The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meaning And Commentary

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Of a Mighty Day. "On that day, if the Penalty Is averted from any, It is due to Allah's Mercy; And that would be A Mighty Triumph~ 17. "If Allah touch thee With affliction, none Can remove it but He; If He touch thee with happiness, He hath power over all things. 1I49 "He is Irresistibly Supreme Over His servants. And He is the Wise. Acquainted with al1 things." Say: "What thing is most Weighty in evidence?" Say: "Allah is witness Between me and you; This Our-an hath been Revealed to me by inspiration. Th<lt I may warn you And all whom it reaches. Can ye possibly bear witness That besides Allah there Are other gods?" Say: "Nay! I cannot bear witness!"

848, We continue the implied dialogue suggested in n, 846. In verse 14. the ohjector might say: "But we have other interests in life than religion and Allah," "No," says the man of God. "My Creator is the one and only Power whose proleclion I seek; ;lI1d I strive to he first in the race," In verse 15. the ohjector suggests: "Enjoy the good things of this life; it is short." The answer is: "'1l1e Hereafter is more real to me. and promises the true. fulfilment of all desire; happiness or ;Ifniction comes not from the neeting pettinesses or illusions of this life, hut from the power and wisdom of Allah." In verse 19, the objector makes his final splash: "What evidence is there for all this'!" The reply is: "I know it is true for Alhlh's voice is within me. and my living Teacher awakens that voice: ;tnd there is the Book of Inspiration, Allah is one. and there is none other hesides," 849, The vulgar worship false gods out of fear that they would harm them or hope that they would confer some benefit on them. These false gods can do neither. All power, all goodness in the hands of Allah. All else is pretence or illusion.

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