Asa phoenix vol 29 no 2 jan 1944

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1944 From A Marine Boot, W. R . .. . .. . ....................


An Alpha Sig Packs a Slide Rule ............ .. . .


An Interesting Alpha Sig-Letha H. Gaskins .


Kappa Kappa's Pride and Joy ...... .... . ... .



New Yark Officers Party ..... . ... .. . . ....... . .. ..... . 9 The Value of Choral Speaking ....... .

. ......... . II

Professional Panhellenic Association Meets .... . ......... r 3 News Letters-Alumna: Chapters

............... . . .. r6

Keeping Pace with our 1943 Graduates ..... . ... . . . ..... 23 News Letters-College Chapters ...... . ... . . ... . .. . ... 25 Announcements . . .... . . . . . .... .. . . . . . .. .... .. .... .. ·37 Directory

.. ·40

• Published in November, January, March and May of each year at No. 30 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having headquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 orth Pennsyl va nia Street, Apartment T , Indi anapol is 5, Indiana. Postmaster: Send Form 3578 to Indi anapolis, Indiana address.


EntereJ as seconJ-class matter, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Richmond , Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 1879·



From a Marine Boot~ W. R. fun read ing all I T'SW :-\YbeenES . grand WACS and SPA R S .

about the Dut no,,· your Alumnae Ed itor is a :\Iarine Doot, and 1 am determined that you must haYe a little insid e inf ormati on on the M a rin e Co rps of th e U nited States. .Please note th at I say I'm a :\Iarine Doot. because three weeks in the Corp is scarcely tim e enough to appreciate or realize all the trainin g and disciplin e required to make a real :\Iarine. You'll just have to pa rdon a little boasting because our now fa mous "Espri t de Corp ., has taken effect . O ne gets the fir st stir of it at a ny Recrui t O ffi ce . T he snap, precision, enthu siasm of the O ffice rs and enlisted personn el make. an immediate impression. Delieve me, waiting fo r orders is a rea l ordeal. T ime cra wl s, clays refu se to end, bu t eventually, the postm an has a la rge brow n envelope fo r you , ca rryin g yo ur ,fir st intructi ons. T hey concern cl othing to be brought to camp, and explain loads of oth er ques ti ons you've been turning over in yo ur min d. T he reel letter clay in the calenda r, th ough, is th e one on which your ord ers fin ally ar ri ve . T here are seYeral cities ca lled "gate\\·ays, .. one o f whi ch you pass through in route to camp Lejeune. I came through the \\ 'ashin gton Gateway . It was fun meeting g iri - on the train wearina :\Ja rin e Co rp armband . T he "Gateway '' is where all g irls fr om one a rea meet to tra1·el togeth er to 1\ e\\· l{ iYer and Camp Le jeun e. Jts really a sight! So many girl s boa rd ing a long troop train. At \ \'ashingto n \\·e had our foretaste o f taking orders. Many offi ce rs a nd enli ted per ·onnel were on board. Yo u reall y fe lt fo r the fi r ·t time. as though you " ·e re go ing to camp. Camp Le jeun e occupies about 200 sq ua re miles of i\o rth Ca rolin a's easte rn ea boa rcl. T he camp must be seen to be apprec iated. (T hat' s ea ·ier to say when one may not g ive minu te detail ·. Hut its a in ce re statement.) :\fay I dig ress fo r a moment on a wea th er repo rt ? S un~ \\ 'e ha1·e loads of it ne ry clay. .:\o\\·here is the sky blu er than in \'o rth 'a rolin a. I ~Ye n in Decembe r \\·e play ·oft ball and \'Oll ey ba ll in playsuit ·. T his im presses me, because Cleveland \\·eather is ve ry dull in win ter mon ths. [nough of th is. 1\oot Ca mp is an expe ri ence in its m1·n class. l;ttn ? \'o bett er fun to he had. li ard II"Ork ~ :\lore tha n you\·e e1·er had of it. \\ 'e a re in classes from m.;oo to l(i30. ( ( )n e of the fi rst thi1ws 1·ou learn i - .:\a,·y Time. ) Classes are

interesting . T hey open an entire new fi eld of endeavo r. \\ "hen we have graduated from !loot Camp, we'll kn ow Yolum es a bout the .:\avy a nd :\fa rin e Co rp and th eir inn er wo rkings . \'\ e are pa rti cula rly proud o f our instructi on in clo ·e order drill. O ne pe ri od each day is clcYOted to thi s work. T hey tell us that the \\'omens H.ese r ves a re snapp ier and more profi cient in thi s th a n th e men . It is a thrillin g sigh t to sec a Compa ny of \ V.R 's execute a trick drill. "\' o bett er way to accustom you to be on th e al ert for instant orders. In our free ( ?) time, we visit our a rea o i the camp, buy things at th e fasc inating 1).X ., or go to the H.ecreati on ll. Th ere a re ·o many of us here tha t we ta ke turn s at Yi sitin g these places . T hen, too, mov ies at least once a wee k. T he call to mu ster fo r a moYi e almost provokes a stampede. It's almo t as popula r as t he mu ster fo r chow. .r\nd , by the way, foo d i g rand and pl enty o f it. A R egimental Parade is a thrill beyo nd thrill s. l [ere let me include a sho rt essay written by one :\I arin e IJ oot the night fo ll owing her fir ·t H.egimentaf Pa rade. lt so aptly expresses th e se nti ment s of us all, that I as ked her permi ss ion to in cl ud e it.

"A Boot Stops to Think" "Satmday evenin g. 9:0 5, or 2 10.1 ~avy tim e. Seems f unny to wri te 6 :\'ov. -1-3 a nd reali ze th at it was 6 Oct. -1-3 th at we a rriYed in .:\ew I~ i vc r . Liow many thin gs go into chang in g an average civili an into an ayerage ~ Ia rin e . So many little things, that if p u t end to end , \\·ould be num berl ess, bu t a ll togeth er, thi s ·hapeless mas · of 'do' · a nd 'dont 's ' eith er change you int o a ~ I a rin e or yo u become useless to everyo ne, incl uding yo m self. Jt is the la w of give a nd take; li sten th en act. L..Tow easy to say, 'J t's not my fa ul t; they j ust pick on me!' \\'onde r how ma ny times thin gs you did \\·eren' t ca ll ed o ff ? Yo u thought that \\·as sma r t 1 ~ow ! \ \'e ll , a :\I arine, at lea ·t a rea l :\J arine, is t ru e to hi · (;od , hi s co un try, and a lso to him self. Ca n't be any room fo r the petty little half jobs. 1\ettcr yo u thi nk a bit. then pu t e1·' ry pa rticle of yo ur effo rt in th d ri1·e to ward th at goal. \"c1·er put it . o low that you 'll st um ble o1·e r it on yo ur fi rst step. \'o thin g g rows un de r a cock. It is on ly by reaching ior the sun that liie :-.t retches its poss ibil ities until, what yeste rday




3 w


a tepping tone

Y , a l\farine I ok up to hi od, keep hi f t firmly n th gr und. Each tep a m a urecl di tanc onward. hould r back to carry the load: ye front, facing without fear, what may he waiting th r . The eagle know hioh place , high ab v the globe; the anchor hold firm in any storm. l\fay {ate keep alway fre h in my mind, 'T Go I, ountry, orp and my elf, keep me true·. omehow when tanding on the parade ground ju t one of many one ; one foot stomping, adding a small ound to the thunder, I stand in awe. Then come the music, our piece, played as hundred tand fast! It's played upon the very ea of green, the color of string of my being. the rolling ea, pa ses in review . There above thi urging flood, oars two pieces of silk borne on standard tall and slender. Did I ay silk? Y e , but woven thread by thread, and colored by the very soul and inew of men, fly the colors. ne ymbolic of our nation, my country; the

oth r of our rp . The gold ri h, pric I and the color through enturie tanding f r pure, rich, vibrant thing . How can carlet be defined? The bl od cour ing through the arterie of my Leing reflect thi life-giving shade. So goe my life, o ha the Corp eeped into my very inner elf. h, I can kid- o can you-but when the color fly and the band sound off, I dare you to tand by and not feel the rush of a thou and gho t of 1arine long gone-march by-steady- onward; you can hear the rustle of a million feet-feel pride. o I dare you to tay dry-eyed!" The great privilege extended to all girls who can qualify, is uppermost in our thoughts. The excellent training and experience here offered is unprecedented in any generat ion. We feel that our Marine Corp days will equip us to look for and find a brighter future in days of peace. Enlistments are limited at present. If you are thinking of volu nteering your services in one of the Armed Forces, look us over before you decide!


Alpha Sigma Alpha Members

• Ill





E leanor Vv ales, ®® Jeanne McCarty, XX Mildred Etta Boss, XX France Holbrook, II II Betty Mallue, II II Katherine Burlingame, II II Nancy Gibson, ~~ \ i' ian Ross, A Ouida Koeninger, B® Thelma Detweiler, KK Gladys Buller, BZ

Beatrice J acquart, TT Dorothy Lasalle, <l><l> Marianna Obermiller, <l><l> Katherine Hale, ®® Helen Buck, N I Mary Ellen Linsey, KK Liane Rose, =:=: Mary Osbo rn , EE V irginia Coho, II II Mary Emma Lindemuth, KK Anne \i\Tillauer, KK !label E. Barl ow, BE \ irginia Pegg, HH Betty Russing, HH Louise Jordan, KK Winifred \i\ right, A Jane Cannon, BD Marguerite Rice, EE Ouida Koeninger, B® Bobby Copas, GG l\I. Louise Ralston YY

Jean Patrick, <l><l> Ethel Bergeron, BZ Virginia Fields, BZ Doris Fox David, KK Betty Krieder, KK V irginia Carpenter Schwartz, 0®

SPARS Deatrice Ball , rr E llen l\IcConneli, KK ida Bowers, EE Ruby \i\ overton Lawler,

WAF Daphne Kerrison, BZ Iary Kay Y oklavich,



RED CROSS FIELD SERVICE Frances Myers Miller, KK Gladys Rambler, Detroit Katherine Polly, EE Nell H. Russell, Ar

RED CROSS Katherine Polley, EE




Ruth Jeremy, EE Edna Louise Turner, EE Barbara O'Connell, SS



An Alpha Sig Packs a Slide Rule ITH so many of the young men of Buffalo W State Teachers College in the service or defense plants, I felt as if I wasn't doing enough for the war effort. Training to be an art teacher wa important in itself ; but when an opportunity to become a Curti ss 路w right Engineering Cadette presented itself in the form of a small advertisement in th e newspaper, I immediately took notice. Taking a position as an Engineering Cadette would have many advantages, but would also require seriou s obligation and responsibility. After


Pi Pi

due deliberation I filled out applications and made an appointment fo r an interview . I was very happy to learn that I was accepted, yet I hesitated about giving up my teaching degree. However the fellows have given up their degrees to join the armed services and there was much to be gainedall expen es paid plus a spend ing allowance, excellent engineering training, and dormitory life in an engineering college. My Dad's influence and encouragement helped me to make the most of my drawing and mechanical abi lity. I packed my skirts and sweater s after bidding my friends farewell. Saying goodbye to my ASA siste r was the harcle t. I arrived at Co rn ell on Februa ry twelfth , a cold , cold clay! A nna Comeven girls shared stock House was our home. a uite and we oon became f riends with all the one hundred girls who had come from colleges all over the coun try. VIe were here for one purpose and had one goal- to learn as much as we could about aeronautica l engineering in th e ten months to come . The going wasn't ea y. Learning to use a !ide rule wa the first main step. Classes in

mathematics, engineering physics, mechanics, drafting, and shop practice took about forty hours each week for the first five months. Some of our instructors couldn't quite get used to teaching a class of girls at first. We have proven our worth and even surpass the stronger sex in some aspects of engineering. The second five month period ' e increased our hours of drafting, began production engineering, production terminology, aerodynamics, stress analysis, and materials testing laboratory. We worked hard and long-especially on lab. reports. After a short vacation at Christmas time, we shall all begin working at Buffalo. Our busy week madeour Saturday afternoons and Sundays seem even more enjoyable. The campus at Cornell is beautiful , and the many hikes through the gorges were grand fun. The army and navy units stationed here proved to be very interesting company. We had seve ral dances in th eir honor. Our gab fests with the girls until the wee hours were also fun, especially when there were cokes and cookies from home. The past ten months have flown by, yet vve have learned a lot. I am looking forward to December. fifteenth when I shall be home again; and also to meetings with my own Pi Pi chapter. Maybe someday the teaching profession will again beckon me, but until then my slide rule and tee square will be my chief implements. Yours in A. S. A., CORINNE P. \ Li\ I ERT ON".

PLEDGE PRAYER OF A FRATERNITY CHAPTER Adapted from a Poem by Dorothy Littlewort

Father, with Thy strong hands Thou has bent The clay but roughly into shape, and lent To us th e task of moothing where we may And fashioning to gentler form Thy Clay. To ee some hidden beauty Thou ha t planned, Slow ly revealed beneath our fraternal hand ; Something to help a twisted thing to grow More strai ght ; this i full recompen e, and o To Thee we give all praise and for ourselves onl y ask Clear eyes and strong hearts for the further task.





An Interesting Alpha Sig, Letha H. Gaskins Ill{();\) LEY 0 .' :\ ,\l\1 recently aid, ''The

G. human

There followed everal "one-man" exhibition · ul long for and reach out for with a collection f twenty-five or mor paintinas thing · that are beautiful, tho' ometimes long in both tempera and oil, at fndianapoli s and n gl ctcd." ·everal Indiana town , and one bowing at LeThe love of beauty and creative work i in- land, Michigan. In the meantime she learned that stinctiv and fundamental in each .individual water color ketche · on vacation trip were far 'ome hav more adaptability than other to ex- more exciting and gratifying than camera shot . pres · in pecial form ·. Letha Heckman Gaskins he considers it the fine ·t compliment when her had found happine and joy in seeing beauty in friends are traveling and ee omething beautiful the commonplace thing of life, and in trying to to invariably write or think of her, wi hing she interpret the e in ·pi ration on paper and canvas. could see, appreciate and interpret a picture of She bowed an aptitude during her early educa- that spot. tion by receiving two art scholar hips at.the John Wi hing to broaden and enrich her knowledge llen·on rt chool. However at De Pauw m- of art principle , technique, and choice of medias, versity no pictorial or creative courses were he selected several other art instructor , gaining ·tudied. t the former Teacher ' College of some definite benefit from each one in attempting Jndianapoli , she majored in Home Economics to develop her own style of painting. bout this which included a brief course in design with Mary time her husband also started traveling for his Turn ran I ome Interior Decoration with Oakley firm a11d being gone a goodly portion of the time, Ritchie. Letha did not teach, because she wa this gave Letha more freedom to pursue her inmarried one month after commencement and be- terests. For instance she took a brief summer came absorbed in being a home-maker, building a course in oil landscape offered by another noted new home, and was a leader in a state philanthro- Indiana Artist, C. Curry Bohm, located in the pic organization, and an organizer for Y.W.C.A. picturesque hills of Brown County near Nashville. Clubs for younger girls. This proved a very worth-whi le experience. Then Eliot O'Hara, one of the country's forelatent desire to create pictures became an urgent force and finally she began with sincere most water colorists in transparent medium, and determination to tudy painting, not with the aim · an author on "Making the \1\fater Color Behave'' of excelling, or for glamour, or prizes, but for the and " 1aking the Brush Behave," came from heer joy of expressing the nobility and love of Goose Rocks, Maine, to the Herron Art School nature . . For several years Letha took private to give a six weeks intensive course to advanced lesson from one of Indiana's be t landscape students . There were daily demonstrations, artists. Edward R. Sitzman, first learning to lectures, and then the students practiced his techhandle tempera or opaque \>Vater color. It gave nique. The course offered a fine study on values, the appearance of oil, being applied similarly, warm and cool color, tree strokes differentiated, eemed much quicker to do, far less expensive for neutralization, keyed color, reflected lights, rea beginner and easier equipment to transport on cession, reflections in water, as well as principles location . Most of the lessons were out of door on design, balance and rhythm. Another fall and winter she joined a once a color sketching excursions no matter what the weather happened to be, as all seasons offered week class with a large group of students in Yaried and challenging problems. Choosing a studying with Reynolds Selfridge, a local artist, proper subject required the greatest of kill. Ir. in oil landscape and still life, learning his master's itzman was an ardent student of nature, particu - method (Charles Hawthorne's) of color relationlarly interested in trees. He was a philosopher as ship. In the late summer of 1941 another colleague well, aying, "If you love a thing enough, you will do it. eyen tho' it takes much sacrifice, patience. accompanied her on a 500 mile trip north to Lecourage and persistent hard work." After learn- land, 1\Iich., a conunercial fishing village, and ing the ba ic requirements of harmony in form, where at that time an art colony was located under he line, and color, and becoming an apt craftsman, the direction of i\Iichigan State College. and learning to really see actual beauty in things, spent only one week, but worked long hours from Letha began to paint with oil on canvas, doing 7 a. m. thro' the long twilight unti l 9 p. m. In some till life and flowers, but mostly landscapes. spite of showers and storms which raged for three

6 day , two exceptionally good pictures resultedone a transparent water color, "Rolling Waves and a Sand Dune," and an oil, "Fishing Harbor." Both were accepted at large exhibition , the former at the Herron \nnual Indiana Artists Show, and the latter at the Hoosier Salon. The John Herron Exhibitions are highly restricted. Letha has fortunately had thr~e pictures accepted there by various juries from out of state. The Hoosier Salon is Nationally known and maintains the highest standards in the arts of painting, sculptoring and etching. The Association attempts to present the very best that can be produced of educational and cultural value, and it is sponsored by individuals and organizations with those purposes. Around $4,000 has been allotted this year for special prizes. In 1940 Letha had one water color and one oil shown in Chicago, and subsequently at Indianapolis, Ball State at Muncie, and Indiana University at Bloomington. In 1942 two more pictures in water color and oil were accepted at the Indianapolis Show at the Wm. H. Block Company, and then toured the State. One of the Alpha Sigs friends on learning the good news of acceptance excitedly congratulated Letha on getting into a "saloon." For several years she has displayed work at the State Fair. To become a member of the Indiana Artists Club one must have successfully passed two separate juried exhibitions. With this eligibility one may be represented in the Annual Indiana Artists Club Show at L. S. Ayres each October. Letha was admitted three years ago and has since been duly represented. This year she is concentrating on something different, portrait study from the model using the medias of pastel and oil. Her teacher is Edmund Brucker, an excellent portrait painter from Herron and recently from Cleveland, Ohio. Portrait work requires a great deal of practice on many models. She is out for heads, so beware! During these past few years she has accumulated so much equipment that a studio wa almost imperative, so Letha transformed a bedroom into a work hop. 路w hile it is small and crowded, it is attractive with a collection of Mexican and merican Indian handicrafts in addition to her picture on the wall and large storage cupboards, with a work table and studio couch for occasional gue t . he feels free to pread out material and not keep them too neatly until friends or clients come to look for picture .


People seem to be more interested in picture this year. Perhaps there is some truth to Sir John Gilbert's quotation-"Pictures are loopholes of escape to the soul, leading it to cenes and spheres where fancy for a moment may revel, be refreshed and delighted. Pictures are consolers of loneliness, a relief to the jaded mind, windows to imprisoned thought; they are books, histories and sermons which we may read without the trouble of turning over the leaves." At Christmas time Letha always designs their personal greeting cards, portraying some interest of the year, and then cuts a linoleum block and prints a hundred or more on her small pres . \i\Tell-she doesn't teach or have any children to bother her, except these spiritual children, and a very good natured, part-time husband, so he has plenty of spare time, but what about all the other demands? She spent twenty hours on a First Aid Course and rescued three victims. Altho' she doesn't pretend to be an expert seamstress, she attempted hemming dozens of First Aiel Bandages, sewed some clothing for the Reel Cross, be ides spending a clay now and then at Fort Harrison as a "Sister Susie." She helped send ol)t Gas Ration Coupons too. She has greatly enjoyed a year's work on Tuesdays at the Service Men's Center Canteen Counter at the Union Station where she graciously serves the ervice boys and girls to doughnuts," coffee, or an orange drink, always with a dash of conversation and plenty of cheery smiles . Perhaps you remember that last year she devoted many hours toward furnishing a room at Dutler University known as the "Blaker Elementary Education Center." This was a fitting tribute to the founder of Free Kindergartens, and the president of Teacher ' College of Inclianapoli , Eliza \. Blaker. It was in Victorian period with many handsome original and reconditioned furni hings used at the old school. The pirit of friendliness and welcome are so manifested that the faculty wishes to hold board meeting 路 there. Letha's personal contribution wa the illuminated script printing of Ir . Blaker's favorite "Hymn of Child Welfare'" with an original border design. Now she has been a keel by the faculty to de ign a Scroll of Honor for the Blaker Award tudents. Letha is fir t vice-president of the Eliza Blaker Club and in an emergency had to preside at the Annual Blaker Luncheon for State Teachers sociation at the Columbia Club in ctober. The Pre ident of Dutler niversity, the Dean of



Educati n and th 1 rof "Or f El m ntary Education \ r all pr s nt a nd spok . v pa 路t r pr nt, or just clfi h plea ure Letha i now ent rin.,. upon th mo t thrilling and altrui tic ventur yet.\ hil 1t 1 till in a nebul u tat and perhap a bit prematur for publicati n, he ha been planning for 'er a y ar with a group of interested people to ventually form an a ociation for the purpo e of perpetuating the memory of T. teele, and to encourage the creative art among talented tho' unrecognize I arti t . l\fr. teele was one of our fir t and for mo t Indiana rna ter of art. There i a po ibility that the tate onservation Department will take over the Steele home studio with its va t collection of priceles paintings, and orne acreage for a tate museum of Historical and ultural Intere t . Then it is hoped that a "Steele Retreat" or colony for the creative arts may be e tabli bed on the present e tate which is near a hville. Thi mid-west project woul d be imilar to the 'McDowell Foundation," function ing in Peterborough, N. H., where creators may eek the quiet and inspirational environment to pursue their special course whether it be drama, peech, writing, poetry, composing of music, culptoring or painting. The plan is to have separate studios designed by an architect to be appropriate to the terrain and to the needs of the pecial arts, also to be far enough apart not to interfere with each other. There will also be a main dormitory, dining room, central studio and later a Concert Shell and amphitheater. It will be a tremendous task, but everyone seems quite enthusiastic over the vision. Of course this is all post-war planning, till a start has been made toward organization. The ground and several mall buildings will be donated. It is hoped that individuals and organizations interested in promoting contemporary culture will contribute generous funds as memorials. This money will be used for building and maintaining the separate studios and other necessary buildings. If and when this dream materializes it will be akin to this stanza of Rudyard Kiplings Poem" nd only the Master shall praise us and only the Master shall blame; And no one shall work for money, and no one shall work for fame, But each for the joy of working and each in his separate Star, Shall draw the Thing as he sees it for the God of Things as They are."

7 CHI CHI'S RADIO PROGRAM E ach Thur day evening, from 5 until 5 :30 or rganization on Ball tate o'clock, a cia campu pre ents a radio program on th e run ie network, stati n vVLB . t th e beginning of the year, when volunteer were being ought, the hi hi Chapter of lpha ig began plan for a contribution, and et the date for December 9th. The committee in charge con i ted of irgmm Rus ell, Helen Brown, Jeanne Friar and I a belle tarkey. The participant spent much time in practice, and the program was a success. To start the program, " lpha Sigma Sweetheart" wa sung by a double quartet, which was accompan ied by Elinor Keller at the piano. Those in the quartet were Elayne Tobia , Velva Bere, Joan Farrington, Wilma Jean Pyle, Suzette Mitchell, Rosemary Cox, Isabelle Starkey, and Mary Dawn Thees. Maud Scherer read a short history of Alpha Sigma Alpha and the Chi Chi Chapter which was followed by Joan Farrington playing her own piano arrangement of ''Memories." Helen Herberger, who has been outstanding on the campus in dramatics, presented a short and witty reading entitled "Mysteries of the Radio" by Robert Benchley. This was followed by a piano solo by Elinor Keller entitled " The Butterfly," and the program was brought to a close with the double quartet singing, "Hymn to Alpha Sigma Alpha." Helen Brown performed as master of cermonies for the program.

PI PI HAS FOUR NOMINEES FOR JUNIOR PROM QU EEN Seven years ago an Alpha Sig was chosen to reign as queen over Buffalo State Teachers annual Junior Prom. This evidently established a precedent, for every succeeding year since an Alpha Sig has been chosen queen. By the time you read this we hope we'll have another member of royalty added to our long list, for of the five nominees four of them are Alpha Sigs. Johanne Cunningham, is an art student and is active in Dramatic Club, in the Dance Group and in \.rt Kraft Klub. Connie Butt, is one of our nevv pledges and is president of Student Council. Ellen Davy, is a business manager and secretary of the school publications. Ellen Fane, was Junior leader for Inter-class Sing and is also active on other school committees. Thus Alpha Sig has scored again at State.



KAPPA KAPPA'S PRIDE AND JOY \iVe'd like to present to all the members of Alpha Sigma A lpha "The ilver S treak," held by Ginny Becker, P resident, and Laura Wolf , Vice-P res ident. T his cup is the newest add ition to Kappa Kappa chapter. Eve ry year here at Temple U niversity, during homecoming week-end, there is a hou e decoration contest in which all fraternities and sororities compete. This yea r due to war conditions, the fraternities did not decora te their houses. Howeve r, the sororiti es "vent all out in orde r to capture the "Silver Streak." You already know that the cup came to Kappa Kappa chapter at 1938 Pa rk Avenue, P hiladelphia. I'll tell you why-p robably to compensate fo r the many hours of sleep we lost the night before the judging, or for the crawling a long th e matelpiece and then sli pping off, or fo r all the cuts and brui es we received, o r for all the finger-nail biting and wo rrying while we were waiting for th e judge to announce the winner. \ t\f hen the judges entered the front door, they were g reeted by a Temple head-h unter, whi ch wa really a eire maker' fo rm draped with sheets and porting a g rue orne head. The head-

hunter was holding a sign stating that thi s wa the home of all the Temple Head-hunters. Our living-room was tran formed into a jungle scene by means o f a low ceiling and semi-circle of chicken wire covered by weaving all sorts of vines and leaves through the wire. There was a huge black pot, guarded by a Temple Owl, in the center bearing the inscription: "Villanova's jig's up, Nothing left but catsup." In the backg round , the heads of the Villanova Football players were strung up. Their faces had horrible yellow wildcat g rimaces. While the judges were gaz ing at this go ry sight, they heard the dull pulsating beat of the tom-tom .

ALV ADEE HUTTON ADAMS MEETS ANOTHER TEMPLE GRADUATE IN RIO Contracting ma la ri a wh.ile traveling in the Brazilia n interior, A lvadee Hutton A dams, a member of Kappa Kappa chapter of A lpha Sigma Alpha, came to Rio de Janiero for treatment She wa 路 ref erred to one of the out tanding physicians there, who proved to be Oswoldo Campus, also fron1 Temple niver ity. lvadee Hutton was



graduated with hon r fr m T mpl niver ity in 1940. \r\ hile at Temple he won the Tuttle fellow hip and u 路 c1 it for tudy in the ~ cho I of Journali m of lumbia niver ity. After a year f tudy there he won the Pulitzer fellow. hip which he u ed for travel in outh merica. [t wa in Brazil that lvandee met the man who became her hu band. He was outh merican corre pondent for the Columbia Broadca ting y tem. Both :\Ir . dam and her hu band are living in Rio de Janiero and writing for the Chicago un. Mr. Adams al o i broadcasting to Brazil for the oordinator of Inter- merican Affairs and into the United State for the C.B.S. "Dear Folk t Home," a new program to be shortwaved to the United States from Rio de Janiero i about to be initiated by Mrs. Adams. lpha igma Alpha is very proud of Advadee's accomplishment .



Have you been to Kew York rec ntly? Have you noticed the ervicemen galore ? s a matter of fact- have you been able to find any civilians? Like the proverbial needle in the hay tack i. n't it? Yep, million of them! rmy, navy, marine, merchant marine, air corps-Americans, Engli hmen, Au tralian , Canadians-oh you could run the gamut of all the branche of the ervices, and the list of all the Hies. The little ole town seethes with uniforms of all kinds. And even with the dimmed out Broadway-the town is aglow with the life "our boys" bring to it. And what's for them to do while they're in town on their pas or leave? Well, your guess is as good as mine-what with the rich variety that Manhatten can and does offer. But, as the boys say-"1\IIan, this town costs dough." So, Jew Yorkers by the thousands have cast their time and money in the direction of providing NEVEL YN SIMON, "something for the boys." Result-Stage Door A LAFAYETTE CAMPUS BEAUTY Canteen, U.S.O., Service Men's Clubs, shows, and scads of other things. But, to all these attractions, only enlisted men feel free to go. Little is provided for officers. And do they feel neglected! A couple of Alpha Sigs had heard the general hue and cry from some officers and took the matter up with other Alpha Sigs. (Leave it to an Alpha Sig to attend the cry for help. Anyway, we wanted to do something for the war effort.) So, pronto-it became more than a point of discussion. It was an idea one minute-and lo-the next it became the most talked of affair in the Officers Service Clubs of the Commodore Hotel and Delmonica of Park A venue. Our own Em Frost (Pi Pi), who had the idea to begin with and also the ideal place to have any affair-offered her Park School of Cookery and studio apartment for the locale. A sponsor was interested from the standpoint of financing the A campus beauty! That's what Beta Zeta's party-the menu and the fun was planned, hostTevelyn Simon can be called after this year's esses were ready and willing to do their bit, the selection of campus beauties. evelyn does not Officer's Club was ready to supply men-the date live up to the old saying "All beauty and no and the time were set, and fingers were crossed. brains." he has a B plus average which has gained for her membership in the Vermilion Would it be a go-would they like it? Well, Honor Society. She has also proved herself a路 here's what happened. On the first of the seven parties that have been leading student on the campus. She is president given so far, (on every other Sunday afternoon ) of the Panhellenic Council, member of Red Jackets, a pep organization, and then, too, she in walked ten of the handsomest officers-the i our own chapter registrar. Some Alpha Sig! cream of Uncle Sam's. crop-if ever there was



cream. After the last one arrived and first names had been pinned on everyone' lapel-out came the big apron and off came their coats with decoration -service ribbons- gold and silver bars-even maple leaves . Into Em's grand big laboratory kitchen they all swarmed with Johnny and Jeanne manning the spaghetti, Dell, Tex, Keith, Fritz, Ellen and Dotty cutting for dear life on a giant tossed salad. And over in that corner was Gen and Matt icing the cup cakes-(licking more than they iced-I'll betcha !)-and Marion and Ed doing fancy stuff on ~he butter balls. Out in the studio was Billie with a few strong arms such as Winston (not Churchill) and Stewartsetting tables and toting dishes. Everyone hummed with activity, tongues buzzed with conversation. The men were at home again-fussing in a kitchen to their hearts content. (And who said a man doesn't love to get into a kitchen?) The party was off with a bang-and dinner was served.

were incere and heartfelt-they all asked-"May I come to another party-if I'm still around?" And some did. And since then the officers Clubs at the Hotels have called us and told us the men come in and ask if there's a party that clay at the "Cooking School"-saying-"we've heard how swell they are, we want to sign up for it." And to think, we wondered if they'd like it? How little we had remembered that a touch of home would please any service man-and boost his morale 100%. Yes, that's what we Alpha Sigs are doing in these supper parties-bringing home to themboosting their morale-even it it's through their own cooking.



Then, when plates were empty, and chairs pushed back for comfort, nostalgic memories flowed easily from each of them. One, endearingly called "The Deacon" by his seaworthy chums, even said, as he put his feet upon a hassock-"This is the first taste. of home I've had in years." (And we had wondered if they'd like it?!! ) Dishwashing was part of the plans-and who could ever think it a chore with twenty pairs of hands working, and every voice atune with some Barber shop quartets close-harmony song. couldn't hold a candle . to the e groups. And how could an evening go stale with a nipid sequence of one game after another. Turtle racing with figurative bets placed on "Goldtoothed Gerty" or "Klondike Kate" brought gusty cheers as the paper racers spurted along the strings. Em's favorite game of "Sniff" left everyone begging for time to rest their sides from laughter. Charades uncovered latent talentespecially on wows such as "Battle Hymn of the Republic" or "Alexander is a Swooze." (Just you try to act them out.) Then, true to that "Frost" hospitality, just a the clock neared departing time, out came a few officers, now thoroughly at home in aprons and culinary techniques-with cookie and coffee perfect end to a perfect party. s each departed with thanks that we knew

Now here is someone that I want you all to know. From the day she became a member we wondered how we ever got along without Ruby Strand. If there is a party who is sure to make it a success? If there's a program we want arranged? She's the girl with a million ideas. She always will find time from her busy schedule for Beta Eta. She participates actively in all campus activities. She takes an active part in campus religious affairs. She is in the glee club and an outstanding 4-H member. For two years she has been on the House Council for the residence hall. This organization arranges for the social life of the hall. This ummer she took a trip out to the coast and worked in a defense plant, but much to our relief she came back here to school. She's a girl with a smile for everybody and a really grand per on to know !





The Value of Choral Speaking in the Study of Speech Mabl

Bethel P tersoo, Theta Theta

NE C F th gr ate t reward

{ etting out t d a ertain thing i that th by-product ach i vecl in the doing ar often of a great va lue a th achie ed goal. I n no act i thi more true than in choral peaking. ne cannot be a member f a choral peaking group a d irecto r, or a tudent of th ubject without learni ng many ther thing . lore and mor frequently in conn ction with the study and enjoyment of literature, peech mu ic, reading, and extra-curricular activitie of camp and community, the term "choral peaking" i heard. horal peaking i the interpretation of poetry by many voice peaking as one. It is bringing words to life,-giving written ymbols a new vitality through adequate oral expre sion. It provides training in voice production, sustained tone, clear and di tinct enunciation, and sensitive expression to a large g roup instead of to a single individual. It makes its participants sensitive and anxiou to achieve an A merican speech that is pleasant and agreeable. The class as a whole advances more rapidly. Poetry mu t be voiced if it is to live. It cannot awaken in its reader its full beauty until one speak it or hear s it spoken. Choral Speaking endeavors to enchance literary appreciation and enrich the emotional value of a poem through the spoken wo rd. Thus ver e choir is one avenue of approach to a finer diction and a more beautifully modulated voice, as well as to a greater appreciation of good literature, especially poetry, through the arti tic oral expression of it. I feel that work like this which expresses the worker i a\\\ ays in a measure artistic. There is deep and sincere atisfaction to hear the improvement in voi'Ce, to see the development of good posture, to have at one' command b~autiful lines of verse and poetry which can often be as ociated in everyday life. However, thought itself comes first, but vitality of thought is developed in the individual and the imagination stimulated. Choral peaking helps indi vidual development in many ways. I quote seven of the outstanding ''helps'':


1. 2. 3. -t. 5.

Greater app reciation and enjoyment of poetry. Better speech pattern wi ll be developed. More distinct articulation. Richer Resonance. Greater vocal melody.




en itiv tone col r roup feeling which lead to fin r . tu lent cooperation fr edom fr m elf -con ci u 路ne , and greater happines .

T he training of the voice consi t , fir t, o( the knowledge of how to breathe properly, how to control and eli rect the output of breath for u tainec\ tone . econd, accuracy of peech fo r ustained peaking of vowels and con onants, and abi lity to keep that accuracy at any pace that i nece sary . Tongue-twisters like "Peter P iper picked a peck of pickled peppers,., Mother Goose rhymes and nonsen e rhymes, patter exe rci ses and othe r light verse are excellent for eCL11路ing clear, accurate, crisp articulat ion together with speed. Give these exercises in 1,1ni son, being caref ul to breathe easily and freely. Take one line at a time, and then two, repeating rhythmically and with increasi ng speed, always with accuracy . Do not allow these exerci ses to be given mechanically. T here must be enjoyment and purpose throughout the drill. Third, attainment of good oral and nasal resonance, and practice in flex ibility, range and volume of tone. Fourth , a development of a sense of rhythm, fo r the realization of th e rhythm of poetry is of paramount importa nce in verse-speaking. Choral speaking, to be successful, mu st be built on a firm foundation of GOOD SPEECH WORK. Choral Speaking is an un selfi sh art because there is the desire to share with others the truth, beauty, a nd love found in th e work of many writer . Complete sati sfaction comes from carrying the desire into action, or demonstration-the actual doing or living the truth. "No work of art is a wo rk of art until it has done its work on an observer." In other words- know the truth and wo rth of the poem, be wi lling to tell it or share it, and then be able to speak it. '' Poetry must be within before it can be voiced with understanding. It must be heard, felt, seen. Then only will it become a living reality." In Choral Speaking the vo ice and body are trained. to serve and become a part of the thought action. This lead to freedom and spontaneity in all exp ressive action . There are many things for the teacher to remember concerning Chor al Speaking. The teacher


must be able to read poetry aloud intelligently herself if she is to make it live for her pupils. She must possess a pleasing voice and have good posture, and inspire her pupils to a full appreciation of a good voice and body . Patience is essential in the training of voice and body for it must be made clear that voice and body disappear as voice and body, and become a part of the vitalized thought. This takes time to accomplish, but "correct practice leads to perfection." A constructive speech program is vitally important "as the life is so is the speech"-Little did Shakespeare realize the tremendous weight .of his words when this phrase was written, for upon this concept today is laid the foundation of one of the most fascinating and highly stimulating studies in the world, occupying and arrecting the attention of the professional and non-professional -the study of speech. The teacher should help build up the right attitude toward the adjustment of speech difficulties and give the students sufficient background of the correction and prevention of speech defects. The students must also become acquainted with their own particular sectional problems . It is wise to explain that the physical act of speech begins with muscular activity of the speech organs acting upon the breath. This produces a sensation in the ear known a sound; different activities of the organs of speech produce different sounds; the same activities produce the same sounds. Spoken language is made up of such sounds and must be heard to be understood. Like sign language it requires the two interested parties-in this case the speaker and the one spoken to-to be near each other. Voice placement, pitch, tone, color, pronunciation, enunciation, as well as a selected natural vocabulary should be introduced as a very vital part of a well-rounded Choral Speaking program. I believe that students can be taught through play, sound games and speaking loudly enough to be heard and distinctly enough to be understood. As progress of student begins, teaching the u e of organ of articulation more specifically, nan1ing each and demonstrating the sound should begin. The ultimate outcome should be the development of a spirit of cooperation or team-work, an experience in organizing and planning work, experience in research, and realization that a good voice and body are their by right as well as the ability to read and state thoughts with clarity and power. However, pupils with proper in truction set up standards of good peech themelves and with guidance each one improve hi


own personal speech as well as his personality, character, appreciation and enjoyment of poetry. According to authoritative sources there are five types of Choral Speaking. For the beginner in Choral Speaking the simplest form is the Refrain. In this arrangement, a soloist carries the narrative, while a chorus or group, responds with unison refrain. A second type of Choral Speaking arrangement is~ called Antiphonal and means tone against tone or two-part. The chorus is divided into two groups. Sometimes the division is made according to "light" or "dark" voices, sometimes boys against girls. 路 Often question and answer poems are used in a divided group of this type; one group asking the question, the other answering. Many times in poetry a single member of the chorus may be heard in order to adequately suggest the idea or emotion that is outstanding. This kind is called Line-A-Child. Ho路wever, it is generally wise to have the entire chorus close or climax the ending. Part Speaking is used when voices are maturing or adult. The chorus is arranged according to soprano, second soprano, and alto, and these are blended together in the interpretation of the literature or poem. In the fifth type Unison Speaking everyone in the chorus must speak as one. This calls for careful timing, correct emphasis, unity of inflection and absolute "team-work" It is to be remembered that the task of the Choral Speaking group is to so truthfully express the beauty and joy of the poem that the hearers turn from that which is seen with the physical eye and heard with the physical ear, to some inward vision or inward voice. Good art is known by its effect upon others. Choral Speaking does much for individuals in a personal way. It improves the personal appearance, it makes one more confident, and helps in not labell~ng one as belonging to any particular section of the country, or to any particular class. It does much for individuals in a material way. A wealth of beautiful literature and poetry is theirs. An increased vocabulary to use in conversation or writing is also theirs. Through this medium one can more easily convey ideas, communicate truth, move an audience, and secure supP<?rt. The field is as broad as the world of poetry and rhythmic prose. It requires only a few things; an appreciation of the power of words, attention to voice and muscular control, free bodily action, and an urge to express that pentup feeling of beauty which mu t be bared.




Professional Panhellenic Association Holds Eleventh Biennial Convention Genevieve S. Leib, Publicity Chairman FRID Y, aturday and unday, ctober 29-31 the Profe ional Panhellenic A sociation met at the Palmer Hou e in Chicago, Illinois. Twenty-five national officer and official delegates of the fourteen member fraternities were in attendance. Following an executive committee meeting, the opening bu ine s meeting was held at 10 :30 Friday morning. After a luncheon in the ictorian Room, Round Table discussions were held. The subject follow:


ccelerated School Programs on Effect of Fraternity Programs-Dorothy Stevenson, Phi Beta, Leader. Effect of Change in Educational Programs on Fraternity Finances-Virginia Osol, Lambda l appa igma, Leader. Fraternity War or Victory ProgramsFrances R. Murray, Phi Chi Theta, Leader. Post War Fraternity Programs- Roxine Beard, Delta Omicron, Leader. On Friday night, about one hundred fifty Chicago and Evanston members attended the banquet, held in the Picadilly Tea Room. The Chairman of the Banquet Committee was Louella de 路windt, Sigma I ph a Iota; and the toastmistress was Wilma \ ilson Sharp, President of Alpha Sigma Alpha. The program included: Invocation, Phylli Kinsley Hanson, Zeta Phi Eta Pledge of Allegiance Directed by Phyllis Kin ley Hanson, Zeta Phi Eta Introductions Louella de W indt, Sigma Alpha Iota Greetings Helene Cranby, Phi Gamma Nu, Convention Chairman Response .. :\Iildred Odell Sale, Sigma Alpha Iota Readings . .... . . Estelle Ayer Johnson, Phi Beta Flute Solo ........ :\1ary \ iVigent, Delta Omicron Jo Ann Becker, Delta Omicron, accompanist ddress-"New Caledonia" Colonel Brown Rolston Soprano Solos .. .. . . .. Frances Kacello, Phi Beta Address-'路Danger in Post War Planning" Dr. Rollin B. Posey " Star Spangled Banner., Directed by Louella de Windt

n aturday morning busines was resumed again followed by Round Table Di cussions. Thee were: Fraternity Publication -Isabel imon s, Kappa Beta Pi, Leader. Alumn~ Contacts-Lucille Morrison, 1gma Sigma Sigma, Leader. Alumnae Placement Services-Vashti Burr Whittington, Phi Delta Delta,Leader. Fraternity Central Offices- Evelyn Alden, Theta Sigma Upsilon, Leader. The Convention voted to proceed with the publication of a Handbook and to expand the Association's Bureau of Information. The four National Officers were re-elected: Mrs. Clarence M . Sale, Sigma A lpha Iota, President; Mrs. Freel M. Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Vice-President; Miss Phyllis Buck, Phi Chi Theta, Secretary; Miss Bernice Hauber, Phi Gamma Nu, Treasurer. Members at large of the Executive Committee are: Miss Roxine Beard, Delta Omicron Miss M ildred Streeter, Zeta Phi Eta M rs. R. S. Simons, Kappa Beta Pi Honorary Advisers are : Mrs. W. V. Whittington, Phi Delta Delta M rs. Herbert Stevenson, Phi Beta The Chicago Professional Panhellenic Association members acted as hostesses to the convention, headed by their officers: Helene Cranby; Phi Gamma Nu, President Edna Grambort; Phi Chi Theta, Secretary Ila Marie Rice; Delta Omicron, Treasurer Grace Reiger; Kappa Beta Pi, Publicity

RESPONSE AT P. P. A. BANQUET Mildred Odell S ale, President

To our hostesses in the Chicago Professional Panhellenic Association, and especially to their efficient chairman, Helen Cranby, and their splendid banquet chairman, Louella de Windt. may I exp ress the very sincere thanks and appreciation of the members of the national Professional Panhellenic Association, meeting here in Chicago in convention. That you have arranged such a delightful affair and have attended in such


large numbers is a compliment to P.P.A. and to us, which we accept with humility- and with pride also in the hearty support of the Professional Panhellenic ssociation from its Chicago members. \Vhen the first meeting of professional fraternity leaders was held in 1925, a brilliant future was enyisioned for the Women's Professional Panhellenic Association as it was first called. Now that vision is progressing toward reality. T oday the lea<;lers of fourteen professional fraterniti es are meeting again in their eleventh Biennial Convention-to discuss common problems, to formulate additional policies for working together, and to assist in the promotion of the future position of the professional woman. Each member fraternity has its own high ideals and standards, and has assuredly won a place in the fraternity world on its own individual merits. But above all that, membership in the Professional Panhellenic Association gives an added prestige, an added mark of distinction for it tells to school administrators, and to the student body of our colleges, that the fraternities whose names are listed on our P.P.A. roll have met and are fulfilling certain definite requirements-requirements that guarantee that their chapters are installed in recogni zed institutions of learning, that definite professional standards for membership are required , that each fraternity is an organization based on the highest standards of fraternity procedure, and that high ideals are constantly being made a part of the life of their members . Membership in P.P.A. means also that the fraternity is interested in and working toward the finest cooperation between professional fraternities nationall y and on the same campus. The voice of the P rofessional P anhellenic Association can well speak with authority for it rep resents 366 chapter , with a total membership of 55,000. It is a Yoice constantly growing in vo lume and trength, as evidenced by the fact that last yea r over 3250 initiates were added to our rolls. S uch is th e mean ing of th e P rofessional Pa nhellen ic Assoc iation to the outsider. To the insider, P.P. . is of even greater value for it brings a broadened view-point to each individual member who participates in local or national P rofessional Panhellenic A sociation contacts. Dr. Feli x l\Iorley, president of Haverford College, in a recent article in the Saturda 路v Eve ning Post, ha said, "In the last analysi~ there are three, and only three, lasting services which

the college can provide for it students . 路when these are rendered and accepted, the human product is, in the literal sense of the word, a truly 'educated' man or woman . . . . The student who has . been stimulated in the manner to be described will, with rare exceptions, prove a constant force for social advancement in hi s work, his community, and his home." The three services, according to Dr. Morley, that the college can provide are the development of intellectual curiosity, development of the critical faculty, which must be differentiated from mere intolerance by the animation of true curiosity, and the development of purposeful individual character. Professional Panhellenic Associations in the colleges might aid greatly in at least the first two of these. In discussing th e development of the critical faculty, Dr. Morley says, "The student should be encouraged to contribute from his own experience, his own thinking, and his own research. The greater the diversity of background in the group the richer will be this pool of joint experience." Where could you find a greater possibility for the sharing of diversified experience and training than in a meeting of our fourteen professional fraternities representing seven distinct fields? And how could one broaden her education more than by delving, even superficially, into these other fields? It is true that. professional people are apt to direct all their energies into one specific channel. The friend ship of others in diversified fi elds is ours for the asking if we make the most of our opportunities in the Professional Panhellenic Association. That thi s is a time of crises is admitted by all. It is interesting that the Chinese depict the word "crisis" by two characters, danger, and opportunity. Perhaps our greatest danger today is that of not seizing every opportunity that presents itself for the f urtherance of our P.P.A. locally and nationally and carrying it forward to a succes ful conclusion. O n the wall of a church in L eistershire, England, is a tablet which reads, "In the year 1653 when all things sacred were, throughout the nation, either demoli shed or profaned, Sir Robert Shirley, Baronet, founded this church, whose singular praise is to have clone the best things in the worst times, and to have hoped them in the most calamitou ." 1653, according to our hi sto ry books, was in the middle of a century of hard and evil times. \Ve sincerely hope that the members of the Pro-



f 路 ional Panh II nic . \ . ciati n, in thi troubled tim of 1 43, which w tnt t may prove to be near th nd four "wor l time ,"wi ll , like ir Robert hirley, do ''th b t thing " and continue to hope f r them v n in the mo t calamitou tim . Ever rem mbering that in unity there i tr ngth, the fourteen profe ional fraternitie all living up to their highe t a nd be t in the de" I pm nt of purp eful individual character will make of the Profe ional Panhellenic soctattOn a fore that can and will do much to promote the be t time for profe ional fraternities and for profe ional educati onal institution .

MARIONETTES ARE FUN! Do you like to play with dolls ? I do , and thereby probably lies my interest in marionettes. ome years ago while assi ting in a city vacation club, I came upon a box of marionettes and decided we hould give a marionette show . After intensive craming on the technique of making tho e loo e-jointed dolls act, we (myself and a number of twelve and fourteen year olds) preen ted for the approval of doting parents and friends-a marionette play. It must have been a "comedy of errors". Now it appalls me to think what unmitigated nerve I had to stumble through with so little knowledge. 路 Through a ridiculous and haphazard chain of events, I received a position as counsellor at a summer camp-on the strength of my ability to work with marionettes. Strange world! Although marionettes have been one of my hobbies, I have always worked with them entirely from a child's point of view. My "family" of seven dolls are long-limbed, loose-jointed rag dolls with faces embroidered in bright colors and hair of yarn . My original stage was a large plywood packing case, hinged so it could be folded and transported in an automobile. Curtains were beautiful but outmoded drapes. Backdrop was crayoned on unbleached sheeting ( for ease in packing) . Furniture came from dolls' furniture left from my childhood. Other properties were either made from cardboard or dug out.. from the attic. To go back for a moment to the dollsthere are: the giant, a ferocious , black-haired, black-bearded fellow; a blond and a brunette woman ; one man; a boy and girl ; a fairy with beautiful tin el wings; and a little black dog. In addition to my family there is my favorite, Wilfred . 'Wilfred is a clown dressed in a white suit

with normou dot , a high whit ruffl ar und hi n ck, patent Ieath r hoe , ' hit . pat (with r a! button ) , huge pat nt I ath r black oilcloth) glo~e , a illy black kull cap and a beautiful grin. Wilfred bow politely to the audi ence and introduce the play which will follow. ometimes he tand on hi head, ometime he gail y ride an elephant around the tage. nd sometime , to my embara ment, give an imitati n of me trying to do " reducing exerci es." hildren love the marionette and will work very hard to learn the peaking part and the manipulation of the strings. hildren who are self-conscious when on a stage themselves, have no embarrassment when a doll acts for them. O lder groups of girls can make quit~ sati sfactory dolls and dres them. I have had children as young as five years work the doll s. nd never yet have I found a youngester from that age up who could not take some part in a marionette play.

M. ATWOOD, Boston A lumnae Chapte1'. DORIS

BETA KAPPA SALUTES "For it was Mary, l\Iary . . " Yes, as the song goes, it was Mary-Mary, who helped and gmded our humble, but confident, group of Phi Taus to blossom into the "baby" Beta Kappa chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. It's very difficult to put into words our appreciations and feelings toward Mary, for all the unspoken of and unthought of tasks she so ably performed. Each and every one of these tasks enabled us to be accepted into A.S.A. With her inspirational leadership we aspired; we sought; we attained this goal. Mary Weinberg, our president, is one of those people whom all should know. She's unaffected, sweet, and poised. She has that native ability of being able to approach people psychologically and tactfully-knows what to say and when to say it. She's one who can reprimand and yet have her listener 路feel that she has been complimented-a rare talent, to be sure. "Mar," as we affectionately call her, has a radiant personality which firmly establishes her in the affection of her associates and leaves that indelible impression of her sincerity, integrity, and ingenuity. s was said before, words inadequately describe our illustrious leader. All we can say ts, " Thanks '1far,' Beta Kappa salutes you."


News Letters - Alumnae Chapters AKRON, OHIO Our own AEA never seems so close to us as on Founder's Day. This is particularly true in our Akron Alumna: Chapter. We all look 拢orward to the November meeting as a highlight of the year for at that time in all sincerity" it seems we renew again our true vows and high purposes in a grand sisterhood.

First Row- Louise H olt, Lil Greer, Marjorie Miranda. Second Row-Emma Blythe, H elen Snyder, Gwen Spiers, Clara Kuney.

Beth Washko and Lil Greer arranged our very nice program this year at the Mayflower Hotel. 路 A beautiful birthday cake with candles on either side was a very attractive centerpiece for the table. The cake was decorated with flowers of red and white and across the top in letters of gold was written "Happy Birthday AEA". Incidentally, it fairly melted in our mouths. Following our dessert of cake, parfait and coffee we all participated in the impressive National Founders' Day Service. Everyone joined in singing several of our Sorority songs. We are having lots of fun knitting and in a short time, I am sure one Afghan will be finished. Everybody now is in a busy whirl of shopping and Holiday preparations. Let's hope we all survive. Our congratulations to you, Private Virginia C . Schwartz, U. S. M. C. W. R. We are proud of you. Yours in AEA, MARJORIE


ALVA, OKLAHOMA Greetings: Another due date fo r news coming up and here I am with none as usual. The last two months have been rather dead around here. ow that Thanksgiving (and a quiet one at that) is over, we have our annual Christmas party to which to look fo rward. The undergrad uate chapter is entertai ning us thi s year. I understand the date is set for December 10. Our October meeting was at the home of Edna

Donley. There was a nice group present and we all had a grand time. We held our Founders' Day dinner November 13 at the home of Ada Lane. Usually we have a formal dinner but this year we decided on an informal affair, and truthfully, ,I believe everyone enjoyed it more. We furnished the food and served it buffet style. And it was really good-much better than any restaurant cooking, naturally! Of course, I'll admit we nearly worked Ada to death getting it ready, but it was worth it. You should have seen her running around trying to get enough points for a ham-we were all tired of chicken-and she did it. That was absolutely the best ham I ever tasted! Ada has a perfect basement for such a dinner. The large room, set with quartette tables, was decorated with streamers of our alumna: colors, palm green and gold-in one end of the room was the serving table . Believe it or not, the relishes for the dinner served as centerpieces for the quartette tables, and clever they were, too. After dinner we went upstairs for our program. Miss Shockly read the Founders' Day Proclamation by \Vilma Wilson Sharp. There was a vocal solo by Florine Roseboom and a piano solo by Catherine Littel. .Six of the college girls sang "Faith of Our Founders." 路 Luella Harzman, our 路President, gave the talk of the evening, the history of ASA . Yes, we had a nice time-and personally, I didn't even mind staying to wash dishes . I rather like informal dinners . Best wishes to Doris Vore! She and Sergeant Harlon Goodwin of the Alva Prisoner of War Camp were married recently . Oh, yes, Barbara Card Dunn is getting along nicely, thank you. Bruce R. Dunn was born a couple of weeks ago. Though he'll never truly be an Alpha Sig, perhaps some day he can talk his girl friend into joining Alphas. Suppose? We were glad to have Phyllis Rahe, Barbara's sister, here for awhile. She has gone to Houston, Texas, now to join her husband who is in the Air Corps. I'm glad to see Bertha Alice Green Peebles back in Alva after living a year in California. At least someone prefers Oklahoma! I understand they'll be in Wich ita after Christmas. Guess that's about all for now-maybe there'll be more news next time. ERL LE



BUFFALO, NEW YORK Founders' Day meeting-and what a pleasant evening we Alums had with our Actives, who rate congratulations as to the perfect hostesses. One could easily join a tour of inspection of the new chapter house ; then return contentedly to "oh" and




"ah" about it all. The hou e i as lo ely as all ha e reponed and lend that certain spirit to our meeting and to ourselves. Many lumn<l! were present and it was so nice eeing you. Wherever I sat, I listened for news. To my amazement, I di covered that a serviceman can be stationed on the same side of the country a hi s wife. There was Grace Schreiner Roe whose husband i now stationed at Grand Island. Other wives, till in our neighborhood who were there, were Betty Schreiner Missert, Betty Bernard Case, and Elinor Thom Thomas. Next time I'll sit where I can pop questions at others. Be t wishes to Jean Clark . She was married November 12 in Rochester, to Corporal Jewett B. Butler. Our plans for the year-a little tentative as yetbut being ably arranged by Madeline Marshall-are as follows: Our Christmas tea comes in December; Miss Hepinstall will discuss books in January; Dr. Albright will speak to us in February; Interior D ecoration is to be our theme for March; China (I mean the dishes, not the country) will be discussed in April; Diatectics in May; and we close the year with our party for brides and graduates in June. Sounds like coming, doesn't it? And now a word about our Alumna! Editor. Did you know that Virginia Schwartz has joined the Marines? Congratulations, and we're glad you're continuing sorority work, too. Best of luck. K. MARGARET KABEL.

CANTON, OHIO Busy, busy, too much to do. We didn't get our news to you. In spite of war we have had fun, We want to tell the things we've done. I pledge myself now and here To write to you four times a year. Back to writing the news again! It's almost as good as seeing and talking to you. The full effect of the war has hit us this year. It has been a little slow in coming because of our small number and the fact that we all are about the same age. Our first husband has gone to warRichard Roth (Dotty Stough Roth). Jayne Weible Urban, Virginia Weber Hansel, June Reigle Da Hinden, and Berdein Schumacker Holsing have gone back to full teaching. June and Berdein have left us for the duration because of transportation. The remaining husbands are working day and night for defense. The help problem in this area is very acute so the at home girls are very much at home. All the above reasons plus a one night stand of Ringling's circus contributed to a very slack attendance at our September meeting. It was at Jayne Urban's. Virginia Hansel, program chairman, presented our activities for the coming season. Sounds

interesting! Will let you in on it as it unfold . We, not the programs unfolded for the October meeting at Mary Donze Miller' -pig tails, hair bows, sun bonnets, baby dolls, teddy bears. A Kid Party! eriously though, we gave our fghan its final inspection before presenting it to the Red ross. Yummied on traditional pumpkin pie. The ovember meeting is always devoted to Founders' Day. This year it was dinner at Bender's Tavern . It is always an inspiration to spend one meeting with the thoughts and ideals of our fa rseeing Founders. 'Til the New Year! SuE CAMPBELL.

CLEVELAND, OHIO On Saturday, November 20th, our Founders' Day luncheon was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Vorhees. Twelve girls were present. We always enjoy ourselves when Ruth is hostess and we came away wondering how she could serve such a delightful luncheon under the current rationing program. But Ruth is an efficient person . The program followed the outline suggested by our National President. Lora Smith read the Proclamation. It was followed by our A. S. A. Hymn with Leta Crawford at the piano. Georgia Turner Kurtz read Mrs. Carper's message. "God Bless America" was sung by the group and Helen Garrington, our President, closed our program with a prayer. We were particularly happy to welcome Mrs. Wm. E. Coates (Esther Schultis, Beta Beta) into our Alumna! organization. She has a son, Bill, 15 years old, and a daughter, Carol, who is I r. We found that besides being a housewife and mother she has taken an active part in the Lakewood Y. W. C. A . and in the Y. Mothers' Group. Another thrill at this meeting was that of having Bette Madison Furness back. George has been honorably discharged from the army and they are here in Cleveland to stay. While they were stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, their little daughter, Valerie A nnette, arrived. She is all of four months old now and is a healthy, happy "San Antonio Rose." We showed Bette how glad we were to. have her back by immediately electing her to the office of Vice-President. In talking to each of our members, we asked them what activities were calling them this winter. Each one said, "Washing dishes, tending children, pleasing over-worked husbands, etc." But when we talked them into being sensible, we found out some interesting facts. Phyllis is serving at the food bar at Cleveland's famous Stage Door Canteen. We wish you could hear her tell of her experiences. She says she is the "mother type"-the boys pour out troubles on her shoulder. Well, we know better than that. She spends a great deal of time there whenever she is needed. While we were having turkey, she was down there building morale on Thanksgiving Day.

r8 We are proud of Phyll's contribution to the war effort. Bernice has been doing Nurses' Aid at Babies' and Children's Hospital. She's getting to be quite a champion at bowling, too, we hear. Ruth is the neighborhood mother-chairman of the Girl Scouts. She is on the state and local executive board of the Ohio Osteopathic Auxiliary. She is also program chairman of the local P . E . 0. Betsey is chairman of the ticket sales at the Ammual Institute of the Foreign Affairs Council. She is also on the woman's committee of the World Affairs Council. Georgia's duties as a new wife are keeping her out of public life a bit, she says. However, she still has time to roll bandages for Red Cross every week and serve on her Rationing Board. She was program chairman of 0. W. Holmes P. T. A. Fathers' Night. Leta continues her interest in music in the various organizations in her community. She was so happy the last time we saw her for she had just had letters and pictures from her boy in Sicily and a phone call from her other boy, who is in camp in Texas. Helen sings with the Mother Singers and her church choir. She is on the P. T . A. executive board . She is still teaching the Brownie Troop their rhythms and songs. Martha is on the Solon Study Group planning committee for this year. She is also on the local first aid squad . Lora Smith's main interest is the Bedford Study Group 1. She is on the Women's Music Club membership committee. She is serving on the subcommittee on education of the newly-organized Social Protective League of Cleveland. Messages were sent to our meeting from Ruth Duffy, Olive Baker, Mabel Blanchard, and Ada Harvey. They are all well and in town but various reasons kept them from attending. The next get-together will be at the DeTchon home on Sunday evening, December 26th. Jack and Phyll and Bo~ and Bernie will be 路 in charge. It is to be a cocktail party at 5 :oo and a sandwich buffet later. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? We wish you all a Victorious and therefore Happy New Year. LORA M. JONES SMITH.

DETROIT, MICHIGAN Dear Sisters: Our meetings here in Detroit are held regularly on the first Saturday of each month so our first meeting of this year fell on October ~' and was at the home of Norma Crane Aliber, on Grandmont Roa?. Sixteen members were present, including Louise McArthur, our new President; Audrey Taylor, Corresponding Secretary; Frances Vredenberg, Treasurer; and yours truly, Phoenix Editor.


November 6th, 15 of our girls met at the home of Verna Klein. A program honoring Founders' Day was presented. Sara Jane Dodge, our former president and one of our delegates to Chicago, read the Proclamation; the group sang The Star-Spangled Banner, also one verse of America, with Dorothy Rice accompanying at the piano. And then, a closing prayer by our President, Louise McArthurall very beautiful and impressive. Our December meeting is to be a Dessert Bridge at the home of Flossie Boening on Fairfield Avenue. Flossie has a lovely large home and we are looking forward to a large attendance and a grand time. We hear from Esther Sprague, who has moved to Indianapolis, that the Alpha Sigma girls in that chapter are grand, too. Another one of our girls, Gladys Sprague Rambler, who also attended the convention at Edgewater in Chicago, went as dietician with the Harper Hospital unit to Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, many months ago. In August, of this year, they landed somewhere in North Africa, within three blocks of the Mediterranea'l sea, so that they could swim there every day. Since that time she has moved to somewhere in Italy. Loyally yours, MRs. EARL LuTz.

INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA The 路 November meeting of the Indianapolis Alumna: Chapter was held on November 13, at the home of Lena Grumme, with Thelma Thomas assisting. There were 20 Alpha Sigs present. Peg Snedeker read the Founders' Day Proclamation issued by Wilma Wilson Sharp, National President. The message from Louise Cox Carper to Alpha Sigma Alpha for this occasion was read by Gerry Holton. We were happy to hear from Mrs. Carper, one of our founders, whom many of us were privileged to know at our convention in Chicago. Jean McCammon brought to our attention the need of volunteers to act as chaperones at the Y. W. C. A . on Saturday nights for a group of over 500 people between the ages of 13-18 years. This program is being sponsored by the Adult Guidance Division of the Y. W. C. A. m order to provide wholesome entertainment so as to occupy the youngsters' leisure time. Our Chapter has voted to be responsible for chaperoning the group on the second Saturday of each month. As jitterbug dancing seems to be the main diversion of the evening who knows but what some Alpha Sig may take the honors . P.-fter a short business meeting during which our President, Gerry Holton presided, the meeting was turned over to one of our members, Letha Gaskins. She being one of our outstanding artists chose as her topic "Palette Patter." In painting a picture for 路 the girls Letha used the Eliot O'Hara method which involves placing the



tlrawing board on the floor o as to allow more freedom of stroke. It was with interest that we observed Letha's handling her many brushes, mixing her colors and applying them in various ways so as to obtain the difierent eff cts in her painting. With her skill, Letha produced for us a "miniature masterpiec ." We are all grateful for an unique experience, and envy the luck of our guest in holding the number drawn when Letha generously contributed her picture. A group of Alpha Sigs, mothers and friends of the sorority are sewing and mending for Servicemen at Fort Harrison each Thursday. A fine report of the work they are doing was given at our November meeting. We were happy to have as a guest at our last meeting, Carmine Alvey, an Alpha Sig from the Muncie Chapter. She is a nurse at the City Hospital while her husband is in medical school here in Indianapolis. Genevieve Leib, National Editor, was reappointed 路 Publicity Chairman for the Professional Panhellenic Association at their biennial meeting at the Palmer House in Chicago. A few notes of interest about some of our girls whom we have not seen for a long time: Frances (Bone) Kimble, formerly of Springfield, Illinois, and husband, Major John Kimble, have been transferred from Soap Lake, Washington, to Victoria, Kansas. Fran is living in Russell, Kansas, which is 15 miles east of the base. Gwendolyn (Sheering) Strahl and husband, Captain Lee Strahi, are living at 826 West Mulberry Street, Springfield, Ohio. Captain Strahl has charge of the Government Publicity at the Dayton Air Field in Dayton, Ohio. Edith (Spangler) Shrader, husband Weiman and young daughter, Dotty Jane are living in Tarrytown, New York. We have seen a snapshot of Dotty Jane and she is surely a precious c3ild. Wilman is an instructor of Aeronautical Sciences and is located at Rockefeller Center, New York City. Helen (Kemmer) Speer, husband Donald and daughters, Linda and Susan, have arrived from Hartford, Conn., for a visit with Helen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kemmer, North Seventh Street, Lafayette, Indiana. Don is being transferred from Hartford, Conn., to {:hicago, Ill., and he and his family will go there next month for residence. Don is working for the Foote Gear Company there. We offer our sympathy to Dorothea and Ralph Maggart in the passing of their son, . Ralph Jr., November 5路 The Mothers of Alpha Sigma Alpha will entertain the Alumnae group at a Christmas dinner, Thursday evening, December 30, at the home of Margaret Schofield. We are all anticipating a wonderful time. IRENE SHAFFER MASON.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA To plan the social events of the coming year the first meeting of Xi Xi alumna: chapter was held at the home of Evelyn Burnell at 9132 Beverly Boulevard in Beverly Hills. Katharine Hunsicker, Ethel Tobin, Lillian Bradley, Alpha de Camp, and Louise Hindes were present. Each member brought a used woolen article as a war donation. You can be sure the girls have concocted some interesting activities for Xi Xi this year. Everyone was especially delighted to hear about Alpha de Camps's adventures this summershe journeyed to Florida and to other distant states. We regret we cannot tell you in this issue about The annual Founders' Day banquet that Xi Xi alumna: and college members are holding just next Monday night at the Lighted Tree Inn in Hollywood. It is good news, however, that fourteen active members and twenty-two alumna: will be present, and that Betty Fellows Abrams, who has been far away in Honolulu for these many years, has flown avross the Pacific to Los Angeles and will be among us for that occasion. As a matter of fact, your correspondent can hardly wait to see all her old friends of college days again and gather news for you of them for the next issue. CAROLYN


MARYVILLE, MISSOURI On October 12 we met at the home of Mrs. Albert Kuchs with Mrs. H. X. Thomas and Mrs. Harold Hull as assisting hostesses. Mary Frances Phares was appointed treasurer to fill the unexpired term of Ludmilla Weir, who has moved from Maryville. Mrs. F. M. Townsend gave a report on the Needlework Guild and the chapter voted to again furnish garments for the nursery school children. Winifred Christie announced the program for the year. We were pleasantly surprised when the pledges called during the evening. Ellen Graham and Betty Townsend, who were representatives of the under-graduate chapter, gave a report. Bridge and other games were played. The serving table was atractively decorated with pumpkins, autumn leaves, and orange tapers. Miss Inez Lewis, sponsor of the chapter, poured. We had our Founder's Day Dinner at 路 the Dream Kitchen on November 17th. The actives and pledges were our guests. Those on the committee were Gertude Tindall, R. Dell Dinsdale, Mrs. Clun Price, Mary Kurtz and Harriet Ray. The table was decorated in sorority colors. The program was presented by the actives with Irene Heideman as toastmistress: Founder's Day Proclamation ... . .. Phyllis Jean Price History of Phi Phi Chapter . . . Marjorie Holmberg Music (quartet) Betty Jo Montgomery, Shirley Anderson, Emma Ruth Kendall, Margaret Baker. National History ........... .. ... .. ... Mrs. Kuchs Founder's Message . . . . . . . .. ... ........ Sue Moore Prayer ......... . ... . .... . . . .. . ... . .. Jean Stewart



Four of our charter members were present. They were Vada Cliser Linville of Washington, D . C., Gertrude Wray Tindall, Marjorie Brown Holmberg and Ruth Lawrence. Those present included nine pledges, seventeen actives and nineteen alums. Virginia Watt who is an American Red Cross staff Assistant, is now in North Africa. Prior to her overseas assignment she was a member of the faculty of the Simonsen Junior High School in Jefferson City, Mo. Dorothy Coile is now in Rochester, Minnesota, where she is tak ing nurses training at St. Mary's Hospital. Marjorie Perry Person has a baby boy, whom she has named William Paul. Her husband, Major Paul Person, was killed in a plane crash last March. The baby's grandmother, the late Mrs. R. C. Person, was one of our first patronesses. Mary Frances Young was married on October 24th to Chief Specialist Daniel C. Shura, who is stationed with the Navy V-12 unit at the college here. Frances Elam and Lieut. Jerrod Van Houten were married on October 9路 Sincerely, RuTH LAWRENCE.

MUNCIE, INDIANA Muncie Chi Chi Alumna: will have their regular meeting December 4th at the home of Mrs . Betty Miller. It is to be a potluck dinner with plenty to eat I'm sure. One more of our members has rejoined the teaching staff. Mrs. Mildred Teany Monroe is now teaching in the Stevenson school in Muncie. Miss Velve Bere has announced her marriage to Cpl. Roger F. Gay. Yours in A.S.A., VELMA THRESHER.

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK The New York Alumna: Chapter hasn't broken into print lately but nevertheless we sure have been busy. Guess we had better go way back to our October meeting. We decided to hold all our meetings in the form of luncheons in restaurants this year so that we could have more time for our project. After a very delicious luncheon at an "atmosphery" Italian restaurant we jumped into a taxi and went over to the workshop of the Save the Children Federation at 482 Park Avenue. Midst sewing on caps, mittens etc., >ve conducted our business for the day. Most of our business centered on how much we would be able to get done for these poor mountain children we are trying to help through this project. We were all looking forward to the November meeting when we would start to work on preparations for the " Santa Claus Party" of the Save The Children Federation. Comes November, and after a grand lunch (we always mention food first) we were all set to go to work for anta Claus. We stuffed animals, dressed

dolls, prettied up old toys, and sewed on more mittens (seems they can always use plenty of mittens). Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Well is was, and it is also nice to know that we are helping these unfortunate kids. Now we can't wait until our December meeting because then we start to pack the boxes, seeing to it that each child will have something warm to wear, and something to play with-yes, in our small little way we help the Save The Children Federation to spread Christmas cheer to the destitute children in the Kentucky mountains. Some of the girls like Mrs. Gerry Morse (Martha to us) have even done more. She spends two days a week at the Federation office taking care of correspondence and assisting in the office. Some of the other girls take sewing home to finish. We're all busy doing as much as we canand we love it. PH~LADELPHIA,


Soon we'll be forced to hold our meetings by mail, what with a good third of our members m California, Florida, Texas, the Carolinas, and everywhere there are Service bases. However, even though our numbers are dwindling rapidly, we get busier and busier and go valiantly on, and the last two months have been active ones for the Philadelphia alumna: chapter. On November 9th we held our annual consecration Service in the Nu Nu Room at Drexel under the chairmanship of Polly Steinberg. As always, it was an impressive ceremony and was well attended. Then, on November 22, the Kappa Kappa Chapter, plus one lone Nu Nu, Dottie Hutton, who just couldn't miss anything Alpha S~g.was entertained at a Pajama Party, a dinner and an open House in celebration of Temple's Homecoming Week-end. It seems strange, still, to be staying in the new chapter home at Homecoming time, but it certainly was wonderful seeing so many of our classmates from other parts of the country and all of our older and newer sisters. Margaretta Schenbecker Plewes was chairman on this occasion and Libby Landis elected unanimously to fill that post next year. No sooner had we settled down after all this excitement when it was December 2, the night of our next monthly meeting at the Kappa Kappa House at Temple. This was our much-beloved annual Covered Dish Supper and was attended by about twenty alums-plus covered dishes. The college girls supplied meat loaf, and the rest of us brought as many dishes ( unrationed, of course) as we could think of to complete the meal. The rest of the evening we had planned to spend on war effort-rolling bandages, knitting, and making bandages-and before we had had a chance to lick up the last few crumbs, a photographer from one of the city papers burst in, ready to take our pictures in action, needless to say, we were only too glad to comply with his request, even though it did take up a good bit of the remaining time to get us all arranged and photogenic.




Ju t so I ' on't be accused of neglecting to gi e r dit where credit is due I t m mention that Helen King ton was chairman of the overed Dish Supper -how he ever figured out who was to bring what, I'll nev r know- and our professional newspaperwoman, Peggy Martin, was re ponsible fo r our plunge into the eyes of the public. oming up on January rr, we have another patriotic meeting at which we're scheduled to bring in all the best cartoons we've been saving all year to put in more crapbooks for the wounded service men. But more of that laterEvELY Roos ANcoTT.

Mrs. Grace Folkes was elected to keep th e budget balanced. ince we've gotten quite a bit of publicity lately, we decided to call on Lind ay Watkins to keep a scrapbook for us. There you have our able leaders for 1944. The Richmond Alpha Sigs wish you all a Happy a nd Successful ew Year. I'm sure we all join together in the prayer that Christmas always brings to mind-that "peace on earth good will toward men" will soon be a reality around the world again.



Loyally yours in A.S.A., SHIRLEY McCALLEY KI NG .

Dear Alpha Sigs, The St. Louis Alumn;e Chapter hasn't been getSince our organization not quite a year ago, we've ting its news in for the PHOENIX, but we want you to grown from the original twelve members to our know that we are still very much alive, and will send present membership of twenty-eight active members. regular reports in the future. We held regul ar m eetWe are so proud of our growth in size and activities ings last year, and had some very good times, in spite that we'd like for all of you to know of it. of the difficulties of war work, transportation , and Our Chapter has full charge of a Service Center rationing. The year ended with a picnic in the yard at the William Byrd Hotel here in Richmond. There, at Helen Griffith's. After being planned and posteach Saturday from 5 p.m. to r2 p.m., servicemen may poned on account of rain a time or two, we finally obtain all sorts of helpful information such as avail- got together and had a very pleasant time. We bring able sleeping quarters, places of interest to see, and our families to this annual affair, and enjoy visiting entertainment sponsored for theJ11. Grace Folkes is with each other's husbands and admiring each other's in charge of this, our pet war project. children. It was a farewell to Ruth Bryant, who was Besides our Service Center, the Richmond A.S.A.'s to be married soon after the close of school. w e have been busy knitting, rolling bandages, and aiding surely will miss Ruth this year. She had been a very Red Cross benefit shows in whatever way we can. loyal and active member for several years, and had Some of our girls attend local U.S.O. dances or visi t contributed a great deal to the success of our chapter. nearby Camp Lee, Camp Peary, or Camp Pickett to We lost another member last year, too. Louise Cosby entertain the men in camp. One of our members had Quick's husband went into the service, and she and the unique job of librarian in the library of the her baby went to Columbia to live with her parents. Richmond Air Base. The Valentine Museum called 路 Louise was another of our old faithfuls, and we were on our Chapter to furnish hostesses to show the sorry that circumstances made it necessary for her visiting men in uniform about the museum. Many to leave. of this Chapter have gotten great satisfaction from The first meeting of 1943-44 was held on October the pleased looks on the service men's faces as they 9, at the home of Elizabeth Woody in Webster served them tasty sandwiches and coffee from the Groves. There were twelve members present, and all Snack Bar at the Y.W.C.A. Of course, we've all were enthusiastic about planning the program for the served our time at selling war stamps and bonds at year. The officers for this year are: President, Elizatheatres and hotel lobbies. The Richmond Alumn<r beth Dodson Carpenter; Vice-president, Christine Chapter has . not been asleep in its first year of life. Basham Davis; Secretary, Frieda Smith Madaus; It is busy doing its share here on the home front Treasurer, Florence Rolston Gramsch; Editor, Hildred while those we love do their bigger share on the Fitz. Other members present were Karol Greeson, Helen Griffith, Lola Leedham, Berrien Williams, fighting front . At our December meeting we elected new officers Elizabeth Wohlschlaeger, and Ruth Shank, who came fo r the coming year. We've been so pleased with all the way from Belleville, Ill. Her husband is in our leaders that we would have been content to go the service, located at Scott Field. We are so glad to on following them forever. But our president, Noami have her join the chapter. We were delighted to McAllen, lef! Richmond to take a job in Maryland, have as our guest Gertrude Tindall, of Ma ryville, who thus forcing us to have elections. We hated to lose was visiting Karol Greeson. News of other members oami, but we all wish her luck in her new position. who were unable to be present was exchanged. We Mrs. Frances Camden, a '43 Madison College gradu- were sorry to learn that Margaret Sutton would not ate, was elected president, while Gwendolyn Sampson, be with us this year, but were glad to know of her who attended Farmville S.T.C., will act as vice- position in the University of Ohio. The Missouri State Teachers' Association met in president. Mary Elizabeth White will be our secretary for 1944, and Ann Martinstein will keep St. Louis the first week in November, and we had you posted on our activities through the PHoE IX. a luncheon on November 5 at the DeSoto Hotel. We



hoped that visiting alumn<e would attend, but whether there were none here, or whether they didn't get the word, we had only our own group present. We did have a new member, Patty Bounds Sellers, whose husband is a doctor at the United States Marine Hospital in Kirkwood, and we were glad of the opportunity to become acquainted with her. Attractive yearbooks, prepared by Hilda, Karol, and Frieda, were distributed, in which we found that a very interesting program for the meetings of the year had been outlined, including a talk on China, a book review, a play review, and a musicale. As this report goes in the mail, we are getting ready for our big party of the year. We are entertaning our husbands and guests with a Sunday night supper at the home of Helen Griffith on December 5路 We shall have to wait until the next issue to give you the details. Our regular time for meeting is the second Saturday in the month. If there are any alumn<e in this metropolitan district who would like to join us, please get in touch with the president, Betty Carpenter, 3815 Magnolia, St. Louis, Mo. BY ELIZABETH WoooY FOR HILDRED FITZ.

TULSA, OKLAHOMA My how glad we were to receive our first fall issue of the PHoENIX. It was like receiving a letter from home to read all the news from our sisters.

Mary Darby, Jackie Carson, R ena Mae Long. I sabel R eeve, H e len Solomon, Nadine Parks . J ennie Fisk , Ann Swann, Isabel Halliday, Hazel Rowe, L ora P. Sipes.

Saturday, November thirteenth the girls met in my home for our annual Founders Day tea. Assisting hostesses were Mary Darby and D. Edna Chamberlain. Twelve girls were present and were impressed by the especially prepared service led by our president Rena Mae Long. . We also enjoyed a group of solos by Marjorie Lee F1sk. She was accompanied on the piano by her mother Jennie Vinson Fisk.

We received our new year books, so attractively prapared by our Historian, Hazel Rowe. We are omitting a social event for December. Instead we will hold a rummage sale Saturday, December eleventh. Plans were discussed at this meetmg. We hope to have news next time. Sincerely, LoRA P. SIPES.

WICHITA, KANSAS Here we are aga-in and to bring you up to date on our news we'll go back to last September. Our first meeting was at Effie Small's home, Laura Sherman the assisting hostess. It was good to be together again and took much chatter to catch up on the summer news. Scarcely seemed we were starting a new season without loyal Gladys Popkins and Dorothy Weeds Bethel being with us. Gladys writes us of all the food advantages enjoyed on their farm near Girard, Kansas. Dorothy is making her home in Pittsburg while Derwood is serving in the navy. Effie Small, Tau Tau, is our president this year. She, her husband Orville and their two small sons Donald and Kenny have .a most attractive home on So. Volutsia. Effie is interested in many things besides her home and family but she has a great store of enthusiasm. that keeps things going. In October Fern Jack and Frieda Burtner entertained us in Frieda's darling home she is caring for while her husband is in the army. The group was small but a quiz Frieda gave proved us to be quite bright and the ginger bread and fruit sauce were super. We really got into the card selling business at the November meeting at Gladys Carr's home with Margaret Ptacek the other hostess. We hoped to repeat our sales success of last year. Fern Jackson, our treasurer, has charge of the cards. In this time of a manpower shortage I realize the danger of telling how hard she works and how wonderfully efficient she is, her account books are a joy to behold. Ruth Yackay invited us to her home for the December meeting. The time set aside for business was devoted to the card sales. Gladys Carr is our super sales girl, more than doubling the amount any one else sold. Ruth had brought some handkerchiefs from the canteen for us to hem, we hope to do more of this work at future meetings. Ruth's and Everett's small son Kent has a darling sister now, Marcia Kay. She slept thru the meeting but Kent was most helpful, delivering supplies to the sewers. We made plans for something special in January, but for that look in this spot in the next issue. Best wishes for a successful year to all of you. LAURA SHERMAN.




Keeping Pace with Our 1943 Graduates EP IL N EP IL N: wA DA LA G BELL Three members of the 1943 EE class have joined the Emporia Alumn;e Chapter and we certainly do enjoy it as it seem to bring us so much closer to the active chapter. Not many of our 1943 graduates have made changes since September. However, one of our members, Bettyanne Atherton Barber has returned to Emporia after spending a few months in Spokane, Washington with her husband who has now joined the Army ir Corps. She does intend to join him again when he is definitely settled. Louise Howell, who is teaching in Emporia, has been chosen for Chapter Big Sister of the active chapter so she is kept very busy. We're proud of Vida Bower who is a SPAR. Her address is Seaman 2/ c Y4r, Room 368 U.S.C.G.T.S. Palm Beach, Fla. Wanda Bell is employed by the Jones Construction Co. here in Emporia. In November the Alumn;e entertained the active chapter with the Founders' Day dinner at the Chapter House. Also in November many of our class of '43 attended Teachers' Meetings for the first time going either to Wichita or Topeka. ZETA ZETA: SUE CovEY In the Kansas City T. W. A. Office Sue Covey has discovered Doris Bush of Zeta Zeta and Frances Hunt and Lucille Mallard of Eta Eta. In addition there are in Kansas City, Mrs . Glen Duncan, Ann Gerster, Alice Jackson and Doyne McAninch, all from ZZ. Sue Covey has been busy locating these ASAs and getting their new addresses for us . Here is a representative that is helping keep ASAs from other classes and chapters in close touch with sorority. We appreciate such detective work! But Sue writes: My trip to Macomb was an experience I shall never forget. It was a beautifully arranged trip from the minute we reached the Station until we returned home. The Beta Kappa girls were wonderful. They have all the enthusiasm, pep and scholarship to make them an outstanding chapter. In those two days all of us came to feel that we had known the girls for sevc:;ral years. That's one of the advantages of being in a national sorority. XI XI: MARIA LEE JoNEs Here's a little news from our 1943 graduates. Bette Kremith is teaching third grade in a grammar school in Los Angeles and enjoys it very much . Barbara Barrett is working as a mathematician and clerk in the engineering department for Douglas Aircraft Corporation in El Segundo, California. Lillis erling came back to Los Angeles from her home in Wasco, California, to work and ~he found a room, just four blocks from me so we can see one another often. She is a draftsman in a plastic company in Glendale. Anne Woehler, my last year's roommate, spent last week-end at my house and we had such a good time together. Anne is a

timekeeper at Radio Plane Company. Margie Furnivall Van Dorn is now teaching school in Muroc, California. Her husband is a C ptain in the Air Corps, stationed there. Lois Downey Backhaus is a librarian at Vega Aircraft Corporation and doesn't mind working the swing shift. From Liane Rose, an ASA in the WAVES, came this interesting letter. She is one of the ten aerographers stationed in and around Washington. Recently she graduated from Aerographers' School with the rating of Third Class Petty Officer. Her quarters are two blocks from the "White House." SIGMA SIGMA: SeT. NANCY GiasoN, WAC I have been denied the pleasure of meeting any ASAs to date but hope in the near future to find some. Some of the girls I live with are sorority girls and often times we get into discussions about rushing, song festival, etc., and I've acquired some swell ideas to pass on to Sigma Sigma Chapter. :.fime certainly flies! Basic training seems something I read about, rather than lived through. I trained at Fort Oglethorpe from June roth to July 13th. Then I was sent to Alpine, Texas, to the Administration School to learn the proper work of the Army . After completing three of the eight weeks I was called into the Adjutant's Office and interviewed. It seems as though they needed a combination switchboard operator and file clerk. Upon looking at the records they found that was my civiliiln occupation. The next day I began work in this office and have been here ever since. About the middle of September I was taken of! the board and put into the personnel section. I now work on the Service Records, furlough certificates and the assignments of graduates of this school. I am also the Supply Sergeant for the office. I was promoted to Corporal and heid that post for five weeks . Two days ago I was made a Sergeant and I'm terribly thrilled for l believe it shows progress. Our recreation facilities here are fine . Besides all that the college has to offer we can go horseback riding, bowling, play tennis, swim, go to .the movie, hike in the mountains, or go to the U. S. 0 . There we dance, eat, write, read and play ping-pong. Our manpower is supplied from the nearby Army Air Base and also from a nearby cavalry post. I like Texas, my work, my fellow workers and the WACS in general. I wouldn't give it up for the world! CHI CHI: MILDRED wARNER The changes have been many since the November Phoenix. Bernice Allen is teaching history, typing and arithmetic at Van Buren, Indiana. She is living at home while her husband is an instrument specialist with the Air Corps, stationed on the Isle of Galipagos. Teaching science and art in Grades r through 6 in the Horace Mann Experimental School in Indian-


24 apolis is the work of Harriett Eckel. Mary Houghton is teaching second grade at Muessel while Dorothy Arnold is instructing in physical education at Winchester, Indiana. Lorraine Riebling Lewellan and her husband have taken a house just outside Columbus, Georgia. Lieutenant Lewellan is in the paratroops stationed at Fort Benning. Delana Southard Peden is teaching in Muncie while her husband is taking the Army Specialized Training Program at Ohio State University at Columbus, Ohio. The distinction of being the only woman teacher of Manual Training in Fort Wayne belongs to Lenna Arnold . Donna Jean Pierce is teaching Home Economics and Physical Education at Lincoln High School in Cambridge. Mildred Warner is teaching Home Economics and Physical Education and running a cafeteria on the side. Mim Partridge is working as an airplane mechanic at the Muncie airport, and Mary McCrae is employed by the government in Indianapolis. BETA DELTA: ELIZABETH LANGDON The big news from the BD Class of 1943 is. the marriage of Margaret Lee Hathorn to Wilbur Dale Saulters on November 15th. At the present time Chief Petty Officer Saulters is stationed in San Diego where he is a Pharmacist Mate in the U. S. Navy. Mary Pickering is teaching in the grammar school at Canton, Mississippi, while Adele Leake is teaching in the Delta. After planning something different I find myself teaching Home Economics at Morgantown, Mississippi, and liking it. Evelyn Hocutt's address is 9II Temple Avenue, Knoxville, 16, Tennessee. BETA ETA: BETTY BRUVOLD Alpha Sigmas as well as members of Beta Eta Chapter enjoyed reading two years ago of the marriage of Mary German to Perry Bruvold, brother of another BH, Betty Bruvold. So it is only natural that members of ASA will be sorry to learn that a brother of Betty and Perry has been reported missing since the loss of the U. S. S. Buck in the Mediterranean. Perry Bruvold is servmg with the U. S. avy in the South Pacific. BET A lOT A: CLARA JANE HINES So many of our representatives neglected to tell about themselves, that in reply to the question, "What are you doing?" we have heard more ot their work. Clara Jane writes: Teaching is still quite interesting and I feel sure T'll continue to enjoy my teaching here in New Hope, a small community in the Shenandoah Valley, about nine miles southwest of Staunton. This is in Augusta County and is one of the loveliest sections of Virginia, I think. With my glee club and music in the grades I find my time pretty full but I am trying to sponsor the Beta Club in the High School. Hilda Ammonette Slusher has left her work in the government laboratory in Radford to join her

husband at San Antonio, Texas. Virginia Boatright is teaching commercial subjects in the St. Paul high school and commuting to her home in Coeburn. "Jenny" like the other BI 1943 graduates was most enthusiastic over the November Phoenix. Marie Hutchinson is in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and rates it as a grand community. She has given several programs with her glee club and has spoken and played at the Garden Club. Contrary to earlier letters, Jane Mullen is teaching this year at Williamstown, New Jersey. Jane staged a wonderful recovery after her appendectomy and the doctor allowed her to continue with her work. BETA ZETA: EvELYN SoNGE Although I am not in close contact with all of my classmates as yet, here is a little news to share with the Alpha Sigmas. Olive Hitter, Lolita Watkins and Margarite Talbot are busy teaching school in Orange, Texas. Sibyl Glaser is doing the same in Destrahan, Louisiana. Other teachers at present are Betty Lu Straughan, Edgard, Louisiana; Elaine Gautreaux, La Rose, Louisiana; Aline Smith, Rayne, Louisiana (she was able to attend the Founders' Day banquet), and Dot White, Estherwood, Louisiana. I recently received a card from Dot, postmarked Salt Lake City. She had evidently taken a trip but she didn't give any of the details. Evelyn Frost is in the midst of wedding parties and teas路. She will marry Nelson Meadwos, Navy Air Corps, on December 22nd. Our two HazelsRebstock and Theriot-were teaching in Lafourche Parish last year but I haven't heard from them recently. Tally McElroy writes me often from Corpus Christi where she is secretary for an orthodontist. My own graduate work is about one-third completed and I am thoroughly looking forward to graduation and my degree in June.



Frances Raine . Kansas City .... Kirksville Ruth Bryant Pennell Kansas City ..... St. Louis (Mrs. George) . . . .Kansas City Pittsburg, Ks. Lucille Mallard . . . Kansas City Mrs. Glenn Duncan . Betty Smalley . .. ... Kansas City .... Maryville Doris Bush . .... ... . .. Kansas City Beth Magers (Mrs. A. W.) ....... Kansas City ... Tulsa Alma Rodgers . . . . . . . . . . Muskogee Alva Clara Kuney . . ..... . Akron .. . ...... Toledo Mary Tennell Calhoun ... Columbus ... Muncie Nancy Peters ............ Columbus .. BE Carmine Alvey (Mrs. Charles) .... . . Indianapolis ...... Muncie Betty Ward N ye (Mrs. Glenn) ...... . . Hays ......... Great Bend Freda Smith Maud us . . .. St. Louis ... Pittsburgh, Pa.




News Letters-College Chapters ALPHA


tate Teacher College, Farmville, Virginia

Kirksville State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sig : As this letter begins, we all have faint memories of a beautiful Thanksgiving holiday-turkey-football games, etc. This year we do have so many things to be thankful for-or perhaps, they just mean more.

Hello, Alpha Sigs: After an absence Alpha Beta is back in the news so this letter will be both old and new business. Alpha Beta made a grand start this year with rushing. Everyone worked hard and had wonderful fun doing it. For all our efforts we got thirteen of the swellest and cutest pledges on the campus. Our two rush parties were the Annual Gypsy Dance and a Progressive Luncheon. To the freshmen these were new activities and they certainly enjoyed the whole thing. The old members, of which we can boast ten this year, had as much fun and excitement out of the parties as the rushees. Alpha Beta has a new house this year. We have our own living room and chapter room. We're really proud of both. The chapter room is in the basement and is a wonderful place for meetings and get-togethers. We have a piano and all the things that go with it. We can boast the scholarship cup again this year. It has been awarded three times and Alpha Beta has won it twice. We're just a bunch of brain trusts! During the summer two of our graduates got caught in the wedding knot. Isabel Weaver, now Mrs. William Tennerman, was married during August. Wilda Lauer, now Mrs. Floyd Dunn, was married in August. Both of their husbands are Osteopathic doctors. With the manpower situation as it is we girls are getting acquai nted with eac h other in a big way. We have a group of flying students on the campus but we don't see much of them, and many of us have fellows in the service and are true blue waiting for the day when they will all come marching home to stay. A new quarter has opened and we're again toiling over dry books-at least we ca rry them home with us. All of our officers are new this year and we're learning the ropes together. We catch on fast and are getting along roo per cent. On Founders' Day we gave a tea at the home of our sponsor. Alumn<e members were our guests. It gave us a wonderful chance to become better acquainted with the Alumn<e and at the same time honor the founding of dear old A.S.A. Best of luck in A.S.A. and may there always be a free America for A.S.A. to exist and grow in.

Red and white was the keynote and "Joys We Have Known," the theme last Saturday night when the Seniors held their annual dance. Surprisingly enough, dates were plentiful-with all branches of the services crowding the dance floor. The Seniors were lovely in their white dresses as they walked with their dates in a beautifully executed figure. As always-the party during intermission in the chapter room added to the fun of the night. A glorious climax to the week-end was the nice waffle supper that Miss Hall, our Adviser, gave the Alpha Sigs Sunday night. It was such an enjoyable "get-together." At the supper, Miss Grace Moran, who for twelve years has served as Adviser of our sorority, was presented a gift of appreciation from the National Council. Mary St. Clair Bugg, Chapter President, expressed to Miss Moran the appreciation felt not only by the local chapter but also by the National organization. We have just bought some material for new slip covers for the room. We will have the room all "fixed-up" by winter rushing, which isn't too far away . We have some fine gi rl s on our rush list. We received a long newsy letter from Winifred Wright (Class of '43) who is now in the WAVES. She got her commission a few weeks ago, and simply loves it. Doesn't it make you feel good to have "sisters" in uniforms? Christmas is in the air . . . and exams are just around the corner. Already you can notice people studying a little harder and a little more. We have planned a Christmas party for next Sunday night. We always have a tree in the room, and draw names to exchange nonsensical gifts accompanied by a humorous verse . Later these toys are put in the Christmas basket with food and clothing which we fix for a needy family. There is so much happiness in helping someone else to have a nice Christmas. Here's wishing all of you a Merry Christmas ew Year! and a Happy Love in A.S.A., MARY SuE PALMER.





During "Freshman Orientation Week" one of our new pledges, Miss Juanita Greenwell, Shelbina, Missouri, displayed a little poetic ability. We enjoyed her poem, and hope you will, too: Alpha Sigma Alpha, in the fall of '43 Boasts ten active members, who seem quite a gang to me. Now of course we think they're super, And we're for them every one, Although they've scared us half to death, Hell Week's been loads of fun! Judy, who's our President, has what it really takes To make the Alphas do a job that a name for them will make; She is Marjorie's big sister And Marjorie thinks she is swell, And she's made this week quite heavenly, Which could have been just hell! Sister Lorraine Gillum, Who keeps things in a whirl, Has been the grandest sister To one new Alpha girl. And little Nancy Mercer, (Though she's carried quite a load With Tonkinson and Reynolds), Still has kept us on the road. Carol Jean, "Miss Trunnell," Has surely been the fun, And I guess it was her duty To keep her sisters on the run. La Vera Dye's appreciative, She didn't even turn Her nose up when one morning The breakfast rolls I burned. And there's the sister whom I Always envied for her poise, That's right, now she's Elaine, That week, she was just "Miss Boise." Then Iris Mittendorf It just thrills me through and through, To see a person love to live As Iris seems to do. Erma Lee has been a peach, And I'm really proud to be An Alpha Sigma Alpha, When sisters are like she. Eleanor Evans, too, Has made the path quite bright, It's fun to call her sister For she's one who's always right. Last and least, (She's cruel and mean,) I find that I must say A word or two about that sister Who is always in my way.

She black marks during Hell Week, And she drives me nearly mad Of course I'm her little sister, Which makes it very, very bad. Yes, you guessed it, no, not Mary, "Miss Fritzinger," if you please, She'll mark you good and proper, And you'll never be at ease. Of course I'm only kidding And we sisters do have fun. Mary is a perfect Alpha, If there's ever been a one.

ALPHA GAMMA State Teachers College, Indiana, Penn~ylvania

Caught up in the Christmas rush, the Alpha Gams are dashing hither and yon these days, every bit as busy as the proverbial bee. And not much wonder! We've been compiling cartoon scrapbooks and making Christmas wreaths for soldiers who are interned in hospitals; then too, we've spent afternoons in helping to mimeograph and mail copies of the News Letter published here on campus for our students in the service. Incidentally, our Christmas gift to these boys this year is in the form of a contribution to the support of this publication which is so much appreciated in the camps. The Alpha Gams, like countless other good Americans, are reveling in the spirit of "giving" this season-giving of time, effort and ideas to help those who, in turn, are giving so very much. We've uncovered many opportunities for work of this sort in the sp,onsoring of stamp sales, contributing to Student War Relief Fund and aiding in Red Cross work. We've enjoyed every minute of it! On the social side, the highlight of our Christmas season will be a late Saturday afternoon party at the home of our co-sponsor, Miss Mahachek. You can bet there will be plenty of caroling and fun intermingled with Christmas wrappings and ribbon! Confidentially, we have a good head start on our caroling with the practice we've been getting at our after-dinner get-to-gethers each Sunday. Alpha Gams are feeling very proud since our fall pledging and here are four good reasons why. Patty lams, Mary Lou Kuepper, and "the Johnson twins," Pat and Mary! Another top-notch moment in the life of our chapter was the recent welcoming-in of six former pledges as full members-they're tops, the whole crew of them! An impressive event this fall was a charming church wedding with Marie Beard, an alumna playing the role of bride, and a very lovely one, too. The Alpha Gams, all starry-eyed, were there living through each moment of the ceremony and wishing the new Lieutenant and Mrs. James Dick a world of happiness! The Alpha Gams send you the Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year! WANDA LEVERGOOD.



BETA BETA Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado

Dear Alpha Sig isters: Hasn't the time flown by this fall? It's time again for another dress-parade of ~orority happenings. The outstanding event of this season which I'm ure will live in the hearts of the present Alpha Sigs here at Greeley is the Indian party which the pledges "pow-wowed up" for the actives. Each individual was sent invitations to the party and on this invitation was addressed such, "Heap-big Butch." All the actives dressed in Indian and frontier costumes-war paint, head-dresses, colored beads and other outstanding, outlandish contraptions. After being thoroughly initiated into the council-room by doing a war-dance and smoking a peace-pipe the actives were given a blanket to wrap themselves in against the chill night and then led-and carefully guarded-through all the centers of activity, including main street, of the town and finally to the stage of one of the theaters where they performed a war-dance accompanied by tom-tom and war chants. It took the antiquated actives a week to recuperate but everyone had a hilarious time. To make up for their antics the pledges then serenaded the actives with our sorority songs and a beautiful rendition of "White Christmas" the following evening. Thanksgiving was spent in many different places by the various girls-Colorado Springs, Rocky Ford, Denver and Golden, Colorado. On returning from vacation and comparing notes it was found that episodes from water-gaskets exploding to bridal showers had been experienced . One evening was spent at the home of Charlotte Heamon honoring Mrs. June Genessy and the soonto-be-seen Terry Genessy be it a boy or girl. We believe this a novel way to handle this name situation for new heirs in a family. Also the sorority was honored by a visit from Pvt. Robert Morrison and Russ Widlund-friends of Dorothy Litch and Shirley Erixon. At the present time, everyone is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus next Sunday morning at our annual Christmas party. Three of the girls received one of their gifts earlier this fall on being awarded mention in Who's Who in Colleges of America. They are Dorothy Avery, Marjorie Piner and Shirley Farnham. Wishing you all season's greetings and a happy, successful New Year. MARJORIE PINER.

GAMMA GAMMA Northwestern State Teachers College, Alva, Oklahoma

Three new members were pledged to the Gamma Gamma chapter on September 28. They were Lo Eva Kragh, Bette Newlin, and Margy Mahoney. Lo Eva, a freshman, is a member of the Home Economics

Club. Bette, also a fre hman, i a member of the campus dramatics organization Little Theatre, the girls' chorus and the college band. Margy, senior, is a member of Student Council. Recently she has been listed in the 1943-44 edition of Who's Who In American Colleges and Universities. Annou ncement of the marriage of Doris Vorc, vice-president, to Sgt. Haden Goodwin was made November 6. They have made their home in Alva. Mrs. Goodwin has remained in college. A Christmas dance was given December 4路 The decorations were of silver and blue. Along with dancing, card games served as other entertainment. Twenty-one attended, including guests and sponsors. Margy Mahoney, registrar and editor, was married December 7 to Pfc. William Lindsay Ewalt. Mrs. Ewalt is remaining in college where she will receive her A. B. degree in May. Pfc. Ewalt is stationed at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, with the engmeenng corps. Our two teas on October 10 and 21 were successful. The first was for Gamma Gamma alumna: and mothers of the new pledges. The latter was in honor of alumna: attending teacher's meeting at Northwestern. Another recent social function was a Christmas party for the alumna:, actives and pledges. A present exchange was conducted followed by fruit cake, whipped cream and coffee. The last get together of Gamma Gamma chapter before the Christmas holidays was a waffie supper at Mrs. Ada Lane's. Despite zero weather it was well attended.

EPSILON EPSILON Kansas State Teachers College, Ernpori_a , Kansas

Dear Alpha Sigs: By now 01' Santa has long since passed out his supply of Christmas gifts to all of his Alpha Sig sweethearts and gone again, that little diapered baby of 1944 has taken over the controls, and another semester of school and sorority life has begun. Of course the Epsilon Epsilon Alpha路 Sigs 路 did not let the Noel season pass without paying full tribute to that joyous occasion. Actives, pledges, and their guests attended the "Snow Ball," the annual Alpha Sig formal Christmas dance held December 18 in the Student Union ballroom on the college campus. A large grinning snowman, made of cotton though he was, stood at one end of the dance floor; white, shinning snowballs hung from the ceiling; and two gaily lighted Christmas trees completed the yuletide decorations. The dancers were entertained by tunes played by the Pied Pipers, a high school dance band. The Alpha Sig mothers were guests of honor December 20 when all of the Epsilon Epsilon members gave a Christmas party for them at the chapter house. According to custom, the pledges were


slated for all of the entertainment of the evemng which included original sorority songs and a clever original skit. Previous to the yuletide season, back in the month of November, 1943, the Alpha Sigs were all a part of the huge Homecoming war bond drive then being sponsored by the students of Emporia State. After a month of bond selling entertainments, provided by the students and faculty, fast talking, and hard selling, the school chalked up a total of $100,432 worth of bonds sold in this Homecoming project "to bring the boys home sooner." As a climax to the drive a gala coronation ball was held at which Peggy Pedagog, time-honored Homecoming queen, was crowned as queen of the Lyon county war bond drive. A candidate from each social organization on the campus was chosen to enter the contest for this title. Epsilon Epsilon Alpha Sigs were justly proud of their candidate, Ardis Jean Riegle, of Emporia, who, when the contest closed, was runner up for Peggy's crown having received the second largest number of votes from the bonds and stamps bought in her name. November also saw formals and lace when our thirteen Alpha Sig pledges presented for the active members of the chapter the annual pledge party dance. "Stardust" was its theme with all decorations in silver and white and a large shinning star overlooking the dance floor. Chocolates ha~e been passed twice of late at the Epsilon Epsilon house. Joanne Wallis, Alpha Sig pledge from Emporia, announced her engagement to Virgil Hurt, former Sigma Tau student at the college who is now in service; and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Caywood in November announced the birth of a future Alpha Sig sweetheart, to be named Michael Keith. Mrs. Caywood is the former Miss Barbara Ladner, of Emporia, a 1941 member of the chapte r. One Epsilon Epsilon a lumn ~ is right in line with Uncle Sam. Vida Bower, of Parsons, a 1943 graduate, is a yoeman 3/ c in the SPARS and only recently was appointed a recruiting officer now stationed at Roanoke, Va . With thoughts of initiation, another rush week and even spring close in the future, this closes the news for now. Lots of love in Alpha Sig, HAZEL LLOYD.

ZETA ZETA Central Missouri State Teachers College, Warrensburg, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs: Hello everyone and greetings again from Zeta Zeta -and special greetings to our new chapter, Beta Kappa. Here we are-with the winter term well under way and with everyone still in there "pitchin'." One of the highlights from Zeta Zeta since last we met was the trip our prexy, Patsy Magee, took to Macomb, Illinois on October 23-24 to help install Beta Kappa chapter at Western Illinois College. Patsy and Sue Covey, president from last year, went to Macomb

with Mrs. Wilma Sharp, our national president, and from all reports we've heard, the whole affair was really something. Best wishes to our new chapter, Beta Kappa! On November 17, we pledged four girls, Doris Martin, Helen Boltz, Barbara Lee Holmes, and Alice Fisher. Too, our active- membership has been increased, Sue Raker, Rosalie Clark, Kathryn Thurston, and Oletha Skidmore, having become active recently. On November 3, we entertained our alumn~ and patronesses with an informal party at the chapter house. The guests came dressed as typical college girls when they were in college. Both the undergraduates and the alumn~ staged a mock sorority meeting, which represented meetings then and now, and both proved to be quite entertaining. Juanita Merrifield and Joan Turnbow gave their version of "Pistol Packin' Mama" and the group sang various sorority songs. Approximately forty-five were present, and refreshments of coffee and cake were served. Founders' Day this year was observed in a much different way-but, even though we erred from the tradition of having a formal banquet, the occasion was equally as nice as it has been in the past. We were guests路 of Mrs. Gladys Magee at a covered dish dinner. Fifty members attended the party. In the "hats off" department featuring Joan Turnbow who recently gave a voice recital which was really wonderful. May the new year be a really big one for every member 路of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Yours in ASA, Lu SPARKs.

ETA ETA State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas

Dear Alpha Sigs: The month to which we all look forward so eagerly is here, but this year, we cannot think of Christmas quite so joyously or so selfishly, because with our brothers, sweethearts, and even some with fathers in service, our homes and hearts will have an empty feeling. No, this year, we must think of Christmas, not in terms of what we expect to receive in material gifts, but as the birthday of Christ, and pray that joy and peace will again come to the world. However, all students are happy to have a short vacation in which to recuperate from the grind and constant rush which school life brings. The Alphas at K. S. T. C. are trying hard to keep the scholarship cup which is now in our possession, and to impress the pledges with their responsibility in helping us keep our academic standing. On the social calendar for the Alphas is a formal dance, scheduled for December r8th . Since this is our first formal dance for the semester, we are looking forward to it eagerly. Most of our school parties and activities have ended at an early hour, because with the Navy V-12 program on the campus, our sailor lads have to be in not later than ten on week nights.



In November, the annual Founder' Day dinner was given for us by the alumna:. It was served buffet tyle, and becau e of the informality, everyone became better acquainted. After an interesting program by the alumna: memebrs, the pledges helped in cleaning up the kitchen, which is befitting good little pledges, eh, girls? The actives were very plea ed with a party given by the pledges in their honor. The pledges had complete charge of this affair; they decorated the gymnasium in true rustic style, and requested their guests to come in print dresses and anklets. Games and music all conformed to the setting, and the girls and their escorts had a jolly time. omething new has been added to the activities of Eta Eta chapter. Last week, they had charge of an assembly program, sponsored by the Student Council. Musical and dance numbers predominated, and the students seemed appreciative. As this year comes to a close, may I wish all my sisters in A .S.A. a happy holiday season . May 1944 bring all of you much happiness and bring the Alphas . great honor and many new sisters. PAT BARKELL.

The editor's heart was gladdened by this note which came to her from an Eta Eta alumnae. Thank you Alice Montgomery Pettit for your tribute and your loyalty. Dear Mrs. Leib: The November issue of THE PHOENIX arrived today and right after lunch I sat do~n to read. it through. For almost an hour I li ved w1t~ Al~ha S1gs again and have just dropped the mag~zme mto the rack wishing that there had been a b1t more news to enjoy. With that thought in mind, I ca~e into the study to do a little correspondence when It suddenly occurred to me that it has been alm~st twenty years since I have had any close contact w1th Alpha Sigs at all and my only touch has been the magazme; so what a wonderful publication it must be to create and maintain such a feeling of interest as it does within me. That is why I am being presuming in wntmg this note to you. It is a note of sincere thanks and appreciation for your part in keeping alive those lovely days I was a part of Alpha Sigs at Pittsburg, Kansas. I am also trying to tell you how much I enjoy the Alumna: news; ;for while I do not li v~ ~~r from Kansas City, local duties and other resp?ns1b1ltties have prevented me making any contact wtth that group at all. Many of my former school fri~n?s ~re a part of the Kansas City Alumna: bo~y and 1t 1s ltke getting a letter from home to read the1r news. You do not know me and we may never meet but . I do have a special feeling in my heart for yo~ because of the joy that THE PHOENIX of Alpha S1gm1 Alpha brings to me. . Thank you for taking the time to read th1s note. Very sincerely, (Signed) MRs. AucE MoNTGOMERY PETITT.

THETA THETA College of Education, Boston Univer ity, Bo ton, Ma achu etts

Hello Alpha Sigs: Rushing, pledging and tnttlatton have been the main activities of our chapter this past month. The result, seven brand new members who are outstanding leaders in the college. Doris Bartone is President of the Sophomore class; Anne Nardone is Vice-Presdent of the same class and active in Eta Delt, Glee Club and Newmon Club; Katherine Gott is Treasurer of the English Club while Mary Mae Farland !s Secretary of the Junior class. Helene Schnerbush IS one of the founders of the Secondary Ed. Club and Anne Galagher and Eunice Hurd are active in the dubs and activities around school. The pledging was held at the school in our meeting room and was followed by a banquet at a !~cal French dining spot. What fun we all had eatmg the delicious French cooking, singing, our songs and toasting our new pledges! Initiation was formal and took place in the Council Room of the Women's Building on Commonwealth Ave. Many of ?ur alumna:: helped us make the ceremony ~ery. ~m足 pressive. Dinner was then served in the mam dmmg room followed by brief remarks from the alumna: and new members. Our guest speaker, Mrs. Grant Homsey, gave us an inspiring talk on o.ur place in .education and society. Our sponsor, M1ss Ethel K1mbell, officially welcomed the new members and the program and evening ended with the singing of college and sorority songs. . Next Friday, December 17, we are havmg our Christmas party, and its the new members. turn . to entertain us. It ought to be a party sparkltng wtth new ideas and fun from all the hurried shopping, hoarse whispers and all such mysterious goings on behind our backs. Vacation exams and a new semester are ahead and until the next issue-here's hoping good times yours in A.S.A., for you all. BARBARA GEORGE.

KAPPA KAPPA Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Dear Alpha Sigs: . Diamond rings are Bashing around agam . . This time on the hands of Grace Williams, who 1s engaged to John Walti, and Millie Longacre, who is engaged to William Hunsinger. Here's to your happiness, girls! . Temple University's annual homeco~mg was an extra special event for Kappa Kappa th1s yea:. We started the week-end off with a bang by wmmng the house decorations contest. Then we all ruined our voices in a vain attempt to bring our team to victory against our long-time rival, Villanova-well, it was a moral victory anyway . After th_e gam~ we had luscious chicken a Ia king at our Alumm Banquet. Loads of our alums were there, and it was just swell seeing them again. Later in the evening we had our


usual Open House. Everyone made it a point to stop at the Alpha Sig house to see the winning decorations. Founder's Day was extra special too, as it probably was for all Alpha Sigmas. The Nu Nu girls from Drexel came to our house at 1938 N. Park Avenue. After our ceremonies, we had an old-fashioned sing. W e exchanged some of our songs so that we both could learn the new ones. If you ever have a problem about what to serve fo r refreshments, just ask the nearest Home Ec. That's what we did and the result was cookies and Russian Tea. It was really very good! Do you realize that Temple University has never had a woman for President of Student Commission until this year? And that La Wolf, a Kappa Kappa is that first woman? She's doing a swell job in her office. We're mighty proud of La and we know you are too. Just like you other Alpha Sigs, we're all out for victory. Our latest project is selling war bonds and stamps at the University Bond Booth. The goal is set at $1,500 fo r Alpha Sig and we hope to go over the top. It's a Kappa Kappa custom to have annually a formal Christmas party. This year we're going to keep up the tradition by having a gala affair on December 17th. However, because of the shortage of men and since there are so many servicemen stationed in Philadelphia who would enjoy entertainment, we're going to invite them-tell you about it in the next letter. We're also going caroling for Christmas. I only wish we could serenade all Alpha Sigs. But you'll be in our hearts in every carol that we sing. A Happy and Successful New Year. May it bring the victory that we all hope for! NORMA AD NEE.

NU NU Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Another Christmas rolls around-another year has just about "passed out" and here we are again, on the threshold of vacation and promises of many good times. And how much happier is this Yuletide than last year's. We're on the road to Victory, and although it's a long way to the end, still, there is one ana we can all see it at last. After that injection of a more solemn note into the proceedings let's stop and dwell in retrospect. Much has been going on this fall among the Nu Nu's of Drexel. Perhaps I'd better bring you all up to date on our marriage book. The person that does the "accounting" on this set of books has certainly been kept busy of late. Lee Robinson, our former treasurer and a member of "Who's Who," is being married to Herbert Beatty, on Wednesday, D ecember 15th in Drexel Hill. As many of us as are able w ill sneak out between finals, and see the g rand affa ir. With her red hai r, Lee should be a gorgeous bride. Also Grace W illi s, our grand prexy of last year, has ju t annou nced her engageme nt to Johnny Rumpf

-much to the pleasure (not surprise) of everyone. Our social activities have included our favorite annual Harvest Moon dance, which was simply super and well attended-and a Founder's Day meeting with the Kappa Kappas at Temple. The latter festive meeting consisted of a combined service which was very impressive-plus refreshments served to us by our gracious Kappa sisters. A grand time was had by us all, believe me. For Thanksgiving, we Drexel Alphas packed up a scrumptuous basket (canned goods, potatoes, and a big roasting chicken), and gave it "to a needy family. The chairman of the gr~up reported that the recipients were well satisfied and grateful. I guess that that just about covers our nuptial , social, and philanthropic affairs of this fall term of '43 路 Naturally, I must dwell on rushing for a paragraph or so because our "open season" doesn't commence until the new year we are probably one of the few chapters left with this important event to go through. Our past few meetings have consisted mainly of discussions concerning desirable freshman, and talk of the party we're going to give them. This year we have had to cut out our formal dance because of many circumstances with which you are all familiar -and so our informal party is to be doubly important. It really sounds wonderful from all reports-a Gay Nineties affair with all the trimmings. However, I musn't let the cat too far out of the proverbial bag, because he might jump out and then I wouldn't have any excuse to give you a blow by blow account of the proceedings at our February get-to-gether. Oh no!! Well, we've come to the end-of our article, yesand by the looks of the empty calendar on my desk, of another year. But right now, let it be said that I, for one, am thankful for the memory of 1943, and rarin' to go on '44路 A Very Happy New Year to you allBETSEY TROTTER.

XI XI University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

Hello there, Alpha Sigs: Xi Xi chapter got off to a late start this semester but is fast making up for lost time. We held a wonderfu) Founder's Day Celebration at the Lighted Tree Inn at which our Alumn;拢 Association turned out in mass! It certainly was grand meeting all of the alums, and they had ever so many suggestions for us. We were also very pleased to have Mrs. Clinton Berry, National Regi strar, as our honored guest of the evening. W e enjoyed meeting Mrs. Berry immensely. At present, we're busily planning a bang-up Christmas party to be held with our Alums. It's going to be lots of fun exchanging g tfts (nothing over fifty cents) , singing carol s, and eating lots of Christmas goodies. This will be our last get-together befo re our Christmas vacation, which, though painfully short, is enthusiasticall y anticipated by everyone.



. La t meeting, our new pledge Dorea Haines, surpn cd u all by announcing her engagement to viation Cadet James handl er. Xi Xi member are bu y doing war work these days. Many of the girl have donated their blood to th Red ros , and we're all buying as many bond and 路stamps as we possibly can. Barbara 0' onnell is an Alpha Sig we're very proud of. he has been touring overseas with the U. . 0. and definitely doing her part by bringing cheer to our boys over there. Eloise Gaspar is another girl who is entertaining servicemen at U. S. 0. camp shows. Eloise is an expert at dancing-especially the hula! ' Xi Xi's membership has depreciated a little this semester for many of our girls are either in active se~颅 vice, doing defense work, or getting married. We wish all of them the best of luck and also extend incere wishes to all Alpha Sigs for a very happy New Year. BETTY RuDMAN.

PI PI Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York

Hi Alpha Sigs: The time has come the Pi Pi's say To talk of many thingsOf pledges new and Russian Relief And of our Christmas Rings! With a new year just beginning Pi Pi Chapter is starting off with a bang with twenty-seven new pledges. It was only a short time ago that they joined our group, yet they have entered into our activities with a great deal of enthusiasm . Having purchased red jackets and white ski caps exactly like those of the actives they are easily recognized on campus as belonging to A.S.A. Our Christmas season was highlighted with a formal dance held in our "castle." Under a tree glittering in red and silver could be found presents for everyone. Yule logs burning in the fireplaces, . and a sparkling punch bowl completed the holiday atmosphere. However, we felt that Christmas time was also a time to help others-so under the chairmanship of Ruthie Smith we sponsored a drive for Russian Relief. Money contributions as well as boxes packed with practical articles were heartily received by the national headquarters. But now with the holidays over the girls have begun to settle down for last minute studying for semester exams. However, we have not been too busy to welcome a surprise visit from Dr. Cooper, Assistant Commissioner of Education in New York State. He seemed as well pleased with our beautiful new house as we are ourselves. ow too 'tis time to say goodbye And wish you all adieu Lots of love in A. S. A. And Happy ew Year too. JANE HARRIS.


RHO RHO Mar hall ollege, Huntington, We t Virginia

Rho Rho says hello! .It seems impossible that the holidays could have arnved so soon . Although the skies give no hint of the gratification of our wish, we're still "d ream ing of a white Christmas." Rho Rho gave a lovely formal dinner for its new pledges just before the Thanksgiving holidays. We reserved a private dinning room in the Governor Cabell Hotel in Huntington. A sight to behold and long remember was the girls in their rainbow-tinted evening gowns seated around the table which seemed little affected by the present scarcity of food. T~e intra-soror~ty volleyball tournament got off to a ltvely start thts week . . . the Alpha Sigs have made a good showing. The gals all have red and white monogramed sport shirts and they make quite a distinctive looking team. We are proud to announce the engagement of two of our bright-eyed Alpha Sigs-Marjorie Osborne to Russell E. Waid Jr., on overseas duty, and Helen Herbst to Coxswain John Warren Lawson, stationed at Norfolk, Virginia. Instead of giving a Christmas party this year, we have decided to entertain the children at the local Orthopedic Hospital. This may show signs of slackened social activities but we are all in a dither over plans for a Chapter house. We are more than excited at the grand response National has made in answer to our request for help. The Huntington Alumn~ have offered to help us in any way possible and have already donated a stove for our cause (those precious things are hard to get, you know!). It's a big undertaking and it will take a lot of careful planning and h~rd work, but we are optimists and have made a determined decision to see it through if it is at all possible. We are thinking of how much more we can accomplish as a sorority and of the future of Rho Rho. When we return after vacation, when Christmas is just a pleasant memory, we plan to have things in a definite shape so they can be presented to Marshall's Dean of Women. Wish us luck! Yours in Alpha Sigma Alpha, NoRMA FAYE BRAKE.

SIGMA SIGMA Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado

Hello again! Here we are back again on campus and sad to say, our campus is like so many others, rather void of students, especially male, but still holding its own. Fall quarter started off with rushing and we are happy to say we have four new pledges, four vivacious girls that will be a nice addition to our chapter. Our formal dinner was the big event that climaxed rush season, with cocktails at Betty Hill's home early in


the evening, a lovely dinner at Webster Hall with our traditional gardenia corsages for everyone as favors and the latter part of the evening was spent playing cards at Audrey Miller's spacious home. We have been fortunate in having several Alpha Sig visitors, former girls of this campus, either on the way across country to join a husband in the service or returning home after farewells of men going over seas. We are all pulling together in that this strife we are now going through will soon be over. Alice Shanks Spann, and baby, our president of a few years back, stopped over two days on her journey from California to Misissippi; Justine Kelleher Talley and son were returning to her native state from California; Francis Gazzoil Griffee en route to New York; Lou Anna Banks Mion has _returned for an indefinite time; Mabel Covert Cole joined us for lunch one day and Evelyn Barlett Myers, former sponsor of ours was greeting friends for a few minutes on her way east. The absolute climax of the year so far was the three day visit of our national vice-president, Mrs. Reinard Schlosser of Denver. She arrived conveniently on Friday evening to attend the fall play which was Maxwell Anderson's "Saturday's Children." One of the new pledges, Ruth Fogg, had a character role and gave a good performance, well deserving of comment. We will hear more about her in the dramatic field, I'm sure! The following afternoon the alumna: entertained with a lovely tea at the home of Evelyn Frasier, with representatives from the faculty and officers of the other sororities as outside guests. In between conferences with active chapter, alums and pledge chapter, Mrs. Schlosser also attended the YWCA Christmas vesper service Sunday afternoon and the college fine arts concert that evening. We were sorry she couldn't remain with us longer but we gained so very much from her short visit that we hope she will return again soon and will be able to stay longer. Our last regular meeting before the end of the quarter was a social get together consisting of a Christmas party with the pledges planning the fun and frolic. We all participated in singing carols, exchanging gifts and enjoying light refreshments. So here's good-bye 'til next time and more joy for Alpha Sigs in the New Year! EvELYN SLANE.

TAU TAU Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas Dear Alpha Sigs : First of all we want to wish all of you the happiest a nd most joyous Christmas se3.son possible and may the New Year hold within it the answer to your fondest wishes. Our winter formal was a grand success. It was truly a winter one as the first snow fell just two days before it. We had a buffet dinner before the dance at Miss Mae Paul's apartment, which, I might add is

our sorority home since we do not have a house this year. Many things have happened since school started. Verna Jane Thompson, senior, and treasurer and pledge master of our chapter, was elected to Womans Leadership this fall, an honor of which she is truly deserving. Everyone truly enjoyed the Founder's Day Program, during which Mrs. Motz, one of our patronesses gave a book review. The Alpha Sigs were in charge of decorations for the Panhellenic formal which drew "ohs" and "ahs" as they were viewed. The pledges came through Courtesy Week with flying colors. \Ve were very 路proud of our pledges when they all passed the pledge test with no grade below 94 % . Here's again wishing you the best that God gtves for the holidays and all the days to come. Love in A. S. A., FRANCES LocKER.

PHI PHI Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs: At the present Christmas seems to be the main topic discussed and everyone is in a hurry buying things and getting them mailed before December the tenth as our government has suggested. Also having snow makes us all in a wintry mood, with plenty of pep. The last few weeks we have been getting ready for initiation for our new members which was held at the house on Sunday afternoon, so now we have eight new actives which have proven to be good Alpha Sigs already. We have gone to different churches in groups as well as to major entertainments held at the college. We do have great fun together. As one of our projects for the year we bought little children's clothes and gave them to the needlework guild for the needy families . Some of the girls had quite a time picking out the clothes for the little tots. A new experience which I think they found quite enjoyable. Now that we have had formal initiation we are getting ready to send out bids next week before Christmas vacation. We are also going to have a party the Wednesday before vacation and exchange gifts and have fun . All the Greek organizations on the campus are going carolling before we go home. One thing we'll be plenty busy, with the annual Christmas Ball which will be a gay occasion. There, guess that about does Christmas up. It will be a little late when you get this greeting but we'll be thinking of all our Alpha Sig Sisters at the right time so here is wishing you all a very H appy New Year! PHYLLI S PRI CE.





Ball tate Teacher. College, Muncie, Indiana

Hello Alpha Sigs Everywhere! Here it is, the beginning of our Winter Quarter, and only a few weeks 'ti l Christmas. It hardly ecms possible that we've been back in school for twelve whole weeks, and that cramming and exams are over until next time. We're sorry to report that since last you heard from us, we've lost two pledges, namely Mary Jo Martin and Betty Jean Brown, and we certainly do miss them. Betty Jean is planning to attend a dressdesigning school in Chicago. We are grateful to our Chaplain, Elinor Keller, fo r her efforts in providing each of us with a song book of our own. The book consists of the words of all the Alpha Sig songs, bound by a white paper cover which is adorned by the red letters A.S.A., and tied together with a red bow. Group singing has become a major activity at our weekly meetings. On Saturday, October 3oth, Ball State Student Executive Council sponsored a Campus Clean-Up Day. All students were asked to participate, and work was assigned in two-hour shifts from 8 o'clock a. m. until 4 o'clock p. m. Several Alpha Sigs were in charge of some of the shifts and the majority of the sorority participated. During the 12 o'clock shift the Army came to our assistance. Instead of having gym classes, they, too, helped rake leaves, and clear the campus. Also on Saturday, October 30th, wedding bells rang for Lois Dixon, a Peru, Indiana, Junior, and Cadet Loren Watson of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the University of Chattanooga, who is now stationed with the Army .Specialized Training program unit located on our campus. Our congratulations and best wishes are, with them. Velva Bere is wearing a beautiful diamond. She is engaged to Corporal Roger F. Gay, a former student of Ball State and member of Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity. At the present, Corporal Gay is stationed on the island of New Guinea. Those wonderful pledges that I told you about in my last letter entertained us at a "Hobokum Yokum Frolic." Pledges and members were dressed as hoboes of every description. Name cards of a variety of colors, and in the shape of open tin cans were pinned on us as we arrived. Games, contests and singing provided entertainment for the evening. Decorations for the affair consisted of brightly colored streamers hung about the cabin. Refreshments in keeping with the theme were served. The committee for the affair included Betty Jean Brown, chairman, Joan Laudenback, Barbara Mullen, and Vesta Prahl. Barbara Mullen and Vesta Prohl are pledge president and secretary, respectively. On the afternoon of November 14th we celebrated Founder's Day with a beautiful, impressive candlelight service in the East lounge of the Arts building.

33 The committee in charge wa Joan Farrington chairman, Phyllis Kuckuck, Margaret Gregory, Rebecca Walters, and Eleanor Mitchell. Much of our time, lately, has been occupied with plans for our radio program, and our hristmas eals sale. Since we are the only national sorority on campus, we feel honored to have been selected to supervise the sale of Christmas Seals. Also, we are planning a rush party soon after the holidays, but will be able to tell you more about that when next we meet. Until then, here's wishing all you Alpha Sigs, best wishes for the New Year. Yours in A.S.A., LEE SPERLING.

PSI PSI Louisiana State Normal College, Natchitoches, Louisiana

Dear Alpha Sigs: Recently, our chapter was honored by having an Alpha Sig, Lucy Potter Kirks, visit our campus. Mrs. Kirks attended the State Teachers' College in Farmville, Virginia, where she was a member of Alpha Chapter. Her husband is on maneuvers near here, and she plans to visit us again before returning to her home. In the fall election of officers which was necessary to fill the vacancies left by students who didn't return for the fall semester Evelyn Horn was elected President of the Junior class, and Barbara Graves was elected President of the Sophomore class. Four members of our chapter are now on the Student Council. Our pledges entertained us with a Halloween party t~e Friday night before Halloween. Invitations, decorations, and entertainment carried out the Halloween scheme. The party was very successful. The night of the party, Elizabeth Caldwell accepted our bid. She was pledged the next week and is proving to be a real asset to our sorority. Evelyn Horn recently received a bid to Kappa Delta Pi, honorary Educational fraternity. Gloria Baynard has been chosen for Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. The members, pledges, and several . Alumna: observed路 Founders' Day with a. Founders' Day program and a buffet supper. Each person brought a gift for our house. The pledges were sent on a wild goose chase around the ca.mpus last Thursday afternoon only to return to the house where the members were waiting to entertain them with a weiner roast. Everyone had a good time. We are planning to have our sorority Christmas tree just before we go home for the Christmas holidays. When we return, we'll be all set to start 路 another year of w,ork. All the members of Psi Psi Chapter join me in wishing you a very Happy New Year! Love in A.S.A., CARRIE



34 BETA GAMMA Northeastern S.tate Teachers College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Dear A.S.A.'s: Beta Gamma Chapter is still without an editor, but that doesn't mean that we aren't doing things. Next Tuesday night we are to have our annual Christmas party in the home of Mrs. Angus Gillis. Mrs. Gillis is the mother of Mrs. Tom Hall, who was our first sponsor, and she has been very lovely to offer us her home for this party which is one of the highlight occasions on our social calendar. Louise Cole, our secretary has just returned from a two weeks' visit in Norfolk, Virginia. She was the guest of Ensign Bill Purdy, one of our Northeastern boys who wears a pair of silver wings. Kathleen Blossom "flew" up to Hutchinson, Kansas, recently to spend a couple of days with A/ C Gene Luff. Please keep it a secret but Beta Gamma girls wouldn't be a bit surprised to hear of Cupid doing some heavy scoring with these couples in the near future-those girls are seriously considering changing Phi Sig pins for engagement rings. Two of our pledges, Dorothy Bartlett and Wanda Wamble, had parts in the recent all school play "June Mad." Dorothy had one of the leads and did a swell piece of acting. Wanda had only a "bit" part, but she says that all great stars have started out as maids and she is willing to start at the bottom, too. Wanda Risinger, a member of BG Chapter, who is not in school this year, spent last week-end as our guest. Wanda will be back in school next semester and we are certainly glad to have her "return to the fold ." This week is Religious Emphasis Week on our campus. In connection with this program we had a special service conducted by our chaplain, Billye Ray Hogue. At the close of the service just as we had started home the Phi Sig president came to our door and asked if he might have his pledges come in and sing a song for us. We didn't know what was coming, but were we thrilled when the boys sa ng our little song about "W hen an Alpha Sig walks down the street ... " They had revised the words somewhat, but the cutest part of all was near the end when they sang, "Just to be with her is quite a treat, you cannot beat an Alpha Sig." Now our little pledges are walking on air. But getting back to Religious Emphasis Week. We attended the Wednesday night special service in a body, attended a tea given by the Kappa Phi-YW A girls m honor of Miss Maurene Jones of Stillwater, and are going to church as a group next Sunday. We are still the smallest group on the campus, but we are trying to accomplish just as many things as the bigger groups. Another star was added to our crown recently when Penny Stapler was elected the SecretaryTreasurer of our Student Council. This is a much

coveted pos1t10n and, incidentally, is usually held by Alpha Sigs. We had a Founders' Day dinner on November r6. We had our patronesses as our guests. Our program was very simple, but it was impressive and the pledges were particularly happy because it was their first "A.S.A.'' dinner. We have had letters recently from Jean Cole and Irene Chapman who are working at A. & M. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma, now; from Mary Stevens McDonald, who is in St. Louis, Missouri, with her husband; and from Faye McClure who is doing war work in Tulsa. These letters always encourage us in our work immensely. Our only war effort project is bandage rolling. Incidentally, with the smallest group on the campus we topped the record of the other sorority groups at our first meeting. We intend to keep on doing the same. This is a project being sponsored by the Panhellenic Association. Have your schools all turned into female seminaries like ours has? We send our girls over to Camp Gruber to U. S. 0. dances and parties, but we just don't try to have anything elaborate over here.

BETA DELTA Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Dear Alpha Sigs: Well, rushing days have gone again, and we are fourteen Alpha Sigs richer than we were when .you last heard from us. We think -our new pledges are just "super," and are expecting great. things of them. Our rush p~r~ies . were dubbed loads of fun by everyone part1c1patmg. The Alpha Sigs started the week of rush parties on Nov. 13 with a hay ride. Gaily bedecked in slacks, ginghams, and bandanas, members and rushees scrambled atop a load of hay on that particular Saturday night, and were off to a "rip-snortin" start to t~eir destination which was found to be a large rustic lodge among the pines. Once inside the lodge, everyone was greeted by the sounds of dance music pouring from a record player. . It wasn't long ~efore the "Jive Bug" got those g•rls and the spacwus room was alive with jitterbugs and otherwise. When eating time came (and who doesn't like savory hot dogs and spiced tea on a cold wintry afternoon?) .everyone found a few tempting morsels to eat at the1r small candlelighted tables. Of course, there was the toasting of marshmallows around a huge cheery crackling fireplace to complete the refreshments. " . Jolly Alp?,a Sig so~gs were sung and the girls h1t the hay for the1r homeward ride 'neath the Southern moon. Our new Adviser, Miss Eleanor Leek, chaperoned us and proved that she is not




only v ry capable but lot of fun ami strictly a good sport. Thi year all five ororities on the campu cooperatively closed Ru h Week with a Panhellenic dance. ne of the Alpha igs wa chairman of the decoration committee and the gym was simply a sparkling example that night of what an Alpha Sig with ideas can do. Another event which the members of A.S.A. enjoyed this Fall wa a pop-corn ball party given :tt the home of Bettie Ross Anderson, the last of October. It was so very informal that we all enjoyed it to the utmost. Usually " to many cooks spoil the broth," but not so with our pop-corn balls because they were delicious. Proof enough was the amount eaten. 0-o-o-o-o-oh . . . ! Everyone is looking forward to the concert Sunday night (December 12) to be presented by one of Mississippi Southern's most prominent organizations, the Vesper Choir. It will consist of sacred Christmas music and excerpts from I-Jandel's " Messiah." A number of Alpha Sigs are in the performance and our own Nell Hocutt is one of the soprano soloists. Other things to look forward to are the Christmas dance given tonight by our Army Administration School and the annual Christmas banquet on December 15. Here's hoping the New Year brings happiness and prosperity for all of you . I had better close now and study for exams, so I remainYours 'til Victory, KATHRYN


BETA EPSILON Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs: This fall quarter has really been an active one for Beta Epsilon as we have had a most wonderful rush season. Instead of having the usual rush parties it was decided that we would be patriotic this Fall and hold our expenses down by doing without rush parties and doing only personal rushing during the rush hours set up by the Panhellenic Council. It was such fun to gather here in the house and sing, dance: and play cards with the rushees. Then at the close of rush week came that memorable afternoon when we pinned the red and white ribbons on our pledges. What a splendid group they are! Among the Madison students who will receive recognition in Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges, Alpha Sig is proud to claim three ... Jean Jones who was formerly secretary of Alpha Sig and is now president of our Student Government; Evangeline Bollinger, present registrar of Beta Epsilon and president of Kappa Delti Pi; and Lee Anna Deadrick, former editor of Beta Epsilon and present president of the Junior Class. One of our members, Peggy Stover, left us this fall to become Mrs. Charles Cooley, but she has been

back already for a hort visit and expects to re ume her studies here in January. Beta Epsilon's own brown-eyed, blond-haired, Mary Foyd Crumpler made an exquisite Madona in the Y. W. C. . Christma pageant. We missed our president, Jea n elm , at our Founder's Day banquet, but our vice-president, Margaret Elizabeth Wilson, carried out the evening with her usual poise. All of our activities of this fall were climaxed in the beautiful initiation ceremony which was made very impressive with soft violin music in the background and corsages of red and white for our new sisters. Beta Epsilon wishes every Alpha Sig the best New Year ever! Yours in A.S .A., IsABEL ANDERSON.

BETA ZETA Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana

Dear Alpha Sigs: Since our last letter to you, we have begun a new school semester down here at Southwestern. With new classes to attend, new people to meet, and new girls to rush, we have been kept quite busy. On November 15, we held our annual Founders' Day Banquet at the Evangeline Hotel. Of course, this year there were not as many decorations and trimmings as usual, but to us everything seemed just as grand and as much of a success as it always is: A short program was presented, and some of the girls entertained with songs. A glance at the calendar told us that Thanksgiving Day was just around the corner. Again this year we all got together and filled a basket with canned goods, vegetables, and other food, and on Thanksgiving Day some of the girls delivered the basket to a needy family here in Lafayette. The next week-end our brothers, the P.T.R.'s, entertained us. We gathered at the lodge in Gerard Woods for an evening of fun. We roasted weiners, played games, and danced. Everyone ha路d a wonderful time. The same week-end we held open-house in the Girls' Social Room here on the campus. Good things have really been happening to us lately. First of all, our chapter prexy, Evelyn Merrifield and Pauline Gaudet were selected for Who's Who. Then, too, we pledged two swell girls-Carol Ernest and Ouida Sue Ristom. The next thing on the calendar is the Camellia Pageant. As our candidate for Camellia Queen, we have chosen Evelyn Merrifield, whose popularity on the campus ranks her among the tops. That's about all for now-so good-bye until next time. Love in A.S.A., JocELYN ScHOENY.


36 BETA ETA State Teachers College, Dickinson, North Dakota

Dear Alpha Sigs: Here it is almost Christmas again, with an atmosphere of red ribbons, Christmas trees, Christmas tree trimming, and the busy days of shopping for presents. This year many of us are using war stamps for presents. We are planning a beautiful Christmas party. I'm sure we are all going to have a lovely time but I shall tell you all about it in my next letter. • This finds us right in the midst of our' finals for the quarter. We Alpha Sigs are, of course, studying very hard but life is not without its brighter side. The college has decided to set up a student government. The constitution has just been approved. Of the committee of four, who drew up the constitution, two were Alpha Sigs. Founders' Day was a very happy occasion for us for two reasons. We initiated five lovely new members. They joined us in the Founders' Day celebration and afterwards we adjourned for refreshments. Every year the president starts a round robin. At last the robin, a big, fat "robin," has come to roost and the one for next year started on its way. Most of the Alumn<£ are teaching but many have exchanged their schoolbooks for one or two good cookbooks. Well, I know that this is a very short letter but I will try to do better next time. I wish you all a Very Happy New Year! EsTHER SELKE.

BETA THETA Central Michigan College of Education, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

Here we are again, better late than never. The delay is due to our starting a month later than usual, after the arrival of 500 V-r2 Navy students. We poor Alpha Sigs have lost our president, Ina Ringle Moore, in more ways· than one. First she up and got married this summer, then she left school after being with us for only a few weeks. She will be back next semester though to carry on. In the meantime, Fran Mewmaw has taken over Ina's job, and is also holding down the office of vice-president. Doing a swell job, too. All we Alpha Sigs are reminded daily that we have work to do by the presence of the Navy, and the swell job they're doing here. Our attendance is required at Surgical Dressing every Saturday morning-and a good many help in the Letter Writing and Box Packing Bees that are held every so often. The boxes and letters go to Central boys who are now in the service. But all work and no play makes Jill a dull gal, so to keep up the old spirit we have organized a

bowling team that knocks 'em down every Friday afternoon. Alpha Sigma Alpha certainly has its fingers in the political pie now. Arlene Hopkins, better known as Hoppi-is up for Senior Class Prexy. Shirley De Grass and Jane Bradshaw are running for sophomore treasurer and president, respectively, and Fran Mewmaw is out with that old fight for Junior Class Vicepresident. With Christmas drawing near, we're all busy planning for our carol sing and gift exchange party that's to be held December 22, at the home of Mrs. Thorpe. Because of gas rationing and other difficulties, our alumn<£ home coming has been postponed from time to time, but we've finally hit upon a date and they will all be here this week-end . We are all glad to have old pals back for a visit. Love to all Alpha Sigs, JANE BRADSHAw.

BETA IOTA · State Teachers College, Radford, Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs: Beta Iota Chapter has just had the best rush season ever! On our campus, Alpha Sigma Alpha headed the list with eleven adorable pledges. You can just imagine how thrilled we were, especially as we are the youngest sorority on the campus. Ever since the night they were pledged, they have been talking about and studying so hard for the "dreadful" exam. The pledges have elected the following officers: President, Nan Wolfe; Vice-President, Mary Ann Jones; Secretary and Treasurer, Esther Graham; Song Leader, Sue Smalley. For our fall rush party, the Cove of the Student Activities Building was most vividly transformed into Roughhouse's Cafe. Inside there was a long bar and tables placed about the room. Around the walls were pictures of many of Roughhouse's friends, Popeye, Dagwood, Jiggs, and Henry. Many games and contests were enjoyed and each table gave a skit, the winner of which received funny books for prizes. After these skits, Roughhouses served hot dogs with mustard, pickles, onions, and cokes, peanuts and candy. We are confident that the wonderful party had a lot to do with our getting eleven pledges. We observed Founder's Day by wearing white all day and red and white ribbons under our pins. The day was climaxed by the Founder's Day Program held in the Student Activity Building. The pledges have planned a whiz-bang of a Christmas party for us. When eleven gals with beauty and brains get together and plan something, it is bound to be super. Thank goodness, they keep emphasizing the fact that there will be plenty of FOOD! At the party we will complete our plans for our Christmas project, that of being Santa Claus to a little boy in an orphan's home. In the next letter, I will enumerate some of the





honor that have come to so many of the Alpha igmas at Radford. o until then here's hoping all of you had a perfectly marvelous Christmas. Love in ASA, KITTY KAR ES.

BETA KAPPA Western Illinois State Teacher Macomb, Illinoi


Dear Alpha Sigs, Greetings from the "baby" chapter. We have just finished our rush week-and we are tired, but so happy. I just have to tell you about the success of our. week b~f~re I can mention another thing. I realize that It ts out of chronological order, but I'm sure my Alpha Sig sisters will pardon me. . Rush week got under way November twentymnth-a late beginning-but inevitable because our installation was in October. Our first party was held on the thirtieth and it was based on the theme "Beta Kappa Bar." We entertained the rushees in a basement room of the Ad building. The room was ideally located and musty enough to lend the necessary atmosphere. There were floor shows, dancing, games, and refreshments. Our second party was held at the home of our patroness, Mrs. O'Dell. It was a dessert-bridge party; refreshments were served, and cards were played . Wax candles in the form of angels were given as favors . . ~~tween parties, of course, there were those many mdtvtdual coke and bowling dates. On December 6 we learned who our new pledges were-~appy Day! We garnered twelve wonderful, energeuc pledges. On the same afternoon we had a ribbon service for the pledges and they proudly displayed our colors and showed everyone what their preference had been-Alpha Sig, of course. Informal initiation was held on December 7· Silence of rush week was over the week-end and so, we decided it was the opportune time to have a' belated shower for Merna Painter Johnson who en-

tered marital status last summer. Back for the occasion was "Happy" Norstrum, an ever-popular alumna. Miss Scott, our adviser, gave a luncheon-bridge party for the Beta Kappas. It was held at the home of Mrs. Wolfe, a patroness. It was just loads of fun . "Lefty" Sowder, Norm Brown, and Stella Pletkovich walked away with the bridge prizeslucky souls.... More than ever now we realize what a grand person our adviser is. She has a never-tiring spirit-oh gosh, she's just swell. ... Our defense stamp sales are going along nicely. We sell them every Wednesday and it is now known as "Stamp Day." It looks as if the pledges will be taking over the selling of stamps in the stamp booth, but Erv Montgomery will still supervise the sales. Bouquets to Erv for doing such a grand job of it. I must not forget Margie Jeanne Miner, our senior from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has, for the second year, been elected to Who's Who. Well she deserves this honor, and we are all mighty proud of our tall sister. Marion Hazelleaf, Ruth Pletkovich, Joyce Lee Staples, and Mary Weinberg are Alpha Sig's representatives to the Panhellenic council-and they are doing a good job of representing. Cupid has scored again! This time his arrow struck none other but our prexy, "Mar" (pronounced "mare") Weinberg. Mary was pinned during the week-end of our installation and is now a typical Sig Tau sweetheart. Bill Ward, now in the Marine Corps, is the man in question. We consider Bill a lucky Leatherneck! We are having loads of fun and we firmly believe that all of our time, effort, and money spent in becoming better acquainted with our sisters and other students was well-spent. All Beta Kappas are looking forward to our chapter anniversity-all of two montl:is. We've been Alpha Sigs only two months, but I'll wager that we feel the same pride and respect for our sorority as Alpha Sigs of thirty years. My it's a grand feeling!! So 'til next timeLove in A.S.A ., DoROTHY BtNDER.

Announcements MARRIAGES ALPHA Jean Elizabeth Hatton to William Aida Lugar on F~bruary 19, 1943· At home 3920 Park Avenue, Rtchmond, Va. Barbara Tripp to Lt. Lester Dewey Friend Jr. on January 8, 1943. At home 503 S. Davis Avenue, Richmond, 20, Va. Grace Wallace to Joseph Troy Folkes on January 18, 1943· At home 3919 W . Franklin Street, Richmond, Va.

Mary Jane Ritchie to William Henry Johann Jr. on May 24, 1943· At home 4212 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, Va. Lois Jean Baughman to Lt. Frank Daniel Barron Jr. on July 3, 1943. At home sro Glover Street, Charleston, 2, West Virginia. Doris Taylor to Raymon Reynolds Ellis on October 5, 1943· At home 3702 Brookside Road, Richmond, 24, Va. Jean Guy to Norman Mick Jr. on August 10, 1943· At home 6o1 Graydon Pk., Norfolk, Va.


ALPHA ALPHA Georgia Turner to Harry S. Kurtz on July I7, I943· At home I744 Wymore Avenue, East Cleveland, Ohio. Mary Hamlin to Lt. F. T. Moore on Noverpber I4, I943 · At home 2029 Swift, North Kansas City, Missouri. ALPHA BETA Miss Isabel Weaver to Mr. William Tinnerman on August 28, I943· Miss Wilda Lauer to Dr. Floyd Dunn on August I4, 1943· ALPHA GAMMA Gail Cline to William W . Eicher on January r, I943· Marie Louise Beard to Lt. James L. Dick on October 20, I943· At home 640 Grant Street, Indiana, Pa. Jeanne Smith to Walter Seymour on August I?, I943· At home Nightage Apts., Portage, Pa. BETA BETA Esther Wheaton to Albert Clark on December 28, 1942. At home I025 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado. Shirley Beck to Willis Henry Farnham III on September 25, 1943· At home 173 I I rth Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. GAMMA GAMMA Mildred Hartman to Bud McKee on January 14, I943· Ella Louise Hyde to Ensign Neal A . Cook on March 26, I943· At home 44 Waverly Street, Brookline, Mass. EPSILON EPSILON Dorothy Hudson to Lt. Donald Wayne Knopf on December 24, I942. At home 326 N. 5th, Arkansas City, Kansas. Roberta Alspaw to Ensign Stuart R. Watson on June 27, I943· At home 2929 East Broadway, Long Beach, California. Margaret Jean Ogren to Herbert Robert Waltz on June 27, I943 · Mildred Garrett to Luther Youngblood Jr. on June 3. I943· Helen Tubbs to George Berentz on April 28, I943· Lucille Wilson to Lt. William M. Lee Jr. on March I4, I943· ZETA ZETA Mary Mason Wilson to Carlos E. Ellerbrook on May 28, 1943. At home 4809 Roanoke Pkwy, Kansas City, 2, Missouri. Dena Cheeseman to Rawleigh Gaines on October 2, I943· At home La Jour, Missouri. Elleta Wheeler to Robert Wild on October 7, I943· ETA ETA Mary Jane Gallop to Lt. Gene J. Katter on August I, I943· At home Mound Valley, Kansas. Margaret Agnes Naylor to Lt. Morris Ridlon in April I943· At home 308 S. Catalpa, Pittsburg, Kansas.

Betty McAnally to Howard Roe Farrimond on September 3, I943· At home I6Io N. Grand, Pittsburg, Kansas . Ruth Jean Smith to Ensign Ralph E. Taylor Jr. on July I, I943· At home I3I7 Chesapeake Bay Avenue, Willoughby Beach, Norfolk, Virginia. THETA THETA Elizabeth Hull to Ralph Fox on June 26, I943· At home 35 Burnaby Street, Lowell, Massachusetts. IOTA IOTA Isabelle Diehl Jones to Frederick A. Nitchly Jr. on March 27, I942. At home 2847 N. W. Westover Road, Portland, Oregon. KAPPA KAPPA Lorraine Louise Mack to Lt. George M. Booth on May 15, I943· At home I938 N. Park Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Jean Bardens to William W. Taylor on April 24, I943· At home 45I4 N. Colorado, Philadelphia, Pa. NU NU Mary Riche! to Lt. William D. Huttinger on April 2, I943· At home Spring Garden and Francis Avenue, Ambler, Pa. Doris Ann Wilson to Lt. Robert Scott Hansen on October 2, 1943· At home 402 N. E. ISt Street, Mineral Wells, Texas. Dorothy Jackson to Ensign Stephen Heebner Jump on April I?, I943· At home 220 W. Eufaula Street, Norman, Oklahoma.

XI XI Lois Lyle to E. A . Warner on January r, I942. At home Lyle Heights, Paso Robles, California. PI PI Betty Bernhard to Harry Lewvin Case III on October 9, 1943· At home 279 Minnesota Avenue, Buffalo, New York. Jean Clark to Jewett B. Butler on November I2, 1943. At home Henrietta, New York. TAU TAU Shirley Clarke to Lt. Orlan Dean Carmichael on August J4, 1943. Permanent address o/o D . C. Clarke, Plainville, Kansas. PHI PHI Doris Pauline Liggett to Marvin L. Mothersead on August I2, I943 · At home I707 Beekman Street, Bethany, Missouri. Eudora Smith to Capt. Lee R. Lovett on July 24, 1943· Mary Winifred Caton to Lt. Richard Dempsey on July 24, 1943· Clara Ellen Wolfe to Serg. Rex Fisher on July 26, I943· Irene Bohenblust to Lt. Dale R. Drenmere on July 29, I943· Beverly Jean Wright to Lt. James Hale Woodburn on September r6, I943· At home 733 Broadway, El Centro, California.






Margaret Iizabeth Lee to Joe Perry September 4 1 943· t home 219 Union ity Indiana.

ardncr on orth Plum,

r rP r Betty Reynolds to gt. Frank Henry Horn on ugust '4 1943. t home thens, Ga. idney Gremillion to John Horton Allen on July 3, 1943· BET GAMMA Norine Garrett to Anthony J. Isacco on August r6, 1943· At home Pryor Oklahoma. Mary tevens to Sgt. Daniel McDonald on October 5, 1943. t home 6r9 W. Okmulgee, Muskogee, Oklahoma. BETA DELTA Margaret Lee Hathorn to Petty Officer Wilbur Dale At home Saulters on November rs, 1943. Quitman, Mississippi. Box 26r. BETA EPSILO Juanita DeMott to Richard Parke Cutting on June 19, 1943· At home 120 Grand Avenue, Englewood, New Jersey. Ann Griffith to Andrew Steele Horton on Jun·e 26, 1943· At home Spanish Courts, Riviera, Florida . Margery Shank to Lt. John Kilby McGrath Jr. on September 12, 1943. At home 4r2 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia. BETA ZETA Erin Marie Le Blanc to Lt. Andrew M. Landry on June 26, 1943. At home 672 East roth Street, York, Nebraska. Sylvia Le Blanc to Warren Hughes Carpenter on December 22, 1941. At home 271 Morgan Avenue, Mobile, Alabama. Laura Nelle McElroy to Allen R. Fruge on Ju ly 3, 1943· At home 720 Lexington Corpus Christi, Texas. Mildred Songe to Lt. Thomas James Stafford on June 27, 1943. At home 404 James Roberston Hotel, Nashville, Tenn . BETA ETA Patricia Conway to Samuel Thompson on June 1, 1943. At home Medora, . Dakota. Lucille Pinder to Helge Carolson on June 16, 1943. At home Halliday, N. Dakota. Clara Pierce to Chester Grant Olson on June 16, 1943·

Lt. and Mr. Victor apper (Dorothy Jea n erla in), a daughter, Barbara arol, on. February 22, '943· Mr. nd Mrs. eorge W. lark (Minnie Wesley), a on John W esley on Novemb r 22, ' 943· DETROIT DELTA PHI Mr. and Mrs. Don Douglas (Anne ranger) , a son, Donald Douglas, on August 29, 1943· THETA THETA Mr. and Mrs. Edmund W. Hadley (Charlotte Pearson), a daughter, Martha Alice, on August 12, 1943·

XI XI Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kowalewsky (Eleanor Bohn), a daughter, Suzanne, on June 21, 1943.

PI PI Mr. and Mrs. John Carrico (Kathryn Johnson), a daughter, Michele Alayne, ·On June 19, 1943· Mr. and Mrs. Alfr d Dixon (Jane Colby), a son, on September 30, 1943. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weegar (Frances Nelson), a son, Richard Kent, on September 9, 1943. Mr. and Mrs . Harry Lebo (Virginia Weiffenbach), a daughter, Candace Anne, on October 10, 1943. RHO RHO Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lett (Mattie McCorkle), a son, John Kelley, on October 29, 1943. SIGMA SIGMA Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aikin (Gertrude Holesworth), a son, Hugh Joseph, on May 6, 1943· Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Spann (Alice Shanks), a daughter (Suzanne Yeronne, on June 13, 1943. Sgt. and Mrs. Jess West (Betty Creel), a daughter, Rita Corrine, on May 30, 1943 · TAU TAU Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Nye (Betty Ward), a son, on May 23, 1943· PSI PSI Mr. and Mrs. Dain Wort (Helen Newman), a son, Dain Jr., on September 8, 1943· Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gilson (Frances Roe Alexander), a daughter, Mary Ann, on August 25, 1943. Lt. and Mrs. H. G. Rains Jr. (Betty Jean Gill), a daughter, Linda Jean, on August 27, 1943. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elson Roemer (Adeline McDade), a son, Charles Elson, on October 4, 1943. BETA IOTA Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cole Jr. (Louise Clement), a daughter, Susan Clement, on November I, 1943·

BIRTHS ALPHA GAMMA Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H . Ortt (Marjorie Cline), a daughter, Marjorie Ann, on August 17, 1943. GAMMA GAMMA Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunn (Barbara Card), a son, Bruce P ., on ovember 8, 1943.

IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Walter Ailinger (Mae Ottinger), Gamma Gamma, July 28, 1943· Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Jess West (Betty Creel) whose husband, Sergeant Jess •West was killed in action in Sicily on July 19, 1943.


Directory National Council 1942-1943 Presiden t -Mrs. Fred M . Sha rp, Hardy Avenue, Indepe ndence,

1405 Mis-

s ouri.

V ice-President - Mrs. R eina rd Schlosser , Dex te r Street, Denver , 7, 2800 Colorado. Sec•·etar y- Mrs. Charles Moyer, Laurel, Delaware.

T 1·easurer- Mi ss E sther Buche r , 41 34 Eaton Avenue, K a ns a s City, 3, Kansas .

R egis trar-Mrs. Clinton Berry, 281 Wap ello Lan e, Altadena, California. Director of Alumn ae-Mi ss Evelyn G. Bell , 767 Lafayette Avenue, Buffalo, 9, N ew York . Editor-Mrs. B. F. L eib, 3540 N . P ennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis, 5, Indiana.

National Chairmen Alumnae Organizer- Mr s. L ewis M. Bradley, 21 ~ Wolfe Ave., Iowa City, Iowa. Alu mnae Edi tor - Virginia Carpente r Schwartz, 13605 Shaker Blvd., Cleveland , Ohio. Con.•ti tution- Mrs. Albert Kuchs, 614 N. Market Street , Maryville, Missouri. Fellow ship-Mr~. W. C. Thomas, 22 ~ Vick Park B, Rochester , 7, N ew York. Sc holarship - Mrs. Be rtra m M . Stone, Picayun e, Mississ ippi.

H istorian - Miss Louise Stewart, 555 ~ Adair Ave., Zanesville, Ohio. Convention - Miss H elen Corey, 6310 Sherwood Road, Overbrook , Philadelphia, P e nn sylvania.

Paraphernalia- Mrs . John H orter , 1480 Corporation Street , Beaver , P ennsylvania.

Officers of Association of Education Sororities Chairman - Mrs . R obert S. Hill, Delta Sigma Eps ilon , 816 Columbus, Rapid City, South Dakota. Secretary- Mi ss Carrie E. Walte r, Theta Sigma Ups ilon, 210 Sagamor e Road, Brooklin e, P enn sylva nia. Tr easurer - Miss Ed ith Mansell, Alpha Sig m a Tau, 161 Highland Avenue, Highla nd Park , Michigan. Dir ec tor of Local Pan h ellenics-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Indep e nden ce, Missouri.

Chai n nan of Pu !Jlicity- M rs. C. P. N e idig. Pi Kappa Sigma, 1503 Firs t N a tion a l Ba nk Building, Cin c innati , Ohio. Chairman of Inter f r aternity Relationshi1Js- Miss Mabel L ee Walton, Sigma Sigm a Sig m a, P. 0 . Box 108 , Clermont, Florida.

Officers of the Professional Panhellenic Association OFFI CIAL REPRESENTATIVE of Alpha Sigma Alpha, Mrs. Fred M. Sha r p , 1405 H a rd y Ave., Indep ende nce, Missouri. P residen t- Mrs. Cla re nce M . Sa le, Sig m a Al p ha Iota, 374 1 Purdue St., Dallas. Texas . V ice-P residen t- Mrs . Fred M . Sha rp . Al p ha Sig m a Al p ha , 14 05 H a rd y Ave nue, Independe nce, Mo. S ec retary- Miss Phyllis B uck, Phi Chi Theta, 1019 U ni ve r s it y, Ma dison , Wiscons in. T reasurer- Mi ss Be rni ce H a ube r, Phi Ga mm a Nu , 16 S . Clinto n St r eet, I owa Cit y. Iowa.

Affiliated Panhellenics

Board of Advisers

MEMBERS National Panhellenic Congress Association of Education Sororities Prof essional Panhellenic Assoc iation

Alpha- Mi ss Margaret Sprunt Hall, Stale T eachers Colleg e, Farmville , Va. Alpha B eta- Mi ss Alma K. Zoller, 207 E. Patter son, Kirk sville, Mo. Alpha Ganvma- Miss Ethel A. Belden, John Sutton Hall, Indiana State Teachers College, Indiana, Pa. Beta Beta - Mi ss Elizabeth L ehr, 1832 14th Ave., Greeley, Colorado. Miss Betty Zerkle, Colonial Apts. , Greeley. Colorado. Ga1mna Gamma- Mi ss Kather ine Rade r. Mrs. 716 Locust, Alva, Oklahoma . Masie Shirey, 507 Normal, Alva, Oklahoma. E p silon E p silon- Mi ss Edna McCu llough, 1017 Rural, Emp oria, Kansas. Z eta Z eta-Miss Myrtle Downs, 420 S. Colleg e, Warren sburg, Missouri. Eta Eta- Mrs. P erva M. Hughes, 200 E . Monroe, Pittsburg, Kansas. Dr. Jane M. Carroll, 509 South B r oadway, Pitts burg, Kansas . Th eta Th eta- Edith E. Kimball, 52 Grove St. , Bost on, Massachusetts. Kappa Kappa- Miss H e len Corey, 6310 Sherwood Rd ., Philadelphia, Pennsyl-

COUNCIL MEMBERS Chairman - Mrs . John B. Davison , Prof essional Panhelle nic Association. S ecretary - Mrs. E. Granville Crabtree, National Panhellenic Congress. Chairman of Publicity Co·m mittee-Miss Mabel L ee Walton , Association of Education Sororities .

National Panhellenic Cong ress : Mrs. Irving F. Brown, 91 Bu rn ett Street, Maplewood, N ew Jersey. Miss L. P earle Green , 13 East Avenue, Ithaca, N ew York . Mrs. E . Granville Crabtree, 85 D ean Road, Brookline , Massachu setts. Association of Education Sorori ties : Miss Mabel L ee Walton, P. 0. Box 108, Clermont, Florida. Mrs. C. P . N eidig, 1503 F irst National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Robert S. Hill, 816 Columbus, Rapid City, South Dakota. Professional Panhellen ic Association: Mrs. John B. Davison, 1009 25th St., D es Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Fred M. Sh arp, 1405 Hardy Ave .. Independence , Missouri. Mrs. W. V. Whittington , 47 00 Conn ecticut Ave. , Washington , D. C.

Roll of College Chapters Alpha -

State Teache rs College, Farmv ille, Virginia. B eta- State T each e rs Colleg e, Kirksville, Missouri. Alpha Gamma- State T eachers Colleg e, Indiana, Pennsy lvania. B eta B eta-Colorado State College of Education , Greeley. Colorado. Gamma Gamma- Northwestern State T eachers College, Alva, Oklahoma. Epsilon Epsilon-Kan sas State Teach ers College, Empor ia, Kansas. Zeta Z eta-Central Missouri State T ea chers Colleg e, Warrensburg, Missouri. Eta Eta-8tate T eachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas. Th eta Theta- Boston Un ive rsity, Boston , Massa chusetts. Kappa Kappa-T emple University, P hila delphia , Penns ylvania . Nu Nu- Drex el In s titute of T echnology, Phildelphia, P enns ylvania. Xi Xi - Un iversity of California, Los Angeles, California. P.i Pi - Buffalo State T eacher s Colleg e, Buffalo, N ew York . Rho Rho-Marshall Colleg e, Huntington , W est Virginia. Sigma $-igma - W estern State Colleg e, Gunnison, Colorado. Tau Tau- Fort Hays Kansas State Colleg e, Hays, Kansa s. Phi Phi - Northwest Missouri State T eacher s Colleg e, Ma r yville, Missouri. Chi Chi - Ball Sta te T ea ch er s Colleg e, Muncie, Indiana. P s i P si Louis iana State Normal, Natchitoches, L ouis iana. Beta Gamma-Northea s tern State T ea cher s Colleg e, Tahlequ a h , Oklahoma . B eta Delta - Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mi ssissippi. Beta Ep s ilon - Madison College . Harriso nburg, Virginia. Beta Z eta- South weste rn Lou is iana Ins titute, Lafa yette, L oui s iana . Beta Eta- State T ea chers Colleg e , Di cl< inson. N orth D a tota. Beta Th eta - Central Michigan Colleg e of Education , Mount Pleasant, Michigan. B eta Iota - S ta te T ea ch er s Colleg e, Radf ord. Virg inia. B eta Kappa - Wes te rn Illinois State T eache rs College, Macomb , Illinois.



Nu Nn- Miss Phoebe Ma xfield, S e rgeant Hall, Unive rsity of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, P e nnsylvania. Xi Xi -Miss Hazel Cubberley, 759 North Orange Drive, Los Angeles, California. Pi P i- Mrs. Carolyn H eyman, 175 North St., Apt. 615, Buffalo, N e w York . Rho Rho- Virgin ia Rider , 1604 3rd Ave. , H untington, W est Virginia . Sigma S igma- Mi ss Lucy Spicer, Gunn ison , Colorado. Tau Tau- Miss Mary Mae Pau l, 500 W es t 7th , Hays. Kansas. Phi Phi -MisS' In ez R. L ewis, 50 3~ W est F irst, Maryville, Missouri. Chi Chi -Mrs, H. L . Whitcraft, 32 Meadow Lane, Mun cie, Indiana . P si P si- Miss Clio Alle n, 120 B ehan St., Natchitoches, L ouisiana. B eta Gamma- Miss F ern Pascoe, 521 S eminary Ave ., Tahlequah, Oklahoma. B eta Delta- Mi ss Mary Pulley, Station A, Hattiesburg, Miss issippi. B eta Eps-ilon - Mi ss Louise Boi e, W ellington Hall. Apt. 8, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Miss Edythe Schne ide r , 8587 Campbell St. , Apt. B-5, Harrisonburg, Virginia.

Beta Z eta- Mi ss J essie K eep , 300 Gen eral Mouton , Lafayette, L ou is iana. B eta Eta-Leila G. Woods, Apt. 7, L efor Apts ., Dickin son , N. Dakota. B eta Th eta-Opal Thorpe, Mt. Plea s ant, Michigan. Beta Iota - Beve rly E li za bet h Holm es , S .T .C. , Radford, Virg inia. Beta Ka7J7Ja - Elna Scott, 234 W est Adam s, Macomb, Illinoi s.

College Chapter House Address and name of House Mother Al7Jha Beta- 606 S. Franklin , Kirks ville, Missouri , Mrs . Chri s Pi 2rrot.

Beta Beta - 173 1 11th Ave., Greel ey. Colorado, Mrs. George Dauth. Ep.•ilon E ps-ilon - 116 W est 12th , Emp oria, K a n sa s, Mrs. Rose W est. Z eta Z eta - 220 Droad , Warre ns burg. Missouri , Miss Fredonia Ca rter . t:ta Eta- 201 Eas t William s, Pitts burg. Kans a s, Mrs. G. E. Hutchin son. Ka p pa Kap pa-193 N. Park Ave ., Philadelphia, P ennsy lvania, Mrs. Kathe rin e Ba ir. P i P i- 17 Tudor Place, Buffalo, 9 , N ew Y ork , Mr . Bun o Coop er.




Uh o Uh Ap t., 1640 Fifth A ve .. Hun tingto n , W . Virg inia , Mrs. G. P . Gibbs, Pa troness ( wne r of A p t. ) Ph i f'h i 304 W est 7th , Maryv ille, Mi ssouri , Mrs. Ma ttie 'E . Moor e. Betlt EJ>Bilon artt• r H ou se, Madison olleg , Harrisonburg, Virgini a, Miss lu ra Turne r .


hapter Officers

ALPHA Pr s ide nt- Ma r y St. Clair Bugg, 707 Hig h tre•t , Farm ville , Virg inia . Vice-President- Lillian E lliott, Buffa lo, t., Farm ville . Virg inia. ccr e tary-Do roth y Su e Simmon s, S .T .C., Farm ville, Virg inia . Trea s ur r - Sue H a rper, S .T .C., F a rmville, Virginia. Cha plain- Ruth Brook s, S t . Geo rge St., Farmv ille , Virg inia. Regis tra P atri cia Garth , 710 High St.. Farmville, Virg inia . Editor -Mary Sue Palme r , S .T .C., F a rmville, Virg inia . ALPHA BETA Preside nt - Judith Laurel L e Fren z, 602 S. Franklin , Kirksv ille, Missouri. Vice-President LaV e ra Dye, 602 S . Fra nklin, Kirksv ille, Missouri. S ecretary L orraine Gillum, 602 S. Franklin, Kirksv ille, Missouri . Trea sure Ela ine Boise, 602 S . F r a nklin , Kirks ville, Missouri . Chapla in - Nancy M. Me r cer, 602 S. Franklin, Kirk s ville, Mi souri. R egis trar - Mary Frits inge r , 602 S. Franklin, Kirksv ille, Missouri . Editor- Erma L ee Minor, 515 S. High, Kirk s ville, Missouri. ALPHA GAMMA Pres ident - S a r a C. H a wkins, 253 J ohn Sutton Hall, Indian a P enn sylva nia. Vice-President- Anna R ae Line, 23 C la rk H a ll , Indiana , P e nn sylvania . Secr eta r y-Frances Mack , 23 Clark H a ll, Indiana, P e nnsy lva nia. Tre a ~ ure r a r a h J a n e McDivitt, 203 A J ohn Sut ton H a ll, India na, P e nnsylv a nia .

Chaplain- Mary Jan e Russell , 318 N John Sutto n H a ll, Indiana, P enn sylvania. R egis trar- R. Jane Shaffe r , 253 John Sutton H a ll, Indiana, P enn sylvania. Editor-W a nda L ever good, 70 Clark H a ll, Indiana , P ennsyl vania . BETA BETA Pre ident- Mr . Shirley Beck F a rnham , 1731 11th Ave., Greeley, Colorado. Vice-President- J ean Knap p, 1731 11th A ve., Greeley, Colorado. S ec r etary-Dor othy Litch, 1731 11th A ve., Greeley, Colorado. Trea s urer - Dor oth y Aver y, 1731 11th A ve., Gre ley, Color a do. Chaplain- J ean Morrill, 1731 11th A ve. , Greeley, Colorado. R egis tra r - Ma rg aret Gibson , 1731 11 t h A ve., Greeley, Colorado. Editor-Ma rj orie Ann Pin er, 173 1 11th Ave., Greeley, Colorado. GAMMA GAMMA Preside n t -Ruth Ann H yde, 503 N ormal, Alva, Oklahoma. Vice-Presiden t - Doris Y or e Goodwin, 1006 Sixth St. , Alva, Oklahoma. S ecr et a ry - Betty Miller , 30 College, Alva, Okla hom a . Trea s ure r - Betty Miller, 30 Colleg e, Alva , Okla h om a . Chaplain ( T emporary ) - Ruth Ann H yde, 503 N orma l, Al va , Oklahoma . Regis trar ( T emporary ) - Doris Y or e Goodwin, 1006 Sixth St., Alva, Oklahoma. Editor- Margy Mahony Ewalt, 1006 Sixth Street, Al va, Oklahoma .

EP ILON EPSILON President - Maria nna White, 127 Excha nge, Emporia , K a nsas. Vice- Pr s ide n Ardis J ea n Riegle, 102 1 ongr ss, E m11oria , K a nsas. cc r cta r y-P oll y H e uber t, 11 6 W est 12th , Empo ria , Ka nsas. Trea s urer- J e rre Russell, 1601 Me r ch a nt, E mporia , Ka nsas. ha p la in - J ea n Dunlevy, 202 E . 16th, Emporia, Ka n sas. R egistra r -L a V on e Craig , JJ6 W est 12th, E mpori a, Kan sa s. E ditor - Hazel Lloyd, 710 W est th, E mp o ria, Kansas. ZETA ZETA President- Patsy Magee, 303 S. College, Wa rrens burg, Missouri. Vice-Preside nt- Judy Tibbs, 220 Broad , Wa rrensburg, Missouri . S ec r eta r y-P eggy Su e Ewell , 220 Broad, Warrensburg , Missouri. Trea s ure r- June Thompson , 220 Broad, Warrensburg, Missouri. Chaplain - H ele n W ells, 220 Broad, W a rren sburg, Missouri . R egistrar-Virgin ia Ann Chris tine, 204 S . Colleg e, Warren sburg, Missouri. Editor- Lu Sparks, 220 Broad, Warren s burg, Mi ssouri. ETA ETA President - Marie H embree, 201 E ast Williams, Pittsburg, Kans a s. Vice-Pres id entSecr etary - J a n et Malcolm, 1003 South Oli ve, Pittsburg, Kansas . Treas urerCha p lain- Be tty Lance, 105 W est Quincy, Pittsburg, K a nsas. R egis trar - Martha Ruth Howard, 305 W est Lindburg, Pittsburg, Kan sas . E ditor- Patty Ba rk ell , 307 W est Adams , Pittsburg, Kan sa s. THETA THETA ' President- L ouise Greene , 200 Sch ool St., Watertown, Mass. Vice-President ' - Frances Smith, 1063 Broadwa y, W . Somer ville, Mass. Sec r etary - Els ie Barrows, 69 Woburn St., Wilmington, Mass. Treasurer- Phyllis Mitchell, N o. 1, N o. Cohasset, Mass. Chapla in-Ba rbara George, 13 Linden St. , Brookline, Mass. R egis tra r - Frances Smith, 1063 Broadway, W. Som e rville, Mass. Editor- Barbara George, 15 Lindin S t ., Brookline, Mass. KAPPA KAPPA President - Virginia Becker , 58 19 N . F a irhill St., Philadelphia, P ennsylvania.

Vice-President- L a ura W olf, P a rk Ave., Philadelphia,

1938 N. P enn syl-

va nia.

S ecr etary- Beulah Arbogast , P a rk Ave. , Philadelphia,

1938 N. P enn syl-


Trea s urer - Marion Gladfelter , 1938 N. P a rk A ve. , Philadelphia, P ennsylv a nia .

Chapla in- Grace Williams, 1938 N. Park A ve., Philadelphia, P e nnsylvania. R egistrar- L orraine B ooth, 1938 N . P a rk Ave., Philadelphia , P e nnsyl vania. Ed itor - N orma Adnee, 1938 N. Park A ve., Philadelphia , P e nn s ylvania . NU NU President- J ean ette Sp err, 33 20 Powelton A ve., Phlladelphia, P enn sylvania. Vice-President- Marion Barron, 1012 Collings A ve., Collings wood, N e w J e r sey. Secr etary-L eanna Chase, 27 W. Clearfi eld R oad, Upper Darby, P e nnsy lvania. Trea s urer Clare Deakyne, 137 W. Mowry St., Chester, P e nnsylvania. Chaplain- Margaret Taylor, 1817 Lans ing St., Philadelphia, P e nnsylvania. R egis trar-Geraldine Eaton, 6022 K ershaw St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Editor - Betsy Trotter, 120 Rockland Road, Merion, Pennsylvania.

XI XI Prcsid nt- onstance Tracy, 10 17 T iverto n , Los An geles, 24, a li fo rni a. Vic -Preside n t - E loise Gaspn r , 10 17 Ti ver to n, L os A ngeles, 24, California. Secr eta r y-Gail J ohnson , 1017 Ti ve rto n, Los Angeles, 24, Ca lifo rni a. Treasure r- Ma ril yn Moor, 10 17 Ti ver to n , L os Angeles, 24, a lifornia . Lila Wat umm ell, 10 17 Ti verReg istr a ton , L os Angeles, 24, California. Ch a plain - E la in e Ch a mberlain , 1017 Ti ver to n , L os An g les, Ca lifor nia. Edi to r - Betty Rudm a n , 10 17 T iver to n , L os A ngeles, 24, California. PI PI Pres ident- Virg ini a M. T omic, 17 Place, Buffa lo, N e w York . Vice-Pres identSec r etary - Alberta Ackle r , 17 Place, Buffalo, N ew Y ork . Trea s urer - Jan e F a irbank , 17 Place, Buffalo, N e w Y ork . Chaplain. - Alma St. Amand, 17 Place, Buffa lo, N e w York . R egis tra r - Patricia Quig ley, 17 Place, Buffalo, N ew Y ork . Edi to r- J a n e H a rris , 17 Tudor B u ffa lo, N e w Y ork.

Tudor Tudor Tudor Tudor Tudor Place,

RHO RHO Pres ident - Ju a ni ta J ohn son , L a idley H a ll , Huntin gton , W. V a. Vice-Pres ident - Ma r yelle n Wise, P a rk Hills, Huntington , W . V a . S ecr etary - Evelyn H a ws, Di vis ion St., Huntington , W . Va. T reasure rChaplain - Kathr yn D ay, 710 J effe r son Ave ., Hunting ton, W. V a . R egistrar - H ele n H erbs t, L a idley Hall , Hunting t on, W. V a . Editor- N orma F aye Bra ke, L a idley H a ll , Huntin g t on, W . Va . SIGMA SIGMA Preside nt- Jani ce S teve n s, Chipet a H a ll , Gunnison , Color a do. Vice-Preside nt- Dori s Ogsbury, Chi peta Hall, Gunnison, Colorado. S ecretary-Mrs . E s th er Tra inor, Gunniso n, Color a do. Treasurer - Betty Hill , Gunnison , Colo· rado. Chaplain- W a nda McCull y, Chip eta H a ll , Gunni son, Colorado. Registrar- Louise N ordstrom , Gunnison , Colorado. Editor - Evelyn Sla ne, Chi peta Hall , Gunnison , Color a do. TAU TAU President-Ha rriet Hun sley, 217 W . 17th, Hays, Kansas. Vice-President- Ma ry Ali ce Wiesn er R ae, 51 6 Mission Mt., H ays, Ka nsas. Secretary- Frances L ocke r , 503 W. 7th , Hays, Kan s a s. Trea s urer - V e rn a J a n e Th ompson , 204 W. 7t h , H ays, Ka nsas . Chaplain- Cathe rine Bre nem a n, 215 W. 7th, Hays, K a nsas. R egis trar- V ern a J a ne Thompson, 204 W. 7th, Hays, Kansas. Editor - Frances L ocke r , 503 W. 7t h , H a ys, K a n sa s. PHI PHI Pres ident-Ire ne H e idem a n, 133 S. Buchanan, Maryville, Missouri. Vice-President - Ell in Gra ham , 304 W . 7th, Maryv ille, Missouri. Secretary- (did n ot r eturn ) Treasurer-B etty T ownsend, 304 W. 7th, Maryville, Missouri . Chaplain - J ean Stewa rt, 611 W. 2nd, Maryville, Missouri . R egistrar- June Morris , 304 W . 7th, Maryville, Missouri. Editor-Phyllis J ean Price, 120 E . First, Maryville, Missouri.

THE PHOENIX CHI CHI President - Arminta Chappell, 311 N. College Ave., Muncie, Indi a na. Vice-Pres ident-Betty Van Ausdal Burt, 311 N. Talley St. , Muncie, Indiana. Secr eta ry - Carol Haehl, 423 N . Calvert St., Mun cie, Indiana. Treasurer- Betty J ea n Sheets. Chaplain- Eleanor K elle r, 401 N. Martin St., Muncie, Indiana. R egis trar- Dierdra Kimball , 311 N. College Ave., Muncie, Indiana. Editor-Flora L ee Sperling, 220 N. McKinley, Mun cie, Indiana . PSI PSI President - Viola Carawy, Box 657 L.S. N .C., Natchitoches, La. Vice-President - Claire Alexa nder, N ew Second Street, Natchitoch es, La. Secr etary- Dorothy J a n e Brock, Natchitoch es, La. Treasure r - Gloria Bayard, L.S .N.C., Natchitoch es, La. Chaplain - Barbara Graves, L.S.N.C., Natchitoches, La. R egis trar - Evelyn Horn, L.S.N.C ., Natchitoch es, La. Editor - Carrie Nell Rodgers, L.S.N.C., Natchitoch es, La.

BETA ETA Preside nt- Virginia King, 302 1st Ave., East, Dickinson, N. Dak. Vi ce-President - Charlotte Parker (Subs titute ) 230 6th Ave., W est, Dickinson , N. Da k . Secretary - Georgin e Tillquist ( Substitute) 545 1st Ave., East, Dickinson, N.Dak . Treasurer- Ruby Strand, Stickney Hall , Dickinson , N . Dak. Chaplain- Gayle Chappell, Dickinson , N. Dak. R eg is trar- Marjorie Talkington, Dickinson, N . D. Editor- Esther Selke (Substitute) 45 lOth Ave., W est , Dickinson, N . Dak . BETA THETA President-Frances Mewmaw, Sloa n Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan . Secr eta r y-Arlen e Hopkins, Sloan Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Treasurer-Lela Bennett, Sloan Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Chaplain- Loraine Mosh er , Sloan Hall , Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. R egis trar- Joyce Van P ette n, Sloan Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan . Editor- Jan e Bradshaw, Sloan Hall, Mt. Pleasant, Michiga n.

BETA GAMMA President- Joy McCormick , Wilson Hall. Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Vice-Pres identSecretary - L ouise Cole, Wilson H a ll, Tahlequah , Oklahoma. Treasurer- Betty Lou Chrouister, Wilson Hall, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. ChaplainRegistrar - Kathleen Blossom, Wilson Hall, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Editor-

BETA IOTA President-Lucill e Cox, Box 143, S.T.C. , Radford, Virginia. Vice-President - Mary Jan e K elly, Box 143, S.T.C., Radford, Virginia. Secretary-Ruth Campbell, Box 25, S.T. C., Radford, Virginia. Treasurer - Mary Ann Pace, Box 1, S.T. C., Radford, Virginia. Chaplain- Nancy L ee S cott, Box 15, S .T. C., Radford, Virginia . R egistrar - " Mickey" Clem ent, Radford,

BETA DELTA President - Ophelia Baylis, Sta tion A, Hattiesbu rg, Mississippi. Vice-President - Glor ia Coleman , 30 1 Miller St., Hattiesbu rg, Mississ ippi. Secretary- Betty Ross Anderson, 122 W . Fourth, Hattiesburg, Mississ ippi. Treasure r - Mary Langdon, Station A, Hatti esbu rg, Mississippi. Cha p la in- Billie Gene Pigott, Station A, H attiesburg, Mississippi. R egis tra r- N ell H ocutt, 532 W. Fourth , H a tti esburg, Miss issippi. Editor - Kathryn Mobley, Station A, Hattiesburg, Mississ ip p i.

Editor -


BETA EPSILON Preside nt- J ean N elms, Box 17, Madison College, H arrisonburg, Va. Vice-President- Margaret Elizabeth Wilson, Box 487, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va. Secr etary- Lyda S tewart, Box 244, Ma dison College, H a rrisonburg, Va . Trea s ure r- Ellen Mitchell, Box 335, Ma dison College, H a rrisonburg, Va. Chap la in - Betty L ou Flythe, Box 271, Ma dison College, H a rriso nburg , V a . Regis trar- Evangeline Bollinger , Box 173, Mad ison College, H a rrisonburg, V a . Editor- I sabel Ande rson , Box 173, Ma dison College, H a rrisonburg, Va. BETA' ZETA Pres ident - Evelyn Merrifi eld , Box 423, S.L.I. (Buchanon Hall ) Lafayette, La. Vice-Pre ident - Marion Ma llet , S.L.l., Lafayette, La. Sec reta ry- Hilda Girard, S .L.I. , Lafayette, La. Treas urer- Luc ille T oups, S .L.J., Lafayette, La. Chap lain- Miriam Stinson, S.L.I., Lafayette, La. R egistr ar-Nevelyn Simon, 619 Lafayette, Lafayette , La. Ed itor- J ocelyn Sch oeny, S .L.I., Lafayette, La .






BETA KAPPA President- Mary W einber g , Monroe Hall, Macomb, Illinois. Vice-President - Ma rgie J ea nn e Min er, Monroe Hall, Macomb, Illinois. Secr etary, Corresponding- Stella Pletkovich, Monroe Hall, Macomb, Illinois. Secr et a ry, R ecording - E a rline Lanter man , Monroe Hall, Macomb, Illinois. Treasurer- V elma Duvendack, Monroe H a ll, Macomb, Illinois. Chaplain- Louise Shinkev ich , 412 W est Adam s, Macomb, Illinois. Registrar- N orma Brown , Monroe Hall, Macomb, Illinois. Editor - Doroth y Binder , M onroe Hall, Macomb, Illinois.

Alumnae Chapter Officers AKRON, OHIO Pres ident- Miss Lillie Greer, 393 H ollywood Avenue, Akron , Ohio. T rcasurer-Mr . H om er H olt, 116 N oble Street, Akron, Ohio. Editor- Mrs. J. T. Mira nda, 742 Eaton R oad, Akron , Ohio. ALVA, OKLAHOMA Preside nt - Miss Luella Harzman , 917 Flynn Avenue, Alva, Okla homa. Treasure r-Miss Katherin e Quinton , 717 Loc ust, Alva, Oklahoma. Ed itor-M iss Erl L en e Cline, 223 Barnes Avenue, Alva, Okla h oma. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS President- Mrs. L ou is E. Fletche r , 141 Marked Tree Road, N eedham, Massachusetts. Treasurer - Miss Dorothy Currie r , 734 Frankl in Street, Melrose, Mass. Editor- Miss Ruth Mayo, 785 Commer c ia l Street, East W eymouth, Mass.

BUFFALO, NEW YORK President-Mrs. J ohn Finn, 3911 Main Street, Eggertsville, N ew York. Treasurer - Mrs. Harvey Anderson, 207 Lafayet te Avenue, Buffalo, N ew York. Editor- Miss Margaret Kabel, 29 33 Delaware Avenue, Kenmore, New York. CANTON, OHIO President- Mrs. Richard E. Roth, 925 Broad Avenue, N . W., Canton 3, Ohio. Treasurer- Mrs. L eonard Miller, 1307 Market Ave nue, N. , Canton 3, Ohio. Editor - Mrs . Presley Campbell, Jr., 3206 Enfield Road, N.W., Canton, Ohio. CENTRAL, PENNSYLVANIA President-Mrs. William H. Bishop, 822 N. 5th, R eading, P e nnsylvania. Treasurer- Mrs . W. A . Ros t, 425 North Franklin, R ed L eon, P ennsylvania. Editor-Miss S. June Smith, 125 Manor, Millersville, P ennsylvania. CHICAGO , ILLINOIS Pres ident- Mrs. Marjorie Mills, 1111 Hinman Avenue, Evanston , Illinois. Treasurer- Miss Dorothy Masters, 1220 N. Sta te Parkway, Canterbury Court, Chicago, Illinois. Editor- Mrs. Carolyn Millard, 5748 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. CLEVELAND, OHIO President-Mrs . F. D. Carrington, 1175 Erieview Road , Cleveland, Ohio. Treasurer-Mrs. J. J. Greer, 1662 Crawford Road, Suite 30, Cleveland, Ohio. Editor- Mrs. C. R . Smith, 48 Eldred Avenue, Bedford, Ohio. COLUMBUS, OHIO President-Miss Mildred Nalley, 885 Gilbert Street, Columbus 6, Ohio. Treasurer - Mrs. Loren Windom , R eyn oldsburg, Ohio. Editor - Mrs. William Ambacher, 8 11 Montrose Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. DENVER, COLORADO Preside nt - Mrs. Earl McLaughlin, 536 South High, D enve r 9, Colorado. Treasurer- Mrs. Za Lawrenson, 3229 Raleigh, D e11 ver 12, Colorado. Editor - Miss Dorothy Hughes, 2577 Cherry, D enver, Colorado. DES MOINES, lOW A Preside nt- Mrs. Albertine Geist, 103 E. 14th Street, Ct. , D es Moines, Iowa. Trea s urer- Mrs . Ida Johnson, 4408 Carpe nte r, D es Moin es , Iowa. Editor- Mrs . Lillian Jacobson , 740 Cherokee Ave nue, D es Moines, Iowa . DETROIT, MICHIGAN President- Miss Louise McArthur, 11535 Byron Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. Treasur er - Miss Frances Vredenberg, 18960 Snowden Avenue, D etroit, Mich. Editor-Miss Marie Lutz, 14044 Abington R oad, D etroit, Michigan. EMPORIA, KANSAS President-Mrs. Otis Thornton, 905 Oak Street. Emporia, Kansas. Treasure r- Mrs. Phillip W oodbury, 13 17 Washington, Emporia, Kansas. Editor - Mrs. Betty Cremer Johnson , K .S.T.C. Campus, Emporia, K a n sas. GUNNISON, COLORADO President- Mrs . Charles Sweitzer, Gunnison , Colorado. Trea s urer- Mrs. J ean B esse, Gunnison, Colorado. Editor- Mrs. Rosellen Mcllwee, Gunnison, Colorado. HAMPTON ROADS, VIRGINIA President- Miss Ann Gough, 928 Brandon Avenu e, Norfolk, Virginia. Treasurer - Miss Mildred Swint, 429 W ells Parkway, N orfolk, Virg inia. Editor- Mrs. N ye S . Spence r , 7314 W. K enmor e Drive, Nor.folk, Virginia.





Pn'H idt•nt MrM. MnrVL'IIH HnyM. Kan KRH.


chriddl' l) uv ili ,

Mrs . Znl' Uu rkc r Gill , Hn yH,

Knn s n ~. ~;ditor

- Miss Ruth 'fw<•nl<• r, 1:1 2 b:o " t Hays , Knn NnN.

th ,

MARYVILLE , Ml OURL l'rcM idc n l M r.•. Virgil ville. Mhuwuri . Tr lusur •r - Mr·K. B(.•n 1-' . Weir . :l l G E m; t. 6th, M a r y vill e, Mi ssouri.

l' dito r

Mi "s Ruth Lawren ce , Maryv ill<•,


Rl HMOND , VIRGINIA Pr •side nt Miss N ao mi Mc AIIL' n , c ar~ of S . A. Li p fo rd , Rt. 2, La urel. Maryla nd . Tt·cns urc r Mi ss Ethel Ca rr, 14 0 Lak <•front, Avenue , Ri chm o nd, Virginia . Editor Mrs. Rolph Kin g, 12 N . 32 ml Str<'ct, Ri chm o nd , Virp:inin .

HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA l'n•o id<•nl Mrs. Roy G. Fritz, 1:! 16 l :l th Strel'L. Huntington, W •s t Virginia. TrcoHun•r Mi •s Mildt·<'d Kincuid, lOl :l 8th trcet, Huntington, W e" t Vil·ginin. ),;ditor Mrs . Uns he r Paul, 2542'{, :l rd A\'e nu c , Huntingto n , W e~ t VirginiH.

MUN C J),;, !NOlANA l' t·cs ide nl- M is• H ele n K R eed. 2004 W . Gilbe rt Stt·<·ct , Mun cie, Indiana . Tt·<·n s ut·c r - Mi ss Mildred Warn e r, 2 18 S outh Dill Str c t. Mun c i , Inidnna. Edito r--M r ·. Bvcr elt Threshe r , 1314 E . Adam s , Munc ie, Indiana .

ST . LOUI , MLS OURJ Pres iden t Mrs. Elizabeth Canw ntc r . :1 15 Ma gnolia , St. L ouis, Missouri. Treasure r- Miss Mnrga r et Sutto n, F on·s t Park H o te l, St. L o uis , Mi ssouri. Edi to r - Miss Hildred Fitz, 2 1 Sy lvest c t· W ebs t e r Groves, Missouri.

INDIANAPOLIS , lNDI AN A l'rcs id.•nt- Mrs. R a lph Holton , :l:l 47 N . N<•w J e rsey treet, Tndiunapo lis, Ind . Trea s ur<'r- Mi ss Margaret S chofi e ld , 41 77 Ruckle Avc nUl•, Indianapoli s, Indiann . l':ditor- Mrs. Earl Mason, 33 15 N. Capitul Av (• nttL', Indianapolis , Jndiuna .

MUSKOGEE. OKLAHOMA Pres id nt - Mrs. Mary M·Do n a ld. 6 1D W est Okmulgee, Mus kogee, Oklah oma. Tt·ea s urc r - Miss Barba ra Alle n, 910 Boston , M uskogce, Oklahoma. Editor- Mt·s. Kyle H obbs , 241 5 Ellio tt, Mu sk og ee, Oklahoma.

SAN DIEGO, C ALIFORNIA Preside nt - Mrs. R ay Atchley , 26 6 Dove S t reet , S a n Diego, Califo rnia. Treasur<'r- Mrs . Fmnk J. Sipan.

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK Prcs id ·nt - Miss Ethel E . Barrett, D Vincent Pla ce, Mo ntc lair , N ew J er sey . Trea s ure r - Mrs. Eugen e Loucks, I D S chen ck Avenue, Great N eck, L ong l s land, N e w York. Editor Mrs. Jam es McGrath. 2241 Hampto n Place, N e w York 53 , N ew Y o rk.

TOLEDO , OHIO President- Mrs. Geo rge W. Co ndit, Dl9 • Virginia, T oledo, Ohio. , ',l'rea s urer- Mrs. Fra nk G. Pauly , 2664 Brookfo rd Drive, Toledo, Ohio. Edito r- Mi s Clara Kun ey, 1047 Oakwood, Tol edo, Ohio.

JOHNSTON. PENNSYLVANIA President- Mrs. E. W . Flecke ns t ein, R. D. N o. 3. Violet Street, Ext., Johns t o n. P enn sy lvania. Tr c a~ur r - Miss Mary Sauers . Laure l V(.> nuc , John stown, P enn sy lvania.

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Pres ident - Mi ss Phon John son, Ellison Hote l. 300 W. Armour Blvd., Kan ·as City 2. Mi ssouri. Trea s ur" r - Mrs. E. R. Clifto n. 751 5 Madison. Kan sa s City , Missouri. Editor- Mrs . E. A. Kreck, 1466 E . 67th, Kan sns Cit.y , Missouri. Kl RKSVILLE, MISSOURI Preside nt - Mrs. H elen Young. 61 3 E. Missouri Street, Kirk sv ille, Mi ssouri. Trea sure r- Mr . Jane R ohwide r. 715 E. Harri ~ on, Kirk ville, Mi ssouri. Edito r- Mrs . Mary Jane Shultz, 611 E. Pie rce, Kirk s ville, Missouri. LOS ANGELES , CALIFORNIA Pres ide nt- Mrs . W. F. Hindes, 1166 E. Fires ton e Bl vd .. Down ey , California. Tren s urc t~Miss Lillian Bradley , 1660 '" W. 56th, Los Angeles, Califo rnia. Editor- Mrs . L. Colfax . 307 Washingto n Ave nu e , Santa Monica, Califo rnia .

PHII.;ADELPHIA , PENNSYLVANIA Pres ide nt- Mrs . Elean o r T emple Shin e r , 456 E. Comly St., Philadelphi a 20 , Pa. Trea surer - Miss D or othy Hutton, 1 J 2 Poplar A venue, Wa y n e , P e nnsylvania. Edito r - Mrs. Jane Pryse Ehle r s , 721 Se lle rs Ave nu e, Upp er Darb y, P enn s ylvania . Mrs. Evelyn Roos Aucott. 5802 Gree ne Str~e t , Philadelp hia 44, P e nns yl vani a . PITTSBURGH , PENNSYLVANIA President - Mrs . B ertha Cotter ell, 73 4 Fra nk Street, Pitts burgh 10, P enn sylva nia . Trea s ure r Mi ss Gwe ndolyn Griffith. P e nn sy lvania Ave nu e Ext., Irwin, P e nn sy lvania. Edit01~Mi ss Ali ce Moorhead, Box 97, Allison Park, P enn s ylvan ia .

SOUTHERN, COLORADO Pres id ent- Miss J ean Y oun g, 121 E. 8th, Pu eblo, Colo rado.

TULSA, OKLAHOMA Pres ide nt- Miss R e na Mac Long, 1601 E. 14th, Tulsa, Okl a homa . Trea s urer- Mi ss H elen H oop e r, 122 N. Le wi s, Tulsa , Okla h oma. Editor - Mrs . Mauri ce M . Sipes, 1227 So uth E van s t o n , Tulsa , Oklah oma. WASHINGTON, D. C. President- Mrs. J ess ie S cott Arnold , 1730 M Street , N. W. , Was hington , D. C. Trea s urer - Miss Wilm a L. Op el, 1862 Ontario Place, N. W., Apt. 6, Washington , D. C. Editor - Mrs. F e rgu son Cary, 70 3 King St. R oad, Alex a ndria, Virginia. WICHITA, KANSAS President- Mrs. Orville Small, 1724 N. E s t elle, Wi chita, Kan sa s . Trea s ure r Mrs . L eo Ptacek, 3420 Orchard , Wichita , Kan sa s. Edito r - Mrs. Charles Popkin s, 33 21 Chatfield Place, Wichita, Kan sa s.

One Gift De Will W eleoJDe A g-enuine leather PASS-CASE billfold with bill compartment, two card pockets, and four transparent wing-s to take passes and photos. Features branch of service insig-nia deeply blind embossed on cover in hand-tooled effect. NO. 580-44 SADDLE SHEEPSKIN BILLFOLD Blind embossed service insig-nia ...... $3.50 (no tax) Metal mounted fraternity crest ... $3.50 (add 10 7c * tax) Blind embossed service insignia and crest metal mounted, $4.25 (add 10 % * tax) *R ate of F ederal tax su bject to change depending upon Govet-ntnent 1·egulations. S11ecij y fmte?·nity c1·est desi1·ed, if 1nonnting specified.


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SOCIAL CHAIRMEN should write for invitation and program suggestions. Plan your social season in advance.

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L. G. BALFOUR F A C T 0 R I E S -A T T L E B 0 R 0 ,




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