Asa phoenix vol 27 no 1 nov 1940

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1940 National Convention Announcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 VOLUME XXVII NUMBER 1

Beta Zeta Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Regional Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 National Council Conference .. . . . ......... . ..... .. .... 11 A . S. A. Scholarships ................. . ..... . ... ·.... . . 14 Interesting Alpha Sigs ........ . ...... .... ...... ...... . 15 With Our Chapters ......... . ...... ................... 18 Traveling Alpha Sigma Alphas .... . ...... .. .......... . . 20 Natchitoches Alumn::e Chapter ......................... 24 Alum me Chapter News Letters .. . ............ . . .... . .. 25 College Chapter News Letters . . .. . ......... ....... .... 36 Efficiency Rating 1939-1940 . ................ . . ... . ..... 48 Announcements .. .. . ...... ..... . ... . . ........ . ...... . 49 Directory . . . .. ....... . .. .... .. . . . ..... . .. . . . . . ....... 53 A. S. A. Magazine Subscription Service .. .. .......... . .. 55

• Published in November, January, March a nd May of each year at No. 30 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Indiana, by the Nicholson Printing Company, for the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority having he,adquarters at Indianapolis, Indiana. Business correspondence may be addressed to either office, but matter for publication and correspondence concerning the same should be addressed to Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapalis, Indiana.


Entered as second-class matter, September 4, 1923, at the post office at Richmond, Indiana, under the Act of March 3, 187o.


2 '





AUGUST 4-8, 1941

NoVEMBER, 1940








Beta Zeta Installation By Wilma Wilson Sharp, Installing Officer

last shall be first ! At least, the last of T HE the 1940 . S. A. regional meetings has fir t place in the hearts of nearly one hundred Alpha igmas. T here is a rea on- in fact, thirty-nine special and wonderful rea on . F or at the New O rleans Regional, Beta Zeta chapter, with thirtynin e members, was ad ded to our Alpha S igma chapter roll. T he installation of Beta Zeta, of Southwestern Loui siana Institute, is uni que in th e hi story of Alpha S igma Alpha becau se it was an off-thecampu installation. The pledging of thi chapter last May 11 was characteri zed by the social events and campu recogniti on due the inception

of an A. S. A. chapter. So it was a happy circumstance that made it possible for the B. Z. ini tiation and installation to take place in romantic New O rleans, where lpha Sigmas of Loui siana and and M ississippi gathered N ovember 2 and 3 for regional meeti ng. Surely there can be no lovelier setting for Alpha Sigma Alpha ceremoni als than the spacious U niversity Room of the Roosevelt H otel-transfo rmed into a sanctuary, as it was, by palms, Rowers and candlelight. In harmony with the beauty of setting and th e significance of the occasion, the initiation services touched a new depth of impressiveness. The installing officer

NovEMBER, 1940


i. grateful to the persons who erved as principal participants: Genevieve Leib, a tiona I Editor; Clio Allen, P i Psi Advi er: Manette Sweet, Director Region IV; Clarice Ice, Beta Delta; Mary ,\lien Caraway, Psi P i.

Beta Zeta Chapter Pledging Day

Emma Dell Mendoza President of Beta Zeta

Installation of Beta Zeta chapter followed the beautiful formal banquet Saturday night. The chapter charter was received by Emma Dell Mendoza, the president. Miss Jessie Keep, chapter adviser, presented the individual membership certificates. Beta Zeta chapter, welcomed with enthusiasm and high hope into Alpha Sigma, has thirtynine fully initiated members and a fine Freshman pledge class. Of the three girls initated last spring at time of Beta Zeta pledging, two alumme, Merrell Tucker and Beryl Dutsch, were present for installation. It was deeply regretted that Christine Dyer, who has moved to Texas, could not be with us. And it was a keen disappointment that illness prevented our beloved BZ patroness, Mrs. Claycomb, from coming to New Orleans. We are proud of Beta Zeta Chapter ! As the former young local Beta Zeta Delta Phi, and as Alpha Sigma pledge chapter, the group has made a remarkable record on the campus. High standards in scholarship, wisely balanced participation in college activities, discrimination in choice of members form the foundation upon which Beta Zeta will develop Alpha Sigma leadership. The chapter is especially fortunate in its charming and capable adviser, Jessie L. Keep, and its two delightful patronesses, Mrs. Claycomb and Mrs. Hait. We announce with great pleasure, that Bolivar Lee Bait is also a fully initiated member of Alpha Sigma Alpha.

Another college chapter is added to the roll of Alpha Sigma Alpha. For Beta Zeta a hope has become a reality and a challenge. For the sorority at large a new link in our Alpha Sigma Alpha chain lengthens our privileges of friendship, our opportunity for growth, our obligations of service. We salute Beta Zeta of Southwestern Louisiana Institute, located at Lafayette, in the picturesque Evangeline country ! The roll of Beta Zeta is as follows: (Names of pledges not listed) Miss Jessie 路 Keep, Adviser. 路Mrs. Kenneth B. Bait, Patroness. Mrs. George B. Claycomb, Patroness. ALUMN AE

Ethel Bergeron Gladys Mary Buller Mae Daigle Beryl Dutsch Christine Dyer

Thelma Marie Giroir Erin Marie Le Blanc Yvonne Toups Merrell Tucker


Sydney Beauxis Barbara Anne Darnall Phyllis Louella Dixon Fabiola Mae Dupuy Caroline Travis Elliott Virginia 0. Fields Evelyn Frost Sibyl Blake Glaser Margarite Louise Hail Oliver Mae Hitter Mary Catherine Hudson Josephine Joseph Alice Mae Judices Daphne Mary Kerrison

Ouida Mae La Maire Emma Dell Mendoza N oella Marie Ogeron Lillian Evelyn Paine Hazel Rita Rebstock Geneva F. Richard Lois Richey Evelyn A. Songe Mildred M. Songe Hazel Louise Theriot Evelyn A. Toups Lolita Watkins Barbara E. Wild Dorothy ]. Wild



REGIONAL MEETINGS REGION III Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City, October 5 and 6


REGION II Hotel Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio October 12 and 13

REGION IV Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana November 2 and 3 Including the Installation of Beta Zeta Chapter

l{ansas City Regional Meeting, October 5 - 6 and fifty Alpha Sigmas conO NEvenedhundred in Kansas City, on a beautiful October day, for the first meeting in Region Three. The Muehlebach was the headquarters hotel for the conference, and its lobby was filled with pretty gi rl s. Four national officers were present : Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Miss Esther Bucher, Mrs. Albert Kuchs and Mrs. L. A . Bradley. Miss Minnie Shockley, Miss Ethel Hook and advisers of the college chapters in this region, were special guests. Seven college chapters and nine alumnce chapters had official delegates.

Hotel Muehlebach

The meeting opened with a luncheon, with Mrs. Kuchs as hostess. She introduced officers, guests, advisers, delegates and out-of-town Alpha Sigmas. Mrs. C. E . Hamilton, Eta E ta alumna, led the singing, with L uella Harzman, Gamma Gamma alumnce at the piano. M rs. George Waterbury, Beta Beta, P resident of the Kansas City Alumnce Chapter, extended a welcome to Kansas City. Mrs . Sharp presided at the busines session which followed the luncheon. Devotions were given by Lois Beers, Beta Gamma chapter chaplain. Phon Johnson, Ep~ilon Epsilon, representative of the Kansas City Alumnce Chapter, gave a fo rmal welcome address, to which response was made by E leanor Warnick, Zeta Zeta chapter vice-president. Report of the Alumnce Loyalty Campaign was given by Mary Beers, Beta Gamma alumna. Mary Margaret Shoush, Alpha Beta alumnce chapter, reported on the Fellowship Loan Fund, and Mary Hamlin, Alpha Alpha alumna, p resented the Magazine Subscription Service. Round table discussions were participated in by college and alumnce delegates and members at separate sessions. The college discussions were led by Roberta Alspaw, Epsilon Epsilon chapter president, and the alumnce by Esther Bucher, National Vice-President . Questions and

NovEMBER, 1940

ideas were exchanged fast and furiously in both group ·. The "Forward On Our Way" theme of the meeting, culminated in the toast program at the banquet, with toa t given on "Physical Growth" by l\Iary I yger, Phi Phi chapter president; "Intellectual Growth" by Betty Sue Gardner, Alpha ]~eta chapter president; ". ocial Growth" by ]• ranees Hunt, Eta Eta chapter president; "Spiritual Growth" by Leota Leeper, Gamma Gamma chapter president; and "Interfraternity Growth" by ~Irs. L. A. Bradley, National A lumnre Organizer. Esther Bucher, National Vice- President. was the toastmistress. Guests at the banquet were Miss Jennie Walker, Dean of Women, Kansas State Teachers College at Pittsburgh; Miss 1\llaude E. Minrow, Dean of ~omen, Kansas State Teachers College at Empona; Mrs. 0. L. Houts, Dean of \t\Tomen, Central Missouri State Teachers College at Vvarrensburg; and Dr. Jane Carroll, President of the :\. A. U. W. for the State of Kansas, and coadviser of Eta Eta Chapter. Each gave a short talk in re ponse to introductions, as did Miss Shockley and Miss Hook. Following the banquet, initiation service were conducted for the following: Ei leen Hurst, Phi Phi; Betty Nelson, Jeanette Gardner, Barbara Batten, Constance Cockrill, Eta Eta; Juanita \Visdom and Betty Begun, Beta Gamma. College . chapter reports were presented at breakfast on Sunday morning. At ten o'clock a lo.vely memorial service was heJd for Mary Lot~ts~ Turner, Phi Phi, who died September 17, of l11Juries received in an automobile accident. .\fter a brief intermission, the closing session was called, with Mrs. Sharp presiding, and following a hort meeting, the Regional Conference was adjourned with the words, "Grow, Grow, Grow each day in glorious A . S. A." ringing in our ears. Official college delegates were: Mary Kyger and Nyda Snyder, Phi Phi; Betty Sue Gardner and Martha Ayres, Alpha Beta; Frances Hunt and Donna Loy, Eta Eta; Virgin ia Tiermann and Helen Tubbs, Epsilon Epsilon; June Poole and Lois Beers, Beta Gamma; Kathryn Hopkins and Eleanor Warnick, Zeta Zeta; Leota Leeper and Katherine Quinton, Gamma Gamma. Alumnre delegates: Luela Harzman, Alva, Uklahoma; Mrs. A . T. Sughrue, Emporia, Kanas; Ann Prell, Pittsburgh, Kansas; Mrs. G. E . \Y.aterbury, Kansas City; Dorothy Sens Lewis, Ktrk ville, Mo., Ruth Bryant, St. Louis; Mrs. 1-•.red Maier, Maryville, Mo.; Mrs. Charles Popkms, Wichita, and Julia Douglas, Des Moines.



haptc r

Ever since I can remember ( memory elate from pledge day) I had longed to attend an \lpha Sig onvention, but I'd given up hopes long ~go. Then the Regional ::.Ieeting in Kansa Ctty made this old wish come true. I'd alwa~s been proud to be an Alpha Sig, ~ncl ~II clunng the meeting the feeling grew, JUSt It~~ our sorority will continue to grow, a the spmt ~f comradeship deepens through these contacts wtth our National Officers and members from other states . For the newest pledge as well as the oldest Alumna present there was a warm welcome that made you just belong, and to feel as if your part was important and that yon were needed as a part of the mechanism of an organization that was so much larger than you would ever dream, when you were deep in the affairs of vour own chapter. Much praise should be given the National Officers for the new three-year plan, which will make possible a closer bond of feeling, because it means being together, working together and knowing each other personally. Certainl y Estper Bucher, Mrs. \i\Taterbury, Phon Johnson and all the Kansas City Chapter are to be complimented, every detail of the banquet, luncheon and breakfast was lovely and the meetings so graciously conducted by Mrs . Sharp. were just right; informal enough for all to take part, yet business like enough to be impressive. I was glad to go as Kirkville Alumnre's delegate, I enjoyed every minute, 1 was sorry vvhen the week-end came to a close.

YOUTH HAS EDGE ON DAD As Expressed by Deans of Women Attending Kansas City Regional Meeting

Young men, your matrimonial ideal may be a girl just like the girl who married dear old clad. But, generally speaking, the girl you marry will be a superior product to the one clad married. This is the opinion of the cleans of women of four cofleges in Missouri, Kansas and Oklahome, guests at a regional meeting of Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority held October 5th at the Hotel Muehlebach. Can Meet Life's Problems

True, the girl of your choice will apply a barn paint hade of shellac to her finger nails; she will spend hours getting the right do on her hair; she will not be the sweet, demure package


8 that father married- but she will be better equipped to meet the problems of life. She will be as good a cook. . You need not worry about her fragile hands if you can afford to buy the appliances to which she has become accustomed- the electric iron and washer, vacuum cleaner, etc. She will know more about babies and their care because when mother was a girl, well, she didn't discuss them openly. "College people are more frank today than in the 1922 days when I first became a dean of women," said Mrs. 0 . L. Houts, of the Central lVIissouri State Teachers College at Warrensburg. "'Alhen they get to college they have been around more than their parents had," she stated. Shopping Has Its Points

"I believe young people have a better chance of finding a suitable mate than twenty years ago," Miss Jennie C. Walker, of the Kansas State Teachers College at Pittsburg, contributed. "Girls date more boys, and boys date more girls than in 'the good old days,' ., she said. "It used to be when a man started dating a girl he was con-

siderecl a cad if he didn't follow right on through and marry her. The shopping habit has its points I believe." "We have few problems with young people," Miss Maude E. Minrow, clean of women atKansas State Teachers College at Emporia for seventeen years, said. "The problems exist principally in the minds of the grownups. When young peop'Ie come to college today, they are better prepared from an educational standpoint; they are less apt to fall into moral pitfalls, because they have a better understanding of the consequences. 路' "There were more misfits in college in 1917 when I first became dean of women," Miss Minnie Shockley of the Northwest State College, Alva, Okla., stated. "Girls understand the duties of life better than before and they are not too proud to seek advice. Recently a girl asked me how much it would cost for groceries for a married couple. I figured a plan for her and I arrived at the conclusion that two can still live as cheaply as one."

Cleveland Regional Meeting, October 12-13 Cleveland Regional Meeting was held at T HE the Hotel Cleveland on October 12th and 13th. Many of the delegates began arriving on Friday evening, so that Saturday morning found the Registration table crowded with early arrivals. Mrs. Grace Haworth, with her able assistant, Helen Cook, supplied the delegates with attractive badges formed of the Alpha Sigma Alpha initials. The registration books were arranged according to states, which facilitated the work of the Committee. Our weather man was accommodating, and the autumnal sunshine helped to pep us all up.

Hotel Cleveland

At twelve, we were ready for luncheon, which was beautifully planned by the Alpha Gamma Chapter. Bowls of red roses and white carnations adorned the tables a11d were appropriate symbols of Columbus Day. Our charming hostess for this affair was Alice Moorhead. Her enthusiasm was reflected in the songs which were sung, and she graciously introduced our distinguished guests, among whom was the acting mayor of Cleveland, Mr. Henry Brainard. At two, the business session was called to order by Mrs. \tVilliam V. Kingdon, Regional Director. Dorothy Karrmann of the Indianapolis Alumn<e Chapter conducted Devotions. The Chairman of Hostesses, Mrs. Bernice DeTchon, welcomed us in a most cordial manner. Our Music Chairman, Mary Whitcraft, adviser of the Chi Chi chapter, presented two inspmng original songs which were rendered by three girls from the Chi Chi college chapter. We were indeed proud to have the two authors of these numbers present-Helen Selvage Noblitt of the Indi<:~-napolis Alumn<e Chapter, and Elizabeth Wolfe of the Chi Chi Chapter. Ruth Duffy of the Cleveland Alumn<e Chapter gave the address of the afternoon. Her subject was, "Reminiscences of A. S. A." As she took us back to

NovEMBER, 1940

those early days, he created in us a fervent desire to ''carry on' ' for Alpha Sigma Alpha. Tho e of us who had the privilege of being present will cherish the memories she revealed. \\'ilma Mae Wolf, Indianapolis Alumn<e Chapter, wa elected secretary to the regional meeting. The reports from the college and alumnce chapters showed growth and the fine record which are being made by the girls on campu , as well as the active part in community life our alumnre members are taking. Report were presented by the National Officers in attendance, Miss Evelyn G. Bell, President, and Trs. B. F. Leib, Editor; and Annette Pauswang reported the Alumn<e Loyalty Campaign, Sally Horter the Magazine Subscription Service, and Mrs. Bernice DeTchon the Fellowship Loan Fund. The last hour of the afternoon was devoted to Round Table discussions under the leadership of :\Iargaret Houston of the Buffalo Alumn<e Chapter, and Mary Jane Howard of Chi Chi. t seven, we all assembled in the banquet hall. The girls looked festive and beautiful in their attractive evening dresses, and the spirit of the occasion was reflected by those present. The members of Pi Pi chapter were our hostesses. The toastmistress, Betty Barber, vivaciously and cleverly introduced our own "celebrities," and our honor guest, Dorothy Stadler, Vice-President of Alpha Sigma Tau. Toasts stressing the various phases of growth were given by Vivian Sinclair. Angeline Yovich, Alma Molitor, Mary Jane Wilson, and Jane McDavitt; following these. Evelyn Bell, whom Buffalo and Pi Pi proudly claim, spoke on the theme, " Forward Alpha Sigma Alpha." After this joyous, social side of the program, we proceeded to the model initiation . Profound solemnity and dignity characterized that sacred ritual. The five initiates were Margaret Whitesell of .-\lpha Gamma; Madeline Yuells, Eudene Schenk, and Jean Kleppman of Pi Pi; and Janice Rate Marsh of Canton. This beautiful service inspired a renewed determination to "seek, a pire, attain." From twelve to one, the Oxford, Canton and Columbus Alumn<e chapters held "open house" in the Cleveland suite. Their hospitality was enjoyed by many, and after the strenuous program, it vvas relaxing to be admitted to their party in lounging pajamas. At 8:30 Sunday morning, Mu Mu chapter presided at a delightful breakfast. The tables looked lovely vvith their sprays of bittersweet. ~ o one there minded being deprived of a few

9 hours of rest, for the program was so well executed that it quickly annihilated the Sandman. M rs. Hazel Baker of the Detroit Alumnce gave us an exceptionally fine message. Each chapter delegate told her impressions, gained from the Regional Meeting, and which she would take back to her chapter. These brief talks gave many a constructive thought, and were interspersed with bits of sparkling humor. At ten we assembled for the final bu iness ses ion. Roll Call was given, and the minutes were read and accepted. Committee reports were presented and adopted. Then, as hand clasped hand, the strains of "The Shield of A. S. A." sounded a good-bye to this Regional Meeting of Alpha Sigma Alpha.


Pittsburgh Alumnre Chapter.

As I unpacked on Sunday night, each memento brought back a distinct picture. First, our splendid programs with the beautiful cover; then the gold badge, both of which started the Convention. The friendly keynote, which prevailed throughout, began at registration. The row of smiling faces was significant of those two days. Although from distant cities, we had a common bond; we were all A. S. A. sisters. For the grand programs and badges, I am grateful. Then I found the clever block print place card of the luncheon. It reminds me of the spirit of congeniality around each table as Alpha Sig's got acquainted, the spirit of hospitality expressed by the Cleveland chapter, and the honor of greetings by the acting mayor. For a grand opening luncheon I am grateful. The elegance of the programs for our formal banquet, brings back bright and sparkling thoughts. I remember the toasts, too, which related the well rounded development of A. S. A. girls . For that grand formal dinner, I am grateful. There, almost at the bottom of the pile of mementos was the bright spot of bitter-sweet on the breakfast place cards . Here, as the delegates related the high lights, we saw the Convention in retrospect. I recall all the wonderÂŁ ul things we experienced . For a grand closing breakfast, I am grateful. So I return to my Alumn<e chapter, inspired with a new loyalty and filled with new ideas. For belonging to Alpha Sigma Alpha, I am grateful.



New Orleans Regional Meeting, Nov. 2-3 activities were discussed: Fellowship Loan BYlightsNOWof A.theS. de-A. rority Fund by Joyce Newcomb, Magazine Subscripregional meetings are known to hundreds of Alpha Sigmas . T h e New Orleans Regional had all of them and more! For the regular regional program was rearranged to include the instaJlation of Beta Zeta chapter. T he N ationa! officer in charge, Mrs. B. F. Leib, and Roosevelt Hotel the Regional Director, M iss Manette Swett, had everything in readiness for registration when the A lpha Sigmas from Louisiana and M ississippi began arriving as early as seven o'clock on the momentous morning of November 2. Arrivals by train and motor cars awaited the comirig of the fourth regioners en masse. Suspense and excitement permeated the luxurious and friend ly atmosphere of the Hotel Roosevelt. Finall y, the buses rolled up at the hotel. Thirty-five girls came in a shining bus from Lafayette and almost as many by bus from Natchitoches. The attractive registration table buzzed with activity. The welcoming luncheon in charge of Beta Delta struck a note of brightness and friendliness. The tables were gay with autumnal decorations. There were unusually attractive place cards; the nut cups were little gold horn of plenty. At the speakers' table small footballs tied with gold ribbon and Hallowe'en figures emerging from decorative round gold boxes intrigued the guests . Mary Louise Barksdale vvas toastmistress. There were introductions of national and regional officers, and presentations of the chapters represented . It was a privilege to have as luncheon guest Mrs. Frank W. Prohl , mother of Mari lynn Prohl, chaplain of Chi Ch i chapter. The opening business session was presided over by Mrs. Leib. Devotions were conducted by Angie Dell Ballard of the Shreveport Alumnce Chapter. Ruth Martin, Beta Delta, and regional hostess, made the address of welcome. The response wa given by Manette Swett. The important business of the sessions was the presentation of national work, with Mrs. Leib giving the general reports on the National Council and Sorority Publi cations. The follow ing special so-

tion Service-Mary Louise Barksdale, A.lumnce Loyalty Campaign-Manette Swett. The ceremonials for Beta Zeta chapter were given the place of prominence on this regional program. They were climaxed by the beautiful banquet in honor of the new chapter. The banquet hall was resplendent with Alpha Sigma's crimson and wh ite. Crested red foil banquet programs reflected the gleam from candelabras, which held miniatures of the Phoenix and red candles . The luxurious floral beauty of the Southland was evidenced in the table bouquets of white and red. Favo rs we re presented each Beta Zeta member. Mrs. Leib was toastmi tress. Her introductory remarks set forth the theme of the banquet program, "Growth in Alpha Sigma Alpha. Toasts were given by Iva Blanche Butler, Psi Psi; Marcelle Davis, Beta Delta: Dorothy Colvin . Psi Psi; Geneva Richard, Beta Zeta; Joyce Newcomb, Beta Delta, and l\Irs. Sharp, ational Educational D irector. Emma Dell Mendoza spoke in appreciation on behalf of Beta Zeta. The banquet program culminated in the fo rmal installation of Beta Zeta chapter conducted by M r s. Sharp. The Sunday morning breakfast in charge of Psi Psi chapter was a happy, informal occasion, at which Ceci l Mae Caillouet presided. The individual programs were in the form of Alpha Sigma Alpha Memory Books, which carried out the general theme "For Auld Lang Syne." The meeting was gay with singing, a talk by Billie Cheves, "Impressions of My First Regional Conference," closing remarks by national officers, and autographing of the memory books. The time allotted for round table discussions passed far too quickly.' Sidney Gremi llion acted as presiding officer fo r the College Round Table and Angie Dell Balla rd for the Alumnce. The round tables were followed immediately by the closing session of the regional, with l\frs. Leib serving as presiding officer and Angie Dell Ballard as regional secretary. T here was a complete roll call of all registrants by Josephine Tarlton, Natchitoches A lumnce Chapter, who \Yas in charge of registration. :M ary A llen Caraway, Psi Psi, gave the report of the Resolution Commttee. Other business was completed. \ 1Vith much pride the regional convention body listened to the report of ou r Beta Zeta chapter, giYen by Emma Dell Mendoza. Too soon it was time for



l\1 r~. Sharp to review the significance of regional meets and for the ew Orleans regional to be brought to happy ending in characteristic Alpha Sigma manner and a ''See you at 路 Iational Convention in " ugust !" .\lpha igma ong had an important place in this rcaional. Singing at general e sions was led by :'lrarjorie Williamson, Beta Delta, and at the banquet by idney Gremillion, Psi Psi and Ruth 1\Iartin, Beta Delta. Virginia Downs, Psi Psi, \\'as the talented pianist who can play any tune requested. A new ong, "An Alpha Sig Cycle" by l\Iary K. Whitcraft, Chi Chi, was presented to the group. There were also original songs from Psi Psi chapter. And, believe it or not, \\'Orcls for a Beta Zeta chapter song fresh from the pen of Jessie L. Keep! Yes, the Tew Orleans Regional Meet had delio路hts in "good measure, pressed down and run-


mng over.'' Even the leave-taking of the two bu e bound for the return trip to Lafayette and Natchitoche had an extra flourish of excitement. As the buses were loading, our efficient Regional Officer, Mrs. Leib, had the two huge signs which welcomed Alpha Sigma 路 to the Roo evelt removed from their high stations at the hotel entrance, to be "carried back home" by the chapters. The ew Orleans Regional ended with all of Alpha Sigma Alpha rejoicing in its new Beta Zeta chapter. The spirit of the regional was expressed in a telegram receved from Miss Keep upon arrival in Lafayette: "All's well that ends well. Happy girls arrived safely." So a happy ending has become a significant beginning. Alpha Sigma Alphas run down the curtain on our 1940 regional meetings, confident that we are "Forward, on our way!'' T

National Council Conference and W


HE National Council of Alpha Sigma Alpha held their conference at the South Shore Inn at Lake \1\Tawasee, Indiana, the week of July 15th. The only member of the council who was absent was Miss Mary Mae Paul, National Registrar; whose illness prevented her attendance.

Front Row-Thelma Moyer, V\Tilma Sharp, Genevieve Lcib. Back Row-Evelyn Bell, Esther Bucher, Poll y Schlosser.

Reports were given by each otlicer giving a comprehensive report of their work since the 1938 1'\ational Convention. Reports of the National Chairman were also given. As a result of these reports and in an attempt to follow some of the recommendations contained therein the Council tried to do some long term planning that will more effectively aid in carrying through some of our big objectives for 1940-

1941. Some of the accomplishments of this meeting are listed topically:

College Chapters 1. Our fall class of pledges were the recipients of a new Pledge Manual. year Wilma Sharp worked over the Manual we had been using since 1935 and the revised material was prepared for publication. 2. For a long time Alpha Sigma Alpha has felt the need of a rushing pamphlet. We trust the one prepared will give the chapters some valuabe information to aid them in rushing. 3. The Pledge Training period will be divided into three parts-(1) an intensive six weeks' study course devoted to sorority material following which an examination will be given to all pledges; (2) Social training based on the A. S. A . publication "Social Precedents and Sorority Ethics" with the test booklets as a check; (3) Study periods devoted to Parliamentary Procedure. These study courses and examinations for first and second year A . S. A.'s were prepared by the council. 4. Many college chapters have included forums among their program meetings for the year. Suggestions for four forum groups were prepared for the chapters to use as their programs permit. 5. There are very few chapters that haven't



changed their advisers in the last few years. With each change many questions have arisen involving national policies as well as powers belonging to an adviser. A Handbook for Advisers was discussed and is being edited by Wilma Sharp.

National Convention and Regional Meetings The National Council has been most eager to 路select a site 'for our 1941 convention that would be central for a majority of our chapters. Although we have favored resort places since 1932, for our next meeting we decided on the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago which really affords us a resort atmosphere in a centrally located city. Our convention manager is Miss Helen Corey of Kappa Kappa chapter. Plans were completed for the three remaining Regional Meetings, at Kansas City, Cleveland and New Orleans, and for the installation of Beta Zeta chapter as a part of the Regional Meeting in New Orleans.

Extension and Inspection These topics received their share of discussion, and it was the decision of the council that personal contacts of members do much to open fields for l ational Sororities. Only eight of our college chapters remain to be inspected before convention time. This means that in the three-year period all of our college chapters have been visited as well as many alumnce groups.

Alumnae Loyalty Campaign During the coming year we are mighty anxious to bring all of our alumnce into closer contact with A. S. A. through an organized drive. Our Alumnce chapters still only touch a small percentage of our members and we need to reach the girls in outlying regions who never have any direct word of Alpha Sigs after they leave school. It was pointed out that our girls move around a great deal and to keep an up-to-date address file is a real problem. Our PHOENix carries a page for noting such changes and yet the returns are few. We are having some blanks printed for our alumnce chapters and we trust that they will be returned promptly. If any changes in address come to your attention may we have these to keep up our national records?

Some of our college chapters need organized alumnce help in their respective localities. In some cases there are more than eight alumnce but otily a few are interested in helping to organize an alumnce chapter. In other communities where there are only four or five Alpha Sigs it was suggested that it would help if these members could meet informally and keep up an active interest in A. S. A. until they meet the requirements for a chartered chapter.

Publications 1. Complying with government regulations

Alpha Sigma Alpha will publish a small issue of the PHOENIX next January. The Council decided to have this take the form of a news sheet soliciting personal items from Alumnre and collegians. A. S. A. is contributing to three Interfraternity publications- Banta's Greek Exchange, Fraternity Month and Career, W. P. P. A. news organ. We like to have A. S. A. news in each issue but at times we do not have items that appeal to the editors. A. S. A. needs to know more about her members and what they are doing. "Names . make news" and it was decided this form of publicity is very valuable.

National Rulings Our college chapters are faced with the problem of "inactive members" -girls who decide their senior year to take no active part in sorority activities, assume no financial responsibilities and yet capitalize on their affiliation with A. S. A. during the three preceding years. The National Council, at the request of our college chapters, passed a ruling five years ago dealing with such members. Although it helped a little we still find this a serious matter on several campi. Through the adviser we are informing the chapter that A . S. A. has no arrangement whereby members can become inactive. If the adviser reports any non-affiliated members in the chapter then National will deal directly with the individual. By Sunday, July 21st, the Council members were ready for some relaxation and so they were happy to welcome eleven members of the Indianapolis Alumnce Chapter, who drove to Lake Wawasee to see their National Officers. The picture on the following page shows your officers and visitors from Indianapolis .

NoVEMBER, 1940

National Officers and members of the In.dianapolis Alumn;:e Chapter.


Indianapolis Alumn;:e Chapter

It was a beautiful day, the day we went to see members of our National Council in meeting at Lake Wawasee. The afternoon was the loveliest time, when we sat and drank in all the peace and beauty of the blue sky with its white clouds, and deeper shadings of the water,- aqua, and a deeper hue that merged with the heavens at the horizon. The sailboats moved about, gracefully . as swans. Only the drone of a motor broke the calm. We inquired about the great seaplane that flew overhead, sometimes landing on the waters. Vve were told that this lake may be made a naval base, a location for training young men in the tactics of flying. Even here IS a threat to beauty and peace. But our Council's accomplishments of that week, the fellowship of girls with high purpose and fine ideals, the happiness of clays shared and goals reached go to forge a bond that will withstand any stress. The forces represented by planes and arms will falter and fail before the spirit of love and unity that we in fraternity know. If we will live in that spirit, the wings of war over vVawasee, and over all the world, will one happy day come to rest.

ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA'S EDITOR ATTENDS MEETING OF THE FRATERNITY EDITOR'S ASSOCIATION On Saturday, August 17, your editor, Genevieve S. Leib, attended the annual midwestern meeting of fraternity and sorority editors which was held at the Kungsholm Restaurant in Chicago, Following a very excellent Smorgasbord dinner, the meeting was called to order by Mr. C. W. May, President of the Fraternity Editors Association and executive secretary and editor of Kappa Alpha. Mr. Paul B. Nelson, editor and publisher of The Scholastic Editor, and a member of Sigma Delta Chi, was the speaker of the evening. Mr. Chester Cleveland of Sigma Chi was in charge of arrangements and acted as host to the party.

WELCOME BETA ZETA CHAPTER Plan now for Alpha Sigma Alpha I 路ational Convention August 4 - 8th



Alpha Sigma Alpha Scholarships NEW XI XI SCHOLORSHIP FUND

enough for giv ing her the scholarship. Because I thought my far off sisters might like to see the recipient, I am sending her picture. You will see by this that she is blond and beautiful (but far from dumb) . Xi X i girls are so pleased by their recipient that th eir des ires for more and bigge r scholarships are highly stimulated, a11d we A lpha Sigs way out here on the Pacific know that we have the best wishes of all our Alpha S ig sisters.

ALPHA AWARD The A lpha Sigma Alpha award of $15.00 to the all-round Freshman girl in the School of Education was presented to Miss Harriet Eaton, Ashland , Kentucky. Harriet had an Oxford Coll ege Scholarship last year as a F reshman and made a place for her self immediately.

College .Activities l\liami U niversity 1939-40. Secretary Y. vV.

C. A. for 1940-41. Member of Westminster Stu-

Helen Frances Holden

dent Fellowship Cabinet. Sophomore counselor, 1940-41. Owens-Sophomore service honorary Oxford College Scholarship, to Miami, given to Seniors in H. S . who have high standing. School of Education-major in M usic Education.

Xi X i girls really had reasons for shouting with joy when this new semester started . During the summer a dream of long standing was realized. The last bit of money was raised for a gift cholarship, and was presented to the Dean of \1\Tomen' s office to in turn be given a girl who met the list of qualifications set up by the chapter. The girls had planned that in order to be eligible for the scholarship the recipient should: 1. Be a new sophomore. 2. Be studying for the teaching profession . 3. Be needy and worthy. 4. Have carried a minimum of 14 units a semester and have made at least a C average. The true reali zati on of the scholarship's meaning, however, came just after the opening of school this September when a letter from the Dean was received telling us that our scholarship had been presented to Miss Helen F ranci s Holden, a sophomore girl studying to be an art teacher. She had carried 28 units during the year and had 48 grade points. U pon meeting Helen, we found her to be a most attractive blond girl with a lovely personality, and she could not thank us Alpha Sigs

Harriet Eaton

NovEMBER, 1940


Interesting Alpha Sigs JULIA E. LANCASTER Em~oR's ~OTE;

Alpha Sigma Alpha tak~s pride in prescntmg th1s bnef account of the work of Julia E. Lancaster, former editor of the PHOENIX.

.For the past two years I have been an Orthoptic Technician, working for a group of ophthalmologists in San Francisco. This is a very new field of work. It has recently been placed under the direction of a Jational Council of Ophthalmologists, who set the standards of training for technicians and give examination to qualified candidates. This is to keep the work from being exploited by unethical and unscrupulous people, as has happened in the past, when the work was first introduced from England.

Orthoptics consists of training people, mostly children, to use their two eyes together correctly. It can sometimes cure cross-eyes, and sometimes is used in connection with the operation on the eyes. In other types of cases headaches are relieved . There was an interesting article on the work in Reader's Digest last spring. At present the work is being done in only a few large cities, and training can be secured only in New York. I have found it a very fascinating field, with just enough pioneering in new techniques and study of the individual patient to keep me on my mettle.

IDA A. JEWETT Among the outstanding Alpha Sigma lpha members is Ida A. Jewett, now Professor of English in Columbia University, in the City of New York. As an early member

of Kappa Theta Psi, in Kirksville, Missouri, she took active part in the many steps required to transform the local sorority into Alpha Beta Chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha. A reading of the early issues of THE PHOENIX will show how large a part she played in the early history of our organization : first as faculty adviser for Alpha Beta Chapter;, then as National Vice-President, and later as National Editor of THE PHOENIX. Her name was one of the fir~t to appear on the HONOR ROLL LIFE MEMBERSHIP, a method by which the sorority was able to meet the heavy financial strain of its early days. Her interest in her sorority has been constant; for still, during her busy days at Teachers College, Columbia University, she finds time to welcome Alpha Sigma Alphas and Delta Delta Deltas coming to New York and to meet frequently with the New York City Alumna= Chapter. Miss Jewett's apprenticeship as teacher and superintendent in public high schools and her broad scholarship acquired through study at four


A merican colleges and 路at Cambridge and O xford, in E ngland, have admirably fitted her for continued advancement in her chosen ca reer as P rofessor of E nglish. She has taught in three institutions where she had ea rlier obta ined degrees: K irksv ille, l\l issouri, State Teacher s College, the U ni ver sity of l\I issouri , and Columbia U ni versity. To knovv l\I iss Jewett professionally one need onl y follow the activities of th e Nati onal Council of Teachers of E ngli sh, in whi ch she has for some years been cha irman of the Committee on E ducation of Teachers of E ngli sh, a nd to whose magazine, T he E uglish Jou.rnal, she is a frequent contributor. To know M iss J ewett sociallywell, just call upon her when you are in New York. Don't let her P h. D . or th e P hi Beta K appa, P i L ambda T heta, Kappa Delta P i, o r Delta Kappa Gamma, or oth er keys whi ch she is entitled to wear awe you. Her P h. D. does not mean , as is sometimes the case, "petticoa t hanging down" '; she is ve ry human a nd "folk y," will be so glad to see you and will want to know you, what you a re doing. and just how thi ngs are in JVI issouri , Boston, Cali fo rnia, or wherever you hail f rom.

M iss V irginia Blake was awa rded twenty-five dollars by th e A lumni Association of the school. Beside being a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha, V irginia is a member of K appa Delta P i, scholastic honora ry society; N u Lambda Sigma, literary society; a nd served as vice-pres ident of Alpha, honor society for extra curricular activites in th e school. Virginia also received the Bishop Honor Medal. M rs. W illiams, the fo rmer E lizabeth Bishop, for whom th e medal was named, returned to th e school for the fir st time since she left sixteen yea rs befo re a nd presented the medal personall y. V irginia was adjudged by faculty and students to possess outstandin g character, leade rshi p and scholarship.

BETH HARKNESS, Tau Tau Missionary to China O n July 27 th e acti ves and alumnce of T au Tau chapter said their goodbyes to Beth Harkness who was soon to leave fu r China. A t the end of th e Iinth Annual Local Conventi on of T au Tau chapter a dinner was given in her honor. Although all of us are sorry to see her leaye we

E. VIRGINIA BLAKE A djudged th e most outsta nding seni or girl at the State Teacher College, Buffa lo. N. Y.,

all knew that it was Beth 's eager desire to be an E pi scopal church teacher - mi ssionary at S hanghai. Beth for th e last two years has been a teacher at St . M ary's H igh School for Indian crirls at Springfi eld, South Dakota. For the ne~t four years, if war conditions permit, she will be in S hanghai, China, teaching at t. Mary's Hall for Chinese girls.



BETTY MOORE Detty 1oo re, Emporia Alumna of Epsilon Epsilon chapter of Alpha Sigma lpha, was voted and cro\\'ned Festival Queen May 9th, at the celebration of the dedication of the Empo ri a new Civic Auditorium. At the crowning, Betty was attended by ix girls who were also contestants. She was preceded to the throne by a little boy herald who blew a trumpet, and a little girl who carried the crown. Two small girl s carried her train.

Mr. Rankin, an amateur photographer, was taking pictures of a orority hou. e. The sorority was entangled in the mid 路t of a rush party. Miss Ladner, five feet two inches of feminine pulchritude, was cavorting about the hou se when the trained eye of Mr. Rankin, a talent cout during spare moments, fell on her. As he told Miss Ladner, afterward s, he was familiar enough with photography to realize she was the photogenic type. What we know about the photogenic type you could put in your grandmother's thimble. That is neither here nor there, however. Mr. Rankin, a pleasant chap, invited Barbara, and her mother, M rs. Ethel Ladner, to the Broadview Hotel to take pictures of Barbara. These are to be sent to the MGM studio at Hollywood. If, in fact, Mr. Rankin's judgment of Barbara's photogeniacy is correct, she might make the team in Hollyvvood. 1\Iiss Ladner impresses Rankin as being the typical college type. To our simple, over-worked brains, Barbara probably is the typical Betty Co-Eel, but with an additional something the run of the mill Betty doesn't have. Some call it 路'oomph" as in Ann Sheridan. At any rate, it isn't altogether on the surface. Despite Lady Luck's deposit, Barbara has no illusions as to the betting odds against her. If her photographs are approved by the boys in Hollywood, she will, through the grace of MGM, go to Hollywood for a bonafide screen test. If thi s hurdle is passed, M iss Ladner will receive six months' training then another screen test, then additional training. It is all very confusing. PHYLLIS H uG HES .

.-\. a prize she received a two weeks' EasternSouthern Canadian Tour. O ne of Betty's most thrilling experiences was staying overnight at the \\'aldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City.

LUCK MAY LEAD TO SCREEN FAME FOR BABS LADNER OF EPSILON EPSILON Coincidence and Fairy Godmothers labored hand in hand a few clays ago to give Barbara Ladner. Alpha Sigma A lpha pledge, an opportunity for somethi ng bigger and better. \\"illiam Rankin, Metro- Goldwin- Mayer 1\'riter who wrote such famous scripts as "Boys Town." has been in Emporia gathering materi~ l on the life of William Allen White for a forthcoming movie.

MADAME PRESIDENT, Pi Pi Chapter To our Alpha Sig sisters in every part of our country, may we present Norma vVilliams. "Normy," as she is usually called, has been hailed by an occasional "prexy., since last March when she was elected to the presidency of Pi Pi chapter. Sweet, sincere, and with a kind word for everyone, Norma has made Pi Pi justly proud of her. Normy came to State in the fall of 1937 from Rome, New York. Her desire to get into things prompted her to join the "Y" vvhere she was made her class representative on the "Y' ' Student Loan Fund Committee, a job she still holds. In the fall of 1938 No rma was ru shed to


many soront1es, and after due consideration she pledged Alpha Sigma Alpha. Because her first months in Alpha Sig proved that she possessed the leadership, the enthusiasm and the zeal especially necessary in an officer, she was elected vicepresident in the spring of 1939. Besides being loved by the whole sorority, I orma is well known to the whole campus. She served the Junior class as one of its two attendants to the Queen of the May Court. Topping this was her gracious reign over the Junior Prom as its Queen. Scholastically-well, who wouldn't be proud of a straight A average 路 in practice teaching? With all the cooperation and enthusiasm, for which Pi Pi chapter is noted, behind Normy, we are looking for a year better than all the best years we have been enjoying. VIRGINIA Cono.




Boston Alumnre Chapter

On the twenty-eighth of April, W. P. P . A. held a tea at the Hotel Statler in Boston, Massachusetts. This was the first meeting of the W. P. P . A. in Boston so we took the opportunity to get acquainted with members of the other member sororities in -this VlCilllty. There were representatives from the eight member sororities. The committee had planned a very interesting entertainment, given by members of the Speech Arts and Music sororities mainly. Cora E. Craven of AK~ was the Chairman of the meeting. The members voted to organize a Boston chapter of W. P. P. A. The committee, which is made up of a delegate from each Active and Alumn<e Chapter, is to plan meetings for the commg year. I trust that other Alpha Sigs will have a chance to become acquainted with members of ,W . P. P. A. and the magazine, Career, sponsored by this organization . We will find that there is a still greater enrichment to come to us by increasing our interest in other professions through this new avenue, which was opened to us this year.

KAPPA KAPPA CHAPTER "Oh we mop 'em up in English . And we mop 'em up in Math, We mop 'em up in everything That's in our path ." 路w hen the Kappa Kappa girls were singing these lines of "Hoi-Polloi" the other evening as we were all sitting around the clubroom curled up not only on the couch and chairs, but on pillows all over the floor too, we began thinking how these words ring true in so many of the Alpha Sig chapters today. After elections had rolled in and out again last spring we were pleased to learn the Kappa Kaps were again sitting on top of the campus, keeping up this tradition, , Kay Lutton, our Panhellenc Representative, certainly crowned herself with glory by being elected an officer in so many different organizations. She is president of Magnet Senior Honor Society, Chaplain of Astron Senior Honor Society, President of the Early Childhood and Elementary Education Club, treasurer of Women's League, and press representative of the \i\Tomen's Chorus. Our chapter president, Evelyn \i\Tolf, has been elected Senior Class Representative to Student Commission and President of the 路w omen's Athletic Association. Three out of four officers in the vV. A. A. are Kappa Kappas. Besides having Evie for

NovEMBER, 1940

president, i Mylin is secretary, and EIJen McConnell is Treasurer. 1 and Ellen are both officers in Women's Chorus too. Ellen is president and Sis secretary. Everyone is saying that the Temple Handbook is practically an Alpha Sig publication. Charlotte Kriebel was made editor-in-chief; ally FoxhaiJ i organizations editor; Sis Mylin, \iVomcn's sports editor; Betty Hardy associate editor; Jeanne Hawley and Evelyn Roos, assistant editors. There were very few other positions for girl to get. In the Templar, Evelyn Roos was made organizations editor; Clara Helen Rice, sorority editor, and Peggy Martin, activities editor. The A. A. 's certainly are represented on the publications. Perhaps this is enough talk about our girls who have been elected to places of honor, but if we can be excused for bragging, just a little bit, we'll mention the others too. Frances Parry is Junior Class Representative and recording secretary of Student Commission. Jane Evans is president of Delta Phi Upsilon, Childhood Education Honor Society, and Jean Baker is president of Secondary Education Students Association. Jeanne MacDaniels is corresponding secretary of Student Christian Association; I guess that is all there are, but we feel the girls have done pretty well by themselves. Don't you? CH.\RLOTTE KRIEBEL, Editor, Kappa Kappa.

A NU NU RETURNS It isn't often that an Alpha "alum" comes back as an active member of her college chapter but one of N u N u's "alums" did just that. Y e~, Miss Phoebe Maxfield, a member of the Class of '37, was installed as adviser to our chapter in June. ince her graduation, Miss Maxfield has shown a keen interest in all chapter activities, and when she came back to Drexel in 1938 to assume the responsibility which her position as hostess and secretary in the new Student Union building entails, she frequently attended meetings and otherwise kept informed about sorority "doings .. , Everyone on campus who knows Miss Maxfield , and there are very few who don't, realizes her capability. And the charm and grace with which she executes every task have endeared her to faculty and students alike. In addition to being a stellar figure around

Drexel, Mis Maxfield is an active member of the Philadelphia lumna! Chapter. Her affiliations with that branch of lpha S igma lpha have served to bind the two closer together. In recognition of all she mean to us we Iu u's welcome Miss Maxfield, and in recognition of her value to the orority as a whole we introduce her to you.

NU NU'S SPRING WEEK-END Rain acted in its traditional manner way back in the Spring, but it didn't discourage N u N u's actives and pledges-they carried tradition one step further and packed off to Ocean City, . ]., for their annual week-end at that resort. After a long drive during which the sun played hide and seek, we proudly took possession of the Hotel Biscayne-yes, the only guests in the hotel. But even the homey atmosphere couldn't keep us inside. Thirty strong we tramped out to see what there was to see on a pre-season week-end in Ocean City. And, to fulfill its threats, the ' rains came." You can't keep the Alpha Sig's down, however, so in defiance we took to the " boards." Various and sundry amusements formed Saturday afternoon's entertainment. Some of us gazed longingly at the ocean thinking of our suits spending the afternoon in our suitcases, and others of us went window shopping or rode the carousel. After dinner, at which we entertained other diners with Alpha Sig songs, we decided to try our skill on roller skates. To our amazement, we found that we weren 't too bad. With our "Mommy" Macintyre to cheer us from the sidelines and with Miss Natalie Edwards and Miss Maxfield, our past and present advisers, to compete with us, we rolled around for three hours despite all warnings about aching muscles on the morrow. And so to bed-after a round of room parties and a few games of the inevitable bridge, with dreams of seeing the sun rise on Sunday. 路 We soon saw it couldn't be; so we resigned ourselves to our fate-the boardwalk and the ram. After a wonderful dinner we started home. Of course, the sun came out when we were thirty miles from Ocean City. We didn't. get any pictures to tell the story. The beach and, yes, the sun were things we didn't even see, but the memories of all the fun are compensation enough. And the rain? We loved it! RoBERTA \iVILSON.



ALPHA'S HOUSE PARTY The last week in June found Virginia Beach just overrun with Alpha Sigs - well, at least there were every one of twenty-five giving the place an air of distinction. Um-Oh happy memories of a much too short house party! Our girls really got around, too. Polly, our president, declares she. was chaperone, but don't her. She was dancing at the Surf Club, making time with the life guards, in the ocean for a clip, or getting a snack at "Duck's" (the place to go ) with the rest of 'em. Those moonlight nights on the water must have been as effective as they're reputed to be, as "Fudge," last year's president, and our vicepresident, "Betty," came back sporting pins other than their A. S. A. ones-l'amour, l'amour. Oh, it was all a week at a lovely resort could be and more. Oh happy thought, just eight more months till June and house party week again! SHIRLEY McCALLEY, Editor.


Cha·i rman

Alpha Sigma Alpha is very proud of the Fellowship Loan Fund, and the help and encouragement it has been able to extend to some of our college girls. By voluntary contributions from college and alumnce chapters this fund has grown from $26 to over $5,000. This has made possible ninety-six loans in fourteen years. In the past two years, the percentage of contributing chapters has been very high. Contributions which were received too late for publication in the annual May PHOENIX list are Des Moines, Sigma Sigma, Phi Phi, New York City, Rho Rho, Maryville. . This is a Regional year and contributions will be listed by regions. Will your region be a 100% contributing region this year? Not in the usual way but by cooperating with the new venture we are taking into the Magazine Subscription field. Read carefully, the announcement in this issue. That the Fellowship Loan Fund is to be .increased by the earnings of this promising enterprise, will mean that more money will be available to our fine, responsible college members who need financial aid to augment their college budgets. "Every Alpha Sig a Subscriber" is our slogan. NATIONAL FELLOWSHIP WEEK FEBRUARY 14-21

Traveling Alpha Sigs Report A BETA BETA TRAVELS Glorious days are those spent during a \'acation trip! Beta Beta's rush captain, Peggy Cullen traveled over four thousand miles with her fa~1ily in a period of two weeks . The beginning of the trip was at her home in Rawlins, \1\Tyoming. Traveling west, the first stop was Salt Lake City. In this beautiful city she heard the enormous organ and well-trained choir at the Mormon Temple. She also viewed the largest ballroom in the world, the Cocoanut Grove. The following day was spent in taking in the majestic beauty of Zion National Park, colorful Bryce Canyon •ational Park, and Cedar Brooks rational Monument. Then on to Boulder Dam, the man-made wonder. Finally she reached California, the state of many climates. Los Angeles was the chosen city for a week's stay. The time was spent in theaters, on the beaches, and on sight-seeing excursions. All of her experiences here are too numerous to mention. Later she saw Stanford University at Palo Alto, the University of California at Berkley, the San Francisco Exposition, including Billy Rose's Aquacade, which is indeed a marvelous production. From here she went up California's beautiful coastline to the Redwood region in northern California and Oregon. Then she went to the Crater Lake r a tiona! Park in Oregon and from there she went home to Wyoming.


Bela . Zeta

Amazement, wonder, thrills-these are just a few of the sensations we experienced during the twenty-eight days of our vacation trip with Mother and Daddy. We arose at 3 :30 on the morning of July 2nd so that we could get an early start on our tour. Arising at such an early hour was faintly reminiscent of semester exams-only this time \\'e displayed much more eagerness in getting out of bed. After two days' driving we arrived in St. Louis, Missouri. It was our good fortune to attend the opera "Rio Rita" which was presented in the outdoor theater in Forrest Park. We were ' very impressed by the number of people who attended the opera and surprised to learn that



some had arrived at 5 :30 in order that they might obtain seats for 8 :00. Several days later we reached Lake Erie. We drove along the hore as far as Buffalo. There we eros ed into Canada and visited iagara Falls. They are more beautiful than any pictures one sees of them. The mi t which forms as a result of the 180-foot drop of the water is a magnificent sight. To our regret we had to leave Niagara much too soon. Our next week of thrills and new experiences was in New York City. The week was spent sight-seeing in the daytime, attending programs or stage shows at night and getting little Jeep in between times. There were so very many places we wanted to see! Our sightseeing tours included these places-the Statue of Liberty, Columbia University, the R. C. A. Building, the Municipal Auditorium in Rockefeller Center, Music Building, LaGuardia Air Port, the shops on Fifth Avenue, the World's Fair, Pennsylvania Station, Grand Central Station, Coney Island, Riverside Church, and the Little Church Around the Corner. The memories of that week in New York City will remain with us for a long time. Philadelphia was our next destination. We visited historical Independence Hall and the Betsy Ross house. From there we drove to Washington, D. C. We visited the Capitol, the Pan-American Library, the Smithsonian Institute, the Congressional Library, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial and Arlington Cemetery. Washington has so many centers of interest to us that we wanted to remain longer, but our vacation time was growing shorter. We visited Mount Vernon, the home of Washington. Since our early school days we have been hearing and reading of these historical landmarks and were quite happy to have this opportunity of seeing them . Then began our journey southward and homeward. One beautiful drive was the henandoah Park Sky Line Drive. The mountains especially were impressive to us who live in a mountainless country. We passed through such interesting cities as Asheville, Atlanta, Mobile, Biloxi, and Louisiana's own New Orleans on our trip home to Crowley, Louisiana. We enjoyed every minute of the trip to its fullest. Probably many of you are familiar with some of the places we have mentioned. We hope those of you who have not visited these places may have the opportunity to do so soon.




Hello A. S. A.'s Everywhere: It seems that I am so in the habit of wntmg for THE PHOENIX that I just can't break away, after two years of corre pondence which I really did enjoy, that now I'm going to tell you about the high lights of my summer. And I've really had a grand summer seeing the Golden Gate International Exposition, Y ellovvstone Park as well as many other interesting pots 111 our Golden West. My first interesting experience was helping with a Brownie Scout Day Camp early in June at Alva. The month I spent in Idaho was really enjoyable. While there, I saw Craters of the Moon National Monument. This monument contains several acres of craters, from small to very large, and solidified lava and cinders. Some of those formations were really interesting, especially Washington Profile which was really a good likeness. Also in Idaho I saw Shoshone Falls which fall a greater distance than Niagara. In Idaho I saw Sun Valley which so resembles the Alps that parts of "I l\!Iet Him in Paris" were taken there. The Shoshone Ice Caves in Southern Idaho were a surprise to me. After having walked for some distance over cinders and solidified lava on a desert land we went down into a cave, the floor of which is level perpetual ice. There were three chambers and the larg-est was 100 feet by 60 feet by 30 feet ending in a sheer solid ice wall, beyond which are unexplored subterranean opemngs. We were in Yellowstone Park for July Fourth, and I shall never forget the grandeur and the marvelous works of nature. Probably most of you have seen Old Faithful in action, the Paint Pots and the Grand Canyon. I wonder if there is another place anywhere that makes one feel the insignificance of man in face . of such wonderful examples of God's illimitable power as some of the wonders of Yellowstone. Such beauty and delicate coloring in such array is beyond the wildest imagination of one who has not seen it there. Some other marvels there were the Morning Glory Pool and Mammoth Hot Springs. How I loved it all! Even our being charged by an enraged Mother Grizzly when we inadvertently drove between her and her twin cubs did not serve to 路take away the rapture I felt. Yosemite was grand but it didn't compare at all with Yellowstone. From Idaho, I went to San Francisco and



Treasure Island, the scene of the Golden Gate International Expo ition. I wonder how many of vou were there, and saw the Phoenix, the emblem of San Francisco's having emerged from the flames a better and grander city. Of course, being an A. S. A., I liked their Phoenix atop their theme building, the Tower of the Sun. And I liked their account of the legend! My love of history certainly made "America, Cavalcade of a Nation" a truly living experience. Other than the Cavalcade, the Sermon From Science .by the Moody Bible Institute was the most impressive experience for me there. I truly enjoyed most of the foreign exhibits, too. Not all my time was spent on Treasure Island, however, but my ferry boat rides going over there were reminiscent of the many times I've gone back and forth daily across the Bay via Ferry to attend the University of California. China Town is a place that always holds much ch~rm for me. And I spent some pleasant times there shopping and eating their food. But I believe the Aquarium in Golden Gate Park held as much interest for me as any of San Francisco's places of interest. From all this letter I'm sure you've reached the conclusion that I am really a nature lover. The Conservatorium, with all the varieties of flowers such as California can have with little effort, drew me back again. My summer in California would not have been complete without my going to Fisherman's vVharf, to see the fishermen's fleet come in, and to Fleischacker's Zoo. On the wharf I saw the three-masted boat that has been shown in a number of movies "Captain Courageous," "Mutiny on the Bounty" and several others. Neither my time nor yours will permit me to tell all my summer's experiences, but, I'm sure, by now, that you've gathered that I had a lovely time and learned many useful and impressive lessons that ought to help me in my work and in serving others. And now I'm very enthusiastic over the Alpha Sig Convention at Kansas City and my visit there with Minnie Wesley Clark, an alumna of Gamma Gamma.




Boston Alumn;.e Chapter

In some paper mills, visitors are very cordially welcomed, such as the Great Northern in Madison, Maine, and the Seaboard Paper Mill in Buckport, Maine, but the Eastern Manufac-

turing Company in Brewer, Maine, limits the number of visitors to about one hundred a year. l\!Iy party received its permit from the VicePresident of the Company. The "Eastco," the abbreviated form of Eastern Manufacturing Company, will not permit their visitors to visit their electrolysis plant, where they prepare chlorine gas and the by-product, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) from the salt water of the Penobscot River. The chlorine gas is used to purify the water used in washing the fibers and also in the preparation of a special chlorine compound for bleaching the fiber . There is only one other paper making concern in the United States that has produced a bleachng compound that can equal the results of the "Eastco' 路 secret bleach. The sodium hydroxide or caustic soda, the by-product, is used in the preparation of rayon. This company sells this substance and also sheets of pulp fibers to rayon companies. These are by-products for the "Eastco," because its main product is a very high-grade bond paper. The first step in making paper is the cutting of the logs. These logs are peeled in the woods in the month of June, when the sap has dried and the bark can be removed in one step. Then they are brought down to the mill either by being floated down the river or by being carried by boat from Nova Scotia. Some of the mills have a "hot pot," where the logs are washed, thawed in the winter with hot water, and sorted. Logs with knots and bad spots are sent to a special part of the wood room where these poor parts are cut out by special types of machines. The next process is the chipping of the logs by machines called "chippers." These chips are screened and the sawdust is used as fuel for the large steam boilers in the plant. The chips are now dumped into the "digestor" which may vary in size from a capacity of eighteen tons to a capacity of twenty-four tons. Here the chips are treated with special chemicals and live steam until all the soluble part of the chips is dissolved, leaving the cellulose fibres. This process is sometimes called the sulphite method. When all of the chips have been acted upon, they "blow" the "digestor," which means that a valve at the base is opened and the material is forced out a small opening causing the stream to strike a metal screen, in the washing vat, with terrific pressure. The impact breaks the mass of fibers up into single strands.



After this has been wa heel thoroughly, leaving no acid, the fibers are then ready to go to the bleaching room. On their return from this room, they are extremely white and soft and look very much like cotton batting. At this point, various length fibers along with the dye, if they are making colored paper, are put in the mixers, where they are mixed thoroughly, before flowing out onto the paper machines. The paper machine has a very fine wire mesh creen on which this mixture flows. The water is sucked out by suction and the fibers pread by the vibration of the mesh screen. This leaves a sheet of paper, which is still damp. To dry it, it is run over a series of steam-heated rollers. As it is rolled at the end of the rollers, it may be cut into different lengths by arranging the cutting blades at definite points. These rolls of paper are then run through machines, which cut single sheets and which pile them. If they are making lined paper, it goes through another machine which has hollow pins arranged at definite distances apart. The ink is feel to the pins by means of capillary attraction along little threads which clip into the ink and are attached to the pins. The finishing room is a very interesting place to visit and each paper mill has some new process or finishing method that is worth seeing. I have vi itecl three different plants and have found something entirely different to learn about some process or finishing method in each mill .



During the month of Augu st my si ter, \lice, and I had an interesting motor trip over the ky Line Drive to Williamsburg, Virginia, Philadelphia, New York and the World's Fair; and then on to Cape Cod where we stayed at Chatham along the shore for ten clays. We had hoped to see Martha Rosebrook Tomlinson, AA, who lives in Elizabeth, N ew Jersey, but our plans did not materialize. On the return home through northern Pennsylvania we came over to Girard, Ohio, to see Frances Heuer Nutt. You will be happy to know Frances has not changed and she is very enthusiastic about her home and small daughter, Carol. Carol was entertammg herself by making mud-pies on the front steps. She's a darling and you would love to see her. Vve then motored around Youngstown to the south and called on Dorothy Yelton Conner in Poland, Ohio. Dorothy has not changed at all and it scarcely seems possible her daughter is in the fifth grade. Her son is a bit younger; both are delightful children. Her home is attractive and Dorothy keeps busy with her family and outside activities. She and 路the children spent last summer in California visiting the two grandmothers. She said Emilie was teaching in Riverside, California, where she and her mother live. She wishes the families were not so far away. How nice it is seeing old friends again!


We're Everywhere! It's in the Air! Welcome Sister Newcomers NATCHITOCHES, LOUISIANA ALUMNAE CHAPTER

Charter Members Lucia Alcock Clio Allen (M rs.) Jessie Jones Bernard Dorothy Colvin MANETTE SWETT President

(Mrs.) Rosemary Thomas Easley Frances Mae Faurnet (Mrs.) Ma rj orie lVIae F redericks Claire Hargis Dorothy Kilgore La Verne Killen (M rs.) Ruth E. Alcock Normand Marguarite Sutton Manette Swett Josephine Tarlton (Mrs .) Irene Crawfo rd Wagner Mary Katherine 路woodyard



News Letters - Alumnae Chapters ALVA, OKLAHOMA Actives and Alumna: met together for three informal meetings during the summer. It gave us such a grand opportunity to know the actives better and we found them to be a wonderful group. The second week of June a picnic was planned for Hatfield's with Miss Shockley, Edna Donley and Eula Callison in charge of arrangements. Our disappointment to awaken and find it raining was soon ended with a telephone call from our patroness, Mrs. H. B. Ames, asking us to come to her home for our picnic supper. Pictures were taken of the group in the lovely garden by Wilma Greer. After eating, the time was spent visiting and singing. The actives managed to pick an ideal evening so for the next meeting we did go to Hatfield's. After enjoying a swim in the new pool every one was "ready, able and willing" to do their part in eating the delicious lunch the actives had prepared . The last of the summer meetings was an "AI Fresco" at the home of Lorinda Lane with forty Alpha Sigs in attendance. We were served fried chicken, with all the trimmings, cafeteria style. Several hands of Rook were played . Pauline Haworth's trip to Canada was marred by her going to a hospital for an operation following an acute attack of appendicitis. However, while recuperating she received the good news of her promotion from the Longfellow School to Alva High School. She will have charge of all the vocal music. The two Gamma Gamma graduates are teaching this year. Phyllis Card at Crescent and Francis Turner at Buffalo. We are so happy to know Catherine Loutham Nunnalee is at Belva and Eleanor Molz is at Hardtner, Kansas, as they are near enough to attend our meetings. Vina Gourley Doughty is teaching at Douglas where her husband is superintendent. Several from our chapter went to school this summer. Edna Donley received her M .A. in Education from Boulder. Ethel Green attended Oklahoma U . and Emogene Cox returned to U. of California. Vera Leeper Cullison accompanied her husband to Denver where he attended business college. Later in the summer he received his M.A. from Phillips. Racine Spicer, after teaching in the summer school at Alva, went to her home in Columbia, Mo. While there she proofread the thesis for her Ph.D. She has chosen for her subject, "The Epithet in French Parnassian Poetry." Billie Ball, a "lady cop" in Washington, D. C ., and her sister, Delores MacLaughlin, of Oklahoma City, visited in Alva this summer. Nellie Heaton Webb spent some time with her sister, Edith Johnston and Edith also visited at Nellie's home in New Mexico. Minnie Wesley Clark was in Alva for a few days. Eva Wood entertained for her with a tea so we all had a chat with her.

Miss Shockley had a well earned two weeks' vacation at Salt Lake and other points of interest in the West after teaching both summer terms. Ada Lane, and Mrs . Mel Urovost, our patroness, with their families spent several weeks in their cabins at Masonic Park. Sue Trenary entertained several relatives from out of the state at her farm home . Our delegates are back from the regional concention at Kansas City and are all making us wish we could have gone too. Luella Harzman, the Alva Alumna: delegate, took her car. With her went Edna Donley, Alma Lois Rodgers, Pauline Haworth and Emogene Cox. Miss Minnie Shockley and Edith Heaton Johnston made the trip by train. Another Gamma Gamma member, Anne Cleveland, drove over from Wichita. With Minnie Wesley Clark of Raytown, Mo., there were nine of our alumna: attending. Minnie opened her home to the girls and they enjoyed her hospitality so much. Miss Shockley's room at the Muehlebach Hotel served as headquarters for those who drove in from Raytown. All the group conceded the District Convention ~ grand success and they feel the Kansas City group really did a splendid service to all the chapters represented. Those especially remembered were Esther Bucher, Wilma Sharp and Helen Bradley. They really enjoyed the week-end as well as gammg knowledge and inspiration which they are passing on to those who could not attend. We are looking forward to our next meeting when they will tell us more. EuLA CALLISON.

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Once more the Fall has rolled around, and Boston sends you crisp Autumn greetings, which are tinged with the crimson, scarlet reds and the cheery, mellow yellows of our Autumn leaves. With the new A. S. A. Alumna: season ahead of us, it is hard to turn our thoughts back to the closing of our last season, but we realize that there are many who are anxious to find out what we did at out last three spring meetings. In April we met at Bernice Galloway's 路home in Swampscott. Most of that meeting was spent talking about the Eastern Regional Meeting, which was going to be held in Washington. Grace Gowen, our delegate, was busy taking dow.n notes of things we wished to discuss with Alpha Sigs in other places. "How do they plan their programs? What do they do to raise money? . . ." Finally we did quiet down enough to play some of the games Bernice and Hazel Vaux, the co-hostess, had planned. The grand climax to the April meeting was Bernice's unusual arrangement of her dessert. She had had her ice man cut a hollow rectangle in the center of a large cake of ice, then she put four different kinds of ice cream in this section with fresh fruits


poured over the top. This masterpiece was placed on a large silver tray with Talisman roses around the edge. It was one of the prettiest centerpieces we had ever seen with the different colors from the ice cream and fruits showing through the ice. In May, Ingeborg Svenson entertained us in her new home. Although it was May, ~e were very glad to gather around her roaring fireplace (as it was chilly), to listen to Grace Gowen's and Kitty Hale's reports about the Eastern Regional Conference in Washington, D. C. They brought new ideas to help us with our plans in 1940-41 and solutions to some problems which have arisen at different times. They also made us realize, from their word pictures, that our National Officers are very real and interesting people, so that we know they are always ready to assist us in any way possible. Ingeborg has a barn, which has been remodeled, so that organizations may rent it for dances and parties. This gave us the idea of having a Barn Dance the last of October. In June, the "Actives" and "Alums" had a gettogether at Doris Corbett's camp at Humrock Beach. Doris runs this summer camp for girls ranging in ages from 6 to 16, but we had our gathering before the Camp was officially opened for the 1940 summer. In the afternoon, we had a Treasure Hunt. Nobody braved the cold water for a swim, because we were still having cool spring weather in June. Doris and her co-hostesses served us a New England Baked Bean supper. After finishing this meal, we sat in groups on the lawn and porch, reluctant at leaving our sisters for the summer months. There will be more about the results of the Barn Dance in our next News Letter. Also you will have to wait until then for news of the year's plans, as our first meeting comes after the date-line for this issue. KATHARINE M. HALE.

BUFFALO, NEW YORK Time flies! Yes, indeed it does. It seems ages ago, the first Saturday in June at Witch Kraft on Lake Erie to be explicit, that Pi Pi alumna: had the pleasure of entertaining graduates of 1940 and brides too. And I don't mean two. So many of our girls are taking names with "Mrs." attached that it will be tricky for a while to identify them. After a real old-fashioned picnic luncheon, our president, Dot Pierson, held a short meeting. Lovely corsages were presented to our special guests, to Betty Barber, winner of the activities award, to E. Virginia Blake, winner of the scholarship award and to Margaret Houston, chairman of this 1gala affair. Heavenly day! The only warm, sunny Saturday of that month helped so much to make our last gathering of the season such an enjoyable one. On September the eighth, Dot Pierson was hostess to the Board of Directors. Greetings were hearty and warm and a very happy attitude prevailed throughout the evening. Plans were discussed for the annual card party scheduled for Lincoln's birth-

day next February. This event is not in the dim future at all, but bright with arrangements by our fine chairman, Edna Grampp. Good luck and success, Edna! Kay Strickland announced the program for the year which will be printed and distributed. And all this brought us to talk of the regional convention . After adjournment, Dot served coffee and ice cream puffs with chocolate sauce and it did melt in our mouth s--oh, so delicious! On Saturday afternoon, September twenty-eighth, our alumna: gathered for tea at Hotel Statler. French pastry with tea or coffee was beautiful served from a perfectly lovely table. Everyone enjoyed it thoroughly while making detailed plans for the October regional convention at Cleveland. Their enthusiasm should mean a fine representation from Pi Pi. During the business meeting, a vote was unanimously passed to pay the expenses of the alternate delegate to this convention. A fine gesture, sisters. Next directors' meeting will be held at my home October seventh and a luncheon meeting is planned for October nineteenth at Melvina Holzman's lovely home. Evelyn Bell has graciously consented to show movies of her trip to Mexico with commentations at that time. You just know we'll all be there to hear her. RosE KRAFT.

CANTON, OHIO Having just missed the Cleveland Convention I am a very sad reporter. Such news as our girls attending brought back! It certainly makes one happy to be a part of an organization of such outstanding personalities. I shall make the supreme effort to be in Chicago next summer. My blessed event shall be a lusty seven months old by then and quite capable of doing without me-I hope. For twelve years I have yearned to attend an A . S. A . Convention. For even longer I have wanted to go to Chicago. Surely with two suppressed desires I can't miss. So instead of reporting the inspiring happenings at Cleveland I shall confine myself to just chapter news. Jack and Berdein Shumacker Holsing have a lovely cabin in the hills below town. In July we entertained our husbands there-the first time we included them. I'm glad to report that it was a great success. We shall do it again I'm sure. There is something about Bingo, Tong, a Dutch lunch, and a cabin that makes men very congenial- even though not acquainted previously. In August we met at my home. And such appetites as some Alpha Sigs do develop. Perhaps it wouldn't be kind of me to say more. We really did work hard before we ate-that may be excuse enough. Counted sales tax stamps and appointed !ayne Weible Urban delegate to the Cleveland meetmg. Mary Donze Miller had us in September. Had a short business meeting and played bridge. Janice Kate Marsh won a darling apron.

NovEMBER, 1940 The October meeting at Emmy Schlott Calhoun's was consumed with Cleveland news. And how we unfortunates who couldn't go did eat it up. Each girl attending gave her impression. Jayne Urban gave the official report. We all are so proud to be your sisters. While Emmy prepared a luscious salad Dorothy Stough conducted a few brain teasers. Mary Miller and I are happy to have you know that we took home the prizes. And now would you like a little general news? I read about you all in THE PHOENIX and wonder how old you are-do you have a family-do you like to garden-what do you do when your husband bowls-and such. Especially do I wonder about the girls I correspond with . Wouldn't it be fun to have a short personality sketch of each and everyone? In our own small group of ten I think everyone of us are active in community affai rs and doing our bit toward the betterment of a great variety of things. We are all just past the thirty year mark or just nearing it. Over half of us have small fry to keep us on our toes. Dorothy Stough is our only full time teacherand a very fine one. Mary Carmello Carfagna has a lovely young daughter about four. She is a very fine cook and cans the best pickles I have ever eaten. Margie Schlott Crawford has two very active young sons about four and five. She has served us very ably as president this year. And she plays a fine game of contract bridge. Jayne Weible Urban is our talented one. Plays the h路arp beautifully. Teaches music in one of the private kinqergartens and does some miscellaneous directing of singing groups . She is active in MacDowell Club (musical organization) and served as music chairman of the Town Garden Club this year. She has a very active young son, three years old. Emmy Calhoun and Berdein Holsing are able homemakers. They do some substituting in our public school system. Berdein was our delegate to the last national convention. Mary Miller is not only a lovely homemaker but works every day in her father's office. Janice Rate Marsh is raising a sweet daughter aged two and a half. She is just completing a successful year as president of the Town Garden Club. We haven't seen much of June Da Hinden since the birth of her son. She seems to be taking the duties of motherhood seriously. And your reporter, like June, is a busy mother. I have a son six in his first year at school. My daughter is two. My blessed event next January first. Won't you tell us all about you in the next news letter? SuE SANFORD CAMPBELL.

CENTRAL, PENNSYLVANIA From all directions in Central Pennsylvania twelve Alpha Sigs headed their cars on April 27 for Red Lion. Our hostess at a luncheon was Betty Wil-

son Rost assisted by Margie Hoover. And was that luncheon good !-all the way from tomato juice to dessert, etc. After luncheon we held our consecration service and a business meeting when officers were elected for this year. The Washington Regional Conference was discussed albng with many other things. You know the chatter that can result when twelve girls get together. Then on June 22, Eleanor Thomas and June Smith held a picnic-Meeting. There were five alumnae from our chapter there, and much to the delight of everyone, four from the Eastern chapter, Helen Moser Morgan, Peg Brenholtz Gohn, Ann Wilhauer and Helen Posser Heckert. During the summerHelen Witmeyer moved to the Grand View Apartments in Lancaster. Mary Wilson Aungst moved to Sea Isle City, N.J. Eleanor Dobler Brown and Kay Lawry Pratt spent some time in the hospital. June Smith and Virginia Hoffman studied at State College. Ann Ruppin Hesser and husband received positions in a West Virginia college. Marg Eby was married. Lillian Gish Eshleman had a cottage m Mt. Gretna where her sister Barbara visited her. And best of all Kitty Bender planted, cultivated and dug twenty-eight bushels of potatoes! CHRISTINE KLINE.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Summer time means vacation time for most of the Chicago A. S. A. alums. Regular monthly meetings were discontinued as the members were scattered from coast to coast. Louise Stewart, whom we count as a Chicagoan even though she spends nine months of the year teaching in Zanesville, Ohio, attended the University of Chicago for the summer quarter, and then made a trip down to Mexico in August. Louise said that it proved to be a fine time to visit down there because so many people stayed away because of the reported election trouble, and that she saw no signs of unusual activity. Ethel Llewelyn spent some time at Eagle River, Wisconsin, with her family, and later in the summer she and her sister had another week o'f relaxation at the Eleanor Club Camp in Lake Geneva. Sun Valley, Idaho, was the destination for Dorothy Masters. After a week of skating, swimming, biking, horseback riding and sunburn, she spent the second week of her vacation at a ranch near Grand Lake, Colorado, where she did some intensive mountain riding. Nellie Rainey and her husband toured the East this summer, with the New York Fair and Washington, D. C ., as the highlights. The regular luncheon meetings will be held during the winter months and we are always glad to have any new members join us. DoROTHY MAsTERs.


CLEVELAND, OHIO It is nice to start writing to you again. We've missed your letters and will be glad to hear from you once more. Ours has been an active summer. We continued our meetings each month as usual. Georgia Turner entertained us in June before she left for her summer vacation. Alice Reilly, from the Ohio State chapter, came for the first time. She has the pleasant position of assistant dietitian in the Statler Hotel in Cleveland. Lita Crawford was the hostess in July. She should be proud of those four fine sons of hers whom we met. Our president, Bernie DeTchon had a potluck dinner at her home the next month. Not only all the girls showed up, but their husbands and dates as well. That was an Alpha Sig party to remember. Bette Madison, who handles our publicity, had the luncheon in September. All we could do at that meeting was talk about the regional meeting. When you read this, it will all be over, but we'll still be talking about the fun we had preparing for you. Bernie DeTchon and Virginia Carpenter from the same chapter, spent part of their vacation visiting Jocelyn Spencer Kinsinger in Wilmington, Delaware, and had a grand time talking of old times at the house in Kent. Martha Barch has moved into a brand new home in Solon, which is another of the Cleveland suburbs. Do you remember Helen Smith Crebbin, Delta Delta, who married Tommy Crebbin, Lambda Chi, also from Ohio University? She has been living in Cleveland since her marriage, and has a little boy who must be about five years old. We haven't seen her at any of our meetings but she will probably become one of us in the fall. We hope so. Eleanor Mosher Hanna came to Lita's meeting and we were very glad to have her join our group . She has a little girl named Marian Joy. Augusta Besse had a big boy born to her in June. You should just be at one of our get-togethers and learn how cute, clever, and cunning all these offspring are . Nothing quite like them. We were glad to welcome Ruth Duffy back to the fold. . While the rest of us were having enjoyable vacatwns, she has been ill. She is improved now, and the regional meeting will profit greatly by having her as one of the speakers. LoRA M. JoNEs SMITH.

COLUMBUS, OHIO Let's start our new year by recalling, the events and meetmgs of the past Spring, which missed the last issue of THE PHOENIX. With the arrival of Spring and a song in our hearts, we held a Song Fest at the home of Martha Ward Bell, with Sarah Pegler assisting hostess. Having sung several of the sorority songs a few " roun d" ' s an d some popu l ar numbers, we then enjoyed a good laugh, looking over some old albums

of the "Alpha Sigs" which Martha brought out. Some of the girls had changed so much, there was doubt as to their identity. This most enjoyable evening was topped off by very delicious refreshments . In May, we met at the lovely new home of Norma Johns Winchet, with Lois (Norma's sisterin-law) assisting. We had quite a lengthy business meeting that evening. It was the last meeting of the season and we didn't want to leave any loose ends. The election of officers also took place, so with lots of chatter and good "eats" we ended our last get-to-gether of the year. "Dottie" Windom generously offered us her country home for our annual June family picnic. We get to know the rest of the family at these picnics every year. The Windom 's have several acres comparable to a golf green, with beautiful landscaping and all. This gave the children "oodles" of room in which to play safely. The women sat around and talked most of the time, leaving the strenuous exercise to the men and boys. Once again (as last year) rain tried to spoil our fun, but it couldn't be done . We had to run to cover, but the Windom's house was large enough to hold us all. Loren-(Dottie's husband) has a "short-wave" set in their recreation room in the basement. This "equipment" was of great interest to everyone and he explained how it worked. The hours passed quickly, and time came for us to say our good-byes-until another time . The Columbus Alumna: began the new year on September nineteenth with a buffet supper at the home of Mrs. W. Andrew Martin with Mrs. Hester Leppert assisting. There were twenty-four of us, and the buzzing made by each one giving her latest bit of news, made us sound like twice that number. . After supper much enthusiasm was shown regardmg our programs for the . year, which were presented at this meeting. Plans were made for the Regional Convention at Cleveland. Mrs. James Oden and Ruth Hessenauer will represent our local chapter. Mrs. Herbert Loechler, our president last year, installed the new officers: Mrs. James Oden, President. Mrs. Charles Merion, Vice-President. Mrs. E. J. Huber, Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs. Ralph Tibbals, Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Andrew Martin, PHoENIX Correspondent. Mrs. Charles Pegler, Publicity Chairman. Mrs. Earl Southard, Program Chairman. Mrs. Loren Windom, Assistant Program Chairman. We have a grand organization of Alumna: and w~ are all working hand in hand with our chapter, tnng to make it the best A . S. A. Alumna: group. AuDREY LEPPERT.



DENVER, COLORADO The final meeting for the year 1939-40, was a Bridge Party at the home of Galphy Brown. A short meeting was held to close the business for the year and to elect the officers for next year. Officers elected were: Marion Thorton, President; Helena Dugan, Vice-President; Irene Holland, Secretary; Margaret Kitts, Treasurer; Ruth Bartle, PHOENIX Correspondent. Committee Chairmen for Telephoning, Social Service, Magazine, Membership, and Program, were respectively: Za Lawrenson, Morea Bailey, Helena Dugan, Peggy Watson, Vivi Dobbins. The meeting then closed. Bridge was played . Margaret Langhorn and Helan Witscombe were awarded the lovely prizes. Gladys Lamb assisted the hostess in serving a delicious desert. The guests departed promising to gather again in the Fall. August 30, found the officers gathered for a Board Meeting at the home of Polly Schlosser. The business and program for the year were discussed and arranged. Officers of the past year as well as the present year were asked to attend. An invitation was also extended to any member wishing to be present. A number of new proposals were brought before the meeting, such as a more extensive work in helping the needy. And, though the idea of selling magazines for the commission derived therefrom to be put toward the Fellowship Fund, had been discussed before, it was now made a definite fact. Tea was served after the meeting. The Sunday Night Supper at the home of Nora Hetland, September 28, marked the beginning of the social gatherings of the Denver Alumna:. A large numbers of girls attended, including a number of new members. The delicious supper was served buffet style. Guessing games were played and what fun! A short business meeting was conducted by Marion Thorton, the new president. The new officers were then introduced and programs for the year were distributed. All agreed the event had been a great suecess. RuTH BARTLE.

EMPORIA, KANSAS Our first alumna: meeting of the year was held Tuesday evening, September 17, at the Student Union building with the officers, Mrs. Gloria Merideth, Mrs. Verne! Bergerhouse, Mrs . Keats Turner and Mrs . Evelyn Forren, as hostesses. We are very happy to have thirty-five active members in our alumna: group this year. By the graciousness of the active Alpha Sig chapter, we are to have all the remaining meetings and bridge parties at the sorority house . We meet on the third Tuesday of each month. Mrs. Burton Wiand (Jerry Webb) of Greenville, South Carolina, was a guest. Our annual Alpha Sigma Alpha reunion was held the last of July with a luncheon at the Country Club in Emporia with many actives and alumna: present. Betty Moore was voted Festival Queen and was crowned queen at the celebration of the opening of

the new civic auditorium at Emporia last May. She received a two weeks' trip to California. Many of our alumna: have new teaching positions this year. Orvetta Phipps, who has been teaching at Silver Lake, is now teaching in Arkansas City, Jennie Williams is teaching in Hiawatha; Jane Loomis in Paxico, Jane Osborn at Dunlop, Jane Finley in Preston, and Fern Enoch at Chase. Fern spent a month in California last summer. Nadine Cravens has accepted a position in an office in Wichita. Margaret Abildgaard has a new position as head librarian at McPherson. Before she was a librarian in Wichita. Betty Moore underwent an operation for appendicitis in September. Helen Brechell of New York City spent two weeks in July in Emporia visiting her mother and friends. Mrs. Lorita (Luce) Thomas, with her husband, has moved to Kansas City, Kansas. RoBERTA LEsH.

HAMPTON ROADS AREA, VIRGINIA Last April, our regional meeting was held in Washington, D . C. Those attending from Hampton Roads Alumna: Chapter were Mrs. William A. Webster, Norfolk; Kitty Roberts, Nassawodox, and Mrs. Burnice Jones, Hampton. Burnice Jones served as hostess at this meeting. Lieutenant and Mrs . Oscar Stiegler and son have left for California, where they will make their home. Mrs. Stiegler was Virginia Fox before her marriage . In June, the Hampton Roads Chapter gave a tea at the home of Mrs . Burnice Jones in Raleigh Terrace, Hampton. Mrs. Jones presided at the tea table and was assisted by Mrs. Oscar Stiegler, Mrs. F . M. Rogallo and Mrs. Richard Lee. The chapter was delighted to have as their guests, girls from Beta Epsilon Chapter at Madison College and Alpha Chapter, Farmville. MARGUERITE BRADFORD LEE.

HUNTINGTON, W. VA. The Huntington Alumna: chapter held its first Fall meeting at the home of the hospitable Mrs. E. M. Burkhardt, Wednesday October 2. A tempting dessert course started the evening off with a bang! Mrs. Hall Booton, the chaplain, opened the business meeting with a stirring poem entitled "The Year Ahead." It made each girl feel that she does want to do her part for a bigger and better year. A prayer followed. Since this was the first meeting much business was taken care of under the capable leadership of our president, Doris Feeley. Alumna: meetings are to fall on the first Wednesday of each month through May, 1941. Dates for special parties are to be determined later. Dues are to be twenty-five cents a month. Plans were discussed for entertaining Alumna::


30 members from other parts of the state who will be in Huntington for the State Educational Association, November 7, 8, and 9路 Committee in charge of arrangements are Mrs. Loren D. Shafer, Chairman, and Millie Kincaid. Mrs . E. M. Burkhardt was appointed chairman of the magazine subscription service. Members were urged to place their subscriptions with Mrs. Burkhardt in a drive to increase the fellowship fund. We are happy in that three paid subscriptions to THE PHoENIX were turned in. We have the promise of others, thus hoping to make our goal of five subscribers in our chapter. Tentative plans for a full year of activities were discussed, including money raising schemes, social, and charity work . Games of bridge and "Rummy" were enjoyed until late evening. EDITH SHAFER.

INDIANAPODIS, INDIANA Our June meeting, held at the home of Margaret Schofield, included the very beautiful ceremony of installation of officers. The new officers of the Indianapolis Alumna: chapter are: Dorothy Karrmann, President; Julia Gerlach, Vice-President; Betty Soland, Recording Secretary; Adelaide McCarthy, Corresponding Secretary; Wanda Gamble, Treasurer; and Wilma Mae Wolf, PHoENIX Correspondent. On July 21, eleven members of our chapter made a trip to Lake Wawasee to see our National Councillors, who had been in session at the South Shore Hotel during the week . We had a delightful Sunday together. It was a pleasure to meet and have the privilege of getting to know these fine officers of ours, of whom we had heard many, many times. We had two called meetings, and during these and at our regular September meeting at the home of Dorothy Karrmann, we prepared for a rush party that was later given September 14th for Chi Chi chapter in Muncie. The Muncie-Anderson Alumna: chapter assisted the Indianapolis Alumna: chapter in entertaining at a formal banquet. "Cinderella" was the theme of the party. A skit portraying the story of Cinderella was presented. Decorations were in the form of slippers, a pumpkin coach drawn by mice, and golden coaches were used for invitations. A pair of slippers was given to the rushee whose feet most nearly fit them. The alumna: chapters were happy to be with the active members in Muncie, and to meet the rushees. At the October meeting, in the home of Marie Kingdon, the main topic of conversation was the Regional Meeting to be held in Cleveland on October 12 and 13. Arrangements were made, and many of us will meet the next time in Cleveland. May it be a splendid meeting, far-reaching in its inspiration. Happy days also to Kansas City, and to New Orleans in their Regionals. WILMA MAE WoLF.

KIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI Kirksville Alumna: chapter was most happy to have a delegate to Regional Convention in Kansas City. We are very proud to have Dorothy Lewis, a life member of Alpha Sigma Alpha, to represent us . Dorothy has always been a very active member of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Each year she comes back to help with rushing (she can influence many a rushee too) and all social functions of Active Chapter. Dorothy also holds an office in the Alumna: Chapter. Our alumna: chapter has gained much by the Regional meeting from the glowing reports brought to us by our capable and clever delegate. Avis WHEATCRAFT LINDLEY.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Los Angeles Alumna: Chapter has been very active during the summer months. Hermes Day, May 25th, closed the year. The meeting was held at the Colonial Tea Room in Los Angeles and was well attended . A business meeting was presided over by Barbara Held, President. New officers were elected for the coming year. On July 2 Gladys Ludlow, our Treasurer, was hostess at a linen shower given in honor of Doniece Rose who was to be married on August 25th. Games and an exchange of the latest news was enjoyed by those who attended. The Alumna: Chapter and actives met for a Benefit given by the Active Chapter to collect balance needed for a scholarship being started by the Actives. The meeting was held at the "Matchless Hostess House" in Los Angeles, on July 2oth. Active and Alumna: chapters were well represented and many brought guests. A luncheon preceded the social meeting. Games, either bunco or bridge, followed the meeting. Saturday, September 7, was the first meeting of the new year at the home of Mrs . Katherine Hunsicker. A business meeting was the important item of the day. Ruth Morstad sent in her resignation as president, and Katherine Hunsicker was elected to that office. In turn she resigned her position as PHOENIX correspondent. Barbara Held was elected as PHoENIX correspondent. Louise Hindes was appointed magazine subscription chairman. Other business consisted of setting two dates for meetings. Sunday, September 29 was chosen as the date of the Alumna:sponsored Rush Tea for the Active Chapter. The Alumna: try to sponsor one rush event each season. Marie Berry offered her home for the next meeting which will be a Barbeque Supper at Marie's lovely home in Altadena on Sunday, October 13. Boy friends and husbands will be invited. Marie Berry has just received an appointment to serve as a member of the Los Angeles County Advisory Registration Board, established under the National Conscription Act.



Civic leaders in different commumues will thus donate their time and effort in helping to round out the National Defense Program. BARBARA HELD .

NATCHITOCHES, LOUISIANA Greetings, Alpha Sigma Alpha Alumn<e, from your youngest Alumn<e Chapter! If our news seems sketchy and inadequate, you must remember that we're terribly young yet-less than two months old-and not quite steady on our feet. We'll have to learn to walk steadily before we can learn to run. Of course we're far luckier than many young chapters! We have Manette Swett for our president, and Manette is such a loyal Alpha Sig that she inspires all the rest of us to be loyal, too. Manette's teaching this year at Flora, a little town about fourteen miles from Natchitoches, but she commutes and somehow finds time to do a great deal for the active chapter as well as planning for our growth and for the Regional Meet in New Orleans. We're inordinately proud of Manette down here in Louisiana, and wish that all of you Alpha Sigs might catch a vision from her zeal and vision. We've some other officers of our organization whose names may be known to many of youand we're proud of them, too. Jo Tarlton, who was president of Psi Psi Chapter last year, is now our vice-president. Jo is teaching second grade at Singer, a little high school almost a hundred miles south of here; but she manages to get home occasionally, and she plans to attend regional meet! La Verne Killen, our treasurer, has gone to Jena, also almost a hundred miles away, to teach music. Some of you who were lucky enough to go to last National Convention, may remember the girl who plead so earnestly and so successfully for National's cooperation in Psi Psi's plans for a lodge. And that brings us to another thing! We're lucky in that Psi Psi has made their house available for our meetings. Of course, in a small town like Natchitoches, where most of our mothers knew each other as school girls, we'll do some visiting around with each other. But it's nice to know that we have a house in which to meet when we wish. Why, at our organization meeting in August we sat on the lawn of the House and passed Ruth Alcock Normand 's small son from one admiring Alpha Sig to the next. Meeting at that House is going to do something else, too. It's going to keep us closer to the Actives; and we feel that that is one of our chief purposes in orgamzmg. We'll find out their needs, and we may be able to help them to realize some of their desires! At the last Psi Psi rush party, which you'll doubtless read about in another section of this magazine, we were very proud of the Alumn<e. There were sixteen of us at that party. If there be any strength

in numbers, then we must have lent a little strength to those working little actives. We've another little girl in our midst since we organized. Little Mary Frances Easley, daughter of Robert and Rosemary Thomas Easley is our newest Alpha Sig Sweetheart. We expect to be able to initiate her about 1956! And she'll probably be one of our most loyal Alumn;e members in 1960! Another former Psi Psi president has come to Natchitoches to live. Jessie Jones Bernard, who was president of the chapter in 1936-37 is now a member of our Alumn<e Chapter. That makes three former presidents of Psi Psi on our Alumn<e Chapter roll! Some of us are planning to go to the Regional Meet at New Orleans. We're looking forward to getting as Alumn<e what we missed as Actives-contact with others in a convention!

NEW YORK CITY Much to our regret our chapter has not yet had its first Fall meeting. As October rst is the traditional moving day for New Yorkers we always have to give the 4lpha Sigs a chance to get settled in the city for the winter months. Our last meeting was held May 4th and was a most delightful one. Rosamond Root and Ida Jewett_ entertained the chapter at a delicious luncheon in their apartment. Elsy S. Jessup, Lenore L. Fagerstorm, Marjorie Seeley, Nell Russell, Esther Robinson, Dorothy Larrabie, Ethel Peterson, and Gladys Young attended. After devouring quantities of chicken patties, scalloped potatoes, peas, rolls, jelly, salad, and strawberry shortcake, we retired to the living room where Miss Root gave U? a stimulating account of the Washington Regional Meeting which was held April 13th and 14th. Special emphasis was given to the splendid job the undergraduates did in carrying on the convention. Miss Root's report led to a discussion of the convention problems as they concerned our chapter. In talking over the paying up of life memberships we are happy to announce that it turned out that all present, except two, were life members. One of the two non-life members, Lenore Fagerstorm, then crashed through, right then and there, with a check for $ro.oo. That was really setting a chapter 路example! After a lengthy discussion of a philanthropic project we still reached no conclusion as to what type of work would be the most suitable. Miss Root stressed the importance of active chapter secretaries sending names of graduates to the secretary of the nearest alumn<e chapter, and also to the national vice-president each June when Alpha Sigs bid farewell to their Alma Maters. Next followed our annual election of officers. Miss Root was chosen president. Lenore Fagerstorm is our new vice-president, Mrs. Peterson our secretary-treasurer, and Gladys Young our PHOENIX correspondent. We have decided to take turns sending out notices for meetings this year as our mailing list is so long


and really too much for the secretary to handle each time. After an hour or so of idle chatter the meeting finally broke up at five o'clock when we all regretfully departed for the summer. We were so.rry to bid good-bye to Marjorie Seeley who was leavmg us for good, to return to Philadelphia. New York's loss is the Quaker City's gain. She was a fine member! This year promises to be a most successful one. Already we have three new members, all from Buffalo, Marion Thomas, Betty Stratemeier, and Vernabelle Bartlett and a promise of a fourth. Our prospective fourth is Betty Murphy who will soon marry and make her horne in New York. We are assured of a most prosperous year. GLADYS L. YouNG.

OXFORD, OHIO Alpha Alpha Girl Accepts Position Orchids to Mary Jane Faulknor! The members of the Oxford Alumna: Chapter were sorry to lose her, but their pride in her new position tops even their loss. Mary Jane, you see, was recently appointed as Director of the Bureau of Recommendations and secretary to the deans at Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. 路 Before she left Oxford this summer Miss Amy Swisher got together all the Alpha Sigs and gave a farewell dinner for Mary Jane. Those present to wish her luck and to reminisce on the past years were Elizabeth Johnston, Blanche Woods, Martha Molyneaux, the honor guest, and hostess.

Mrs. Johnston at the Pines Mrs. Elizabeth Newhall Johnston has accepted the position as house manager at the Pines, a boys' dormitory at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. She is very happy doing her work among the family of boys.

Miss Molyneaux Entertains Quite a few Alpha Sigs were in summer school or living around Oxford this summer so Martha Molyneaux invited them and their families to her home for a picnic party. What a happy gathering it was, too! Here's the list of lucky people living near enough to attend: Mitzi Schnorrenberg, Jeanne Longworth, Ann Randolph Brubaker, Blanche Woods, Ruth Nisely Overturf, Amy Swisher, Mary Jane Faulknor, Rachael Keller Hopkins, Jean Converse Moore, Zelma Sargent Kah, and Martha Molyneaux.

Fall Alumnae Meeting Blanche Woods, who has taken Mary Jane's place as recording secretary for the Oxford Alumna: group, called the girls together, September 24th, to discuss regional convention plans. All present decided that Alma Molitor, president of the club, should go to Cleveland as their delegate. Many of the girls would

like to attend, but will not be able to make definite plans until the last minute. Molly promises to bring all the news to the next meeting which will be held at June Harpster's apartment in Hamilton. The girls anxiously await that meeting to hear all about the regional meeting and convention plans. JUNE HARPSTER.

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Greetings to all of our sister alumna: chapters again! 路Our last get-to-gether in the spring was a dance, held at Curtis Hall. There were forty-three couples present, including some of the seniors from the active chapters at Temple and Drexel, who were our guests. Everyone enjoyed the evening very much, and since expenses were met, the affair was successful from the important financial angle, too. After the dance, the girls separated for the summer, but the executive council held several meetings while the rest of us were enjoying vacation trips. On September 21st, we started our new year with a grand luncheon in the Emerald Room at the Adelphia Hotel on Chestnut Street. Saturday at one o'clock had been selected as a convenient time for the many school teachers and secretaries in our group and there was a fine group present, about thirty girls. The food was delicious, tasty, hot, and wellserved; as a result, everyone was quite certain she was glad that she had come! Before eating we were all given diamond-shaped tags which had small bows of red ribbon at the top point and which bore our names. These identification tags are saved from meeting to meeting and worn each time to make it easier to know and remember each one's correct name-sometimes a hard job, with all the recent weddings! At the table a copy of the songbook containing all of the sorority songs was at each place. These were printed late last year; they are grand if your memory happens to be a bit short! . Copies of the yearly news-letter were also passed around the table. The interesting data about recent weddings, new positions which some of the girls have obtained, chapter activities, new officers, and last but, not least, new babies occupied everyone's attention until the end of the main course. Then Jean Mueller Hoyt, our last year's president, announced that our new president, Eleanor Temple, had just received an engagement ring. We were all very much pleased to hear this. According to an old Drexel custom, Eleanor treated the group with a five pound box of candy. Was it good? . The first bit of business fo r the year was the presenting of a lovely silver vase to Jean Hoyt for her splendid work as president. After the luncheon, we had an informal discussion which centered around plans for the National Convention to be held next August in Chicago. Helen Corey, Kappa Kappa Adviser, is the Convention Chairman. The group made many suggestions as to affairs at Convention

NovEMBER, 1940


which we will have to direct and also discussed plans for sending a delegate or more to Chicago. Those who had been to previous conventions described some of their good times and aroused a desire in the rest of us to go to the 1941 one, if possible. Helen Corey is very much interested in her job as chairman and we know the program will be snappy and lots of fun. The rest of the afternoon was devoted to "reunioning" and bridge. The girls were all planning to attend the next meeting, which is going to be a social evening with boy friends and husbands invited, at the Drexel Lodge on the night of October r8th . Announcement was made concerning the program for the rest of the year. It will be: Nov. Dec. Feb. Mar. April June

17-Consecration service. ro-Covered Dish Supper. rs-Card Party. 14-Business Meeting. r8-Bridge Luncheon (tentative). 6-Dance.

This will make a total of one more meeting than last year-we are certainly going to be very busy. RuTH ToLAND LowERY.

SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA The Shreveport Alumna: Chapter met at the Washington-Youree Hotel in Shreveport, La., on October 5, for the purpose of reorganizing. The members enjoyed a luncheon in "The Skyline Room" after which a business meeting was held. Elizabeth Ricks was elected to attend the Regional Convention in New Orleans on November 2. The following officers were elected: President-Katherine McDaniel Woodyard (Mrs. W. M., Jr.). Vice-President-Elizabeth Ricks. Secretary-Treasurer-Sara Joyner. PHOENIX Correspondent-Evangeline Lynch. The next meeting of the Chapter will be held December 28.

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI At the date of going to press, the St. Louis Alumna: have not had a fall meeting, because we wanted to wait until after the regional meet in Kansas City. Ruth Bryant attended as our representative, and we expect an inspiring report from her at our first meeting, which will be on October 19th. We will tell you in the next issue about our chapter as of this fall, and this news letter can only bring you up to date on our spring and summer activities. Our May picnic was a grand success. Irene Smith Cole and her husband had taken a cottage out in the count>ry, near High Ridge, Mo., about thirty miles from St. Louis, for the summer, and she invited us to have our picnic out there. The "cottage" proved to be a well-equipped home, with all modern con-

veniences, including a furnace, and its location afforded a gorgeous view over a wooded valley. After cooking our dinner on Jack Cole's huge outdoor "furnace," several of the more energetic members went for a hike in the woods. The rest of us, since the. wind was rather chilly, enjoyed the big cosy living room, with a roaring fire in the fireplace . Husbands, friends, and children are always included on this affair, and we have such a good time getting acquainted, we wonder why we don't do it more often. Karol Greeson and Margaret Sutton were so impressed with the advantages of Irene's summer home. that they immediately rented one nearby. In fact, they are still there, and expect to stay there unless or until the roads become impassable. Karol's little. girl, Karol Anne, is with them this year, and is attending kindergarten here in Webster Groves, where both girls teach. Betty Carpenter had an interesting trip this summer, to the National Convention for Schools for the Blind, in Pittsburgh, Pa. While there she visited Anna Margaret Munch (Mrs. Albert Viola), one of our former faithful St. Louis Alumna:. We were much interested in her report of Ann Margaret's. little girl, and of her contacts with Pittsburgh Alumna:. We were happy to have as a visitor this summer one of our former "old guard," Georgeanna Moser, who moved to Dallas a few years ago. We had a luncheon for those who knew her, and it made a very pleasant summer occasion. It was grand to see her again, and her young son Jacky. Some of the summer news was not so pleasant .. We were saddened by the news of the death of Dr. A . G . Chappell, husband of our lone Smith. Our sympathy is extended to lone and her children. Marian Gardner Blackwell was so unfortunate as to be obliged to spend a good part of the summer in the hospital. We are happy to report that she is now regaining her health. Helen Johnson Griffith and her husband and small daughter, Marilyn, had a very delightful trip early in September. They visited Williamsburg, Va., Washington, D. C., and the New York Fair, and spent some time in Boston with Warren's sister, Mildred (Mrs. J. A. Robertson), also an Alpha Sig, and her two children, one of them a very new baby. En route, they stopped over night with Nellie Mudd Heck, and her three lovely daughters . Ruth Bryant reports that she had a very busy summer. For a while she took care of her sister's "brand new baby," then went to Mexico . She visited Monterrey, Saltillo, Mexico City, and lots of other places, says it is a fascinating country, and she wants to go back. Maurine Lemley and her mother and sister are enjoying a new home which they built in Webster Groves. We are looking forward to a very pleasant year, and hope that all alumna: in this vicinity will join us . EuzABETH WoooY.


34 TOLEDO, OHIO With every thought clicking to the theme of "Cleveland Regional" meeting it is not easy to concentrate on past happenings in our Toledo Alumna: Chapter. Friday evening, May 31st, Clara Kuney was hostess to our group when we met for the annual election of officers and discussion of summer plans. Mrs. Merrill Cook (Helen Robinson, A. A.) was elected president, Mrs. Frank Pauly (Helen Bennett, A . A.) vice-president and Clara Kuney, D. D. secretary and treasurer. Mrs. James Haworth (Grace Fultz, D . D.) succeeded herself as PHoENIX correspondent. Tentative plans for the Cleveland meeting were made with Helen Cook named as the chapter delegate and Clara Kuney alternate. A delightful social hour followed the business meeting. Our planned family picnic for June did not materialize owing to cool, wet weather. The scheduled July meeting was also dispensed with because of illness and vacations. August 3oth we enjoyed a delightful evening in the attractive apartment of our president, Helen Cook. At this meeting we were most happy to have as a guest Mrs. Albert Griffin (Donna Gray, A. A.) of Cincinnati. Toledo chapter has been assigned the responsibility of registration for the Cleveland Regional meeting so the entire evening was devoted to the discussion of badges, registration books and other necessary equipment for our work. At a late hour refreshing "Boston Coolers," wafers and mints were served. The month of September brought two meetings. Saturday afternoon, the 14th, we gathered around a roaring wood fire in Helen Pauly's new home and began real work for the Cleveland meeting. Only five girls found it possible to be present, hence an extra get-together was necessary. Helen Osmun very :graciously offered to open her home for this meeting on Friday evening, the 2oth. Much was accomplished in the way of designing, cutting, printing and like "exercise." Everyone was ready to enjoy Helen's delicious salad lunch when . the evening's activities were concluded. It proved to be a really quiet gathering due to the fact that the most talkative member, Grace Haworth, was suffering with laryngitis and could only whisper. Alumna: notes of interest since lay May include vacation trips enjoyed by Helen Osmun and Grace Haworth. Helen and her husband enjoyed a western trip through Yellowstone Park via the Bad Lands while Grace and her husband motored through the south visiting Mussel Shoals, Atlanta, Georgia, as well as other points of interest and returning through the Smoky Mountains. Clara Kuney studied in the University of Toledo this summer and Helen Cook and Helen Pauly took short trips in the southern part of the state. Martha Condit decided to present her husband with a baby daughter in July . The date was the 26th and the name Alice Christine. Another prospective Alpha Sig!

Our October the 5th, in the nth will find thrills and heart

meeting is to be Saturday afternoon, home of Grace Haworth then the us en route to Cleveland for real throbs. GRACE F. HAWORTH.


Dorothy Williams, ;?resident, Washington Alumnce Chapter

This chapter was organized at the Regional Convention of Alpha Sigma Alpha in Washington, April 13, 1940. The chapter is made up of the following members: Mrs. Sam B. Craig (Hazel Thompson) .... . . Nu Nu Mrs. Charles Horsky (Barbara Egleston) Alpha Gamma Mrs. Georgeanna Page (Gcorgeanna Newby) Alpha ... Nu Nu Mrs. N.H. Eiselman (Sarah Lee) Miss Lucile Parduhn . . . . . . Omega Omega Mrs. Jessie Scott Arnold (Jessie Scott) . . . Gamma Miss Beatrice V. Ball . . . .... Gamma Gamma Miss Floy Wolfenbarger . . . ...... Alpha Beta Mrs . Thomas H. Williams (Dorothy Thompson) Chi Chi Mrs. John Hoffecker (Elizabeth Smith) Kappa Kappa Mrs. Robert B. Mathias (Mabel Marshall) Kappa Kappa Mrs. Ferguson Cary (Bessie Ferguson) . . . .. Alpha Mrs . John Dimond Miss Dorothy Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kappa Kappa

NovEMBER, 1940

The first meeting of the chapter was held on May 5, at the home of Mrs. Georgeanna Page. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Dorothy Williams, President. Mrs. Jessie Scott Arnold, Vice-President. Miss Lucile Parduhn, Secretary and Treasurer. This meeting was given up to the work of getting organized. It was decided that meetings be held once a month from September to May. As dues of one dollar per member would take care of the quota for an alumna: chapter, and leave a balance for chapter work, that sum was decided on. Though the regular meetings of the chapter were not to begin until fall, the members got together for a luncheon in June at the Tally-Ho Tavern. Dorothy Williams was in charge of arrangements. It was a lovely party. Old friendships were renewed and new friendships made. . Mrs. John Dimond and Georgeanna Page entertamed the first fall meeting at the home of Mrs. ~imond. A pr?gram of work for the chapter was. discussed and Will be decided on in October. These plans will include some Red Cross activity. Miss Dorothy Stone was elected Magazine Chairman. The Chapter will observe Founders Day. The details of this celebration will be decided on at the October meeting which will be at the home of Mrs. Ferguson Cary. !he "W_ ashington Chapter is made up of a group of Interesting women. It is the hope of your correspondent to present brief biographies of them from time to time. The first of these is, approximately, ?f Georgeanna Page who has been the moving spirit In . the organiz~tion .of this chapter. She brings to this work the mtelhgence, the charm, and the sincerity that characterize all that she does. She was a member of the first chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha . In 1918 she was married to the late John Raymond ~age. At present she holds a responsible position m the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in Washington. She has a large circle of friends in the city all of whom value her for her sympathetic and understanding nature. To quote an earlier ar~icle, in THE PHOENIX "'she finds good in everythmg. Her tastes are catholic. She enjoys books and music and is especially interested in the theater. She knows poor folks and rich ones and loves them all." This article also comments on the fact that she dresses with exquisite taste and is an authority on clothes who is often consulted by her friends. Flay Wolfenbarger modestly disclaims an inter-

35 esting biography. But members of the Washington chapter have already discovered that she has an interesting personality, and back of it an interesting care~r. She was born in Perry, Missouri, and still considers that city "home." She attended Teachers College at Kirksville and received a degree in Science in 1923. Since then she has done graduate work at Geo~ge Was~ington, at Boston University, the UniverSity _of W1_sconsin and the University of Chicago. She bnngs this great accumulation of knowledge and the understanding that makes it useful to her ~ork in the public schools of Washington. She brings the same valuable assets to Alpha Sigma Alpha, and her membership in our chapter will add distinction to its work . Bessie Ferguson Cary was also a member of the first chapter of Alpha Sigma Alpha, and had a great deal to do with the guidance of the organization through the first difficult years. The wisdom of her work is reflected in the splendid Alpha Sigma Alpha o~ t~day. She is a dynamic person who brings the vitality of her nature and intelligence into all of her activities. She has held several national offices. She was_ National Treasurer at one time, and at another, Busmess Manager of the magazine. She lives at the Blackstone Hotel in Washmgton. She is widely known and widely popular, especially in literary circles. She is a writer whose work is characterized by the success that attends whatever she undertakes. Jessie Scott Arnold was born in South Carolina. She attended the College for Women in Columbia, and has done graduate work at George Washington, her especial interests being English and History. She was a member of Gamma Chapter, and was once Editor-in-Chief of the Magazine which at that time was called the Aegis. She is the mother of three sons and the grandmother of two. Her oldest son was graduated from West Point several years ago, and is now in the Air Corps of the Army. Her second son is a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The youngest boy is with his mother in Washington. She, too, is a writer and her published work includes poetry and articles on historical subjects. She is at present State Historian for the Daughters of the American Revolution in the District of Columbia. She is employed in the library of the Federal Trade Commission. . This chapter is still in its babyhood, but is so promising that Alpha Sigma Alpha, we hope, will find it a valuable addition to the family. JEssiE ScoTT AR.'OLD.


News Letters-College Chapters ALPHA State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs: Here we are back in our "saddles" again (and mine are past the vogueishly dirty stage already). It's grand to be back among our sisters again, doncha' think? Just think of all the summer memories we have to dream about in class! So far the chapter hasn 't done very much. Of course we've had our regular Tuesday afternoon meetings but everyone is still in that first couple of weeks' rush of making schedules, paying up, signing rolls, fixing up the room, and all the dozens of other "must be done at once" jobs. We have set the date, October 23, for our fall banquet, which will be the first big issue on our social calendar this year. It's more fun planning and fixing for our seasonal banquets-and eating 'em, too. This one will be in our school tea room. All S. T. C. is eagerly awaiting October 26. Our annual school circus is coming to our gym on that eventful Saturday night! Each class presents a skit or stunt to be judged by members of the faculty. The winning class gets a cash award to add to the class treasury. Then too, the four classes decorate booths which are also judged for their originality and beauty. If you're down Farmville way about the last of Octo·ber, don't be surprised if you see old S. T. C. rocking, ··cause the circus will be in town! New faces, changed faces, more dorms and furniture, and in general lots of shiny newness-that's what greeted our return to college. All these were pleasant to behold, but we couldn't help but let a tear or two fall when we realized that these new faces and whatnots had come to fill a vacancy left by some old friend or beloved object. We miss our graduated sisters and are looking forward to a return visit to their Alma Mater. Fall cotillion has been set for November 9· Cotillions are always the signal for old grads to return, so they take on an added charm. Did I say we've got our memories to dream about? We also have eight months of pleasant "memories-to-be" to which to look forward. Well sisters, I must end this chat for now, as the chapel bell is calling. Here's hoping you all had a summer packed wit!) happiness. Love in A. S. A., ·SHIRLEY McCALLEY.

ALPHA BETA State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs: Well, to take up the story where our last year's editor, June Western, left off: Do you recall June's statement in the last edition of THE PHoENIX that we were busy planning for the

grand and glorious, sleepy breakfast dance to be held April 20? How true-how true, because it really was a sleepy affair. It so happened that the Junior-Senior Prom was scheduled the night preceding, but even sleepy Alphas can have a marvelous time. Just ask any of us. We were quite honored and proud to have. Mrs. Wilma Wilson Sharp as our guest at this dance and breakfast. Juanita Albrecht thought up the clever idea of giving individual boxes of breakfast food as favors. Since our breakfast dance is always in honor of the seniors we gave them wooden letter openers with the Greek letters A. S. A. burned into the handle. Table decorations were of yellow roses. I know I speak for the whole chapter in saying that we enjoyed Mrs. Sharp's visit. Our only regret is that she could not have remained longer. We are sorry to report that an AI pha was not crowned Echo queen at the Prom, but we had three attendants: Helen Mayor, Marion Porter and Lorraine Taylor. Anyway, I think three attendants would equal one queen by anyone's calculations. We are very proud of Martha Rinehart, who was elected secretary of the Missouri College Newspaper Association last spring. Martha's ambition is to be a journalist. She is working for the Kirksville Daily Express in addition to attending school. Then at the school carnival in May, the Alpha Sigs brought home the bacon-so to speak. We received the prize for the best booth and Juanita Albrecht and Marjorie Rouner, dressed as gypsies, took first and second prizes for the -best costumes. When summer school opened there were about thirty members enrolled so it was decided to meet every week during the summer. One week we would have a meeting at the house to plan some form of entertainment for the next week. We had picnics, swim parties . and roller skating parties. One evening the alumna: organization invited the active chapter to a Wiener roast at the home of Mrs. Sarah Grimm Wimp, where we had lots and lots of fun-and food! The ·Alpha Beta chapter and alumna: contributed $90 to place a stained glass window in the John R. Kirk Memorial Building on our campus. Each of the fraternities and sororities gave a window with its emblem in colors. These windows are in the dome of the building and the many colors add a beautiful effect. The second week of school our president, Elizabeth Burns, left school to take a secretarial position in Jefferson City. We were sorry to lose her but we had a very capable girl, Betty Sue Gardner, to fill this vacancy. We then elected Helen Mayor vicepresident. Charline Miller took Marjorie Rouner's position as chaplain. We are now working on plans for a pre-rush party

37 and our Gypsy Rush Dance. The alumna: always give the afternoon rush party and this time they have planned a progressive luncheon for us. And best of all, girls, we're getting a new neon sign for our sorority house. We have Elizabeth Burns to thank for this, and, Burnsie, we do thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The sign is now on the way and from descriptions it should outshine the one across the street at a rival house. Good-bye now-we'll see you in the next PHOENIX. Love m A. S. A ., FRANCES HooK.

ALPHA GAMMA State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania

The Alpha Gamma girls returned to school with gay vacation memories and many ideas to contribute to plans for the year's activities. A tea, given by Alice Moorehead, our president, at her home in Indiana, was the first of our social affairs. The girls enjoyed this immensely, especially because they renewed old friendships not only with other sisters, but with faculty sponsors and alumna: as well. The girls in the dorm have been having late Saturday evening snacks when great times are had going over the week's happenings and deciding on plans for the future. So far sc.h eduled on our calendar is a breakfast, a roller skating party, a theater party in Pittsburgh, a shower for Ruth Noble McMinn, who has been married and is now living in Indiana, and our informal rush party which is scheduled for November 9路 We have a wonderful idea for this freshman party, but I'll not tell you about it until next time . Incidentally, you might like to know that we are keeping in touch with some charming freshmen girls. Not only that, but there are several upperclassmen who seem quite promising. Of course, at the moment the Cleveland Regional Convention is uppermost in our minds . Alpha Gamma's part in the schedule was to arrange for the opening luncheon. Then too, we are delighted that our pledge, Margaret Whitesell, will be formally initiated at the service performed at the convention. Miss Belden and Miss Mahacheck, our sponsors, are driving and taking eight of the girls. We will also have several alumna: to represent us. This seems to include briefly all of our most interesting activities, so until next time. Yours in A. S. A., G. JuNE WILCL'S.

BETA BETA Colorado State College of Education, Greeley, Colorado

Well, here's another school year with so many things to which to look forward. I don't believe any of you knew of the two honors our chapter won last spring. We won the scholarship cup. It is offered each year to the organization maintaining the highest scholastic record. We're all working hard now to try to better our last year's record so perhaps we

can win it again. Each spring the Boosters' organization on our campus sponsors a "Bright Lights" show. In this show each organization on the campus puts on a short skit and the judges award a cup each year to the winning act. Last spring ours was judged the best. Of course we intend to enter this year and hope to repeat our victory . Now that's enough of last year. This year our Panhellenic organization is trying a new system of rushing. We have one week of coking dates and the next week is formal rushing. In the week of formal rushing all sororities hold open house from seven to nine on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. Wednesday night after the open house we deliver our invitations to our preferential dinner which is Friday night. Saturday is the day when bids are accepted. For our open house Monday night we had a Carnival party. We had the house decorated with balloons and a lot of booths throughout. We had a fishing pond, target range, dart game, bingo, and pitching pennies. All during the Carnival we gave them hot dogs, pop and ice cream cones. Then, Tuesday night our open house was a cabaret. We had a roulette wheel and all that goes with a cabaret. Our wine list had such names as Champagne (gingerale), Tom Collins (limeade), etc. For our last night of open house our theme was patriotic. As the rushees entered they were "conscripted." They were assigned to either the cavalry, air corps, artillery, or infantry. Then they went through silly little tests to determine whether or not they were fit for service. Then they were taken to the polls to vote on the election. Next the rushees were taken to the buffet where we had a spread of many kinds of food. The tables were lighted by red, white and blue candles and all the house was decorated with red, white and blue balloons. Our preferential dinner is to be carried out in the theme of the "Deep Sea." Favors are to be large crystal bubbles filled with bubble bath. Rushing is really all we can think about now so I'll tell you more news in my next letter. Sincerely, RuTH SMITH.

GAMMA GAMMA Northwestern State Co.Jiege, Alva, Oklahoma

Twenty-six actives and pledges returned again to take part in the activities of Gamma Gamma Chapter. We started the year with the annual Pan hellenic tea given for the new freshmen girls. For our informal rush party, we met our rushees at the door of the Hotel Bell where they registered for "College Night." After passing a physical exan1ination in which their hearing was tested by trying to recognize the sound of various objects dropped behind a screen, an I. Q. test was given. Ps. S.: Their intelligence rated high, thank goodness!


Original poems and art models were composed . After passing reading, music, and English tests, the Rushees were ready for graduation. As they received their graduation caps, diplomas, and favors, they were served refreshments consisting of hot dogs, pop-corn, and pop. Under a black and gold canopy of crests of AI pha Sigma Alpha sorority, the third annual Black Diamond dinner was held at the Hotel Bell, Thursday evening. Gamma Gamma place cards, gold nut cups, and Black Diamond patent leather programs marked the places at the tables, which were decorated with yellow chrysanthemums and black tapers . Gold N. S. C. pins were presented to the rushees. Leota Leeper, president of the college chapter, introduced the following program: "Rustles of Spring," a piano solo by Jonnie Lane; Joan Wolcott sang "Alpha Sigma Sweetheart," and "April Played the Fiddle"; Anna Mae Householder played two accordion solos. After a colorful carnival and dancing, refreshments were served. Metallic hats, noise makers, confetti serpentines, and balloons were given as favors. We met our new pledges as they came from the door of bid-house and escorted them to luncheon where they were presented with red rose buds and sorority colors. Pledge service was held at the home of one of our mother patronesses, Mrs. C. A. Traverse, the following Tuesday evening. With the rush season hardly off our minds, we prepared to go to the Regional Convention in Kansas City. Even though Gamma Gamma chapter is the farthest away, we were well represented by our two delegates, Leota Leeper, president; Katherine Quinton, treasurer; two actives, Dorothy Riggs and Betty Lou Heaton, and six alumn<e, and Miss Minnie Shockley, Dean of Women, who was also the oldest Alpha Sigma Alpha present. We were highly honored by the college orientation committee's choice of two Alpha Sigma Alphas to represent campus organizations at a luncheon for freshmen. Ere Lene Cline and Marguerite Elliott represented seven of the campus organizations. Ere Lene Cline, former president, is assistant supervisor of the Commerce Department. Marguerite Elliot has recently been elected president of Pi Kappa Delta, honorary Forensic Society. Leota Leeper was named queen of the Woods County annual fair by judges during the annual queen contest, which was held Thursday night. The lucky girls who enjoyed vacation this summer were: Dorothy Jean Certain, Leota Leeper, Jonnie Lane, Ere Lene Cline. Jadeena Brown, who visited Colorado; Evelyn and Bessie Benefiel, who toured the West coast and Old Mexico; Dorothy Riggs who for some unknown reason chose the State of Missouri. But we'll let you in on the secret. There was a boy friend at the end of the trip. Electa Lee Montgomery spent a few days in Chicago. Something else of interest about EJecta, is that

she is sporting a "brand new" ring-on the left hand. Either she is the lucky girl, or he is the lucky boy; we can't figure it out. Here's hoping that all of the other chapters will have as successful a year as we hope to have. Sincerely, THEOBELLE LEONHARDT.

EPSILON EPSILON Kansas State Teachers C()Jiege, Emporia, Kansas

Rush week really started off with a bang and a super amount of enthusiasm. Maybe. it was because we started to school later than usual and it was cooler. Maybe it was because we could don our new clothes and actually be comfortable for once instead of roasting in them. But I think the big reason was that our house was redecorated. The downstairs and upstairs were papered and painted. The woodwork was done over and the porches were painted. The girls came back a week early to get the house in tiptop order and put their personal touches in their rooms. The house was in perfect order by Sunday, September 15, to receive our rushees. That Sunday we elected Roberta Alspaw as our new prexy. Fern Enochs resigned in the summer to fulfill a teaching job. Roberta is a junior this year. We know that Roberta will make us a wonderful president. By the end of the week we had sixteen of the choice rushees . All of the actives did a grano job in rushing these new pledges, but we want to give a big part of the credit to Helen Tubbs, senior, rush captain, and Phyl Hughes, sophomore, co-rush captain; also Roberta, as prexy. Today as I write I am thinking of the girls at the Alpha Sigma Alpha regional convention held in Kansas City, Missouri, October the 5th and 6th. We sent as our delegates Helen Tubbs, senior, and Virginia Tiemann, sophomore. Besides the two delegates about twelve other girls went. They were looking forward to having a good time . What could be more fun than a hayrack ride! We couldn't think of anything so we are again having our annual ride. We always have three hayracks, and we ride about five miles out of town where we have a picnic. Each couple is given a sack lunch consisting of wieners, marshmallows, apples, and doughnuts. We then sit around the fire and sing our sorority and fraternity songs. I think the sponsors have as much fun as we . I almost forgot to tell you that our reunion in July was really a big success. About one hundred actives and alumn<e attended. Some of the girls who first started our Epsilon Epsilon chapter were there. Now that everything is in full swing, in campus activities, and studying, we are looking forward to a successful year under the guidance of our president, and sponsors. We know that the other A . S. A.'s are looking forward to a successful year, too! MARY EMILY RussELL, Editor.

NovEMBER, 1940

ZETA ZETA Central Missouri State Teachers College, Warren burg, Missouri

Dear Alpha Sigs: So many things have happened since last year that I am going to try to tell about them in as few words as possible. A reunion in the form of a swimming party and slumber party at the country home of Sarah Frances Gray was held July 26 and 27. Dainty appetites completely disappeared when the large breakfast was set before the girls in the morning. The usual summer slump was ousted by the Alpha Sig girls this year. A party a week was the summer schedule-and it went over with a bang! Election of officers-always an important item, was more important this year and a little unusual. Last year's president, Kathryn Hopkins, is again this year's president. Alpha Sigma Alpha for the past two years has set the pace on the C. M. S. T. C. campus and again scored a hit by pledging fifteen of the seventeen girls that took out bids this year. If you like county fairs-but everyone does! It's a good idea for a rushing party and quite a lot of fun. One of the important dates with our girls was the annual formal Progressive Dinner. Our alumna: were responsible for this and it creates a more friendly and closer feeling in the sorority. We know our alums are interested in us. Do you? Are yours? Preinitiation week is always a problem. Something new for the girls to do is rather hard to find especially with five sororitie5 on our campus. However we have found that gunny sack skirts are rather striking when made and worn by our pledges. If you have some new tricks let us know about them too. Regional Meeting at the Muehlebach Hotel, K~n足 sas City, Missouri, was attended by r5r Alpha Stgs October 5 and 6. Alumna:, pledges, actives, sponsors, and National officers were present. Twenty Alphas from Zeta Zeta chapter attended this convention, and several are looking forward to the Chicago trip! We'll be seeing you there! Enough said for this time. Let's hear from the rest of you. We're always interested in our sisters. JANE JACKSON.

ETA ETA State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas

Since the last issue of THE PHOENIX so much has happened it will take a little digging in a diary to recall all of it. Frances Hunt, our "prexy," and Maxine Humbard were elected co-managers of The Collegia, school paper. Also Mary Kay Reiff was elected editor of The Kanza, yearbook of the school. The spring formal was May 25 at the ,~inc?ln Park pavilion. The theme of the dance was Racmg Under the Auspices of the Alpha Kennels." The

39 decorations were those we described in the last issue. On Sunday morning following the fo rmal, a breakfast was given for the senior girls and our parents at the Bee-Hive Annex. Each senior was presented a locket with the sorority crest on it. Commencement was May 29 and many of us went home for the summer. Those girls still in town held meetings every two weeks. On July r6 and 17 we had a sorority homecoming. The night of the sixteenth there was a dinner-dance at Sagmount, a resort south of Joplin. On Saturday afternoon there was a tea held at the Swedish room of Hotel Besse and that night a dinner at the Bee-Hive Annex. The last of July we had our first rush party of the summer. We had an outing down at Jane Mills' cabin south of Pittsburg. There was swimming, racquet, archery and bridge for the girls. At six a picnic supper was served. Throughout August the girls took rushees out for cokes and shows. The last of the month there was a "Plantation Party" at Betty Deane Quier's. The party was held in the yard and the shrubbery was fixed with cotton balls to resemble cotton plants. Lois Thompson was selected as "Miss Southern Belle" of Pittsburg the last of August. She represented the town in the "Southern Belle" contest at New Orleans. Mrs. Robert Lemon, one of our patronesses, was her chaperon on the trip. Lois is one of our most attractive girls. On Sunday preceding the opening of school we gave a tea for the rushees and their mothers. The rooms were decorated with fall flowers. The centerpiece of the tea table was purple and white asters. Mrs. Robert Lemon presided at the tea table. The following Friday night we had a slumber party (maybe it would be better to say slumberless) at the house for the rushees. At two in the morning the girls were served sandwiches and cokes. Mrs. C. Y. Thomas assisted by Mrs. Lemon and Mrs . Oerter served breakfast at Mrs. Thomas's home to the group. The following week-end formal rush week started. The theme of our formal rush week was "The American Way ." On Friday afternoon the alumna: chapter entertained the rushees with "The Boston Tea Party" at the home of Mrs . John Ira Clemens. The tea table centerpiece was red roses. Mrs. C. F. Spencer and Miss Eulalia Roseberry presided at the table. The tea cakes were decorated with small American flags and the sandwiches were fixed like bu~ti~g and were rolled and tied with red and blue. V10lm and piano music was played throughout th~ tea_ hour. Also a minuet was presented by two gtrls m appropriate costumes. The formal banquet held Saturday night carried out the theme of "Peace and Plenty." The banquet was held in the Swedish room of Hotel Besse. Running the full length of the tables were red and blue stripes down the center and at each end ':"'ere groups of American flags. The floral centerptece of the tables were American Beauty roses. Place cards were red, white and blue. The programs were in the shape of the United States crest. The rushees were given favors of patriotic compacts and rose corsages.


Following the banquet, after dinner coffee was served at the home of Mrs. F. M. Oerter. After the dinner that night the actives voted on the girls. On Monday afternoon we received the list of the girls that desired to pledge Alpha. Then we took out our formal invitation to the girls to become pledges of Alpha Sigma Alpha. On Sunday, September 29, we held pledging services at the house for fifteen girls. After the services the group went to the Bee-Hive for dinner. Now we are busy planning for our first party which will be held October I I at the gym. Also we are working on the decorations for Homecoming which is the second of November. A large group of our girls attended regional meeting in Kansas City last week-end. All of them reported an excellent time. MARY K. RIEFF.

THETA THETA College of Education, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

Our Message As we return to school and our proud tans and freckles vanish like the autumn leaves we find A. S. A . waiting for us. To some it means coming back to scores of A. S. A. friends and to others it means the realization that it is our responsibility to shoulder the many duties. Theta Theta chapter discovers that a large majority of her members are teaching. All kinds of teaching! One girl is teaching in a training school in connection with a normal school, while another is teaching in a girls' school. And, we find another in an English department. Needless to say we are on the look out for girls, not because they are "cute" or sweet, but because we know they are sorority material. We are looking for girls who are professional minded, but yet who have sparks of enthusiasm. And to every A. S. A. sister in the land we extend very best wishes for a happy, successful year together. If you're near Boston, our sign is out saying Theta Theta chapter, Boston University. }EAN A. ADAMS.

KAPPA KAPPA Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Bright pillows, snowy curtains, new bedspreads, the smell of paint, all this greeted the Kappa Kappa's when they came back to the house this fall. When the chapter bought some new "double-deckers" for the bedrooms, the girls felt the urge to do some interior decorating; the result is that we are all pretty pleased with the classy way our rooms look. We have thirty active members now, and they're a grand group of girls. Then, too, there are eleven pledges, quite a few of whom are planning to be initiated at our initiation service in a few weeks. Seventeen of the Kappa Kappas are living in the house th1s year. All of the officers are living in ex-

cept our registrar. Our presidenJ:, Evelyn Wolf, had the misfortune of catching a streptococcic infection of the throat, a week after school started. She has been recuperating at her home in Trenton for the past week, but we hear she's much better and will be back with us again real soon. It won't be long now until a whirl of activities is upon us. Alumni week-end is rolling around beginning October 25. We've planned a pajama party with our Kappa Kappa alum's as guests of honor. But because of a formal dinner-dance for them here at school that evening, we won't get started before one o'clock in the morning at the earliest. We won't even hope to get much sleep that night. The following day all the fraternities and sororities on campus are to be decorated in the spirit of the Penn-State, Temple game to be played that afternoon. Then too there is a parade with all the organizations having their floats. We Alpha Sigs have a pace to keep, we won first cup in both of these events last_ year, and are going to try very hard to do it a gam. October 26 is the date of our formal alumni dinner which we look forward to from one year to the next. Instead of a dance of our own afterwards, all the fraternity and sorority houses here are having open dances so everyone can go to all the different houses in the course of the evening. Several days after alumni week-end is our fall rush party. The plans as yet are still indefinite because we can't make up our mind what old man weather is going to do then. We would love to go on a hayride through Fairmount Park to a quaint little inn along the Delaware River where we could play games, eat, and have loads of fun . But since it might rain and ruin the whole party, I guess we'll play safe and have a Hallowe'en party in the house instead. That's about enough of our future dates for now . Mentioning dates reminds me of the latest ruling passed by our local Panhellenic Association-there can be no more men at any of our rush parties, which means no more rush dances. This seems awful to us because our formal dinner-dances have been the outstanding rush parties of the year. The idea of the new ruling is that the girls will get to know the rushees better than before. It sounds logical so we'll try it and report on its success later after we know more about how it works out. Adviser Helen Corey is back with us again, and so is our housemother, Mrs. Rita Clarke. Everything seems to be pointing towards a wonderful year f01 the Alpha Sigs. Well, that's all for now. Goodbye until December. CHARLOTTE KRIEBEL, Editor.

MU MU Michigan State Normal College, U psilanti, Michigan

The Misses Anne Frankenberry and Helen Berger attended the Regional Convention at Cleveland, Ohio, October I2 and I3 as delegates from Mu Mu chapter.

NovEMBER, 1940 They reported a wondertul time and a great deal of pleasure in meeting so many Alpha Sigs. The inspiration and feeling of loyalty the girls gained from the convention is helping us during our rush season. Our rush season is under way. We had planned a wiener roast at our adviser's cottage on Lake Erie October 19, but due to unfavorable weather we held the roast at her apartment. We had a grand time anyway. Mrs. Barss, one of our patronesses, let us use her home for an open house October r6. Saturday, October 26 we are planning a formal dinner at Plank Road Tavern for the rushees. The rush season will end with pledging on October 31.

NU NU Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

It seems ages since all we sisters have had a gettogether through THE PHOENIX, doesn't it? Well, from the multitude of events we Nu Nu's have experienced in that time, we should keep you busy for quite a while hearing all about them. We've lost one adviser through her marriage and acquired another in her place; we've found ourselves in the limelight at Drexel more than ever before; and we've planned all sorts of activities for our new year to carry on in true Alpha Sig style. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? On June 15 Miss Natalie Edwards, who served so well as our adviser last year, became the bride of Mr. Sherman Russell, at a lovely wedding here in Philadelphia to which we were all invited . Although we miss Miss Edwards very much, we know fr-om her letters that Mrs. Russell is very happy . We're looking forward to many pleasant times, however, with Miss Phoebe Maxfield, who was installed as our new adviser last Spring. When the election of officers in our various school organizations rolled around in June, the Alpha's came came out on top again- the presidents of the three largest woman students' organizations are Alpha Sigs. Jane Pryse, one of our outstanding seniors, is guiding student government this year with four other of our girls serving on the governing board with her. In our Woman's Athletic Association, Dottie Hutton, Nu Nu's own president, and Marion Powell, our vicepresident, are serving in their respective capacities. Drexel's Y. W. C. A. is piloted this year by Polly Steinberg, chapter chaplain. We swamped the woman's Junior class by contributing all four officers from Alpha Sigma Alpha, and, in addition, filled a position on the staff of the year book. Every school organization for women is represented in some way by an "Alpha girl." To swell our pride even more, nine Nu Nu girls received awards for scholarship and leadership on Institute Day; scholarships, prizes, and keys are some of the relics which the girls have to cherish. President Dot Hutton is right up on top again having received a scholarship for her senior year. With all these achievements to supercede, Nu Nu

has begun plans for winter rushing season. In the immediate future, however, a week-end at Drexel Lodge and our annual Harvest Moon Dance, about which you will hear more later, are the outstanding Nu Nu engagements. RoBERTA WILSON.

XI XI University of California, Los Angeles, California

We took inventory of our returning members and discovered that the most interesting vacation trip had been taken by Lois Lyle, travelling from her home in Paso Robles, California, to Fargo, North Dakota; so we asked her to give her impressions of the trip. "On July ro I received a telegram from 'twin cousin' asking me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding August 23 at Fargo, North Dakota. Frantic packing began, and soon we were heading across the California Desert. Our first stop was Boulder City, Nevada, where we spent the afternoon, viewing one of man's wonders. The next day we saw one of the greatest scenic marvels in the world; to try to describe the Grand Canyon of the Colorado is to attempt the impossible. Even the faintest idea of its stupendous size, its wealth of coloring, and its riot of forms, majestic, grotesque, or beautiful, can be gained only from actual sight of it. "Our next stop that day was to see the pre-historic Cliff Dwellings, a fascinating trip. In sheer cliffs,

Eleanor Bohn, Xi Xi, P1'esident Gladys Ludlam, Xi Xi, Adviser Marie路 B. Berry, Felfow.ship Loan Chainmm


covering over half an acre, were two hundred fifty of them, each about ten by twelve yards. It was amazing how retrospective one could become in such surroundings. Leaving these we went on to view the gigantic Meteor Crater, Painted D~sert, and the Petrified Forest. "In New Mexico we had an interesting time visiting the various Indian reservations, Navaho, Apache, and Pueblo, then made our way across the Texas Panhandle, thinking about all the Western movies that we had seen, mentally picturing a colorful roundup. The next day was fun-we had breakfast in Edmonds, Oklahoma, lunch in Baxter Springs, Kansas, and dinner in Independence, Missouri. Crossing Missouri and Iowa, we entered Minnesota and stopped for several days at Winona. This city, famous for its picturesque scenery, is partially surrounded by bluffs of peculiar rock formation-Sugar Loaf and Trempealeau Mountains, being of special interest. "From here we went to Rock Island, Illinois, where we visited the Rock Island Arsenal, being delayed two hours while they searched for a spy! Then Fargo, an interesting city, named in honor of W. G. Fargo of the Wells Fargo Express Company. The next three weeks were the busiest ones that I've ever had, and all too soon we were headed back to California . Crossing North Dakota and Montana, we stopped in Wyoming to see the famed Yellowstone National Park, a truly beautiful place, but it was the mud-pots of West Thumb that fascinated me most. ' Utah, where we "We went on across Idaho into visited the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City. Hurrying across Utah and Nevada, we sighed with relief when we were settled in a lovely little cabin at Lake Tahoe, a perfectly beautiful place, with heavenly views. Our last stop was our own Yosemite Valley, a fitting climax to a wonderful vacation." Lms LYLE.

PI PI Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York

Having sorrowfully been deprived of twenty members through the inviegeling of commencement exercises, we Alpha Sigs are seriously, though gayly, launched on another 路 rush season. Last Wednesday, October 2, to be exact, twenty-five girls were asked to fulfill a "prescription" at our "Corner Drugstore." Our newly acquired Sorority House became a veritable Liggett & Myers for the occasion! What with a~vertisements, and empty sample cans attractively d1splayed throughout the domicile! At our "soda fo~ntain" .we satisfied the hunger of the "patients" w1th Mex1can sundaes, sandwiches, and Coca-Cola. When the last prescription had been filled the erstwhile customers departed cherishing a bra;elet made of a tooth brush that had been heated in the oven and bent, or shall I say "curved to fit the wrist." I almost forgot that no one knows about our

"house.' It is very charming and gives us such a nice feeling of importance! Eight of our actives live there all the time and the rest of us spend as much time as we possibly can without necessitating the installation of more beds! It is so wonderful to have a place of our own to hold our meetings and "bull" sesswns. Twenty-eight of us, including the Alumn:e are looking forward with great excitement to the forthcoming regional convention at the Hotel Cleveland, in Cleveland, Ohio. Pi Pi has the role of sustenance, that is, we are the dinner committee for Saturday night's feast . There will be a lot to tell next time about meeting new sisters and getting new ideas and having a good time! Cupid, in the form of Alpha Sigma Alpha, again invaded our campus last spring. At the annual Moving-Up Day exercises we formally announced the installation of our second "Love Bench" on the quadrangle. They are handsome benches of marble with the Alpha Sigma Alpha crest on the side. Just big enough for two!! I hope they are seeing a lot of wear! Thoughts of practice teaching and conventions weigh heavily upon this editor's head, so until further notice, I shall remain,

RHO RHO Marshall College, Huntington, West Virginia

Dear Alpha Sigs: We of Rho Rho chapter have just come through a very hectic week of "rushing.'' I thought I'd tell you about our parties, and if you like the ideas, you are welcome to use any or all _of them. Our first party was the annual Rose Tea. Our Circus Party was a great success! The hall was a gala sight, decorated with multi-colored balloons, a fortune-telling booth, a stand for hot dogs and pink lemonade, and a clown who also entertained with acrobatic dancing. The third and last party took the form of a football dinner. The girls arrived in formal attire which added to the picturesqueness of the room. The colors of our Alma Mater are green and white; these were carried out to the furthest extent possible, both in decorations and the food. Pins showing .a pennant of Marshall College with shoes, helmets, footballs and the other paraphernalia usually connected with that beloved sport were given all the "rushees" as souvenirs of their evening with us. The invitations to the parties were attractive and quite in keeping with the general theme of the party concerned. Our new pledges are all very likeable and we are very much pleased with them-a feeling which we hope 路is mutual. Sincerely, ]ANIE WEINBERGER.

NoVEMBER, 1940



Four Tau Tau's are to be in the contest. A blonde, a red-head, and two brunettes. If variety means anything we certainly have it here. Louanne Schwarrzkopf and Margaret Kimple are being sponsored by downtown stores; Mary Ethel Earl by the chapter; and Mary Alice Wiesner by the Tlgerettes, the girls' pep organization. October 26 is Homecoming at Fort Hays. We have begun making preparations and plan to decorate the house and enter a float in the parade. That noon we are having a luncheon for our alumna: members. That evening we play Emporia and after the game a varsity ball will be held. We hope to have a large group of alums back as we are always happy to see them return. On December 14 we are having our first formal dance which will be a Christmas party. It will be held at the Lamer Hotel and should be a great success as we are all looking forward to it eagerly . We might even have a Santa Claus. And now for some news about last year's girls who did not return to school. Frances Billings, Glennis Lindsey, C. D. Page, Eleanor Stroble, and Ethlyn Bainter are teaching. Marianne Jury is in nurse's training at St. Joseph's Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, Ruth Or~ell at St. Anthonys in Dodge City. Jane Isaacks IS at her home in Independence, Missouri. She spent her summer working at Yellowstone. Billie ~irshin~ is at Clay Center. Agnes Tullis is at home m Alliance, Nebraska. Juanita Peacock is in LaCrosse and Irene McElroy is working here in Hays. Very soon we will have active initiation for Betty Barnes, Phillipsburg, who pledged last year. 22.

Western State College, Gunnison, Colorado

Recently the whole sorority held an all-clay cabin party at the hunting lodge of one of our alums, Mrs. Jay Miller. There ~ere eats and fun gal~re . After a bit of trouble gettmg there due to runmng out of gas and too limited room in the Sweitzer jalopy (automobile to you high-brows) we returned to our childhood and stuffed ourselves with all the goodies picnics warrant. . By the time this is being read by our Alpha S1g sisters our first rush party of the year w1ll be over. We are planning a hunting party this year, in keeping with the season and Tex Lodge is th~ chos~n hunting grounds. Helen Cook, our versattle arust registrar has charge of the ~ffair and as plans .are going now we hope to cut qmte a swath of good Impressions. We hope all our chapters are as confident, no, not overly so, of the good size increase of the rolls of Alpha Sigma Alpha. We have a new officer, Louise Nordstrom, who was elected to replace Martha Miller as Collegiate Representative. Martha is attending Barnes Business College in Denver, and we certainly miss her along with the others who didn't return this year. Helen Cook is president of Pep Club this year with many of the Alpha Sigs represented in it. Many of our former sisters who graduated last year are now stern pedagogues and we hope to welcome them back for Homecoming very soon. CELIA CALHOUN.

TAU TAU Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas

"Aren't the Alpha's new jackets the cutest things!" is the chorus we girls have been hearing going round the Fort Hays campus. We certainly do add a dash of color as our jackets are bright red and have an A. S. A . monogram and huge pockets on them. Our rush season opened with a tea on Sunday afternoon,• September 15. This was followed by three informal parties on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights. The formal preferential dinner was on Thursday and bidding on Friday. We hav.e an ~n­ tirely new set of rush rules on our campus m wh1ch there is no private rushing whatsoever. . For favors at our formal dinner we gave httle white plaques with A. S. A. painted in white on a red background. Most of the girls have put ribbon through them and are wearing them around their necks. They really are very clever. Someone we miss very much this year is Miss Paul, our adviser. She has been ill quite a long time and is now at a sanitorium at Boulder, Colorado. When we had our supper for the new pledges we each wrote her a little note combining it into a letter. We hope she'll come back soon and so d~es everyone else at Fort Hays. We miss her cheery smile and jolly manner. . The girl who is to represent Hays at the Amencan Royal in Kansas City will be selected October


PHI PHI Northwest Missouri State Teachers CoUege, Maryville, Missouri

The informal rush parties, held at various houses, carried out the theme of sports. The following sports

Fourteen airls were pledged t o Alpha Sigma A lpha at the chapte"'r house. Pictures of the group were taken after th e service.



were: football, ice skating, tennis, golf, and basketball. For the formal rush party the rushees were taken by bus to the "Y" in St. Joseph for dinner. After dinner they were then taken to the Missouri Theater.

as guests to one of the season's most clever pictures. Saturday morning the actives introduced something new to rhe campus by giving a brunch at the city's Y. M. C. A. Saturday night the Indianapolis and Muncie Alumn~ chapters joined them in giving a clever Cinderella formal dinner at the Hotel Roberts in Muncie. The Cinderella theme was carried out in every detail--even to the glass-slipper centerpieces. Yes, the costumed fairy godmother and velvet-clad page even made a search for the Cinderella among the rushees-that fortunate rushee who could wear the glass-heeled-and-toed slipper presented . This search sounded the final note in the grand finale 路 to an exciting crescendo of a week's rush activities. Following the excitement of adding so many new and lovely girls to the chapter, Chi Chi gave a homecoming dinner October 4, for their alumn~, at the Y. W. C. A . Twenty alumn~ were present at this lovely, informal dinner, which was presented with the timely theme of patriotism. Just now the chapter is busy with plans for the Regional Convention to be held in Cleveland . Hav. ing been made responsible for a model initiation service, music, and the leadership of one discussion group, the girls are alert and "on their toes"-ready to give their best to Alpha Sigma Alpha. EuzABETH WoLF.

PSI PSI Louisiana State Normal College, Natchitoches, Louisiana

Phi Phi Advisers and Patronesses L eft Mrs . Charles Be ll Mrs . F. M. Townsend Mrs. Cle m Price

Right Miss Miriam Waggo n e r Mrs. J. W. J ones M rs. Alb e rt Kuchs

The Founders' Day Banquet was held at the Linville Hotel Friday, October I I. A program was presented in which the pledges were introduced individually to rhe alumn~ . Eighteen members from this chapter, Miss Waggoner, their sponsor, and Mrs. Kuchs attended the Regional Alpha Sigma Alpha Convention at the Muehlebach Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri, October 5 and 6. Active initiation was held for Eileen Hurst along with six other pledges from various chapters. Talks were given by Mary Kyger and Nyda Snyder. A memorial service was held for Mary Louise Turner. Mrs. Sharp, the national officer, read the service. Tapers were lighted by Mary Lou Melvin a nd Marian Belle King, and music was provided by a n ensemble from the Emporia, Kansas, chapter. JE AN ZIMMERMAN.

CHI CHI Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana Chi Chi chapter cavorted into campus life this fall with a week-end of exciting rush parties. The gala week-end opened with the Alpha Sig girls escorting their new little rushees to the city's best theater,

Dear Sisters: Well another year is getting underway and school is settling down after two hectic weeks of rushing. Competition was, as usual, terrific, but from all the satisfied smiles on sorority gi;ls' faces I'd say everybody came out on top, especially the Alpha Sigs. We are very proud of our sixteen new girls and we're expecting great things of every one of them . Two of our new pledges are little sisters and one is the daughter of a patroness. Our informal party, given September 24, was an All-American progressive dinner. Everything-and everybody-was very patriotic. Our first course was served at the home of Miss Clio Allen, our faculty adviser. Everyone signed the guest book and sipped mint juleps (pineapple juice, please) and then gathered around the piano where one of the rushees, Sarah Jane Simpson, sang "Indian Love Call" and also led us in singing "God Bless America." Then we all drove over to Nippy Williams' house, one of the showplaces of Natchitoches. Nippy's house is the oldest in the Louisiana Purchase, and contains many antiques of historical interest which we showed to the rushees. Here we served a dinner of Virginia baked ham, Boston baked beans, All-American potato salad, pickles, olives, and New Orleans buns. All of the rushees were introduced by their dates and everyone got better acquainted. For our last course we took the rushees back to the campus to our sorority house. Dessert was brick ice cream in the na-

NovEMBER, 1940

tiona! colors and little white iced cakes with the sorority letters in red on top. Vj e induced several of the rushees to sing for us, all strictly impromptu, and Gwen Andrews, a pledge also, who gave us some of her deep blue songs. As a final number on the program the members sang "Alpha Sigma Sweetheart" while our president, Sidney Gremillion, presented each pledge with favors-Bag lapel pins and necklaces. Our formal rush party was a Persian dinner dance given September 28 in the Social Hall. The members wore colorful and glamorous Persian costumes and the room was beautifully decorated with tapestries on the walls, pillows on the Boor--and not a chair in sight!! The orchestra was at one end of the room and the sultan's dian at the other with a lighted fountain in the center where a veiled fortune-teller told the guests' fortunes in sand. As the guests entered with their dates they were given programs for the evening by Sidney Gremillion. We danced with our dates, before the sultan came, and the music-oh, it was divine. The sultan and his court came in about nine o'clock, and "he" danced with all the rushees and flirted with them outrageously and declared he would marry them all. After each rushee had been ceremoniously introduced to "him" "he" announced that he would choose his favorite wife, who sat with him for the rest of the evening while her date was only allowed to sit at the sultan's feet. At intervals during the dancing we presented a Persian program-a flute solo, an oboe solo, an acrobatic dance, several songs, and a dance ensemble from the Haworth School of Dance. At refreshment time the actives brought trays to their dates with unpronouncable Persian food, fruit, and punch for two on each tray. Later, 'after more dancing Carolyn Allen sang "Alpha Sigma Sweetheart" while Billie Cheeves presented tapestry compacts as favors to the rushees. Then every member held her little rushee's hand very tight and sang "Goodnight, Alpha Sigma Rushee" and the party was over. Bids were issued the next morning and sixteen lovely girls walked down the aisle and accepted Alpha Sig bids. We have offered our house as a meeting place to the Garden Club of Natchitoches, and in retur.n they are going to make our house their garden project in the coming year. We ought to have a very lovely place before long. Several of the Alpha Sigs' mothers are members and they are taking an active interest in the project. Isn't it sweet of them? And it was such a nice surprise too. Since Psi Psi has never had anything for the fathers and since we do have a Mother-Daughter banquet each year we are planning to give a FatherDaughter luncheon on November 10. Quite a few of the fathers are expected, and we anticipate a lot of fun. Maybe we can do this often. Anyway we are pushing it ahead right now and everybody is writing home to "Dear Dad." Cuff Notes-It seems that the love bug is one active little insect (?) around here this year. Nan Davis, Genevieve Jones, Yvonne Jones, and Frances

45 Rae Alexander have all felt love's call and have changed their names. How we do miss 'em. Even our president is pinned, and we're all wondering of she's 1路eally interested enough in Kindergarten-Primary to stall Abe Rhodes off until 1942 when she gets her degree. Time will tell, I guess, and in the meantime we wonder who will be next. It's a toss-up.

BETA GAMMA Northeastern State Teachers College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

''I'm looking over a four-leaf clover" should be our theme song this year because it has been good luck every day. First, we begun our 1940-41 activities with a good luck rush party. For favors we had an individual horoscope for each girl fixed as a scroll on the center of a four leaf clover. To lend atmosphere our fortune-teller predicted the future in a most promising manner-and the future of Beta Gamma chapter was assured by the pledging of eight lovely girls. All our entertainment was based around the "Good-luck" idea, and really it was "good-luck" for Beta Gamma. But "Good-luck" didn't end when rushing was over for we looked into the magic ball and saw class elections coming. We not only saw them-we landed 'em! From the senior class Juanita Wisdom was elected Student Council representative, and from the Junior class the Alpha Sigs are represented by Treva Davidson, in the governing body of the school. Well, did our good luck end? NO! For Mima Jennings found a four-leaf clover and was elected editor of our school newspaper The Northeastern, and Lois Beers' rabbit foot successfully put over her campaign for President of the Home Economics club. Furthermore, Treva Davidson was selected secretary to both the dramatics fraternity, Delta Psi Omega, and the Congress Debate Club, as well as being chosen yell leader for the third consecutive year. But two of our luckiest girls, Juanita Wisdom, our winsome dark-eyed darling who was chosen one of the campus beauties _last year, and Betty Begun, our little domestic who knits and knits and knitswere formally initiated at the District Convention at Kansas City. Our new sponsor, Miss Fay Kinney, completes our cycle of luck, and the Beta Gammas are all set for a bright new year-1940-4 I. To our Alpha Sig sisters everywhere let me say we'll press a four-leaf clover for you, but that won't be necessary if you're Alpha Sigs-cause that's enough luck in itself-so with lots o' luck, it's goodbye from yours. TREVA DAVIDSON.

BETA DELTA Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi

The Alpha Sigs at Mississippi Southern College are anticipating a year of fun, work and progress. We intend to really work hard ourselves and inspire (or otherwise induce) our pledges to do the same.


We certainly are going to miss all our old members, especially Ruthie Martin, our former president. Ruthie was the best president a sorority ever had, besides Statia Helen McNeese, our present one! We are all delighted with the way she is handling her job and feel sure we could not be under better leadership. Miss Mary Pulley, our sponsor, example, and friend, is back with us with plans and ideas which hold promise. She's quite capable of making them materialize, too! We're looking forward to the time when we will have some pledges. Even an Alpha Sig likes the feeling of being highly respected! Then, too, it's fun teaching them the ways of Alpha Sigma Alpha. The Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority met Monday night, September 30, to discuss plans for the year. An inspirational Consecration service was held, that seeming a good way to start the year off. Even subjects as interesting as dances, parties and banquets were pushed aside in order to discuss plans for the Alpha Sigma convention, which is to be held at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans, La., November 2-3 . Statia Helen McNeese, president, and Mary Louise Barksdale, vice-president, were chosen as delegates from the Beta Delta chapter. Many of the other girls plan to attend also. MICKEY KING.

BETA EPSILON Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia

Did you have fun this summer? We hope you did and now for a pause while we tell you what we did. The Alphas and Beta Epsilons had a joint house party at Virginia Beach during the last week in June. Can't you just see us comparing ideas of our chapter, but interrupted by those mountainous waves that seemingly knocked us Although salt and sand filled our head, eyes and mouth, we didn't fail to digest every possible suggestion. It was such a perfect week. Wish you could have been with us. Saying farewell to our seniors in June was one of our hardest tasks. Somehow a mist filled our eyes, especially the girls departing when presented a tiny gold Alpha Sigma Alpha bracelet. The seniors framed the chapter's charter which is the only one hanging in the Panhellenic room at Madison College. We are deeply proud and appreciative of this. Now we're back to school and that's another real treat. Before leaving each of us decided to add one new skirt to our wardrobe-( was it Red?) and a white cardigan. On meeting nights what could be better than wearing our sorority colors. Urn-we love it. Already each eye and ear is wide open for our forthcoming rush week which is October 22. Panhellenic decided to allow one joint formal party this quarter followed by an informal by each sorority. Enthusiasm and work are sky high for wonderful results. The first wedding bells of one of our charter

members, Naoma Forest, '40, of Norfolk, Virginia, rang on August 31, when she became the bride of Stewart Goalder from Newport News, Virginia. Our second will occur on October 13. Peggy Delp, a junior and also a charter member, will marry Jack Elder of Yates City, Virginia. It's hard on us to lose our girls but we wish them all the possible happiness and success in. the world. June Kiser, '40, will be on campus October 10, as she is one of the attendants to the crowning of the queen in. the annual Turkey Festival here in Harrisburg. ANNETTE RoGERs.

BETA ZETA Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana

Dear Alpha Sigs: I'm simply bubbling over with news of your new sister chapter, Beta Zeta. And a group of more eager and thrilled girls would be hard to find! We've started the year with earnest intentions of provmg ourselves grateful for this opportunity of joining Alpha Sigma Alpha .

Pledging Last May the highlight of the month was our formal pledging to A. S. A. How well we remember that day! Three girls who were not going to be back this fall were initiated: Merrill Tucker, Christine Dyer, and Beryl Deutsch. Renewing acquaintances with Mrs. Sharp is a happy remembrance in itself. Five members and Miss Clio Allen, faculty adviser, of Psi Psi chapter at Louisiana State Normal College came here to assist in the pledging and initiation. They were full of enthusiasm and made us feel very happy. The day following we gave a Faculty Reception in the reception room of Harris Hall. V.l e were delighted to learn that Mrs. Graves Roberts, wife of Dr. Graves Roberts of the foreign language department, Mrs. H. A . Wilson, wife of Dr. H. A. Wilson of the agricultural department, and Miss Mildred Jones, secretary to the president, were all a! umna: members of Alpha Sigma Alpha .

Officers Elected You must meet the officers elected to guide A . S. A. this year. For president we elected Emma Dell Mendoza, a pretty brunette from Lafayette, a senior and very active in many organizations on our campus. Mildred Songe, with her winning smile, was elected vice-president. Mildred is a senior from Morgan City. Barbara Wild from Morse is our most capable secretary and pretty Marguerite Hail from Eunice is treasurer. Geneva Richard, a junior who has already made a name for herself on the campus, was elected registrar. Catherine Hudson, who is our candidate for the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity "Darling" of Southwestern, is chaplain. Lolita Watkins, a sophomore from Houma, is our col-



legiate representative and Evelyn Toups, a junior, is editor. Headed by these girls our sorority hopes to accomplish much in our first year as Alpha Sigs.

Our Faculty Sponsors I wish you could all know our faculty adviser, Miss Jessie Keep, of the physical education department of S. L. I. We could not have an adviser who would take more interest in us than Miss Keep. She is always ready to assist us, has splendid ideas, and is loved by all the sorority girls. And, girls, you wo~ld also love our patronesses, Mrs. George Claycomb and Mrs. Kenneth Hait. They are always willing to offer their services in any way that would be helpful to us.

Buffet Supper Miss Keep started off the year by entertaining us at a buffet supper at her home during the first week of school. Preceding the supper, plans were discussed concerning Rush Week and the girls displayed earnest intentions of making this a most successful rushing season.

Rush Parties We entertained about seventy rushees at a formal reception at Mrs. Claycomb's home on Saturday, September 21. The color scheme of green and yellow was carried out. Flowers decorated the roomsasters and painted daisies predominating. Coffee, tea, cakes and nuts were served. Pouring at each

47 end of the table were Mrs. Hait and Mrs. H. A. Wilson. Pinafores! Gay colored hair ribbons! Laughter! And, of course, the lollipops! These predominated at our informal rush party at Mrs. Hait's home on the Thursday evening following our formal reception. Games under Geneva's direction provided fun for all. Daphne Kerrison entertained with a solo dance number and Virginia Fields with a delightful song. Vari-colored asters decorated the rooms. Pink lemonade, animal crackers, tiny open-faced sandwiches and lollipops were served. This party was one of the most gala and successful of the season. A. S. A. rated headlines in The Vermilion, S. L. I.'s weekly newspaper, by pledging the greatest number of girls of the seven sororities on the campus. The twenty-six pledges are darling girls and should prove a credit to A. S. A .

Regional Meeting All aboard for New Orleans, November 2 and 3! Imagine the exclamations when we received an invitation to be initiated at the Regional Meeting. Then we will become real Alpha Sigs. And the trip will be all the more enjoyed as Miss Keep, Mrs. Claycomb, and Mrs. Hait will accompany us. We want to become acquainted with the Alpha Sigs from other schools and learn from them how to make ours a better sorority on our campus. Let us hear from you. Ev.ELYN TouPs.


Efficiency Alpha Sigma Alpha has for many yea rs followed the plan whereby each college chapter officer has worked directly under a corresponding National Councilor. The chapter letters and reports are rated for promptness, accuracy, and completeness by each Councilor. At the close of the sorority year each National Councilor sends in a rating of her officers to the National Secretary. A composite efficiency rating is then prepared showing the average made by each chapter. The national efficiency rating of each chapter is

taken into consideration in awarding the ¡ ational Council trophy at convention. Although the following efficiency chart for 1939-1940 in no way indicates the strength of each college chapter, it does show the cooperation given National by eight college chapter officers. It has been interesting to not.e over a period of years that the chapters who consistently cooperated with National likewise have carried on a very successful local program and thereby maintained an enviable position among campus organizations.

OFFICERS EFFICIENCY RATING 1939-1940 Chapte1• Rating


1 .. . .... .. .. . . . .. . ... . ...... Beta Beta . ... ... . .... . . ..... ....... 100 2 . . . .......... . ......... .. .. N u Nu ..... .. ...... . . . ..... . .. .. . .. 100 3 . ..... . . . . ................. Pi Pi . . . ...... .. . . .. . ... . . . . .. . . . .. 100 4 .......... .. ............... Psi Psi ........... . .... ............. 100 5 ... . ..... . ................. Kappa Kappa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98.7 5 6 .... . ... ..... . . ...... .. .... P hi Phi ..... . . ... . . ... . . ... ........ 98.75 7 ...... . . . .......... . ... ... . Chi Chi .... .... . ... ... . .... . ....... 98.75 8 ............ . ....... . . . ... . Alpha ..... . . .............. . .. ..... . 98.1 9 ..... ..... .... . ......... ... Alpha Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98. 125 10 ....... . .. . ...... . ... ... . .. Gamma Gamma . .. ..... . .. ... ....... 97.5 11 ... . . ... . . . .. .. ... . ....... . Tau Tau . . .. . .. ...... . ........ . .... 97.5 12 .. ....... .... . . .......... . . Beta Delta .. . .. . ........ .... . . . ... .. 97.5 13 ........... ....... ..... ... . Beta Epsilon .......... . ............. 97.5 14 . ... . .. ........ . ........... Epsilon Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96. 15 .. ..... ... ........ . .. ...... Beta Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94. 16 .. . ........... . . . ... .. ... . . Sigma Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91. 17 ..... . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . ..... . . Rho Rho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87.9 18 . ... ..... .. . . . . ........ . ... Mu Mu ...... . ............ . ........ 84. 19 ........... . ............... Theta Theta . ....... . . .. .. . . ..... .. . 83.75 20 .. .. . ....... . .............. Alpha Beta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82. 21 ............ . ... .. ...... . .. X i Xi .............................. 81.25 22 ............... . ....... . ... Eta Eta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76. 23 .... .... . ... .... ............ Zeta Zeta





List of Missing Addresses The followmg is the list of names and addresses from which the PHOENIX has been returned. If you know of any corrections, please send them to the National Editor, Mrs. B. F. Leib, Apartment T, 3540 N. Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.

ALPHA Lewis, Mrs. Thomas, Baltimore, Md . ALPHA ALPHA Huenefeld, Mrs. Ralph (Mary Harlan), 92 E. Hendrie, Detroit, Mich. BETA BETA Whiteman, Mrs. G. Kenneth (Bernice Meeker), 1807 Camden Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. Strachan, Mrs. George, (Helen Bondy) Naval Academy, Baltimore, Md. Ferguson, Mrs. Quinton (Elizabeth Gregory), Alva, Okla.

THETA THETA McGreggor, Mrs. Alphine (Mae Elizabeth McClain), Colorado Ave., Washington, D. C. KAPPA KAPPA Johnson, Mrs. A. S. (Margaret M. Bache), N. McKay Ave., Dunn, N.C. IOTA IOTA Arnold, Mrs. Lloyd (Eula Fisher), 5 r 5 Sussex Road, Townson, Md. Stevens, Mrs. Paul W. (Bernice Samuelson), 1247 York St., Des Moines, Iowa. XI XI Fellows, Elizabeth, 2roo Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

GAMMA GAMMA Landers, Mrs. Gorson, Box 314, Hot Springs, Ark. Gilbert, Mrs. C. Otis (Camille L. Tracey), 701 S. Oak St., Pratt, Kans. France, Mrs. John (Lucille MChew), 3141 W. 39th St., Denver, Colo.

MU MU Jones, Vila L., Reed City, Mich. Feldkamp, Estel E., Saline, Mich.

EPSILON EPSILON Miller, Frances, 1205 E. 42d St., Seattle, Wash. Laughlin, Nettie, Drexel, Mo. Ezell, Kathryn R., Civil Service Bureau, Washington, D. C.

OMICRON OMICRON Kirchner, Mrs. Norman A. (Ruth A. Winters), 299 W. Market St., Warren, Ohio.

ZETA ZETA Servoss, Mrs. Evard, 3950 6oth St., Apt. B62, Woodside, Long Island, N. Y. Hasler, Mrs. John D., 1458 Columbia Rd., Washington, D. C.

LAMBDA LAMBDA Haas, Henrietta, Maryville, Ohio.

PHI PHI Lawrence, Ruth, Barnard, Mo. Hastings, Alyce E., 430 Glenwood, Russellville, Ark. THETA THETA McGreggor, Mrs. Alphine (Mae MacCiain), 5336 Colorado Rd., Washington, D. C.



Announcements MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS ALPHA ALPHA Lucille Roth to Floyd Anderson, Summer, 1940. At home Portsmouth, Ohio. ALPHA BETA Louise Cosby to Mr. William Arthur Quick, October 29, 1940. At home 8or N. Claire, St. Louis, Mo. Daisy Campbell to Charles Rogerson, August 31, 1940. At home, Houston, Texas. Helen Terry to H. E. Calkin, September I, 1940. At home, Forest City, Missouri. Betty Young to Dr. John Emmons, September 4, 1940. At home Christman, Illinois. Mary Jane Bowling to Dr. A. R. Schulz, September 29, 1940. At home, Middletown, Ohio. ALPHA GAMMA Mary Jo O'Connor to Robert Mayer, August 28, 1940. At home, Mineral Point, Johnstown, Pa. Ruth Noble to T. R. McMinn, November 19, 1939. At home South St., Indiana, Pa. BETA BETA Marion Rose Phelps to Edward Goodrich, September 3, 1940. At home Lowell, Wyoming. Florence Klinger to Ralph Halliman, August 25, 1940. At home Haxtun, Colorado. GAMMA GAMMA lola Ricks to Willie Stephen Carr, August. At home Alva, Oklahoma. EPSILON EPSILON Louise Mendenhall to Edward Reed, June, 1940. At home, Strawn, Kans. Anne Goldsmith to Richard Lord, October 6, 1940. At home, Emporia, Kans. · Dorothea Abligard to Basil Cooney, August, 1940. At home, Emporia, Kans. Kathryn Carbiener to William Yearout, January 24, 1940. At home, Emporia, Kans. Mary Louise Butcher to C. S. Boertman, May, 1940. At home, Emporia, Kans. Elizabeth Purcell to Kenneth Brock, August, 1940. At home, Emporia, Kans. Roma June Ozenberger to Philip Lord, September 14, 1940. At home, Emporia, Kans. Evelyn Wenrich to Richard Mawdsley, June, 1940. At home, Pratt, Kans. Lura Fitzgerald to Claire Stockton, October 20, 1939· At home, Emporia, Kansas. Betty Dryden to Bruce McCosh, June 1, 1940. At home, Cunningham, Kans.

Nola Newton to Kenneth DeMott, July 21, 1940. At home, Parsons, Kans. Elizabeth Wismeyer to Robert J. Johnson, June 7, 1940. At home, Emporia, Kans. Ida Good to Archie Johnson, June 29, 1940. At home, Des Moines, Iowa. ZETA ZETA Alice Kathryne Brozles to Gerald G. Thomas, December 30, 1939· At home 205 Brush Creek, Missouri. THETA THETA Dulcie D. Baird to Ross L. Calhoun, January 25, 1940. At home 4313 Mercier, Kansas City, Missoun. Mabel Priestman to Galen McLaughlin, June, 1940. At home R. F. D., Maynard, Massachusetts. KAPPA KAPPA Dorothy R. Burd to Daniel R. G. Farrow, Jr., January, 1940. Kathryn Dietrick to William Ludlow, August 26, 1939. At home 6o3 E. Locust Ave., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Lois Anderson to Robert Crooks, June 8, 1940. At home 3441 Penn Street, Germantown, Pennsylvama. Kathryn Blood to Robert E. Fair, March, 1940. Mary Simmington to John Gleston, June 29, 1940. At home Mary Street, Springfield, Nek Jersey. H. Anne Ruppin to James M. Hesser, August 19, 1939. At home West Liberty, West Virginia, Box 198. NU NU Natalie Edwards to Sherman Russell, June 15, 1940. At home 652 Regester A venue, Baltimore, Mary· land. Mildred Busey to William Patton, May 4, 1940. At home 305 Cooper Street, Camden, New Jersey. Claire Warren to William Bright, October 14, I939· At home 1000 S. 49th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. PI PI Doris Anderson to William Gilbert Hagerty on August 5, 1940. At home 120 Badger Avenue, Endicott, New York. Margaret Daly to Herbert Charles Sipple on August 22, 1940. At home Gowanda, New York. Hilda Wieland to Francis B. Schoonover, on July 15, 1940. At home 38 Oliver Street, Lockport, New York.

NovEMBER, 1940

Margaret Smith to Robert Ernst King on August 24, 1940. At home 598 Ashland Avenue, Buffalo, New York. Marjorie Ferris to Joseph Franklin LaClair on September 26, I940. At home 6 Mill Street, Angola, New York. Gladys L. Porter to Edward Onody on September 28, 1940. Shirley Passage to William H. Feathers on October 19, I940. Rosalind Scharch to William D. Sheldon on June 24, 1940. At home Clark Mills, New York. Dorothy Kohler to Adolph G. Steinbrenner, Jr., on June 24, I940. At home Lowville, New York. Frances Mae Cummins to Lester Henry W edekindt on June 29, I940. At home I975 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, New York. Dorothy A. Fricke to Bert E. Weigel on July 6, I940. Jeanne Russ to Ralph E. Eggleston on August I2, 1940. At home 309 Park Avenue, Medina, New York. Flossy S. Snow to David Paul Hamlin on August I5, I940. At home in the New York State School for the Blind, Batavia, New York. Margaret L. Zoller to Howard A. Pilkey on August I7, 1940. At home Barker, New York. Margaret Mae McEntire to Robert James Hickey on August 24, I940. Jane R. Colby to Alfred E. Dixon on August I7, I940. At home 5256 Sheridan Drive, Williamsville, New York. Marian L. Lewis to John Sharp Appleyard on August 12, I940. At home Plainville, Connecticut. RHO RHO Elizabeth Cary to R. A. Ricci, March 24, 1940. At home I025 22d Street, Huntington, West Virgmla. TAU TAU Catherine Lewis to C. A . Marrs, May I8, 1940. At home Gilbert, Arkansas. Verneda Appel to Roland Kahler, June 2, I940. At home Weber, Kansas. Marvella Schridde to Lynn Davis, June 8, I940. At home 320 Yz West 3d, Beloit, Kansas. Ploy Richards to Guy Barnes, September I4, I940. At home Hope, Kansas. Eunice Gaines to James Officer, June 2, I940. At home McDonald, Kansas. Alene Pieland to Harry Luder, September I5, I940. At home I708 N. Main, Hays, Kansas. Marjorie Wallerstedt to Karl Hartman, August I I, I940. At home Otis, Kansas.

5I SIGMA SIGMA Ruth Dunn to Franklin Wallace, September 15, 1940. Christena Sinding to Charles Sweitzer, September I5, 1940. CHI CHI Ida Lucille Brown to Edward George Ansted, May 3I, I933路 At home I31 I Central Ave., Connersville, Indiana. Helen Eileen York to Maurice D. Cowan, June II, I938. At home 3032 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Indiana. Carolyn Bareford to Russell T. Montgomery, August 7, 1939. At home I822 E. Elm St., New Albany, Indiana. Mildred Inman to Roy Rear, June r, 1939. At home 4834 Adams St., Chicago, Illinois. Geneva Beam to George A . Curtis, August 20, I930. At home R. R. I, Sabina, Ohio. PSI PSI Genevieve Jones to Richard Garrison, December 28, I939路 Frances Rae Alexander to E. H. Gilson, March 26, I940. Nan Sue Davis to Jack Dew.

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS ALPHA ALPHA To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Minshall (Ada Katherine Anders) a daughter, Kay, Spring, 1940. To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reiner (Ruth Hoffman) a son, September 4, 1940. ALPHA GAMMA To Mr. and Mrs. Karl Catteral (Bertha Motz), a daughter, Suzanne Catteral, on June 29, 1940. To Mr. and Mrs. John Fagan (Peggy Harris), a son,. Michal John, on November r, 1939. BETA BETA To Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lehan (Marion Behren) a daughter, Mary Ann, July 5, I940. EPSILON EPSILON To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DeBauge (Marion Mott) , a son, Lawrence Charles, October IO, I940. To Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Carey (Cresentia Gufler) ,. a daughter, Judith Ann, August 7, 1940. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sharp (Eleanor Gretner) , a son, Gary Taylor, September 5, I940. To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beighle (Beth Mott) , a daughter, Diana Kay, September 6, I940.

52 ETA ETA To Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Keirns (Kathryn Lamb) a daughter, Nancy Rae, March 2, 1940. To Mr. and Mrs. A. Ralph Brosi (Pauline Potter) a daughter, Ruth Ellen, June 21, 1940. THETA THETA To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas (Helen Porter) a daughter, Anne Marie, August 27, 1940. KAPPA KAPPA To Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wenger (Helen Hagy) a daughter, Elizabeth, December 14, 1939路 To Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Wicks (Helen Smiles) a son, Edward Smiles, March, 1940. NUNU To Mr. and Mrs. McCoy (Kay Masland) a son, Walter Harry, August 22, 1940. OMICRON OMICRON To Mr. and Mrs. John L. Salter (Joy Musselman), a son, John L. Salter, Jr., September 25, 1940. PI PI To Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Ringwood (Elizabeth Rowe) a daughter, Lynn, on April 13, 1940. To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Palmer (Gertrude McKernan) a daughter, Joan Patricia on September 21, 1940. To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Suitor (Katherine Daw) a son, John Daw, on September II, 1940.


RHO RHO To Mr. and Mrs. Edgar K. Lett (Mattie McCorkle) a son, Joe Micheal, July 2, 1940. TAU TAU To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ross (Stella Hupfer) a daughter, Marilyn Kay, June. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhoades (Berneice Betthauser) a daughter, Janet Marie, August. To Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Young (Betty Lee Wallerstedt) a daughter, Karen Jean, July 21, 1940. To Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Tuggle (Helen Wells) a daughter, Mary Helen, July. CHI CHI To Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Ansted (Ida Lucille Brown) a son, Edward George, Jr., April 4, 1934路 A son, David Brown, January 12, 1937路 To Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Yeazel (Jessie Edgerton) a son, Edward Charles, February 17, 1939. To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Curtis (Geneva K. Beam) a daughter, Sally Anne, November 19, 1937. To Mr. and Mrs. T. James Da.,ey (Kathryn Faust) , a son, Thomas James Davey, Jr., September 25, 1940. To Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jones (Hazel Westerman), a son, David Michael, on July 21, 1937. PSI PSI To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Easley (Rosemary Thomas) a daughter, Mary Frances, July 25, 1940. To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Normand (Ruth Estelle Alcock) a son, Raymond Joseph, Jr., March 7, 1940.

NovEMBER, 1940


Directory National Council 1938-1941 President-Miss Evelyn G. Bell, 767 Lafayette Avenue, Buffalo, New York. Vice-President-Miss Esther Bucher, 4134 Eaton, Kansas City, Kansas. Secretary-Mrs. Charles M. Moyer, Laurel, Delaware. Treasurer-Mrs. Reinard Schlosser, 28oo Dexter Street, Denver, Colorado. Registrar-Miss Mary Mae Paul, 413Yz West Sixth Street, Hays, Kansas. Editor-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment "T", Indianapolis, Indiana. - Educational Director-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, 1405 Hardy A venue, Independence, Missouri.

National Chairmen Alumntr Organizer-Mrs. Lewis Bradley, II75 Court Street, Iowa City, Iowa. Alumntr Editor- Mrs . John Horter, 1480 Corporation Street, Beaver, Pennsylvania. Constitution-Mrs. Albert Kuchs, 614 North Market Street, Maryville, Missouri. Fellowship-Mrs. Clinton Berry, 187 Wapello Lane, Altadena, California. Scholarship-Miss Joy Mahacheck, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Historian-Miss Louise Stewart, Y. W. C. A., Zanesville, Ohio.

Officers of Association of Education Sororities Chairman-Mrs. Fred M. Sharp, Alpha Sigma Alpha, 1405 Hardy Avenue, Independence, Missouri. Secretary-Mrs. C. P. Neidig, Pi Kappa Sigma, 1503 First National Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. Treasurer-Mrs . Robert S. Hill, Delta Sigma Epsilon, 816 Columbus, Rapid City, South Dakota. Director of Local Panhellenics-Miss Carrie E . Walter, Theta Sigma Upsilon, 123 W. Tupelhocken, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Chairman of Natiqnalization and Eligibility- Miss Edith Mansell, Alpha Sigma Tau, 161 Highland A venue, Highland Park, Michigan. Chairman of Publicity-Miss Mae Warfield, Pi Delta Theta, Administration Building, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Chairman of lnte1"/1"aternity Relationships-Miss Mabel Lee Walton, Sigma Sigma Sigma, P. 0. Box 108, Clermont, Florida.

Editorial Staff NATIONAL EDITOR-Mrs. B. F. Leib, 3540 North Pennsylvania Street, Apartment T, Indianapolis, Indiana. Alpha-Shirley McColley, State Teachers College, Farmville, Virginia. Alpha Beta-Frances Hook, State Teachers College, Kirksville, Missouri. Alpha Gamma-June Wilgus, State Teachers College, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Beta Beta-Ruth Smith, Sabin Hall, Greeley, Colorado. Gamma Gamma-Theobelle Leonhardt, Northwestern State Teachers College, Alva, Oklahoma. Epsilon Epsilon- Mary Emily Russell, 1601 Merchant Street, Emporia, Kansas. Zeta Zeta-Jane Jackson, 302 South College, Warrensburg, Missouri. Eta Eta- Mary K. Reiff, Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kansas. Theta Theta-Jean A. Adams, Boston University, 84 Exeter Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Kappa Kappa-Charlotte Kreibel, 1917 Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mu Mu- Helen Berger, g66 Washtena Avenue, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Nu Nu-Roberta Wilson, Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Xi Xi- Patricia Arndt, 801 Hilgard Avenue, West Los Angeles, California. Pi Pi- Ramona Barnes, Buffalo State Teachers College, Buffalo, New York. Rho Rho-Janie Weinberger, 432 6th Avenue, West, Huntington, West Virginia. Sigma Sigma-Celia Calhoun, Chipeta Hall, Gunnison, Colorado. Tau Tau-Mary Alice Wiesner, 516 Mission Mount, Hays, Kansas . Phi Phi- Jean Zimmerman, Residence Hall, Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, Maryville, Missouri. Chi Chi-Elizabeth Wolfe, Lucina Hall, Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana. Psi Psi-Virginia Downs, Louisiana State Normal College, Natchitoches, Louisiana. Beta Gamma-Treva Davidson, State Teachers College, Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Beta Delta-Mickey King, Mississippi Southern College, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Beta Epsilon-Annette Rogers, Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia. 路 Beta Beta-Evelyn Toups, Harris Hall, Southwestern Louisiana Institute, Lafayette, Louisiana.

54 ALUMNAE EDITOR-Mrs. John Horter, r48o Corporation St., Beaver, Pennsylvania. Alva, Oklalwma-Eula Callison, 320 Center St., Alva, Oklahoma. Boston, Massachusetts-Katherine Hale, 393 Randolph Street, South Weymouth, Massachusetts. Buffalo, New York-Mrs. Wilbur Kraft, 27 Harvard Place, Buffalo, New York. Canton, Ohio-Mrs. Pressley Campbell, Jr., Enfield Road, Avondale, Canton, Ohio. Centml Pennsylvania-Christine Kline, 205 Swatara Street, Steelton, Pennsylvania. Charleston, West Virginia-Mrs . W. W . Maynard, 409 Wyoming, Charleston, West Virginia. Chicago, Ilinois-Dorothy Masters, 1334 North State Parkway, Chicago, Illinois. Cleveland, Ohio- Mrs . Ronald Smith, 48 Eldred Avenue, Bedford, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio-Mrs. W. Andrew Martin, 338 Dunedin Road, Columbus, Ohio. Denver, Colomdo-Mrs. F. C. Bartle, Jr., 4107 Green Court, Denver, Colorado. Empot路ia, Kansas-Mrs. Warren Lesh, 810 Constitution Street, Emporia, Kansas. Greeley, Colorado-Mrs. Clarence Baab, 1706 8th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. Hampton Roads-Mrs . R. C. Lee, Jr., Cary Street, Hampton, Virginia. Hays, Kansas-Ruth Twenter, Hays, Kansas. Huntington, West Virginia-Mrs. Loren Shafer, Ohio River Road, Huntington, West Virginia. Indianapolis, Indiana-Wilma Mae Wolf, 3531 College A venue, Indianapolis, Indiana. Kansas City, Missouri-Jean Davis Strcther, 214 S. Pleasant Street, Independence, Missouri. Kirksville, Missouri-Mrs. Worth Lindley, La Plata, Missouri .


Los Angeles, California-Barbara Held, 368o Vinton A venue, Los Angeles, California. Maryville, Missouri-Mrs . Robert Geist, 8r6Yz S. Buchanan Street, Maryville, Missouri. Muncie, Indiana-June Wilkinson, 359 Chicago Street, Valparaiso, Indiana. Natchitoches, Louisiana-Jessie Jones Bernard, Natchitoches, Louisiana. New York City-Gladys Young, Box 488, Sayville, Long Island, New York. Oxford, Ohio-June Harpster, 204 Progress Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-Mrs. J. Loury, '236 W. Johnson Street, Germantown, Pennsylvania. Mrs. George Thomas, 5701 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, Kansas-Mrs. Donald Webber, 702 W. 8th Street, Pittsburg, Kansas. Pittsbu1路gh, Pennsylvania- Virginia Straw, r 301 S. Braddock Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . St. Louis, Missouri-Mrs. Kennerly Woody, 322 Arbor Lane, Webster Groves, Missouri . San Diego, California- Mary Alexander, 4807 Marlborough, Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Jeanette W. Roberts, 3668 6th Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Shreveport, Louisiana-Evangeline Lynch, Shreveport, Louisiana. Southern Colorado-Vivian McCiarin, Box 327, Rocky Ford, Colorado. Toledo, Ohio-Mrs. James G . Haworth, 2411 Barrington Road, Toledo, Ohio. Tulsa, Oklahoma- Julia Christie, 1418 S. Troost, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Washington, D. C.-Mrs. Jessie Scott Arnold, 1730 M Street, N . W ., Washington, D. C. Wichita, Kansas-Mrs . Derwood Bethel, 8r9 S. Madison, Wichita, Kansas.


NoVEMBER, 1940


·Yes, every magazine: Those that have been publi shed for years and those of recent vintage--new adventures in reading material to broaden our minds on current questions.


·A new idea for Alpha Sigma Alpha, but one that will reap a grand harvest for the Fellowship Loan Fund, if we have the cooperation of every Alpha Sigma Alpha girl.

SOMETHING BORROWED· It's true-many other sororities have tried this Magazine Subscription Service plan-some over a period of several years and with great success.

NOTHING BLUE · - · · ·Never a "blue" moment; For Alpha Sig girls, because they can each and everyone be a part of a worthy cause ;For the Loan Fund, because it will have money to meet the demands being made on it almost daily .

• The Alpha Sigma Alpha Magazine Subscription Service is for all members and their friends. We are planning this as a national project and all commissions are to be applied to our National Fellowship Loan Fund thru which we make loans to our college members. Our Loan Fund has been maintained entirely by chapter contributions but it does not now meet the demands made upon it. Ninety-six girls have received loans in fourteen years of loan service. Here is an opportunity for both college and alumnce members as well as isolated Alpha Sigs to become contributors to the Fellowship Loan Fund. There is no financial or material output and no group work in comparison to benefit bridge parties and rummage sales, nor is there the usual tax on the chapter treasury. Magazine subscriptions to any of the 23,000 published, new and renewal, · may be sent direct to the National Treasurer, who will act as National Magazine Chairman. The commissions earned will vary but our average profit will be 24 % of each subscription price. This is a very attractive percentage when you consider the "No Investment" feature. Our goal is, "Every Alpha Sigma an annual subscriber to at least one magazine through our Magazine Subscription Service." Almost every American home reads two or three magazines consistently. Every Alpha Sig represents one home and is in contact with many more. This isn't just a donation but is simply placing your magazine subscription with A, S. A.'s Subscription Service for a recognized worthy cause. Your magazines will cost you no more and yet through our contract with the Franklin Square Agency we can swell our Loan Fund to meet the existing needs of many college Alpha Sigs. Each Alumnce and College chapter has its own Magazine Chairman. These Magazine Chairmen will take your subscriptions. They are fully authorized and well-informed. Take your magazine problems to them-they will be glad to give you information about pnce, clubs, etc., of your favorite magazines. Be sure, when giving your subscription, you designate to which chapter, you want credit to go. As subscriptions are received by the National Magazine Chairman, commission credit


will be awarded to the chapter designated. We hope by National Fellowship \ i\Teek, February 14-21, every chapter will have earned an amount equal to th e annu al $ 10.00 contribution. Let's make it 100% participation!


1 year $2. 75,- 2 years $5.00 the regular price is $3.00 a year.

To the Alumnce Chapter earning the largest commission by Februa ry 1st, a yea r's subscription to the R eader's D igest will be awarded. To the College Chapter earning the largest commi ssion by February 1st, a year 's subscription to M admnoiselle will be awarded. You will find a Subscription O rder Blank on the last page !


Fo r those who are ill 01· very dear, Give subsc1"iPtio ns thrno u.t the 3'ea1·

A subscripti on


been cnte reJ

in JOUr name fo r

as a




C)lr0 WI NNER.. of rhis card is mrirlt d ro a tu d l .: months subSCTl'prion co any oruo of tht maga"dnt..s shown in the list at rho: ri&h!. Pleau P"r<'stnt this card to the donor.

For Chris/m(JIS .To:,' thrnont the ·yea·r A magazine subscriptio n will bn ng good cheer.

For bi1·thdays, this g ift will 1·eally sing, For a yea~· of good fun a snbscription w ill b1·img.

BOOST GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS Birthday, Christmas, Year Around Bridge Prizes

At yam· pa1·ties th is yem· F or the one most wise, Give a magaz ine subscn'ption As a first g1·and prize.






iR '. POLLY SCHLOSSER 2800 Dexter Street, Denver, Colorado CHECK

Enclosed Find MONEY ORDER For $...................... ............ 111 payment for the following magazines: CURRENCY



H ow Long to Send

When to Begin

New or Renewal

Subscriber's Name and Address

··-················ ·································· ··-----------------········· ·················--··· ··················· ·················· -·-······················-·· ................... ············································-························

------ ········ ···· ····---- ··· ········· -············ ·····-------····----························

········································································ ·················· .. ····························· ........ ········ ·························-· ........ ·················································· ····························

············· ····················-······················ ················ ································· ············· ...................................... ·········· ·· ...... ··········· ·· ···· ..................

·-···· ············· ·······················-·-························· --··· ···············- ····························· -·················· ···········-············· . ·· ....... ·······--············································ --························

Order sent by ................................................................................................... ························· ········································· ······································-··················

Credit the commission on thi s order to .............. .

....................................................................................................... Chapter

Donor (l.f g1'ft ' tl11·s 1·s 1'n1portat1t) .. .. ................ ..................................................... ... ............. .... .. · -.. .. ················· ·· ··· · ····· ················· Publishers request that you allow four weeks for su bscription . to take effect. Make all checks or m oney orders payable to A lpha S ig·nta Alpha.




SIGN UP SISTER! and this means YOU. Yes, all of you who are not regular subscribers to the PHOENIX.

SIGN UP because each issue increases in interest and power; because each issue welds together A. S. A's from north, south, east and west.

You Need the PHOENIX

SIGN UP because the PHoENIX has grown from a small booklet to an impressive magazme. It will continue to grow if each of you will sign up.

The PHOENIX needs your subscription!

MRs. PoLLY ScHLOSSER, National Treasurer 28oo Dexter, Denver, Colorado. Date_______________________________ ___________________________________, I94--·--· Dear Mrs. Schlosser: I'm signing up for the PHoENIX. My dollar is enclosed. Send the magazine tO-------------------·-------------------------·--------·--------··-----------------------------------··------·····---·


NovEMBER, 1940


ADDRESS CORRECTION Please send my PHoENIX to the following address:

Name ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·-·--·-·

Address (Permanent, Teaching) --·····················------·--------·----··--------------·--------------------------------··-----·--

Chapter -----------·-···---------··········--------------··--·-····----------------·--------------------------: .................................................... . Former Address ------··---------·------·---···-----·----·----·-------···------------------··-------·-----------------------------------··--·-······-----·

MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Maid en Name ----··-----·····-------·-····------·-·------····-----------·-··---------·---------·------------------·-------·-·---·----·-····--·--------------Former Address ------------········------···-----···-----·····-------------·-·-------·-····----··--------··-----·-------····------·····-----··--·······-Married Name ----------·····----·---------·-··------------··--------·-------··---------------··---------------·--·······················------···········New Address ·····--------·-----·----···-----····---------·------------··----·····-------------·------------------------······-----·-·····················--·

Date of Marriage ------····-------··----····--·-----·-------·--·--·······------·-----·-··-----------------·········-----······························· Chapter --- · ····--- - - ····----· ~ ---------- ---------- · ·- - -------------- --···· ···- ---- ·- -------- ---·-·· ·------·--------··----- -···- --- · · · ···--····· · ····· · ······ · ·····-

* TO BRING CHRISTMAS CHEER MAKE YOUR PLANS EARLY The new 1941 BALFOUR BLUE BOOK presents to you a choice selection of crested gifts. The coat of arms lends that distinction that only a fraternity man or woman may give. Make your selections early. INSURE, NOW, the Christmas cheer you will send to your friends.



Special service for n ew org.a nizations

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Attl eboro, Mass. Gentlemen: Kindly send m e fr ee :


i'Christmas Card samples for the Chapter FREE for the asking. Mail coupon. i'Pl an your part y details ea rly: Excellent party favor suggestions if you will write giving (1) Da tes of parti es (2) Chapter address (3) preference of kind of favor (4) for men or wom en (5) quantity you will use (6) budget set.

For Individu als


1941 BLUE BOOK Stationery Samples For Social Chairman


Xmas Card Samples Dance Program Samples

Official Jeweler to Alpha Sigma Alpha

L. G.



Attleboro - - Massachusetts

NAME .............. . ADDRESS ....

CITY ....

I n C A N A D A - Call or write your n e are s t B I R ]( S' s tor e.

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