The Holy Quran: English Translation of the Meaning And Commentary

Page 379

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behold! I inspired The Disciples to have faith In Me and Mine Messenger: They said. 'We have faith, And do thou 823 bear witness That we bow to Allah As Muslims'...824 112. Behold! the Disciples said: "0 Jesus the son of Mary! Can thy Lord send down to us A Table set (with viands) From heaven?" Said Jesus: "Fear Allah, if ye have faith,,825

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113. They said: "We only wish To eat thereof and satisfy Our hearts, and to know That thou has indeed Told us the truth; and That we ourselves may be Witnesses to the miracle."

Said Jesus the son of Mary: "0 Allah our Lord! Send us from heaven

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823. "Thou" refers to Jesus. who is being addressed by his Disciples. Cf. iii. 52. 824. Bdore or after Mu~ammad's life on this earth. all who bowed to Allah's Will were Muslims. and their religion is Islam. Cf. iii. 52. and n. 392. 825. The request of the Disciples sa\'ours ;. little of (I) want of faith. (2) too much attention to physical food. and (3) a childish desire for miracles or Signs. All these three can be proved from the Canonical Gospels. (I) Simon Peter. quite early in the story. asked Jesus to depart from him. as he (Simon) was a sinful man (Luke v. 8). The Silme Peter afterw'lrds denied his Master three times shamelessly when the Master was in the power of his enemies. And one of the Disciples (Judas) actually betrayed Jesus. (2) Even in the Canonical Gospels. so many of the mirncles arc concerned with food and drink. e.g.• the turning of the water into wine (John. ii. I-II); the conversion of five loaves .Illd two small fishes into food for 5,000 men (John vi. 5-13). this being the o"ly miracle recorded in all the four Gospels; the miraculous number of fishes caught for food (Luke v. 4-11); the cursing of the fig tree because it had no fruit (Matt. xxi. 18-19); the allegory of eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood (John vi. 53-57). (3) Because the Samaritans would not receive Jesus into their village. the Disciples James and John wanted a fire to come down from heaven and consume them (Luke ix. 54). i:¥XvAvK'VA~


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