Alma mater 166

Page 18


Inside the synchrotron experimental hall

IV project, which has replaced the MAX II facility with two new 1.5 GeV and 3.0 GeV synchrotrons. Two experimental beamlines, PEEM/ XAS (Photoemission Electron Microscopy/X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy) and UARPES (Ultra Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy), are being constructed within the current scope of the project. SOLARIS has been designed with a view to its further intensive development, including the construction of at least another dozen experimental beamlines to satisfy the needs of the Polish scientific community. The SOLARIS Project is financed from the European Structural Funds, with completion scheduled for April 2015. The

first research groups will be able to use SOLARIS already in 2015. The project has enabled Poland to join the group of over twenty technologically most advanced countries which have constructed synchrotron radiation facilities in recognition of their unique research potential. More information about SOLARIS on the website

Marek Stankiewicz

Director of the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre

Emilia Kr贸l

Public Relations Officer, SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre

Anna Wojnar

OLARIS, the first Polish synchrotron radiation facility, is being built on the Jagiellonian University Third Campus in Krak贸w. Solaris is a unique man-made source of electromagnetic radiation known as synchrotron radiation. The energy range of its photon emission is from the infrared to the hard X-rays. The Polish synchrotron is going to be the first research infrastructure of such a substantial size and potential constructed in East Central Europe. The synchrotron, which is a large-scale, multi-user and multidisciplinary facility, is a much more efficient investment in research in comparison to dispersed small or medium-scale equipment, as it will provide state-of-the-art research opportunities for many groups. Over the last three decades synchrotron light has supported cutting-edge research in physics, chemistry and material science, and has opened up many new areas of research in fields such as medicine, geological and environmental studies, structural genomics and archaeology. The expected benefits are not limited to the scientific community. The availability of a facility as technologically advanced as SOLARIS will also contribute to developments in areas like education and training, hi-tech companies and services, and it will create new jobs. One of the special aspects of the Polish project is its pan-European dimension. It is being accomplished thanks to close cooperation with the MAX IV project in Lund (Sweden). This is a unique type of collaboration. SOLARIS will be a replica of the 1.5 GeV storage ring of the MAX

Emilia Kr贸l


16 Solaris - Main building

alma mater No. 166

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