Asa phoenix vol 33 no 2 jan 1948

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TA B l E




1948 The Importance of the Major ity-W ilma W il son Sharp . 2 VOLUME



Alpha Sigma Alpha is Admitted to National Ponhellen ic Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Flashes of the A~A National Boord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chartering Alumnae Chapters . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. . .. . 7 It's Fun to be in an

A~ A

Alumnae Chapter ...... . . . . 8

Lost? . . . .. . .. . ... . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. .. . 9 The Alumnae and Rush ing . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. ... .. . 10 Accomplished AI umnoe .. .. ..... . . . . .... . . . .. . . . 12 A~A' s

Support Ph ilanthrop ic Projects ·. .. . . .. ... .. .. 14

Within the Family . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . ...... . . .... . 16 I Gave a College Chapter to

A~ A

.... . .. . . .. . . . .... 17

Design for Building , Regional Meet ings, 1948 . ... . . . 18 Kampus Kopers . . . . ...... . . . ............ . . .. .. 20 Check and Double Check .. . .. . .. . . ... .. .... : . . . . 23

• Publ is hed in November, Janua ry, March a nd Ma y of each yea r a t 30 N. Ni nth St., Richmond, Indiana, by t he Nicholson Printing Compa ny, fo r the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having hea dquar ters a t India na polis, Indiana . Busi ness corresponde nce ma y be add ressed to eit he r office, but matter fo r publicatio n and cor respondence conce rning the so me shoul d be ad d ressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 35 40 N. Pennsylva nia St., Apartment T , Ind ianapo lis 5 , Ind iana .



Postmaste r: Send Form 3578 to Indi a napo lis, Indian a , a ddress. Entered a s second -class matter, Septe mber 4, 192 3, a t the post office a t Richmond, Indiana, und er the Act of Ma rch 3 , 1879 .



THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MAJORITY A Message for Alpha Sigma Alpha Alumnae To All A~ A Alumnae Everywhere: It is pleasant to greet you through this, your special publication. Your influential relationship to Alpha Sigma Alpha has been described in various terms. We hove affectionately called you the Big Sisters of A~ A , or the Older Daughters of your chapters. Since the day of the first A~ A graduates, alumnae hove passed to succeeding members the sorority heritage we hold dear. So, we hove said with pride that you furnish the family background for our college members. Your contribution to the sorority has been recorded in strong, descriptive words : security, stability, prestige, maturity of pu rpose and action, devoted service, worthwhile achievement. Now is the time for you to think of yourselves in your aggregate relationship to your sorority. Alumnae compose on overwhelming majority of our total A ~ A membership. In the fall of the year, before our college chapters hove added their new members, you, the alumnae, constitute 90% of our fraternity family . In A ~ A , we hove always placed a high value upon the contribution of the individual member to her chapter and the notional organization. It is impressive to speculate upon the united potentialities of approximately 9,000 individual alumnae. Alpha Sigma Alpha has reached a period in- its history when the_octive support of you, its alumnae, will determine to a Iorge extent its destiny. The admission of Alpha Sigma Alpha to Notional Ponhellenic Conference is of much significance to you. Your enthusiastic interest and participation in Alpha Sigma planning and activities may decide the growth and place of A~ A in its wider interfraternity relationship . Consider the resulting good for A~ A , if your combined contribution could be in proportion to your total membership. Alpha Sigma Alpha is a democratic organization. The articulate wishes of the majority become the policies that shape our fraternity program . An energetic, A~A -minded alumnae body con be the powerful majority that will lead A~A into great future growth and prosperity . Alpha Sigma Alpha is depending upon you, each individual alumnae, joined with thousands of others over a span of almost fifty years, to promote such a majority . May you find satisfaction and joy in serving your sorority because your service is performed in friendship and love . Affectionately yours in Alpha Sigma Alpha, WILMA WILSON SHARP Notio~ol President Independence, Missouri December 15, 1947



Alpha Sigma Alpha 1s Admitted to National Panhellenic Conference by Wilma Wilson Sharp On November 12, 1947, Alpha Sigma " Since, therefore, the fields have merged Alpha, with the five other sororities which wherein N.P.C. and A.E .S. sororities have funccomprised the Association of Education So- tioned separately for many years, the union of rorities, was admitted to Associate Member- the two sorority associations became inevitship in National Panhellenic Conference- able . Consequently on November 12, 1947, provided certain N. P. C. constitutional re- the s ix sororities in A.E.S. were accepted as quirements are met by June 1, 1948 . For members of the National Panhellenic Confermany years our fraternity membership has ence at its biennial meeting in Colorado been aware of "the field problems" which Springs-provided that certain constitutional have confronted Alpha Sigma Alpha as requirements were met by June 1, 1948 . N .P.C. and A.E .S. attempted to maintain "Even though the former A.E.S . sororities separate fields . Even a casual reading of our are now members of N .P.C., their national and A~ history discloses the complications which local purpose and activities will remain uncaused the loss of some fine A-:i.A university changed. This affiliation, however, with chapters . As long ago as 1939, all of our N.P.C. will bring added advantages to colalumnae and college chapters decided that legiate and alumnae sorority members and membership in N .P.C. was likely the best so- to the campuses which they represent." The reqwirements which Alpha Sigma Alpha lution to the perplexing situation . It is common fraternity knowledge, that as the gradual must meet in order to comply with the N .P.C. merging of A -.-A and N .P.C. fields become _ constitution pertain to accreditation standmore apparent, the less satisfactory to every- ards of colleges and dual membership . The one concerned became the agreements where- N.P .C. constitution stipulates that to be elig. by separate fields were maintained . But per- ible for associate membership, a women's haps it may be advisable to briefly explain the fraternity "must have all of its chapters esdevelopments which resulted in the dissolution tablished in senior colleges and universities of separate fields for N.P .C. and A.E .S. An which are authorized to confer a Bachelor's explanation is provided in the following para- Degree, and which are given satisfactory graphs taken from a letter which was sent to rating by the Association of American Unithe administrative officers of all universities versities and/or the pertinent recognized reand colleges where the former A.E.S . soror- gional association of colleges and secondary schools." Alpha Sigma Alpha has only two ities have chapters. "You are probably familiar with the fact colleges on its roll that do not have, or have that Education sororities have been estab- not applied for accreditation by A.A.U. or a lished in colleges that were primarily for regional accrediting agency. It is hoped that teacher training, and that similarly the Na- the two; State Teachers College at Dickinson, tional Panhellenic sororities have been in- North Dakota, and Oneonta, NewYork, will stalled in Liberal Arts colleges . When the soon have this accreditation. It is also conAssociation of Education Sororities was or- findently hoped that the four colleges which ganized in 1915, there were these two distinct have had accreditation applications pending for some time will receive due consideration types of colleges . "Gradually, however, many t~achers col- from the regional ' agencies by June 1, 1948 . leges have added Liberal Arts departments so The four colleges are : the State Teachers Colthat they are now receiving A.A.U . or regional leges at Buffalo, New York; Cortland, New accrediting as well as A.A.T.C. accrediting. York; Northwestern State College, Alva, OklaOn October 1, 1947, forty-eight of the sixty homa; and Northeastern State College, Tahlecolleges wherein the Association of Education quah, Oklahoma . Dual membership is not countenanced by Sororities had chapters had received regional accrediting, making them therefore a field for N .P.C. When A.E .S. and N .P.C. functioned National Panhellenic sororities. Of the re- in separate fields, membership in both ormaining twelve colleges, all but four have ac- ganizations was permitted. It can be no longer for the N.P.C. Constitution states: "No person crediting pending with regional agencies.


4 is eligible to membership in more than one N .P.C. fraternity ." Of our total membership, A:::SA has comparatively few members who are also members of N .P.C. fraternities. The rights of the few were strongly championed. An urgent request was made that the regulation regarding dual membership should not be retroactive and that it should not affect faculty advisers. The request was not granted . It will be necessary for A:::SA members who are also members of an N .P.C. sorority to terminate one of their sorority affiliations. Information regarding necessary adjustments will be sent to individual members later. This regulation , of course, does not apply to professional fraternities, such as Sigma Alpha Iota . When the necessary adjustments have been made, Alpha Sigma Alpha will enter upon an enlarged program with increased advantages to individual college and alumnae members. Our alumnae will be eligible to membership in N .P.C. City Panhellenics. All members will have the benefit of wider interfraternity relationships . Alpha Sigma Alpha will now place. chapters in any college meeting the eligibility requirements of N .P.C. Our . sorority expects to retain its identity, its present program, standards and activities. Alpha Sigma Alpha expects to proudly advance as a member of National Panhellenic Conference. The full realization of our hopes depends upon the enthusiastic cooperation of every Alpha Sigma Alpha .

CHAIRMAN OF NPC WELCOMES A~A In order that all membe rs may enjoy the gracious welcome that has been accorded A ~ A by N.P.C. , the fo llowing letter from Miss L. Pearle Green is presented in its entirety. NATIONAL PANHELLENIC CONFERENCE L. Pearle Green, chairman 302 Fall Creek Dr ive, Ithaca , N. Y. Mrs . E. Granville Crabtree, secretary 65 Dean Rd ., Brookline, Mass. Alpha Sigma Alpha Mrs. Fred Sharp, preside nt 1 405 Hardy Avenue Independe nce, Mo. Dear Alpha Sigma Alpha Members : Greetings to you! It is my pleasant duty to welcome your fraternity officially into Associate membership in Nati onal Panbellenic Conference. Everything, or anyt hing, I may be able to do to help in your orientation and your preparations for acti ve membership in National Panhellenic Conference, I will do gladly. Please feel free, at any time, to call o n me for aid, or to offer to me suggestions for our work together. We active members of National Panhellen ic are glad of the opportunity this union gives all of us to gi ve more effective service to the College g irl s. May the po licies of our separate ex periences, and accompli shments, bring more effective techniques to National Ponhellenic Conference, and bro)lden its vi sion ! We look forward, too, to pe rsonal acqua intance with many of you. Most cordially yo urs,

Directory Treasur er - Miss Esth er Buch er, Suite 226, 1025 Gran d Ave., Ka nsas City 6, Missouri. R egistrar-Miss Marion S . Powell, 3301 L a n smere St., Sh a ker H eigh ts, Ohio. Alumnae Director-Miss Evelyn G. Beil, 767 Lafayette Avenue, B u ffa lo 9, New York. Editor-Mrs. B. F. L eib, 3540 N. P ennsylvania Street, Apartmen t T, Indianapolis 5, I ndiana.

National Council 1946-1949 President - Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy Ave., Indep endence, Missouri. V ice-President- Mi ss Virginia Carpenter, 13605 Shaker Blvd. , Cleveland 20, Ohio. S ecre tary- Mi ss H elen Corey, 6310 Sh er wood Road, Overbrook, Philadelphia, 31, P ennsylvanif.

National Chairmen Alumnae Organizer-Miss P h on Joh nson, 221 E. 46th Street, Kansas City 2, Missouri. Alumnae Editor - Miss E loise Proctor, 18 E. 40th St., Apt. 3, I n dianapolis 5, Indiana.

L. Pearle Green Chairman, N.P.C. 1947-49

Alumnae SecretariesMiss Eth el E. Barrett, 9 V incen t P lace, Mon tclai r , N ew Jersey. Mrs. Don ald Frost, 32 E . 65th St., N ew York 21, N ew York. Constitution-Mrs. A lbert Kuch s, 614 N . Market Street, Maryville, Missouri. F ellowshi p - Mrs. Snead Camden , Ch atham, Virginia. Scholarship-Mrs. Rei n ard Schlosser, 2800 Dexter St., D enver 7, Colorado. Historian - Miss Louise Stewart, 1330 Blue Aven ue, Zan esville, Ohio. Convention Miss Helen Corey, 6310 Sh erwood Road, Overbrook, P h iladelp hia 31, Pennsylvan ia . Art-Mrs. Robert J. Wolf, 151 St. James P lace, Buffalo 9, N ew York . College Editor-Miss Joan Steinm iller, 89 Keswick Road, Eggertsville 21, N . Y. Music-Mrs. Arth ur L. Hellrich , Box 1021, Colgate U n ivers ity, H amilton , N. Y.



Flashes of the Alpha Sigma Alpha National Board

A'2.A NATIONAL COUNCIL 1st row : Marion Powell , Wilma Sharp, Virginia Carpenter . Esther Bucher, Evelyn Bell , Helen Corey, Genevieve Leib .

INDEPENDENCE, Missouri, produces another President! Mrs. Wilma Wilson Sharp, manager of our closely-knit, nation-wide organization-a time-consuming responsibility. How does one small person accomplish so much? . .. SAME State, Kansas City : Send all money and bills to Esther Bucher, Treasurer. Warning! don't be a quack or she'll track you down for the Better Business Bureau . . . AGAIN in Kansas City : Phon Johnson , Executive Assistant for the White Eagle Division Offices of Socony Vacuum and Oil Company; equally amenable to Alpha Sigma Alpha in position of Alumnae Organizer . .. NELL Kuchs supports National Board in capacity of Constitution Chairman . Maryville, Missouri, Alumnae Chapter grateful for her energetic work with the group in all free time that housekeeping allows . . . MOVING into Ohio: Orchids from Halle Brother's Store in Cleveland to Alpha Sigma Alpha's Vice-President, Virginia Cmpenter, and Registrar, Marion Powell, for their capable assistance in building up its Education Department . . .

DEAN Louise Stewart offers gu idance to High School girls . Place? Zanesville, Ohio. Also, ~ecords and files information for History of Alpha Sigma Alpha . . . FOUR No Trump! Expert bridge enthusiasts, Genevieve Leib and Eloise Proctor, in Indianapolis, Indiana . "Phoenix" goes to press with thanks to Editor and Alumnae Edi tor. Genevieve substitutes in primary grades with new-found time since son, Bill has married and moved to California . Eloise teaches full-time and does graduate work .. . "Y'ALL" send Fellowship Contributions to Frances Camden-the southern girl with the soft accent! Home? Chatham, Virginia . . . NOW to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Upper Darby Junior High School boasts of Helen Corey's outstanding work in the Home Economics Department; Alpha Sig boasts of her contribution to National Board tJs Secretary. SPOTLIGHT on Buffalo, New York : Alumnae Director, Evelyn Bell-Assistant Principal of large Buffalo School , a critic center for New York State Teachers College at Buffalo -College and Alumnae meetings incomplete without her路 presence . Many group activiti~s including A.A.U .W. and churchwork, yet, always has time for the individual . . . CRITIC Edith Wolf; ingenious with silk screens, oils, drawing boards, and art projects at School of Practice, New York State Teachers College at Buffalo---even with housekeeping finds spare minutes for innumerable art layouts, pamphlets and .sl ingers for Alpha Sig Conventions, Bulletins, and "Phoenix"! Official title-Art Editor . .. CLICK-more publicity for Alpha路 Sig! Joan Steinmiller behind the camera; follow -up articles and pictures found in the "Phoenix." Other interests: tennis, golf, skating, music, and Second Grade at Snyder, New Yorksomehow finds time to edit College Newsletters . . . AROUND the vicinity of New York City: Emma Frost's famous Park School of Cookery, and Billie Barrett's guidance work in Orange, New Jersey, allow time for them to collaborate as National Alumnae Secretaries . . . SING : new music, new words Shirley Ainsworth Hellrich enriches Sorority spirit as Music Director of Conventions and the



" Phoenix" . .. New song issue coming soon! . 20 affirmative votes/ no negative votes . Alpha Private life? Housekeeping at Colgate Univer- Sigma Alpha 1 Alpha Sigma Tau Delta Sigma Epsilon 1 Pi Kappa Sigma 1 Sigma Sigma Sigma/ sity/ Hamilton / New York. "OLD Faithful// Polly Schlosser! Alpha Theta Sigma Upsilon 1 Alpha Epsilon Phi 1 Phi Sig/s Scholarship chairman as well as the Sigma Sigma/ Delta Phi Epsilon / Sigma Delta Librarian in East High School/ Denver/ Colo- Tau Theta Phi Alpha had been accepted as 1 rado. Typ ical of "western hospitalit/ -Re- associate members/ unanimously. member1 Convention-goers? . . . For a moment following the recording of the NAT IONAL Board! Their unceasing inter- last ballot/ there was silence . Then Miss est and untiring efforts are a challenge to all Onken spoke : 0ur decision has been based upon the realization of the fact that 1 as a Alpha Sigs! leader in the fraternity world 1 NPC has an obligation to the entire college and fraternity world itself . No one can fail to be conscious of the fact that this marks a distinct change in National Panhellenic Conference . We hope that it means that NPC has taken a forward step which will mean that fraternities will contribute more constructively than ever before because they will be working together for the things which they have in common/ and that their influence for standards and education / for all of the fine things for which our individual fraternities and NPC itself stand / will be increased .11 A"'J:.A NATIONAL OFFICERS Seated, left to right : Helen Co rey, Wilma Sharp, Virginia A step forward! A reward for the faith that Carpenter, Esth e r Bucher, Genevieve Leib . those fraternity leaders had who had worked Stand ing : Evely n Be ll, Marion Powell, Pho n J ohnso n, for more than 20 years to have all women/s El oise Procto r, Poll y Schl osse r. fraternit ies contributing to social development of undergraduates/ included in NPC! A reQUIET PLEASE Re pri nted fr o m " Fra te rnity Mo nth ," Decembe r, 1947 . ward for the understanding with which th e There was a quiet 1 solemn. air of expect- leaders of the non -member groups went about ancy in the Little Theatre at the Broadmoor their work with undergraduates! Hotel / Colorado Springs/ on Wednesday afterIn a flickering second after the action was noon / November 12 . On the stage / at a long over/ there came to mind the thought that/ by table / sat the officers of National Panhellenic patient plodding man may reach a goal . The Conference : Amy Burnham Onken Chairman 路 broadened scope of NPC after so many years L. Pearle Green / Secretary; Mrs . E. Granville reminds us that One World may also be atCrabtree/ Treasurer . Beside them were mem- tained this side of heaven . bers of the Committee on the Eligibility and Speaking at a recent Convocation at Minne Nationalization of Social Groups : Mrs . E. Tiel sota / Dr . Arthur H. Compton / AT0 1 said //SerSmith/ Mrs. Darrel B. Rasmussen/ and Mrs . M . vice to his fellow men earns a place in society C. Burnaugh . The Committee had given its report. It had submitted its recommendations, for the individual and the same principle holds one after another/ each asking for the admis- for nations of the world . Love thy neighbor sion of a soro rity to associate membership . has become a factor without which we can The Panhellenic Delegates/ sitting in the first never survive . 1






rows of the theater/ had marked their ballots . One after another they had been counted . Ea ch recomme ndat io n had been accepted-

National Panhellenic Conference has made a new _place for itself among _the institutions of soc iety.



Chartering Alumnae Chapters Goodness me, what a lonesome place this is! Not much like A~A days . " ~A days ." What a thought! Why, there should be other Alpha Sigmas right here in this very town . Wonder how I can go about finding out about them? Oh , to see some A - A sisters!

I know, I' ll write the National Alumnae Organizer, Miss Phon Johnson-She can tell me who lives near here .

Surprise of surprises! Look at this-a dozen alumnae right here within a few miles . Let's see, one from home, two from AB, four from GG, one from EE-a whole mixture of chapters. Well, I know what that girl from home is like, and if the others are A~A girls, that's enough for me. I'm going to call them right now . If they ore as lost in this place as I am they'll welcome a sorority family voice-whether they ever heard it before or not.

What do you girls say to our all meeting for lunch or dinner, or an evening of reminiscing and getting really acquainted with each other?

You know, with that list of names there was a letter from our National Organizer suggesting that when we could get the group together we should consider, seriously too, petitioning for a charter and becoming a really active chartered alumnae group. There really isn't much "red tape" to it. If we elect officers, plan at least four meetings a year, and eight or more of sign this petition, that's all . Then we could be a part of the national program of activities and learn about other alumnae chapter~ . We'd know more about our sorority family of college and alumnae sisters . Maybe we thought we were the whole A~A family in our own individual chapters in school, but just look how many new sisters we have found in this one meeting . What do you say to signing this petition blank now? By next meeting when perhaps we could call ourselves the "X X X X Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha," and if we publicized our meeting it's just poss ible other sisters in our vicinity might read or hear about us and join us in our meetings. It will be great if we can get our charter by next meeting. That will make us feel we have an important part in carrying on the true A~A sister spiri_t of comradship and cooperation , 路and close companionship. Perhaps we could have our delegate at Regional Meetings and Conventions, too, and help keep abreast of our " family affairs." (A few months later) Look at us now! ARE YOU a member of a chartered alumnae group? If not, are you near one, or will you lend your efforts toward organization?


"OH, IT'S FUN TO BE IN AN ALPHA SIG ALUMNAE CHAPTER" Dan Cupid and graduation brought . so many AlA's to Houma, Louisiana, that it was possible to charter an alumnae chapter in October, 1947. When the patients in the Suffolk, Virginia路, hospitals receive books to read from the Hospital Library, they are enjoying the thoughtfulness of a small group of Alpha Sigmas who sensed this community need . The books now number nearly 500 and Mary St. Clair Bugg, Alpha, is the librarian who cares for the cataloging and the like. The Canton Alumnae had a chance to take a booth at a Christmas Bazaar and expect to make enough money to care for their chapter needs this year. Clever bulletins-enthusiasm-attendance at college and sorority functions-these have all marked the efforts of the EE Alumnae and especially those in Emporia, Kansas. The attraction? That new sorority house! Imagine receiving eight transfer members in two months! Our Washington, D. C., alumnae chapter can make that boast. The only trouble is that these fine members often have a short stay in D.C. However, they are grateful for the valuable contacts in that short time. Congratulations to our Columbus Alumnae Chapter that celebrated its Silver Anniversary in November. That is indeed a record of which to be proud! The Richmond Alumnae had a progressive dinner for their December meeting with husbands and sweethearts as special guests . The party was such a success that the men are recommending more of those get togethers! At the rate the Alpha Sigmas are moving to Hawai i, there will soon be an Alumnae Chapter there . Can you help our National Alumnae Organ izer out with a few suggestions of people on the island? The quotation on the bulletin of the Western Zone Convention of the New York State Teachers Association was taken from " The Resourceful Teacher" by Lorena Long of Tulsa , Oklahoma . What is the important item is that th is same Lorena Long is a faithful AlA member !

THE PHOENIX Detroit, Michigan, now has two Alumnae Chapters. The first group, Delta Phi, has Saturday luncheon meetings and the new chapter installed this fall as Sigma Rho Chi meets in the evenings . Such an arrangement should certain路ly please all. On April 3rd the "Bride and Groom" pro;; gram from Hollywood featured an AlA, Marion Lee Jones of Xi Xi Chapter who had become Mrs. Monte Myers that day. The Alpha Sigmas in the East were pleasantly surprised to hear the voices of two of their California members whom they had never met. When it comes to new ways of raising money, you can never tell what will tum up in the way of possibilities. Sears Roebuck has been carrying on a National personal shopping contest and during the month of October the Buffalo store was shopped by AlA alumnae . Aside from being fun to shop incognito the local Treasury is the richer by $100.

WANTED-More Life Members! This is addressed to members of Alpha Sigma Alpha who have neglected to complete their life membership payments. _ Consider this a memorandum statement, and when you are paying your bills the first of next month, add a check to Alpha Sigma i'\lpha . The life membership is $25.00 less your pledge fee . You were given credit on your life membership -.yhen you paid your pledge fee. Should you wish to complete the life membership by making payments, you will receive one year's subscription to "The Phoen ix" for each $5 .00 payment. When you have completed your life membership, you will become a life subscriber. Isn 't that a wonderful inducement? This extra premium, in the form of the life subscription to our magazine, was added in 1945. Members who completed their $25.00 membership prior to that t ime, do not receive "The Phoenix" as part of their membership. It is hoped, in time, we may make this plan retroactive . Help Alpha Sigma Alpha grow ! Be proud of your fine national organization . Show it by becoming 路 a life member. Make your check payable to Alpha Sigma Alpha. Send it to the National Treasurer, Esther Bucher, Suite 2261025 Grand Ave ., Kansas City 6 , Missouri.



Are you one of those Alpha Sigma Alpha alumna who wonders why she hasn't heard news of her college chapter or of her notional organization? Hove you married and moved to a new city without notifying your sorority? Unfortunately, we aren't mind readers and to keep track of nearly 10,000 A~A alumnae is a job. We hove a $1,000,000 ideo that is in operation and should work with the wholehearted cooperation of ALL Alpha Sigma Alumnae. (This means you, too!) Starting with the 1942 class, every chapter has a meeting of its seniors and at this time they organize, electing one of their members as Closs Representative . These Closs Representatives who now number 176 keep in close touch with their classmates, know of marriages, births and address changes and hove a nose for news . 路 This year to unify the work of the Closs Representatives and to locate members who graduated before 1942, the Notional Council adopted the Chapter Alumnae Secretory plan . These Chapter Alumnae Secretaries hove been on the job checking our moiling lists, bringing addresses and even names up-to-dote so this bulletin con reach all our alumnae. The ground work has only been laid for we wont our A~A. alumnae to be active, informed members and this is only possible when you ore in close touch with your chapter and your notional organization. What a difference it makes to be a happy, accounted for A~A! . Keep us posted as you room from place to place; let us know about


those sons and daughters-they may be future Alpha Sigmas or even sweethearts for lA's; shore with us news about yourself for our section "Keeping Pace with Our Graduates" will reappear with the March, 1948, issue of the "Phoenix." Our Notional Alumnae Secretaries who will be working in close touch with the Chapter Alumnae Secretaries ore: Miss Ethel Barrett, 9 Vincent Place, Montclair, New Jersey; Mrs. Don L. Frost, 32 East 65th Street, New York 21, New York. Locate your Chapter Alumnae Secretory and resolve to support her by sending her your latest address and up-to-the-minute news. Alpho-,y\iss Mary St. Clair Bugg, 303 W. Main, Suffolk, Vo . Alpha Beta-Mrs. Rolph Vorhees, P.O. Box 356, Kirksville, Missouri. Alpha Gamma-Mrs. Philip Meyer, 233 Third Street, Aspinwell, Po. Beta Beta - Mrs . Reinard Schlosser, 2800 Dexter, Denver, Colorado. Gamma Gamma-Mrs . Joseph Bozzocco, 760 Sherwood Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. Epsilon Epsilon-Mrs . Betty Cremer Johnson, K.S.T.C. Campus, Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta-Mrs. Irving Sparks, 815 College, Columbia, Missouri. Eta Eta - Miss Mary Kay Reiff, 31 OS East 36th, Kansas City, Missouri . Theta Theta - Miss Ruth Fletcher, 141 Marked Tree Rood, Needham, Moss. Kappa Kappa - Miss Carol Zohm, 104 W . Albemarle Ave ., Lansdowne, Po . Nu Nu-Mrs. William Crook, 2936 Berkley Rood, Ardmore, Pennsylvania . Xi XiPi Pi-Miss Marion G. Thomas, 220 E. Delevon, Buffalo 8, New York. Rho RhoSigma SigmaTau Tau--Phi PhiChi Chi-Mrs. Harold Bull, 317 Ashland Ave ., Muncie, Indiana (Muncie) Psi Psi-Mrs . Joe Hutch Brewer, 1726 S. Victor, Tulsa, Oklahoma . Beta Gamma-Mrs. Albert Goodall, Veterans Village Box 453, Stillwater, Oklahoma . Beta Delta - Miss Marie Scanlon, P.O. Box 2632, Tulsa , Oklahoma . Beta Epsi Ion-


10 Beta Zeta-Mrs. N . F. Carnal, Jr ., Lecompte, Louisiana . Beta EtaBeta Theta-Mrs. J . D. Rose, Jr., 5434 Haver ford, Indianapolis, Indiana . Beta Iota-Mrs . Sam Scruggs, 918 First St ., Radford , Virginia . Beta Kappa-Miss Mary Weinburg, Augusta, Illinois . Beta Lambda-Miss Ruth Worm, Arkansas School for the Blind, Little Rock, Ark. Beta Mu - Mrs . Frances C. Mclean , 1224 Eleventh Street, Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Beta Nu-Miss Sarah Rhodes, 409 Huntingdon Street, Lexington, Tenn. Gamma Clio-Miss Ruth Hallas, 23 E. Main Street, Port Jervis, New York.

Beta Xi-Mrs. A Paul Lisy, Jr ., 34 Donelson St., Providence, R. I. Inactive Chapters:

Alpha AlphaDelta Delta - Mrs. Helen Miller, 77 Eldon, Columbus, Ohio. Iota IotaLambda Lambda -Mrs. Charles M . Cummings, 63 Arden Road , Columbus 2, Ohio . Mu Mu-Mrs . Otto Kress, 1210 Pearl , Ypsilanti, Michigan . Omicron OmicronChi Chi (Butler)-Mrs . William Kingdon, 910 E. Kessler Blvd ., Indianapolis, Indiana . Upsilon UpsilonOmega Omega-

The Alumnae and Rushing~ Are your college days and alma mater spirits in the " photograph album" stage:> How easy it is to lose track of the activities on our own campus .. . but not the faces of friends! Sorority friendships seem to mellow with _age because there has been a well defined pu rpose on which to build . Alpha Sigma Alpha gave us that foundation' One of the primary advantages of a national sorority is the continuation of its effectiveness following college graduation . Is this not worth sharing:> Our sorority colors are a prized possession which we zealousl y guard and we , as Alumnae, can help determine those individuals who start on the pledge rung of the ladder . Some of us are under the impression that the headaches and cares of rushing were passed at our day of graduation. But that is not so! Perhaps most of the burden is upon the shoulders of the college chapters; nevertheless, we Alumnae are still in a posit ion to recommend new girls for membership in A~A. It is not only a privilege but also an obl igation to pass along to the various colleges information concerning new students in that particular college . In this way we can help speed-up the "getting acquainted " period wh ich in most instances is all too short. How can we help? First of all , we Alumnae should BE INTERESTED in the college chapter from which we graduated . We would prof it by not allowing ourselves to become so busy as to overshadow either our college activ-

ities or chapter functions . Those still in college are unconsciously living by our standards thus any encouragement we can offer personally would be eagerly and enthusiastically ac路cepted . The college girls would be proud of your interest in them . .. and you would be thrilled by their enthusiasm toward the Alumnae! Second, we Alums can help if we make lt a point to BE AWARE of high school girls who are considering attending college . In some ' communities it is relatively easy to know or hear about these prospective students and a personal welcome to the alma mater would help make a more memorable impression . By being alert to future possibilities, we are helping Alpha Sigma Alpha grow! And finally, our best means of lending assistance in rushing is to BE ACTIVE as an Alumnae . Through our community activities and collective projects, we act as advance publicity agents for prospective sorority girls. By making our individual Alumnae Chapters sound financially and functionally, we will be preparing ourselves for the many demands the colleges will make . Chapters need houses, girls need loans .. . are we prepared for this "rush''?:> Yes, all these are behind sorority rushing ! If Alpha Sigma Alpha is to grow through new pledges, we must be attractive and have something to offer the rushee . Initiating action also includes suggestions and recommendations to the college chapters

JANUARY, 1948 regarding new stude nts on tha t campus. Your note to th e Nati onal Re gi strar o r Chapte r Advi se r will be res pected and honore d . Bei ng Alumnoe, we must re al ize that our recomme ndations are just that- recomme ndati ons. The actual choice is made by the coll ege chapte r and we abide by the ir dec isions. Thus we see that we Alumnae do still have an active part in rushing though ou r co llege days are passed . Our onl y hope of new blood in the Alumnae is through the colleges so remember that every new girl we suggest now (who is accepted) will be a new Alumna very shortly .

RUSHING NEVER ENDS From the Halls of Montezuma to Alpha Sigma's Gunnison chapter comes exmarine Peg Creedon . Her laughing Irish eyes, and vivacious personality will be welcome additions to Sigma Sigma . Wouldn 't you ~like to receive one of those miniature mammy dolls-they contain bids for Gamma Clio's Minstrel Party. It will be complete with a black-face show 'n laughing endmen . " A Backwards Party"-was enjoyed by all the Concord rushees . They just loved those A~A banks which they took home as their favors . Flash-Psi Psi 's Gypsy Inn enticed fifteen new pledges. The rushees were kidnapped and spirited away to the Inn (usually known as the A~A house) . Fortunes by Mrs. Robinson, a gypsy dance by Dot McGraw, and the singing of our Sweetheart Song added to the gaiety. El Rancho A~A entertained the Alpha Gamma rushees-peasant costumes-conga lines-and traditional South of the Border chile con carne plus plenty of Alpha Gam hospitality made for a wonderful party. Rushees who were lucky enough to strike the pinate were showered with confetti , balloons and hand-made earrings. A strolling viol in player added to the festivities . Thirteen isn't an unlucky number-at least Alpha Beta's are sure their thirteen new pledges aren 't going to need four-leaf clovers to assure the ir success. They were welcomed


Ze ta Zeta Pledges, Ce nt ral Mi ssouri State College, Warrensb urg , Mi ssouri

into our sisterhood at a formal d inner held at Miss Alma Zoller's home . Swing your pardner, promenade all-was the call heard at Sigma Sigma 's rush party . A hayride, songs and chile served by the alums insured a grand time for all . Beta Kappa 's pledges turned the tables and gave the actives a scavenger hunt. Awardssome super ref reshments at Miss Terr ill 's home . Beta Xi 's entertained their rushees at a formal dinner. Ginny Doyle sang and the Alpha Sigma Rockettes helped make it a successful party . Corsages, candle-light and a crackling fire impressed the prospective Alpha Sigma Alphas . 路 When Beta Epsilon 's count th ei r blessingsthey find twenty-two brand new pledges . They tell us they are some of Madison 's very best. Hurry-Hurry : so called Jeanne Hower, the carnival barker. The Chi Chi rushees had a wonderful time on the mid-way-powder puff toss , and even pink lemonade del ighted all the guests . 路路 We hear that the Alpha Sigma beauty course-given by the Kappa Kappa 's has persuaded some fine girls to take Alpha Sigma as a steady diet. Pi Pi entertained their new pledges at a fish fry and song fest-sounds like fun doesn't it. Congratulations to Bobbie Parker-voted Beta Nu 's Ideal Pledge . The Radford rushees were entertained at a Cover Girl Party . Each rushee came dressed as a favorite cover girl. The program celebrated the hoi idays of the year from baby new year to old father time . The g irls loved the tiny red hats with the A~A initials which were given as favors .




Accomplished Alumnae

Recipients of the Wilma Wilson Sharp Alumna Award

MARY TURNER GALLAGHER 1943 An organizer, community leader, teacher, and artist! Thi s is Mary Gallagher. Trained as an artist, with ' One Man Exh ibits,' Mary, si nce her marriage has not forsaken her talent but has enlarged upon it. Her teaching experience has made it possible for her to successfu lly organize the Homebound Program that the Rehabilitation Division of the State of Wisconsin sponsored . Through this work, Mary came to know the needs and problems of her community. She has se rved a s an officer in these worthy organizations: Red Cross, Community Chest, Y.W.C.A., American Association of Unive rsity Women, Bundles for Brita in, Russian War Relief, and Student Volunteer Program for the office of Price Administration .

JUNE SMIJ"H 1944 Mode rn Career Woman and the Old Pioneer Girl , June Smith . At prese nt, June holds the responsible position of Director of Special Education in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania . Prior to this, upon graduation at Temple Universi ty, she was Supervisor of Kindergarten in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, for two years, then on to Millersv ille Teachers College in the same capacity. June continued her studies and is now Dr. June · Smith, with a Ph. D. in Education . Community interests were not neglected during this busy period . She served as Adviser to the Day Students at Millersville State Teachers College, The Lancaster College Club, Temple University Alumnae of Lancaster, The Reform Church at Mill e rsville . Why Old Pioneer Giri?-She lives in a house furnished almost exclusively with antiques and hand-hooked rugs made by June. She is a wonderful cook, cares for her garden and fills her own frozen food locker.



EMMA COLEMAN FROST 1945 An Alumna who has given unstintingly of herself for the welfare of others in her professional community, as well as her social life is our "Em" Frost. An outstanding graduate of Buffalo State Teachers College, she continued her studies getting her Master of Arts degree at Columbia University. She is now working on her Ph .D. "Em's" major is Home Economics and she has become outstanding m her activities : Head of the Deportment of Foods in schools in New York and Pennsylvania , relief diet itian in the New York Infirmary for Women and Childr.en, assistant deportment head at the Scientific Housekeeper School in New York City, chief Superv isor of all household training under Lt. General Brehon Somervell for United States Government, her own Park School of Cookery. During the war the New York chapter entertained many officers at " Em's" Cookery. She has always been known for her hospitality to Alpha Sigma Alpha's visiting in the "Big Little City ."

CARRIE CHRISTIAN EASON 1946 A conscientious worker and leader in civic, school and church organizations, a devoted family person, and a typical "southern lady" is Mrs. Thomas Dotterer Eason. Trained as a teacher at State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia, she organized and taught a Kindergarten when her son was small. In civic work she has held offices in these worthy organizations: Daughters of the American Revolution, Board of Lady Managers of the Richmond Home for Ladies, Virginia Cancer Foundation . In education circles she has served as Director of the National Association of Farmville Alumnae, Parent Teacher Association, and The General Federation of the Parent Teacher Association in Richmond.

SARAH GRIM WIMP 1947 Through her college days at Northeast Missouri State College, Sarah reflected glory on Alpha Sigma Alpha by being Queen of her class, a member of the Year book staff, Drama Club, and a member of Kappa Delta Pi . After her marriage she took nurses' training at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, while her husband studied medicine there. Now she keeps busy with her family and civic affairs which include, Daughters of the American Revolution, Sojourner's Club, Solvation Army Boord, Girl Scout Council, a leader of a Brownie Troop, and the Newcomer's Club. In the war years, Sarah devoted many hours to nursing in a Kirksville hospital. At present Mrs. Wimp is President of the Kirksville Board of Education, President of the Benton School Parent Teacher Association, District President of the Presbyterial, Secretary of the Northeast Missouri Civic Music Association, and a member of the Federal Jury Panel for District two at Hannibal.



A~As Support Projected Book Machine Project Region I Plans Purchase of Book Machine for Mount Alto Veteran's Hospital

Work. Region II will also add a substantial number of magazine subscriptions to the. Hospital Library . Mr. J. Harold Owens, Chief of Special Services at Cold Springs Hospital, in his letter of acceptance stated that "The department of Occupational Therapy has a definite need for the type of equipment presented and its addition will do much to broaden the present range of skills available to the patient. The comfort articles and cigarettes contributed are always most welcome and greatly appreciated by the 路 veterans. This hospital is indeed grateful to the members of Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority for their generosity ." College and Alumnae Chapters in Region II have been busy making extra gifts for Cold Springs Hospital. Within the past year they have contributed twelve hand-knitted afghans, and 30 pairs of hospital slippers. Two hundred and tweny-five comfort articles were sent to the Hospital. Contributions sent for Christmas 1947 have not yet been tabulated, but the support of the College and Alumnae 路Chapters was in greater force than for the year before .

Mrs . Bessie Ferguson Cary, Chairman of th e National Philanthropic Project for Region I announces that she wi II order a Projected Book Machine for the Mount Alto Veteran 's Hospital , near Washi ngton, D. C., in the near future. Mrs. Cary was recently appointed Chairman fo r Region I and is completing arrangements for the purchase by Alpha Sigma Alphas in this Region.. Region II Provides Equipment for Occupational Therapy Department of Cold Springs Veterans Hospital

Alpha Sigma Alphas of Region II are providing special equipmer.1t for the Occupational Therapy Department of Cold Springs Veterans Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana . Cold Springs was presented with a Projected Book Machine in 1946 . Their need for additional equipment was greater in the Occupational Therapy Departme nt thi s year, Mrs. Richard Rice, Region al Chairman announces. She has ordered a Cambridge 4 Harness Floor Loom, two Handee Gr inders, and Spr ing Punches for Leather

- P hoto Co u rtesy of the I n dia n apolis Times

Mrs. B. F. Leib, National Editor, watches work of Be rnard Thompson, patient at Vete rans Hospital.

JANUARY, 1948 Region V Purchases Book Machine for Wadsworth General Hospital

Hold ing Projector : Left, Miss Georgia Donnell (Hospital Librarian); Right, Mrs. George Bolto·n (Co-chairman Region V). Left to Right : Mr. Angus Parker, special Services Coordinator; Mrs. Homer Hunsicker, co-chairman ; Mrs. Hazel May (nurse at hospital) ; Mary Ellen Cork, X i X i Chapter; Mrs. Clinton Berry, Los Angeles Alumnae .

Mrs . George Bolton and Mrs . Homer Hunsicker, Co-Chairmen of the Notional Philanthropic Project for Region V presented a Projected Book Machine to the Wadsworth G€merol Hospital, Los Angeles, California, on November 29, 1947. Members of the Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter and of Xi Xi College Chapter attended the presentation ceremony. Mr . Angus Porker, Special Services Coordinator, and Miss Georgia Donnell, Head Librarian, expressed the gratitude of the Hospital and the Veteran's Administration. Miss Donnell said that the Alpha Sigma Alpha gift brought the total of Book Machines in use at present to six, and that every one was worth its weight in gold as a morale builder. Twenty Book Films and extra bulbs for the projector were given to the Hospital with the Projector. Summary of the Progress of the Project In March, 1946, the Kansas City Alumnae Chapter purchased the first Projected Book Machine for O'Reilly General Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. The ideo for building a

15 Notional Philanthropic Project starting with the purchase of Projected Book Machines for Veterans Hospitals in each Regional Division of the Sorority was promoted by the Notional Vice-Preside nt, at that time Mrs. Reinard W . Schlosser of Denver, Colorado. In April , 1946, Mrs. Richard A. Rice of lndionopol is was appointed Regional Chairman for Region II . At the some time Region II purchased a Projected Book Machine for Cold Springs Veterans Hospital, near Indianapolis . Shortly after the Book Machine was installed by Alpha Sigma Alphas of "Region Ill at O'Reilly General Hospital, the hospital was closed . One of the patients, Billy Firestone, hod become so interested in reading by using our Machine, he requested the Machine be transferred with him to Memphis, Tennessee. Those of you who read your "Phoenix" faithfully will remember the article written about Billy and HIS Machine . Since early 1946, each of the five Regional Divisions of the sorority has on appointed Chairman. All but Region Ill, whose machine was moved to Memphis, hove a machine in operation, (or on order) , in a Veteran's Hospital in their Reg.ion . Dut~es of the Regional Chairmen involve placing a Machine, maintaining the Mochine,ond Keeping College and Alumnae Chapters of their Region informed about the needs of the Hospital in which their Machine is located . Each year the needs for necessity and com- . fort items ·continue in all of our Veterans Hospitals. If the Hospital in any Region has use for other pieces of equipment, other than more Projected Book Machines, the Regional Chairman will know of t hose requests, and College and Alumnae Chapters ore informed. To be informed is to oct! (Where Alpha Sigma Alphas ore concerned!) The case of Cold Springs Hospital in Region II is on example of the manner in which we con continue to serve the Veterans Hospitals, after we hove placed . our initial gift of a Projected Book Machine . The Notional Convention, Estes Pork, Colorado in 1946, voted to allocate contributions to the Notional Fell-owship Loon Fund for 1946-47 to the Notional Philanthropic Project. Each Region was given the amount their Chapters contributed to the Fellowship Loon Fund to purchase a Projected Book Machine . The Notional Council, meeting at the Dearborn Inn, Dearborn, Michigan, in June, 1947, voted to continue this allocation for the year 1947-48 . Notional support of the Philon-



thropic Project has helped in getting the Phi lanthropic Project started in each Region. Regional Chairmen are as follows: REGION 1- Mrs. Bessie Fe rguson Cary, cha irman , 806 Prince Street, Alexandria, Virgin ia . REGION 11-Mrs. Richa rd Rice, cha irman, 4651 Ken wood Ave., Indi ana po li s 8 , Indiana. REGION Ill- Mrs. Ruth Vorhees, cha irman (tempora ry) Box 356 Ki rksv ille, Missouri . REGION IV- Mrs. R. A M itchell , chairman, 1 007 West Capitol Ave., Little Rock, Ar kansa s. REGION V-M rs. George Bo lton, co-cha irman, 5742 Si xth Ave., Los Angl es, California; Mrs. Homer Hunsic ke r, co-chai rman, 2023 Veteran Ave ., West Los Ang e les, California.

WITHIN THE FAMILY Good Omen! Alpha Sigma Alpha's petition to NPC was the first of the eleven under consideration to be accepted . Apparently the per titions of the former AES sororities were acted upon in alphabetical order. Let's make it more than a happy circumstance that our sorority's name starts and ends with the Greek letter ALPHA-which means, according to N. Webster, the FIRST. Alpha Sigma Alpha has always frowned upon the promotional type of statement that boasts of "the first" and "the best." In A~A, we are not concerned with comparisons . Let's measure our efforts against our own best possible efforts for the good of our organization . In so far as is possible, if all members will put our sorority interests FIRST during the next crucial years, the Alphas in our name can be taken literally. * * * * * There are definite ways in which 路 every member can contribute to the strength of A~A. Our immediate goals are basically unchanged by admission to NPC but their attainment is now imperative . Find your place for sorority service . These are our A~A objectives: Better and wider Alpha Sigma Alpha publicity. Every college and alumnae chapter a stronger chapter. More college chapters on our A'.EA ro ll. Increased financia l income fo r an enlarged soro rity prog ram .






It used to be rumored that Alpha Sigma Alpha enjoyed the greatest financial prosperity of any sorority within its spec ial field . Now rumor places A:::SA about third in this regard . It is claimed that other organizations have matched our endowment total and exceeded the amount of our annual receipts. Dur ing the war years and since, A~A has NOT inc reased fees to meet higher costs . A study

of the figures discloses the fact that a larger Alpha Sigma Alpha annual income is most desirable . There is no hope of greater returns from the low interest rate on our registered government bonds which comprise the endowment fund . There are two possible sources of increased receipts-higher national fees from college members or better financial support from alumnae members. Which shall it be? This matter will make good business talk at Regional Meetings. * * * * * It is very pleasant to share the following endorsement of Kappa Kappa Chapter given by Miss Gertrude D. Peabody, Dean of Women: "Alpha Sigma Alpha continues to hold an enviable position among the sororities at Temple University. It is strong and vigorous and seems to be a source of material for outstanding campus leaders in almost every field . It is interesting that Alpha Sig rna Alpha has held this position over a period of so many years, while other sororities rise and fall in vigor." * * * * * Several of our impressive Alpha Sigma Alpha pub! ications were submitted along with the formal application for membership in National Panhellenic Conference . Upon special request, some of the publications were retained because their . attractiveness invited additional study. Within the family, we have felt very proud of the last A~A publications : "Rushing Never Ends," "Our Pledge in Alpha Sigma Alpha," and "Stars in My Crown ," A Hondbook for College Chapter Advisers. It is gratifying to know that their value is recognized by others . * * * * * One question asked on the application for associate membership in NPC was, "What contribution to the strength and growth of NPC could you give, if a member? Our membership will be interested in the answer given by our National President: "The organizational strength of a well established, efficiently operated fraternity which has functioned with creditable recognition in its field; a staff of capable national officers well informed on educational trends; a Panhellenic spirit evide!'ced by continuous interfraternity activities in AES of which A~A was co-founder. Through Alpha Sigma Alpha , NPC 路could extend its services and benefits to excellent colleges and to a large, purposeful membership that for forty-six years has provided incentive for the h ighest fratern ity ideals and standards .



I Gave a College Chapter to Alpha Sigma Alpha There are some enviable members in Alpha Sigma Alpha who proclaim with justifiable superiority, " I gave a daughter to Alpha Sigma Alpha! " That IS a wonderful, special gift. Would it not also be very thrilling to give a college chapter to A~A ? Many Alpha Sigma Alphas are actually in a situation to present A~A with a promising college chapter. A contact with a faculty member, a relative who is a college student, or even "a friend who has a friend" may eventually be the means of interesting a group in affiliation with A~A. Alpha Sigma Alpha may now establish chapters "in senior colleges and universities which are authorized to confer a Bachelor's Degree and whkh are given satisfactory rating by the Association of American Universities and/or the pertinent recognized regional associations of Colleges and secondary schools ." Do YOU know a college where a chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha would likely prosper? YOUR in- ' terest, time and effort in behalf of A~A expansion is earnestly requested . The initial step is to fill in, clip and mail the blank printed below. In 1948 won't YOU be the first to say, I GAVE A CHAPTER TO ALPHA SIGMA .ALPHA?

Please return iromediately to the National President Mrs. Fred M. Sharp 1405 Hardy Avenue Independence, Missouri Name of college or university where


chapter might be chartered :

I have the following contacts (Give full names and complete addresses.)

Additional Suggestions :

Signed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ College Chapter _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __




Ill Ho+ Spr1ncr~ A Ma~ I


..----------. Oc.t 24




1948 Regional Meetings REGION 1-

Philode lphio , Po ., April 24-25 , 1948

Mi ss Hele n Corey, 631 0 She rwood Road, Overbrook, Philade lphia 31 , Po ., National Officer in charge . College


Alpha- Farmville, Va . Boston, Mass Kappa Kappa- Philadelphia , Po . Central Po. Nu Nu- Philadelphia , Po . Hampton Road s, Va . Rho Rho -Huntington , W . Va . Huntington, W . Va . Beta Epsilon- Harrisonburg, Va . New York, N. Y. Theta The ta- Boston, Mass. Philadelphia , Po . Beta lata-Radford, Va . Radford, Vo . Beta Pi- Concord, Va . Richmond, Va . Beta Xi- Oneonta , N. Y. Suffolk, Va. Washington , D. C. Charleston, W . Va. Harrisonburg, Va . College Chapters (9 )

Alumnae Chapters ( 1 2 )

REGION 11-Detroit, Michigan, April 10- 11 , 1 948 Mi ss Evelyn G. Bell , 767 Lafayette Avenue, Buffalo 9, New York; Miss VirQ_inia Carpenter, 13605 Shaker Blvd., Cleveland 20, Ohio, National Officers in Charge . College


Alpha Gamma-Indiana , Po . Pi Pi-Buffalo, N. Y. Chi Chi-Muncie, Ind . Beta Kappa-Macomb, Ill. Beta Theta-Mt. Pleasant, Mich . Gamma Clio-Cortland, N. Y. Beta Nu-Murray, Ky. Rho Chi-Detroit, Mich . Beta Rho-DeKalb, Ill.

Akron, Oh io Buffalo, N. Y. Chicago, Ill. Canton, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Detroit, Mich ., Sigma Rho Chi Indianapolis, Ind. Johnstown, Po . Muncie, Ind . Pittsburgh, Po. Rochester, N. Y. South Bend, Ind .

College Chapters (9 )

Alumnae Chapters ( 14 )

REGION Ill- Kansa s City, M issou ri , April 17- 18, 1948 Miss Esth e r Bucher, Suite 226, 1025 Grand Ave ., Kansa s City 6, Missouri ; Mi ss Phon Johnson, 221 E. 46th St., Kansa s City 2 , Missouri , National Offi cers in Charge. College Alpha Beta- Kir ksville, Mo. Gamma Gamma- Alva , Okla . Epsilon Epsilon- Emporia , Kan. Eta Eta- Pittsburg , Kon. Zeta Zeta-Warrensburg , Mo. Phi Phi- Maryville, Mo. 路 Beta Sigma-Springfield, Mo.

College Chapters


Alumnae Al va , Okla . Emporia , Kan . Kan sa s City, Mo. Kirksville, Mo. Maryvill e, Mo. Muskogee, Okla . St. Lou is, Mo. Springfield, Mo. Pittsburg , Kan . Topeka , Kan . Wichita , Kan .

Alumnae Chapters ( 1 1)

REGION IV-Hot Springs, Arkansa s, May 1-2, 1 948 Mrs . B. F. Leib, 3540 N. Pennsylvania St., Apt. T ., Indianapolis 5, Indiana, Natio nal Officer in Charge. 路 College Psi Psi-Natchitoches, La . Beta Gamma-Tahlequah, Okla . Beta Delta-Hattiesburg, Miss. Beta Zeta-Lafayette, La. Beta Lambda-Conway, Ark. Beta Mu-Arkadelphio , Ark .

College Chapters (6 )

Alumnae Hattiesburg, Miss. Houma , La. Lafayette, La. Little Rock, Ark. New Orleans, La . Tulsa, Okla.

Alumnae Chapters (6 )

REGION V-Denver, Colorado, October 24-25, 1 948 Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, 2800 Dexter Street, Denver 7, Colorado, National Officer in Charge. College Beta Beta-Greeley, Colo. Xi Xi-Los Angeles, Calif. Sigma' Sigma-Gunnison, Col o. Tau Tau-Hays, Kon . Beta Eta-Dickinson, N. D.

College Chapters (5 )

Alumnae Colorado Springs, Colo. Denver, Colo. Greeley, Colo. Gunnisor.~, Colo. Hays, Kan. Los Angeles, Calif.

Alumnae Chapters (6 )


My name is

and I live at - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I am interested in attending the Regional meeting at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PATRICIA FORD, Epsilon Epsi lon Homecoming Queen, Kansas State Teachers Emporia, Kan sas

ROWENA SLAVIK. Beta Theta Homecoming Queen , Central Michigan College of Education , Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

JANE MUHLBAUER, Gamma Clio Homecoming Queen , Cortland State Teachers Cortland, New York

a per

BETA MU HOMECOMING FLOAT Henderson State Teachers College Ar kadelphia , Arkansas

EPSILON EPSILON ' S NEW HOUSE • Kan sas State Teachers • Emporia , Kan sas



Beta Gamma's are still talking about their dessert bridge . The charming hostesses were red and white castle Homecoming float. Three Mrs. Wolfe, their patroness, and the college popular pledges, Lois Lookabaugh, attendant presidents wife, Mrs . Beu . to the football queen, Betty Furr, attendant to A buffet supper celebrated the election of the band queen and Pat Thompson, were on Kitty Blair as class secretary at Oneonta . the castle balcony wearing red and white outHolly Ball, Holly Ball-with this gay parody fits . A prizewinner to be sure . of Jingle Bells the Alpha Sigma's at Drexel Homecoming and Founder's Day were cele- publicized their Christmas dance . Decorations brated by open house and an alumnae banquet were red and white with gay holly accents. at Natchitoches. A~ spirit was really high. The Alpha's were mighty proud when they Kansas State Alpha Sigma's are proud of found their dance had attracted more couples Pat Scarlet, Marvis Brewington and Janie than any other dance held this year. The busy Anderson, new members of Kappa Delta Pi . Nu Nu's played Santa to the children in sevEta Eta's harem skit was a great success. They eral Philadelphia hospitals . Pat Floyd, Nu won second prize at the W .S.S.F. stunt night. Nu's registrar, has been 'e lected to represent Still more honors for Eta Eta-Marvis Brew- Drexel on Mademoiselle's College Board. ington and Orlanda Manci are new additions Peepsie Brooks, A~A president of Farmville's to Who's Who. senior class led the grand march at the annual A Boy's Town Choir Concert and a musical Senior dance . She looked lovely in her white program by Professor Leslie Doe Lindou were gown. well attended by Beta Beta girls. Homecoming Alpha's have achieved honors galore at is always 路 a gala affair, but Alpha Sigmas at Murray State. Ann Lowry was starred in "The Greeley will long remember Beverly Coon the Corn Is Green." Mickey Turk was again 1947 Homecoming Queen and their prize chosen a campus favorite . Barb Bigham was a winning float-"They Came, We Sawed, We lovely Junior Prom Queen . Reba Jo Cathey, Conquered." It depicted a Bear lumber camp a senior was elected to represent Kappa Delta with a Bear sawing an opponent Tiger. Arthur Pi at its national meeting in Atlantic City, Murray had better 路look to his laurels-the New Jersey. Beta's have been teaching social dancing at The joy of giving was certainly felt by all "Teen Town ." the members of Xi Xi chapter when they reIt might not be according to E. Post, but the .ceived a letter from the Finnish family they Alpha's of Zeta Zeta chapter can't help beam- have adopted . Another project which this ing with pride-they won the Inter-Sorority lively chapter has initiated is making stuffed Scholarship Cup. November found Ruth Lee animals for the Los Angeles Children's Hos. . Swigert, Florence Goddard and Jean Sontag pital. busy helping to install the new baby chapter, In October Beta Epsilon's "Mike" Reid and Beta Sigma 路at Springfield. Lois Stine attended the College Press Conven' t ion . Jennie Snowden will be a delegate to Jean Peuhouse of Alpha Beta made her the Kappa Delta Pi national convention in sisters very proud; she was chosen as one of the attendants to the American Royal Queen Atlantic City. Chi Chi's helped spread Christmas spirit in Kansas City. Another orchid goes to a girl and help a worthy cause by selling Christmas with a lovely smile and a sweet personality, Elsa Webbink who was chosen Homecoming seals. Whitecake- chocolate cake- Templites Queen at Missouri State. Elsa reigned grahave been treated to both . The KK cake sales ciously over a wonderful homecoming . Pat are really making the convention fund grow Feese, the Alpha Beta president, had a starring role in the fall dramatic production, A Bill of by leaps and bounds. Have you heard about Epsilon Epsilon's new Divorcement. home . Isn't it a perfect beauty? They reWe have another Queen路 Carolyn Plemcently celebrated a 13th anniversary and had mone was elected football queen at Arkansas such fun meeting some of the . original EE State. Cosie Cook and Bettye Freeman were chosen as attendants. Beauty and brains- members . The "Marshall Plan Junior" is being Beta Lambda has both-to prove it we find launched by our Phi Phi chapter. Clothing they were presented the Sorority Scholarship will be collected for 114 children . A dance, Cup at the Panhellenic Dinner. Beta Kappa's were entertained royally at a store collection centers and door to door visits



Gamma Gamm9 Homeco ming Fl oat, No rth western State Co llege, Alva , Ok lahoma.

are planned to help the drive achieve its worthy goal. All Alpha Sigmas are proud of this worth-while project, and our Phi Phi's part in it. With the aroma of sp iced tea, the attracti on of the illuminated Alpha Sigma crest, is it any wonder the Sigma Sigma open house at homecoming was such a grand success. Chairman Gail Dollard and her committee deserve a hearty vote of thanks . Alpha ' s are striking for a jack-pot-yes, the sorority bowling competition is in full swing and the Alpha's are trying hard to win . Violet Ritchie of the Alpha chap~er has been invited to join Alpha Kappa Gamma honorary leadership organization . All of her sisters are proud of this active junior class president. Our new sisters at Wayne are really putting A::SA in the spotlight. Their homecoming float was a huge duck driven by one of their beauties, Phyllis Inwood. They are certainly in the swim. Rho Chi also t opped other campus groups in the ticket selling compet iti on for the Winter Mart. They say the g roup's treasurer is smiling over the profits realized from the annual bridge . Detro it A::SA 's certainly are busy girl s. It was a grand homecoming at AlvaGamma Gamma's certainly did them se lves proud with their entry in the " Go lden Jubilee H omecoming parade." PHENA DANIEL, Beta Mu Henderso n State Teachers, Arkadelphia, Arkansas



Check and Double Check! It may be that you haven't seen the latest list of .\~ Alumnae Chapters. Here they are together with the Alumnae President and her address . If you want to be a part of an up and coming group, waste not a minute in contacting these Alpha Sigmas! AKRON , OHIO-Mrs. Joseph T . Washko, 1441 Redwood Ave ., Akron 1, Ohio. ALVA, OKLAHOMA-Mrs. Alvin R. Paris, 304 3rd St., Alva , Oklahoma . BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS-Miss Dorothy M . Currier, 734 Franklin St., Melrose Hlds., Massachusetts. BUFFALO, NEW YORK-Mrs. Donald E. Strickland, 8 Morgan St., Tonawanda, New York . CANTON, OHIO-Mrs. William J . Marsh, 324 34th St., N. W., Canton 3, Ohio. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA-Mrs . George L. Brown, 712 N. President Ave., Lancaster, Pennsylvania .

HUNTINGTON , WEST VIRGINIA- Mrs. Margare t Ful wiler, 612 Tre nto n Pl. , Huntington, Wes t Virg inia . INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA- Mrs. William R. Lull , 111 S. Wittfield , Indianapoli s, Indiana . JOHNSTOWN , PENNSYLVANIA- Miss Dorothy Hartman, 31 6 State Street, J ohnstown , Pennsylvania . KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI- Miss Evelyn Evans, 4527 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri . KIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI-Mrs. Marie Daugherty, 1008 E. Harrison, Kirksville, Mi ssouri . LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA-Miss Kathleen Toups, La fayette , Louisiana . LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS-Mrs. Harold L. McDonald, 509 S. Cedar, Little Rock, Arkansas. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA-Miss Virginia Tebbetts, 2222 Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles 25, California . MARYVILLE, MISSOURI-Mrs. Phylli s Agler, 121 East 1st, Maryville, Missouri . MUNCIE, INDIANA-Mrs. LeRoy C. Miller, 122 N. . Martin, Muncie, Indiana .

CHARLESTON , WEST VIRGINIA-Mrs. Virgil L. Elliott, 1 00~ Circle Way, South Charleston, West Virginia .


CHICAGO, ILLINOIS-Mrs . Jeanne Ramsey, 4937 W. Race, Chicago, Illinois.

NATCHITOCHES, LOUISIANA-Mrs. Robert Easley, 417 Rossier St., Natchitoches, Louisiana .

CLEVELAND, OHIO-Miss Ruth rison Ave. , Lakewood 7, Ohio.


Duffey, 2032 Mor-

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO-Mrs. Chester Truman, 1628 N. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. COLUMBUS, OHIO-Mrs. Violet G. Roush, 185 Winthrop Rd., Columbus, Ohio. .. DENVER, COLORADO-Mrs. L. L. Flanders, 2424 Vine, Denver 5, Colorado. DES MOINES, IOWA-Miss Florence Harley, 900 36th, Des Moines 12, Iowa.


NEW YORK, NEW YORK-Miss Ethel E. Barrett, 9 Vincent Place, Montclair, New Jersey. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Miss M. Jean Reimet, 127 W. Central Ave ., Moorestown, New Jersey. PITTSBURG, KANSAS-Mrs . Betty D. Sheward, 408 Fieldcrest, Pittsburg , Kansas. PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA-Miss Janet Benedict, 275 N. Dithridge St., Pittsburgh 13, Pennsylvania. RADFORD, VIRGINIA-

DETROIT, MICHIGAN-Mrs . George C. Ford, 18694 Monica, Detroit 21, Michigan .

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA-Mrs. W. A. Lugar, 3920 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia.

DETROIT, MICHIGAN (Rho Chil-Miss Marion Tate, 1 172 Bird Ave., Birmingham, Michigan .

ROCHESTER, NEW YORK-Mrs. William F. Riley, 359 Melville St., Rochester 9, New York.

EMPORIA, KANSAS-Mrs. Keith Caywood, 224 W. 7th St., Emporia, Kansas.

SOUTH BEND, INDIANA-Miss Martha Stuckey, Box 25, Mill Creek, Indiana.

GREELEY, C,OLORADO-Miss Gloria Scrogin, 1832 14th . SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI-Mrs. Raymond Zerr, South Ave., Greeley, Colorado. Campbell Road, Springfield, Missouri . GUNNISON, COLORADO-Mrs. Henry Mion, Box 368, Gunnison, Colorado.

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI-Mrs. Louise Cosby Quick, 7071 Corbitt Ave. , University City, Missouri.

HAMPTON ROADS, VIRGINIA-Miss Ann Ireland, 208 W . 37, Norfolk, Virginia .

SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA-Mrs. D. M. Johnson, 137 N. Saratoga St., Suffolk, Virginia.

HARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA-Mrs . Elizabeth Deter Appleton, 43 Cantrell Ave ., Harrisonburg, Virginia.

TOPEKA, KANSAS--Mrs. Roy A. Mattson, 1534 College Street, Topeka , Kansas .

HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI-Mrs. Sam C. Carter, 205 Broad Street, Hattiesburg , Mississippi.

TULSA, OKLAHOMA-Miss Margie Jeanne Miner, Ambassador Apt. Hotel, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

HAYS, KANSAS--Mrs . Modena Chittenden, 21 8 East 6th, Hays, Kansas .

WASHINGTON, D. C.-Mrs. Clara Teller, 3522 Valley Drive, Alexandria, Virginia .

HOUMA, LOUISIANA-Mrs. C. D. Chauvin, 718 Barrow St., Houma, Louisiana .

WICHITA, KANSAS--Miss Mirna Jennings, 156 N. Ash, Apt. 4 , Wichita, Kansas.




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