top half by taking them aut to dinner. This was a suggestion made during a discussion on scholarship and how to help raise grades. Our new officers took over the middle of March and .also four pledges were initiated into active status on March 23 . As part of our philantropic project we sent clothes to the aid stations in Arkansas to be distributed among the people left homeless by the tornadoes. We al so had a part in the all school carnival that was held in order to raise funds for buying a movie projector for the children 's polio ward at one of the local hospitals . We have been entertaining a lot this term. We've had a party with each fraternity and a card party for our .alums. Plans are underwa y for our spr ing formal with the Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. · That just about winds it up for thi s term, but we are looking forward to the convention where we hope to meet many of you . Love in A"2-A,

Dear Alpha Sigs: Greetings from Beta Upsilon chapter at Indiana State Teachers College . April l mar ked the beginning of Spring term here on our campus. As usual, we are all busy getting started in new classes. Since we last wrote you, many exciting things ha ve happened . The most recent of these was our pledge dance at Allendale Lodge. A"2-A Joan Toeppe was general chairman of this dance, and she and her committee worked very hard to make it the huge success that it was. As you all know, our chapter is one of the newe r chapters to be added to the great famil y of Alpha Sigma Alpha . As time goes on, membership in a national sorority increases in meaning far each of us. Right now, we are making our plans to participate in State Day to be held in Indianapolis on April 26 . We are certainly loo king forward to meeting new A"2-A s isters at this convention. Speaking of conventions-we are planning on making the national convention at Roanoke a big event in our chapter. Many of us are planning to be there to meet even more of our new sisters that we acquired when we joined Alpha Sigma Alpha . Another big event to take place in the near future is our annual intra-sorority competition at Songfest. We have chosen A"2-A Dee Barnes a s director of our chorus . Although the affair will nat take place until late in Ma y, many of our evenings are alread y being spent in rehearsal. We have hopes of achieving top honors. Keep your fingers crossed for us. Love in A"2-A , Gayle Comoford

Wanda Sallee

Ca r,ry ·Me -aaGk WHERE.P

To 01' Virginny WHEN.~'

·August 19-22, 1952 WHY? ~tf~



Hotel" Roanoke

Roanoke, Virginia



ANNOUNCEMENTS BETA NU Potty Martin to H. H. McCurdy on February 1 1, 1952. Dolores Brown to Donald Vinson on March 8, 1 952. At home, Murra y, Ky.

.MARRIAGES BETA BETA Phyliis Claycomb to Rev. Hoyden 0. White on August 1 1, 1951. At home, 713 Sir Francis Dro ke Blvd. , Son Anselmo, Calif. Marie Do lgon to Roger Mockford in June, 1951. At home, 2030 N. S. Flanders, Portland, Oregon . Louise Fleer to John Robert Smart on December 31, 1 950 . At home, LaGrange, Mo. Maurie Perkins Forbes to Dr. H. L. Franklin on May 21, 1951 . At home, 1901 Mountview Blvd., Greeley, Colo. Janice Jones to Joseph E. Prince on June 17, 1951. Betty Adams to John A. Birleffi on March 4, 1952. At home, 103 Chottom St., Fredericksburg, Vo. Sue Robin to Kenneth Cody in 1 951. At home, 131 0 15th St., Greeley, Colo. Jeanne Whitney to James S. Ragsdale on December 29, 1 951. At home, Winkleman, Ariz. EPSILON EPSILON Kathleen Miller to Robert Miller on December 23, 1951 . At home, Sterling, Kansas. THETA THETA Eleanor Koncevitch to Arthur Lozeau on February 2, 1952 . At home, 31 Central St., Hudson, N. H. KAPPA KAPPA Jean Nolt to Dewey A. Nelson on October 7, 1 951 . Jean Rest to George Shonk on November 1 7, 1 951. NU NU Molly Wynhoff to Walker Cornman on February 18, 1952 . At home, 4100 Par ks ide Ave ., Philadelphia , Po . BETA DELTA Aimee Tindall to James Knight on March 1, 1952. At home, Soco, Mi ss. BETA ETA Lois Twi st to Morvin Wegner on February 17, 1952. At home, Bowman, N. D. BETA MU Corrine Cox to Holloce Dona ld Fowler on April 27 , 1950. At home, Humphrey, Ark . GAMMA CLIO Irma Utzot to John Patrick Gallagher on Decembe r 25, 1951. At home, 2535 Cruger Ave. , Bronx, New York.

BETA SIGMA Theresa Peters to Bill Thomas on February 24, 1952. At home, Buffa lo, Mo. Carlene Lethco to Bob Crain on March 8, 1 952. At home, Avo , Mo. Marilyn Tuc ker to John Botten on March 8, 1952. At home, Springfield, Mo. JoAnne McKnight to Jim Long in March, 1952 . At home, Springfield, Mo. Charlotte Richardson to Bill Boger on December 22 , 1951 . At home, Rollo, Mo.

BIRTHS Al.PHA Mr . and Mrs. F. M. Rogalla (Gertrude Seugden) a daughter, Frances McCoin, on October 20, 1 951. ALPHA BETA Mr. and Mrs. Orrin C. Smith (Nancy Cox) a daughter, Orrino R., on December 16, 1 950. BETA BETA Mr. and Mrs . Charles Beattie (Pot Norton ) a son, Michael Howard, on May 24, 1951. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burr (Megs Gibson ) a daughter, Patricio, on November 22, 1950. Mr. and Mrs. Gil Da vis Ueon Claire Boley) a son, Paul Jeffrey, on November 4 , 1 950. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conover (Jo Briggs) a so n on November 23, 1 951 . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Erickson (Ruth Montgomery) a son, Paul , in February, 1 951. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Dolzel (Helen Poeppel ) a son, Michael Scott, on April 16, 1951. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaskill (Edna Southworth) a so n, Robert Bradley, on July 17, 1951 . Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Jester (Marilyn Hortman) a daughter on Octobe r 1 6 , 1 951. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McPherso n (Anno Lee Holmes) a son, Keith , in January, 1951 . Mr. and Mrs . Lowry Mallory (Ruth Bo ker) a son , David Lowry, on July 31, 1951. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Nevin (Luon Southworth) a daug hter, Sherril Lynn, on July 1, 1951. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Payton (Barbaro Scott) a daughter, , Debora Anne, on August 1 1, 1 951 . Mr. and Mrs. David Royer (Gl oria Scorginl a son, Tommy, on September 13, 1951 . Mr . and Mrs. Dick Runnels (Margaret Cruml a son, Kenneth Richard, on March 1 7, 1951.

MAY, 1952 Mr . and Mrs. Duane Wells (Edith J op pa ) a san, Scott Douglas, an March 23 , 1 951 . Mr. and Mrs . Marvin Westburg Uoanne Duerkson) a san in November, 1 951 . Mr. and Mrs . J. V. Balkenbush (Lydia Cicmanec) twin daughters, Choral and Carol, an March 4, 1952 . EPSILON EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robson (Roberta Steffe) a san, Edward Carl , on March 12, 1 952 . Mr. and Mrs. Willard Janes (Betty Childers) a san, David Lynn , on February 13, 1952 . ZETA ZETA Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wallic k (Betty Urban ) a daughter, Sarah Ruth, on March 28, 1 951 . New address, R. D. 7 , York, Po . Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Lycan (Patricia Souther) a son, Vinso n Souther, on March 9 , 1 952 . KAPPA KAPPA Mr . and Mrs . Richard LaFever (Marion Noldt ) a daughter, Ann Lyndell , an April 20, 1951. New address, R. 1, Quarryville, Po. Mr. and Mrs . George Edward Null (Hester Snyder) a daughter, Esther Snyder, on April 17, 1951 . PI PI Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Twitchell (Virginia Lawrence) a daughter, Nancy Joanne, on February 1 6 , 1 952 . Mr . and Mrs. Thomas McGuire (Patrice Canavan) a daughter, Co lleen M., an February 9, 1952 . Mr . and Mrs. Alfred Di xo n Uane Colby) a daughter, J oa n Susan, on March 2, 1 952. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nevalls (Mary Clark) a daughter, Marsha Lou, on March 1 8 , 1 952 . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Glenn (Bernita Adams) a daughter, Terry Jean, on March 26, 1952.

55 BETA EPSILON Mr. and Mrs. Henry Elksnin (Ann Hardy Ingle) a san, Henry Nicholas, an September 27, 1951 . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Winston Uoyce Baine) a daughter, Mo lly Dana, on January 31 , 1 952. Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Swafford (Mar ia Tucker) a son, James Eugene, on December 25, 1950. Mr . and Mrs. Bill Spillman (Patsy Black) a daughter, Rebecca Elaine, on February 15, 1952. GAMMA CLIO Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tuthill (Harr iet Baylis) a san, John Clark, Jr., on December 19, 1951.

IN MEMORIAM On March 8 , 1952, the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter lost a beloved member. Evel yn Hall , charter member, passed awa y on that date, of injuries received in an autom obi le accident. She was se rv ing a s treasurer at the time of her passing, but during the years she has held many offices in the chapter and the hospitality of her home was greatly enjoyed by all of our me mbers. On March 28, 1952, Betty Ellen Mallue , Pi Pi, passed away. Betty, in her quiet re se rved way, was loved by all who knew her, for she possessed an inne r warmth that sparkled in he r eyes and kindl ed her every friendsh ip. She was on every chairman's " Good Worker" li st for she was an exceilent planner and organizer. Betty lived her short life to its fullest measure for she believed that only when yo u have something to die for, have you so mething to live for . He r sorority ties were alwa ys dear to he r, and A'J:.A has lost a tru e and beloved sister.



MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Send to Alpha Sigma Alpha Central Office 1405 Hardy Avenue 1ndependence, Missouri Maiden Name - - - - - - -- Former Address - -- --

- - --

Married Name - - - -- - - - New Address - - - -- - - --

Date of Marriage - -- --


Chapter - -- -- - - - - - -

MAY, 1952


Directory 1951-1952 EDITORIAL STAFF NATIONAL EDITOR Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3515 N . Pennsylv an ia St., Apt. 8, Indianapoli s 5, Indiana .

FOUNDERS Mrs. W . B. Carper (Louise Cox} 505 Montrose Drive, South Charl eston , W. Vo. Mrs. H . E. Gilliam (Juliette Hundley} 2608 Grove Ave., Richmond, Vo . Miss Mary Williamson Hundley, 506 N . Boulevard, Richmond 20, Vo. Mrs. John Walton Noell (Virginia Boyd} 617 Alli son A ve., . Roanoke, V o . Mrs. P. W. Wootton (C al v a Haml et Watson} 2020 Matoax Ave ., Petersburg, Vo.

NATIONAL COUNCIL President Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo. Vice-President-Miss Virginia Carpenter , 13605 Shaker Blvd ., Cleveland 20, Ohio. Secretary Miss Helen L. Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd ., Overbrook, Philadelph ia 31, Pennsylvania. Treasurer-Miss Esther Bucher, Suite 226 , 1025 Grand Ave., Kansas City 6, Mo. Registrar Mrs. Robert C. Grady, 2400 Swartwout A ve. , Richmond 28, Vo. Editor-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3515 N. Pennsylvania St., Apt. 8, Indianapolis 5, Ind . Director of Alumnae Miss Evelyn G. Bell, 767 Lafayette Ave., Buffalo 22 , New York.

NATIONAL CHAIRMEN Alumnae Editor- Miss El oise Proctor, 3110 N. Delware, Indianapolis 5, Ind. Alumnae Organizer Mrs. Donald L. Frost, 220 Brush Creek Bl v d., Kansas City 2, Mo. Art-Mrs. Robert Wol f , R.R. 1, Re x ford, N.Y. College Editor-Miss Mary K. Reiff, 3000 Tracy, Kansas City , Mo . Constitution-Mrs . Wayne W. Bye rs, 1696 Skyline Dr., Apt. 5, Pittsburgh 27, Po . Convention-Miss Helen L. Corey , 6310 Sherwood Rd. , Overbrook, Philadelph ia 31 , Po. Fellowship-Mrs . Harvey E. Bumgardner, East Long Lake Road, Bloomfield Hills, M ichigan . Founders' Day-Mrs . Robert T. Naylor, 230 N . Main St., Suffolk, Va. Historian-Miss Louise Stewart, 1330 Blue A ve., Zanesville, Ohi o. Music-Mrs. Arthur L. Hellrich, Apt. 502B Al lenhurst Rd. , Buffalo 14, N. Y. Philanthropic-Mrs . R. A. Rice, 4651 Kenwood Ave., Indianapo li s, Ind . Scholarship-Mrs . Reinard Schlosser, 2800 Dexter St., Denver 7, Co lorado.

NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE Chairman-Mrs. Harold Hutchinson, 5545 Penrith Road , Seattle 5, Washington. Al:A Representative-Mrs . Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., Independence, Mo.

Beta Tau-Joan Gal vi n, 64 E. Mohaw k St ., Oswego, N . Y . Beta Upsilon Virginia Barrett , 2708 Crawford St., T erre Haute, Ind.

COLLEGE EDITOR-Miss Mary Kay Reiff, 3000 Tracy A ve., Kansas City, Mo.

ALUMNAE EDITOR-Mi ss Eloise Proctor 3110 N. Delaware St. , Indianapolis, lnd:

Alpha-Betty Barnes, Box 107, Longwood College, Farm vil le, Va. Alpha Alpha-Barbara Snow, 149 Swing Hall , Oxford , Ohio. Alpha Beta-Di xie Bowling , 701 E. Normal, Kirksville, Mo. Alpha Gamma-Norma Trimble , 102 John Sutton Hall , Indiana, Po. Beta Beta-Mary Nelson, 813 21st St. , Greeley, Colo . Gamma Gamma-Rita Roessle r, Shockley Hall , Alva, Okla. Epsilon Eosi lon-Gioria Harri s, 929 West , Emporia, Kansas . Zeta Zeta-Mary Ann Vogel, Yeater Hall , 278 , Warrensburg, Mo. Eta Eta-Charlene McClanahan, 201 E. Williams, Pittsburg , Kansas . Theta Theta-Judy Blac k, 4 Charl esgate Ea st, Boston, Mass. Kaopa Kapaa-Eleanor Whitehead, 1938 N. Park A ve ., philadelphia 22, Po. Nu Nu-Jean Langettel , 319 Old Forrest Road , Carroll Park, Philadelphia , Po . Pi Pi-M artha Richards , North Hall, State Teachers Colleg e, Buffalo, N . Y . Rho Rho-Pauline Dani els, 1858 5th Ave ., Huntington, W. Vo. Sipm a Siama-Viro inia T essman , Ch ipeta Hall , Gunnison , Colo. Tau Tau- Phy lli s A ley, Custer Hall , Ha ys , Kansas. Ph i Phi-Sue Condon , 316 N . Fil lm ore, Maryville, Mo. Ch i Chi-Yvonne Watson , Luci na Hall , Muncie, Ind. Psi Psi Joseoh ine Houston Froaola , Northwestern State, Natchitoches, La . Beta Gamma-Vi.rg ini a Leiah Patterson , 330 Wilson Hell , Tah lequah , Okla. Beta Delta Joan Waldrup, Station A , Hatti esburg , Miss. · Beta Eosilo" Hi wana Cuop, Bo x 641 , Madison Colleg e, Harri so nb urg , Va. Beta Zeta Vera Smith , Southwestern Louisiana Insti tute, Lafayette, La . Beta Eta-Isa bel! Lapp , South Hall , Dickinson , N. D. Beta Theta-N an Bondy, Sloan Hall , Mt. Pl easa nt, Mich. Beta Iota- Rosemarie Cam pagna , Radford Col lege, Radford, Va . Be•a Kaopa-Charlotte Mclean, 307 E. Carrol l, Macomb, Ill. Beta Lam bda- Eff iqene Prince , Box 525 , Arkan,as State Teachers Coll ege, Conway, Ark . Beta Mu-Marquetta Kinard . Bo x 514 , Henderson State Teachers College, Arkadelphia, Ark. Gamma Clio -Frances Marion, North Hall , Cortland , N. Y. Beta Nu-Betty Robinson , Coll ege Station , Murray, Ky. Beta Xi-Joan Kendrick, 50 Maple St ., Oneonta , N. Y. Rho Ch i-Marian Storsetter, 17204 Hunti ngton Road , Detroit, Mich. Beta Pi-Louise Magyar, Box 118 , Athens , W.Va . Beta Rho-Carolyn Werne r, Adams Hall North, DeKalb, Ill. Beta Rho-Wando Sallee, 927 E. Belmont , Springfield, Mo.

Akron, Ohio Miss Lillian Greer 393 Hollywood Ave ., Akron 3, Ohio . ' All entown-Bethlehem , Pa .-Mrs . Kenneth Sway ne, 900 Graham St ., Bethlehem , Po . Alva, Oklahoma-Mrs. Essie Noll , 1029 Center St. , Alva, Okla . Baltimore, Maryland Miss Z . Minerva Messenger, 4416 Marble Hall Road, Baltimore 18, Md. Boston, Massachusetts Mrs. Lou ise Hockada y Lund , 26 H illsdal e Rd ., Medford, Mass . Buffalo , New York-Mrs . George Conroy, 91 Portland Ave. , Buffalo, N . Y . Canton, Ohio-Mrs. Bryon Glitz, 868 Phillips Rd., N. E., Massillon, Ohio. Central Pennsylvania Miss Virginia Hoffman, 111 W . Broad St ., New Holland, Po. Charlesto n, West Virgini a-Mrs . Alfred A . Gruber, 1629 Woodbine Ave ., Charleston, W. Va. Charlottesville, Vi rgin ia Mrs. W . H . Lilly, 308 Par k Place, Charlottesville, V a. Chicago, Illinois Mrs. Richard Carson , 106a lnd1anwood, Park Forrest, Ill. Cincinnati, Ohi o-Miss Wilma Hutchison, 3420 Middleton Ave ., Cincinnati 20, Ohio. Cleveland, Ohio Mrs. Richard E. Fry , 1552 Wyand" tte Ave ., Lakewood 7, Ohio. Colorado Springs, Colo.- Mrs. J. J. Timmons, 34 Brookside, Colorado Springs, Colo . Mrs. Loren Windom , Col umbus, Ohio Reynoldsburg , Ohio . Cortland, New York Mrs. Raymond Thames, 3 1 Maple Ave. , Cortland , N .Y . Cumberland , Md. - Miss Margaret Reid, 123 Cumberland St ., Cumberland, Md. Dayton , Ohio-Mrs . J. A. Swart, 59 Central Ave., Apt. 502 , Da yton 6, Ohio. Denver, Colorado Miss Virginia Scioli, 3811 Julian, Denv er, Colo. Des Moines, Iowa-Mrs. E. N. Jacobson, 740 Cherokee, Des Moines, Iowa . Detroit, Michigan (Delta Phi}-Mrs. T . J. Davey, 11 75 , Grayton, Grosse Pointe 30, Mich. Detroit, Michigan (Sigma Rho Chi}-Miss B. Dickieson , 9660 Burnette, Detroit 4, Mich. Emporia , Kansas-Mrs. Marjori e Corbett , 1427 Merchant, Emporia , Kansas . Er ie, Pennsylvan ia-Mrs . Wm . Sugg s, Jr., 61 OY2 West 5th St ., Erie, Po. Farm v il le, Vi rg inia Miss Emil y Clark, Farm vil le, Vo . Fort W a y ne, Indiana Miss Martha St uckey, 4432 S. Anthon y Blvd ., Fort Wayne, Ind. Greeley, Col orado-Mrs. Earl Drake, 2440 8th St ., Greeley, Colo. Gunn ison , Colorado Mrs. Lou Anna Mion, Gunnison , Colo . Hampton , Virgin ia-Mrs. Henry Elksnin , H idden Acres , Seaford , Vo . Hartford, Connecticut Mrs. Stuart A . Bristol, Collinsville, Conn. Harrisonburg, Virginia-Mrs. W . L. James, Jr., 149 W. Gratton St., Harrisonburg, Va .


58 Hays, Kansas Mrs. 0. D. Carmichael, 510 W. 20th, Hays, Kansas. Huntington, West Virginia-Mrs. Emma Rittinger, 1225 8th St., Huntington, W.Va . Indiana, Pennsylvania-Mrs . Robert Kline, 1122 Washington St., Indiana, Pa. Indianapolis, Indiana-Miss Zelma Piner, 41 Bankers Lane, Apt. D, Indianapolis, Ind. Joplin, Missouri-Mrs. Patricia Stuckey, 406 West First, Joplin, Mo. Kalamazoo , Michigan Mrs. Lindsay Farnan, 955 Wallwood Place, Kalamazoo, Mich. Kansas C1ty, M1ssouri Mrs. Doris S. Klein, 6405 Walnut St ., Kansas City, Missouri. Kentuckiana-Mrs . James Black, 2109 S. 39th St ., Louisville, Ky. Kirksville , Missouri-Mrs. Jaciel Pearso n, 408 S. Elson, Kirksville, Mo. Lafayette, Louisiana-Miss Rosina Landry, 515 W. Congress, Lafa yette, La . Licking- Muskingum, Ohio Mrs. Paul House, 1220 Evansdale Ave., Newark, Oh io. Los Angeles, California Mrs. Floyd Hammond, I 051 9th St., Hermosa Beach, Calif . Lynchburg, Virginia-Mrs. Kendall Sydnor, 2507 Link Rd., Ly nchburg , Va. Macomb, Illinois Mrs. J. D. Ekelof, Oquawka , Ill. Maryville, Missouri Mrs. David White, 408 N. Walnut, Maryville, Mo. Middletown, Ohio-Miss Nellie Lash , 2909 Grand Ave., Middletown, Ohio. Muncie, Indiana Mrs. Charles Alvey, 3001 Torquay Rd ., Muncie, Ind.

Muskogee, Oklahoma-Mrs. Thomas McLa in, 1205 Ash, Muskogee, Okla. New Orleans , Louisiana-Miss Olive Bourgeois, 5606 Catino St., New Orleans, La. New Yo rk City, New York Miss Lois Price, 618 Bergen St., Bellmore, N. Y. Niagara Fall s, New York-Mrs. Nassea Hodge, 4804 Lafayette Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y . Norfolk-Portsmouth, Virginia-Mrs. Ann Ireland, 208 37th St., Norfolk, Va. Northern New Jersey Mrs. Leonard Cousins, 419 Valley Road , Upper Montclair, N. J . Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mrs. J. J . Gilger, 612 N. W. 54th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Oleans, New York-Mrs . Donald Ragan, 60 N. Franklin , Cattaraugus, N . Y. Peoria, Illinois-Miss Mary Lee Johnson, 411 Reservoir, Peoria Heights, Ill. Portland , Oregon Miss Enid Ehrman , 1134 S. W. Harri so n, Apt. 44, Portland , Oregon. Philadelphia , Pennsylvania-Mrs. Nancy K. Miller, 425 Newton Rd ., Moreland Farms , Hatboro, Pa . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-Mrs. Ben Hill, 3263 Waltham Ave., Pittsburgh 16, Pa . Ph oeni x, Arizona-Mrs. Dan Rt. I , Box 91, Tempe, Ariz.


Queen City, North Dakota Krietinger, Belfield, N. D.

Mrs. AI

Richmond , Virginia-Mrs. A. Mck. Reynolds, Jr., Diesel Housing Unit, Bldg. 7, Apt. 8, Richmond, Va . Roanoke, Virginia-Mrs. Carroll D. Rea , 2241 Windsor Ave., S. W., Roanoke, Va.

Rochester, New York-Mrs. Gerald Braun, 2018 Browncroft Blvd ., Rochester I 0, N.Y. St. Louis, Missouri M iss Dorothy Jean Myers, 561 7 Clemens, St. Louis 12, Mo. San Diego, California-Mrs . Ellen Orebert, 4002 Hamilton, San Diego, Calif. South Bend, Indiana-Mrs. H. A. Roberts , 2517 Erskine Blvd., South Bend, Ind. Southern New Jersey-Miss Elaine Schneider, 12 West Browning Rd ., Collingswood 7, N.J. Suffolk, Virginia Mrs. Robert Naylor, 230 N. Main St., Suffolk, Va . Terre Haute, Indiana-Mrs. Albert Wiley, 830 Collett Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Topeka, Kansas-Mrs . Wm. Yearout, Jr., 1422 Eden Court, Topeka, Kansas . Triple Cities, New York-Mrs. Raymond Westling , 2817 Cresent Drive, Endicott, N.Y. Tucson, Arizona-Miss Margaret Sparks, East Stadium Dormitory, U. of A., Tucson , Arizona. Tulsa , Oklahoma-Mrs. Laura Sipes, 1227 S. Evanston , Tulsa, Okla . T win Cit ies, Minnesota-Mrs. Marguerite McCue, 5729 S. Oliver Ave. , Minneapolis, Minn. Warrensburg , Missouri, (Wi lma Wilson Sharp Chapter) Mrs. John Epright, Centerview, Mo. Washington, D. C.-Mrs . C. 0. Cremeans, 1277 Brentw:>od Road, N. E., Washington , D. C. Wilmington, Delaware-Mrs. Harry Gorman , 231 Plymouth Road, Wilmington, Delaware . Wichita , Kansas-Mrs. Claire W. Alexander, 731 S. H illside, Wichita , Kansas.

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